HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/10/1984I ,
Pursuant to adjourmrent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota rret Tuesday, July 10, 1984, with Hub Nordgren, Andy Leitch,
Sydney Nelson and Van Ellig present; Bert Hovland absent attending a NACo Conven-
tion in Seattle, Washington. Chai:rnfill Nelson opened the rreeting at 9:40 a.m._.
Malcolm Lee, Land & Resource Director, appeared before the Board
presenting the following quotations for purchase of a new copy machine:
G. R. Graphics, Fargo, ND $57 .63 monthly
Cooper Office Supply, Fergus Falls, MN 63. 65
Pitney Bowes, Fargo, ND 74.92
Lundeens, Inc. , Fergus Falls, MN 7,5. 05
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried
with Andy Leitch voting "no", to accept the quotation of G. R. Graphics, Fargo, ND
in the anount of $57.63.
Earl Lorenz, Director of the Lakeland Mental Health Center, Fergus
Falls, MN, appeared before the Board regarding action taken by the Hum:m Services
Board at their rreeting on July 6th. A clarification of said action was discussed
and the County Auditor was instructed to notify all the Human Services Departments
in the nine counties involved in Region IV and inform said counties Otter Tail
County's action was to advance to the Lakeland Mental Health Center an amount of
1/12 of the annual appropriation for the next six months, July, August, Septernter,
O::;torer, November and December.
Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
to approve an advance payment of $25.00 to the Perham Agricultural Society for
booth space for the County Veterans Service Officer at the East Otter Tail County
Cotmty Board ·July 10, 1984
The Board, having prev:j_ously advertised for bids to be received for
Grading and Aggregate Surfacing, tmder C.P. 84:124, proceeded to open bids which
were fotmd to be as follows:
Stranseth Const., Watertown, SD
Wohl Construct & Martin Fruth, Inc.,
Cold Spring and Saint Cloud, MN
Minnerath Const., Jnc. , Cold Spring, MN
Menge Const. Co., Graceville, MN
Lien Construction, Inc. , Fargo, ND
.Kern & Tabery, Inc. , Wadena, MN
Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, MN
Johnson Construction, Inc., Fargo, ND
After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, ~econded by
Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Strorrseth Const., Watertown, SD, in
thearnount of $261,252.35, being the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
to re-appoint Pete Hoff to a five year term on the Otter Tail Cotmty Housing &
Redeveloprrent Authority.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried,
to authorize a special aid to Clitherall Township in the arrount of $500.00 for assis-
tance in road construction.
Larry Iverson, Blue Cross-Blue Shield group representative, appeared
before the Board stating there would be no increase in the group hospitalization
rates for the year connencing September 1, 1984. Mr. Iverson also infonned the Board
of a new c:::0st. containment program, Physician AWARE, which if adopted could reduce the
monthly premiums substantially. The Board is to consider sane.
Representatives of the Dora.and Edna Town Boards appeared before the.
Board relative to a small section of road l½ miles long corrmencing at Highway #108
south along the to.vnship line, requesting information from the cotmty as to how
surfacing could be accorrplished. The County Attorney was instructed to check into ·
the matter.
County Board July 10, 1984
A bill was presented by Mark Bower, West Otter Tail County Agricultural
Agent, from the West Central Aerial Sprayers, Fergus Falls, MN for spraying' weeds on
the Hoff fann located in Sections 14 and 23, Aastad Ta-mship, in the arrount of $1,020.00.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to pay same,
billing the Internal Revenue Service, ; current owners~ ·
Van Ellig, spokesrran, reported on the findings of the committee appointed
by Chainnan Nelson to review work on the various site options for .the proposed Otter
Tail County Jail. No action taken.
The conputer operation pr9blem was discussed and upon rrotion made by
Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the County Attorney is to seek a
consultant. from the University of Minnesota or a private finn from the rretropolitan
area to analyze the operation to obtain the best possible use and cooperation between
The sale of the building containing county office locations in the
City of Perham and_dhe possjjble purchase by the County were discussed. Motion was
made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch.and carr;i.ed, to hire a professional
appraiser to do an appraisal of said building. ·
Gene Davenport, County Assessor, requested pennission to hire an
appraiser for the Molitor property in Clitherall Township involved in tax court,
which,,was approved ur.on motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
With no further business, at 2: 30 p.m., Chainnan Nelson deciared the
rreeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, July 24, 1984.
ATTEST: A+.,; ,;;:i &r, Clerk