HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/25/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA J:>ursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota net Tuesday, September 25, 1984, with Hub Nordgren, Bert Hovland, Sydney Nelson and Andy Leitch present, Van Ellig absent attending a State Hospital hearing in Detroit Lakes. Chairman Nelson called the meeting to order at 12: 30 p.m •. Mel Klindt from Wilkin County appeared before the Board and gave a slide presentation showing areas of soil erosion in Western Township of otter Tail County and Champion Township in Wilkin County, requesting a watershed district be established for water control. Motion was made by Bert Hovland to sit do.vn with the other four counties involved to find a viable solution. The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried. Lynn Burns of Corporate Risk Managers appeared before the Board rela- tive to the county's casualty and liability insurance, informing said Board that costs have risen and efforts are being made ,_towards semi-self-insurance. Motion was rrade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to continue the coverage with St. Paul Company at an annual prernirnn of $57,160 Tim Brand, Consultant, appeared before the Board and reported on the progress of the data processing; stating the assessor's abstract has been completed, the tax abstract is completed with testing to be done and the total settlement would soon be ready for testingr but advised the Board it was his opinion it v.0uld be better to have the tax package complete and satisfactory before putting more systems onto the computer •• Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accomplish the tax system programs before putting other things on the system. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the plat of Rogers Sul:xlivision, located in Section 29, Trnnuli Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, ,to approve the application of S. Merhriy, of Kindred Plumbing & Heating, Kindred, ND, for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond. County Board September 25, 1984 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, \ to approve. the application of LeRoy Fledt, of Feldt Plumbing & Heating, Frazee, MN, forsewage disposal system cleaners license. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren. seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the following applications for special use pennit: Donald Busker Charles Larkin Ervin Cichy Bernard P. Stich Donald C. Kane Candor Township Dunn Township Rush Lake Township Otter Tail Township Girard Township Fill, slope & blend (:subject to conditional requi~em:mtst Excavate ice ridge & level lot (subject to conditional requirements) Cut and fill (~ubject to conditional requirerrentst Fill low area (subject to conditional requirerrents)_ Add three campers, three mobile hrnre sites, fill low area (subject to conditional requirements) Motion was made by Andy ,1.eitch,,'i.1. seconded by Be:'rlt Hov;l)arrd. •and carriel9, to uphold.the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny the re- quest of Delores Arndt for conditional use pennit to remove dirt on property.on Northview, Everts Township . Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Commission and deny the re- quest of Ed Speer to cut th.rough hill in Pine Lake Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to correct the minutes of the September 4th meeting to read "upon the recomrendation of the Solid Waste Corrmittee" in the hiring of the Reike.,..Carrol-Mueller Engineering finn. The following quotations were received for mini solid waste collector station pads at Henning, Parkers Prairie and Ottertail: Gene Payne ·construction, Parkers Prairie, MN Egge Construction, Pelican Rapids, MN $4,500.00 6,060.00 Plus $55.00 per hr. site preparation After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the proposal fran Gene Payne Construction, Parkers Prai~ie, MN in the amount of $4,500.00, being the lowest quotation. I County Board September 25, 1984 Representatives from the East & West Otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation Districts appeared before the Board and presented their budget requests for the tax year 1985. After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the budgets as presented with an appropriation for each. district of $32,500 from the County Revenue Fund. Dennis Happel of the. City of Perham appeared before the Board reques- ting reduction of the assessed valuation on a duplex owned by him which he feels is overvalued. The matter was referred to the County Assessor. Glen Mc!lby, County Sheriff, appeared before the Board with the request to purchase a used vehicle from the State of Minnesota for use by the sheriff's depart- ment. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve purchase and payment in the amount of $4,000 for a used 1982 model Ford L~T.D. from the State of Minnesota. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the application of Stephen Rabbers for on sale license to sell intoxicating liquor at Colonial Lanes & Lounge in Perham Township. Motion.was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the request of Dennis Berend, County Engineer, -to place a temporary employee vvho has been working on a full time basis for two years on full time status, as of Cctober 1, 1984, with full fringe benefits. M:)tion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the preliminary plan for courts and future office space inthe schematic design phase, at an additional $5,000, and property and top:,survey and soil borings. A letter from Richard C. Hefte, Attorney, on behalf of John Skramsted, ra:iuesting payment in cash of the unused sick leave accumulation rather than payment tc:wail.ds insurance benefits, was presented to the Board. No formal action taken. Steve Andrews,,Treasurer, appeared before. the Board and infonned said Board interest is being paid to the taxing districts because of late payment of funds. In response to a request from the West Central Regional Arts Council, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to pennit the Arts Council to use a WPA picture hanging in the fiirst floor hall of the courthouse of the river and dam in the City of Fergus Falls, for use at Otter Tai1 Power canpany's 75 Anniversary on Cctober 12, 1984. I Upon motion made by Bert:Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and• '· carried, the folla-,ing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Ccmnissioners of Otter Tail County .Minnesota, that WHEREAS application has been made by the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Departnent for otter Tail County's portion of funds distributed by POST to help defray costs of providing continuing education for licensed peace officers and constables, and WHEREAS a provision of said application by the Sheriff's Depart- ment requires designation by resolution by the County Board of an authorized individual to sign said application on behalf of otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute said application on behalf of the County Boa.rd. Dated at Fergus Falls, .MN this 25th day of September, 1984. ATTEST: _ a C_lE!rk l... _ rrotion rrade by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Ne. _,_,.--en and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION OF GRANT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND OTTER TAIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WHEREAS, Grant County by the Grant County Board of Commissioners and Otter Tail County by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners desire to construct a B.i tuminous Overlay on a County Line Road common to both Counties between the West County ,Line and Trunk Highway No. 59. This road being further described as County State Aid.Highway No. 26 in Otter Tail County ~nd County State Aid Highway No. 26 in Grant County. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Grant County Board of Commissioners that Grant County State Aid Highway No. 26 (SAP 26-626-05) and Otter Tail County State Aid Highway No. 26 (SAP 56-626-06) hereby be constructed in accordance with the Plans and Specifications as determined by the County Highway Engineers of Grant County and Otter Tail County. IT IS ALSO HEREBY AGREED that, 1. The preliminary and construction eng!neering shall be performed by the Grant County Highway Department and that this cost shall be shared fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Otter Tail and fifty per cent (50%) by the County of Grant. 2. The original plans shall be approved and signed by both the Otter Tail County and the Grant County Engineer prior to said plans being effective or legally binding upon their respective counties. 3. The partial estimates shall be signed by the Grant County Engineer and the final contract voucher shall be signed by both the Grant County Engineer and the Otter Tail County Engineer. Both counties shall deposit with.the Grant County Treasurer a sufficient amount of their State Aid Funds or other funds to assure the completion of the project. 4. The final acceptance of the completed project shall be accomp- lished by separate resolution by the County Board of Grant County and the County Board of Otter Tail County. 5. Grant County shall act on behalf of Otter Tail County at the bid Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following resolution was adcipte_d: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comnis~ioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, approximat_ely 25,000 county employees are members of the Public Employees Retirerrent Association (PERA) , and· •' .. · WHEREAS, the Association o/ Minnesota Counties' trustee on the PERA Board, in conjunction with the League 9f Cities appointed trustees and other appointed and elected trustees, raised significant questions regarding the appoint-. ment process used to hire an interim executive director of PERA, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that .the County of Otter Tail supports the actions of the Association of Minnesota Counties ' trustee and other rnerrbers to remove the interim director.and.to proceed with an open process of selection for PEPA executive director, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Legislative Auditor conduct a five year conpliance audit of the PERA fiscal operations, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County of Otter Tail will not enter into any services offered by PERA (such as life insurance or auto insurance programs) until it is clear that the management of PERA is consistent with good public policy. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 25th day of September, 1984. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion nade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, The otter Tail County Extension Committee has recommended a budget in ·the arrount of $71,420 for office and field expenses for the East and vest otter Tail County Extension Service, and WHEREAS, said c<bmrnittee has reconmended an increase of 4% over the 1984 _salaries, across the board, for all otter Tail Cotmty Extension Agents, at a total sum of $55,942.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the sum of $127,362.00 be appro- priated out of the Cotmty Revenue Ftmd for operation of the Cotmty Extension Service for the year 1985. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN' this 25th day of September, 1984. ATI'EST: . . v/,~L ',.,) f1ucfJ . (} Clerk I County Eoard September 25, 1984 ~tion was made· by Hub Nordgren, seconded by :eert Hovland and carried, to approve the \\Ork study agree,rrent with the Fergus Falls Carmnmity College for up to six students to be assigned to various offices in the county and the Chai:r:man of the Eoard and County,Auditor were authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of the County. Upon motion made_by Eert Hovland, seconded by Andy ·Leitch and carried, the following applications for reduction of assessed valuation and/or hCITiestead class- ification were approved: Michael Avelsgaard Clarence & Shirley Paulson Darol Woessner, et al Delores Lemke Ieonard Woodard, et al Peter Koegel Ilot & Stella SWenson Burlington Northern RR Kraemer Gas, Inc. George & Evelyn Spuhn Donovan Jorgenson Roy & Elizabeth Peterson 'Turin Oaks Developnent F.dward Montgomery Small Business Adm. John R,tck Arnold & Kay Moen ottertail City Ottertail City Ottertail City City of Fergus Falls Oak Valley Township Rush Lake Township City of Fergus Falls Tumuli Tcwnship Rush Lake Township Otter Tail Township Henning City City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Tordenskjold Twp. Parkers Prairie Twp Otter Tail Township Oscar Township Walter & Hazel Mavis City of FergusFalls Robert & Patricia Strick.land . Tordenskjold Twp. Eugene & Marie Stoll Star Lake Township Roy & Ruth Marsh Star.Lake Township Donald & Eileen MCITISen Everts Township Charles Franklin, et al candor Township First $tate Bank of-Dalton Tumuli Omitted property Homestead classification Residential hanestead ~bile home overvalued swamp land assessed as meadow pasture Property overvalued Property overvalued Property-overvalued Personal property overvalued Double assessed Wrong classification . Homestead classification Should have horrestead tax credit Mid-year homestead New owner should have mid-:year homstead Mid-year homestead Property overvalued Property overvalued Homestead classification Property overvalued Property overvalued Building overvalued Extend ag credit Tax exat1pt property I County Board Abatements (Cont'd) C01.mty of Otter Tail Richard & lblores Aho Fergus Hatchery Alice M •. Stedman Wayne & Julie Sydow Noman Erdmann Ibnald & Gladys Baird Robert & Bess Baumer Tumuli Township Rush lake Township City of Fergus Falls Perham City Battle lake Star lake Township. Henning Township Amor Township North Central Carrp Cherith. candor 'lbwnship September 25, 1984 Tax exempt Residential homestead Property overvalued Tax exempt Structure removed prior to assessment No water & sewer on lot Property overvalued Land & building overvalued Property partially tax exerrpt Dennis Borgos Vivian Fatliff Harold Drews Dane Prairie Township Mid-year fann homestead Eagle Lake Township Mid-year fann hanestead Elizabeth Township No sewer or water Frances* Keith Zarling Everts Township Richard & Viola C. Clifton Everts Township Mid-year hanes~ad Cottage incomplete Property overvalued Property overvalued Property overvalued Property overvalued Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Property overvalued Property overvalued Douglas l\ramer James & Viola Hayes Raymond Anderson Ronald Dahley James & Lorna Cc::wden Douglas Hatham Dennis Hamrrond Frederich & Mary Bauck Fred Walz Girard Township Hobart Township Lida Township Lida Township Otto 'lbwnship Pine lake 'lbwnship Scambler 'lbwnship Star lake 'lbwnship Western Township Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board the new Carparable Worth Act. No action taken. Upon notion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following bills were allaved: --~---------------------------- ISTER 09-25-84 PAGE 1 1----YENDOR--NAHE .......... · .......... -=-·.-;-. CHECK-AMOUN-T------ A-1 J,OCK 8c KEY 4. 64 1-----bb-~·BUU.OING--GORP -------· ·· -----=-~~6.-H~- AL 1 S··REFJHGERATI0N . ·: . 53L !~;(.) TRW · 27!. 00 1-------M0CO-0IL--C0 ---------.-----------___ t _ ---4-1-. "/0 ANDERSON, CRAIG .. 105. 20 ANDREWS, STEVEN 70.20 ----ASSOCIATI0N-9F-MN COUNTIES~-------·--·-----__ , ----7900. 00 PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. 72.5Q AUTO SAFETY SERVICE 168. 16 : -------. K.-; .7~!.------'-- AMERICAN LEGION FIRING LINE S.00 BERGERUD,CHESTER 25.00 ------BAT-TL.E--b.AKE--FARMERS-UN lON-0-Ib-______ '.,._ ----340. 38-------- BATTLES, KAREN_ 36.20 BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL 13.00 •---BAT-ll=E--1:AKE---REVIEW,----------------447'81-+------ BRAND, TIM 2992.00 BERGELEEN,ALEEN 29.07 ----BECKER-,. --1'.EN----·---·--. -----------·--· -·----·-------------103. 5-1--· _·.----- . .BENDER, . MATTHEW 56. 50 · _·. BERGE, ANGELA 72. 30 --~-I~-£H-IEF-STANDARD----·--------27-;-07 ·----- BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERVIC 256.76 BOB MOORE FORD INC 11.95 ------BU-D-'-S-STAT-I0N------~----------------------------56. 49---- . BURROUGHS CORPORATION 73;!.48 C'· 8c C ELECTRONIC CENTER ,°'1. 38 --~--M±AGHAN---8c-COMPAN¥-------------------·-78;·50f----- CARR ENTERPRISES INC 560.41 CASS CLAY CREAMERY 346.85 -----CL--ARK-B0ARDMAN---CO-bTD-----· -------·--------------------·--·37. 39--··-.---- COAST TO COAST STORE 103.80 COFFEE CUP .FUEL STOP 80.21 1----'---EcHMPANION-ANIMAL-H9SP1-TAL --------· -----75':--0(}----- CONTINENTAL-MI NNESOTA INC. 587. 96 COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC 4137.59 -·-·COOPEl'h--DENZIL -----------------------------397. 37--- , c·oRP0RATE RISK . MANAGERS 870. 00 CRAGUN•s 60.00· ·.·.· · £R9W·CHEMlCAL~&-:..(-IQHTING·-· --· ---· ·--~-----14~;-91----- DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY 201.16 DAHLSTROM CARPET 50.61 i-~-DANIELSON-1-94· MOBIL~ .. ---------·------¼0;--00----- ... DAY,-TIMERS . l 1. 69 DENNY'S NORTH STAR 208.09 ,....._;_--D0NLS-JAe~Sr-J-I-U..:..-· _ .. __ ·----. •,'• ----'-----bb;-76 --- -------,----·----- ---------------------- ISTER 09-25-84 PAGE 2 EAU CLAIRE CO SHERIFF 8.00 ------ELLlG,--VAN-R-------------·-·-····--· ·-----··-· ---····----,,·36.80 ------ EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES _!59. 52 EVERTS, JOHN 48.00 -----FAIR HILLS-RESORT···------:-·-----·--------·------------99;·6~----------- FERGUS MOTORS INC 104.09 FERGUS FALLS, CITY OF 2~.00 ··· -----FERGUS ·FALLS-·DAILV -JOURNAL · ---·----· ------·---------1-108. 1-1--· ----- FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP 299.90 FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HDWE 0.42 -FERGUS--FALl.;;S-\IE-TER·lNARV-CL-INIC---· -----. 3; -50,------ FERGUS JOBBING INC 27.00 FERGUS SURPLUS~ LUMBER ~3.37 -FERGUS -FALI..S-P-OLICE--DEPT------------------~;5. 00------ FI RESTONE STORE 279.35 . FIRST NATIONAL BANK 50. 00 ~-FU~V-F~NERAL-HOME---~---------125-;-QQ,------- GEISER,DONNA 199.48 GENE 1 S STANDARD SERVICE 41.08 --·GENERAL-GOMMUNICATIONS---------------------------------1-74;-82 ------ GLOBE GAZETTE PRINTING 13.51 GORDY'S ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR 309.56 ----GBPHER---S-TA-~SHOOTER 'S -SllPPl.;;V----27:-5-5-------- GORDON, TIM 20.00 GR GRAPHICS INC 85.00 ----EMERY-,·-DEBRA-----------------------------24-;-7-5~-- HANDEGAARD, STEVE 135. 20 HANSON, MARJEAN 177.34 1------wANSON,-BAR-BAR,.___ 55:·bO------ HAUSER, DAVID 72.00 HENDRICKSON, BEVERLY 47.25 -----H-I-NTGEN-KARST-El.£C·;-CO.--------------------.... 211.--57------ HOFFBECK AND ASSOC. 5. 50 HOLIDAY INN 271.91 --HOLIDA-¥---------·--·--------347.0··----- HOLIDAV INN 20.00 HOVLAND, BERTON 243.60. -----I--B M--CORP---,-,-~-~----------·-----------------· --------214. 20--· ---------- : INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY 54.00 . INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE 268.00 ·-----:-.:IOHNSON· CONTROLS--lNt ~----------2~75.-00-- : KIRK, MICHAEL 18. oo· · KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND 56.92. -·KRBHN,-tAR-R-V. -----------252.-1·4------ . : KRONEMANN, MAX 57. 60 · :·LACHOWITZER, FRANK 204. 80- __ ·_· -GUST-LAGERGUlST-8r--SONS------·-----527-:-68-· ----- -,;,1 I ------·~-- TER 09-25-84 PAGE 3 ----------------------------- -VENDOR--NAME-:-; ................ ---:--:·:-.-·-.-.--------CHECK--AMOUNT · LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES 622. 50 -· -VIC-TOR--l.UN-DEEN-CO-----------------------· -----3076. l.J9 -------·_ · LYSTADS INC 83.52 ·-· · MACGREGOR, RICHARD 2:.:1. 80 -MARTIN-,--W·ILLIAM------------------------1. 9.-20------ MATZ 8c GRE·IFF 103. 98 MARTY,ROGER 50.80 BECKLUND-R--IAN-QIL--COMPANY· _______ _, ____________ ---36.·40-------- MELBY, QLEN 24. 17 . MEMINDEX 18. 66 --ME-TZ-B-AK-ING~O---------------l?-7-:--5;1------- MI DWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS 89.85 MIDWEST PRINTING 140. 50 .. Ml-Lb.ER-DAVIS-------------------· -~-------------186. 44 - · MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 80. 00 MN ACADEMY OF PROSECUTION 8c 251.00 •----MN-·ASSOG-OF--ASSESS-ING--OFFI CERS·--------~------------------160;·00------ 0TTER TAIL CO-OP OILS 2'l62.65 PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO 64.03 ---MN-CO·-RECORDERS ASSOC------· · -------·--·----·-------50.-00 --------------- MONROE 58.00 . MORTON, JEFF 23. 86 -------MO"'FOROLA-·-INC---'--------/ ---12--1--8;-32·------- MULTI CO EMERGENCY SERVICE 176.50 NATIONAL PEN CORPORATION 269.31 -Nl;LS9N-BROTHERS--PR-I-NTING ------------------------559.;.i!S---------------· NELSON, SYDNEY -170. 00 · NEWBORG,KEVIN 271.27 ---NOWFHWEST-ERN-FEDERAL---'--· ----------17-2·;·89 NORTH UNION TOWING 52.50 OLSON,BERTON 96.00 -01'. -HARDWARE----------·-------· ·-· ------··---------··-------6-5. 59------· ---···- NORTHERN IND. COMPUTER SUPP. 1459. 10 ORANDI, MEHDI, MD 650.00 -P-ADGE-T·T-T-HOMPSON--'---------------214:-00------ PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS 36. 16 PELICAN TOWING & REPAIRS 42.00 -----PEL-ICAN--VAb.LEY HEALTH-CENTER · -----------·--------28.-00 ------------- PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN 72. 26 . PERHAM, -CITY OF 481. 22 ---PERHAK--OASlS--INC·· ------------367-;·29------- PETERSON, RICHARD 90.00 PHOTO CENTER, THE 230.60 PI-'J'.NEV-BOWES-·--:::·-_ -~----------·--. ---·.--:-:-·-:--:· -231-.-00-------- 0SWALD PUB. CO.. 125.07 OTTER TAIL CO •. :HWY DEPT. 299. b2 OTTER-'-T-AIL--eO-. SHERIFF-·DEP"'F. . 91·3~-?-3------ . . -. . _-. . --··----...... ·--·----.--·· ...- I I .I i-----..--.•------------- ISTER 09-25-84 PAGE 4 ... --·-···----------· ---. -----··--·--------- OTTER TAIL DEPT. OF PUB. HLTH 30. 00 -·-·-----PAMIDA STORE ·· -··· ·---·-· --· · · --15. 9G·----------· . PARK REG. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO 761.!•. 03 PARTA PRINTING 3.00 ------PAURUS;--VlCKI-·-···-·•·--------------·----· ._ --263.-15 ---- PORTMANN, RICHARD 41.60 POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO 337~.89 ,__ __ . PUCKETT-, MINDY· · . · ---------------323.-27------- .. GUILL CORP > 276. 50 ••· .. RAMSEY. COUNTY . . .· . · · · •· . . . . 15. 00 RI-EKE-CARROU:;-MUl:~ER---ASSOC-INC· ·--.· ~-1419:--93 RED WING BUS SYSTEMS 52.50 ROSE, KEN 190.07 ---·-RUDD, · -KENYON------. -·-·---------·· -----· ··--------27~-99· --- RUDD, TOM 254.60 RUFER HEFTE, PEMBERTON ETC · 2188. 89 ~~_..g-AN.-.iUNE-~ · · --·-·---·----··----90:-00·---- SAV-A-L IFE INC. 303.40 SCHROCK, VICKI 26.78 --··---SECRETARIAL· SERVICE-----··-------·-----·· -· ·-------------17-1-.--90 ----- SENVK, WALDEMAR 405. 56 SERVICE FOOD-SUPERVALU 615.48 1----"--ERVICE--Oil-&-T-IRE----------48:-22-~-~- 0TTER TAIL POWER CO. 75.00 SHARIFI MD, SUBHI ¥ 40.00 o-----lEMS,---ERWI-N-------------------------19-:-84--------- ·. SIMISON MARINE · 39. 03 SKRAMSTAD, JOHN 19. 93 -~-SK-OGEN-LS-ROOF !-NG-------980-:-00 STOP-N-GO STORES INC 357.77 SOUTH MILL STANDARD 439.98 ------STRINGER, -THOMAS-----· --· ------------·-64-. 40 · -- THOMPSON OIL CO. 145.54 THREE M GYY9065 615.00 ---HREE-K-GY-Z-2-.1-27 · 368.--=72----- TRAVEL GALLERY 6.00 TROSVIQ,DEBBIE 536.00 1-~ UL-TRATEC I NC. --------909. 00· · ----- UN I FORMS UNLIMITED 47.50 ··_ UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA 33. 60 -~DEN, -FRANK 1-1-7;-00----- VERGAS OIL COMPANY 115.01 VETERANS ED PROJECT 15.00 i------HLSTROM,-NANCY---.---18;·60 .-WALVATNE, ART . . 10. 00 WANEK PLUMBING & HEATING . 1272.60 1---WELDING·-SUPPLI-ES· &-F-IRE-·EGU·IP. 11. 00-........;.--- ----------~---------. ---------------- ' .\ I --------~------------- ISTER 09-25-84 PAGE 5 WEST PUBLISHING CO 2,;. 00 --WE-STERN-CHEMIC-AL -co---···--· ··--·-----------· ·•·----··· 925. 00---------· WEST CENTRAL AIRWAYS 1581.80 WHITE DRUG . . 30. 59 ---·-WILSON SUPPL;V-·CO----------··--·-··-----· ---56.-80 ---~--- . WORNER AUTO 40.82 XEROX CORPORTATION 747.45 --Cb-AY--CO-SHERIFFS-DEPT-------·-------------------·· --3875; 00 -·-· --- LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER 95.00 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 60.37 i--:---fWIN-ST-ATE--T-REAS--------------13322.··98----- NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY 16.74 PAMIDA PHARMACY 28.91 --·----P-I ERCE · COMPANY,. -THE · --------------------------·-263. 21 · -·--·----· WADENA CO SHERIFF DEPT 1425. 00 PARKERS PRAIRIE HOSPITAL _20.00 1------+-1,R-·C-RUM-D-l-VISI ON· OF-ADAGE--INC.-~---·-··-----·--17142-:-72---- TIME LIFE BOOKS 15.53 PRIME COMPUTER 3264.45 ·· -----RE-INHART -INST,·-FOOD INC. · · --· · ----·· -· · ·------··-··· ·-· ----365. 33 ·------- BOWER, MARKS. 102.99 ERICKSON BIG D . 743. 79 ---+I-. B-:-M;·--CORPORAT-ION------·-•-·--------------522:-36 MID. AMER. RESEARCH CHEM. CORP 72.61 FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. 15.02 · ----SVNDISTAR--INC;-·--··..,----· ---···------· ---···-·--------130. 00 · ····-·-- A 8c B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 74. 12 LAKE REGION REHAB. IND. INC. 485. 00 ----dI-H-AHLFS-GRAVE1,;;--8r-GOliSTR-· · ·-•-·•---·-· --------·-------140:-00 AM I PRODUCTS INC 245.28 ARMCO INC 11629.45 ----BA--T-TLE LAKE---FARMERS-UN-ION OIL------·-------··-------358. 64 · BAUCK CHEVROLET CO. INC. 56. 10 _. BEREND, DENNIS D 45. 00 -----BEYER 1S-BOBY.-SHOP-··I-N€ · --_____ ---------···---------4-3.-80·---- BIG A AUTO PARTS 52.80 BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERVIC 626.22 --·--:-·-BJERKETVEDT, -DAVID· -···· --: ·----·-· -···----· ·-·-·--· · · ······16.5. 00 --~--- BUD'S STATION 267. 91. CAROL 8c GENE'S OK HARDWARE 54.89 ------€0MHISS IONER-·· OF--TR ANSP ORTA T·ION · .. ··-------------1-132; 50 --'----- CO-OP SERVICES INC 387.68 CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO 11.50 1---_-D-A-·-LUBR-ICANT·-CO ·--.. ""'.~.--------_ •···-··~_---494-:-45---------- ' ·_ DAKOTA AERO TECH INC· 53. 93 -. . DENT OIL COMPANY 474.47 ---DieKJ·S-STANDARD--SERVICE · ----------· ---452:-1-2-_.._ __ _ . . ., .. ;_ .. ·. . . ----. - TER 09-25-84 PAGE 6 EAST O T TELEPHONE CO 130. BO ·•··----EGGE CONSTRUCTION----------------·-·---···-· ------192. 50----------- GERALD N. EVENSON INC. 17. 15 FAR~~M'S GENUINE PARTS INC 240.87 ----FERGUS-FAl:LS ·EGUIPMENT··lNC----·---------------------70.-37---- FERGUS MOTORS INC 131. 17 FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HDWE 26.43 ----FERGUS ···INT-ERNATIONAL--INC ------· ---· -------------189. 69 --------- -· FERGUS TIRE CENTER 158. 18 .. FIRESTONE STORE ._· . -· .; 657. 20 -'--· ~E-RR-V-LS-PAR-TS-SUPPlv----·-------94·.-9·1-----'"--'--- HANSON PLUMBING Sc HEAT ING 164. 52 · HOHMAN TELEPHONE CO 21.82 ---JIM· HATCH-SALE-S -CO --~------·-· ------------344-; 90 ---- KEN STUNTEBECK FORD 120.36 .. KIRCHOFF-PERKINS OIL CO 329. 40 t------\,l-l·-€-TOR-LUNDEEN-00-------'----·----------------5. -45 ~--- M-R SIGN CO 723.80 MACQUEEN EGUIPMENT INC 107.98 1---.. ,ARK--SAND·-&-GRAVEL:--·--------------------------,------29-6;· 60----- _MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE 169. 18 MCGOWAN CLEARING & SODDING 460.00 --MEYEJP S--SERVlC-E -s=f ATI ON· -----· -·· ------6920:-6 F------- MI DWEST TELEPHONE CO 31.59 MILLER & HOLMES INC 1686.94 --0-TTER--TAI-b-CO-OP---0-I-LS---·------. ----------:-··--'-·284-;-?6---. -- PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO . -~ -53. 09 THOMAS OIL CO 912. 15 -~OB-Il.£-RA-D-I-8-SERV-ICE~~ · ·-·· ---· ---· ----H39:-35----- NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS 568. 18 NORTH UNION CHAMPLIN 644.94 ----NE--OTT-ER T-Aib-l:AND--FILl;-ASSOC-···--·--·---------·--· · · -5-; 00 · ---- NORTHWESTERN BELL TEL CO 67.96 PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE 1295.30 -R--t--P8LK-8c-·-€0 · --------------52. -E>O----- OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE 1758. 00 PADDOCK TWP 1432.81 _:._PAMIDA--STORE------...,,....------_--..,.~---. -·--· --------66. 46--- PARK REG. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO 58.65 . •. _ POUCHER PR INTI NG 8c LITHO · . . .. . .. -. .. · 62. 00 . ----: -R-·-tc-R--READV--M-I·X--1-NC.-·"-·----------· . __ . ---·------154-3.-00-----'--- RED RIVER INT'L INC 106.08 LAKE REGION CO-OP ELECTRIC 4504.90 1--;---,-_ -HU· FFR-1 DGE~OHNSON·--EGUI-PMEN-T--CO·---.----1018.-75 ----,.--- . S 8c C COMPUTER SERVICE INC 1029. 22 SCHEPPER, RAYMOND 162. 00 · ; ·---·· SI GEI.JiANLS-STEEl:--&--SALVAGE--CO--·--------· 2-5:--3~9----- -------·· ---..,.._ ---------------------- r·- 1 09-25-84 PAGE 7 VENDOR NAHE.-.-.··;·-;-.·.·· .. ·; ;·.· ... -:-·-:-.·. ·.: .. -;------·CHECK AMOUNT------- SKIPS GENUINE PARTS 114.59 STRUCTURAL· STEEL -SUPPLY INC-· · · ·----13. 39 ···--·-- STRAND ACE HARDWARE 23. 89 SUPER GMC TRUCK SALES 372.46 SWEENEY BROS· TRACTOR CO·--------··-----··--· ---------·2000; 00------ SWIFT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT 22.00 TORKELSON HEATING 8c AIR COND 19. 00 -VERGAS-HARDWARE HANK -----· --· · 53. 81 -------- WADENA ASPHALT CO 280.20 WELDING SUPPLIES 8c FIRE EQUIP. 27. 20 -YOUNG'S MARKE"F------·----------------·--~---------·-···---16-.90 ZIEGLER INC 328.72 MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY 25.71 "'NUNDAHL-0-lL COMPANY -------~--------· ·· --------· ---· --128. 22· -----------· "BRENT'S GAS 316.98 CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS 53037.59 ··-DAKOTAH-=FRUC~-EOUI PMENT-----· -·-·· ----·· · ··-·-----·--·0-:-----• --33:-70------ FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. 158.02 VERGAS OIL CO. 701. 74 --RAY-'-S--OIL,;-COMPANY --· · --1102. 59----· ----·· --- BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS 97. 98 MARWAY FOODS 30.48 .:..-&Al:T-lMORE-·PAlNT-5-~----·-·-------------------14003:-55 ------ NELSON, DWAYNE 1158.00 SWEDBERG TREE SERVICE 267.70 ---ALBRECHT-PROPERTIES --·· --. ---------· -----· · 11B. 00--· ----···· · · COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION 265. 00 · VIKING STEEL PRODUCTS INC. 820. 00 ..:-FOSSEN1-HELEN---------------------···· -----------------··-·---····47=1-:-00 SEEBA, ~OHN T. ~ EMMA 50,00 ,/: SPORRE, CLARENCE 0. ~ GILMA 50.00 ----ST-INOGEL, -·ELVIN 8c DONNA-· · -· --· --153. 00------·-------·-- MILTONA CREAMERY ASS'N. 25.00 EMERY, DEBRA 24.75 ---WH HE-· DRUG-------· ------------------···---·· -· --30. 59 -- ==--========= 232396.27 At 3: 36 p.rn., rrotion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nord- gren and carried, to close the meeting to discuss possible litigation and also- settlerrent o~ labor negotiation strategy. : With no further business, at 4:43 p.m., Chairman Nelson adjourned the meeting until the afternoon of October 5, l 84. ATTEST: