HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/23/1983MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday, August 23, 1983, with all members present. Chairman Hov- land opened the meeting at 12:45 p.m .. Lynn Burns of Corporate Risk Managers appeared before the Board and detailed the county's property and risk insurance coverage. An analysis of the county's group health insurance will be done by Corporate Risk Managers in an attempt to reduce the cost of coverage. Pursuant to Statute and published notice, a hearing was held on the proposed ordinances governing food and beverage establishments, lodging estab- lishments, manufactured home park and recreational camping areas. After listening to the various interested parties, the Chairman closed the hearing at 1 :20 p.m., with final action to be taken at 10:30 a.m., September 7, 1983. Because of an A.M.C. meeting on October 5th, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to change the October 5th meeting date to October 4, 1983. Larry Krohn, Executive Secretary, discussed with the Board th~~b~dget for the year 1984, request by the Clerk of District Court for the con~ideration of placing all court functions on the same floor, and the cost for said revamping. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to hire George Klein & Company to do a feasibility study on the courts for consolidation of the courts and court clerks. The motion was seconded by Van Ellig and carried with Sydney Nelson voting "no". Malcolm Lee appeared before the Board requesting the purchase of three Canon sure shot, 35 mm cameras, which was approved upon the recommendation of the County Attorney, said cameras to be used in prosecution of shoreland matters. Steve Andrews, County Treasurer, appeared before the Board presenting plans for restructuring the Treasurer's office, setting two deputy positions in Salary Range 4, and the clerk positions at Range 1, plan which had previously been approved by the personnel committee. Motion was made by Andy Leitch seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve same. County Board -2 -August 23, 1983 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, to approve payment in the amount of $1,557.37 to George Klein & Co., Deephaven, MN for professional services rendered through July, 1983 for the Otter Tail Jail Facility. Helen Skramsted, County Recorder, appeared before the Board re- questing purchase of the I.B.M. copier which has been on lease agreement with I.B.M. Corporation. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve purchase in the amount of $3,740.00, and payment for same. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to forward a letter to Roger Holms and Gordon Nielson of the Department of Natural Re- sources reaffirming the board's previous position on prohibiting road hunting in the good refuge during the special goose hunting season. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, to approve the application of Lindsey Jay Gustafson, for on sale intoxicating liquor license for:the Nite Owl Lounge & Restaurant at the Country Manor Motel, Bluffton Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications were approved for off-sale license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor: Roger Ophus Robin Johnson & Ross Seifert Big Chief Dane Prairie Township Lakeland True Value Hardware & General Store Dunn Township Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded .by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve a two day non-intoxicating male liquor license for the American Legion Post #30, in Fergus Falls Township in connection with the air show at the Fergus Falls Municipal Airport, at no fee. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, authorizing the Board Chairman and the County Auditor to exetute agreements with the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources under the Boat & Water Safety Grant, funding in the amount of $46,210.00. County Board -3 -August 23, 1983 Pursuant to the provtsions of Minn. Stat. 375.51, Subd.2, and published notice thereof, a hearing was held for the purpose of amending the Otter Tail County Subdivisions Control-Ordinance. After discussion, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ell i_g and carried, to amend the Sub- di vis ion Controls Ordinance to provide faan additional exemption to the require~ ment of a surveyor's drawing on subdivisions of 1and which are greater than 2½ acres in size and where the description can be made parallel and perpendi_cular to an original government survey line, provided, however, only one such split in a quarter/quarter (40 acre) section. George Walter, B. K. Soby, Milton Paulson and Carol Swenson of the Otter Tail County Historical Society appeared before the Board and presented the budget for the year 1984 as propos~d for the Historical Society. After con- siderable discussion, motion was made by Van Ellig to approve the budget as pre- sented representing a county appropriation of $44,000.00. The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to clean the carpet in"the basement. The motion was seconded by Van Ellig but failed with Syd Nelson, Bert Hovland and Hub Nordgren voting "no". After more discussion, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried with Andy Leitch and Van Ellig voting "no", to iristall a new carpet in the courthouse basement, selecting the lowest suitable bid for a patterned carpet that would not show soil and wear. Howie Koeppen, custodian, appeared before the Board and presented proposals received for installation of fans in the rotunda area of the courthouse: AC Electric Company, Fergus Falls, MN $ 729.50 Hintgen-Karst Electric Co., Fergus Falls, MN Greenland Electric, Underwood, MN 1 ,495 .00 1,996.00 After discussion, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried with,1Hub ·Nordgren voting "no", to accept the proposal of AC Electric Company, !Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $729.50. Howie Koeppen, custodian, presented proposa 1 s from various firms for the purchase with trade-in of a'.new lawn and garden tractor. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the proposal for the Bolen 48" hydro static 16 HP tractor at $2,700, unless a two cylinder tractor can be obtained for not an excessive increase in cost. County Board August 23, 1983 Gene Davenport appeared before the Board explaining the wetlands reimbursements for the year 1984, stating many applicants wi 11 not be receiving wetlands credit because of the qualification requirements. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to increase the cost of assessments being done by the county assessor's office to $3.75 per parcel, charged back to the taxing district. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an application of Bristol Distributing Co1, ~oorhead, ~N, for forgiveness of penalty on delinquent taxes in,'tfie. City of Underwood, payment to .. be made on the net amount of tax, on tfie jJrovision the building is renovated sufficiently for rental property. Laura Youngsma appeared before the Board presenting an update on the computer installation, and presented proposals for remodeling a portion of the accounti.ng·:,·,, section of the Government Services Bunlding. Because only one proposal had been received for each of the construction, elect ri cal , etc., motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, instructing Mrs. Youngsma to obtain quotations from other contracts and select the lowest bid. Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is desirous of obtaining funds from the State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources for the purpose of Boat & Water Safety Enforcement, and WHEREAS, approval by the County Board for application ,of suoH funds is required by the State of Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve appltcation for funds for Boat & Water Safety Enforcement, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Chairman of the County Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized to execute agreement with the Department-• of Natural R~sources for such funding on behalf of Otter Tail County. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of August, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for the re- construction of Bridge No. 91901 overthe Red Eye River (S.P. 56-619-04), and; WHEREAS, the application for the grant has been reviewed by the proper':_. agencies, and; WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $18,767.20 by reason of the lowest responsible bid, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail does hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant will be appro- priated from funds available to the County of Otter Tail, and that any grant moneys appropriated for the bridge but not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that all project funds be transferred to the Agency Account as needed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of August, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: . ¥,_:._"-) ~k~ Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of OtterTail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April 6, 1983, the County Board accepted the bi.d of Iowa~state Industries, Box B, Anamosa, Iowa~52205 in the amount of $7,919.78 for road signs and decals, and WHEREAS~ said road signs and decals have been received to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $7,919.78, NOW, THEREFORE, BE lT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $7,919.78 to Iowa State IridUStffe~, Anamosa, Iowas, in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesot~~ this 23rd day of August, 1983. C~a f rman • ATTEST: .H-,-~·,,) Bv,~Q Cl erk· Upon motion made by Andy Leitch~ seconded by Hub Nord9,ren and carried, the followi:ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the. Board of County Commisstoners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April 6, 1983, the County Board accepted the bid of M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, MN for sign posts in the amount of $15,751.00, and WHEREAS, said sign ~posts have been received to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $15,751.00, NOW, THERE FORE, BE lT RESOLVED, the County Aud Hor is hereby a~thorfzed ijnd directed to issue a warrant in the amouht of $15,751.00 to M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, MN, in full payment thereof, Oqted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of August, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: County Board -August 23, 1983 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following applications for reduction of assessment were approved: Glenn J. & Hellen Torkelson Joe Fi Thelma Ott Jerry L. Bi:sco et al Roger & Pearl Jackson Henry & Doris Iwerks Douglas C. Haugen Douglas C. Haugen Douglas C. Haugen Douglas C. Haugen Douglas C. Haugen James R. & Vivian M. Gregoire Dale Nelson Aurdal Township Reduction of assessment Aurdal Township " " " Clitherall Township " " " Dunn Township " " " Dunn Township " " " Dunn Townshin " " " Haugen's Knollwood 1st Addn. Lot 5 Blk 1 Dunn Township Reduction of Assessment Haugen's Knollwood 1st Addn. Lot 8, Blk 1 Dunn Township Rdduction of assessment Haugen's Knolhmod 1st Addn. Lot 9, Rlk 1 Dunn Township Reduction of assessment Haugei'I' s Knollwood 1st Addn. Lot 13, Blk 1 Dunn Township Reduction of assessment Haugen's Knollwood 1st A<ldn. Lot 14, Blk 1 Girard Township Reduction ofassessment Ukkelberg Beach Lot 12 City of New York Mills Homestead classification Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following bills were allowed: ----.-----~-------,----,---~----------------,.----------------------------------------------------- VENQOR SERVICE REPORT OTTER TAIL COUNTY ---------------------· ---- .l DESC~IP TlON VENOOq NAME AMOUNT Al 1 5 REFRIGERATION A11ERICAN i:!USINESS FORMS ----·-----·-------AN DREVS, -ST-1:VE-N·--------·--·· 30e0 0 '"~-7 9 ---------------·-··---73.--q-q------·-------·--·-···---------·--·- ANOKA COe SHfRJFF 15e60 ASHBY EQUITY '15e15 -----------·----------All To-· SA F ,E-f Y ·SE-R VJ CE· --------·----···----·--·--t-e-i. 2-3- BA TTL E LAKE FA?HER$ UNION OIL 13:3 ♦10 BATTLE LAKE LAN □ FILL 2h00 -----BA·f-rl E-L--AK E-tt-0 T,')R S--1-·8, 16··--- BATTLE LAKE REVIEW 16e11 BECKER, KEN 522,28 ---·-·--B.E C·K LU N O--fH A N--EHL--C O -----------6 0-. 7 5 BERGE, ANGELA 62•22 OEJWERUO, SYLV JA -'11e80 ----------tH-G-GE·R,---C--J-H-OY-22,-~,---------- 6 I RKHOLZ • NORTHSIOE SELF-SERVICE ij07e36 BJORALT, GOROOi'J 132e13 ______ ..___ ___ -Q0R~Nfl0·N-ei;HMUN--f-CA-T JONS 6 5·b0-fi----------- BU O IS MOBIL 39,53 BU OKE, DON.ALO 25• 0 0 ---·BU--RROU G·tt-S-~O-~P-'<8A T f ON h-44-6-.-4-------- CA RR ENT ERPRIStS, lNC, 133,89 CA RR, M I ,CH A EL 2 5• 0 0 ----tC A--S·S-C-L·A-Y-£AfA-tt-€RY--· 34·3·.--2-,,__ ________ _ CASS COe SHERIFF ~3.00 CHARLEY'S SHARPENING SERVICE 2,50 ----------CH El:L-, -tt ~-S---->wAl-il--~~--------- CH ELL, \#'.ALDO ti.1,80 CHRISTEN SO"! .UPHCLSTERY 60,00 ----------+-~-J-T-Y·-PHAiHt/d;Y --5--7,95----------- CLAAK 30AROMAN CO LTD 77,84 CO Ii.ST TO CCAST STORE __ 55e6q ----------co FFEE-c_;uP--FUEt--STOP ·-·------:_2-36·1-S·-<r---------- CO MPAN JON ANIMAL HOSPITAL sq.qo COMPUTER; CONCEPTS & SERVICES 1,8 32,56 -----co NT-IN Eli--rAt-tt-OR·n-t--OAI< 0 TA ·--fNC ·---2115 o.--------- CO OP€ RI S OFFICE SUPPLY INC, 395,9q COOPER, I0ENZ1L 27,95 ----------rO-RPOR-AT-E---fN SK·-ttANAGERs-------·-·-t5.--0-0- C P. AFT S 11 A N l NO LJ;S TR I ES I NC 2 5t O 0 CA AN E JO H NS ON LUMBER C O , 2 h 8 8 ----c P.-f: 0 I T P·tJ·8L f-S?f · I"4G-·· e-o-.-27, 0·-A----------- 0 AC OT A l-f PAPER COMPANY 1 !H,62 OA LCO 3 79e96 ---OA·V ENPO R ·Tr-Gf N-E-----56.·38 ·----------- 0F. LANF. Y,, fJtHlE 1311100 DETROIT ·L',t<r:S AM9lJLANCE CO 190aOD ---0 li;K·4--S··-S-f-t,ND~ i!-fJ· SERVICE---·-------t-7, 51 OJ 1 S CAR CM~E CENTER 55,20 OOUGL.~S COe TRO,S, 280•00 ---------·------ ·-----------------·-·----------------- . . --~::~"'-~f~>:;'--,,~:,;·-?';~:~~,;;~\-';'"''.:-· ..• _. ',<~>:.·< .,···. -:.: _:_, -_.-,·' >·~:~~--> :-··•· :~_-. ,. "·.· :·<<·--•. ,. : :-,-~::_;•.>.'.->>.::-~·--•. / ·~·~_ ... ,~·.s·~~-?f·~-:-.--~ __ .; ._-_ .. :.:_.. · .. -.. ,.--· .-- 0 £SCRIP T 10 N VEND OR SER V l CE REP OR T 0 T TEP TA l L COUNT Y VENDOR N AHE AMOUNT ----------------------·-----------------•··• __________ _:. ____ _ 0 U RA PR I ;N T 2 8 • 0 0 E. L E CT R O L U X CO R P 5e 9 5 -----------E l'1 P IRf··-·B·us1 Nf·s-~,--M ACHIN" Es· 3 9 9• q 5------------------ E V E RT S L li M B !: R C GM PAN Y 21. 8 6 FERGUS f ALLS OA.ll Y JOU RN H 97e3~ -----------·--· F-E ·RGU s---F 'At.L~)--·M·F01 CA t:-·G RO Up--------· 4 1h-i4 0 ----------- FERGUS FALLS iH,OIOLOGY 20e00 F E R GU S F ALL S Tl~ U f: V ALU E 1-l O \I E • 18 • 7 0 · FE-rwu:s----J'.-0-1:ittHiG· wc-.-----------------... 1,,;-15------------ FE RGUS H,OT-ORS INC• 1145e07 F E R GU S S U R PL U S 1 L U MB E R 31. 1 3 F. E"'RGU s--T-1 it£--C-·~:y,.t·1t:·R --------5-3,1. 8 ---------- FI ~ING l INE SeOO FIRST NATIONAL. BANK 103e98 ---------~-F·t· s-eHE R·,--_tl ----S--7 s. 6 ft---------- F L AT H , N 'A GK q 1 t 2 q Gf.NERAL C01't1UN1CATIONS 252,62 R-·--GRAf'tt-lCS--1-N v • 31·3·,·tt GR ANO F O "Rt. S CO • * SH ER l FF . f4 0 • 0 0 GA l E PI T 1 M 5 3, 2 1 -----------1-CHJN-v-At·o s-o-tt~el{rff .--0-0---------· HA GA, CA MEROM 15• lf0 HALVERSON,-.JOHN 2,65 -----------,u-A-N'"OE~A-A~-S-f-€-VE S2.-3-1---------- HA N LEY, iV\JONNE 35e00 HANSON, ·MARJEA\i 129160 -----------u-A-"'RO EE-.--S-Rf-s-r,A-t,--µOtl -7.-9-R----------- H AU GRAU D, TERRY tl!J.ttO HAUSER, OAVIO 23e75 HA 1:1 ss I< E,'-·r,E·o·!=l·G-... 5 6n,-•'>----------- HEN OR IC K !;ON, 9EVERLY 31e50 HENNING, iAOVOC:A H 9e50 ---H·l N f--G-E N-t.-AR-S·r·-€tE-C·T Rl e-e-o MPA-ftY 1--t16 .-1-~of-·'----------- H O L lO A Y 518eLl'4 HO V LAN O, 1 fiE R T(I N 3 3 2 • 3 LI -----------HUtt;-,-·-H-A--·fttt~Rfttt,+------9,--3-7----------- I B M CO P.P 2,7e LIB I B t1 CO R P iO ..:: ~ T 1 0 "I 1, 8 7 61 q 2 ·IN H-lAN HE ·trO----S?E-e·l--AL·TY-· 7·8-,-3-Q----------- JA ENIS CH INOUSl~IES 5,00 JOHN'S A~ lO RENUVAT ING 22.so wt< " A~ ~o 1c 1A1 ~s !Ne 2-ei-,-a:0 KALAq, \l;H.Ll.\M '15e99 KARVONEN 8. SON FUNEHAL CH/I.PEL. . as.oo -------------t< E-S SEL, --JfFF-P.f:: Y-H·a:O·,---O•·Oti---------- KE TGHAi1, DOUG & ASSOC. 176e6rJ K I R K, MI :c 1-J AF. l 1 7 • 1 0 -------1< NUTS O M,t1:F.-ef-R-i C --5-. 0 O---------- K ROHN, L 'A NR Y q 3 3• 9 7 -l<RONEMAN "I, MAX 81eq6 --------------------------- ----------------------·----------------------------•.-· ------•----·----------·--·----··-----·----------------- Vf.NDtiP. SE~·,•lCF. REPORT or Tf-~ lA IL COUNT y ---------·-----·---· -·-·----· --. -·------•-·---------------···------- OESCRIPlION VE NOOR N Al"'E AMO ll NT ----------------. ---·-·-·. ----.. -- LAG ERO U I ST ANO S0t4S, GUST as.oo LA K E C OU N TRY G A (ID£ 1• S q 15 • 0 0 ·-t-A-11P-Eq.T .-!1U! 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PU 9LIC EMPLOYER LABOR as.oo ----------tt+-N 11t,-S-l-:l<-f-E-l-w-H,S-.------~Ha.-7------------ M INN E SOT A Cal•E• 280.00 Ml NNESOT A f'!OTOR COMPANY 89_♦'16 ----------MN-w--A-T-f--0-R-NH-~W-f C-f--8 U·R· E-'-U 12• 0-0,__ ________ _ MOLEX 8h11 MONTG011E HY ilARO 30ell8 ----------0-T--OR o-t:-k-r-f-:-1£-•-7--9-a-. 8-+1----------- NA TIO NA L 8U5Hl'H] & PARTS CO, 17h02 NATIONAL, PEN COHPORATJOH 8iJ.2q ---ttEt-S0t.t--B-ifO-TH-f-~RlNT 1 NG-~}s.-ao---------- NE LSON, SYDNEY 274,00 NELSON, THOMAS 27•50 oK----.;A RO\t'J!i ~-• ~•u------------ OL SON, ELAINE 10.00 ORANDI M-•□•• f1£HD1 1112'.J•OO ----------R-AN0-1--tt:E-0 J·C·At---t:A-8 2-,-l-5-0e -On----------- 0 T TEA TA IL CO-OP OILS 1, 758,82 0 T TE R T A :I L CO • :iii Y OE P T , 7 1 • 2 8 /- ----------ft-·. T-lf R--T-A: -tt--C0-•~1atfR-IF·F---O E·PT 01-.-2.n• ---------- 0 T TER TA IL DEPT, OF PUB, '-€ALTH 27e00 OTTER TA:IL POIJEQ CO• 75,00 ---------i>AUi-W·,s-,--v·-J-eK-f-----3.-z.-1------------ P E BBL E LAKE AUTO REPAIR INC• 69,50 PE l I CA N RA P l O S PR f S S 13 • 1 2 ---------Pf t;-lCA-l'f,-HH,~lNG-!,EPA I RS---·--2,00---------- PE LOOU tN J JOSEPH 12e30 PE R HAM C 0-0 P (l J l CO• 1 3 ?.• 0 6 ---------·· ---- ----------- . . . \, .. c: .. . . ,:~h".:;J::~~f:.~:~:,·2!.\:;#:.;~.-;,{Y~~:';t"'.,::•·:• •,.-:;(:;-;>;:' :( ... ,:7 .: <:'; :: •... '· .. ·· :-· •··" .. --·------ 0 UP D E S C RI P T IO N " ·-------·-------~--.--------------.---- VENDOR SERVICE REPORT OTTER TA IL COUNTY VENDOR NAME ---··---------- PERHAM E-NTERPRlSE BULLET lN 13e13 PEHHAM OASIS IHC 531e43 ----p-£-~HA:M-·P·R-JN-'!'1-ft~---~• 91.-------- p ER HAM, 1C l T Y OF 1,193• 3 5 PE fEPSON, SU[ 36e 75 ---· ------------0 H' I'ttJ·p·s ;·f'E f •. -ci)M'PA"NY ·o.-0-3 PH OTO CE NT F. it,. T Hf 2 2 2e q 9 PIE:wCE CO.MP.I.NY., THE 199e23 -----------~-1 -r Ne·v--·tr-a.~-s-1·1:11-.-0-0---------- p o u c HER: PRlNTl"iG & LITtiO 109e5ij RE O O IJ L 1 0 6, B q --~---------e·-O·Sr,-·KE-·-◄-.-------------------~th91-------- ~ U O O • T O H 7 7 6• tl 0 RUTTGER• S BAY LAKE LOOGE 308eQ6 -----------4"·-CrtVAtll-Z-1----R'OitfR -t9e·6~-------- SC OGG l NS, JOHN 3 ASSOC 1,s11.sq SERVICE. FOOD MAf-1KET 873,63 ------------1s1:1tv·t·CE--:7Tlt & . TIRE 6-2-fhr'S"rtt---------- s H AR 1 f l M • 0 •, SUB 1-t I 9 Oe O 0 SHER\illN iilLLlAMS co., THF. 3q.oo -------------110Ns-o-N,--s-A-tm·· 2-g-.-e------~-- so u TH Ml LL ST A:,.JDAP.0 286e95 STOP NGO ST0i'.JE 394.73 -----------c-'tittNS-f.•~-,-tttotrA-S -5-.,--">---------- SULLIVAN,. JOUPOAN 171.Je29 . THALMANN •s REPAIR sn.20 ----------"'·1-t-E-on-·..-~1-m;--a-o-'fr"flO 3 6•-2--------- T HOM PS ON OIL CIJ. 91•10 THOMPSON, N~NCY 20.00 ____________ ..,.1-tR EE' -.,.,.---trY-Y9'-S-US---· -q.o--2 THREE !'I fJYY9065 111e8tf THREE l1 OYZ2127 1,148e55 T-J-·rtf--t-JF-1::'-8-C-eK 1-5.·9'6·-------- T RA l LL COUNTY 11.so U OF MN OEPT OF CONF, 56,25 -----------N--J·T ff) --S-H-NO·t-NG-Ci-. ~-6 -LJ--2--5~--------- U N II/F.~Si TY OF MINN. qa.oo VE OEJh F !R ~NJ< 58,0 0 ------------ERN-·Ci-fAi~fSl·-"(Ht ·8:·t.--05-------- W.A GNER, EVELYN 19•38 WAHLSTllOM, NA.NCY 8il6.16 -------------'\l f,. NEK··-P-t:--bttS-iW-£;~-a-HE·Al·l· HG-·"4 1 5-·--------- \1 EL CI NG SUP?Llf'.S 19,00 WEST CEN 1T,.AL 1:0 CO-OP 10J,OO -----ve-sr--Pu:Bc-Jstt·i-tt~-eo.. 7•5·1½--------- " E ST SI DE SE \W I CE LI :J • 0 7 WHITE OAlJG 1■00 ·-v1-ts ON·-S·t::-:P?t--Y···-e-o.--·-2ih-ft-O-------- W J NTER, SCOTT 11.00 \IOOLWORTH 118,32 --.---------·-------·--------·-----, _____ '----~-----· VENOOQ SEPI/ICf RfPORT 0 T H ~ TA IL COUNTY G~OUP OE SCRIP f ION VE NOOR NAME Al'\0 U '4T -.. --------------------··---------·------------·--------------. ------------------------------------------- XE~OX C0 1RPOl--?ATlDN XF. ROX CO ~p ' 767,91 3 7,? q -------·---·-----------· XE-ROX-·CO,RF-O!•H·l-IiJN----·-· ---..-... -------------------··-159,75-···------ y OU NG SM A , LAUR /J. 277,Q 3 5615-t6108 NM ---·-·-----------------------------------------------·-----. A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTFR 83,38 ---------·---------.AH lF-S-GR A VF.L--~-CONSTR •, -J·IH·· 33, 2-9-9•-1-8- BA C !-iNA NN, Vf\.RR!fr; & MARLYS 80,00 BAKER, 0 !(; NN 3 7 5, 0 7 ----------------------·-·9A RttY·• $--f. XCAV·A f tNG------------·-----·--·--9ih-OO------- BATT LE LAKE F.ARnfRS UNION OIL 190,69 0fQENO, OPHUS U, 38,40 ---i-18} 6-A·-A-O·TO-·P"'·'HS------2·2,-0•u-------- Bl UFFTON OIL COt1Pl\NY 61262e88 BORCHERT-l"iG£RSOLL INCe 61e62 ----BU-O-' 5--N-0·-':3 ·It------8.<3·,·64------- C O -0 P S E -P V I CE S J H C • 6 9 6e J 0 COAST TO COAST STORE 3ile'f6 -----·-C--0-tttH·S'Sl-C-N-E-R:-··OF--lR-ANSP.OR-l·A·H-ON 1-5-6-.9-.>r------'--- C O N ST RU C T I O N 8 lJ LL E T I flt 2 1H • 2 0 CO~HROL EQUIPMENT COe 1J09q,11 --------------c 4rS MO-S--r,NTE R-P R-l·-Sf:--S···iN C-------------9.-3n-------- C U R T ' S R -E PA 1 R 5 'I 6, 8 3 C Z I OK ., L f. 0 NA R O A & 00 R O T ~ Y A 3 6 q• 0 0 O-i\-·l=U&R-l-C·A-NT-£-0..---9-3·h·-1-tt------- Qi:: l 2E !h ed4!f!iWCffeH IHO. ;z,690,51 0 l CK • S S TAN ll A AD SER V 1 C E J 9 9• 'H --------------0 1-f-CH-w l -T €H--OF--MN-l NC·• t.-9-Et:------- E A S l O • T • TE LE P HO NE CO • 9 1a 1 6 fGGE, 8ilt:IBK J»S:fl'l17g .;.1.,;filfil~~Q~i-,.1-t!8~A~t,;,1P,...i¥..,.....---------------·-------------..,-'iJ~,..._,s,,...9't-'t,llur71"'H"-8 ·· -+.:GSE» BA Rl[ftiE .,.£€HE» !Hi 11E 9, 8 J :;, 7 7 -9, 1 to, 31 -----··--··-€ \I E'l't-SON·-·•J-NC-• ,-·-fl-•··ff•·--- F AR ME RS Cu-OP A5S0ClAT 10 N . 2tHh26 F A R NA M T l RE C [;N TE R 7 • 5 il F·*·RttAM • S-·~ENit I ~JF-PARTS · ·t·NC•----------3--1)-7,qll ----·---- FE RGIJS FALLS DAILY JOURNAL 159•7() FERGUS F'P,LLS TRUE. VALUE Howe. 514.12 ·--·--------·--F·E-RGUS· i ~-ft:;·P.!O;·'f HmAL ·-1 NC .------2-·a-1 ■·10------- f E RGUS 11CT0RS INC, 33,98 FERGUS T IPE CENlEP. '47?.eQ6 ---FI RES·T (}N f--ST-OR-f.-··--·----> 1·81• 04- F I SK lJ M A .U T O PA R TS 6 2 • q 8 FREDEP.ICK, Ge .I\• 108,79 ---------------GENERAL -·TfrAO-HH}·-C·OHPAN '( --·-----313-e20··------- G E ?WINE, P MH S C Q, 6 St O 3 GE~RY•S PA~TS StRVICE aa.87 ------·-·--------- ---------- .. ·y----. . . . . . , . . . . -. _.-_;~ .. ~-~c.,,_·,~:.j~.;:-;.;,,,~~~:~~-S:,'~.···,·~•:··· -;.,:, .. :.; .. :: .. ,, ... ".', >, .... --~~·,, .... -.... .. :C-.·•· ·.·., ... ;_· .• , .c.'. •. ,·.,-.,_-_:·.,•; .. .__,.•:.:_i ...• L, :.S:...,;·· .· .. > · · · : ... · • · . RO lJ P OE SCRIP T ION VENDOR SERVICE REPORT OT TEP. TA IL COUNTY ---------·----- VE NOOR N Af'lf. AMOU•H GO RI: NT Z , V Ef<N O N 7 2• 0 0 GU NDERSO'.N, JAMES ___ 20e0 0 ··-·-·· -HA"N so~r-p·tUl'fS l !\It; &-HEP.T"l N·t; ---··· -----q 32,43·2------------· HAYOEN-MuRPI-IY EOUlP, CO, 939,62 HfGSTA!J OJL CO, 21.fl.f,53 -·---------HI LGRE N"--f OR'D -----·----.. •---------'56T3 s-------------- HI NTGE N-KAR ST ELECTRIC C 1)MPANY 36,70 HCHMAN T f-LEPHO~!: CO, 16,98 .. ---1 NT ER Sf A;"f·f-·Gf· r-~·~n--01 !:·SE·t·-·-------0------------1, -o.o 9--- I NT fRS TAT£ INC, 108,86 =dEFFREY Kt10L(R GRitiVi;l ..... , i 6 J. 8 4 -----------.,t·J r1---HA·lCtt-·$·At.:f-~-CO-r·------8·6,08------- JJ H•S SE RVJCE Cf66,'40 JOHNSON,1 ~;ONJ.L!) A, & FRANCES A, 1 OOeOO K A-No-K--:-l·Un~ 3 78.~ ~-- LAKE REG:ICN CO-OP ELECT• ASSN, 5,759,62 -LAMP¥ R( ,e 8¥ Mi K a, ii 61?18!1 -vs O Nrt1rt)1')tlC"i"S--nic .---tt-3 • 9'&-&9------- l ITT LE PiiNE MACHINE SHOP 21.ao LUNDEEN COMPANY, VICTOR 191,25 -------------=-n----s-ts-M·--COM?A~....,....---------------'ll••;,-6-nrt-fl--------- M A L I KO W S K I, EU GEN E & JUL I ANN 8 5 9 • 0 0 tU.RK SAND & •GfO,·JEL co.· 10:f,O 36.20 KY-o·• s:-··S-tf""P"NOA~~v-1-c E · "1't"e9 7-------- M CG O \i AN CU:ARi NG 8 SOOD I NG 638e00 MEYER•S ,SERVICf' STATION 396,2'1 tt1--o·ves-r·--Bttb"--f"NE·SS-PROOU er-~-----ttt•-?-------- M I D ii E S T i H L £ P H J ~E C OM fl A N V 2 ti• 8 7 MILLER&' HOLMES INCe ~. 982,38 ---------·---MJ·t TON A""-·,su~-v-1·c.c -s.---,.-------- tt l NNESOT A SLUf= PRINT 1"6e27 t11NNF.SOTA HlNiNG & MFG. 2,610.00 M t·N Ne S0-T '"A-rtO-T·~ PA N-'f· ~ .-2-+-------- MURPHY Oil CCRPOPATION ~0,851e15 N • E • 0 T T'f ;,1 T A I L L AN O F I L L A S SO C 1 • 5 0 ·------------A-t 1 ON A·t--ttrSHT"1'G·-&-PA R rs--eo-.----2·6-5, s--·---------- N EL 50 N 9 ROTHfRS PRINT I NG 772.00 -HE t901h 'AU8CLft:tE -9" 8 119-91 --------------"' € L 88 !h fa! IL LI .9, t1' ---.as.-lil9~,~8~t~aiioou..iili,,ii§~------- N O R TH U N 1 <H' CH A ~p L I N 1, 0 9 8• 6 o NORTHERN! ::TATf::i SUPPLY I MC, 563.27 ---·---N 0-RT H" ES-,-f-E-itN--8 f-t.L--·ltl-. -e ·o • · --------1-9-5-, ·'t-8-------- 0 GROS KE} JAr-!ES & llNOA 1, 3qq,oo OTTER TAIL C0-0? OILS -·ana,37 -'..()-f--T ERT A(-l-7\G·S~,._TE · . ..:·-----7 2.0-0~--....;_--- PAiilDA STOP.E 7 'l• 3~ PARK PEG ION MU fUAL H:LEP~O?IIE CO &10,56 '"f'E."A·VEY--S·UfLtt-J-Mu~U-P-Pt:·J es:-------·----"lt6•·0·o------- PE LlCAN HARDWARE COe 12,56 PELICAN \r.lELD:J ~ .. G SHOP 6,00 _____ .. _______ ------ -------· ·----,:, .·.• GROUP D E S CR I P T 10 N VENDOR SF!.?V{Cf. ijfPO~T 0 T J F. R T _A IL COUNT Y V[NOOR NAf'"if.: PERHAM F Ao'<M SUPPLY PERHAM REi-\OY r-,1x & AGGREGATE -------------------PttOTO--CE--t-tTER·,·--THE------------ RAY'S OIL COHPA~,Y Af"IOUNT -----------·----------- 3.,p~ 3613• 40 -----------~s. o o --------- 5 Q o. 00 R8BERT KijlsbHI G1AVEL ?s29oui5d -------------------Ro-y •s--·-sT·-ANO-MH}-SER-\l·fCE ---------------------Z-,Jit 98 -------------- s a C COil'!PUTER SF~VICE I~C. 862e00 SC HEP? ER t X CA V A fl NG 1 G 5• 0 Q ---------------SC-HEPPER ,-·R-O~ONO----------------'Ht-7eOO------------- S I GELMAN I S ST f. t. L & SAL VA G 1; C O • 1J 6 9 9• 7 0 SKIPS GE tJUINE PARTS '12e80 -----------------~i<-.t0NS9 Yr -TR'J-CK--LJNE---I NC•·-------&f 6t5~03----- SL Y, SH I\ PON G • 1 14 9e 2 0 SMOKEY'S MACHIN€: SnOP tJa.oa . ------------sr-.---REG-I ·-S----CUl-V·'fltT--CO-· -,-3-3-3,-2-5-------- ... T it.i!l\04 12 L 'elt40 l 14 ~ 9 5 9u 9 5 ST RAND A Cf HA? O~.l RE 140• 68 -----------STiJqOE·V-A·iN-TS--AtJ--l-0-PMHS-4.-54-------- SU PER GM C TRUCK SALES •'. 5 1ife9 '4 S\IARTZ, !GERALD Le & VIRG JNlA H• 2,q49.oo --------------S-lJ-1 F--l--G-O ,UN-T--Y-H··J--SHVA Y-0-EP-T--.:___ 416w 9-8------- T J 1 5 VEL OING MACHINE SHOP 2-J2.B5 --f ~ i, UE Pl -' ,A-GO ! ,'} l'l#t '9' !L P, fi 9 Pe 115 ------------V·E~A--S--H-_/t;ftfl-VA-R-E-HANK---------------l.--5•·5-0------- V E RGA S, (l.ll COMPANY -776e63 -WADENA A-SPrlALl COMPANY 9.,9qo.oo ------------1WA-0-8'4A-l--f1--rlLE11E--N-1-CO·w------------~1-5-------- IJE LDl NG SUf'PL I ES 83• 76 \IESTGO TRUCl< i·OUJPHENT Sth30 -----------'"'""l F-At-L-·---J--tlPL £--i'ffi'r -------e-S-u-------- Y OU NG IS, !HARTZ :STORE 12e72 ZIEGLER -IHC• 186e19 -------"-33r-1-6·h 1-+:...W-------- ----ALL-8-U 1 L O·lN G -£--0-HP-·• -------------..-2--9-1-,-2-------- A N 0£RSON BROTH·ERS CONSTRUCT l ON 160• 15 DAILY NE~S 86e24 F E·R-:3~--F ,AltR-iltdl Y --.IOU RN AL-· --2-3-iri 8--------- HE NNl tfG. ADVOCATE 5-9•18 KNUTSON HEATING & AIR CONDITION 2,ti79e81 M l1'l tJ E F. K , -~HE 29-.·7 o------------ 0 T T ER C () UN T RY E LE C PH C 4 7 9 • 7 9 OV[RHEAO: O,QOP. COe FERGUS FALLS 59e85 -------------·--SN\'-OfR, '-H}-------------------------~-1.6.,,__ _____ _ STA~ & T~IBUME 17?e8-!3 THE FOKUM 223.2':l -------------WA-O·ENlr-· -P-r---Ctttf:E A·--JvURNA L--6-Je 0-0------- •h516•37 •• --------------------------------- -------·-----------·--------• ---------·--------·----------- ---------- JP D E: S CR I P T IO ~ VENDOR SfRVICE REPO~T 0 T T FR U 1 L COUNTY VE NGO R N AN E A t10 U NT S 11 EN T-·---------------------------------·---·--- BATTLE LAio-E F11R;1EOS UNION OIL 514.37 BAT VIEW: SHoqEs 529.98 ----·---a I -R KHO L-z-·,r,--o·nt ~l O E--sE L F --sf RV I Cc 6 If• 6· -------- 8 RANDON COMMU"l[CATIONS 387.15 CARR ENT·ERPRJSf:S; INC• 329.q9 u-.-~.-s11.~---s-cRE-F!-l____ ----39.-00---------- 0 ENT OIL COMPJ\NY 15e28 GEtiE 1 S SP~HH SHOP 1h80 --n-t:·r-e:q ,-o-At -----·----«;.--o-.o o--------- HO LID A Y 18eQl4 f'IC COLL OU G.; SLA Cl<SM I TH SH OP 52• 0 0 -----------11:,d I-ON AL--:ttJS~-~r'A R rs--co.c---------'l:-7.-2 7---------- NUN DA~ L O]L COJ1PANY · 12.so OT Tf.~ T A:tL CO-OP OILS 5 71,q2 -----------o·T-f-eR-··l-1.:fi_-C-0-•~-0E P-l-. ~-.-s 5,--------- 0 TT ER TA'IL CO• ~HERIFF OfPT 1'4e75 PERHAM OASIS l"JC 18e11 -----------Eit-V-tCr-fl"It &. fIP.'·: 7etH1---------- .·.·... • . S I M 1 SO N iM ,a R:ItJ E. · : > . 5 7 • 3 8 .. so UlH MI :LL ,sr A,!HJARO · 25, 90 ---------------S-T-o¥rt"~*£ 79""• i-o-------'--"'--- T HE STORE 2G7e95 UN !FORMS UNLitt:J iED 131.05 E-R-GA-S,,1;·P.·1:Hr.tt't:lf ~ 1 7 .-~---------, :: . /\~·:,\<"' ~~ ;.._ VERGAS OJL COMPANY Goo.so ... ·_·_-) _:~~-~('.:\~:.:-· \.JA QFI E LO J~,c q 39e50. --------------0 E-s·r-s1-~~v--re _ ~i-r---------- 3, 6 95 • 0 if • tt '1 I N N • S T A T E ·T R E ~S • 211t~62 . ··,/·J ... 2 1 it • 6 2 • tt · :, :J 398.t733,25 ••• With no further business, at 4:30 p.m., the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, September 7, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: Clerk