HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/22/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEEI'ING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CCMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COONTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of Colll1ty Commissioners of Otter Tail Colll1ty Minnesota met Tuesday, May 22nd, 1984, with all members present. Chainran Nelson declared the meeting open to the public at 1:05 after a closed session for laoor negotiation strategy with Attorney Oscar Sorlie. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for interim bonds for the Otter Tail lakes Area Sewer District, received bids which were folll1d to be as follows: First National Bank of Olicago Merrill Lynch Capital Markets No:rwest Securities Prudential Bache Securities, Inc. Offer $2,670,066.75 2,670,293.70 2,670,100.00 2,672,296.20 Cost $550,620.75 533,706.30 520,550.00 548,291.30 Rate 8.2490 7.9956 7.7985 8.2156 Upon the recornrendation of Luther Fjelstad of Springsted, Inc., bond consultants on said project, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of No:rwest Securities in the amolfilt of $2,670,100.00 at a cost of $520,550.00, effective rate, 7.7985%. A representative of the Underwood JCs appeared before the Board and presented cost figures of $606.50 for materials only for installation of backstop, ~ ·side fences, team benches and markers for the softball diamond at Phelps Mill Park. After consideration, notion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the installation, less $27.50 cost for bases, coordinating said project with Jeff Morton, caretaker at Phelps Mill. Clayton Jensen appeared before the Board regarding special assessments placed on his property by the City of Pelican Rapids. Jensen was advised this was a matter with the City of Pelican Rapids. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license: George Harrmond Daryl Schlueter Daryl Schlueter Excavating Pelican Rapids, MN Hewitt, MN Col.Il1ty Board May 22, 1984 The matter of the McGowan special use permit to allow fill to remain on certain lots on Rush Lake was returned to the Board with various individuals si;eaking. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to again table l.Il1til all rrernbers of the Col.Il1ty Board have had an opportl.Il1ity to view the property. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried with Van Ellig and Bert Hovland voting "no". Motion was then made by Sydney Nelson to order a hearing on said request before the Otter Tail Col.Il1ty Board of Adjustment. The motion was seconded by Van Ellig and carried with Bert Hovland and Hub Nordgren voting "no". Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, authorizing the Chairrran of the Board and the County Auditor to execute an agreement between the City of Vergas and the County of Otter Tail for federal-aid highway improve- ment in the City of Vergas. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to accept a proposal from Mark Sand & Gravel Co., for installation of bituminous curb and repair of a :portion of road in Phelps Mill Park to correct an errosion problem, at a cost of $873.75. The notion was seconded by Bert Hovland and carried. Chuck Minge of Cactus Gardens, Perham, MN, appeared before the Board relative to the Cactus Corral located behind existing business and a request to use the current liquor license to sell liquor at the Corral. After consideration, notion was made by Sydney Nelson to grant approval contingent upon no intervention by the State Liquor Control Commission. The motion was seconded by Van Ellig and carried. Motion was made by Van Ellig to rescind a previous motion calling for a hearing before the Board of Adjustment on the Melvin McGowen matter in Rush Lake TON11.ship. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland and carried with Sydney Nelson and Andy Leitch voting "no". Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, having attended a recent meeting on "Comparable Worth" legislation, reported on the effects said legislation would have on col.Il1ty government. Upon motion made by-Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cotn1ty Canmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on February 10, 1984, the County Board accepted the bid of Carr's Tree Service, Inc., Ottertail, MN, for the removal of trees along CSAH#l in the amount of $3,490.00, and WHEREAS said contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $3,490.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $990.00 to Carr's Tree Service, Inc., Ottertail, MN in final payment. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of May, 1984. ATI'EST: Clerk I, Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland,·iand carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Carrmissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that 'WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls, Minnesota has been working with Medallion Kitchens, Inc., to insure the company's oontinued operation in the City of Fergus Falls since the company's partial destruction by fire on December 10, 1983, and ·'WHEREAS, although the conpany has altered their requirements and con- ditions for a new facility in the City of_fergus Falls many tilres, the City of Fergus Falls has re-geared its efforts to rreet each request, and 'WHEREAS, the City's efforts include a proposal for both a new building of the size requested by the conpany, and financing resulting in. an interest rate below that required for their continued operation in the City of FeD311~-Falls, with infm:mation continually relayed to the State of Minnesota Depart:rrent of Energy and Econanic Developrrent staff and to the u. S. Depari::rrent of Housing and Urban Develop- ment staff, and WHEREAS the City of Fergus Falls has been bUJCden'eQ'}arldt:conc:~~-dyfor unemployed Medallion workers and their families, and WHEREAS, the City of Fergus Falls and the County of Otter Tail can ill afford to lose any jobs by the relocation of .Medallion Kitchens elsewhere, and 'WHEREAS, on April 27, 1984, the City of Fergus Falls was made aware of a yerifiable, active effort by Medallion Kitchens to utilize Housing and Urban Develo1_'.llel1t funds fran two sources to try to relocate in the rretropolitan area of the State, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the otter TaiL1County Board does hereby suppprt oppo_sip.on by the City of Fergus Falls in Medallion Kitchens attempt -to obtain State or· Federal Funds for relocation in some other area of the State of Minnesota. ATI'EST: Clerk I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board, on the 24th day of April, 1984, extended the deadline for payment of the 1984 real estate and personal property taxes until May 31, 1984, and WHEREAS, the 1984 tax statements were not mailed in time to meet said deadline, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby grant authority to the Treasurer of Otter Tail County to collect personal property taxes and real estate taxes until the 10th of June11 1984, without penalty imposed, in the case of personal property where the amount is $10.00 or less, or the first half on amounts over $10.00. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 22nd day of May, 1984. ATTEST: Clerk I County Board May 22, 1984 In response to an inquiry by Kenneth A. Muck.ala regarding rent of ' a piece of tax-forfeited land in the City of New York Mills fonrerly owned by Clara Anderson, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub N9rdgren and carried, to rent said parcel, '.a:tt)a.irental fee of $15.00 per acreF to Kenneth A. Muck.ala, Wadena, MN. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve purchase of telephone equipment located in the court facilities, cost of equipment, $1,487.57, from AT & T. Motion·was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board and the Co1IDty Auditor execute agreements with the Fergus Falls Cami.1IDity College 1IDder the Federal Work.,.Study Program, providing five students for various offices in the courthouse. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve a restructuring of job classifications in the office of the Clerk of Court, rroving Patti Nordby from a Range 2 to a Range 3 and Jean Helander from a Range 3 to a Range 4, effective J1IDe 1, 1984. Motion was.made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor: Norman Anderson John Soby Ralph E. Grandlund Jon Anderson Ardelle Hoye Ruth Felton Connie Branhagen Lela Beckman Grover Jtmior Penn Gerald R. Smith Roy C. Peterson Mark Gontarek Don Eggen Robert B. Marx • ! ~ . . Three Seasons Iooge Amor Township (off sale only) Bait 'N Station Aurdual Township (off sale only) Pleasure Park Resort otter Tail Township Jon's Hamburger Hollow Pine Lake Township Holiday Haven Resort Girard Township Spruce Lodge Star lake Township Klein's Resort Rush Lake 'lbwnship oak Park Resort Nidaros Township Possum Bait & Tackle Henning Township Pelican Beach Resort Dunn Taivnship (off sale only) Jewett Lake Resort Elizabeth Township Gontarek's Resort & Store Dlll1Il Township (off sale only) West Central Speedway Aurdal Township (on sale only) Balrroral Square Otter Tail Township* • county Board I.eslie J. Hovland Margaret Frankberg George Frankberg Perry's Restaurant The Stone Hearth District #166 * Subject to Sheriff approval I May 22, 1984 Dora Tarmship * Hobart Tarmship * Dora TONnship * Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy I.eitch and carried, to approve the following applications for wine license: I.eslie J. Hovland Margaret Frankberg George Frankberg Perry's Restaurant The Stone Hearth District #166 Dora Township Hobart Township Dora Township Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Robert B. Marx for license to sell intoxicating liquor at Balmoral Square, Otter Tail Tcwnship. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the follo..ving bills were allowed: :mtP TtoN ·•.,'.-_.-"-: ~ -~,:::'·::;:r:.:. -··: . , .. --.A\/:·_._=··-. ,· .__,_ ~ ... -. ..--.::: . • ..... VFRlPCJR" -sERV lCr-REPl>R Of:TER TA.IL COUNTY VENDOR NAME '- .... f ..... . . . AMOUNT -A-1 LO~EY 25.63 AMERICAN.:: FRE JG:H T SY STE MS SLJe O 2 A MO CO -0 :I L C O • 1 7 • 3 5 ANDERSON, -CRAIG 'J6e00 ANDERSON, DAVID 1 03a25 ANDREW SJ 111 m MEISTER ; 67.'I0 .. ,,_ ... -. ----------A~R~---=N-E=s=o=N-:~1L~A.,....RSONMlTTO=N-.-_---------~3...-::-q=2-.~1r-=-o~----------- . ::;/;;;':( AUTO SAFiETY SERVICE <<, 53-95 L'fi}St;:fY" BATTLE UAKE L#,NO FILL -q.oo -----------_--g,..KTT[ E [,AKE RE ,nn~------------28-. 6..-6-;r------------ B EC KER,: ,KEN '19•70 BECKLUNO'-RlAN OIL CO 73a55 --------a--EITTJFR,.---rJifpTT~ Q-.50 BENGSTON, ROGER 241-.76 BERGE, J'fNGELA 33.85< --------.B~E~R-G=E=R-u~o-,-=svITIA 60a53 6 E YER ' S-. , 8 00 Y SHOP I NC • -7 • 0 0 BIGGER,; lCINDY _ 175a55 ----------.B'""'I"'"'R,,_-K;-7:H,-,--0x-:-L-=-z-...,...1....,1\,..,,0"'R .. T~HS'TOE--SEL F-SEl<VlC E_ ~10.01 BOAEN, JUNN 90a00 BOEN, MVCHEL 39-.00 __ ,__;..;;....;..;.;;__ ___ BOWERS,_ iMt-RK ~--69•72 BUD'S MOIBIL 8'1e5Q B·UREAU D F BUSINESS PRA:CTJCE 31a89 --_,->.,..->-----------,,BmOR"ROUGA S CORP'O-RITI"ON "-... ··-7 32w48 '--, _ C;~o:.: \-.~<;,;J~~f~ ::.~tX1 .. -:· C & C EL.:ECTRONIC CENT-ER· 3.oo<:•:\::;:r-----· ··. · · · ··<· I:i~!.f:. CARR ENT-'EWRISES, INC.->_: 233.oa·_ -------"'=-.;.....;;._;. __ ,...c·1·-..s-s-c .... L"TA....,Ya-:--:;1C=R·E ARE RY 2 o a. 7 6 - CHANDLER> FUBLISHING CO 98.-00 CHE'1l TR:OL CHEMICAL COe 630a00 --------c.......-t ..... T...,.l_P,.,H'""-J--,J..--~f'AC . r~----------------- C LEM EN sE=N, BRENT 1aa00 CLEMENSE:N, l'rAP.Y ,16.00 ____ ......._ __ __,C.....,L,....,E--.ffE1fS-E!"K, R OBE""RT zrs;-0-0---------------- C LE RK OF} COU:RT 7a00 COAST TO; C:OA:ST STORE 22,21 -----------o"""FFEE CWP FU~-:-SlOP 1 28a65· COMPANION ANJMAt HOSPIT~L 36a00 C O N TI N DI 11 tl N O;R 1li D AK O T A INC q 5 9a 3 3 --------c·o N nnrc;----TAT)re-u·srNFss ·91.z-..------------- c o op ER 1 S1 CFFICE SUPPLY :1 NC. 321-61 COOPER,; iOfNZIL 80a66 -------~-R-o w·. C 1-iE n·rICA["" -& -E QlfIP"MEtfT-· 1 ,n-;-2----------- DA COT AH) IP#PEH COMPANY 6914a56 DA H LE N , : l[J CU G L A S 3 5a 2 8 ---------..0..--.ALC-0-f6q.7------------- D A Y -T I ME !E ~ 12• 6 9 [1ENNY 1 S1 NCRTH STAR 78.85 DTCK•·s·-·s-TINO"A"HO~SERVICE______ ----·----i---q;-i--------------- D O N I S J A C K AN D J 1 LL 1 q 5a 5 9 --------------------------------------------------·------------------ ---· ·-------·--·----·----------·-------------·----------------- --------------v-E-NO'ilR-S-ER-V 1 CE-REP-OR--------------------- 0 f: T ER TAIL COUNTY •---o-E-s-eitf·P.4"10""'N,__ __ _,V1:-N-OOR-N-.-A Hi;;----------------AM1HJN'f------------ ----------ft~~------------------2-3.-~---------- EDMUNOS :CCUNTY COURTHOUSE -■75 EMPIRE B:USINESS MACHINES 36■00 -----------1f.-1R>.r-t-f f""Ck-S-fl'ON! •~ "'9"5.--~---------- E VERT S,: JOHN 38a8 0 EXECUTIVE REPORTS CORI?■ 7Lt.8'1 -------------tF---iiE--R GU-S-f-;frttS--··OA·Jt:-Y-JOU· RN~ a--9 6.-8 9----------~~~. {;< FERGUS F:ALLS MEDICAL GROUP 50-■0 0 FERGUS F:ALLS P.'OLICE DEPT• 96■91 ----------,t;F--t:Ea-!R~G~u+-s~:-t-F~!ArritH--t:-S-rr·RUE-V At U E. ~ HOW·E • 3"9~ • .,.3◄1---------- F ER GUS J,OEBING ·INC ■ 25■10 FERGUS _M;QlORS INC ■ 359■58 ----------F-1E,..,R-e1u~s-J..,..JJ1-w1~E..-1Cf'"N-TER 611-fH---------- F I CK, CH :A C 3 5e O 0 . F I CK, CH' RI S 1 O■ 0 0 -----'----------iF5-T-J &ft-ElSTf--il<Nt-11:1( --rtO NAL BA·N K 55■ 6 0 FIRST NA'TIONAL BANK 23.3'1 FISHER,: ·CARRIE 21-16 -------~---if5'Ui++--L CRlHt!·iE! IV• -:-oF~kettE ~-il8~■ ~3-aq---------- G ENE IS tin iNOA'RO SERVICE 1a .. 9q GE RMUN OSION, .0 M'ER · 10 ■ 0 0 ----------'!-+-O-SrG,6;-1H·rT~f<ltt-TiNG 25.-ti--il----------- G OVER N ME. ,N "&'TRAIN IN 6 SERVICE 33■011 GRANT CO• :SHERIFF 29■00 ----,,---,---------1-·:t,1~---A·-A-ffi'fi,·--::S-l-f'V J-9•·6-----------··· .')·:~--·. HANSON,_ ll'lilRJEAN 1 76a5'4 :>;,,;)f. HAUGE,· 0,EEIE 35.-00 ------'------H1rtt-Sf:R J. !OAV-1 -2 73■ 3 6 HI-NTGEN-;KARST :ELECTRIC C01'1PANY , 6■30 HOFF, FLOYD _ 29.56 ____ .,.,_ _____ H-0-f-F, PE il ER 2 5t 00 -:~/Xii~l;: ~~~ ~~~ !E:AO; SPECIAL TY . ~ ~;:; ~ . . ._.,-.' ?~:);~}\: . -------------ttti:RN'--A-!f-tf·-C'NAt:-0l¾S·I-N-€S-S-·t1·-AOf·J-N-E S 2-57•-r6""~---------- I NTERN-ATII CIO.L CITY MANAGFMENT 'f5e00 JO STEN S 1 91aS 3 ------------th\R· 2.----------- l<E RR, JA!NINE 10■0 0 KE T CH A M, : 00U G & A SS OC • 3■ 9 6 ----------:-N-UTS6:N,--+-Rl:t-SSE1: -S.~--A----------- K RO NE t1 AN ~N , MAX 3 8■ 'f 0 KR ONE M AN~ N, SY L V I A 5 Ce O 0 -----------1~-CHOW I :T--:-·t.fR ,--F-R ANK t-B-S. 0 o---------- L AG ERO U i :S l ANO SONS, GUST 85■00 LAKE REG,ION HALFWAY HOMES 1,070.70 -----------jf---A-KftA--ft-fi·:--ttfN-T A L---HE AL:T-H--3~•·04\---------- L E ITCH , IA I\D Y 1 10-. tJ 0 LUNDEEN CC1MPAN'.Y, VICTOR 1, q 05. 0 6 -----------MA-Al-Z:r+ld.t--W-.---------------------...0,1---------- MATZ AND GREIFF 19■10 ----------------- ---------------------. ----------. -· -----·· ------·--------··-·----·-------------- -----------1~:No•cm--sER-VICE-·RE-Pno----r----------------------- OJ TER TA IL COUNTY ________ _,M.....,E--r-AA~CNAt--A----------------7. 20 ME L BY , . G ll EN 1 '-'• 9 5 MEMORlALi t-10SP. & HOMES 23•9 0 ---------,-1~e~rr-zP--1Bi:t-AW-Klf'"?11Jnl\~01'fP/r!ll 2.81 MID AMERIICOt RESEARCH Cl>RP. 56.90 MI OWES T1 -BUS I NESS PRODUCTS 7 3 8ef.l 5 ----------owESJt 1P Fl,Nll"NG 60•0 0 tH.LLER DJAVI S -11 6 7w 2 2 MILLER,L;I fA 10.00 IIILLE.lh~ ;stANNON 10.0fJ MN ASS 0..C • e O .: TREAS • '-I 5. 0 0 MNe CO •i ;ATTORNEY•$ ASS Ne 125.00 ----------tof1tt6ct-1N-TGO ME:~ Y VA RD 30. 5 7 MORTON,.: JEFF 16. 00 MOTOROL~, li'iCe 1 71-,80 ---------t.t-&-~Sf-ttN~G-&--PA~IS f.O • 1 0, 5 q NEESE, J;OHN 99e76 NELSON BIROT!-JERS PRINT I NG 1,822.09 ---------•-<tR,rt-efiNlftAL :ttJSffiUttE-:-ftt-S 2 2'1.13~01------------ N0RTH UN,ION TOWING 67'..50 ' NUNOAHLi IOit COMPANY 12.ao ----------ror-111<---,li.:t1AHR~o~1,1tt1A..-RE=------------------· 1c------------ OR A ND I M;.o., MEHDI 5·00.00 0 S\IALO P,UBe CO• 53, 0 7 ;i-·----------f-J-ER TMIL CO·-tOP-&lt-"'IS----''---------11rfr-9-51'.aa.-N----------- ·o.1TER-TAaL GOa· HWY DEPT• 90,00 OTTER TA:IL COe SHERIFF ·oEPT 1,9..q2.50 ---------t+rf-ER T A.tt---eOttN-TY--7\00l·r<Hr-----------1~~,,_..---------- 0 TT ER TAat DEPT OF SOC, 'SERV• 157-61 'OTTER TA:H. OEPTe OF PUB•' 1-EALTH 99.00 ---------1<:rf-fi:R--T-AH-t--·PiHt-EirC-0.------------7-Sw 8 0 ·t£~k~~-PAAVOLA,_ tELVJN LILJe19 · .. r-i:···:!, .. _:::-.. PALANi: UIAl\'ICE Ll2e10 -.,:j{"., ---------------rttDA. P Jt-1 ~RttA-C+---------------"""~-...:,-q-------_;_--.;.__ PARK REGllCN CO-OP OIL CO• SQ,96 PARK REG ION M:UTUAL: lELEPHONE co ts.oo ----------0A-R1te-R-S1-+f'ii-AJ-R lf'"'.--f·--NDEP E·N Orf111T----------s.------------ P A RT A PRHJ\TING 13,60 PA U RU S, I tV iC K I 1 7 0, 51 ---------PE-Sift E Li A KE--A U-fir--REPA· J-R-' J-fl!C-• 6.-'1----------- P EL IC AN' fiAPIDS PRESS 33,28 P E L oa U I N • J OS E PH 12, 9 6 --------~-E-NGA-O-r-HhC1-··-·-6h·86----------- PERi-lAM CG-OP OIL CO. 53.17 PERHAM EiNTERPRISE BULLELJN '49.90 ---------P~i:RH·At1-ttA1'1J--A-N-8-R-f SOUR CE -1.-Se Or+fJi------------ PE R HAM OtA.~1S INC Ll'42.83 PERHAM,. :CITY OF '169.'13 ---------PH-OTO-CE;l\'TER,:-··THE---------·-------ff-6-6e-6-·"'· ---------- p I E RC E C O f''.P A N Y , T HE 2 8 9• 9 0 -------------·-----------' - -------VE-NB---tw.-SrRVIC-E--REPi>R-T------------------------.-A-6-f .oJ,TER TAIL COUNT·Y f--fA6-MN-----\VHEr!tlt-i~ DOR---N---At'l-----------------:11-0--u-NT---------------- -----P"'J-NrC-O-tttrv-=tY-Ca:--E--ffl(---o-F--c-o-u:p--r----------fl-.1r--------------- P O R TM A N N , R l CH A RD 1 3 5e 11 POUCHERJ>F-~lNTIN6 & LITHO 62e36 -----~Pfttt!E~ TE R 1J 1 03, 1 REINHARTi INST FOOD INC 771e'l1 ROSE, KEN 90.'12 --------wR lrF~'HET-P-fttBfl T ON-:E-f C 'I ~ RU N NI N GE~!\', VIOL A 2 O. 0 0 R Y AN, J Ui ►: E 11 Be 2 7 S S EL EC ff fO-N-I-£3/ I NC '4 7 SCH WAN KE , ·v ICK I q7, 2 7 SCHWARTZ; -ROBERT .1 29e35 SERVICE:!FOOO NARKET 799•82 SERVJCE1 IOIL & TIRE 1 '10,32 ·SHALE, B1HfRRY '19.25 -------<Se--tHd--AiHRi·F I. -t'l ■-o-.r-SttBHI 1J 3 61]■ 0 0 SHERBURNE COUNTY SHERIFF 81■20 SKISTAO,J ~OBERT 35■76- -----~Sfl0--t1Ui---t-f1:=t-rtl--:t:r;-s--~r--------------097!;6-=--■-tt-fi--------------- STEPHENS, WALT·ER F ■ INC ■ 11q.ia STOP N 6 C ,STORE q.1q-.57 ST R HfG ER , ~n«tMit 3 2i q 0 SUL LIV-AN, JO'UROAN 97-■56 J TAB PROO,VCTS CO ■ 6Qe1'1 . TH.A U1 A N tL • S RE-Ptt-ffi 3 '4 fl• 9 2 THE FORUM 22e.32 T H O 11 C ON SULT ANT S 1, 6 8 "• 5 6 TI r!E-t IF f. 8~. 1 • UNDER MAilH VAUGHN I S 18,28 s3.-0 o --...-----'\J""' ...,E R-8 AS 8 C It e-o-ttt>-Att-------------- V ER N CHJ\:REST OIL 3 73■ 35 65, 00 ... })giJrf VANEK PL IH'IBINS & HEATING:_ ----"'"-------t.1\;#f-tiE.-tl ~-tfP.Pl:--f--E-~---------------,,,...,.rH--------------- WE ST PUBILISHING CO ■ 37e00 WESTERN; ,CHEMICAL COMPANY 3'i0it77 ------vtt--t-TE-DiH.i~e------------------2,.-a--w--------------- \J I LO, BR I~ WA 2, 2 5 7a 6 0 WILSON SlUPPL Y CO, 56,·65 ------v·R-ii3H-T-c-'-Otltf-Y---SHE-R I FF · 3 q, 0---------------- X ER OX COIRfORATJON 152,9£1 XEROX COIRF 2 30■80 -----~x~EMolR 0-X--COffiflHIAtt{) ·-LI ·25a'8...,.,..-------------- 53,011 ■96 ** A • M • I • J ' FRO DUCTS I NC 2 2 5a LI 9 BATTLE L,Al<E FARMEP.S UNION 01 L 2 79■.q 7 ------wA-f-l l: E L ~il:E--tt A ROW AR t-------------7-1:~--1---------------- B AU CK S H1AFOW'APE & SUPPLY 12,58 ' . ------------v-e11tflttt-Jt'·SERV-I-CE-REP-OR-'Y..·---------------------- ·0J, T E:.R TA:.IL COUNTY ----------t:t-E1tE1ttJ.;--:-tr.flOt~o.--------------1.-e----------- B I G A A lJ l I O PART S 2 8• 9 0 8 R E NT I S -tG IS 5 7 9. 5 7 ---------1't"BU-o+S 11om1t 2,3.-6....,,._ _________ _ BURAU, G•EF.ALD-& ·FRANCES 3,8·70e00 BURROWS,' \iILLIAt1 Ee & Q'OROTHY M 251e00 ----------isu~-'fit,;-1-1ttt.Tfi>--s·.-&--t-u c~ ItL E r1 • 3,~""'2 o.---------- C AR OL &-iGENE 1 S OK HARO WA RE 27e11 CARR ENiPEPPRISES, INCe 119e00 _...;_,_;. ____ --'---f'C-t:1Hl-flR>-1f"-ESHT'""'IH"~~Mr<~Otr-kS-f>tt-At:T-P-"R-o-otle-t-s . 5,~ ----------- CO -OP sErnVICES · INC. 253.52 COAST' TO: COAST ;sTORES 8e29 -----------fC'-f0HtoH1t+-'IJHS~s !·10-f•;Eir·oP-----lih\-NS Pi)fH AT ION 2 2-6. 8--..!6,----------- C ON ST RU CIT ION BULLETIN 65Oe16 COPY EOUllPMf:NT INC. 23e1O ---,---------PR-kltE-J~Ott-tutt8EirC O 5.~~A-fto---------- 0-A LUBR:JCANT COe 1.r11'1e3O OENT Olll COMPANY 255.11 -----------,o-I-C-K-'-s-P-►A"~T-~t 3-7tt-6------------ 0 IC KI S .6 TANDARO SERVICE '11.00 EAST Oe-l • T.ELEPHONE COe 122-,Lf'4 ----------1:.1H;-e---c-0~0M 5 1111.so EGGEN, B•AFNARD He &-Et'll.LY Je 15e00 ELECTRICl PUTO SUPPLY Lt5eQ0 ---------~•Aitt1E RS~ 1C 0-+0P-A-SS-OC-IA T-I-:O-N 8.------------ F A RNA M •s= lENUINE PARTS :I N_.P~ 195e98 FERGUS F:ALLS DAILY JOURN'.AL 22q.oq ----------tiF~ErtR-GttS-P.--ltl:"S'--f:'ittll-f>MBN:'f·-:f· I\.~• 6it-5 0.------------- F ER GUS F:ALLS ·TRUE VALUE' HOWE. 27-.10 F ER GU S II i N TE RN AT ION AL I N-C • 8 3e 1 2 ----------+--E-R-QtS---11 itflE PNA-l-iON-At---I-NC-• 3--38e·1 q---------- ~'. _, _ FI REST ONE ·sJ<ORE 1a.ooi ,;;}r:;~-jc; • . FI SKU M 7dU 10 PA:R TS 5 ,19.q 2 F 6 ~ S'E N J l i Hft f N 3 > ,0 6 Bi 6 0 FR EDER IC:K, -Ge A• 153e00 GENE'S liJTJ,NOARD SERVICE 2a90 ---------------<G-f--R-R'f+S t·tf·-AiH--S-SERV-I CE 1 IJ-91-:tt------------- G OREN T z, I: (l!ARENCE . 7112.so HAN SON P LUMB ING & HEAT 1-N G 1 71-e 28 ---------HE·1m·J•N·G,-:-,f~OC ATE 2-2.--0-n----------- H IN TG EN -IIO~ ST ELECTRIC COl'f>ANY 7 1-la'lO HOFF, PA:UL & JANY NE 9 5Lt-e0 0 ----------u-1tttMklt-:T!f:-''-tE PHO Ne· CO• 1 9e·3 ,_ _________ _ H O H MA N , . n; AT TH f \I D • & T ER RA L • 1 8 2• 0 0 INDEPENDl~hT,: lHE 2-4e35 ----------·NttR-S-1'--A-rH.-J-NC-. 't.------------ lT A SCA E."C. lI PM ENT CO 6 2e 58 J A EN I S CH l IN OU ST RI ES 2 Be O 0 -----------10HNS O-NrtfrfA-Rf1"G -<>OMPA NY-q 1-.-2 7----------- J O H N SO N '. IS PN IT; AT IO N 1 2e O 0 --~-----------.. --------------------------- I ------------v-f NO-OR-SERVIC~REP-OR-"-'f'------------------------ 0 I , T fR T A I L C OUN T Y ESCRJP TJ~OR-7t:r\11E-----------------110ij-tn------------- ---------tt-fl-E-P+-s-tt~-J-+------------------6-n-9------------- L AW SON Plf;COU:.CTS INCe 335e8'1 LITTLE F:ALLS MACHINE I NC• 262e88 ---------i-11H-NJ-N~tt-i:-.-a--a-e-e 1<--r.rrs-6-.-tt-6: L U NOE E N; IC CM PAN Y, V I CT OR I.I 9e 7 5 M-R SI GNI COMPANY 3 51.1e90 ---------t4-f--Y ER-t-s-:---~-tR-V1-C-f-ST-A·n--o N 2'1.-9.r----------- M E Y ER, DI A 'v I D Wa -& -GA l L A • Q 1 6. 0 0 MIDWEEK,; THE 7 9e 2 0 ---------➔tt-11IHQ'HW-£-S-f-rtrtHff-'ffiG 1-5.0-0----------- M ID WE ST i: TELEP HO NE COMPANY 33a95 MINNESOTA :BLUEPRINT q 68-.6 7 ---------N-= .... E--•,-fOHT~lfHJrt-E~1--½-f A-tt-t-A-N-O-F-1-=t-t---A-S-S o e flei}~o----------- N A T IO N A L ·, l3U SH I NG & PA R T S CO • 5 2 2e 8 5 NOR TH UNI HN :CHAMPLIN 3 3Lt-e 11 ---------Nt-tU-f<!N OAH ti t(! fl C Of'tt>A° 2---r-s.-t,;-.t------------- OL SON AUITC~ELE:CTRIC 1 O'la66 OTTER Tl\~ll CO-OP OILS 151.1-■78 ---------P-~trftE~o-1>f>7'"lr-C-O • '3-o-1ta O O . PARK RE6llON l'tUTUAL TELEPHONE CO 1.17,26 PARTA PRIINIJNG 72e00 ---------0E-r1~~ltl"Sr"PR£~ an.-a-s " PERHAM E;fllERPRISE BULLET:IN 53el.l0 PERHAM RlEADY l'IIX & A6GRE61-TE 73e60 ---------,.p~~ttn-ER~--l H -8.------------- p O U CH E RI I PR J; NT ING & LIT HO 3 3• 7 7 .; ... ,-+_:· P R A IR I E L. I f P LE t1 E NT I NC • 'I 2e 2 0 ---------1-iR>-ilA,..,,Y ~cn--t-e-oMtt1" -,-2-"'H:.6-S.----------- R EV IE W f;NTERPRISES INC• 108,00 RIVERSIDE REPA·IR 1.1,50 ---------O-S-e&--Mfri"it!F-AC-l'\J-RJ-NG CO• 1 2-S.-'>-9------------,j;;:/: -S _& C COJt.li'UTER SERVICE !lNCe 960e37 <~t::'.1b< SCHEI, -,LJ_Af',ES-He & LUJEAN 1,737e00 --------"----------"-.... Sil-'fHG-ft: t1 AN: 1 ~ ST E Et-&-SAt VA 6 E C 6 1 1 9 0 • 7 9 "STENERS4l J\'·BROTHERS 89e85 STJNOGEL ,:ELVIN-Ee & DONNA J• 1,tt93e'OO ----------.-t'-RA-N-fr-A 1CE HA-Ri)YAilE 2tt.-~----------- ST RUCT UR:.&,l:ST£EL SUPPLY :INC, 8'1e06- THALMANlll!1~ REPAIR 88e10 --'----------'l1-Hl11PS-Ofl-r.EO V J~-c-.-&--B-I-R~D·Et:t 21-. o-------------- T HO MPS 01!1. LARRY A. qss.oo T O SO, K E 1 ~: r-,E TH-& J LI D ITH ·A • 7 2-0 0 ----------HU--10F-M-N-;-l&-fp-J----&F--C-ON F• -O-.-n~----------- U G ST A D P 'L lM B I N G 1 N C • 1 3 Se 5 0 VERGAS H1Af<OWARE HANK 31-.58 ----------vY~E RG~tt-eoM P-AN 2-3-7,--=----------- W F. L DI N G I IP. 1\0 B LA CK SM ITH I N G 3 7 • 0 0 WELD I NG: H'P.P LI ES 'I 19a 7 0 1---------iw-£--s-r-o--.-l-.-Sttl 1.--&--\l A-TE R--e:-ONSE-R • -Bile o-o~---------- 2 I EGLER I I I t.C • -8 8 h O 8 -----------V-E--ND'6P·-Sf-R V-I-Cf--RE-P-0-R-T'------------------------ OJ • l ER TA.IL COUNTY E-S-CiH P T lO~N..----<V1:7'tO-Oir"1'r.A•...e----------------'--~11-0--t,· 39,502.06 AL 1 S Rffii,;IGERATION q 1'4a26 ---------~-1t<P·ze1-r-----------------...-1-Zi 00 J O HN SON: JCCNTROLS INCe KNUTSON;}l-:fATJNG & AIR co:NOITJON ---------~Aint:.-!-:PLtm BI-N OTTER T A:Il CO a HWY DEPT• -,.,:,,-· ----- T 2 86a51 3 3q.1 7 tf.-1 1 35. 00 1,326,08 A & B A £111CM OT I VE CE NT E R ---------n~-J--E-~f",-f7JEe·O-RA-T1-N1~----------- 28a61 --3.-3 F ER GUS F:AtLS TRUE VALUE :Howe. NATIONAL~ tUSi-tING & PARTS COa BARRY I S I I E )CAVA TING 6a 38 2-. 1 5 5 o. ~ fl ---i-o,--o·'t) Oi O 0 10,000.00 3 6 7a50 NORTHWE611ERN SH6ET & IR!ON WORKS ----------01-T-ER-+Af-tt--OO,t·-1-tW-Y··-DEP-f-.--------u-~i.. 8 2s.o o 2-8118 1.t 6 23. 6 8 T5--t-it.2 2 ------·-··· ** ** * ••• ** *·*. ·-------· -... ___ ·_ With no further business, at 4:15 Chainnan Nelson adjourned the rreeting until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 5, 1984. ATI'EST: Clerk