HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/19/1983MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday afternoon, July 19, 1983, with Bert Hovland absent attendi:ng a NACO convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Vice Chairman Sydney Nelson called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m .. Lawrence Evans, representing the Sheriff Department's Teamster Union, appeared before the board with the union•s requests for the year 1984. Discussions · on various aspects included liability coverage, standard automobi'les for safety features, additional uniform allowance and training. A meeting is to be scheduled with the uni6n representatives and Andy Leitch and Van Ellig representi~g the County. Dale arid Mona Denker appeared before the Board relative to problems at the Portgage Lake public access, siting instances of property damage, litterin~ · drinking parties, obscene language and noise, parking on the highway, no bathroom facilities. The County Sheriff was instructed to step up patrolling and issue citations as needed in an attempt to alleviate some of the problems. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren. seconded qy Andy Leitch and carried, to authorize a petty cash fund of $300.00, and a change fund of $25.00 for use by / the Sheriff's Department. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by .O.ndy Leitch and carried, to approve the plat of Albright Add'n, located in Section 33-136-42. The Beckmans from Oak Park Resort ,on Clitherall Lake appeared before the Board relative to a special use permit requesting additional cabin sites. asking for consideration to include the large slough connected to Clitherall Lake to establish the desired number of cabin sites. Planning Advisory Commission. The matter was referred to the Otter Tail County County Board July 19, 1983 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for sand sealing, under S.A.P. 56-627-06, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshill, MN Batzer Construct'on Co., I~c., Saint Cloud, MN Buffalo Bituminous, Inc., Buffalo, MN $138,000.65 143,847.00 157,282.50 After consideration, motion was made by Andy 'Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the bid of Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshall, MN, in the amount of $138,000.65, being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous surfacing and aggregate shouldering under S.A.P. 56-604-03, 56-635-05, 56-667-15, 56-634-03, 56-635-06 and 56-634~04, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Northern States Paving, Inc., Bemidji, MN Tri-City Paving, Little Falls, MN Mark Sand& Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN $847, 15.2. 50 869,174.00 879,582.45 Lakes Paving, Inc., Moorhead, MN 897,859.00 Starry Construction Co., INc., Long Prairie, MN 967,358.00 After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept.·the bid of Northern States Paving, Inc., Bemidji, MN in the amount of $847,152.50, being the lowest bid~ su5ject to MnDQT approval. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing under C.P. 83:134, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Strom Construction, Brandon, MN Albin Stromseth Const., Waiertown, SD All Minnerath, Inc. & Martin Fruth, Inc., St. Cloµd~ MN Donald Conroy Const. Co., Wheaton, MN Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, MN A. R. Brisk Co., Pierz, MN Kern & Tabery, Inc., Waderia, MN $144,041.48 150,885.04 160,629.16 176,183.28 189,977:40 195,829.78 251,779.40 After consideration, motion was made oy Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the bid of Strom Construction, Brandon, MN in the amount of $144,041.48, being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren. seconded by Van Elli g and carried, the following resolution was iidopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Mtnnesota, that WHEREAS. the City of Bluffton has requested the County Attorney1 s office prosecute for said City under the provisions of the newly enacted statute concerning municipal prosecutions, NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED? the County Board does hereby· authorize prosecutions by the Otter Tail County Attorney for the City of Bluffton. Dated at Fergus Falls. Minnesota this 19th day of July, 1983. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Mi.nnesota, that WHEREAS The County Board on April 6, 1983, accepted the bid of Super GMC Truck Sales, Rergus Falls, MN in the amount of $12,570.81 for a 1983 GMC vehicle. for. use by the Boat & Water Safety patrol , and WHEREAS, the above vehicle has now been delivered to the satis- faction of the County Board, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $12,570.81 to Super GMC Truck Sales, Fergus Falls, MN, in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of July, 1983. ATTEST: 0 Cl erk • ··' I I County Board July 19, 1983 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment to the following v1ewers of the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District, for expenses incurred by them: Duane Ellis, per diem and mileage Cliff Ukkelberg, per diem and mileage George Walter, per diem and mileage $382.80 382 .80 509.20 Mot ion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ell ig and carried, to accept the donation of the Underwood JC's Club of the installation of two horse shoe courts at the Phelps Mill Park. and acknowledge with ~bpn~ciation on behalf of ·otter Tail County. Upon motion the following applications Lowell & Martlyn Holum Mervin & Phyfl is Freeman Mervin & Pnyl l is Freeman Mervin & Phyllis Freeman Melvin & Sherley Fortliun Ody J. & Mary Ell en Fish made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, for reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Dead Lake Township Dead Lake Townsliip Dead Lake Townsliip Dead Lake Township Dunn Township Sverdrup Township Back lot overvalued Cottage overvalued· Back lot overvalued Extra lot overvalued Front footage in error Wrong valuati;>n for wasteland Charles & Ardis Christianson Girard Township Assessed for wrong cottage Cabin incomplete Mel vir'i:.Pears·on Dead Lake Township Motion wasmade by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of John D. Soby for license to sell non.-intoxi:cating malt lfquor at Bait 'n Station in Aurdal Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and ci_irried, to approve the following applications to allow consumption and display of into*ica- ting liquor: Margaret M. Frankberg George W. Frankberg Stephen G. Kunz The Stone Hearth Di.strict 166 Rocky's Resort Hobart Township Dora Township . Dora Township Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the application of Scott J. Brosz, for license to sell intoxicating liquor at Mable Murphy's, Fergus Falls Township. I Upon motion made by Van Elli g, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carrted, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tatl County, that The following budget be a_pproved for the Ott~r Tail County Department of Human Services: Minnesota Supplemental Assistance Aid to Families with Dependent Children General Assistance Medical Assistance Admi.ni s trat ion Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis & Treatment Child Support Food Stamps Soctal Services Court Services Public Health Services TOTAL $ 23,891 158,007 250,976 467,064 44,951 887 15,741 58,906 l , 140,982 144,443 94,772 $2,400,566 Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 19th day of July, 1983. ATTEST: Clerk ,, County Board July 19, 1983 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carri~d, to authorize a bookkeeping transaction for the cancellation of checks presented without sufficient funds, as below: Gordon Treffrey, Fergus Falls, MN $ 79.00 Pamela Nelson, Dalton~ MN 27.00 Harold Riemenschneider, Perham, MN (a stop payment) 570 .00 Ed Thoenness, Effington Township, appeared before the Board r~lative to deterioration problems on a bituminous surface road in Effington Township, re- questing some type of assistance in the repair of said road. No action taken. Peter Abbey, representing Computer Concepts and Services, Inc., Saint Cloud, MN, appeared before the Board relative to that firm's bid for the proposed computer system. No action taken. Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following bills were allowed: ---~------------------------------------------. -- -V-E N O 0-~S-~ l C-E'~ EP-0 R"" 0 T TE,~ TA T L COUNTY :, 0 ES C ,lt?itO""N ___ _,VE NitO~ N "'1'1 !_:---------------- ----------tttt-I·CAN~tts-1-NE SS FORMS At1 OCO 01 L COe ANDERSON; CRAIG A M-Oi:tt-t 113. 14 8 21.eo 9 o. q 0 -----------a-wt; Ec1)·N0-0-UST--c-o1.'S-T-A-NC E--------------1--01--0-0 A S SOC I AT I ON OF Ml NN, CO U N TIES 2 21, q a AU CH, RU DOLPH 16,99 ----------trf 0-S-A p-~-ty--S-E-it,J-C ,..__ _______ _.:.._ ___ _ -a-.-4- B DALTON BOOl<SELLEA BATTLE LAKE FARMERS UN JON OIL ----------s-A-HtE-r--ttK-€-t~F--t BE CK, CH AAL ES BECKLUMO-iH AN OIL CO ----------,~E,:-c-&-rrO~t BERGE, llNGELA SE RGERUO, LINDA GGER, CHI Bl RKHOLZ NORTl-'!ilOE SELF-~qilJ ICE BJORALT, GOl:.00~ BROWN, MICHAEL euo•s MOBIL 'BUREAU OF 9US1~lf5S PRACTICE l.ft.12 81elf9 ·6·rt 197,10 62,'l!l -6-c• o- 37.81 s. 38 19 1• 5 0 112,31 56, '-li,05 31. 89 100.00 -----------,c~r......,Rrt-t-.s,..,..o· N, E o 'ii AR~ sT , 2 n3-~-'----------=-ft-----------'-'--- c ARR ENTERPRISES, I NC• ~ 38, 39 CARR, 11ICHAEL 1 75, 00 • 2.tt -----------1c~,--s~s,___c~ , c ~E ~"1t---------------lf-'~------------ CH A RL e v IS SHARPENING SERVICE 2,50 CHELL, v·ALOO 1 q,eo 1 (J, 25 __________ _,__.T.Y--P-R",Ar1A:T1!"1Wf"I X-A-rc-v,----------------~,;~~------------ C O -OP SERVICES INC, CO AST T O COAST ST ORE FF ·E E-----c--u1'",=t1""E"T-Sl O P COLE PARMER lN3T CO COMPUTER CONCE?TS & SERVICES o-r•ffl"N El'-1 ri1""i:----w-o-q-jH-U-AI< o-r-~tNC COOPER'S OFFICE S!JP?LY 1••C, COOPER, DENZ IL C O RP 0-~A"-r-c·rn-s~-l"tA"N" A GE RS- C fi E O IT Pl1BLJSHl~~G CO, -OACOTAH PAPEP. COMPANY ----------.... ,c K --s--s-r-s.,,ttrA""~,J--s-E R VI CE DON STREI CHER G~NS, INC, 00N 1 S JACK,AMD JILL v-cRTs,---Jnff FERGUS FALLS DAILY JOURNiL FERGUS F tLLS POLI CE DEPT• R G trS-F-il'r-r-s--~-ot--O~Y-- F ERG US F ;\LLS Vi:TERINAPY ClII\I IC FE~GUS JOBBING INC, E"""R Gu·s--""c;ro--.;-s -~ • F £ R GU S S U RP LU S d. LU /'18 E R ~\ 17,38 11'99 11s.o 2 9 6, ~H 1,577,39 s·1i,-.2- 188,91f 16,95 ·1-s.-n- 29,00 q 2 a. 3 3 -~5 2144,00 9 91, 8 6 ii-'12 1'207,82 69• 0 0 g.-o-o 15• 0 0 Ll9,60 --r-1-1n-a-s- 75,q5 -----~---------------------------------------·· ----------··--------------------·-·----------------------.-----------------------------·------- -------------n,ro 0-P-sfirt-lt-E~EP-OR1 0 T TE R TA IL COUNT Y Up--u-FS!:Rt1,Tt0W---VE7''f0-0-R~Ar't-----------------A"M-O"irtT---------- tR'Gtrs-,I~tCFi.fTE-~ 2-J.~6~0--------- F I R ST N A T l O N AL 8A N K 1 6 • 2 5 FlSCHftt, JlH 775elJO GE NE I S 3 TA N'ry-~f--iw-t-e· 9h;e-"1-4S.--------- G ENE RA L T,:.-,H1Pn; COMPANY 3.q1 HA NOEG,U, RO, 3Tl:VE 24e62 .n{SQ ~,-g-ir,r:,A ·-Jti. -.-7-s---------- HA NS ON, MARJEAN 131e05 HAUSER, o~.VID 2s.oo l'tA"trSSltE,-Cf-O-e.-----------------9-79 0· ~--------- HOFF I FLOYD 29e56 HOFFt PETER 25e00 HOl:1~ .2H1---------- HOVLAND, BERTON 20'te75 la M CORP ,· 152.52 JBt'I CORP-0,,ATJON 1,sq1.oo INDlANHEAO SPECIALTY _ 58,Q9 INTERNATIONAL CITY MANAGEMENT ... 1n.75 ___________ J_A......,.E._N_,I~s CH J NOUS r QJ F: S 1 s-.0~0------------ JOHN IS A;uTO RENOVATING 7'.leOO KeB•R•F• 128e00 -------------·1utL1 nURRJlT i'IR & MR 1tt---------- l<ALAR, WILLIAM 21.85 KNUTSON, RUSSELL 38.30 l<R-UG, t'I' Ni:rr.: ·-2116 KRONEMANN, MAX ·· 54e72 I< U G LE R , 8 ER N 1 C E 1 4e 2 0 l<U-S-T 0-11""--o-tt'Al.-Y-T-Y-Et:-2-t-·9 i tt3--------- L A C i-f OW I T Z ER I F ~ AN K 5 Be 5 il LAGEROtJI ST AND SONS, GUST 35e82 E.~E-{>1VNri(;.~TAL .-0-5--------- L AK EL ANO MENTAL I-IEALTH 35e00 LU NOE E N . C CM PA N Y , V I CT O R 7 8 6 , 7 7 -----------A·-c-rrq-~-~tt1i~f.r0-·1-5,-5 ----------- MAO 0E "I REso;:n 182,85 MAfHIN, N>\_'-ICY 9,00 ------------~ro·•-s--s-rAN OA Liu-sFffVICc-----------"-"P--+-4>---------- '1 EL BY, G L E:N 'le 13 ME110RlAL HOSP, .s HOMES 23,00 -----------ctr'z-;-1:rfffi."'r------------------i:1.-~--------- H ET Z BAK l"-:G CO;-IPANY 250.51 HIO'rlEEK, Tr1E 134eLHJ l01/rST~~l-7G 2-o--s.s-0---------- M l LL ER DAVIS '132,63 t'IILLEQ 1 S ijAIT 12,1.so ""NN".~ ATE Hre-1nPF-~o--c-. o-o-. tnr-·--------- MI NNESOT fl. l'!OTOct COMPANY 28,28 MN ASSOC. OF CO VETERANS 80,C;'J ~F-~rtrr-~?-P-01n-&-i'tcC-2s.·ou--------- t1 N , AS S 1 'I C T • A 01"' • 5 0, 0 0 -------.. -----.. --·------. ------.. ----------- ,-.. . i.; :'·••··? }t-•. :s :::. , , ·.··••·.,·••·,·>x ;, ._', ,, .. , ,:,·: .. ;;.;~/~,'.::~1 :.z:::Lr·~:;-.. -;/. L /) .•• ; .s Xf (~' .. -... •. -------·-----------.-~-------------------- E·no-o R-----SC~V1C~REP·O RT------------------- 0 T TE R TA IL COUNT Y N---.-Cl>--.---1iTTUmfE"'I'' S-AS SN, 0.--0---------- H Y H RE , J O H ~ q O• 0 0 NELSON BHOTHERS PRINTI~G 121175 ----------ut S !::,J Q E G oil~ E E 6 9e Q ,-,----------- NOR TH CE~TRAL INSTRUMENTS 218e96 NORTH UNION TOIJJNG 3s.oo -----------....-.,,...7fAi:nJVA-'Rr 3-0,r-,---------- OL SON I MARY !"IRS 13e50 ORANOI M.O., MEHDI qO'Je!JO RANn-t~-r-~_,._------------~r5"1--1Ht----------- O T TE R TA IL C0-0 P OILS 1, 9 8 8, 71 OTTt:R TAIL CO• Hirt DEPT, 39,06 T T ER T A 1 L CO • ;:ifrcftlF F-o--F P ttt-, ·7-+--------- 0 TT ER TAIL POAtR CO, 7S.OO OTTER VF w POST :;74 1 'O Oe 00 , PALAN, JANll- PAUL PUT-NAM PO-Sr '# 289 PAURUS,. VICKI 100,00 4D,60 PELICAN RAP 10S; PRES • . PE LOO U IN , JO Sf PH 'L 1 1h 8 6 PEHGAO, INCe 83,01 -----------p--e_,.R....,R ...... A-rn~, -o-..-..-\J..,..R .... E-cK 1-ITT,1-,q C , 8 U• 0 -n---------- PE R HAM CO-OP OIL CO, 1iJ3e86 PERHAM ENTERPRISE BULLET P' 29e9LJ __________ _.,P,._.E......,...R .... HA·rr--O AS t "i I !14 3 2 9,-9,-,;3!-_--------- PE R"IA M, CITY OF 'l79e50 PESOLA, Cl"IDY 12,16 -----------P1,o TO CE rif [_cf,_J_.,T ..... liE 2'~•-t-f\-, ---------- p I E RC E C O MP A N Y , T H E 2 3 3, 7 5 PITNEY 90WES 1'11e72 ___________ ___,...,_ mA"N"llf, R1Crnr-m 1 oe.-6·---------- PoucHER ?RINTl'-.JG & LIT HO 1,1 O'-le17 PROFESS! ONAL PHARMACY 2,91 o s-sov,-11 A-S-lfT.O-tl - RU O O, K £ ll!Y O "i 7 6, 51 !W OU, TO l'I 2 7 9• 9 0 c-o~s, ~ol'fms-so-c --r.r. SE R V I C E F O O O M A :'.lK ET 1 , 1 6 S, 1 9 SHARIFI M,O., SUBHI 18:JeOO S-t"RC-Frl E F IN G"c:~J-lll'"T--t·-A-7-.-~---------- . S O U TH M I L L ST t ·-,1 OA K D 2 5 '4, 9 7 STEVE 1 S. CYCLE 65,85 -----------r-o-P--rr-a-o-~o-... t:1-e----------------~ .... 1---------- ST RI NG ER, THOMAS 76e72 SU PER ON f: 5 1 7 • 5 8 -----------•r>-~tf'tE _~Ac-E-S CO s-t.--zn----------- TH E FORU f"I 39•50 THE TRAVEL su:::EAU 817,00 ----------.....-i:ro-MP-SOW--0-t L , 7oi 0-,---------- T HR EE N ~YY9.3:JS 11290,00 ' . . ·-.• -. · · --. --=· :. -., -. ... --...... -_. 1 ~, _.-.... _ •• ~ .. -J -... >·--_:. ~-... ·-=. = ..'.-:-.. ;·:_-4~~-•~~-·.: •• <~ .. _:.: .:-~---~~:-:·.-:_ ... : ;:-~~;_ .. : .. ·...::-i :~~;~i ;"'-;:~; :i~~--:...-> ---. ·_;· ___ ;~~---~ >~:-·~·~-·--· -~-.. ~~-:_):~ --~~-.~·r-;-,:__::-._ ·. ' "4,.,,S7:c,·t ,,.t,,i..._::::, =---~~f*-1-~t~~~~~~~jr,'{:~~:~:=~~?1sf:t-t:~~-'f~~~'.~".~-:c,;:;;:C.~"~:. ·.• -_ 0 E S C R I-PTfO N --ve-·,m--o-P---SF?Ytc cRE P-O'l'" 0 T 1 ER TA I L COUNT Y o· s cr,--wrcH Af TYSVER, KIM VA ROA A1'!'0-ttNT 1·ofl;O 1 a. oo 1, 5 3 2. 7 4 -----------.rE TERA :s. S :: 0 P H ,JJEc--r--------------· r-s.--o- WA L VAT •J E AU TO ~ E:P A I R 133.65 1.2.sn WE LO Pm SUPPL! ES ANO -VE""S1CTN7TFi"A"C-ETrc-o~-o~-----------I 'l;j1.-S-r- W EST PU3LlSHl'.\iG COe 2 7. 5 0 VE STERN CHE 11 l CAL COMPANY 327 ■ti0 ----------....~S1-U~~tCt""": _____________ _ . o.6 WHITE DRUG 2• 00 s. 0 0 VI LKIN CO COURT ----------r:RUX--C-0-:""R-o-pno-,(n,,. .... T'""'IHC"""·N't---------------8i:fo.-tt'. 35, 9 9a. 65 A & B AUTOMOTIVE CENTER 2 2. '4 0 AL 1 S SHOE BOX 6• 00 7'3 ■ q 3 ----------A-N.U£R"S-o-w-:GROo--n-rc--i:t~RH",__ _____ ,--_______ __,,""' 8A HW, 0 ONALO G & GLADYS ,c;r: BA I RO, TIMOTHY " BATTLE LA~-~~MERS Ult"10•1 OIL 8 EL LM ORE , MA Ri:i I:-.. & JOANN E BE t?E.ND, OE:NN l S: fJ• 156• 00 2 0 2. 0 0 2 .SOi 697.20 59e!J5 ~R1:~N'N'"t-s-tre.----------------H-4h B I R KHO L Z NO 1H H S IDE SE L F -S FR V I C E BO 8 MO ORE FOP:: INC. Btnrr-s-M O 13 l L 9 U R R, V E iR NA CA R O L & GEN E I S {'K HAR O W A R F ., ,- 5 5 s. 6 7 39. 31 "' 92-.-s- 3 7 8• 00 2 66• 71 tc11E·:-tr--c-tr1"1 \"'I u N I CA r ,o~s~-----------<1--4 :-z-.--8 CO-OP SERVlCfS lNCe COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPOqTATION C-R"""A N E~Ort:O.-S·0-11rtlJttS-E"lt-C O • CZ I OK, L EONARO A & OOP. OT ~•Y A 0-A LUB q IC 1\'-H CO• A""~S,E"M f-tNC • DENNY'S NORT,1 STAR 0 E N T O 1 L . CO H? /1. NY tC-K""•-s-P--Arn-s-s U-PPt" DICK'S STANDARD SERVICE 52'1e66 3314 2 • 3J3e00 2,730.75 ,-.q-.- 8149• 95 3 191 8 q .--,. 7 76. 7 7 92•114 3 3S.6' EAST O,T • TELE?~ONE CO 1 ----------"A"""Rfff"R"S--cu-=crp---A-sso-c.--1A,1-o c1---------- FA RN AM'S GENUlif PARTS I"'!Ce F E R GU S F A L l S T R VE V ALU E HOW E , "R GU-S-~1'"tt.--:-,-c-n-'r-OF' FERGUS I •Hf RNA T lONAL I NC• FE R GU S T I l( E C EN fE w rRtST O r.rrst·cnrE GAUSTAD, DONALD M -------------- q 14e39 '41 ■66 , o·r9-.-io 14 3. 9 5 2 63. 7 4 -1·,-tto 1,133100 lftt , .. ·.·/r •·.:> ~-. . ,. ~-.. : . .:-:, -•. .;__./_••.,·•.·,:•·••:• .• ~.: ... •.-.-,•'._J· .• ,· •·• •,•••. •·.•_.,:·.•·.•.-•·:J~..:-•~ .•. -•':. ·.··~-:.••,:•.• .. •.••.• :~.-:.-.•.~•,::..~.•.·'.••,•, •. ,.;.;., .. •.•· ... ~.•.i....._ •. •.•>•.A· ; __ •. ;•· -,= ···--:-,..~-,~:·c-~-":'7 ..,.... -~~ --~i~i~fi~t.t~~f;~•ti~i~•:f~;-:!1~?~t~~~-.~~:_,~:e~~: .. . -... --~-: ' Elf01'.R-ScR'Y-l cc-RE PO R-T---------------------- 0 TT£ R TAIL COUNTY VE'"N--OOir-N·~ 110-ttNT e-N1:R"A·c-T---n,;0111tr.;-e-O M PA N ·9n"'?it- GENUINE: PARTS CO• 1J. 52 GERAY 1 S PARTS SERVICE 1 'P4e59 ORENTZ, vt~N01il 72.-0- GR l FF I TH:S, EOw IN & ARO EL LA 1, 2 7 6• 0 0 HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING ----------~.&:TT!EN·-1nrnP H, c uo·v-.-c-o-. ---------55. 95 J -a--5"tti -s-; HENN[ NG L • Pe i:iAS CO• HENNING· ROD & GUN CLUB, PlC f:mrt~ G, l.. 11 V O r HE ~RI K SO ~ , HA ;:, V EY W & FE O NA N OE HI LGRE N FORD CTR"l'fA'N-rEtE? HONE C 0--e ~UTCHINS, LAVEK"lt A & VEPA A INTERSTATE DETROIT DIESEL -------------f.f'TER ST A J E INC • ' JAENISCH lNOUSTrHES JIM HATCH SALfS COe ------~----J~O~R'NSON, &EARING COMPANY JOHNSTON, ROBE:RT,T·& LILA L•· LAKE REGION CO-OP ELECT. ASSNe ----------~~OUCIS INCe LOHSE, EUGENE: & PHILEMON LU NOE E N CO l'1 PA N Y , VI CT O H -;.. R SI G"N-CO-i'IPA N f 11AAK SAND & GRAVEL CO, MEYER'S srnVtCE STATION M I OWES T TE t EP H O:Vi:C-Ol'tf>-A"'r Ml LLER d HOLl"fS INCe MI LLl.:R, \JA.RREN; ,~ GLAOYCE L l :'rl'fcS-0 T A BL trE.~f MO 8 I L E R AD IO S ERV I C E t1 U RP HY O I L CO R P ()RAT l ON -----------..N, ..... -E-.-o-r-rr~-rr-titr-n:t,=-tt.-t·p;s so c NATIONAL BUSHING & ?ARTS COe ,"- 1 7 4, 25 228,00 8"9'lf.'9' 5()5.00 LHe5 5 ,. 59e00 1, 0 95,0LJ 9131;.25 3 J.o o 7 :l 8e 13 -7 a.59 1,687e50 312• 42 16.r. t, 0 6Q• 00 ,2-f7.03 q 2 6. S- 11, 8 14• 8 0 8 9 3. 53 --~ 1, 17a.54 3 5 a. o o ,~s- 137,0~ 63,282.60 2• Ot 165e6Lt NORTH UN ION CHAMPLIN -----------o R nnrcS1r.Z11T-attt"-r Et ---.---e-, .... , ..,,..--------1, 7 S6, 9 9 1 :t9.3· NU NOAHL ON .. COMPANY 0 1 DAY, JAMES F -t DORIS I liER T A I L CO -,W O It OTTER TAIL co. SHEiHFF orPT 2 4 ue 32 1,391.9/J -,-~. 3,595.00 30, 00 OTTE~ TAIL COU'-ITY AUOITQO __________ _,...,.,E fti1it•t-7tG'G'.rrG'A"'t-~----------~ ,-s-2"1J.1s OU R f:N, L Y LE G PARK REGJ0;'.1 MUTUAL TELEP~CNE CO CO--CO-M ~y-;•.-ff-ff PE AVEY ~ U l LO ING SUP PL l ES P E L I C A N P A I N T A NO G LA S S ------------p· .. E~c-1-c~A ,r-i:rf A-':!Y ~------------- PEN~ OS E OIL C011PANl' 3 9 8• 0 0 5q. 20 -;3-r.S- 3 0• C 0 1o.45 , 9 r.::t.- '-I 6 6, 4 5 / ,~,,~,,~,,,;,:,~ . . . . . . . . -::1:'~~1tf~~f~}~~r-:~.1~:";~r~?:'~~\~,~~~,?~f:-:~,;,.~~~:::. E !ll O O A' S !: P-v-l'Cf ~F>-01' f OiTfR TAIL COUNTY V E7'i1J OR~-~ r. SHf~-M-7rITOT71TX-&-AG'"G'lH:Ti?IT E PERHAM ST EEL PE y ER L , JO H N F & 8 E _RN I C E G -----------p·lnn O CE NT ER 1 -T. POUCHER PqJNTING & LITHO R A Y • S O I L C OM P A :-1 Y E-rl'lF~c~ITT:~r~~~ RI 'I ER SI O E REP A l " 'ROGGENKAMP, I?MA. A1t0-U-NT 3 78", 9.00 8 1LI•00 77-.-2 31, 65 1,3:U.34 '17).1' If• s a '4 7 h60 ·K1:S,-WC'rt;f~ T a. &---Jt1c-I-------------9-tt. R OS CO MA NUFACTli-•ING CO• 1, Li 8 9. 0 0 S & C COMPIJfEP SEi?IJ!CE PICe ---------1""-c-"rf1n:·co-c r<.. EFn-rt!-:~--'"'~cA"'"R-r-c---------~ 857,00 2 q 2.- SHARE COPP. 3 ll6•5 3 SlGELMAN'S STEE.L.& SALVAGE CC. 819,73 -----------.SKT?"S-GE /i!O INE PAF<I _____________ .....,,,..,. • ST• REGIS CULV·!= ,.;"f CO STRANO ACE HAPIJ\JARE SI UROEVANIS AUTO ~ART~ SUP ER Gtt C T i-<U CK SALES THIELiROLLIE &OLETA .. · 10, J 16, 5 5 q 6, 6 2 2• 2 8 2. 52 591.f,OO ( T J I S IJ EL DJ NG M ll.C~e-p-----------~---------.;__ 3 ili TR AF F I C ' PA l NT MFG VERGAS Ii ~RO\l'A !:.E HANK ----------·-o-c~l OOfit>-ANl W A DEN A H I OE & F UR WELDING SU?PLIE3 AND 1'4,785,65 3 3, 75 6,-1 20. o a 26. 20 18 9, 7 9 t4 ~ _________ ...,...._~A'"R"""Y'-------------#-- \1 I L KI N C O • H \J Y • DE? r • 367.92 ZIEGLER l~C. 5 36. 52 6-?-.-fJ 56, ~ 5 10-hO -,.-y:-' S r.. EF -q--i-c;-~1n'N ..... ' ____________ ....,....""' H!tHGEN-KARST ELECT~IC COMPANY KNUTSON r-ifATTNG & AIR CONOITI0,'A ---------K1YP.DEL MARK SANO & GQAVEL CO. NELSON, Sl!SAN ~ 319,6LI 51.fi.lflf 1,-~.-s-o 7 9 5, 0 0 151'1.14 o-R"~'E ~, ALF 11"1: ______________ _.,,._,.._ s.- SHER'JIN wlLLIAMs co., THE SNYDER, EO o·MERS-(;"AP-P r: ST ENE R SO N 8 ROT 1➔EP. S T AU T O S A F :f T Y S E :.i VI CE ---------A-TTLE-rt.-Kc~-)l;F?:-tE"~-u-~no-r,,r-01·t-- BA T TLE LAKE l"!OTO~S 2Lh21.1 1 30 • 16 s-"leO-iT 7 3, 77 LI, 6 8 ?.• 14 9 23e95 n.-lto 19,8'4 --'-·----------------------------- ., ' •• •• j >::: ;f~.'\•".'.,---,--\:'.:'-_.;,:_;,,"•;'•, '~•.:::·,.,, ,'-,· ,'."··.•--.. '···-·.:,.a', ·.-·-·--.-,··. t-~· .:-._._ --~ ·--------~ -~·:·.~-~~· ......... ~-~ ~-~~.1-::~;-r::..-_;_~; ~~~!?.::):: ~-~-1::/-~~i,/.:t? >.:./;_·-:;.1.: ~#:~~---;.· ~-::-i_;::.\:~~ ~>~:::~-~.:.:~;~:_:":·~ ~j· .::\:-:~ :-~~~-. < ~-?:-,{:t:· ~~~·-.:·-: :" ENO ON SE~1Cc~EP O"R! OTTE~ TAIL COUNTY OESCRJPI ION VcN1JOR NAME nro-u~,------'------ 1E NT .RlCH O L Z N rnnu E SE cp;;;-sfRTt CE 1-5o.o---------- c A RR EN T E AP iU SE S.1 1 NC 1 3 'f 2• 7 9 DENT OIL CONPA'IY 36•30 ------------.-F ...... E-,.R----"□s 1-ALLS co:~c11E-r-s~e--------'-----..1,_,4,.....qlT.-.....o .... o---------- F E R GUS S U F. ~ LU S & L U 1'18 E R 2 5 7, 2 9 LUNDEEN CO!"PANY, VICTOR 9,95 -----------n·-ii.,roNA L BU SR I 'fo & PA i:rrs-co-,:-----:--------cr.:-~,-a----------- NU NOAH L OIL COMPANY 21482 OTTER TAIL CC-OP OILS 161 ■6'l -----------rerFccit E L AK c. AO T J ~E PA--1-R-r-,,•1 .. C..__,--------2-9'fi-2' _________ _ - ·••, PERHAM C 0-0P C IL CO, 12, 70 Slt11S0111 t1.&RINE ' 5,978.93 .u-p-N u O STO,., WE LOI NG SLJPPL I Es ANO VESTSiiJE SERVICE .. 5.1------------ 59, 00 2'-le 76 . ~ .. "'·.. . . ~-al, 5 9 • • 216, 0 2), 78 •• • With no further business, at 4:55 p.m., the Vice Chai'rman adjourned the meeti'ng unti'l 9:30 a.m., Thursday, July 21, 1983. ATTEST: Clerk