HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/20/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF'COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail .County Minnesota met Tuesday, March 20th, with all members present. Chairman Nelson opened the meeting at 12:37 p.m .. A representative of the firm of Springsted, Incorporated, Public Finance Advisors, Saint Paul, MN, appeared before the Board regarding the proposed bonding for the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District. After discussion, motion was made by Van Ellig, to adopted: the following resolution, upon recommendation of the County Attorney: RESOLUTION TO ISSUE AND SELL $2,670,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION GRANT ANTICIPATION BONDS, SERIES 1984 BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County, Minnesota, as follows: 1. The Board of Commissioners deems it necessary and expedient to issue and sell $2,670,000 General Obligation Grant Anticipation Bonds, Series 1984 to provide temporary financing in anticipation of federal and state grant funds for a portion of~the estimated sots, including contract price, construction interest and le~al, fiscal and miscellaneous costs, or establishing and constructing a wastewater treatment facility in the County for Otter TailLake Area Sewer District pursuant to the authority of Chapter 116A, Minnesota Statutes. 2. The Board of Commissioners has made all necessary investigation and hereby finds and determines as follows: a. Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District has secured a commitment for federal and state grant funds for the construction of the project in an amount exceeding the principal of and interest on the Bonds authorized hereby, the proceeds of which will be pledged to the sinking fund to be established for the Bonds. b. Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District has been duly formed pur- suant to Section 116A.02, Subd. 4, Minnesota Statutes. 3. The Board of Commissioners-~ill meet at the County Courthouse at 1:00 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, April 24, 1984, for the purpose of receiving sealed bids for the Bonds~ and awarding the sale of the Bonds. The terms of the Bonds and the sale thereof shall be as set forth in the following fffficial Term~ of Offering, which is bn: file,ijrn·the•.loffice of the County Auditor and hereby approved OFFICIAL TERMS OF OFFERING · $2,670,000 OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA GENERAL OBLIGATION GRANT ANTICIPATION BONDS, SERIES 1984 Sealed bids for the Bonds will be opened by the Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, April 24, 1984, at I :00 P.M., Central Time, at the Board of Commissions room at the Courthouse in Fergus Falls, Minnesota. Consideration for award of the Bonds will immediately follow the opening of bids. DETAILS OF THE BONDS The Bonds will be dated May I, 1984 and will bear interest payable on May I and November I of each year, commencing November I, 1984. The Bonds will be issued in integral multiples of . $5,000, as requested by the Purchaser, and fully registered as to principal and interest. Principal wi 11 be payable at the main corporate off ice of the Registrar and interest on each· Bond wi 11 be payable by check or draft of the Registrar mailed the last business day prior to the interest payment date to the registered holder thereof at his address as it appears on the books of the Registrar as of tne 15th of the calendar month next preceding the interest payment. The Bonds will mature November I, 1986. The Bonds will not be subject to payment in advance of their respective stated maturity dates. ; .,:.· SECURITY AND PURPOSE These Bonds are being issued und~r the puthority of M.S.A. Chapter I I 6A.20, and are general obligations of the County for which the County pledges its full faith and credit. The Bonds will be payable primarily from grant payments by the United States Environmental Protection Agency and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The Bonds will be further secured by the County's pledge to issue definitive general obligation sewer improvement bonds prior to maturity of these Bonds to pay any amount of the temporary Bonds which cannot be paid from grant receipts, or other funds appropriated by the County for that purpose. The_proceeds will be used to fund the construction cash flow of the Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District's Wastewater Treatment Facilities Project. TYPE OF BID A sealed bid for not less than $2,670,000 and accrued interest on the total principal amount of the Bonds shall be filed with the undersigned prior to the time set for the opening of bids. Also prior ·to the time set for bid opening, a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $26,700, payable to the order of the County, shall have been filed with the undersigned or SPRINGSTED Incorporated, the County'sFinancial Advisor. No bid will be considered for which said check has not been filed. The check of the Purchaser wi 11 be retained by the County as liquidated damages in the event the Purchaser fails to comply with the accepted bid. No bid shall be withdrawn after the time set for opening bids, unless the meeting of the County scheduled for consideration of the bids is adjourned, recessed, or continued to another date without award of the Bonds having been made. Bidders shall specify a single rate which shall not exceed, nor shall the net effective raft:! for the entire Issue of the Bonds exceed the maximum rate permitted by law. AWARD The Bonds will be awarded to the Bidder·offering the lowest dollar interest cost to be determined by the deduction of the premium, if any, from, or the addition of any amount less than par, to, the total dollar interest on the Bonds from their date to their final scheduled maturity. The County's computation of the total net dollar interest cost of each bid, in accordance with customary practice, will be controlling. The County will reserve the right to: (i) waive non-substantive informalities of any bid or of matters relating to the receipt of bids and award of the Bonds, (ii) reject all bids without cause, and, (iii) reject any bid which the County determines to have failed to comply with the terms herein. REGISTRAR The County will name the Registrar which shall be subject to applicable SEC regulations. The County will pay for the services of the Registr_ar. CUSIP NUMBERS If the Bonds qualify for assignment of CUSIP numbers such numbers will be printed on the Bonds, but neither the failure to print such numbers on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto will constitute cause for failure or refusal by the Purchaser to accept delivery of the Bonds. The CUSIP Service Bureau charge for the assignment of CUSIP identification numbers shall be paid by the Purchaser. SETTLEMENT -· ·• Within 40 days following the date of their award the Bonds will be delivered without cost to the Purchaser at a place mutually satisfactory to the County and the Purchaser. Delivery will be subject to receipt by the Purchaser of an approving legal opinion of F aegre & Benson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, which opinion will be printed on the Bonds, and of customary closing papers, including a no-litigation certificate. On the date of settlement payment for the Bonds shall be made in federal, or equivalent, funds which shall be received at the offices of the County or its designee not later than I :00 P.M., Central Time of the day of settlement. Except as compliance with the terms of payment for the Bonds shall have been made impossible by action of the County, or its agents, the Purchaser shall be liable to the County for any loss suffered by the County by reason of the Purchaser's non-compliance with said terms for payment~ · At settlement the Purchaser will be furnished with a certificate signed by appropriate officers of the County to the effect that the Official Statement did not as of the date of the Official Statement, and does not as of the date of settlement, contain any untrue statement of a material fact or omit to state a material fact necessary in order to make the statements therein, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading. OFFICIAL ST A TEMENT Upon request to the County's Financial Advisor prior to the bid opening underwriters may obtain a copy of the Official Statement. The Purchaser wi 11 be provided with 15 copies. Dated March 20, 1984 /s/ Sylvia G. Bergerud County Auditor BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS County Board March 20, 1984 4. A brief notice of Bond sale shall be published in the official newspaper and in Commercial West, a financial paper published in Minneapolis, Minne- sota, at least ten days prior to the dateof sale, which notice shall identify the following: the principal amount of the Bonds, the years during which the ~onds mature, the time and ·place of receipt and consideration of bids, the approving legal opinion of·Faegre and Benson of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the names of the County Auditor a'nd Financial Consultants. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded By Hub Nordgren, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Sydney Nelson, Berton Hovland, Andy Lei'tch, Hub Nordgren and Van Ellig and the .following voted against (}the same: None whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted, this 20th day of March, 1984. ATTEST: Jyt,-c~,,) aa ,u,Q Cl erk County 80'a rd March 20, 1984 Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to authorized Sprtnsted, Inc., to acquire a bond rating through Moody. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to;.authorize a temporary loan to the Otter TailLakes Area Sewer District in the amount of $100,000, payable at issuante of bonds, interest of 9%per annum. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, reported on the Solid Waste Committee meetings. No action taken. Upon moti'on made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following application for sewage disposal installers license was approved, subject to posttng of bond: Steve Torgrimson Torgy's Trenching & Construction Ashby, MN Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ell ig and carried, to approve a temponary transfer of $500,000 to the Human Services Fund, to be repaid beginning July, 1984 at $50,000 each month through November, with final payment of $150,000 to Be made in December, 1984. Motion was made by Van Ell ig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to acknowledge receipt of an impasse with the Teamsters Union of the Sheriff's Depart- ment. A request by the Department of Natural Resources for parking along the county fiighway adjacent to the public access on Portage !.Lake was discussed and tabled for additional information, Motion was made by Andy Leitcfi, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to authorize advertising for bids to be received until l :30 p.m., Tuesday, April 24, 1984, for roadside mowing, to include the entire roa.d right-of-way, Hub Nordgren and Van Ellfg voting "no". Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to authorize advertising for bids to be received until l :45 p.m., Tuesday, April 24, 1984, for highway department maintenance equipment, to include three dump trucks, two tar kettles and two pickups. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the transfer of the Minnesota Motor Vehicle excise tax from the general fund to the highway user fund is scheduled to begin according to the present Minnesooa State Law, and WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota has made sufficient financial recovery in recent months to again accelerate this process. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Commissioners of .Otter Tail County does support accelerating the phased-in-transfer of the motor vehicle excise tax to the highway user fund. Adopted this 20th day of ---'1!=\--~M~a~r~c~h'------' 1984. o Comm·ssioners I Attest: (SEAL) County Board March 20, 1984 A request for railroad stop light or arms at the railroad crossing in the City of Richville was discussion, no action taken. Motion was,;made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $520,00 to the Minnesot~ Department of Natural Resources for tree planting stock for use by the highway department. Moti'on was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the purchase and pre-payment of fuel oil to take advantage of cash dis- count on th.e foll owing: Bluffton Oil Company, Bluffton, MN $6,352.63 less $ 7 O•~ 04 i,li. net $6,282.59 Bob's Standard, Henning, MN 346.50 less 14.00 332.50 Gappa Oi:l Co., Parkers Prairie, MN 312.09 less 15 .15 296.94 Meyer's Service, Inc. , Perham, MN 164 .22 less 8.05 l 56 ._ 17 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, the following applications for permit to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Donald Blank. Kenneth L. Kegley Owen Stowman Clarence Koehler Jeffrey Tweeton Thoams J. Mu 11 en Robert Madsen Albert Blaido James Boedfghei'mer Ronald Owens El mer Anders.on Gary D, Bensen James Zweerink Hidden Acre Resort Collins Landing Shady Grove Resort resort Zorbas II Maple Beach Resor.t Northland Grocery & Resort Wee Town Store Blue Horizon Ballroom Jones Landing Mosquito H~i'ghts Resort Cozy Cove Resort Sunset Beach and the following dance licenses: James Boedigheimer Blue Horizon Ballroom Candor Townshi'p Star Lake Township Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township Perham .. Township Lida Township (off sale Amor Township (off sale Friberg Township Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township Pine Lake Township Dead Lake Township Girard Township Rush Lake Township only) only) Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following bills were allowed: OUP D ESCRlP TJON VE ND O R SER V IC E RE P OR .'f 0 T T f R TA I L COUNT V · . VE NOOR N AME AMOUNT A 11 0 CO O I L C O • 5 6• 0 0 ANDERSON, BRYAN lveOO ANDERSON, CHARLES E 131a 16 ANO REVS 11>. NO ME I STER 5 9a 9 5 AND RE W S, ST EVE N 1 8 9e 7 0 AUTO SAFIETY SERVICE 117e00 BALOW IN, i AMY 19e92. BATTLE L f,KE F,HH1ERS UN ION OIL 175a55 .. BATTLE LAKE RE-VIEV .·· 56a55 BE C KER C OUN T Y T RE A S, 2 3a 8 q BECKER, KEN 70,92 BECKLUND I-HAN OIL CO 61a38 BELTRAMI COa SHERIFF 701,85 8 E NOE R , :MAT THE W 2 0 5, 0 0 BtNGSTON:, ROGER· 3 33a98 .·. BERGE, ANGELA 187a8&t BERGELEE:N, ALEEN 12,00 BIGGER, CINDY 76a00 BlRKHOLZ1 fliORTHSlOE SELF-SERVICE 1'15,36 8JORALT,. GOHOON Ul,00 BOWERS, . fH1RK · .. ··.· 11a.s 7 BRANDON CClMMUNlCATIONS 232a10 BU O I S l'1 0 ·B IL q a• 6 q BURROUGHS CORPO.:.CATION 7 32,qa CAPP r·ow lf!;S .:: ..... . · .. • 3q, 8 8 CA R R E N T 1E f.lP R I SE S1 . I NC • . 1 J Se '4 2 ·. CASS CLAY C~EAl'1EP.Y 323a6&f CI TY PH A R r.A CY 1 0 3, 5 0 CLAY COel TREAS,· 37Se00 COFFEE c·!uP FUEL STOP 51e97 COM PAN I O N A NJ t1 AL HO SP I T A L 214• 0. 0 · · C0t1PUT ER I (ONCfPTS & SERVICES · 1914,07 CONTtNE .. ,fAL HOJHH DAKOTA INC 7 73,55 COOPER 1 S: <,1FFJCE SUPPLY INC, 112a33 COOPER, 0£NZIL 79,75 CO RPO R AT f R IS K MAN A GER S q 15 • 0 0 ------------· --------------:---·--------CROli CHE 1'1JCAL & EOU1Pt1ENT 396.'45 0 A R EL J A C ()8 SON CONS T • 6 7 5, 0 0 DENNY I S 1 NORTH STAR 2 07e21 ---DENT OIL COMPANY--------------2·-9-.=7-0 _______ _ OON 1 S JA Ct< ANO JILL q 7'4e61 DOUGLAS CO SHERIFF'S DEPT 1'085000 -----------------·--·-·-·------------Et1P IRE BiUflt.tfSS t1ACH1NES 6014,60 E: R I CK SON ' ~ 8 I G O 5 9 9, 1 7 FERGUS F,ALLS DAILY JOURNiL 398,19 ---------------------·--------------FE~GUS F!ALLS MEDICAL GROUP 295aqo FE R GUS F A LL S PO LICE OE PT • 8 3a 5 0 FERGUS F,ALLS TRUE VALUE HOVE• 13,014 -----------FERGUS~Ot➔8ING INC. . 54.-0-0 _______ _ FERGUS f1;(:JORS INCe 159e52 ·--------------·-·-------------·---·•-·------~~---------- PT JON VENDOR SERVICE-REPORT OT H:R TA IL COUNTY VENDOR NAME FI HST NA l JONAL 3ANK FIRST NA TJONAL aANK GENERAL ·coMMUNICATIONS HANDEGAA!l-<U, STEVE HANSON, ,MARJEAN HAUSER,, {lAVJO HE NORI CK SON, BfVERLY HOFF, FL OYO t-'OFF, PE ,f!:R HOLIDAY 11 NN HOLIDAY I N O I AN HE l A !1 SP E C I A L T Y INTERNAT lONAL BUSINESS MACHINES INTERNAT;ltJNAL CITY MANAGFMENT JACOBSON, FttANK JAHC0 cu,sTON CAAD & LABEL t<-NART----------···· KIRK, f1 I ,CHA EL ~:~!~~ N~\;.:!;TfLL :L;;;,:, t( R ONE t1 A N ;N , M A X KR0NEMAN:N, SYLVIA LAGEROUil!1f ANO SONS, GUST LAKI:: REG!ICN HALFWAY HOl'lE~ LAKELAND MENTAL HEALTH LUNOBY.t •HRS, lRENE_ LONOEE N -COMPANY, V ( CTO R MA R SH A LL S\I 1 F T PlJ B • CO HP A MY MA SON PUB CO MCBEE AMOUNT 6e0 0 163e53 1 q 9. 7 J 19. 55 1 7 a. 3 3 4 2. o 0 5 Cf• 0 0 29e56 25• 00 " 38• 26 tf 6 3. 5 7 1 Cf 6• 51 3 27• 6 3 21a 75 . 3 o. 2 q 92• 51 Cf 9e 88 · 16b 00 25.00 as.o o 8 9 6e 'I 0 . 3 15•0 0 .. 27e92 __ 1, 1 if 7. 1 0 •. 7 6e0 0 so.o 0 3 q 9. 2 3 MELBY, Git f.N 2 O• 88 ME rz BAK II ~,.G co 11PANY 1 5th 8 9 MEYER'S' 15ERVJCf STATION 13,6q .· __; ___________ _ HJO.IEST, BUSINESS PRODUCTS 11e52 '1l011ESTi •PJ;INT lAIG 7.50 HINNESOT A MOTOR CONPANY .f0e18 11INNESOT A SUPRlME COURT 66e00 -H09JLE R-1.ACllO SE•NICE· 136e30 f'10 N T GO t1 E RY 'JAR O 5 3• 7 5 NATIONAL, BUSHING & PARTS CO, l.lil,76 hE ESE, J.OHN • 53e60 NELSON B1RCTHE11'S PRINTING 227e00 NELSON, ~YONEY 2.38,00 Ol SON, Uf !.A NO 1 33,50 PA · .. · /-i\-/;.r:·· ··, -~:• /.: C·t::-::\ .. \ .. ,, .. ::;/;· .. ;~ ··.· OAANOJ M,r,., Mf.HDI '4'1(),00 _____ _.;_ _ _.:;_~ _____ _..;;______________ -------------- 0 SW AL D P ,u te CO • 14• 9 Cf OTTER TA:Il C0-0~ OILS 1,535e 1H OTTER To\:ll. co. c::HERIFF OFPT ________ 6_?_5~_3-=-9 ______________ _ 0 T T ER T A ; J l OE P T • OF PU B • HE A L T H q 5• 0 0 OTTER TA:l l POW(R COe 75e00 ---------------------------- .;c;.:;a·------------,------· ------------- ESCRIP T ION VEHOOR SEP.VICE REPORT OT TER TA ll COUNTY VENDOR NAME AMOUNT OVERHEAD; DOOR COe FERGUS FALLS· 52etf5 PAA I/OLA• t:!:LVIN. Qt.le19 PALAN, JiANtCE q2e10 ------------------------------p AM 1 DA S l ORE. 1 9, 6 J PARK REG JON MUTUAL rELEPHONE CO 735.qS PARKERS i ,p RA I P I E I ND EP E ND f. NT 8, 9 q -------------PA UR US, i :\IICKI 67,76 PELICA11p_ ;;;APIOS. PRESS. 9,28···· Pf R HAN C O -Of'. 0 IL CO • 9 12e 5 6 --------------~----------------PEHHAM O AHS INC 328,79 PERHAM• CITY OF 5 39,63 PH l L LI P S , C HWY 1 I.I I.le O 0 PHOTO CE;NTEih Tl-iE 77,69 PIERCE C OMPANY.t THE 1.16,38 PITNEY eowes·· . 222,00 PCUCHER1 1Pl<JNTl~G & LITHO q3, 77 PR I HE CO tMfU TER 1,703, 15 . ·--· -~. -0 U ILL CO fq P • I.I 3 7 • 0 5 . OUJNN,T Al"!Ml :<< >:'/.\ .. · . 12e50'.'.t ····,•,•i,,-, •• , ...•••. , .... ,,., .. ¥···•~·•·····, ., •.•. , ......•. · . RE -I NH A Rt:f IN ST: .F 00 0 JN C~:< '.•< :q 51 • 3 3:;d:::'.;;;;;;t· PO EHL, V :1 LLlS . 26, 05 ROSE. t<E N 35,65 RUST AO, ' V 1R GIN I A 8• q 3 SEN Y K , Iii ~ LO F. 11 AK J 7 8, 0 0 SE RV I C E ; F 00 D M A ~i< E. T · 1, 2 16, 0 ~ SERVtCE,tCIL &-TIRE.. 317,20 . . . · SE T HR E , i J OH N .. ·_ . .. . 2 8, 2 5 SHAHIFI ·M,Du SUBHI 11'ile00 SHERATON !'1IOWAY 21'fli90 . SOUTH Ml ;L L ST AN OA RO 8 2a 5 7 STENERSON BROTHERS 6157 . ST OP N< G <l. STORE q il7•8 7\ .. SUPER GM C THU Ck SALES 5 7e50 > H-I0ENNE S, HARO LO 38,86 THOMPSON VIL CO, 37,2'1 . THREE M CYY9065 9Q,80 THREE N CYZ2127 q66,98 T J • S " EL •O ING 11 AC H I NE S HO P 2 8e O 0 TCPPAfH, JUSTIN 72,2'f · TRAVEL G,tLLERY 833,00 UN I VE RS t TY OF t1 INN• 7 J, 0 0 UNIVfRSt TY OF MINN, · 79,35 VE RN CH A RE ST O I L 11 14, q O , VELOING• SUPPLIES 166,00 \IE ST C EJFHA L E O C 0-0P 2 7 h O O . \I E ST P U B !L I SH I N G CO• 5 8, C 0 WE STERN IC,:E NI CAL C0?1PA NY 3q,3 q WE ST SI OE ~ RV I CE 1 h 10 -----------------------------:--------------\/ORNER AIUTO 338,91 XEROX CO!HPORAT ION 1, 137,09 --------------------------------·-·----- :SCRIPTION VENO•OR SERVICE REPORT 0 T T f.R T'A IL COUNTY VENDOR NAtiE Z I ESE, N :R 5e GER AL 0 A & 8 AW T 0110 TI VE CE NT ER A , M, I , 1 PR OD U CT S I NC AOELSMANl {OMPANY BA K ER, 0 10 NN · BARCO_,-··· . 8 A T TL E L ~ .,_£ FAR !1 ER S UN IO N O I L BATTLE LAKE LAtJD FILL BA uCK CH If ,ROLE T & OLDS• B~UCKS H·AfiOVARE & SUPPLY •·.... BERENo,• ... ,OENNJS.o •. / t .. / ••.•···· .-BJG AAtfl() PARTS'.::7•\';:{~· AMOUNT tt5,68 3 3, 'I 7 1, 5 8 • * 2 75. 22 1, 1 1~3. 29 11.1. 440 > 1 Ole38fa .... 158,57 \ • ·. 3 8 ;~. 0 0 8, 00 1 15,J 7 · .. 21.65 .·•. <3a.}5 . ·•···· .. L .. ·. ,<. <•, >') 2 "· 8 2 •,•)+ BORCHERT:-1NGfRSOLL INC, 5e9q BU O I S M0 19 IL . . .. -. . q 5 Oe 29. BUTCH•S :F ·,ECTAIC SERVICE 199,10 C & C EL,fCTHONIC CENTER 7,00 CAROL& GfNE'SOKHARO\IARE • 1q1,37. CAYE MAC-HINE, Ee . ..-t-202.36 CO -OP S E : R V I CE S J NC, 5 5 6e 6 0 CONTROL E:OUIPMENT CO, 266,18 0-A LUBR ICANT CO, 1,912,90 OAKOTAH, l'ft,UCK EOUIP11ENl 131,87< DALTON. Hi08JL OIL CO 18e2lf OENT OIL1 COMP,-NY 31leq1 OJ CK'S P MHS SUPPLY 130e18 DlCK 1 S S Tl<NOftRO SERVICE 11q,oo E A S T 0 o T .. T E LE PHONE C O • 1 2 3, 8 q FARMERS, CO-OP ASSOCIATIO~· q.oo FARNAM'$' (;ENUJNE PARTS INC, .. ·.:·.··. 612e28> FERGUS F ..• />.LLS OAILY JOURNAt>•··_;···.. 62.aa{ty.:• ------------------------f ERG US FALLS EOUJPHENT I NCo leOO FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HOWE, 61.4e16 FERGUS fiNTFl=!NAT JONAL I NC, 5 6Qe72 -------------------------------------------FERG U $ t1l010RS INC•.·· 2 7de7ti, .... F E R GU S T ii RE C E N TE sr ·.•·• ... 1 8 6. 9 6 FISKUt1 AIUTO P.tRTS ;,,,,, ,,.. 89,89 FR JTZ PL Uf"!B I NG q 5e O 0 GE NU I N E i P i•R T S C O, 3 3e 5 5 G F. R RY I S 1 • P t. R T S S ER V I CE 9 8 • 6 8 --------------·-------------------GOPHER S l t~ CO • 6 2, 5 9 HOHMAN T.F.lcP110Nf. COa 25e95 I N DE P E NO ll NT , · T H E 18 • 9 5 ------··-------------JI 11 • S SEli:,VJCE 37Je3J JOHNSON· ALTO SfRVICE 1ll,77 JOHNSON •t!fA·d~C C(l!1PANY 127e76 -------------------------K FN STUN·H:BECK FOQO 7e16 kt.fUlSONJ Ht/lTJNG & AIR CONflITION 291e08 ------------·--------------·--- VE NO iO ~ SE ffVICEREP OR T 0 T T LR TA J L C OUN T Y SCRIP TlON VENDOR NAME AMO U tlT KOEP 1 S 1!110F.JL 2 94.'19 LAWSON P ~ODUCTS JNCe 116e36 LITTLE FALL~ MACHINE INC• 96e20 LU ND A ME td C ~ N l NC lf,e O 0 LUNDEE~ ~GMPANY, VICTOR 5~e26 M -R S I G ~ . CO 11 PA NY 3 7 ~ • 5 2 -,-----------:::--..,...-,::--:-,0 COOE EN I i-OU IP ttENT INC• 127e tt 8 MAYO'S S TANOA~O SERVICE 3.2~e01 M E Y ER I S . ; S f R V I C F S l A TI O N 5 <t 3e 2 2 M I D WE ST I If' ;;J NT I ~ G 2 2• 0 0 ti IO IIE ST i -HL E P n ONE COMPANY 2 6e O q t1 I L LE R & 1 JiO L t1 E S I N C • 3 " Q • 5 1 MJNNESOT A BLUEPQH,'T 68e85 11INNESOT A MOTOR COMPANY 3le69 t10 B l L E R ;A rI O S H-lV ICE 2 1 7 • 1 5 NATIONAL. P.U~HING & PARTS COe ?.89e57 N f L SON B .~, C;T H E R S P A 1 NT I N ~ 5 8 3• 0 0 NORTH UN IO!>l CHAMPLIN 7 31e18 NORTH UN:ICN TOWING-:• .. , 53e00 -NORTHERN! PROP~NE GAS co-· < 346-50 0 NORTHERN: STATFS SUPPLY I NCti 29•70 NORTHWE.S TERN BELL TE:Le CO• 63e89 NIJNOAHL iOIL COMPANY 9~e87 } OLSON AU TO ELEC fRIC 8,JeqO OTTER TA:IL CO-OP OILS q9.q7 PARK REG I ON NU TUAL TELEP HONE co· q s. q6 PELlCANi ,RAPIDS PRESS 19e60 PERHAM F 1A,•M SUP.,LY 65e77 PHOTO C[it-'iER, THE 65e30 PR A IR 1 E ' 1 MP LE P1 F. "Ji l NC• 5 2a O 0 uU ALIT Y • AlHO SUPPLY '-12e5 0 REVIEW ElNTERPRJSES INC. qa.oo ROY 1 S STIAIIOARO SERVICE ~q3.59 S & C CO !MrUTER SE RV ICE 1 NCe 9 22•12 SCHMITZ IFCRO GA~AGE qiJ■25 SIGELMAN •s SlffL & SALVAGE COe 889e68 SKIPS GE t.UINE PARTS 2qe66 STRANO A ICE HAROVARI: · 56■53 STRUCTUR:At· STEEL-SUPPLY I~. 7e38 SUPER GM(; TIWCK SALES 1q4.oo T H A U1 A N N ' 1 S ~£. P A IR 7 Oe 3 0 T O R KE L SO N H [AT I NG & A I R CON D • 2 h 1 0 T R 1 PL E R f:0 U I PM EN T 51 • 0 7 VFRGAS F 0.:10 EOU IPMENT -CO• q q1e37 VERGAS HiA.:;O\IA•,E HANK 1 :J,)o2J ----------------------------------V f R GAS o:t l COM?~NY 1,0 03e81 WADENA HIDE & FttR 2J3e70 \ff LOI NG ~llPPL IE:; o9e36 --------ZIEGLER-llNCe 2 32e6_Cf __________ _ 1 9 I 6 ] 1e 9 Q • II 1------------------------------------------- { ) I IP DESC~IPTION NENT VENO•llfi SERVICE REPORT 0 T 1T t:R TA I L COUNT Y VENDOR N At1E HINTGEN-,KIIRST ELECTRIC COMPANY JOHNSO,. CONTROLS JNCe KNUTSON. 1HfATlNS & AIR CON('IJTION NELSON, ~ YO Ill( Y OTTER TA;ll CO-OP OILS 0 T T £R T A, J l CO• HWY DE P T • SNYDER, :fD , SO MER S CIA 1:p ET WANEK PLUMBING & HEATING ....... OTTER !AJJL .~g:~t OllS L ..•..•.....•..... · ROL YAN J[f~ F E D ER A L ! ;p ROG RA M S AO V • S E P V AMO U~T 1 7~.5ij 2 38. 02 11. 60 52.0 0 1 15, 0 0 61e 89 1 66• 00 35e0 0 16 2. 28 1, 0 7 6e 33 " . ........ 9,60 .. 8 16,56 8 26• 16 ••• 98-50 98,50 •• 5 s, 1 q ~. q 1 ••• County Board March 20, 1984 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to make contacts for the purpose of hiring a suitable professional negotiator to represent Otter Tail County Board in arbitration wfth the Sheriff's Department Team~- sters Union. At 3:45 p.m., motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to close the meeting to the public for the purpose of developing stra- tegy tn connectton with arbitratfon with the sheriff's department labor negotiations. With no further business, at 4:25 p.m., ~he Chafrman of the Board declared the meettng adjourned until the afternoon of April 6, 1984. ATTEST: 4~,. ~ ,i) )3v,.r~ Clerk