HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/19/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant,to.adjou:rnment, the Board of County Camnissioners of otter Tail County Minnesota rret Tuesday, Jurlle 19, 1984, with all :rrernbers present. Chairman Nelson declared the meeting open at 12:40.p.m. Because of a conflict with a District IV A.M.C. meeting scheduled for August 10th, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to change the rreeting originally scheduled for August 10th to August 14th, morning session for Human Services Board, afternoon fur regular l:x:lard. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy leitch and carried, to close the afternoon session from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m., this date, Jl.Il1e 19th, for labor negotiation strategy. Dick Barry of the Pelican Lake Property CWners Ass'n appeared before the Board requesting that Pelican Lake be placed on a priorty list for sewer check by the Land & Resource Managerrent office. Motion was made by Bert Hovland to accept the letter of request and place Pelican Lake on priority list. The motion was ·seconded by Van Ellig and carried. Mr. Barry also discussed with the Board the possibility of the establish- rrent of a special taxing district for the Pelican Lake area for the purpose of address- ing problems of sewage systems, law enforcerrent, etc. • Consideration of such a dis- trict would be contingent upon receipt ufi a petition_ containing signatures of at least 75% of the property owners in the area. Motion was made by Andy:leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the plat of LaCote DuWorth Developrrent, located in Section 28-133-40. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy leitch and carried, :, to approve payment of the following bills in connection with the bond issue for the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District: Springsted, Inc., Saint Paul, MN No:rwest Banks, Minneapolis, MN $15,794.82 500.00 The Board discussed culverts reported to be plugged under C.R. #25, Buse To..vnship, causing flooding. The County Engineer is to check. .. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the follaving resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Carrrrnissioner.s of otte·r 'rail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS The City of New York Mills was organized and incorporated in the year of 1884, and WHEREAS One Hundred years have passed since that organization and the City of New York Mills is comrremorating said organization with festivities and celebrations fran July 4th through July 8th, 1984, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the otter Tail County Board does hereby commend and congratulate the City of New York Mills in their Centennial Celebration, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED The County·Board does hereby continue support in future progress of the City of New York Mills. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 19th day of June, 1984. ATI'EST: County Board June 19, 1984 David Whipple and John Sethre, representatives from the Fergus Falls Fish and Garre Club and the West otter Tail County Fair Ass'n, appeared before the Board with a proposed children's farm project to be installed at the otter Tail County Fair Grounds in Fergus Falls, to include paving brick, concrete, flag pole, garden areas, flowers, etc., sorre items to be either donated or sold at reduced prices, total cost approximately $11,000.00. Said projectl is to be sponsored by the Isaac Walton League, the Fish and Game Club and the V.F.W. and the County Board was asked to participate in the project. After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig to donate $8,000 ta,,;rard said project, to be given to the Fair Board for distribution to the Isaac Walton League, Fish and Game Club and the v .F. w. . The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried with Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson voting "no". Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to accept the policy staterrent as presented by the Otter Tail County Extension Canrnittee relative to agents' expenses in attending national conventions, on file in the Auditor's office. The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried* with Van Ellig and Bert Hovland voting "no". Problems relating to the public access on Pelican Lake a,,;rned and operated by the County were discussed. No action taken. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve sign installation agreerrent relating to placement and/or positioning of signs along ta,,;rnship roads by the county for township purposes. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the enforcement procedure presented by County Engineer Dennis Berend for violations of right-of-way restrictions and make such procedure par-t of the use of right-of-way policy. In response to a request from the Pine Lake TCMn Board,·motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to grant special aid to Pine Lake Township in the amount of $500.00 for assistance in blacktopping a portion of township road between sections 7 & 18, Pine Lake Township. , Upor:1. motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy ~ tch and ' . carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cotmty Cornrr\i.ssioners of otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on.July 19, 1983, the County Board accepted the bid of' Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshall, MN, in the amotmt of $138,000.65 for sand sealing under S.A.P. 56-627-06, etc., and WHEREAS, the above project has now reen cc::mpletE!d to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost, of $178,722.23, an, increase of $40,721.58 due to overruns on seal coat aggregate and a deduction of $4,285.18 taken for damages to autos from oil, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issu~ a warrant in the amotmt of $1,219.21 payable to Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshall, MN, as final payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN.this 19th day of.Jtme, 1984. ATI'EST:. RESOLUTION VACATING AND REVERTING A PORTION OF COUNTY ROAD 124 Upon motion made by Andy I.eitch , seconded by ---=------------ __ Be_rt __ H_ov __ l_an_d ______ and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the County and Dane Prairie Township have agreed to trade a portion of County Road 124 for a portion of a township road to make operation and maintenance more efficient; and WHEREAS, in order to effectuate this agreement it is necessary for the County to revoke a portion of County Road 124 being approximately one and three-quarters miles in length and running north and south along the section line between Sections 2 and 3 and 10 and 11 of Dane Prairie Township pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 163.10, Subd. 5; and WHEREAS, the procedures required by Minnesota Statutes 163.10, Subd. Sa have been complied with, and the Township has agreed to the reversion of this portion of County Road 124. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that that portion of County Road 124 being approximately one and three-quarters miles in length and running north and south between Sections 2 and 3 and 10 and 11 of Dane Prairie Township, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, be and the same hereby is revoked by the County, and the said portion of County Road 124 shall revert to Dane Prairie Township. -fYJ -Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minneso I q day of .Ju i1 e.. , 1984. an ATTEST: County Board June Pursuant to motion, the rreeting was closed to the public from 2:30 to 3:00 p.m., while Oscar Sor.lie appeared tefore the Board for strategy in laror negotiations • . Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Ieitch and carried, to approve the following applications ·for permit to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor, subject to approval by the County Sheriff: I.Duis L. Iepacek Howard Pederwon Sleepy Hollow Resort Amor Prairie Moon 'Ibrdenskjold Township Amor Township Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Howard Peterson for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor at the Amor Prairie Moon, Amor Township. Chuck Minge of the Cactus Corral and Cactus Gardens in Perham Town- ship appeared before the Board regarding liquor license(s) at said establishments. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve . . licensing as recornnended by the Liquor Control Camnissioner. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded.by Bert Hovland and carried, authorizing Sylvia Bergerud, County Auditor, to hilre additional temporary clerical help in an effort to get caught up on backlog of v..0rk resulting fran the recent com- puter conversion. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the following applications for confession of judgrrent: James Svendsgaard Edward M. & Penee Ohman Paul Hagen Max R. Hatcher Glen & Valerie Shaw Larry 'Ibrgerson City of Fergus Falls Dunn Township Dunn Township Pelican Rapids . Rush Lake Township Everts 'Ibwnship 1978 · delinquency 1978 delinquency 1978 delinquency 1980 delinquency 1978 deliquency 1978 delinquency Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried; to approve participation by Otter.Tail County employees and depart.Irent heads in a Data Practices seminar to te presented at the Holidy Inn, Fergus Falls, on July 16, 1984. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the foll~ing bills ~re allowed: CHECX. REGISTER ,:::6-20-84 VENDOR NUMBER 6 7 11 13 14 15 19 20 25 33 40 42 44 47. :so · · ..•.. • .. 52 53 54 56 58 61 62 9:..:; 116 119 · ic:::O . 152 157 162 170 176 191 · .... '207 214 225 231 240 243 246 254 265 267 285 293 314 315 VENDuR NAME .................. . A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER A-1 L.:."JCK & KEY DORNBUSCH, GARY MEYER, MICHAEL GOE1st.R, SANDRA ADAMSON NORMAN POST 30 LAKE REGION REHAB. IND. !NC. RAOG011 SHERIFF, WALIER NILSON FUNERAL HOME ALL BUILDING CORP IRW AMERICAN LEGION FLAG SERVICE AMERICAN BUSINESS FORMS AMl:.1-<it;AN LINEN e:UPPLY AMOCO OIL CO AMVETS .· POST #5 BRANDBORG, NANCY HENDRICKSON, BEV ANDERSON, CRAIG BUDKE, DONALD ANDREWS & MEISTER RUNDLE,. JOHN W. AOfO ~AFEIY SERVICE BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BA11Lc ~AKE ~~V!l:.W . _.:JAMCO/CUSTOM CARD AND LABEL ··.·.·.BERGS, ANGELA BERG~M, GEORG~, POSI #489 BEYER'S BODY SHOP INC B!RKHOLZ NORTHSIDE SELF-SERV!C BLICKtNSIAFF, JE~FERY ·• BOE, ELLIOTT . :ED BRIST TV _BOD'~ HOBIL BUSETH, TUSOW, POST #118 ·c & C ELECTRONIC CENTER CARR ENIERPRlbES INC. CARLSON, EDWARD CASS CLAY CREAMERY CHARL~S D. CENtER CITY PHARMACY CLAY CO TREAS .CUFF~~ COP FUEL ~•u~ COMPANION ANIMAL HOSPITAL CONTINENTAL NORTH DAKOTA INC Cu□PE~•s OFFICE SOP~Lr 1NC PAGE 1 CRELIA. AMOOr-il 192. 20 18.28 10.00 10.00 103.80 100.00 145.00 27. 90 48.00 245. 54 190.00 100.00 762.92 78.00 35.57 100.00 13. 50 51. 75 46.00 25.00 37.45 2657.80 59.90 131.74 10.00 199.03 " 43. 45 243. 10 i00.00 57. 50 553.38 40.00 66.00 · __ 77. OS 93.56 100.00 4.39 -121.77 100.00 302. 14 . ;..-. ·~ ',. ' . ·_ > '.\'. <t:{:· .. ,:{f:.::~-r: 100. 00 -- 18. 30 375.00 135. 5.J 37. 50 507.40 167.60 CHECK REGISTER C·b-20-84 VENDOR NUMBER 316 319 321 348 354 373 387 395 485 ·. 487 489 509 511 513 , .. ;:' ;:~'. ·_ :.i/, 515 \-\:·. . 518 522 528 531 582 ,538 . 565 573 657 663 664 ~··:_ 678 691 706 719 722 7~0 746 747 152 790 791 82:3 868 869 880 881 883 943 944 946 980 VENDOR NAME ........................ . COOPER, DENZIL CORPORATE RISK MANAGERS SYVERSON, CORNELL. POST #17 DACOTAH PAPER COMPANY DALco D.A.V. CHAPTER 25 DENNY'S NORTH STAR DICK'S PARtS SUPPLY EVERTS LUMBER COMPANY EVERTS,/JOHN EXEC01IVE REPORTS CORP FERGUS MOTORS INC FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS MEDICAL GROUP ··. ) FERGUS FALLS TRUE· VALUE HOWE FERGUS ,.JOBBING INC if. FERGUS TIRE CENTER FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT FERGUS FALLS CONCRETE FERGUS ELEClt-(.LC FIRST NATIONAL BANK FULCRUM DIV OF ADAGE _J: GENE 1 S SIANDARD SERVlC~ HALVORSON, JOHN HANDEGAARD, STEVE HANl::iUN,MARJEAN HAUSER, DAVID HENNING ADVOCATE AINIGEN~KARSI ELEC. cQ. HOLIDAY INN HOLIDAY . . HOOG HAMMER PUS I fl:508 INDEPENDENT, THE INDI'ANHEAD SPECIALTY IN 11::.Rt:-I AfE INC JOHNSON CONTROLS INC JOHNSON HEATING & PLUMBING .. KAN-1 ROD, LARRY . ' KROHN, LARRY 1\KRONEMANN, MAX GUSi LA~ERGOISf ~ SONS LAKE REGION HALFWAY HOMES LAKE REGION HOSPITAL VIC10R LON"uEEN CU LUNDBY, MRS IRENE LYSTADS INC MAoON PUB CO PAGE 2 CAECK AMOUNT. 23. 55 435.oo 100.00 436.27 li i. 66 100.00 226.65 . 13.23 ... 3. 40 38.80 74.84 341. 24 509.39 36.70 /:20;'15 -.• 27. 00 633.22 47. 50 60.00 225.00 32.00 8073. 13 7.96 7.84 72.64 17.9. 61 39. 59 9.20 577.08 155.31 242.08 ~g~~.~~ ... ·. >f:'37.54 , 14. 50 ·224.50 107.00 85.00 273.90 1810.35 c'.828.58 ·so.60 281. 82 35.00 . ,·,, ,, ,\ ... : ... ~- ,::•--~.-:· :·. ~--~ ...... I '' CHECY, REGISTER '.)6-20-84 VENDOR NUMBER 991 99.:l 001003 1008 101, 1024 1033 1034 1047 00105::- 001057 001061 001078 1083 \1111 .. 1116 11<::9 1148 1184 1210 1218 ·.·il235 1:.J~9 1256 1262 1267 1271 ·1278 1279 1293 1294 1316 1317 1318 .... 1.333 1335 1344 1359 1362 1363 1373 1381 1427 1440 vENDuh NAME .............. ·_ ........ . MCBEE Mt.'-Cri:MH;K, MICHAEL BECKLUND-RIAN OIL COMPANY MELBY, GLEN M£1l <1AIA..ING CO MIDWEST PRINTING MILLER'S BAIT MILLE..R DAVIS MN CO ATTORNEY'S ASSOC OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS PARK REGION Cu-OP OIL CO. PERHAM CO-OP OIL CO THOMAS OIL CO ,;MN ASSOC OF CO ADM IN /MOTOR□L-A INC MPH INDUSTRIES INC NATIONAL BUSHING~ PAR1S NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING HAMERAL POST 148 • OK HARDWARE .. OFFICE ELECTRONICS INC /QRANDI, MEHDI, MD PAUL rOINAM POSl #289 PELICAN RAPIDS PRESS PELICAN VALLEY HEALTH CENTER PEN17AD INC PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLETIN < )<PERHAM, CITY OF PERHAM LJASIS INC PHILLIPS, CINDY ·PHOTO CENTER, THE OTTER TAIL CO. SHERIFF DEPT. OTTER TAIL GLASS COMPANY .. , QI IER VFW POSI 874 , OTTER TAIL DEPT. OF PUB. HLTH · < OTTER RISERS KIWANIS PARh ~Et;. MU!QAL IELEP!-tONE CO PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT PARTA PRINTING . PAORUS, v lt;i'\J. POUCHER PRINTING~ LITHO REVENUE SHARING ADV SERVICE RINGu~Hc AMBULANCE SERV!C~ PAGE 3 l!AECK AHOONI 117. 40 4.03 109.70 261. 60 225. 44 138. 75 ·19_ 95 138. 75 110.00 .2652. 79 12. 10 56.84 212.86 661. 25 100.00 2.09 969.21 840.00 100.00 38. 72 28.00 61.B6 124. 19 .·•.· 478. 81 407.80 · 128. 00 138.07 .. · .. ·•. ( .189. 63 222.00 ··28. 55 694. 71 822.00 40.95 100.00 180.00 140.00 46. 17 12.05 86. 40 169.90 12.92 75.00 92.00 CHEO\ REGISTER 06-20-84 PAGE 4 VENDOR NUMBER 1453 1461 ·. 1464 1473 1486 1542 1543 .1556 ...• 1557 ···1559 001560 1570 1585 1635 1643 1652 1669 1682 1711 1725 1729 1753 · 1 J::,6 1778 ···· 1s12 1826 1836 1842 1858 1875 .. ··1979 · 188;:, 2216 2333 ..!554 2555 . 2559 .:!564 2565 2569 2577 2583 2596 26d5 VENDOR NAME ....................... . ROEHL: WILLIS RGSE, 1"EN ROSSOW, MABLE RUDD, TOM RYAN, JONE SCHROCK, VICKI SCHWARTZ, ROBERT SERVICE rOOD-SOPER VALO SERVICE OIL & TfRE SETHRE, .... ·.JOHN □TIER TAIL POWER ca. SHERBROOKE, CHARLES SKRAMSTED, HELEN STOP-N-GD STORES INC SOUTH MILL STANDARD /STEARNS MFG CO ~TINAR-sfORDEVANl-SfoLz STRINGER, THOMAS SUNWOOD INN . > HAROLD. F SWc.NSON PUS I ff612 .·TENTER~.·· ERWIN THREE H GVZ2i27· IRAVEL GALLc.RY TRITES, DAVE UNIFORMS UNLIMITED . ONIVERSI rv_ OF MINNESOTA .. VERGAS FRAZEE POST #7702 .. WANEK PLUMBING & HEATING WELDING sOPPLIE~ & ~IRE tGOrP. WESTSIDE SERVICE WEST CENTRAL ED CO-OP WILSGN SUPPLY CO WORLD WAR I BARRACKS 922 . XEROX CORPORTATION ZIE~c, MRS GERALD PAMIDA PHARMACY U Or M-DEPT OF CONFERENCES CHECK AMOUNT 25. 23 91.30 --560. 00 353.40 30.00 20.00 132.00 550. 52 148.60 49.80 1s.oo 7.75 16. 77 224. 50 570.21 ·265.80 100. 00 53.20 36.89 .100.00 24.80 1547.72 1102. Oo 145.00 173.00 . .. 34.80 · \loo. oo ··/107. 97 70.00 16.92 425. 10 . :.za. 40 100.00 . 826. 88 90.60 52.48 35.00 1951. 98 =i,-.::·.; ::ll;i:: ~FULCRUM DIVISION OF ADAGE INC . •· MARf,c;. HAWES PLUMBING -_·_. __ :::.··96_ 90 :::~~h/{;/.·:.·-::: -· UNDER-MART .. < 15. 83 PRIM~ cUMPOIER 2101.SJ REINHART INST. FOOD INC. 456.76 NEESE, JOHN 5.98 .. BOWER, ffAR"K--....s-.--------.....----------2~1~;~.-0~6---- ERICKSON BIG D 682.44 • MID. AMER. RESEARCH CHEM. CORP 6.08 WlLl,\.t., LAt'ICE ..!4. 9d. -----,.:.. -------------_;_,.." V CHEC X. RE<il STER ('6-20-84 VENDOR NOMclER 2626 ~6d/ 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 · ·2634 · 2635 2686 ·2637 2638 2642 .. 2643 .2644 . 116 ·119 155 · >:{'!;~ .·. t234 219 307 317 340 366 <'397 4c:'.6 427 443 495 497 499 511 515 517 52c: 535 578 691 Vt.NOOK NAME ....................... . GILLESPIE, JANICE BORbt.H, ARA BUCYEYE BUS. PRODUCTS COMPVTERWORLD LAKES SPORT SHOP ROBERTSON, MARY THOMPSON, RODNEY STAPLES WORLD HOFFMAN, ROBERT JOHN'S CAR WASH DEER CREEK StANOARD GLENWOOD POLICE DEPT. RGK ENTERPRISE · .. OOLC WILLIAMS ·····•. DOLL, BRIAN. •· :: DOLL, ... JEFF LaPUlN I, BARB VanWATERMULEN, MARIANNE DORNBUSCH, RAYMOND BA I I ;_t:. LAKE FAt<MERS UNION OIL BATTLE LAKE LANDFILL BEREND, DENNIS D 0 ,WIG A AOIO PARIS. ·.•.•· .. BJERV.ETVEDT, DAVID CAMPBELL OIL COMPANY COAS1 10 COASf SIORE CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CO-OP SERVICES INC CUR 1 '~ REPAIR . >DAREL JACOBSON CONSTRUCTION . -/DENNY'S NORTH STAR EAS1 u 1 SOlL EAST OT TELEPHONE CO EGGE CONSTRUCTION .FARNAM'S GENUINE PARIS INC ·FARMERS UNION OIL CO · <FARNAM TIRE CENTER FERGu~ FALLS DAILY JOURNAL FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HDWE FERGUS INTERNATIONAL INC _FERG □~ IIRE CENtER FIRESTONE STORE GERRY'S PARTS SERVICE HENNING ADvOCAIE PAGE 5 CAECK AMOONI 24.92 24.92 104.00 82.00 34.98 79.00 23.65 70.00 187.77. 420.98 18.60 32.00 40.00 61. 40 10.00 10. 00 36.40 24.00 41.20 20.49 172.64 235. 54 501. 54 32. 50 75.95 94. 17 210? 00 3l'. 16 49.84 468. 72 326.44 230. 55 ..• 3000. 00 396. 13 600.00 146.07 508. 75 307.95 112.33 182.94 155.07 62.88 224.28 140.81 17.20 32. 50 44.00 CHECK REGISTER C-6-20-84 VENDOR NUMBER VENDCR NAME ....................... . 717 146 752 781 814 821 844 . 901 943 ···953 973 987 990 10S1 . 001052 001055 HOHMAN TELEPHONE-CO I NOEPt:.NDt::.NT, THE INTERSTATE INC JIM'S SERVICE K & j.{ IIRt. KADING'S FARM & HOME CENTER KIRCHOFF-PERKINS OIL CO LAWSON PRODUCTS INC VICTOR LUNDEEN CO , MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT INC .· MARK clAND & GRAVEL MATHISON'S MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE .MIDWEEK, THE MIDWEST TELEPHONE CO MILLER··&· HOLMES INC· MINNESOTA MINING & MFG NORTHERN PROPANE GAS CO. OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS •• >' 0010/8 I HOMA:::, .OIL CO ''::001085 HENNING LP GAS ,; 1128 NATIONAL BUSHING ~ PAR_J"S 1148 NELSDN BROlRERS PRINTtNG 1182 NORTH UNION CHAMPLIN 1183 NE OTTER TAIL LAND FILL ASSOC ~11es NORIHWESIERN BELL TEL co 1194 NORTHERN STATES SUPPLY INC 1255 PELICAN RAPIDS, CITY OF i2o6 P~~l~AN RAPIDS PRESb 1264 PELICAN WELDING SHOP 1274 PERHAM READY MIX~ AGGREGATE 1317 01 IER IAIL CO. SHERIFF DePI. 1341 OTTERTAIL AGGREGATE 1359 PARK REG. MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO -----1-3-;~i----,~R-o=M~A=~--~p~A~1-c~a ............ coMPANI~s 1399 R & R READY MIX INC. 1428 REVIEW ENTERPRISES INC 1442 1474 1488 PAGE 6 CHECK AMOUNT 22. 11 114.60 232.82 315.90 34.95 15. 74 332.64 68.46 91. 72 ·316.43 6019.80 527.80 292.87 172.80 .. ··· 30.53 .. 245. 60 178.98 23.06 189. 57 318.62 300.00 263.97 97.00 1318.36 41. 50 69.69 254.58 ·100.00 164.44 10.00 308.40 36..38.88 688.00 78.23 2::?5::?6. 40 819.00 273. 50 155/ SERVlCE OIL & !IRE 63.03 1575 SIGELMAN'S STEEL & SALVAGE CO 189.08 1581 SKIPS GENUINE PARTS 76.30 ----1 ..... 6-,-..,--::,-----,-,s ..... 1...,RM!ACP.:"f\l,....l.J-:--,,Ac-rc ..... E--.-H ... AM"R'l'TD~wT"IA"'R ..... E-----------------,3 .... 4..-_-7.,,.,9...------- 1648 STUROEVANTS AUTO PARTS 40.95 1653 SUPER GMC TRUCK SALES 102. 17 ilo6 VAN hERhUM FORD SAL~~ INC 3/.91 CHECK REGISTER 06-20-84 VENDOR· NUMBER 1779 1826 ·· .. •.··2302 264:5 264+6 2647 2649 265~ . '.2653 .· :;~2654 · -.-265~ .2659 2660 -2664 88 vENDDR NAME .... · ................... . VERGAS HARDWARE HANK wELD1NG SUPPLIES & FIRE EGOIP. BRENT'S GAS DALTON MOBIL OIL RoME~ft:.AD BUILDING SUPPLIES KADING, ELMER MEL'S SHARPENING SERVICE P.J'S GAS AND GROCERY . STADUM 'S SERVICE (_<;(C' VERGAS CO-OP MILL' i ELEVATOR BE~KER, HARVEY A . OTTO, BERNEL & MARY LOU GINGERICH, MOSES P. & FANNIE . .. . . ·,· AASNESS~.HARVEY W .. & DARLENE DROUILLARPi MICHAEL &"JULIE OORNt:.R, . DELORES A. KRAUSE, KEVIN C. & DANA M. NESS, JAMES & LAVIDA POY Lt:.R I ROBER I & LU LS SCHOON, ERVIN F •.. 31 EVELYN CHRISTIANSON ASPHALT PRODUCTS DAKU1AR !ROCK EQOIPMENI PARK REGION CO-OP OIL CO. PAGE 7 CHECK AMOONI 63. 89 6}.95 5. 75 342.34 49.60 200.00 27.60 260.32 227.05 281. 60 i22.SO 200.00 342.00 8861.oO 1043.00 2033.00 ··1600. 00 ·• 2731. 00 58022. 57 11. 53 319.95 ---------------------------187292. 79 . --~v=; (;{~~.:, .. . .•.·-·.-,: ·· .. ·.·.-•.• .:-. With no further business, at 3:45 p.rn., Chairman Nelson adjourned the meeting until the afternoon of July 6, 1984. Clerk