HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/21/1984MINUI'ES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS orrER TAIL COUNTY MINNESorA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Courrtcy· Minnesota rret Tuesday, August 21, 1984, with all members present. Chair- ., man Nelson opened the rreeting at 12 : 35 p. m •• A letter from the Wilkin County Board requesting a meeting within a five county area for the purpose of establishing a watershed district was presented to the Board. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, i:nstru8ting the County Auditor to advise the Wilkin County Board that Otter Tail County is not interested in.the establishing of such watershed district. Motion wasmade by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $2,020.37 to Anderson Bros. Construction Co., Fergus Falls, MN, for repairs at the Phelps Mill Dam. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $1,039.48 to M; K. Reusch, Green Grass Services, Battle Iake, MN for spraying noxious weeds on the Eugene Miller and Edward W. Kersten properties in Section L of Sverdrup Township, to be collected through special assess- ment on said property. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren ·and carried, to approve the annual rrembership service fee in the amount of $30.00 to the State of Minnesota for Federal Surplus Property participation. Larry Krohn,· County Coordinator, presented proposals from various firms for office supplies, as follows: Indianhead Cooper's Office Supply Midwest Lundeen. $5,240.29 plus freight 5,482.68 5,430.53 plus freight 5,829.35 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, .to accept the bid of Cooper's Office Supply in the amount of $5,482.68, being the -lowest bid without freight charges. Charles Krekelberg, Attorney, and Roland Mann, Executive Secretary, of the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District appeared before the Board requesting clarification of the boundary lines for said district. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to establish the boundary lines as sho.vn on maps present;ed. Upon rrotio1;. made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, to comply with Minnesota State Statute "160.215 Snow Removal; Use of Salt or Chemicals Restricted." the following action is taken by Otter Tail County. BE IT RESOLVED, that it shall be the policy of Otter Tail County to use a minimum amount of salt and/or other chemicals in performixri.g winter highway maintenance. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that due to the nature of Otter Tail County Highways, winte! sanding will be primarily confined to Hills, Horizontal Curves and Stop Sign locations. Adopted this 21st day of August , 1984. Attest: (SEAL) Upon notion :rrade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the follCMing resolution was adopted: ~OLVED by the Board of County Comnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, certain changes as proposed by the Minnesota Depart:rrent . of Transportation pertaining to the redistricting of the · various depart:rrent offices throughout the State would have a detrimental effect on the people and service in Otter Tail County~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board does hereby go on record supporting the 9 District Plan for the Minnesota Department of Transportation retaining a branch office in Detroit lakes. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 21st day of August, 1984. ATIEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has a policy to financially participate in the construction costs of new Cattle Passes on County Highways, and WHEREAS, construction costs have been steadily increasing over the years. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RES9LVED, that in the future Otter Tail County will participate in 50% of the construction costs of new Cattle Passes including the installation on.County Highways. BE IT ALSO RES0LVED, that any previous County Board p9Hcy action regarding Cattle Pass assistan hereby rescinded. nty Attest: (SEAL) Upon motion made·by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the follo.ving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Boa~d.of County Commissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on June 5, 1984, the County Board accepted the bid of Concrete·RC P-A Culverts on Pelican Township Road #749· in the amount of $85,139.00 from Riley Bros. Construction, Morris, MN, and WHEREAS, the contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $84,839.00, a decrease of $300.00 due to no hourly charge$ for dragline and dozer, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the arrount of $6,597.95 payable to Riley Bros. Construction, Inc., as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 21st day of August, 1984. County Board. A:ugust 21, 1984 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications for corrections o~ the 1984 tax: Norman Meyer & Garold Bergum Ieonard Meader Robert Thompson Auto Auction Olga Anderson Daryl J. Raasch Perham City Property overvalued Edna Tavnship Midyear homestead classification New York Mills · Reduction as per City Council action New York Mills Property o~alued Elizabeth Tomlship Property overvalued Harry & Bona Giebelstein leaf Lake Township Buildings overvalued Dennis & Maxine Klimek Elmo Township Overvalued on tillable acres George & Patricia Rubner Elmo , Tc:Mlship Valuation reduced by town board of equal. Mark L. Schmi_tt Folden Township Town Board of equalization reduction Dennard L. Conlin Arror To.vnship Building site overvalued First State Bank Dalton City HOITEstead classification (Willis Ryan) Willie Anderson Daiton City Homestead classification Ricky A. Denzil, et al Sverdrup Ta-mship Mid-year harestead 'Ibmas Glander Rush lake Township Fann homestead classification Melvin Hendricks Folden Township Homestead classification .Ronald C. James Folden Township Full homestead classification Lavern A. Olson Elmo Township House rerroved Emil Romy Elmo Township Mid-year homestead earl Sundblad Elizabeth Township Overvalued, well not usable Francis & Helen Connoy Dunn To.vnship Overvalued Charles & Edith Darner Dunn Township . Overvalued Hazel Holtgrewe Dunn Township· Homestead credit Ervin & Iona Tenter Edna Township Horrestead credit Richard & Esther Riemer Compton Township Should have. credits David E. Dertinger Trucking Perham City Overvalued· Milton Peterson Julian Olson Clitherall Township ·Overvalued Clitherall Tavnship Property overvalued Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried1 with Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RE~LVED by the Board of County Corrmissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agreerrent between the Minnesota Departrrent of Natural Resources and the u. S. Fish and vvildlife Service, dated May 23~ 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for ao:iui- sition of lands by the U. s. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS representatives of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Servicernet with.the County Board on August 21st.and inforrred said Board that waterfowl ease- ments had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. T.inothy Mounts on the N½NE¼SW¼, Lot 5, and SW¼SW¼ of Section 17-131-41; and from Mr. and Mrs. Paul N. Suchy, on the S½SE¼ of Section 32-131-39, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the aforementioned waterfowl easement a<XJuisitionsby the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN thi.s 21st day of August, 1984. ATI'EST: Q:f ,/_, ' .a ¢,'\ 0 Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and· carried, the folla.ving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cmmty Camri.ssioners .of Qt~r Tail,· County Minnesota, that WHEREAS legislation under H.R. 6027, titled "The Local Government Antitrust Act of 1984", has. passed through the House of Representatives which re- moves personal l!.ialbilities of local governrrent officials, NOW, THEREFORE;'BE IT RESOLVED The Otter Tail County Board of Ccmnissioners does hereby.express gratitude to Representative Stangeland for his support on the House passage of H.R. 6027, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of County Cormnissioners does also support and urge passage.by the Senate of said "Local Governrrent Antitrust Act of 1984". Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 21st day of August, 1984. ATI'EST: Pf tt < ; i) t3oor/t.Ll I) Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Le:;i:tch and car-ried·, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that · The Budget for the Human Services for the year 1985 be set cl$ follavs: Minnesota Supplemental Assistanre Aid to Families with Dependent Children Medical Assistance General Assistance Administration Social Se:rvices Court Se:rvires Public Health Services TOI'AL 1985 BUDGET.FOR HUMAN SERVICES $22,278 274,050 606,667 109,619 175,257 1,307,245 150,725 102,354 $2,748,195 Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 21st day of August, 1984. ATIEST: County Board August 21, 1984 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, ·seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept.the recommendation of the County Assessor and deny the application of David L1.rr1deen, Attorney for,.Yvonne ~rl, Conservator of the Estate of Alf Skjegstad, for reduction of property.-value in Ward II, City of Fergus Falls. A discussion was held regarding the proposed jail construction and the possibility of a variance request by the Co1.rr1ty for the State to consider double billlking to alleviate c~sts.· No action taken. The Co1.rr1ty Assessor discussed with the Board advertising for a re- placement for a retiring employee in the Assessor's office . .Al discussion was held regarding an employee who had been tenninated by a depararent head, and motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded.by Van Ellig and carried with Andy Leitch voting "no", to retain said employee for a three month period authorizing Larry Krohn to find a position that might open up. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland,. seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following bills were alla.ved: · CHECK REGISTER 08-23-84 VENDOR NUMBER VENDOR NAME~ ••••.•••••••.••••••••••• 6 30 35 40 44 50· 56 64 74 87 88-. 93 100. 101 118 119 120 129 131 133 138 149 152 163 170 183 188 191 214 220 223 231 240 241 246-. 249 262 268 278 283 285 293 305 314 315 316 319 A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER ALEXANDRIA MFG CO I AL'S REFRIGERATION TRW AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMOCO CJIL CO ANDERSON, CRAIG ANDERSON, ANGELINE A-1 REFRIGERATION ASSOCIATION OF MN COUNTIES · PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. AUTO SAFETY SERVICE ANDERSON,DAWN ANDERSON,KIM BATTLES,KAREN , BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BATTLE LAKE REVIEW BAY VIEW SHORES BRAND,TIM BERGELEEN,ALEEN BECKER, KEN .. BENGSTON;· ROGER BERGE,· ANGELA,. BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERVIC • BRANCHAUD,WENDY · BOB MOORE FORD INC BOE, ELLIOTT BUD'S MOBIL BURROUGHS CORPORATION BURELBACK POST #61 C & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CARR ENTERPRISES INC -WADENA CO SHERIFF CASS CLAY CREAMERY BESKE,LORI CHRISTENSEN,HARRIS CLARK BOARDMAN CO LTD COAST TO COAST STORE CLOW,PHILIP COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL CLOW,CAMIE _ CONTINENTAL NORTH DAKOTA INC COOPER'S OFFICE SUPPLY INC COOPER, DENZ IL _ CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS PAGE 1· ·cHECK AMOUNT 70.45 113.55 247.26 991.00 1738.11 41.45 46.00 35.37 20.00 360.00 20.21 52.95 24.10 10.00 12.00 33.00 17.60 521.48 1690.00 .29. 72 563.95 108.15 49.92 8.07 489.79 76.33 5.00 100.00 99.64 732.48 100.00 399.35 .1289. 55 105.00 277.94 126.00 49.70 37.39 30.40 30.00 133.38 84.05 82.80 562.52 665.98 58.40 435.00 CHECK REG~STER J. VENDOR NUMBER 323 342 354 372 387 . 394 409 444 451 454 469 487 509 511 513 515 518 525 538 543 560 565 . 571 · , 573. 576 607 632 639 640. 657 663 664 675 678 686 691 692 ,706. 711 715 722 747 753 762 770 787 797 08-23-84 VENDPR NAME •••••••••••• ~ •••••. • ••••• CLOW,BERTHA CUSTOM LABORTORIES INC. DALCO DANIELSON I-94 MOBIL DENNY'S NORTH STAR DICK'S STANDARD SERVICE DON'S. JACK & JILL E. GREENE AND CO. EISENHUTH; ORLETTA ELECTROLUX CORP EMPIRE BUSINESS MACHINES EVERTS, JOHN FERGUS MOTORS INC. FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HOWE _· FERGUS JOBBING INC FERGUS SURPLUS & LUMBER FIRST·NATIONAL_ BANK CLAY CO. SHERIFF FROSLEE,MIKE FULCRUM DIV OF ADAGE BEISER,DONNA GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE GENERAL COMMUNICATIONS BR GRAPHICS INC 0 EMERY, DEBRA ~ HAUKEBO,CRA-IG HAUKEBO,KAREN HALVORSON, JOHN HANDEGAARD, STEVE HANSON, MARJEAN HARMON GLASS HAUSER, DAVID HELLBUSCH,EMIL HENNING ADVOCATE HENDRICKSON, BEVERLY HINTGEN-KARST ELEC. co~ HOFF, FLOYD HOFF, PETER HOLIDAY INDIANHEAD SPECIALTY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE ITASCA CO SHERIFF JAENISCH-INDUSTRIES JODY'S AUTO BODY .JOHNSON, DAVID PAGE 2 CHECK AMOUNT 10.00 11.77 517.70 18.45 187.42 11. 19 282.79 141.72 36.00 38.90 557.50 77.60 384.74 492.37 19.50 2.9~ 27.00 34.51 19.00 900.00 1445.00 42249.53 65.08 20.55 118.09 52.37 164.25 94.00 10.00 4.89 30.99 176.71 208.60 30.00 60.00 . 27. 32 177.75 397.87 29.80 25.00 252. 35 - 335.17 138.97 18.00 52.50 51.25 23.25 CHECK REGISTER 08-23-84 VENDOR NUMBER 843 845 856 .857 869 870 880 881 882 883 887 . 894 915 933 943 944 950 963 980 981 · 001003 1008 1010 1017. 1022 1024· 1033-~- 1034 1035- 001061 1087 1116 1128 1143 1148 1151 1187 1201 1210 1225 1235 1236 1245 1246 1256 1271 1278 VENDOR NAME •••• ~ ••• ~ •• , •• , •••••••••• ,· •. · · KIMBER AWNING INC KIRK, MICHAEL KNUTSON HEATING & AIR COND KNUTSON, RUSSELL KRONEMANN, MAX KRONEMANN, SYLVIA GUST. LAGERQUIST & SONS. LAKE.REGION HALFWAY HOMES LAMBERT ,~PAT LAKE REGION HOSPITAL· LAKE COUNTRY GARDENS· ·w A LANG CO LEITCH, ANDY LUNDBY,DAWN VICTOR LUNDEEN CO LUNDBY, MRS IRENE M-R SIGN CO MAINE STORE MASON PUB.CO MARK, KIM BECKLUND-RIAN OIL COMPANY MELBY, GLEN MEMORIAL HOSP & HOMES METZ BAKING CO MIDWEST ~USINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST PRINTING MILLER'S BAIT MILLER DAVIS MN DEPT OF PUBLIC SAFETY PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO MINNESOTA PLANNING ASSOC MPH INDUSTRIES INC . NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS NATIONAL POLICE CHIEFS & SHER NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NATRONA COUNTY SHERIFF NORTHWESTERN FEDERAL NORTH STAR STRIPPING OK HARDWARE OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC □RANDI, MEHDI, MD □RANDI MEDICAL LAB PEBBLE LAKE AUTO REPAIR INC PAULSON,MILTON PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN PERHAM, CITY OF PAGE 3 CHECK AMOUNT 9.00 93.70 81. 23 35.00 76.80 25.00 85.00 24.90 · 10. 00 580.12 500.00 2600.00 61.20. 10.00 1271. 41 24.00 31.04 2.90 198.00 25.45 45. 48 · 6.24 48.90 276.90 563.73 148.00 8.98 167.04 40.00 44.42. 20.00 5.30 179.30 31.85 784.00 6.51 115.26 345.00 40.71 60.00 680.00 800.00 186.47 200.00 30.40 48.09 469.72 CHECK REGISTER 08-23-84 VENDOR NUMBER· 1279 1294 1295 1304 1311 1316· 1317 1318 1353 ·1355' 1359 1373 · 1376 1381 1391 1392 1412 1414 1437 1453 1461 . 1472 1473 1485 1486 1543 1553 1556 1559 001560 1563 1567 1577 1587' 1592 1596 . 1623 1627 1643 1655 1658 1667 1680. 1691 1693 1704 1708 VENDOR NAME •••••••• ~ ••••••• ■ ••• ~ •. II • PERHAM OASIS INC PHOTO CENTER, THE PIERCE CO, THE R L POLK & CO OSWALD PUB. CO. OTTER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT. OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL GLASS COMPANY· PAAVOLA, MELVIN PALAN, JANICE PARK REG. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO PAURUS, VICKI PORTMANN, RICHARD POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO PUCKETT,MINDY ·PRINTOUT RAMSEY COUNTY RADIO SHACK RIEKE-CARROLL-MULLER ASSOC INC ROEHL, WILLIS ROSE, KEN.· .. RUDD, KENYON RUDD, TOM RUTTGER'S BAY LAKE LODGE RYAN, JUN~> SCHWARTZ, ROBERT. SENYK, WALDEMAR SERVICE FOOD-SUPER VALLI·· SETHRE, JOHN OTTER TAIL POWER CO. · SHARIFI ·MD, SUBHI SHALE, SHERRY SIMISON MARINE SOLOMON,YOUSSEF STOP-N-GO STORES INC SOUTH MILL STANDARD STENERSON BROTHERS STEM & EM DRUG STRINGER, THOMAS SUGAR HILLS . SUPREME SALES CO SWENSON, REUBEN TEAM ELECTRONICS THE TRAVEL BUREAU THE WESTIN HOTEL THOMPSON OIL CO. THREE M PAGE 4 CHECK AMOUNT 331.33 90.79 78.34 416.00 109.25 330.03 261.50 3.27 45.20 43.00 86.66 . 279. 90 140.40 94.86 ·295.45 . 8. 00 20.00 69.95 1175.62 22.60 101.62 20. 00 · 615.60 303.00 60.00 150.20 18.00 397.94 23.60 75.00 90.00 34. 13 11.80 40.00 437.68 304.69 45.39 6.49 62.80 175.00 129.40 32.00 183.25 1178.00 441.01 .206.88 117.00 CHECK REGISTER 08-23-84 VENDOR NUMBER 1711 1720 1748 1756 1776 1777 1805 1811 1812 1824 1831. 1832 1836·· 1840 1856 1874 1878 1885 1921 2096. 2111 2137 2138. 2162 2170 2197 2216 2224 2232 2381 2560 2564 2565 2577 2583 2591 2637 6 79 84 88 107 116 117 122 155 156 VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••• · •••••• ~ •••• THREE M QYZ2127 TOLLEFSON,EDNA U OF MN DEPT OF CONF UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERN CHAREST OIL WALVATNE AUTO REPAIR WALL STREET JOURNAL WANEK PLUMBING & HEATING WEDLL,LAWRENCE WEST PUBLISHING CO WESTERN CHEMICAL CO WESTSIDE SERVICE WEST CENTRAL AIRWAYS WILKIN CO SHERIFF WORNER -AUTO· XEROX CO~PORTATION ZIESE, MRS GERALD BECKER CO SHERIFFS DEPT LARUM,PATTY LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH CENTER MPELRA MACGREGOR, RICHARD MINNESOTA MOTOR.COMPANY MN STATE TREAS NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY PAMIDA PHARMACY MOE,MERLYN SHILLING,LAMBERT .· WIEBE'S GARAGE THOM CONSULTANTS PRIME COMPUTER REINHART lNST. FOOD JNC. BOWER, MARK S. ERICKSON BIG D I.B.M. CORPORATION GLENWOOD POLICE DEPT. A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER ARMCO INC MINNESOTA BLUEPRINT PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. BAKER, DONN BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE BALICK CHEVROLET & OLDS BEREND, DENNIS D BEREND, DENNIS D PAGE 5 CHECK AMOUNT 197.72 10.00 25.00 44.40 54.64 233.80 78.25 185.00 90.29 130.00 344.00 139.49 13.36 243.00 27.92 112.28 1143.65 40.40 22.56 42.88 649.00 85.00 325.20 168.50 1585.23 16.19 7.77 71.60 191.40 9.50 563.61 1703.15 605.89 251.65 602. 95. 449.90 32.00 148.91 12837.70 540.28 907. 68 . 285,62 457.40 13.52 9. 14 45.65 50.90 1 .. CHECK REGISTER. 08-23-84 VENDOR NUMBER 163 170 295 317 330 340 ·346 387 395 427 495 508 514 515 517 521 522 541 545 667 717 752 756. ·. 789 796 844 901 942 943 973 975 990 1022 1025 1051 001085 1128 .1148 1182 ·1183 1185 1210 1225 1294 1359 · 1381 1418 ·VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••••••••••••• BIG A AUTO PARTS BIRKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERVIC COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPORTATION co~op SERVICES INC CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER CO CURT' S REPAIR D-A LUBRICANT CO DENNY'S NORTH STAR DICK'S PARTS SUPPLY EAST OT TELEPHONE CO FARNAM'S GENUINE PARTS INC FERGUS FALLS EQUIPMENT INC FERGUS FALLS RENTAL CENTER FERGUS FALLS TRUE. VALUE HOWE .. FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC FERGUS PLUMBING & HEATING .FERGUS TIRE CENTER FISKUM AUTO-PARTS FLEET DISTRIBUTING SUPPLY HANSON PLUMBING & HARDWARE HOHMAN TELEPHONE CO INTERSTATE INC IOWA STATE INDUSTRIES JOHNSON AUTO SERVICE JOHNSON WELDING 'SERVICE KIRCHOFF-PERKINS Oib·co LAWSON PRODUCTS·INC LUCKING ELECTRIC VICTOR LUNDEEN CO MARK SAND. & GRAVEL MARLIN'S SMALL ENGINE REPAIR. MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE MIDWEST BUSINESS PRODUCTS MIDWEST TELEPHONE CO MINNESOTA MINING & MFG · HENNING LP GAS NATIONAL BUSHING & PARTS NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING NORTH UNION CHAMPLIN NE OTTER TAIL LAND FILL ASSOC NORTHWESTERN BELL TEL CO OK HARDWARE -OLSON AUTO ELECTRIC PHOTO CENTER, THE PARK REG. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO RED RIVER INT'L INC PAGE 6 CHECK AMOUNT 71.16 597.42 44.08 502.95 3.35 241.34 1602.26 347.33 14.04 121.80 28'3.79 304.12 47.90 '30.64 42.98 22.86 165.52 79.15 3.60 537.95 21.32 46.94 1283.80 19.71 15.00 324.00 185.05 82.87 18.05 2613.90 15.25 99.51 86.'33 37.39 2750.00 105.75 200.21 593.00. 1133.00 6.00 62.39 4.49 5.00 68.45 71.38 9.52 228.54 IF ::o •• CHECK REGISTER 08-23-84 VENDOR · NUMBER 1474 1488 1~75 1633 1645 l~53 1665 1766 1776 1779 1791 1793. 1796 2162 2197 -2645 2649 2650 2663 2673 2696 2713 2714 2715 2716 2718 2719 2720 2721 2722 2723 VENDOR NAME •••••••••••••• · ••••••• ~ •• RUFFRIDGE-JOHNSON EQUIPMENT CO S & C COMPUTER SERVICE INC SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO STEVE' S CYCLE STRAND ACE HARDWARE SUPER GMC TRUCK·SALES SWEENEY B~OS TRACTOR CO VAN BERKOM FORD SALES INC VERGAS OIL COMPANY VERGAS HARDWARE HANK WADENA, CITY OF WADENA ASPHALT CO WADENA HIDE & FUR MINNESOTA MOTOR·COMPANY NUNDAHL OIL COMPANY DALTON MOBIL OIL P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY STADUM'S SERVICE CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS· TORGERSON, PAUL L. & M_ARIE FARMERS CO-OP ASSN. AIR-HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS INC. BATTLE LAKE AUTO PARTS BOB'S STANDARD HAMMERStONSTRUCTION INC. L. K. MENZ CONSTRUCTION MARWAY FOODS NORTH CENTRAL TBA SYVERSON, VIOLET· . BALTIMORE PAINTS STEEN, ARNE. PAGE 7 .CHECK AMOUNT 95.40 765.70 ,87.78 226.45 25.69 113.70 4000.00 613.00 560.41 33.05 17.04 34038.20 46.56 36.24 -213.80 853.04 214.40 479.28 89981. 56 100.00 91.50 64. 99 · 73.22 285.00 2500.00 1389.58 30.32 20.00 35.00 14725.15 1080.50 -------------.------------- 276873.39· With no further. business, at 4:15 p.m., Chainnan Nelson adjourned the rreeting until 9: 30, a .m. , Tuesday, September 4, · 1984. ATIBST: Clerk