HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/10/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjoutnment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, April 10, 1984, with all members present. Chair- man Nelson called the meeting to order at 9:34 a.m .. Mark Bowers, West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector,appeared before the Board reporting on activities since the first of the year, stating he has conducted township meetings, seed inspections, and is working on noxious weed pro- blems in the county including a leafy spurge problem in Sverdrup Township, discussion of which included the possibility of a condemnation proceeding in an effort to correct said problem. Also discussed was the purchase or rent of a 35 mm camera for use by the agricultural inspectors. After discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconde~ by Andy Leitch and carried, to pay the agricultural inspectors a fee of $35.00 representing rent of their personal cameras. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for painting the mill at Phelps Mill park, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fo 11 ows : Avant Pai~tt~g & Decorating, Battle Lake, MN $6,958.00 AFter discussion, motion was made by Andy Leitch ,,,seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Avant Painting & Decorating, Battle Lake, MN in the amount of $6,958.00 being the only bid, Syd Melson voting "no". Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, to approve the application of Jeffrey Tweeton for on sale wine license for Zorba's II Pi~~a and Mexican Food Restaurant, Perham Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt li- quor: Brian L. Evenson Anna Hunter Robert Bazemore Michael J. Hemquist K~nneth Van Tassel Birchwood Golf Course Wagon Wheel Resort Whispering Pines Resort Balmoral Golf Course Greenwood Resort Pelican Township Otto Township Corliss Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township County Board April 10, 1984 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for traffic paint, thinner and beads, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Baltimore Paint &. Chemical, Baltimore, MD Earl F. Anderson & Assoc., Bloomington, MN Redland Prismo Corp., Parsipanny, NO Diamond Vogel Paints, Orange City, IA Traffic Marking & Striping, Fargo, ND Potters Industries, Hasbrouck Heights, NJ Yell ow White 3.69 3,72 3.70 3.70 4 .15 4.20 4.75 4.67 5.36 5.26 Beads Thinner 2.02 .225 2.10 2.29 .32 2.63 .255 .2315 After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by AndY,Leitch and carried, to accept the bid of Baltimore Paint & Chemical, Baltimore, MD, in the amount of $3.69 for yellow, $3.72 for white and $2.02 for thinner, being the lowest total bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for seasonal culvert supplies, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Hancock Cone. Products, Hancock, MN Elk River Cone. Products, Minneapolis, MN Armco, Inc., Oak Brook, IL St. Regis, Bemidji, MN H. V. Johnson Culvert Co., Blaine, MN Viking Steel Products, INc., Shakopee, MN Wheeling Corrugating Co., Minneapolis, MN Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works, Wahpeton, ND Concrete,·,:·, Steel·_··: Fabric $8,168.70 8,330.00 $30,573.10 34,256.80 34,601.00 49,869.13 63,299.54 48,801.80 55¢ 52ft 56¢ 50¢ 75¢ After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Hancock Concrete Products, Hancock, MN, in the amount of $8,168.70 for concrete culverts and motion was:m~de by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Armco, Inc., Oak Brook, Ill, for the steel culverts in the amount of $30,573.10 and for engineering fabric in the amounts of 55¢ and 52¢. I County Board April 10, 1984 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the year's supply of rock salt, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Valley Grain~ Co., Trucking, Browns Valley, MN Cargill, Minneapolis, MN Wagner Trucking, Clitherall, MN Cutler-Magner Co., Duluth, MN $32.42 36.79 37.90 41 .50 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Valley Grain Co., Trucking, Browns Valley, MN in the amount of $32.42 per ton, being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for road signs and posts, proceeded to open bids which were.found to be as follows: Iowa Prison Industri'es, Anamosa, IA M & R Signs, Fergus Falls, MN Rough Rfder Industries, Bismarck, ND Decker Supply, Madison, WI Signs Decals Posts $14~0401~0-· $147.90 $17,820.00 340 .17 15,184.00 Barco Municipal Products, Inc., Omaha, NE 15,106.44 16,459.10 17,073.40 18,425.19 295.80 236.64 22,686.00 After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the low bid of Iowa Prisbn Industries, Anamosa, IA in the amount of $14,040.70 for sfgns and $147.90 for decals and the low bid of M & R Signs, Fergus Falls, MN fn the amount of $15,164.00 for posts. The Board, havfng previously advertised for bids to be received for the year"s supply of cutting edges, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Paper Calmenson, St. Paul, MN Patco Thomas Co., Atwater, MN Itasca Equip., Savage, MN Zfegler, Inc., Mpls, MN #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 none $1,668.75 $2,097.20 $1,524.60 $J~~52.00 $22,562.50 l ,812.50 2,030.00 l ,3ffrf~ $1,990.00 24,056.25 None None None 2,500.00 2,609.60 None None None None After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the Patco Thomas Co., Atwater, MN bids in the amount of $22,562.50 and $2,030.00 for items #1 and #3, and the Bid of Paper Calmenson, St. P_i;iul, MN in the amount of $1,668.75, $1,,'~2:4~'.n'.O and $11.,752 .. ,00 for Iteri;s, 2, 4 & ~~ County Board April 10, 1984 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the seasonal supply of bituminous material, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ashland Pet. Co., St. Paul Park, MN Christianson Aspralt Products, Fargo, ND Koch Asphalt, Saint Paul, MN Asphalt Cement 208.76 213.76 11iJ)94~62 199. 62 Cutback Asphalts MC l .08 SC l .08 RC .9795 MC . 9395 SC . 9395 RC l :'Oil, MC i::oz,; SC l .07 Emulsions AE .7284 -AE . 73 Anti-strip. ,,Agent .04 Murphy Oil, Superior WI 00.8446 MC .9546 SC , 9246 After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the bid of Christianson Aslphalt Products, Inc., Fargo, ND for RC@ .9795, MC@ .9395 and AE@ .7284, being the lowest bid, and the bid of Koch Aslphalt Co., Saint Paul, MN in the amount of $194.62 for Asphalt Cement. The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for the county's seasonal supply of hot mix bituminout, aggregate base mix and equipment rentals, opened bids from the following: Jim Ahlfs Construction, Ottertail, MN Mark Bucholz, Fergus Falls, MN Delzer Const., Dalton, MN Dennis Drews, Frazee, MN Egge Construction, Pelican Rapids, MN Elbow Lake Sand & Gravel, Elbow Lake, MN Evavold Const, Fergus Falls, MN Karold Evavold, Ashby, MN Mike Froslee, Vining, MN Lloyd Hendershot, Battle Lake, MN Darel Jacobson, Fergus Falls, MN Kugler Gravel, Erhard, MN Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN Moench Plbg. & Htg., Wadena, MN R & R Ready Mix, Miltona, MN Schultz Dragline Service, New York Mills, MN Turner Sand & Gravel, Wolverton, MN Wadena Asphalt Co., Wadena, MN Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept a 11 bids whi cfu'· are· on: file.' in. the.:off,i ce 0 of · tHe~CountrAud itor·. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve payment, in the net amount, without additional penalty and costs for a late payment of taxes by Ross & Cathleen Smith, Candor Township, where a cashier's check dated May 27, 1983 was never credited.for payment, a duplicate now having been issued, Andy Leitch voting "no". County Board Apri:l 10, 1984 rn accordanc~ with a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota Depart- ment of Natur~l Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certifi,cation by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wi.ldli'fe Service is requested, ~:,Representatives of the U, S. fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on April 10th and informed s~id Board that a putchase agreement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Fabian on part of the SE¼SE¼ of Secti.on 27-131.-44, requesting approval by said Board. After discussion, motion was made by Andy Leitch, to deny approval. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson. Voting no were Bert Hovland and Van Ellig, Hub Nordgren absent. Lynn Burns, Risk Manager for Corporate Risk Managers, Inc., Eden Prairie, MN, appeared before the Board and presented the new contract, effective April l, 1984. After review, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve t~id contract for a one year period. A notice of claim pursuant to MN. Stat. 466.05 was presented to the Board re: Frank Sonnenberg injury in a one-car accident on County Roard #1 near Otter Tail Lake. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to acknowledge receipt of said notice. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reported on central purchasing. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to acknowledge receipt of a letter from the supervis6rs of Dane Prairie Township re- garding an agreement and tentative time table between Dane Prairie Township and Otter Tail County for an exchange of township road for county road and county road for town- ship road. Engineer Dennis Berend notified the Board of a collapsed culvert in County Ditch #52. MoU6n was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to replace said culvert, to be charged-against County Ditch #52. A formal request from Paddock Township was recei'ved for assistance in the replacement of a major drainage structure. After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to assi'st,dn the replacement by one-half t5e cost, County Board April 10, 1984 Engtneer Berend reported on a meettng in the City of Wadena, tnvolving cost of repairs on an Otter Tail County-Wadena County-Wadena City road; proposed re- pairs to be on each a one,..thtrd basts. No acti'on taken. Engineer Berend also presented four alternative:: soluti:onsnto,'a. drainage problem:.on.'C6urity '#59~-jr:i,TfHngtori. Township. Action was tabled. With no further business, at 2:30 p.m., Chairman Nelson adjourned the meeting until the afternoon of April 24th. ATTEST: Clerk