HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/09/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING
Pursuant to adjourmrent, the Board of County Commissioners of otter
Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, October 9, 1984, with Hub Nordgren, Sydney Nelson,
Andy Leitch and Bert Hovland present, Van Ellig absent to attend a solid waste
meeting in Saint Paul. Chai:rrran Nelson called the meeting to order at 9: 33 p.m .•
No:rrran Fjestad, member of the Wes"'."Min RC&D Camnittee, appeared before
the Board and discussed watershed districts, no action taken.
Motion was tnade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert IHovland 1arld, :carried,
to re-appoint David Trites to the otter Tail County Planning Commission.
Motion was nade by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub. Nordgren and carried,
to re-appoint Vic Petterson to the otter Tail Colll'lty Planning Camnission.
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried,
the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduced assessed valua-
tion were approved:
Amanda Fritz
Duane Lee
Pine Lake Township
Dunn Tc:wnship
Edward & Lorraine Kallerman Blowers Township
Stanley & Corinne Wilson Dead Lake Township
Russell & Lia Greenly Tordenskjold Township
Willis Shasky Perham Township
Property overvalued
Homestead classification
Incorrect acreage
Property overvalued
Buildings overvalued
Property overvalued
Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board the Canparable
Worth act, and inforrred the Board non compliance would result in the loss of Local Gov-
ernment Aid. The report must be submitted by October 1, 1985.
Gary Bradow of Orwell Township appeared before the Board requesting
a culvert in Joint Otter Tail County-Wilkin Ditch #2 in Section 18 of Orwell Township
be increase to accorroda.te a water flCM of culverts up. 1strr~am thatae substantially
larger in size. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconde9 by Andy Leitch and· carried,
to request the Ditch #2 Board replace said culvert in Section 18 of Oi:v..1ell Township
leading into Wilkin-Otter Tail County Ditch #2 with a five foot culvert, or same as
culverts leading to said culvert.
U:EX)n motion made by Huh Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and
carried, the follCMing resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has applied to the
Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State
Transporuation Fund for the reconstruction of Bridge No. 95973 over
South Bluff Creek, and:
WHEREAS, the application for the grant has been reviewed by
the proper Agencies, and;
WHEREAS, the amourit of the grant has been determined to be
$38,682.00 by reason of the lowest responsible_bid.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail
does hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant
will be appropriated from funds available to the County of Otter Tail,
and that any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but not required,
based on the final estimate, ·shall be returned to the Minnesota State
Transportation Fund.
Adopted this 9th day of October , 1984.
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Ieitch and
carried, the follc:Ming resolution was adopted, subject to approval by the County
BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Corrmissioners of otter Tail County
1. The Board of Carmissioners deems it necessary and expedient
to issue and sell $740,000 Grant and Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 1984 to prcr
vide terrporary financing in anticipation of federal and state grant funds and the
issuance of pennanent improvenent bonds for a portion of the estimated costs, in-
cluding contract price, construction interest and legal, ·fiscal and miscellaneous
costs, of establishing and constructing a wastewater treat:rrent facility in the
County for otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District pursuant to the authority of Section
475.61,. ,Subd. s, Minnesota Statutes.
· 2. The Board of Carmissioners has made al.l necessary investigation
and hereby finds and detennines as follows:
a. Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District has secured a carmnitment for
federal and state grant funds for the construction·of the project
the p.:)'."oceeds of which will be pledged to the sinking fund to be
established for the Notes, subordinate to the County's $2,670,000
General Obligation Grant Anticipation Bonds, Series 1984.
b. otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District has been duly fanned pursuant
to Section 116A.02, Subd. 4, Minnesota Statutes.
c. The County has authority to issue pennanent inprovenent bonds for
the projE:ct under Section 116A.20, Subd. 2, Minnesota Statutes
3. The Board of Ccmnissioners will meet at the County Courthouse
at 11:00 o~clock a.m., on Tuesday, November 13, 1984, for the purpose of receiving
sealed bids for the Bonds and awarding the sale of the Bonds; The tenns of the Bonds
and the sale htereof shall be as set forth in the Official 'lenn.s of Offering, which
is on file in the Office of the County Auditor
4. A brief notice of Bond sale shall be published in the official
newspaper and in Ccmrercial West, a financial paper published in Minneapolis, Minnesota,
at least ten days prior to the date of sale~ which notice shall identify the following:
the principal arrount of the Bonds, the years during which the Bonds mature, the tine
and place of receipt and consideration of bids, the approving legal opinion of Faegre
& Benson of Minneapolis, Minnesotq and the names of the County Audi tor and Financial
Adopted at Fergus Falls; day of October, 1984.
County Board Qctobe;r 9, 1984
At the reqqest of the Pickeral' Lake Association, motion was made by
Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to place Pickera_l lake on the
list of lakes to be inspected for .. pollution.
Tiro Brand, Rollie Winterfeldt, Davia Hauser appea_red be;f;ore the Board
regarding the proposed position of Fraud, Invest:i;gator for Otter Tail County._ After
discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy I.eitch. and ca,i;ri:ed, to
advertise said :position.
Larry Krdhn, representing the Personnel Cornnittee, reported on the
question of cash severence pay for retired ercployees as· an alternative to using unused
sick leave benefits towards continued group health coverage. No action taken.
With no further business, a:t 2:20 p.m., Chairman Nelson adjourned
the rreeting until the afternoon of O:::tober 23rd.