HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/18/1983MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County .Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met Tuesday, October 18, 1983, with all members present. Chairman Hovland opened the meeting at 12:50 p.m .. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve special aid to Otto Township in the amount of $500.00 for -the Oak Point Road to Rush Lake improvement. Motion was made by Huo Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to authorize the County Engineer to contact Mn DOT for the purpose,:of con- si derf ng a 30 MPH speed zone on County Road #1 at Otter Tail Lake. Motion was made 6y Sydney Nelson, seconded 6y Van Ell ig and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $967 to Paddock Township, representing half the cost of repairing a major drainage structure on the township line between Paddock and Butler Townships. Motion was:made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to authorize a transfer of $9,600 from the Land Restoration Fund to the County Road and Bridge Fund to cover~the cost of aerial photos of the gravel pits in Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the recommendation of the Personnel Committee and approve step increases in the amount of $38.00 each for John Skramsted and Erwin Siems and $59.00 for Angeline Anderson, all of the County Assessor's office. Mike Kirk, County Attorney, was authorized, upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to set up an award program simi~ar to the "TIP" (Turning in Poachers) program for persons assisting in the apprehension of drug pushers. Harold Schmidt, representative of the Highway Maintenance Union, AFL-CIO, appeared before the Board stating the offer by the County Board was totally unacceptable, and requested negotiation by the Board. The Board's offer was unchanged. County Board October 18, 1983 Jim Bucholtz, developer of the proposed plat of Burr Oak Estates in Rush Lake Township, appeared before the Board relative to acquisition of access for the proposed plat. Mr. Bucholtz was informed the problem is a township foad problem and the Rush Lake Town Board should be approached for said access. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to re-appoint Richard (Dick)Smith, Battle Lake; Harvey Blanshan, Battle Lake, and Ed Shimeta, Battle Lake, to the Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer District Commission. Moti'on was made by Sydney Nel s,on, seconded by Van Ell ig and carried, to approve the following applications for reduction in assessed valuation: James & Irene Uhl Gelene Harrison Hobart Township Rush Lake Townshi~ Property overvalued Property valued at 120~ frontage rather than 60' John Halvorson, Sheriff's Department, appeared before the Board and presented the following quotations for purchase of a new vehicle for use by the Sheriff~s Department: Minnesota Motor, Fergus Falls, MN, 1983 Mijlibu Minnesota Motor, Fergus Fa 11 s, MN 1983 Malibu (idemonstnator) Warner's, Fergus Falls, MN 1983 Olds (demonstrator, 2,600 miles) Moore Ford, Fergus Falls, 1983 Ford LTD (4 cylinder) $9,200.00 ; 9,200.00 9,200.00 8,743.33 Fergus Motors, Fergus Falls, MN, {983 Dodge Areas K (demonstrator 3,000 ~i)8,596.00 Van Berkom Ford, Battle Lake, MN, LTD Ford, (demonstrator 12,900 miles) Van Berkom Ford, Battle Lake, MN, LTD Ford (demonstrator 6,700 miles} 8,636.00 8,802.00 Upon the recommendation of the County Sheriff, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve purchase of the 1983 (new) Malibu from Minnesota Motor Company, Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $9,200.00. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the application of Mrs. Rober~ Gangelhoff, for permission to pay the portion of the }98l'tJx_remainjng on property that was split fn~l98l~with tH~ current taxes unpaid, and remove ~~id portion from the judgment list. Motion wasmade by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the application of Ron Becker for a prorated on-sale liquor license for Becker's Supper Club, Buse Township. I RESOLUTION AMENDING SUBDIVISION CONTROL ORDINANCE OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY I Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren , seconded by __ V_a_n_E_l_l_i~g'------ and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board previously directed the County Attorney's Office to draft an amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance of Otter Tail County, to allow an additional exemption for certain subdivisions of real estate, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held according to law on the proposed amendment to the said Ordinance on August 23 , 1983. NOW, THEREFORE, llE IT RESOLVED that Section 1(6) of the Subdivision Controls Ordinance of Otter Tail County be amended to read as follows: ATTEST: 11 6. Exemptions a. The division of a lot for the purpose of attachment to contiguous lots where no residual plot or lot is left unattended is exempted from the provisions of this Ordinance, as are subdivisions conveying property to a public utility for such things as substations, poles, towers, telephone booths, etc. b. One division of land in which the tract of land is described with one side being an.unmeandered original government survey line and the ot.her sides all being parallel or perpendicular .. :, to said survey line, provided the tract is over two and one-half acres in size and no other divisicin of this type has been made involving the original tract." Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 18th day -of October, 1983. Berton Hovland, Chairman / ~,i>!J~Il SiaG. Bergerud,G 7k 620715 a),/ Ottice ot l:ou.na;' ~\i.:.~-· Couty of Otter Tail I harebv certify tb&t the within ins!r1.l• mimt WWJ ma.:I tn ttw effioo for roooni oo 11w. M dsJ fI (2)cu-44.v A.D. 111{3 , st//.'4So'clock Q ,M,. emi -. <im!,f .,.~ 1n Bodr. WQROFI~~ c:t/4:at;;,~ Oimmt.r lamaier ~-:Q~ Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the, following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, application has been made by R~lph: tunsford for the re- purchase of the NE¼SW¼ of Section 35-135-42, property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 21st of October, 1981, and having paid the aggregate of all delinquent taxes, penalties, costs and interest in the amount of $296.41, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve said repurchase to be in the best i.nterest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, _MN this 18th day of October, 1983. ATTEST: ~~ ,., ~r!w, o Cl erk County Boa rd October 18, 1983 Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, ~ . to approve purchase of terminal and printer tables from Victor Lundeen & Company, at a total cost of $4,973.15,· for use by the various offices, lowest quotation to meet all requirements. Jeff Morton, caretaker at Phelps 'Mill, appeared before the Board rela- tive to various problems at the Mill. Mr. Morton stated he was informed the well which has been condemned by the Department of Health and subsequently capped, is suppos~d t~ be pulled or removed. County Attorney Kirk was instructed to check into the matter. Mr. Morton called the Board~s attention to an erosion problem on the county road through the park and upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, was instructed to obtain three quotations for correction of the erosion problem, take the low quote and correct the problem. Replacement of diseased elm trees that have been removed was discussed and Mr. Morton was instructed to contact a nurseryman for recommendations as to what type and best time for replacement. Mr. Morton was instructed to obtain three quotations for floor covering for second floor at the house at Phelps Mill for presentation to the Board at a future meeting. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept -the proposal of Cooper's Office Supply in the amount of $493.20 for a five high horizontal file for use by the computer department. Members of the Aurdal Town Board appeared before the Board relative to an on and off sale 3.2 beer license that was issued to an establishment in Aurdal Township where the intention of the township was to grant only an off-sale license, without informing the County Board of that intent. No action taken. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following bills were allowed: 1 ----ve"No-oR-sERVICE REPOR,------------------------------------- 0 T T ER TA I L C OUN T Y AMO um------ --A-a-B-A1J·T·Ot1" OT 1--V e-ce NT ER· A & C ELECTRIC COMPANY. AMERICAN: LINEN SUPPLY 5e19 81.JSeOO f, o. 00 --A111l co--01 r-c o-. -----------s 6. a 1-· ------------------ AN DER S ON , ANGEL IN E 1 18• 6 2 ANDERSON, CRAIG Q5•20 --A·.roREtrs-,---sT·evE·N----------------29.26------------ ASSOCI AT I ON OF MINNe COUNTIES 50e00 AUCl1• RUDOLPH 73eQ3 ---Au-lO-S"A""F"t:·T·v-s-e"RV 1-C ·1 -7-7. 1 9------------ BA T TLE LAKE LAND FI LL 12• 00 BA T TL E L AKE R EV IE W 3, 9 16• 19 -~e-A1J MGk""RT--NER:;--JA NE 9 6•·9---------- BECK LU ND,_ RI AN O IL CO 5 6e 9 q BELL & HOWELL 67.eo BE"N-0-e-R-,-ruT-THc 21-Si51J ___ _ BENGSTON, ROGER 163.56 8 E R GE., A NG EL A 2 q 5e 3 8 ----,e--1-SGE RT--c-1 NO.,_________ s--o. 6 0 B I LL I S L O CK & K E Y Se 'I 0 BIRKHOLZ, NO-RTHSIOE SELF-SERVICE 2 38e61 ---e-9 01:,-·Ett:""I OT ·:1·-0 Oi oo-------------- BR ANDON COMMUNICATIONS 58e50 BRENAMAN, DAVE Hle96 ~-rs1,-e-o-,. • -2 2. 9 5 . · ... .-(:\;:: BUD'S MO BIL -98e72 BUREAU OF BUSJ NESS PR ACT I CE 31.89 ---c-" ·co11rn.ou-c.A·T-i-ONs-·1N~c-----------:s-9.--o-0------------- CARR ENTERPRISES, INCe 130e19 CARR, MICHAEL -1 50e00 -,---1c·A-s-S··-c-LA-Y-C RE A-l'IER 3 9'1• 9 2----. ,l••j":.-:. COFFEE CUP FUEL STOP 231e91.f · COHPAN 10 N ANIMAL HOSPITAL 32e75 ---c 0-Nllttn!At.-NO"RTH-o AKO T A-1 N 3 8 'li"'9 o---------~~-- CO OPE RI S OFFICE SUPPLY INC. 52e00 COOPER, OENZIL 7e70 · -·-:-~ -~ -• ---c o·RPO"R"·A"Tt:'-·R1 S K-·M AN A GER S · ·-tJ·t 5 .-o O -----------~------ CRAGUN ~-,S 188e79 OACOTAH· PAPER COMPANY 73e37 0"AYENPORt,-GENE OAY-TIMEQS 0 E N NY I S NORTH ST AR -------....e·N·T-o,t-COMPArf DICK'S ST~NOARO SERVICE DJ'S CAR CARE CENTER ----··--· 1-a 3. 1 e-·-------- 2ti. 10 25.88 26.1 7---- 11.92 I.\ 3• 2 0 --·oo·N-s-rn-e· 1-cHeR-·GuNSi-I N c·.------------·----------1·0 8• 25------------------ 00 UGL AS CO SHERIFF'S DEPT 7 o.o 0 E B E RV I LL 'E R, L E ROY ----·-et Ecniot.-vx·-c-0-w-·-- EMERY I DEBRA -----------------------···--1. -------- . \ \ 20.so -------· -----------3.-0 0---------------------- 8 7. 75 ----·-vENO-O"R· SERVICE ·QEPORJ··----------· -·· -·· ··· OT TE~ TA IL COUNTY ···---·--EMP lRcB USI NESS MACHIN es-·-------·--1 30■0 o-----------·-----·--·-·-· EVERTS, JOHN . -38■36 EXECUTIVE REPORTS CORP• ___ 87■02 ---------Fxl R .. H 1r1:s-RFS\J !ff-----1 1-Ple 6n-o-- F AR NAM TIRE CENTE~ 210,16 FERGUS FALLS DA IL Y JOU RN Al 5 91J.36 -~FFRGU s·-F ALU "VETEP.JNARY··• CLI NJ c--------·---1q.o o·----------·----------·>\: FERGUS JOBBING INC. 37,89 : /~,,-, FERGUS M;OTORS INC, -.-----562,67 -----------1=c·RGUS-s1JRPtU-s-&·· LU MB e~ -·--------i 3. 8 5-·- F ER GUS TIRE CENTER • 129,62 : ~!!~ ~ :. ~ t~ ! ~:=-aA N K -----·-··--·-------------~-it g ~ --··· -· ------- FIR ST NA Tl0NAL BANK Ui7a27 .-.::,. FISCHER, JIM-________ 39,75 ---------Fu,:CRU·M--D tv·.-·cF--A:oAG~ ---·2;8 6 7, 95----- GE NER AL TRADING COMPANY 96a56 GOV,ERNME,NT TRAINING SERVICE___ ~--"22,00 -------~GR-GRA"Pwtc-s·-1"NC • ---7 3, 1 J-----·-----·------·- 6 RI EP, T IM 91, 7 7 HALVERSON, JOHN __ ,_____________ 6a66 _,;...__..;.. ______ -u-A N1>cs-A1nrn~T Fu ·3 21-.-q-~ HANSON, M.ARJEAN 1 78,68 HARDEE 1 S RESTAURANT~------~----22.62 ---,,.------H£:NOR"I-CK--SON,-8£~VE·Rl:"Y · 1 05, 7 5----------- H t-NTGE N -KAR ST ELECTRIC COMPANY 2'1e50 HOLIDAY '465,13 __ ......_ _______ ___,. .. N-0-tA-N~E:-Ai)--:--SPEC-l'AtT ,,,_ _________ ----'"_·9 0,-3 s------------ 1 NT ERNA Tl ONAL BUSINESS MACl➔INFS q 17,75 JOHNSON, CO·NRAD 50,16 AtAR.--V-:1-ttl·A ---·--·-ss, q-a K I RI(, . t1 I ;c HA EL 2 1, 6 6 KNUTSO_N .HEATING & AIR CONDITION .18e30 Kl? ON~MA 5 7e2'6 __________ _ KRONEMANN, SYLVIA -ao.oo KUSTOM QUALITY EL ______ 153,97 ·--tAGER1HJ1-sr--ANO--S0NS, -Gus·r -----a5ii'O·o--·-------- LAKE REG ION HALFWAY HOMES 1,3 63a00 LAKE REG ION HOSPITAL 145e15 --LA Mf>E RT·:--Bttltn I ~-s----------2,9 7------------- L EE, MAL COL 11 1 Lf, 13 LUNDEEN COMPi\NY, VICTOR 1,9 23,78 ·-·MA·R-Tlfh-Vittt-.~M -----------------1s.2tt--- M E LB Y ~ G LEN 6 2a 6 8 1'1 E MOR I AL h OS P • & HO MES 2 3, 0 0 -~--ME r-z--e·AK·-:>I NG--COMPANY·---· -----------· 2 29, 61-------------------·--··- 1'1 I OWES T BUSINESS PRODUCTS 270,6'1 MN ACADEMY OF PROSECUTION & 117,00 ··t1N -Ass o-c-.--oF-lvPs ---·----···---------------· --1· oo.o o·-·-·--------------· -------·-·· MN-REFORMATORY IND, . 69,00 ---------------·--- ----·-··-------.. ·-·-- ---------·----------------------- ----------------------------------·----- • --------=-. VEND"OR-sERV 11:E "REPoR·T--------·------------------·----· ----··-·- 0 T T t R TA I L C OUN T Y MN.As so~c-.--PR OBAT'F""RI: GTS TRA Rs--···-- M N • CO • AT T OR HEY I S AS S N • MONROE HONTGO"McRy--\/7'-~0 -AMO UNIT"y------·------------ . · 1.-s o·--·----- 1 6 1.1. 88 . 31e2-9 --·6q;·a2- MRe STEAK 72-51 MURPHY, PATRICK DIRECTOR ______ 20e00 -----NATION'Al~USHI Ne;-&· PARTS-COe ---1·6•05""".------ NELSON BROTHERS PRINTING 21s.oo N E S S M OT O RS 7 2• 8 6 -------nl<t,A"R OVV,R ""3 2e 6 ·a-·· 0 R ANO I M • 0 • , ME HO I I.J O 0• 0 0 OR ANO I M EOICAL LAB 1, 1 25• 00 -----,--o SlfAl:U-.. P Ulre'C-0--• ····s 2. q·7- 0T TER TA.IL CO-OP 01 LS i., 6 86• 90 OTTER TAIL CO. H'WY OEPTe ~---37eLl7 -----OTT EJr,A-:-11.-cu.--sH ER JFF-o'E·p.--------·2 1o.00 OTTER TAIL DEPT. OF pua. HEALTH 36.00 0 T T ER TA I L POWER CO• 7 5■ 0 0 ·oU"REN,· c-·AHO--------q5. 0 3----. ---- p AM I DA S TORE 6e q 5 PARK REG ION CO-OP OIL CO• ____ 28e93 -----PA RK-R·-e s··rcrn-tfU TtJ Al --ye l E P HON E---c o--·-1: q.· q 0 PARKERS PRAIRIE INDEPENDENT 319 07e19 PART A PR INTl NG 5e60 ------DA"URUs-,-v i-c1t· ·21. 0 2--~·-- P EL l CAN· RAPIDS PRESS 31e0'1 PERHAM AUTO "\;RECKING INC. 1s.o·o ------e~KAl'r-c-o-;-oP--olt-co. -----·-·65.2---------'----- PERHA.N ENTERPRIS,E BULLETIN 25.03 PER HA H OASIS I NC q 6 2• 9 7 ------~p ERHA H,-·c IT Y--0 F -··q--q5-. 6 q---- PE T ER SON I SUE 5LJ~e25 PAG PHOTO ce·NTER, THE ________ 1 91.22 ------1uc-e-~ 011f>,\1',.l-y,,1i~ ·s.-2-0-------------- p ou cH ER PRINTING & LITHO 19.q7 OUAONA t1 OUNTAIN RESORT 136.80 ---cu-1 L i:-c O-RP.----------------------------· ·-· 1 o s.-ii 1 RAMADA -INN -167e'iQ RAY 1 S 01 L COMPANY --------2~.ao --------1Ht£HL-,-V:lLllS-----22.1.17-~------- ROSE, KEN 2 75e22 ---------:i-~~;~.;~-~-RRY -------···----------1 !~:~~----------·-··------· RUFER HEFTE, PEMBERTON ETC 21365■10 S~N-GO :sTORES INC. 360e06 ·--· --.. -·s·cHMlTT·,-··T1M,·-11.o.----·---------.. ·-·------·-·----·-·-10.60-----------· · ----·----------- SCHROCK, VICI 20e00 SC H WA R T Z , ROB E RT 1 2 6■ 8 8 · -------· SENYK:;-·-v·,-tofM AR-·-------------······---··------. 90. q o----------·----------------·--·---- SETHRE, JOHN 23e'-12 P.lON VENO'O R· SERVICE REPORT·--··---·-·· - OTTE-R TAIL COUNTY ·--· PA ·-S HA[E',S HFRRY-------··-····----·--·. 1 ·ss. s1··--------···-·•·· •··-··. ··-······ .... ---··-·-· SHARIF I ·l"leOu SUBHI 2 60e00 SHENEHON• HOIJARO E ■ ANO ASSOC. ' 1,250ell0 -----SHEPARo·rs-t1CGPAlrHILL:----·· ·--'"21:leOO ____________ -------·------. S I EMS , E R \i! 1 N 1 3 3■ 5 0 SIMONSON, SANOY. 50.25 · ·sKRAM S TA·u:,-·JoHN~·-···------··----------·---····----··-·-·. 55. 9 o-·----·----·-··• ·--· -----------·-·· -----· SOUTH Ml.LL STANDARD 162 ■05 STA TE DO CUN ENT S CENTER ----~~ 73e1 l.f -"------sr--e-PHE N-S,-V'AtT"ERr=·.-·-1NC. ----3q, 32----- s T EVE I S -CY CL E -.6 Se 8 5 --------~~:~~~! ~~• -R~ ~~ ~ ~S ------------·· ----------~ ~=: ~----.. ----------· ------- TE AM E LE CTR ON I CS . 1 5 6■ 5 0 THOENNES, HAROLD 35■20 TlfOMPSoN·-01-i:--c • ····2s.3a---------·••-----------··· .. T H O MP S ON , JANE 1 3■ 6 5 -------:~-~~t~F-~~~~~;7 -----------~~-6 ~~:-:!---------··---------- UNI FORMS UNLIMITED 30■75 UNIVERS,I TY OF MlNNe 6,0 62e00 ,, ------'ARO -t.8 3-----------~- VAUGHN IS 78e80 IJAHL.1 GA RY -~------------1 68,80 ------;•Et:-OIN1J·SUP.P1.11: 2·29.0------ WEST CEN"l RAL ED CO-OP 55e25 WEST PUBLISHING COe _________ 8~00 ----------Yrs-T Htn-c"HE·rac-AL"CO MP A· NY 0 8 s. q2-------------- W ORNER A-UTO 12 ■ q 9 XEROX CO.RPORATION 5·3s.e1 -. ....-\;-_i•-. ---z1-e-se,--11-~s.--GERAt · 39e"38 ·):)r ,..a,2~1.a3 •• ··• .. ·•:!..•· '~ "!/ .. '·' . At-lLFS GRAVEL & CONSTR., JIM BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UNION OIL BA rn·e--1.-AKE,iAROVA"RE BAUCK CH.EVROLET & OLDS ■ BECKLUND'-RIAN OIL CO -------e ER EN o-,-··.01:NtH s--c o.---- B ER ENO, OENNif. Oe BIG A AU TO PARTS 1,1 70■00 38, 00 ----39. G.6 __ _ 59.62 6.15 33■80 ----q 3.-1-q-----.. -- 32,25 31.1.qe -----···a 11.1.: •-s · ··t-OCK···-& ··KE y-------------·---------·· 1. 9·0··---····-------_ ---. --------·--· 80 BIS STIANOARO BULK SERVICE BRUHN, ROY Je 3 99■ 00 15e0 0 ---eu o •s-Mo-g-1 t -------q 96■·os------------------------- CAROL & GfNE 1 5 OK HARDWARE CO-OP SE,RVlCES INC ■ ---------~---coASY--to· COAST"" !..TOR Es··-··-.·-------- COMNISSI ONER OF TRANSPORTATION ~3. 72 91.13■82 . ----·------···· ·1,90--····-·---···• 3 1p4,93 -----------------------·--·------·-··••·•-----------· . --------------------------------- --------~-------------------- --------VENO·OR-SH?VlCE·-REPORi 0 T TE R TA I L C O lJN T Y :RIP TION..----yf:NOOR-WAfiE -----------AMOUNT -------c-o·NsTRUC1row.-·rut.:LETHI_________ ·31.20 CRANE JOHNSON LUMBER co t-2.so ----------. ~ ----- CURTIS REPAIR ___ 522•98 -------oA1. TON_A_G:;;SERV'l'CE"-lNC-.----. ---Ta.ou---- OENNY' S NORTH STAR 1.,207.91 ------~-~~~-sg~tf~~~~-~-~~-~: co. -------~~:;~---------·--------------- FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION 90e22 /}, FARNAM Tl PE CENTER ----~--29•50 ---------F ARN'A ,..-~GFNU""l~ cP'A-Rrs--rNc.----5''3 3iTT-· ' FE R GUS F ALLS O A IL Y JOU RN AL 2 9 • 3 9 FERGUS FALLS, CITY OF 1,101e79 ------·FE RGus-·1·:NTcRNAT'IONAt'-1 NC• Lie 12----- FERGUS t1 0 TORS 1 NC• 1 85• q 0 FERGUS T I RE CENTER 107• 19 -GENU1Nt"PARTS-"1:0e 82.9· GERRY'S PARTS SERVICE 89e70 GO RENT z, VERNON ------1 qq.oo -------o·veRN'l1"FNr-TRA'"l'H NG S ERV"I er----· 25. 0 o------ HE NNI NG,, CITY OF 8 73e08 HI-WAY AUTO & IMPLEMENT COe · 33e73 OlHIA rTE1.t1>RO ~E-C-0 i 17e7 6-:---·- J OH NS ON AUTO SERVICE 2Lle25 K A O l NG I S. FARM & H O 11 E C E N T ER 7 3 • 9 9 -,c I H'BErA·1lNINa;--IN • 6i9S· KOEP'S MOBIL qqs.sa LUNDEEN COMPANY, VICTOR 25e62 -------M--=-'R-S.lG'N-COMPAN ·5--6-qi2~2------ t1A COUE EN EOU I PMEN T INC• 1, 0 6 Lie 88 MAYO'S STANDARD SERVIC~ 198e82 ·-,,x ·-·t1E·csy-er£CTRT ·65.-on-0---.,' 1''lt):-MIDWEST: TELEPHONE COMPANY 16e32 ·, ;,. MILLER & HOLMES INCe 1,5 30e67 ·~----~--·.1-----------,,-o a-1CF-RAUnrs-e~v·1 c-19. 9 MURPHY O:JL CORPORATION 13,79ve85 N • E • 0 TT 'ER TA IL LAND F I L L AS SO C 2• 0 0 ---.,-----NA·T·to"N-A"t-:--1,t.lSHl~b-&-PARTs·-·co.--------··-·-··--6··52.-76·--·----------------- NORTH ST AR PLUMBING & HT Ge INC• 63e00 NOR TH UN l ON CH AMP L I N ____ 1, 1 15e 5 7 - ---N-OR"fH7JW-lOr·rr-ow IN'G ---------1-sa.-so-:---- NORTHERN POWER PRODUCTS I NC 2 29e50 NORTH WES TERN BE LL TEL • C O • 1 5 6e 20 NUN OA H t-o I c-COM? A N-y--------------.. ·-------· 1 9 q. 0 6 .. OTTER TA.IL CO-OP OILS 1,oss.qq OTTER TA.IL COUNTY TREASe 11J2Ll1e00 ---··---------· OXFORO--C:-l·¾EMICAL·s ·tNc-.---------·-•-----·----------5 97e50 ---- PA M I O A S T OR E PARK REG ION CO-OP OIL CO• PA.RK-REGTON""MU TUAL-TELEP.HONE PERHAM C 0-0P OIL COe 16.68 7 7 5o39 co--·-----···------39. 73--------------.. ---·----------- LI Be &f 5 -------·----·----. ------·-·· --------- ---·-----\------- .iiia..-ll::iiiaf----~~,.........,~--------------------------------..--------- -------·----·· vE "10 OR SE~ VICE REP OR,---··-------· ·---------------· ---·-----·-····-·---------PA G 0 T T ER T f<. I L COUNT Y -'.'':"· . . ··::J?··· . -~---. r, . . --:;/\" PRA IRTc-·tiEATTt.lG------------··-. -------------159. 09···-~---·----······---··--·--·-··- REVIEW E;t-.TERPRISES lNCe 3,223.6-0 RO 5 CO M A NU F AC T U lH NG C O • 1 'I 6• 1 5 RUFFR I DG E ..:JOHN SON. E0U I PM tNr·--co-.-·---'··· i"LI0.6 e---· ----.... --·-·---·---------·-·- RUSS KE S K l T ALO REPAIR 57.25 S & C CO 1"1PUTER SERVICE I NCe 8 7 8. 00 SCHEPPER -exCAVA"TING"""-·· -------------·---··----··70.oo--·------····---·-·-·· SIGELt1AN 1 S STEEL & SALVAGE CO• 286-21 SKIPS GE NUJNE PARTS 93e39 -------sTRANO-kcE--HARO.VAP-e--------7• ~l6 ___ _ STUROEVA-NTS AUTO PARTS 49e25 SUPE:::R GMC TRUCK SALES 517e'l1 -· -.--·---svE'ENFrBROs.-·TRACTOR co•-----------------· 1. 5 0 o. oo---···- TG & Y -STORES COe Q9e80. THALMANN 1 S REPAIR 26e75 ·----1 H·o MJ(s--cr ri.-·-corn> A'N tt, .. 1 9 tt."3·t THOMAS O:IL COMP1'NY q 15e71 THOMPSON OIL CO. 6 66e67 ------T-J...-S--V f.l: o•tlfG ··M·AC HIN e·-s H-0 P --·-·-·---2 q n .o oi-------( ---.. ·--------- VAN BERK OM f·-()P.0 SALES INC. 37e6'1 Y E R GAS H ARO W A RE HANK 2 3e '4 9 ------v·1:11GA·~-1t-COMt>ANv--·--~---------1q.-5-----------,------ WAOENA ASPHALT COMPANY . 8,5 ~n.oo WELDING SUPPLJ ES 1 52e03 z·teG~ll>fCe 2 7q.70 71, 'I so. 96 •• AL 1 S REF RIGERATtON 1 35e00 BELL CHEMICAL IND. ea.9q -. __ ....., .. ;?'.....,_ ·"----e-1·tt•-s---c--ocKcr-.c E 11 s.·-.o-·------------·•jyf FLAHERTY EOU IP CO RP -t, 0 6LJe 86 GOROY•S '.ELECTRIC MOTOR REPAIR lf2e26 ------H1NTG"E·n----K"ARS1·-E'tEC-TR 1c-·--C-0MPA·NY-______ 3 2.-a------------- J O H N SO N C ON T R O L S IN C • 11 8• 13 KNUTSON HEATING & AIR CONDITION 7 3h59 -------t"ARSEttc·tEC"TRIC 1s.-oo·----· BEL60fi, SJSiliU A £d Sn'fd<Zr 65e08 OTTER TAIL COe HWY DEPTe · 18,308•29 ---·-·-·SHERVJ-W--·v-n:t·1Att-S·-co •• --T'HF ---2 5q,o-·q~------·---··------ 20, 9 71..'l'I ** ---------------------------------•-.. ·----------·-·-·--··-"" A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 35e37 B A Y V I EV : SH ORE S '4 6 8 • 9 8 -----e I LL' s-LOc1<--&-1(EY·-·------------------·-.. --·••·-·-·--·--··-----2. 70--· ______ .. _______ --------------- BR ANDON COMMUNICATIONS 62e35 CARR ENTERPRISES, INCe 92e98 --··-·-01:N·T-0 1t-·-cot1P ,ft.Ny-·-· .... ---· --..... --______ ., ________ .. q 3.1·5---------·-······--·· --·---· · ----- OTT ER TA.IL CO-OP OILS 328e39 -------·--·----------------------· --~·--------·---··-----.. -. -~----,-------::---,,,,,,.,.., -...- ) CR 11'• I ON---y E'NtlO ~ N" KM -·-AMO UN -------petl>OU 1 w,··-JOSFPH--·--:--- T f NT ER ., 'E R\I 1 N ------·----·9.17----------·----·- -2 6• 60 ---------__ ....:_____:.~~---___;_---------1,070.29 ... With no further bu~fness~ at 3;34 p.m., the Chatrman adjourned the meettng until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, November 8, 1983. Clerk \