HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 12/20/1983MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, December 20, 1983, with all members present. Chairman Hovland called the meeting to order at 12:50 p.m .. As instructed, the County Recorder, Helen Skramsted, obtained quo- tations for plat cabinet and envelopes whtch were presented to the Board as follows: Miller/Davis Company, Minneapolis, MN Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co., Minneapolis, MN $2,600.00 2,625.00 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the low quotatton and purcha~e said cabinet from Miller/Davis Company, Minneapolts, MN in the amount of $2,600.00. Motion was made byAndy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve payment of the $275.00 feet covering t~e r~1~stration fee for1five individuals from the Land & Resource Management office attending a site sewage treatment workshop. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Elli g and carried, to approve payment tn the amount of $120.00 for witness fees and mileage for Judy Dietrich, l3ismarck, ND. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve step increases as requested by Mike Kirk for Marilyn Kopperud and Diane Thorson for Rolene Davis, as recommended by the County Personnel Committee. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to increase the stipend from $35.00 to $50.00 for each of the members of.the County Personnel Committee, Andy Leitch and Sydney Nelson voting "no". Michael Knapp from the West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation Dis- trict appeared before the Board and reported on the progress of the tree planting program for windbreak and snowfences along county roads. Norman Fjestad of the West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District appeared before the Board with a request for financial assistance for soil boring along the Pomme de Terre River sponsored by the R.C.&D Committee. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to contribute a sum of up to $500.00 for expenses incurred for said project. A second hearing regarding the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District was held at the Amor Church, Otter Tail County, Minnesota, on December 10th, 1983, at 7:30 o'clock p.m., and pursuant to adjournmeht at the County Commissioners' Room, Otter Tail County Courthouse, City of Fergus Falls; County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, on December 20th, 1983, at 1:00 o'clock p.m.; The Otter Tail County Board having r~viewed the file in this matter, having carefully considered the oral and written testimony presented by interested parties, havtngr~.v\iewedthe Engineer's Survey and Vi.ewer's Report, upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carri'ed, makes the following Findings and Order: FIND! NGS: 1. The Engineer"s Survey regarding this matter has been duly fit~d in the Office of the County Auditor of Otter Tail County, Minnesota; 2. The Viewer's Report regarding this matter has been duly prepared the filed in the 0fffce of the County Auditor of Otter Tail Coutity, Minnesota. 3. The County Auditor has duly fi.xed a time and place for the beari.ng i:.n thi.s matter pursuant to Minn. Stat. ll6A.12 and the members of the Otter Tai'l County Board have been duly nottfied of the time and place of such Meeting, 4. The County Auditor has caused the Notice of Time and Place of Hearing in this matter to be given to all persons interested by publication, posting and mailing. 5. The Otter Tan County Board finds that the Engineer's and Viewer's Reports have been made and all the proceddings in this matter had in accordance with law; that the estimated benefits of~this matter are greater than the total estimated cost, including damages; that the benefits and damages have been duly determined; that the proposed water and sewer system will be a public utility and benefi:t and wi.11 promote,, the public health; and that the proposed system is practicable. ORDER 1. That the Order of this Board dated Apr:il 7th, 1981, is reconfirmed. 2. That the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer System Improvements are hereby established. 3. That the Vl~wer's Report as made is hereby adopted and confirmed, 4. That the Engineer's Survey as made is hereby adopted and confirmed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 20th day of December, 1983 .. ATTEST: ~',.!Bu(~ Clerk County Board December 20, 1983 Charles Krekeloerg, Atty for the Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District presented a resolution passed By the City of Ottertail amending the resolution of June 30, 1983, regarding the inclusion of the City of Ottertail within the Otter Tail Area Lake Sewer District. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept said resolution and the County Auditor was instructed to place said resolution on file. Krekelberg also requested, on behalf of the Sewer District, permission to borrow funds fro~ the County for the purpose of pay- ing costs incurred by the District until such time the bonds are sold. After dis- , cussion, motion was made by Hub Nordgren to lend the Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer Dis- trict the amount necessary, at a going rate of interest, provided the County Attor- ney gives approval that the 1 oan wil 1 be guaranteed re-payment under said bonding for costs incurred, ··approval :·of~ said loan to be given for the express purpose of saving the users additional costs. with Sydney Nelson voting "no". The motion was seconded by Van Ellig and carried Larry Krohn, Executive Secretary, announced a meeting of the Otter Tail County Solid Waste Committee to be held at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, January 26, 1984, in the Government Services Building and invited the County Board members to attend. Mr. Krohn also discussed with the Board handicap requirements that will have to be met concerning the courthouse proper to qualify for Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to request all applications be submitted with a termination date of January l, 1984, for claims in connection with reconstruction on CSAH #1, and that the engineer and county attorney draft recommendations for payment. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a temporary transfer of $300,000 from County Revenue into County Road & Bridge. Representatives from Rush Lake Township appeared before the Board re- garding certain repairs to Old #78, now a township road, made by the County Highway Department, stating the total cost for construction in the amount of $21,000 was more than the township had anticipated and more than ~aid township could pay in one lump sum and requested payment spread over a period of two years. County Board December 20, 1983 After considerable discussion, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,:to grant special aid in the amount of $500.00 to Rusb LaRe Township, to atd in the cost of said construction; and motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to grant payment of the $21,000 due the county over a two year peribd, in 1984 and 1985. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve cancellation of assessment of a mobile home in the name of Dave Bode, Dunn Township, mobile home having a license, thus not subject to personal property tax. Motion was made by Van Ellig~ seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to re-appoint Julie Sanderson, Fergus Falls, MN; to a three y~ar term on the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission. The issue of placement of garbage bags on county road right-of-way was discussed and tabled for study by the Solid Waste Committee. The Jail Study Committee, together with Dennis Falenschek, Detention Program Manager of the Minnesota Department of Corrections, appeared before the Board regarding the Otter Tail County jail facility, citing the following alternatives: #1. Do nothing, resulting in closure of said facility. #2. Modify to code compliance with 16 beds, holding facility of up to 72 hours .. #3. Renovation of existing jail for a maximum 16 bed capacity, holding facility of up to 6ne year. #4. Provide addition with remodelling for a one year jail with 40 bed capacity. #5. Explore cost of new addition for from 55 to 60 beds, holding facility from one to twenty-five years.· #6. New jail at remote site, 40 to 55 bed facility with small court room Mr. Falenschek explairied the change in jail standards brought about by civi_l rights sui'ts, started basically in 1976 primarily ,ililVolv.ing long term confinement of one year or more, pointing out the need for an improved facility in Otter Tail County because of size and growth potential. No action taken. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to place all delinquent 1983 personal property and mobile home taxes into judgment, and the following report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1983 is presented: Fergus Falls, MN December 20, 1983 BE IT KNOWN, that the County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota did meet in session on the 20th day of December, 1983, that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1983, together with his certification thereon as required by law; and that at said session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected _personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1983, as so revised by said Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: Penalty Name City or Twp. -• Tax & Costs Total Remarks Dennis Fraki Henning City $ 83.60 $ n.sa $ 38. ?iG Collect Morey's TV New York Mills 40.20 5.68 46.08 Collect Rollie Thiel Henning City 8.98 1. 51 10.49 Collect Bartelson, Duane Lida 11 .18 1.81 12.99 Collect Base , Da 11e 8111.11 9 52 1 58 JJ JO collect Orr i_n Bolstad Tordenskjold 12. 7 4 2.03 14 .77 Collect Richard Bratlien Erhard City 38.24 5.60 43.84 Collect Mike, Andrie & Steve Brauch Bluffton Township 5.04 .95 5.99 Collect Bob Budach Folden 12 .18 1. 95 14. 13 Collect Bi.l l Caputa Dead Lake Township 8. l 5t: 1.39 9._55 Collect Jean Carrillo Lida 9. 78 1.62 11 .40 Collect Steve Collins Star Lake Township 44.96 6.55 51 . 51 Collect Jesse Conklin Buse 61 • 26 8.83 70.09 Coll>ect Mrs. Claude Eldridge Star Lake l 00. 7 4 14.35 115. 09 Collect Lyden Field Star Lake 5.42 1.01 6.43 Collect Ti_m Frater., f~ ( Dora 200.04 28.25 228.29 Co 11 ect Ron Friese Dora 9.96 1.65 11 . 61 Co 11 ect Future Homes New York Mills 260.34 36.70 297.04 Collect Future Homes New York Mills 73.88 l O. 59 84.47 Collect Future Homes New York Mills 52.78 7.64 60.42 Collect Delinquent personal property taxes (cont'd) Penalty Name Cit~ or Tw~. Tax & Costs Total Remarks Ed Glander Dora $ 9.78 $ l.62 $ 11 .40 Collect Eugene Hanson Maine 44.40 6.46 50.86 Collect Marlowe Haverland Lida 6.98 1.23 8. 21 Collect Alger R. Holmes Dunn 11. l 0 l.81 12. 91 Collect John Hovland Mew York Mills 32.92 4.86 37.78 Collect Chris Irwin Inman 14.94 2.35 17.29 Collect James Jaeger Buse 161.28 22.83 184. 11 Co 11 ect James Jaeger Buse 53.76 7 .78 61 .54 Collect James Jaeger Buse 77 .42 11 .09 88.51 Co 11 ect James Jaeger Buse 90 .·32 12. 90 · l 03. 22 Collect James Jaeger Buse l 01 .06 14 .39 115. 45 Collect James Jaeger Buse l 01 . 06 14.39 115. 45 Co 11 ect James Jaeger Buse 92.46 13.20 105.66 Collect James Jaeger Buse 455.86 64.07 519.93 Co 11 ect Duane Jansen, Sr. Lida 11 .18 l.81 12. 99 Collect Dennis Johnson Tumuli 14. l 0 2.23 16 .33 Collect Raymon Johnson Fergus Fa 11 s Twp. 32 .32 4. 78 37.10 Collect Donovan & Rhonda Jorgenson Henning City 45.58 6.63 52. 21 Collect Jerry Jorud Henning Township 34.40 5.06 39.46 Co 11 ect Robert Kempenich Perham Township 39.28 5.75 45.03 Co 11 ect Tim King Fergus Fa 11 s Twp. 4. l 0 4. l 0 Co 11 ect Jerry Koep Effington 39. 56 5.78 45.34 Collect Loren Kor.vela Newton 39.80 5.82 45.62 Collect Steve Krueger Underwood 96.96 13 .83 110.79 Co 11 ect Gene & Judy McCarty Star Lake 29.62 4.40 34.02 Co 11 ect Patrick McCormack Amor 112.16 15. 95 128. 11 Co 11 ect Ricky McManigle Deer Creek City 19.80 3.02 22.82 Co 11 ect Peggy Nichols Underwood 8.30 1.41 9.71 Co 11 ect Katherine Peterson Dunn 3 .12 3 .12 Co 11 ect Gary Peterson Dunn 11 . l 0 l.81 12. 91 Collect Steve Schmidt Perham Township 42.56 6.20 48.76 Co 11 ect Fred Shultz C Elizabeth Township 27 .34 4.08 31 .42 Collect Delinquent personsl property taxes (cont'd) Penalty Name Cit}:'. or Twp. Tax & Costs Total Remarks Dennis Stich Urbank $ 3.04 $ .67 $ 3.71 Co 11 ect Vernon Tiger Star Lake 8 .13 8 .13 Collect David Tordson Fergus Fa 11 s Twp. 35.32 5.20 40.52 Collect Town & Country Mobile Homes Buse 215.02 30.35 245.37 Collect Byron Treangen Oak Va 11 ey 99.56 14 .18 113. 74 Collect Hank Troje Dead Lake 61 .24 8.82 70.06 Collect Richard Umlauf Fergus Falls Twp. 36.80 5.40 42.20 Collect Larry Urvand Amor 31 . 24 4.62 35.86 Collect I °Kim Waller Star Lake 29.62 4.40 34.02 Co 11 ect David Wi fa 11 Scambler· 20.90 3.17 24.07 Collect David Wi fa 11 ( 1982) Scambler 20.66 3 .14 23.80 Collect Jerry Wimer Inman 3.92 .80 4 .72 Co 11 ect The Board of County Commissioners Ot ·· · · esota ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS legislation is considered for the 1984 session of legisla- ture to replace the title Executive Secretary to the County Board (where ever it appears in statute) with the term "County Coordinator". and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County does currently have the positio~ of Executive Secretary, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the "County Boa rd does hereby endorse legislation be,,c6ris,idered to implement the change from "Executive Secretar,y to the County Board", to "County Coordinator", and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the position of Executive Secretary to the County Board in Otter Tail County be hereby changed to "County Coordinator". Adopted at Fergus Falls, MN this 20th day of December, 1983. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, ON April 6, 1983, the County Board accepted bids for roadmowing from various bi'dders in amounts as shown below: Area A Area B Area C Area D Area E Area G Area H Area I Area J and Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN John Dittberner & Orlin Johnson, Parkers Prairie, MN Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, MN Merle Dittberner & Orlin Johnson, Parkers Prairie, MN Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN Selmer Halvorson & Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN Dennis Johnson & Merle Dittberner, Henning, MN $10,475.04 9,161.36 9,278.14 8,861.06 9,401.92 8,992.57 11,070.79 8,706.96 9,461.82 WHEREAS, the above contracts have now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board in the amounts shown except for Area B, total cost of $8,915.78, a decrease of $245.58 due to deduction of 2.65 miles of mowing on CSAH #8 for construction work Area D, total cost of $8,821.06, a decrease of $40.00 due to deduction for liquidated damages Area E, total cost of $8,377.08, decrease of $1,024.84 due to to deduction for poor mowing and area not mowed and liquidated damages Area I, total cost of $8,670.33, decrease of $36.63 due to deduction of 4.21 miles shoulder cut for construction work. Area J, total cost of $9,166.36, decrease of $295.46 due to deduction of 3.53 miles of construction w6r~. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue warrants in final payment thereof as follows: Area A Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN $1,047.50 Area B Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN 891 . 58 Area C John Dittberner & Orling Johnson, Parkers Prairie, MN 949.64 Area D Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN 846 .11 Area E Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, MN 6,780.05 Area G Merle Dittberner & Orlin1Johnson, Parkers Prairke, MN 899.26 Area H Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN l , l 07. 08 Area I Selmer Halvorson & Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN 867.03 Area J Dennis Johnson & Merle Dittberner, Henning, MN 916.64 Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 20th day of December, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk Upon mot i,on made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolutton was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota t that WHEREAS, on May 10, 1983, the County Board accepted the bid of Riley Bros. Construction, Morris, MN, in the amount of $160,814,95 for gradtng, aggregate base and bituminous base under S.A.P. 56-601-17, and WHEREAS the above contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $179,047.77, an increase of $18,232.82 due to overruns on excavation, aggregate surfacing and dozer rental, NOW, Tl:IEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Au.ditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amou~t of $33,878~17 payable to Rtley Bros. Construction as final-payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN this 20th day -0f December, 1983, Cliairman ATTEST: ~fu~ Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the followtng resolutton was adopted: RESOLVED by the Boa·rd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS ON July 19, 1983, theCounty Board accepted the bid of Strom Construction, Brandon, Inc., Brandon, MN, in the amount of $144,041.48 for grading and aggregate surfactng under C.P. 83:134, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $150,941, an increase of $6.899.91 due to overruns on cleartng, excavatton, aggregate surfacing and added culverts, NO~J, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor i.s hereby authorized and dfrected to issue a warrant in the amount of $20,037.76 payable to Strom Constructton of Brandon, Inc., as final payment for thts work. Dated at Fergus Palls, Minnesota this 20th day of December, 1983. ATTEST: -~~ Clerk I Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Fergus Falls State Hospital is a valuable and essential healthcare provider for the mentally retarded, mentally ill, and chemically dependent citizens of Otter Tail County and northwestern Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board bf Commissioners reaffirms its obli@'ation to provide for the care and treatment of its citizens in a convenient and timely way, and, WHEREAS, !he programs of tbe Fergus -Falls State Hos pita 1 integrate with and are a vital part of the health and medical services provided to the citi- zens of Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, the Fergus Falls State Hospital· is the largest employer of citizens of Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS~ the reduction of services or closing of Fergus Falls Stijte Hospital would cause serious financial hardship for the residents of Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, certain proposed changes by the Department of Public Wel- fare were formulated without the knowledge and cooperation of the Fergus Falls State Hospital staff and government a 1 agencies affected by the proposed change, and WHEREAS, any monies saved by the State would become tbe liability of the counties, and that the counties~ increased costs are unknown at the present time, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commi.ssioners of Ottet Tail County that there be a freeze placed upon implementation of plans as promulgated by the Department of Public Welfare in its directive dated December 14, 1983, and that further plans that would have substantive affects upon tbe opera- tions of Fergus falls State Hospital and its position in and function for the citi- zens of Otter Tail County be made through cooperative efforts with the local State Hospital staff and appropriate governmental agencies, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, th4t ~~ttiH~ht, detailed information be shared and clarified with appropriate county agencies, and State Hospital Resolution (Cont"d) December 20, 1983 BE IT RESOLVED FURTHER, th~t the anticipated advantages and dis- advantages of propo~ed changes be examtned .in an unbiased fashton through coopera~ ttve efforts between the Department of Public Welfare and the various affected county governmental agencies and elected officials. Dated at Fergus Falls~ MN this 20th day of Decemoer, 1983, Cbfuman ' ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, proposed changes by the Department of Public Welfare were formulated for the Fergus Falls State Hospital, and WHEREAS said changes were formulated without the knowledge and cooperation of the Fergus Falls State Hospital staff and governmental agencies affected by said proposed change, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board is of the opinion said changes· should not be implemented without input from the various affected agencies, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board does hereby create a task force authorizing Roland Winterfeldt, Director of Human Ser- vices, khdrLarry~Krohn, Executive Secretary, together with Van Ellig, County Commissioner, to set up said task force, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the sum of $5,000 be appropriated out of the County General Revenue Fund for the purpose of assistance in costs of said task force, for educating the general public through newspaper advertising, etc., or any cost incurred to raise public awareness. Dated at Fergus Falls, MN, this 20th day of Decem5er, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: Lp&r Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelso~, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following bills were allowed: -..... ' . , - -'. 1 '"'.:J. 1 . , -· ·_'-.• .. ::-~"'--I_ < .• _.r -,r,_"\l"E"N'O'U'R'"·rS!f='FfV'J'{;;f=:"~•o-R'T"~-,_, __ ,._ ;iN, .;_. ~+-"-.y, ~. --=-'!"""-? '!'!~= ..,.,.,~----- . 0 T T ER TA I L C OUN T Y - ----.--. -.• -.• ,_.------~.,,.--__ ...,-;:= ..... -11A,-,---.,1&1'--+Bt---· ·Atrl-Ott-O'f·I-Y-E--e-E-lff Ei::-Rg._.-.... ':.:...,.·_ ,-.. -------~11-::il3•-2-8--..,.....--------"------ -·> ·,---,t<,,ADVANCED' LEG"fit•EDl1C .. 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UP-"FtrE-C--S TO p 2: o-q.;~------------,--- C OM PAN 10 N ANH1At HOSPIT:AL , 35a50 C0NTINENlAl NORTH DAKOTA "INC -5·30.93 ________ __,..0l}f>cR'""l"$'"7JF FtCe-stJP-Pt:Y-I··N Ce 1t"3 6e 8 6 COOPER,; OE.NZIL 155e50 CORPORATE RlSK MANAGERS 1115e00 ---------R1TlrClfE7'1"I--c--At-cr·1:001P'ttcN T 2-r2._,.,7...,6 ____________ _ OAREL JACOBSON CONSTe 'I 72■50 DA VENP0R:T, GENE 1 811a 56 0 E--N N"Y....--~R'TW--S-i'A'"J~ 8"5.i 8 DON 1 S JACK AND JILL 138a28 EMERY, DEBRA 13a50 ----------rrtt>tRe-1:rtrs I NE.-SS-M A"CHlff £------------1-6ti.-c:.--...----------- E R I CK S O N • S BI G O 3 3 6a 8 5 EV E RT S , JOHN l.l Se 3 6 'f"RSUrn·•u~·s-·nA n::-v·-JO u-R N At 3·71-.·o5------------- F ER GUS FALLS POLICE DEPT• 192e00 FERGUS F.ALLS VETERINARY :CLINIC 15a00 FE RGt.tS-J-o-ss·HH, INC• 20.-zc.-5----- F E RGU S tt:oTORS INCe 1 l.l6a'll.l FERGUS SURPLUS & LUMBER 7el.l1 -'"Ff RSU s--r-1·R1:-e-~NTE -3-9-t;. 0·7---- F IN OE LL, JAMES 31 ■60 FIREST0NF :STORE 79a6'1 F'"I RST N"P.-r·toNAC-SANl( '"21,.-0 0 FRESONK:E, SUE 26e80 -------------- .. ,----· ··----·· ··-· -. ---.. --... --·•·· -------·. -.... ··--- -----------v-mo R s ER '{ll;"f;'REf"'UR' O'TTER.TA:IL COUNTY. 5'C1HP I ION VENDOR N ~Mt iUfO"UNI ---------.G..,ATIE P, r 1 M HANOEGA'A'fW.i STEVE HANSON, ·MARJEAN .. · 53.-9i 1 61. 70 .. 1 78.68 -----------n_ -A-u SER,; DAv-m-------------------..----..-...------------ HE N DR I CK SON,. BEVERLY . 'f7a25 HENNEPIN, CO GOV CENTER 1 Oe 00 ------,HTIE~NrrNTTfG'"°;AO~o--c~A~,~e-------------~---.1.-...4-,.-~------------,-/-"> 1f>•:r,(t: ~i~¥~~N=~=~~;;~~ECTRIC COMPA~Y< .2,'f~;:~g-• --........ "'-'---------.-,.A...-OrTirAT 2 33e2·.....------------ HOVLAN'D, BERTON 1 'P-le55 JACOBSON, ·ARLYS 81e09 --------,,1nMr1r.5cw--~s€~'R"'vl'C _________________ ,..._61Je_,...... ___________ _ JOHN SON, CARP.ET CO > 1, 5 Ll3e 7 'l 11'.LEMEK,: TERRYrM•D• 50e00 --------,l(NUTS-0-N-·H EA rrwc;-&"A"l~CO-:WOITilJ N 2, z-s-o.-•ft"oOT-u------------- K RO NEM AN'.N, MAX . 18e2LI LACHOWITZERi FRANK 257e75 LA GERO U L-Sl 1 AITTJ·SCTN·-s,-GlJS T LAKELAND· M6NT.AL HEALTH LEE, REBA M LE ITC RT"'"'."7tN 5i 7i LU ND BY , MRS • I REN E 2 7 • 1 LI LUNDEEN"COMPANY, VICTOR 6,-161e29 --------M---A R-stttte-:-F-oon-s--IN e 5 r-3·•. MCBEE 1 79e 79 . . ... ME LB Y., . l> LEN 2 8 6e 9 8' . ---------M-E M"OR':t1ir,-urSP • «rH-ct1'1E-1.--0--.......----------------- M ET Z BAK;ING COMPANY 266e08 MIDWEST. BUSINESS PRODUCTS 98'ie78 M ~ 0-\IE'Sf~t"N·f:"tN"t;,-------.--.,-,-.....,....----,__,..,.....,_..,..._ __ 8 5.-0 0 .·.• . MILLER 01/1.VIS > .··. · · Ll38e61 MlNNa CO, INSURANCE TRUST 8Qi000e00 _ ......... _________ M""N-.-irs--s-o-~r"A-S'ScSS-~crF-mE RS ........ · .. •· . . 2 75.--0,------------------ M N • CO•' RECORDERS ASSO Ce 2 OOeO 0 MONROE 2 32e00 ---------,rro N TG O MtRY ttlrR ·7·.-s------------- M O ORE 8.U:SINESS FORMS INC 6 88,05 MOTOROL'A, ·INCe 289,17. --------PK'""'-:tt4'0U:-SiRt£-S-IN· • ·--3·1:.·1i:i5-------------- MYHRE, J;OHN 50a00 NeCeR• 1,_3q3.75 -------~11-tt·OtU;-v.-fitJS-t=fJ-N"G-g-pARI-S-CO • s-.-5 9-------- N AT ION AL -·INSTITUTE FOR TRIAL 39e95 NELSON, SYDNEY 187e10 -------0¥-F-·1ec s-YSTEM-S-INC-. --2 3n-q 9i 01>----'---- 0R A NO I M;.o,, MEHDI qao.oo ORANOI M:EOICAL LAB 1,6 uOeOO ort·r-w--r-,.·-i-r-co-;;.-op---o IL~--·1,--a-q9.61: OTTER TA'.Il. co. SHERIFF DEPT 105.as· ----------------· --· --·-~--- -----------\l"f"N1}·0R----SE--RV-J-CE-REPOR-'--------------------~-- OJ TER TA IL COUNTY ES-C R1-P.10N ---,--------n-r-r-c1r--r--x:-1rocp-,---0P-so-c-.--s•fRvw-..,...-------'3T-fl-o·~-a----------- o TT ER TA:It DEPT •. OF PUB. HEALTH stt.oo OTTER TA.:IL POWER COe 7S.OO --------P"A11i-0A,·10R E q_q-.-5 5 PARK REGION MUTUAL TELEPHONE CO 12,3'10e71 PAURUS,, VICKI 61e89 PE t I C'A'llr'RA-P-I-0-S--PR"E~ S 7 9■ 0 q PERHAM C o~oP OIL co. 1 oq.59 PERHAM 'E•NTERPRISE BULLET'IN. 19e10 ------------,PD-E-E-n-R HAtt-0"-ASJ S INC '2:--tJ'li9__,,,_ _________ _ PE R HAM., C IT Y OF q 8 3• 3 2 PETTERS.O:N, ·VICTOR, JR 321 ■38 ---------o-p1:-rF1~·eR , J O'Att~ ~ 6.-a--------,-.....,...----- P Ho To CE NT1ER,· THE _. 1 28e19. PIERCE C.Ol'lPANY; THE 152e70 ---------p-1-1-N .... E-,.--. __ a .... o '2--22.-cr~---------- P O LIP N I C:K, DICK 7 7 • 5 0 POUCHER; ·PRlNTING & LITHO so.qs --------:_-_ ~Rra:A-no-ISSOI\T· -1(rnvo-o0.c --•· .-5-r.-c:-n----..,,---,----,---.---- ~~:~L =E~:~~~ I'~ NC. ~:: :~--__ ·-_i,;fr{t.· ROSE, K!EN -27■32 RUDO,, TOM .~ 'IS.·60 RUNDLE,: JOHN 593eLl5 ------------oR-v'f-.A-ttN1-=,-J-t-tU-t-NEe----,----,--,,...,...-,--.--,---------a-1t=--A-fl------------ -S-N-GO :STORES INC,-/:i;,:-:,.:•- SEIBEL,l :PAT & JERRY\/\:)<' -----------r,s--eE'11',1,..., ........ K...,,~w--AtO-HT"K...----_--... -.... •·· --_-------------0 ..... --,6--0-------------~ SERI/ICE FOOD MARKET .,~,. 758■113 SETHRE 1'. JOHN . ·-·· 27 ■29 . SH AR IF -1 · M .n.,-s-ua"t::IHr-TJ-_-,-,.----------,---2-2-AO.-·fJo------------ . SI RC H I E , F I NG E R PR I NT ' l AB -.-.--.. 5 1• 71 •--·souTH l'U'.LL ·,sTANOARO~;;~;;i')>< ··111,83/ ------------e .... -::.~c--.t--,A11 .. ,,p-l "flR,--Jr R .... O...,V,_.,A .... NH"6~'--------------------_-'i!3-2. 95,--------------- S TATE T.R·EASe --220e00 ·-STEM .AND EM ·'DRUG 2e97 SirttNbe'.R,-:-T H'01'tA • 2 8_ SULLIV,A·N ;. JOURDAN· 197e5Ll __ SUPER ONE 3 q 7e56 ---------T'--f',E,-..,,1fM4:tl-;e-'f'RO~l-C 5 5 2• 0 0 TEXWIPE 8~33 T HA LM AN N I S REP A IR 2 0 • 0 0 ---------f'fiHc7i}~I-m;-r--o-~I N-S·tt'tu--T r0e5T T H O MA S O: I L CO MP ANY If O 7 • 3 'l THOM PS ON O I L CO ■ 1 6e 2 2 ---------THREE II OYY'91t65 9~■0-,,_ _________ _ TIME LIFE BOOKS 37■69 TIME-LIFE BOOKS 15■18 -----------,R IT ES, . O"A'V· 3'"89"-s~---------- T Y S VER, ,SHERI ·10 ■00 V.E NO'O R SE RV ICE REP" OTTER TAIL COUNTY .,RIP I IU-rr--YElWOR N AtiE lfNTFORHS 01\fCTitl fEO . >. / WALVATNE: AUTO .REPAIR.·••·.·•·•· .. WANEK 'PL Ut1BING & HEATING/ w ASlCTf5'<Y,7TJrn------~-------...-'----.......--------------'---- W EST C Hl'T RA L E O C 0-OP 1.i 9 7 'le 7 0 'WEST PUBLISHING CO. 27.50 --•. -·.:-... -:}..,..t_/_{.'"".••··•·,...· ·. ,---,~,r~rs~.......-~Eno: !!~~~l y g ... o-•...,.··•·····-:•·-·•····-\-<------... ....,...,.,...-~--.......,,.-2...,i .... ::~ On-.------------ 1i\:t;;~f:\\t < XEROX C:O!RPORATJONt ·'581.21 · ·· ------------------2~1 ..-E Sci"rf'R S • G El<AL D q Te 163,.'1 21.59 ** A & B AU TOMOlI VE CENTER · 5.3q A • M • -1 • I PRODUCTS I NC 5 2. 8 3 · ·· --------A"KSNE S S., KEllN-e-,.-n-----"-----------------,--.r·o-o-.-o-R"--------------------- B A T TL E t. AKE FARMERS UN IO N 0. I l: -: -9• 0 0 BATTLE L'AKE, CITY OF 629•97 ----------tBcR£N O., 0 £N NI S D• ------------- BER ENQ ,'.' DENNIS D• · BIG A AUTQ PARTS tnRKH1' tzrNltRTii S I D E" BLUFFTON, CITY OF 272e'42 B RENT I S : GAS 2 -q 2• 7 0 --------eitE-· -rST,91 BROGARO; :PLUMB ING co . 2.so BUCHHOL7j MARK qo.oo BOD '"Srro-B 9"5e CARGILL SALi DIVISION 3,61q,67 CAROL & GENE'S OK HARD'WARE 83.93 Ct 1 TfiE R)\, LL, C r-n--o-. '°3"-8' CO-OP SERVICES INC ■· 558•10 ·)ti-COAST TO' COA'.ST STORE tt6,I.J1 --------O-Ltf1't'f-S~·Htttt·11.t-e--------------------~-----E-,::.-A-A--------------- COMMISSI:ONER OF 0TRANSPORTATION q 13.90 CRANE JQ,HNSON LUMBER CO• --Lla50 -------~e"l,Ul-eR·~IHft------~----------a•-s-6.-s--------------- 0 -A LU B R: I C A t:I T CO• 9 '4 2• 1 5 DA LT ON , . : C IT Y OF 1 2 14• 7 3 -------o A'N"lct:"S"07r·o-i-c-·-col'tPAN ~--q----------- D EE R CREEK, CITY OF 2 00,57 DENNY 1 Si NORTH :STAR 29e22 Of:N'i-,-c;nl .OF a-r.6 DOUGLAS 'COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT. 303,78 EAST O eT • TELEPHONE CO, 96,5'4 ------~·G1,1:-c ON-STR UC"fT'O -0-6a 5-0....----,-------·---- EL I Z ABE-TH, -CITY OF 129,72 ERHARD C:JTY 111'86 ---------c-nRTS-t:"Ul'tSER-COMf>1rN 61.,9-q------------- F ARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION 16,'46 ------------·---------------·-.. ---- ---------- -------------v-£ NO"O·R"""-s-E·R-V 1-Cc·RE P-·O"R 0 T TE R TA I L C OUN T Y ----------1:-A~lltA'1'tTS•--GE·NU-t»e---·pART~X-W,...C=-e -. ------~5 9"Lli·6·6· F E R GUS F ALL S E O UI P 11 ENT I N C : .. 1 q • 'I 7 . FERGUS FALLS TRUE VALUE HOWE• •37e29 ------------.-E'RGttS-·F .A ttS, C ITl OF 5, 5 5Z.6·r--------------· FERGUS ·1:NTERNAT I0NAL INC• 3 03e15 FERGUS SURPLUS & LUMBER -'3Oe12 ----,--------r-F.RGUS--r:·rR1:C"£1<HE R 2 0 s.~9..,.6-.-.-.. -.. ------- < ;,f F I R EST O N E .. : ST ORE 11.le 'I 5 · . . . FISKUt1 A:UTO 'PARTS 61e21 ---~------,s,....A-RErAGE -SERV·tCt 72e0O GENE'S ·s·TANOI\RO SERVI-CE 152e26 GE NU IN El PAR TS CO• I.I Se 1 0 H'E-tttH NG,, Clf-v-1tF . . .. . . ·.. 3 1o•32 HINTGEN-KARST:ELECTRIC .COMPANY. 61e77 HOHMAN ·T~ELE:PHONE co~,'· 11.13 ------------++rr--ffttt'l't-S-ALE~ COe 122e-o2. K AND K; TIRE 1. 23e3 0 K-ADING 1 S: FARM & HOME CENTER 37.07 K"IMBER A1\f'NfN6 INCe , :. ·.· . ·• ,6qe65 .· .. K.IRCHOFF!-PERKINS OIL'COe··· <~-~·-._·· 71e50- LAWSON PRODUCTS 'INC. · 1so.76 -----------~t--u1-1iq.-.-no£E N. co MP-A1'tn-v-r-cr o R sq-. s;-,,a.----------------- M -R SIGN .. COMPANY 2 77e15 MARK SA'NO & 'GRAVEL COe 878e·OO --=---------.Mot-A.rYY· *o+-• ~s-s-,tr-:-,P.HINHfJhAH!I-~ o-sc1lv-tC E 1 6 3. q q .. MEYER•s· ·SERVICE STiATlON . 216e58 MIDWEST, BUSINESS PRODUCTS < 35e'l5. ----------~1,..,o'\"ivtt1e~sc--T-T-, -'"""TEt:"£Prtmlc'C'-ortP ANY 25. ~--------~ MILLER &; HOLMES .INC. 713e83 M I N NE S OT A M I N I NG & MFG • 2 7 8• 5 0 MINNESOTA M0f01(C0-MPAN't'._ ... · 2q-e1'J0., MO 8 ILE R:ADJ O SERVI CE .. · 23• 20 NATIONAL. BUSHING & PARTS co.-· 387e66_ ----------N-E-t""'s-o .... N_....,B,,...,,ROiHERS P1nm-t'NG 5 83. 00 NE W YO R K MIL L ~, C I T Y O F 3 2 5• £f 1 NORGREN 1WRECK1NG 75eOO ---------~OR'TH UN lo-N-·Ctl'AMP-tl N 8 30-e·11 NORTHERN PROPANE GAS CO . 3£f5e00 NORTHWE";STERN BELL; TELe C·O• 196.61 ---------oCT-crn---Atrro4:tE:CTRI -.n-o-tto---------- oT T ER T A:ll CO-:OP OILS 1 02e91 OTTERTAl L AGGREGATE 2,0 20e00 -----------n"A1ttn·A-z-TI>R1: 1'5,~--------- PA RK REGION CO-'-OP OIL COe 1'11e73 PARK REG ION MUTUAL TELEP HONE CO Lf5, 7 5 AR'K'ERSPP1Ut1R'f1:T-c1T't' .OF 2 8"6.-q· PE AVEY . 8 U J LO ING SUP PL I ES 9 0e 3 7 P E L I CA N RAP I D S , C IT Y O F 7 q 7 • 7 5 -----------ft,~RR:Al'I, C ITY-0-o53i•7n-o---------- PHOTO CFNT ER, ·THE 'le 19 · -------~~~1~E"-RE~R~Tr-------------,------------PAG O.'T lER TAIL COUNTY. vFNDOR N At.E AlfOUNI PRATRIE lMPLEffE.NI INC. 11e11 QUALITY AUTO SUPPLY 52e31 R l CH V l L L: E , Cl TY O F 1 1 Oe 7 7 ------cratRTS":0-)17fEI:r"""DR"fIT[fifG~T~C • B 5·.-·~------------------ RO NI S &: DON'S :ELECTRIC 52e80 ROTHSAY, CITY OF . 6'-le87 -...,.....,----s-&----c--rc .... o.,,,mPUT~"SERV ICE ,I NC• . . . a-62i""o-. -'::'.Y.i SI GELMAN I S ;ST EEL & SAL VA GE CO•.< .. ·· 2 0 Oe 35 SK I PS GENUINE PARTS 43e 48 --------sTt:NER"Sn-Ntl1rolHERS 6e5 _________ _._ _____ _ STRAND ACE HARDWARE 57e93 STUROEVA:NTS AUTO PARTS 163e10 -------sul'ER GM C I ROCK ~Er-,s ..... -. -----------2,q os.3r-------------- THOMAS o:IL COMPANY 1.i''1·08e 19 T H O MA S o; I L CO NP ANY .9 LJ 1 • 0 ti ------. Tlf01'1P-s01r-crn:: co. 3-q9.z..------------,------- T JI s WELDING MACHINE SHOP 111e65 TORGUSS,O_N, VERNON 5 40e00 .------T""ort"RMTK rrs-071n:rE1rT I NG & A nr-cuN,.,0-.---------,2•..,qr-.-.2..gs~------------- T RU CK EO UIPMENT INCe 4 20e0L TUCKER C-Ou 'INC a ., 6i.2·80e0 0 ------tt•Nmo~ER~w-o.o.o, CI TY-0-F 115.;:·--------------- UR BANK, CITY OF 133e71 VERGAS KARD~ARE HANK 81e82 -----~vME ~-tt-c-oM PAN" ~3-9.1:-tt------~------- V E RGA:s, -CITY :OF 1 80e62 WADENA kSPHALT-COMPANY 9,·9 11e00 ---------vAUE"N A A, I DE rF lJR 5a O 0 WELDING SUP.PLIES 110e36 WEST CEN'TRAL CONCRETE INC Q•86e00 ZIEGC1=lr""71"NCe 191". 55.1007.80 ·•*> A & C ELECTRIC COMPANY 8 59a50 FERGUS :ELECTRIC 1'980a00 -----'-E-fHW-S--:-S"URPttHs-&-tttNB.~Eil➔~---.....,..------~5-nt--tr------------~ -HINTGEN..;.K'ARST '.ELECTRIC c·oMPANY/ 160a82 KORDEL · 20a00 -----ttO RGRE~.A.t:FRl:--------------~·-3-6·9"•--9">--------------- 0l T ER TA~IL co.-H\IY DEPT• 52.q2 WANEK PLUMBING & HEATING Q83e73 q,"9"":tr.·39 ----FE RGus·-s-u RPtu-s-&·-r UMB E·R---------6 3.-9""6------.------------ M ONT GO ME RY \.'ARD 8e37 NATIONAL. BUSHING & PARTS COe 6e39 --------1o'""'f·Y-ER-T~"1-r-co--0P--<r1 Ls-------------i"9.a-s-------- 98. 58 ** ··--·--------------·-------··--·----·-·-------------------·----·------·---- ----------v-cNn-oR--·s£"R-V-1C~REP·O"R""T---------.....------------·-----p, OJ•TER TA:I L COUNTY A M-0--0-N,--- .-9"0-------------- . 8e9 0 ** 0 T T E R TA: 1 L CO • H W Y DE P T • 21 a. 10 2 18. 7 0 ** 22 3, 3 9 2. 9 6 * * • vJith no further business, Chairma.11. Hovland adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m .. Ctfairman ATTEST: 4--.~~erk