HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/27/1984MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, met Monday, February 27, 1984 with all members present, at· 12::30 for a closed session toV'difs:i:us; strategy in labor negotiations with the sheriff's and the highway department's unions. At l :03 p.m., Chairman Nelson declared the meeting open to the public. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the fo 11 owing pa·yments made previously to take advantage of cash dis- counts: Total Discount Net Penrose Oi.l Co., Parkers Prairie, MN $721.50 $ 35.55 $685.95 Dalton Mobil Oil, Dalton, MN 436.00 20.00 416.00 Big A Auto Parts Co., Fergus Fa 11 s, MN 404.50 8.09 396.41 Ray's 0 i l , Dalton, MN 412.08 8 .16 403.92 Farmers Union Oil Co., Battle Lake, MN 653.22 37.69 615.53 $2:627 .30 $109.49 $2,517.81 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, to approve an appropriation in the amount of $400.00 to Viking-Land-USA, for 1984. MoUon was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an appropriation in the amount of $2,000 to the Otter Tail Country for the year 1984. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $2,633.76 to the State of Minnesota, Office of the State Auditor for services rendered in connection with the annual audit for Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ell ig and carried, to approve the statement of revenues and expenditures for the year ended December 31, 1983, as presented by the County Auditor. County Board -2 -February 27, 1984 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to deny the request of Byron Treangen for cancellation of the tax on a mobile home that was located in Oak Valley Township, i'.ri'::1thesniime~".l2of his deceased son. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license, subject to posting of bond: Robert Rokes Dave Hawes Bob's Septic Tank Service Henning, MN Ottertail, MN Motton was mad~ by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and ~arried, to approve the following applic~t~ons for sewage disposal installers license, subj~ct to posting of bond: Mark Hawes Larry Van Watermulen James Golombteckt Sherrtll Jacobson Rooert Rokes Hawes Plubg~ & Htg. Golombiecki 's Excavating Jacobson & Sons Excavating Bob•s Septic Tank Service Ottertail , MN Perham, MN Fergus Fa 11 s , MN Underwood, MN Henning, MN Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the following appltcattons for solid waste collection and transportation license, subject to posting of bond: Leonard L. Johnson Johnson Sanitation Ottertail, MN Motton was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve cancellation of tax on the Vivian Fritz property in Lida Township, sbld to the State of Minnesota under life estate. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the following applications for permit to sell non-intoxicating ~alt li- quor: Dale Tibbetts, Mfthael W~inhandl Dale•s Bate & Tackle Mike•s Standard & Junction Cafe Pelican Rapids, MN Henning, MN I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following resolution was adopted; Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no": RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, ih ~ttb~d~Hce with a procedural agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, dated May 23, 1962, certffication by' the County Board of Commissioners for acqutsitton of lands by the U. S~ Fish and WUdlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on Fe5ruary 27, 1984 and informed said Board that a waterfowl easement had been secured ffom"Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kugler on the E½SE~, secept 3.0 acres in the sw corner north of road, in Section 22~134-42, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 1 the County Board does. hereby approve the aforementioned acqui~ition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota ·this 27th day of February, 1984. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, with Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no", the following resolu- tion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a proiedural agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natura1 Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certi-ficati6n by the co·unty Board of Commissioners for acqui- sition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildli.fe Service i's requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on February 27, 1984 and informed said Board that a waterfowl easement had been sett.ired from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony 0. Johnson on the E½SE¼ of Section 18, and the NE¼:NE¼ of Secti'on 19-133-41, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the aforementfoned acquisition by the U. S. Fi.sh and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of February, 1984. ATTEST: , ~~ Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the continuation of the program for peacetime regisfration for the Selective Service System contributes to National readiness by reducing as much as two months the time required for a full defense mobilization; and WHEREAS, over one million United States citizens have sacrificed their lives to protect the rights and freedoms of all Americans and registration for Selective Service is an integral part of current preparedness to preserve these rights and freedoms in the·future; and WHEREAS, more than 10 million men, representing over 96 ~percent of potential registrants, have registered with the Selective Service System since the resumpti'on of registration and by so registering have enhanced United States: National defense preparedness; and WHEREAS, .the Selective Setvice System has been tasked with assis- ting in the process of improving our readiness posture by calltng upon eighteen year old male citizens to identify themselves by simply registering their name, address, date of birth and social security number with that System by spending five minutes at the Post Office within thirty days of their eighteenth birthday; and WijEREAS,there is a severe penalty for failure to register; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board does nereb,y support continuation of registration with Selective Service and does hereby declare April, 1984 as ~EGISTRATION AWARENESS MONTH and does hereby urge all the ~ung men in the Stat~ of Minnesota to register with the Selective Service System in accordance with the Military Selective Service Act. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 27th day of February, 1984. ATTEST: _M-,;;:; ~-Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by van Ell i:g and car, rted, the followtng resolutton was adopted: WHEREAS, a determination has been made by the Minnesota Depart- ment of Reve.nue, that the levy as established by the County Board on the 4th day of Octiber, 1983, exceeds the levy limit as established by the Department of Revenue by the amount of $33,093.00, and WHEREAS it is the determination of the County Board that such levy limitation should not be exceeded by Otter Tail County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the tax levy for 1983, collectible 1984 shall be amended and re-established as follows: COUNTY REVENUE FUND Less Local Government Aid Federal Revenue Sharing Boat & Water Safety Grant Mtscellaneous Revenues FRS Reserve from 1983 NET COUNTY REVENUE FUND COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE FUND Less Federal Revenue Sharing NET COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE FUND HUMAN SERVICES BUILDING FUND REGI'ONAL LIBRARY TOTAL NET LEVY $4,452,754 357,680 186,500 46,210 l ,292 ,000 191,500 $1,700.000 600,000 $2,378,864 1,100,000 2,367,473 100,000 115,917 $6,062,254 Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 27th day of February, 1984. ATTEST: ~~,,.) ~~ erk County Board February 27, 1984 Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, discussed with the Board the possi- bility of having regularly scheduled meetings, perhaps four times annually, with other governmental units for the purpose of discussion on common interest items. No action taken. Larry Krohn, County Coordinator, presented the proposed sexual harass- ment policy, stating without such a policy in effect, the county could be liable in a sexual harassment suit. It was recommended the proposed policy be included in the county's personnel policy. No action taken. Mr. Krohn also reported on a solid waste treatment seminar recently attended by hi.m, stating the state is possibly not consideri'ng licensing of sanitary land fills~ leaning towards incineration, composting or recycling as a better method of solid waste disposal. Mr. Krohn suggested a bus trip to the refuse burner in Red Wing, Minnesota. No action taken. Howie Koeppen, custodian, appeared before the board and presented a ftgure of $2,365 for th.e repair of the steps at the north entrance of the courthouse. Mr. Koeppen was advised to obtain another proposal and take low quote. Mike Kirk, Chairman of the Jail Study Committee, presented the com- mittee~s report on financing options for expansion of the Otter Tail County Jail. After considerable discussion, motio.n was made by Van Ellig to contact Dennis L. ! falenschek, Detentinn Program Manager of the Minnesota D¢partment of Corrections, I to advise him Otter Tail County is checking into additiohal use of proposed facilities I I and requests an extension until April 10th for a final d~cision. The motion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried. I Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded! by Andy Leitch and carried, I to approve a loan agreement between Otter Tail County and the Otter Tail Area Lakes Sewer District, for the purpose of advancing funds to the district until appropriate i bonds are obtained, interest rate at 9% per annum. 1 I I Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded! by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve a contribution by Otter Tail County in the amount of $429.00 representing i one-half the cost of installation of a culvert in Butler! Township. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board is desirous of amending their Solid Waste Plan, hereafter referred to as "The Plan", in order to bring about reason- able compliance with requirements proposed by the MPCA; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County desired to relieve townships, local sanitary landfi.11 di.stricts, and communities of the overwhelming financial burdens presently before tnem in the disposal of soli.d waste by the residents of those locals; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has been granted the appropriate authority by the Battle Lake Landfill Association and said Association has requested that the Otter Tail County Board provfde ftnancial assistance, technical guidance and other serfices tn order to tnsure the Battle Lake Landfill will receive the necessary per- mtts from MPCA in order to comply and be a vtable contributing partner in The Plan; and WHEREAS, the Battle Lake Landfill Assoctation has requested that Otter Tail County provide the leadership and be substituted in place of the Ctty of Fergus Falls tn butldtng incinerators both in the City of Fergus Falls and Perham, Minnesota, for the di:sposal of Sol id Wastes for the County of Otter Tail; and WHEREAS, ft ts generalJy belteved that the continued use of landfills in their present condi'tton in the Citi.es of Battle Lake, Ottertail, Henning and Par- kers Prairie present a financial burden to the taxpayers of Otter Tail County, which is both unknown and unacceptable and there exists potential environmental ha.aards of unkown amounts and duration which place an unacceptable responsibility upoti the resi- dnets of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, the present practices of disposing of solid waste in Otter Tail County constitutes a waste of a usable energy re~ource; and WHEREAS, the Northeast Larid ffll located near Perham, MN, will be faced wi'th increased costs of operation due to demands placed upon it in the amended l i.cen.:. sing process by the MPCA in upcoming years; and WHEREAS, presently the residents of Otter Tail County do not have a reliable long term plan for· the disposal of the solid waste they generate and parti- cularly tne County cannot continue to depend on the use of landsfills in neighborhing counties, i.e. Ctty of Peltcan Rapids and Detroit Lakes landftlls; -- -2 - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Solid Waste Committee, here- after referred to as the committee, develop proposed contractual language to be pre- sented to the Otter Tail County-Board which replaces the City of Fergus Falls with the County of Otter Tail in the Solid Waste Plan for the purposes of building, operating, using and all necessary steps thereto, an incinerator in the-City of Fergus Falls and _ Perham. The proposed contract shall include options for:\participation in the building, operation and use of said incinerators by the Counties of Grant, Wilkin, Wadena and Becker, including the Cities of Breckenridge and that appropriate contacts shall be made wi_th tnose governmental uni.ts in order to determine the exact level of partici- pation. Tl:iat approprtate contacts shall be made with potential buyers of steam pro- duced by the a forementi'oned incinerators, both in Fergus Fa 11 s and Perham and the ap- propriate doc~ments drawn to be ,presented to the County Board to secure the purchase of sa td steam. 1. The Soltd Waste CommHtee may endavor to gain the advi_ce and guidance of the City of Pergus Pall~ from thetr experience in the incinerator business to insure a propos.al to provtdEt":-· for tne long range disposal of sol id wa~te for Otter Tail County~ satd proposal to tn~lude updated technology, bid specificafions. dates for bid letting and proposed construction time tables and any other related information as the commi_ttee deem~ appropriate. 2. The Soli_d· Waste Committee determi.ne the costs and work necessary, including time ta6les, to tlose the Ottertail, Henriing and Parkers Prairie landfills and nego- tt,te with MPCA for the dtsposal of the solid waste on an interim basis until the. Perham incinerator i's operable. ~ · 3, Th.e Committee shall determine the cost of bringing. 11Cell' J,f1 of, the Battle'L:ake landfi"ll i'nto compHance with the amendedlicenstng requirements of MPCA for the future us:e as a transfer staUon and modifi'ed landfill which determinati_on shall i'nclude suggestions-for payment of said costs. 4. The Commi"ttee shall propose to the County Board additions, modifications and amendments to the County Solid Waste Plan, including proposed contracts as they deem in the best interests of the County. 5. The Committee shall suggest to the County Board ways in which to finance the operation, construction and use of the incinerators referred to above, including the costs referred to for work necessary in the Ottertail, Henning, Parkers Prairie and Battle Lake Landfills. Adopted at Fergus ·Falls, MN this 27 1984. ATTEST: ,~~ C1oJu, £) Cl erk County Board February 27, 1984 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve a change in classification from Grade 6, Step 3 to Grade 6, Step 5, effective January l, 1984 for Sharran Shale, tax and assessment coordinator, and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign the supplemental Employment agree- ment on behalf of Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert H0vland and car- ried, the following bills were allowed: V £ N O •IJ A SE RV ICE REP O R T -----,----------,,..,r-.,.., ....,ER,.,---,.1 AtLC"tHJN-T y-------- :SCRIP TION VENDOR N AME AMOUNT ·------------------------------------ AC CURA TE COMP UT ER FORMS A rre-Rlt-·Alf77lUS1lfFSSr-OR M AM O CO O 1 L CO • ANDERSON, BETTY A N O ERs·u-R,l;'R A J G ANORE'JS•t ~EVEN~·:-: ... ,-... ~_ ...... ~ BA T TL E L A KE F ARM EA S UN IO N O I L ·--------E"C"KE"RT. BECKLUNO'-P.IAN OIL CO BEERS 11.:·r., MAURICE ---------,,e,...E-nN OE R, n Af IRE \I BERGE, ANGELA BERGERUD, SYLVIA 2 6 "· 8 2 -----2;177• ~ LIB• 01 5 "· 8 0 zr6.-o-o·----------- 59. 0 0 2 15, 58 --2,r.q----------- 10:l,75 SI.le 8 0 IlJ-.TI----------- 38• 60 6e3 6 BJ GGER, , -CllifO·..----------------,,......-..--,,------------ B I RKHOLZ 1 ~RTHSIOE SELF-SERVICE 117,51 8JORGO RtEFAJR SHOP. 1,6'i2e72 BOWERS, 1M/lr{K l 25e82 euo•s 110,FilL 120.eo BUGBEE •s; LOCKSMITH SHOP 22e00 BU R RO O G H S CO RP o t.tA TI ON · 7 3 2• 4 a C & C EL1ECTRONIC CENTER 3tJt6'i C A RR E NT •F RP R I SES, I NC • 5 3, 5 5 A RR, HI 1C RA El 13, 0 0 CASS CLAY C~fAMERY Q62el7 CASS COa: !:HERi FF 56,50 C I I Y P A A 14 !'1A. CY l lJ 3a 5 0 COFFEE C 1UP FUEL STOP 10 7a63 CO t1 PAN I@ N AN J t1 AL HO ~'P l T A L 6 1, 0 0 ---------c--oNCEPTS. rlCROFl[H lNC 68.55 CO NRA O l ; N W S TJH ES 7 6• 5 9 CONTINENtTJil NORTH DAKOTA INC 578•19 COOPER I S! cF f 1 CE SUP1'l,-TNC-.-------.lb5.0·...------------ CO OPER,, 10ENZJL 19,00 OACOTAHI ;p,-PER COMPANY 598.57 ---------iATI 3~·=----------- 0 AN l EL SO N O I L C O MP A NY 2 6, 1 3 DA REL JA CClBSON CONST, 1, 125,00 ----------...itNNY • s 1 ,N ORTH---s-l AR. 2-0-2. 9 s=------------ 00 uGLA S -.CO SHF~lFF•s DEPT 727aOO DOUGLAS,. t'lCHAEL 121,66 ---------.-.·11tTD·K , IC AR"U ·-,1.-,1.-....... 2 ..... 5~--------- E LE CTR O L ux COPP 3:la 00 El"IERY, O.t-ERA 58e50 ---------e-Rn:Ks-tnn•~ etG o -9r.-1r---------- e VERT S, !J (HN 38,6 0 FARN'-M I S: ff till I NE PARTS I NC, 11•15 "FERGU·s F :fill$ 0A-I[Y-J0U-1lN7'l"·-·· 1,Cf"62e0·2c------------ FERGUS F:-LL5 f1EOJCAL GROUP 5 34,'18 F f R GU 5 J 10 ~8 I ~ G I NC • 2 7 • 0 0 TR GUS7f:t~-·rNc-,------e--zrr;1r9·---------- -----------------·------------------------- ---------........ ----~-----------·-··--·-----·------------------- VENOIOJ. SERVICE REPORT ----------o-r~rrn--n,-i:-c1>uN11..-------------------------- :RIP T ION VENDOR N M'IE ANO UNT FERGUS S 1ui·iPLUS & LUMBER 18e80 _ -r:-rR"ST NA TJONAL BAliK ----------.-11>.011' ___________ _ FIRST NA·TlONAL BANK 1e77 -FRESONKE1 CONSTRUCTION 26a80 ______ ___,F....,U~OH I It IV• OF ADAGE 2,lftfs;-3---.------------ G EN ER AL •T .;:AD ING C 01'1 PAN Y 9a 6 0 HANDEGAA:Pc, STEVE 96a92 ANSON, IHMUEAt.l 176e5'11 HARRINGTIOr, KEVIN 178a00 HAUKOS, L'OAVE _ 121,7'f --------,-'AO SER,! ILAVJO 18a0 0 HOL lDA Y, 11 l'IN q5, 78 HO LIDA Y 11 I\N 3 8, 16 ROLIOAY '41t.95 I . B H CO IRP • 2 61-0 0 lNOlANHElAfJ ,SPECIALTY 1 76a51 --'------~IN--=-,TERN'TI:IONAL BUSINESS tt/\.CHINES 37!.laOO JOHN•$ AiU ;o RENOVATING 168175 1(-MART 49a20 KALAR, W; l LL 1AM 7, 0 7 K E N t S S T iA NO AR O 18a 6 5 KETCHAM, i DOUG & ASSOC, 9llet10 K I R K, h I ;c •·A EL q Se O 0 K N l GH T , J OH N 2 Oe 9 8 KqONEHAN'.N, MAX 56e6«. k RO NE MA IN !N, SYl."TTA . 5 a. 0 0 LAGEROUliST ANO SONS, GUST 603e00 LAKE REG,JON HALFW.-.Y HOMES 1.t518e90 ;_-----~c-A-K--E~R~E-.-c-:t~tNliosPtTA[ 65.ir5 ___________ _ LAMPERT; BUILDING 11e68 LARSON, 11'1ARK 10,96 -------~c-u~NOEEN, c,mPANY, VICTOR ~2~,-q~o~s.r6 ___________ _ ;ij;.'., LYSTAOS. ilNCe 2141,56 ,·)f/(;< MACGREGt>JQ, qJCHARO ' 1 7q,3q ----------M-A~N~l~E~K------------------~9"".rsK'"---- 1'1 A R SH A LL ! FOO O S IN C 5 tJ 2e 6 q MARTIN, 1ldLLIAH 38a•rn ----t-----~H~A~S~O~N.--.P-u,.........8--~c~o----------,.._.--,-.--------19,SO '? -MATZ AND. GRElFF !. Jq.79 ttE Lav, G 1L lN 2 o. 01 ____ ....;.... __ -H_E HOITT AL, HOSP• & J.Jofl-e-g-----------2---3.9,~----------- M E T Z B A K 1 I NG CO M PA NY 2 9 7 • 6 7 HEY ER I S 1:.i I-RV I CE ST A TIO N 21e 6 3 M 11fVESl-:-73USTN'E'n-pRoou-rrs--7;·..-n------------ M ILLER O AVIS 26~.oo MINNe OElPle OF PUBLIC SAFrTY 80a0.0 -------=HNCO • A uornrn·s--ASS •·N • -n-.r.1nr·-·- MN NEUROLOGY ASSOC 135a00 MN• ASS I N CT• A OM• l Oe O 0 --------rt~N-.-c-o-;77-l'ro1fN"£·v• s Ass,.N. -,o.7r·~----------- ------ VE. N O '0 R SE RV I CE REP OR T -------------....,.~mx-rL-couNnr---- UP DESCRIPTION VE NOOR N AHE AMOU~ 68e0 0 MONROE -----------:M=o-nm-o~L-A-,-t~N~c--.---------------r.a· t1u IR, Cl-I IHSTAN·.··. 1 o. 00 N A T IO N AL I HO St-4 J NG & PA R T $ CO • -------------.cN::?t"L..,.SO N B H Cf HERS PlITN'rt-N~G~----------~ 6e0 0 3 3 3. 3 o NEWBORG, KEVIN 1a. &18 NO q TH CE , N TR AL I NS TRUHE N T S q t47e61 -------·------r.Nr-x,OR Tffil ES T L £GAL A I S.D o OLSON A\liTfi ELECTRIC •· · 21.10 OM OOT; 0 \ON . . .. ·.· ... ~ 0.20 RANDI H,allu HFR--------"--'-------.n-6.s o OSWALD P,UBa COe 0 T T ER T A ] Il CO -0 P O l LS UTTER TAill co. ·SHERIFF OFPT OTTER TA;ll DEPT. OF PUBe HEALTH OTTER TA;lt PO\lfq co~ ----------___,,P.....,A,_,,f1....,lr..OA S l ORE PARK REG:JON CO-OP OIL. CO• 90.t 6 1, 5 0 s. 'I 2 516.0Q 1a.o o 7S. 00 66.0 q 9• 0 2 PARK REG,ION MUTUAL TELEP~ONE CO -------------nncE"R"S ~ lP FA t R ftl .... N._.0._EP ........ E'"'"'N""D,...E'"T· N' .. r---------''18'4•23 1.9 P AU RU Sil 'VICKI. PELICANi 1H/IPIDS PRESS . PERHAM C c•-OP OIL co. PERHAH E;NTERPRISE' BULLET JN PE R HA t1 0 A ~i I S I NC PE RHAH, IC II V · Of PHOTO CEINTER.t THE P I E ~c E C O r,p ANY, . THE .·· · F I I Nt Y 8 C1 "E S POLIPNIC)<, DICI< POOLE, 0 UANE -----------ouCHER, 1PfiJNTJNG & LJ r HO ··tir1•fxi PRINE COiMFUTERi PUBLIC EAMPL OYEES LAW BULLETIN ___ ........,.;...;._ ______ lnJTa:-t;OlAPe RAOISSON1 HOTEL ROSE, KE N -----------,R..-0 DO, KE N YON RYAN, JU,Nf RY AN, f1 l ;CHA El. ------------·c-Rl1 I T I , I ,nr;-M • 0 • SENYK,I) w l,LOF.MAR SHARIFI -1'1.0u SUBHI -----------smlfS n: .b HELEN SOUTH t11 :Ll ST ANDA PO STOP N GO ~TORE '"STRTNG Et? , TH-OM A !:i TH E t1 I N N !: SO TA ? RO JE CT THE. STAR~ & STRIPES NAT'L TRIA• 11b'16 · 62. 8 6 814.92 33. 61 6 71.1. 22 s n. 21 1 3 ,. q 7 2,ao1eq1 1 70.0 0 1 an. o o 5 32a 50 3 gq.95 3, 10 le 15 3 4.es 72e96 7 8'.Je 61 3 3e 85 9h2 30.0 0 113e5 2 3 IJ 2. 0 1s. o o . sa.oo 35.0 D 105a32 "a~. 39 2,-,ro 2, 2 '.)0. 00 35•0 0 -------------.,..,.H.-...ONAS O.ll COl"IPANT --------3 gq;·7 ~ ------------------------------------·- --..-.-:------------------------·------------------------- VENO•hR SEPVICE REPORT ------------... iTTf:q-JAJLCOl:JNTT-------- ~CRI P T ION YE NOOR NAME AHOU!'tf THOMPSON OJL COe 14•00 -,~-YY 9 0 b5 5 7 e ,·.r----------- T JI S WEL 01._.G MACHINE SHOP S.00 U _OF t1Nl U.tPT OF CONFe 35•0 0 ------------u-N-=-1-=-F O R '1 S llN L I M 1 TEO 2 0 8 • 0 0 VERN CHAREST OIL 167e26 II E L DI N G SUP PL I E f: 1 6 6• 0 0 -------~v=E...,.5.-..T-P OB LI SH J N·~G~C~o-.-----------2 914• 7 5a:------------ V ESTER N, CHEMICAL COMPANY 125e61 \IE ST S I OE ~ RV 1 C E 9• 2 3 ---'--------,w-,..rr-rL "KTTI C OUN I Y 1 a. 0 0 \I I L SON S !U PPL Y CO• 2 9 Oe 7 5 WORNER A;uro 175,69 -------~x .... E,_,,R ..... OX Co IR PUwAT I ON i, 5 18• YOUNGSr,A, LAURA· 681ell3 '47,65&30 ... A & 8 AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 90•02 Ae t1e lel PRODUCTS lHC 5·88e98 -, BATTLE L·A¥.E FARMEPS UNION OIL 993■89 BATTLE LAKE HARDWARE 13•80 BAU CK CH :f V!-i.0 L F. T & OLO'""'s-.------------,,8.-,1:-•-,.,3-,,,-------------- 8 AU CK S H!A~OVA~E & SUPPLY 98e95 BECKER C Oe H\IY• OFPTe 2,Q6h25 --------9--E--R-EN~o-, -, --,o E'NN Is Oe 63■ Q BJG STONE COUNTY HWY DEPT> · .. S:J6e25 .· BIRKHOLZ I f\ORTHS'IDE SELF-SERVICE 587e67 · .. BORCHERT -JNGEPSOLL INCe 952e62 euo•s t10BJL 297.75 CARLSON, 1TP.UCKPIG 6e60 CE RAH IC: ,rnoosr RIAL COATINGS 9 59.1:;.,,1c------,.------- Cl AY COU!IHY HWY OE.PT 1, 13S.50 · ... co"". oP, s e ,..,. v I c e s 1 N c • . · ,; 9 6. 9 4 c OH HI s $ I 10 NE R OF TR A NS'""'P""'O,...R .... f,....,A .... T..,.1--o....,N.,.;...---.;.......-----..4-.9:--.2..-• ..,.6..,..1 _ _...;._...;._,--_ _..;,;. ___ _ CO NSTR UC !T ION BULLETIN 49e5 0 CRANE JO 'HNSON L Ut18ER CO LI 2e26 CO R I • S R1F PA I R , 6 5 ie q 3 . D~I\ LUBRICANT COe 1'0514•60 . DALTON M,06JL OIL CO 1,q23.j9 •.· E Ci( ER S ,O PPL V Co q '.J Seo 0 DENNY'S; MOQTH STAR 791•79 DICK'S RlfPAJR a.oo --------rtlflS S lANOA!"'!J SEITTICE 384.2 __________ _ DOUGLAS COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT ■ 731)eOO. EAST o.T • TELEPHONE co. 103e83 FARMERS . CC-OP ASSOC TATIQlll'-.---------.--2• 2 3 FARNAM T 11 Pf CENTER q 5Be50 FARNAM 1 S· H_NUl~E PARTS lNCe 175e97 --------F-Elmlfs F ;A LL S n A IL Y J01Hfrn~ -i--~."2---11----------- -------.---,------·----------·-----------·-~----,I~ '· .JESCRIP TION VE N O '0 R SF RV I Cf r?f P O R T ---,-u-rA IL COUITT AMOUNT FERGUS FALLS T~:Jf VALUE HOWE• 13,Q5 -----------:;F-:-,.ERGUS11i0-TORS INC-~ ---------------,2 ~. o-·ir---------- FERGUS T'IRf: CENTEQ 1,163,28 · f I REST O !II l ST O ,.;;E 1 7, 2 0 FISKUM A:Ofo PAR}!.; 61.:rn GENERAL tT tsAOJNG COMPANY 71,13 GE NU I N E i ,,.;, AR TS CO• 1 8 ,Je tJ 0 GFRRY*Sl .PARTS SERVTC TI·-,~q~o---------- GOPHER S 'I l:N COe 8 !)9,06 GR ANT_,cCO1VNT Y HWY DEPT 1t 165,0 0 -------~ ....... -ANSON P [OHBING & Ht:AT11f"G Zf9e . ........, _________ _ MENNING, :J1tJVOC1<TE 35,20 HINfGEN-t-.AAST ELECTRIC COMPANY 131e85 .. HOHMAN TTLEPRONE. CO, . 22,43 < HOMESTEA n £WtLOING suPPL ,es ·10,9a .. •· .·· .. ·.· •. INOEPENO·'.ENT, THE ...... 1.8,f.15 .· JNTERNAT JONA[ BUSINESS MACHINES 198e00 JIM HATCH SALES co. sa.oo JIM'S se,AVJCE 198,50 JOHNSON AUTO SERvrce . 21,90 . L AK E R E G , I ON C O -OP E LE C T • ASS N • 1, 0 0 S. 0 7 LITTLE FlAllS MACHINE INC• 215~97 LO NOE E N c: i!H PANT , V 1 CT o R 6 6• 6 3 M -R S I G ~ , CO MP AN Y lf 7 14, 3 7 1'11'HNOHEN. CO HUY DEPT 5 6h25 HA f( YA f F 10 CO h _.. 2 5, 5 0 ·•··.MAYO'S S lANDARO SERVICE 73,86 t1 l O \I EE K ., t fH E q 6, 2 0 .. ·. ·. HJ OWES I. ffCFPRONE COMPANY ~7,15 MILLER &; t-!0Lt1ES INC, Qt 7,95 MILTONA 1CHl:At1fRY ASSOCIATlON 297.99 ----------.H.,...J .... NrnNE SO r A Bl U EP Rl NI q 1 6123 ;\< ·• tU NNE SO l A ttOT OR COl1PAN Y .. 5, 9 2 :?:(Ji;' t1N COUNl y. HWY ENGRS ASS' N 75,00 .·• --------~N ...... ATtoNAL; nosAtNG & PA"lffs co. 3qi,,9,.,..s------~--- NORTH UN JON ·CHAMPLIN 1,0 93,21 NORTHERN' ~;TATES SUPPLY INC, 35a59 ---------ITT> R r R w ES T FR N BE LC Ta • CO, 1 5 bt 18 NUNO.AM L, fO IL C Ot1PA NY 2 59, 7. q OLSON Atl 10 ELECTRIC 199eQ2 011ER fAdL CO-OP OILS 5/e25 PARK REG ION CO-OP OIL CO• t,61-'le90 PARK REG JO'l MUTUAL ·TELEPHONE co 4~.os ---------P-AlITA-y~-TI iil 1 NG 3 Je 6 0 PELICAN• •~APlDS PRESS 19,60 PENROSE (Jfl COMPANY 6151.fS.OO --~p~f,_.,R,c--,RAf1F.:lil7F,:;1'lITSt"7JUC[tTTN 5 '.J;Uu _________ _ PER ~A l'1 F A P.M SUPPLY 11 16• 'l 0 PEQHAt1 S 1lHL 1e50 --------~woT0--7:f H-i l £ ::c, T RE ·-r,r....-5,,.0---------- VE NO OR S € RV ICE REP OR T --------------.o~T,......T7E~Rr-T"J.£TL---C-OUNTY.------ JP OESCRIP TION VENDOR N AME AMOU!\IT P I K AL , E '(q, I N LI 9e 7 0 OPE COO lN, .... Y-.,.-,H-YI..,..GHilA.YOP-T 67'2e50 ________ _ RJVERSlO f: REPAIR 4•32 S & C COtMPUTEfi SE AV ICE l NC• 9 93e52 ------------.:S~l~G~E=·L~Mc:--c-A~N~'~~~ .. ~s~T~~~F~_L-&---~SA~L~~V7A~G~E:--;;C~o~.-------.2~7.03 SKIPS GE NUJ!'.IE PARTS 4~at.12 STENERSON BROTHERS 28e52 STE VEN S • ,C <i• H I GHW A Y DEPT • 1 9 S. 0 0 ST RAN D A iC E f.i AHO WA RE . 3 3• 6 'I STRUCTUR~Al STEEL SUPPLY INCe ------------..:u~ G H C T RUC .... K,........,.S.-.A_,.L...,.E..,.S.-----------3~4..,.n-.·..--....---------- S \I 1 FT CO IU NT Y H I GH w A Y O E P T • 6 3 7. 5 0 T ~ 0 MA S O ; IL COMP ANY 1, 8 q 0, 6 q ----------___,,T....,O"...,R...,K""E,.,.,L~S O N HE A fl NG & · A I R CORD• 7 3. 0....---------- T RA VERSE, COUNTY H\IY DEPT . 1 as.oo VAUGHN C•+·ffVAlOLE'I CO 111'4e52 ------------rvr,E..-R"""'G.-,.-s---:H 'A !10 I,/ A RE--H~A ..... N""""'K _______________ 5,.....,,..q.-lln-76 _______ ..;..___ VERGAS O;lL COMPANY 6 23e08 \JADENA A!SFHAlT COMPANY 7161Lle00 WADENA H,IOE. & FUR •·•• ·. · < ·•· .·.· 21.qo · ~:~~I~~r:~;~~~E{>~ATER clt;eR: 3 j;:gg<··.· ~--'------------__,,11..,..,I~LT'TK...-,..I NC -0 • H W Y • D EP T • 2, 9 O 7e 9 5 Z I E GL E R · ; 1 NC • 1 LI 7 • 2 0 . :-·· ·-._· ·.·. .. : ·: .. ·· .. {'.;· : : . BUGBEE Is: ~OC1',SHITH SHOP ANSON CONTROLS INC• K N U TS 0 N : H ( A T l NG & A IR CO ._, 0 IT I O N OTTER TA:H COe HWY OF.PT•. -----------w...,A...,N ........ EfrlT[ UM0 I NG & RE AT I MG T R W 52,736.99 ,. • 26• 00 · q 21. 7 l 2 95• 50 1 "4 7. 23 9i.le 00 9 86• qq ·.·· •• · 2, 1 ll'Je 00 211 OLJe 00 tu .. -: . 103,:485.73 ••• Wtth no further business, at 4:50 p.m., Chairman Nelson adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, March ATTEST: ,4< -~ EL --<.A. ft) , a Clerk