HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/21/1983.. , MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA ·Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday, June 21 , 1983, a 11 members present. Chairman Hovland called th~ meeting to order at 12:30 p.m .. Bernell Otto appeared before the Board relative to a road ditch problem on his property in Effington Township. After disc~ssion motion was made by Hub Nordgren to acquire a temporary slope easement and clean the ditch to the old road depth~ The motion was seconded by Van Ellig but was defeated wtth Sydney Nelson, Andy Leitch and Bert Hovland voting "no". Motion was then made by Hub Nordgren requesting anytime any work is done on a county road ditch, that written consent be signed by all parties involved. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried. Mike Kirk, County Attorney, discussed with the County Board prosecu- tions for cities in Otter Tail County. After discussion, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, for the County Attorney's office to, handle prosecutions for the City of Ottertail, commencing January l, 1984. Eloise Oehlerich, Star Lake Township, appeared before the Board re- lative to access to her property consisting of l .75 acres in Star Lake Township, and a proposed sale to the Department of Natural Resources for public access. Also speaking was Louis Stoll, Dent, MN. No action. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the plat of Boe's Beach, located in Section 30-137-42. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the application of Joseph Jarsak, Clitherall, MN, for sewage disposal system cleaners license. subject to posting of bond. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond: Joseph Jarsak LeRoy Feldt Todd Schroeder Feldt's Plbg. & Htg. Ashby Plbg. & Htg. Cl i th era 11 , MN Frazee, MN Ashby, MN Upon motionmade·by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lei.tcb and carried, with _Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS~ in accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota _Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acqui- sition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on June 21, 1983 and informed said Boarid that a water- fowl easement bad been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Wallace A. Halbakken on the W½ SE¼ of Section 6, the NE¼ Section 7 and the W½NW¼ of Section 8, all in 135-43, and Lot 6, NE¼SW¼, W½SE¼, SE¼SE¼ of Section 1~135~44, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Hildlife Service for the above waterfowl easement. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 21st day of June, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: .. ~. ; ,.) 1&~aVu~o Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners has by resolu- tion formed the Otter Tail Area Lakes Sewer District, and . WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners believes it is in the·best interest of the residents of the Otter Tail Area Likes Sewer District for all of Otter Tail Lake to be included in the Otter Tail Lakes Area Sewer District, and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners desires the cooperation of the City of Ottertail regarding the Otter Tail Area Lakes Sewer District, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners urges and encourages the City Council of the City of Ottertail to adopt a resolution whereby that portion of the City of Ottertail which is within the boundaries of the Otter Tail Lakes Sewer District be included in the Otter Tail Area Lakes Sewer District. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 21st day of June, 1983. Chairman ' ATTEST: County Boa rd June 21 , 1983 A letter of resignation from Richard Carlund to the Northeast Otter Tail Sanitary Landfill Ass 'n was presented to the Board, citing reasons for ter- mination. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to forward a copy of the letter of resignation to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to advertise for bids to be received u~til 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, August 9, 1983, for the Otter Tail County Group Home~ located in G.L. 6, Section 15-134-39. Motion was. made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, authorizing Spencer Lundquist, Court Services Director, to negotiate with someone to live in and serve as caretakers of the Otter Tail County Group Home until sold. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a request from the County Assessor for an increase in salary of $114.00 monthly for Sherran Shale, Office Manager in the Assessor's office, who is to serve as laison in the proposed computer installation for the Assessor's, Auditor's and Treasurer's offices. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve an application for permit to the Department of Interior for right-of-way, with the county to dig a pond to replace wetlands, and replace a fence, on the E½SW¼ and the W½SE¼ of Section 33-134-42, and the Chairman of the Board and the County Audit6r;·were authorized to sign said application on behalf of the county. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, July 19th, for con- struction overlay on County Roads #4, #34, #35 and #67. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., July 19th, for sand-seal on County Roads #79, #27, #41 and #37. Motion was· made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to deny payment of a fire call bill presented by the Dalton Fire Department on a county road ditch two miles east and 1/2 mile north of Dalton on County #39~ Hub Nordgren voting "no". County Board June 21, 1983 Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to authorize the transfer of $200,000 from the County Revenue Fund to the County Road and Bridge Fund, for the purpose of grading and surfacing County Road #134, and the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 2:30 p.m., Tuesday, July 19th, for said grading project. Howard Koeppen, Custodian, appeared before the Board and presented proposals for fire alarm systems, emergency battery power light and smoke detectors, as recommended by the insurance carrier, as·:shown below: Hintgen-Karst Electric Co., Inc., Fergus Falls, MN $3,800.00 AC Electric Company, Fergus Falls, MN 4; 951 . 00 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the proposal of Hintgen-Karst Electric Co., INc., Fergus Falls, MN, in the amount of $3,800.00 was accepted. Laura Youngsma, Data Processing Director, appeared before the Board and reported on the computer progress to date, stating she will be attending a Computer Symposion in Duluth from July 26th through the 28th and also attending the NACo Convention in Milwaukee, July 16th through the 19th. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to encourage any Board member, or Larry Krohn, to attend the NACo convention. Representatives from the City of Pelican Rapids appeared before the Board relative to a previous request for dispatching service by the County Sheriff's Department for the smaller cities in the County who do not have full time dispatch and police service. The County Sheriff indicated the Sheriff's Department ~~ould be willing to take on additional responsibilities provided the County Board would approve add it i ona l funds. If the additional costs would be prohibitive the City of Pelican Rapids indicated they would perhaps not be interested. No action taken. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to change the meeting dates from July 7th to July 11th, at 9:30 a.m .. County Board June 21 , 1983 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $1,370.60 to Rufer, Hefte, Pemberton, Schulze, Sorlie, Sefkow & Kershner, Fergus Falls, MN, for legal fees in connection with the Westridge Mall vs Otter Tail County tax case, City of Fergus Falls to reimburse the County by one-half. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the following applications for reduction of assessed valuation: Fred C. & Helga Flatau Edna Township Land overvalued Lois Sletvold Rtngquist Clitherall Township Cottage overvalued Dwight & Mayadell Bolleffer Sverdrup Township Buildings overvalued Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were ap- proved: Cyr i l A. Fl em Milton Baglien Ken Varnholt Paul Thompson Rolling Hills Golf Course American Legion Post #30 Pelican Lake Associ ationC1 · Balmoral Square Donald & Janice Graham Corner Store Harold V. & Genevieve Nelson Ye Old Schoolhouse Scambler Township Buse Township (County Fair) Dunn Township Otter Tail Township Amor Township Friberg Township Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconde.d by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications of permit to allow consumption and display of intoiicating liquor were approved: Gerald F. Schultz Harold & Genevieve Nelson Ten Mile Lake Resort Ye Olee Schoolhouse Tumuli Township Friberg Township Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve an application of Donna Cushman for county on·sale intoxicating liquor license for The Lanterns, Rush Lake Township, provided payment is received for a full year's license. Motion was made by Van Ellig to set up an advisory committee on the Humane Society and relat~d concerns, consisting of a representative of each of the two township officers associations, the County Sheriff, a representative of the City of Fergus Falls, the County Attorney's office, members of the County Board, for the purpose of i dent ifyi ng long and short range needs and concerns cff the Humane Socfety. The mot ion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carried. Upon motion mpde b,y And,y Leitcli, seconded by Sydney Nelson ~nd carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by theBoard of County Cammi ss i one rs of Otter Ta i'l County Minnesota, that WHEREAS deficits remain in certain County Ditches due.to work::i performed on said ditches, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Audftor is hereby authori'zed and directed to place special assessments agafns't the property owners along the following ditches to cover additional costs to said ditcli: County Ditch #12 $2,500.00 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 21st day of June, 1983. ATTEST: A-<F r,) Gohr . .Q Clerk Upon· motion made by Van Ell ig ~ seconded By Hub Nordgren and carri.ed ;· the fo Tl owing bills were a 11 owed: ;CRIP TlON VENDOR SERVICE REPORT OTTER TA IL COUNTY ----------·--------------- VF NOOR NAME AMOUNT -------------------------------- ADAMS, S YONEY 10 ■00 AMERICAN co FRE:C IJONAL As~nc. 12 ■72 ------·AM ERi C AN~--LE-GIMJ-FLAG-·SERV·ICE--·---1-0 O ■ OO--------------------·-··------· AMOCO O'JL COe 100 ■22 AMVETS POST #5 100■00 -----~--A·wo ER·s-o·W,-----""AN GEtl NE--------------3 Oe a-5------------ A NOE RS ON, CRAIG l.f5 ■20 ASHBY EOUITY 20.oa ----,,---,..-,---AU-T-0---SAFiE-TY---SERVICE----· 34 ■95---- B DALTON bOOK~ELLER 25 ■50 BAHLS, DARYL l.fo.oo -----~---B A-T-ltE--t-A 1<-E---FkR NE-RS--UN -I O-N-0 I-· l.f .1 O-·------------- 8 A T TL E L AKE LA 1,ao FI LL 12•00 BATTLE LAKE REVIE\i l.fl.f1.33 --------B E-CKE-R-,---1<. t--N------------36 ■ 3 9------- 8 END IC KS ON, DAVID 16.2!! BE NG ST ON , ROG E R 9 3 • 9 9 --------BE-RG-E-,-A-NGEt ----------------qa.o-R------------- BE RGEM POST #«89, Gt.ORGE 100.00 8 E YER I S b O O Y S t-1 OP INC • LI 3 • 5 0 ---------8-J-GGER-,---C-J-NO-Y-----------------39 ■8-0 BIRKHOLZi NORTHSIOE SELF-~FRVICE 625■01.f BJORALT, GORDON 36 ■10 -----~---+eR--I-S-T-,--E-O-l--■-\1--• -1-0 1 ■ 5-0----------- BU REL BACK Pon# 61 100.00 BURROUGHS CORP'OKATION 7oa.2q ----,----BU-SE-TH-+U-SOW,_PG-ST--1-18 100■-00--------- CA R~ ENf,E.RPRISES, INC. 113.qq CARR, MI,CHAEL 50 ■00 ----'------C-A--SS--Ct:-A-Y~e-RE-A-MER -30 8•·2-">------------ CH ARLES: D CENTER 100 ■00 C I T Y PH A RM A CY 3 ■ 7 5 -------C-0-11 PA N-1 0-N-A-N-I 11-A L--H OSP I-T-A 10 • 5 0------------- CO MPUT ERi co N1C l=PTS & SE RV I rEs 3, q 17. 81 CONTINENTAL NO<iTH DAKOTA INC l.f29■00 -------co OPER I s--oFF I C-E-SUPPLY--i-NC.------· 7-qa. 27----------- CO OPER,' DENZIL 18.72 CORPORATl:. RISK MANAGERS q15.oo -------CROW-·-GHE-M JCAL---&-EOU IP M EN-T----------8-8 ■ 92------------------------------- CU RTIS H:0 lEL D • A • V • C H AP T E R ..:5 -·-DA lCO------ DON STREICHER GUN~, INC ■ DON'S JACK AND JILL 189,91 100.00 ---29.6q---- 12. 0 0 31.f7 ■71 El ECTROL:-UX·-C--O·HP-· --------------1 6 7 • 8 0 ------··----·--···- EVERTS, J(;HN 38.36 F A I R H I L l S R E S O iH 1 33. 5 6 FA RM E RS--co-Qp-·-A··ss oc 1 AT-I O N --------------1 ll ,7 2· -------------·--- F F R GU S F A LL s· D A IL Y JO U ~ N .II L 9 2 6 • 2 2 FERGUS F"ALL S 1"1 EOICAL GROUP 585.68 DE:SCRIP rI0N VENOOQ SERVICE REPORT 0 T H. R H. I L COUNT 'f Vf NOOR NAME:. AMOUNT FERGUS FALLS POLICE DEPT• 30e00 FERGUS F IILLS TRUE VALUE H!WE • 52e73 -----·-·---- ---------.~ E-RG US -·-.J00&i:H N G---1 NC.---------·-----------1 7 • 9 0-···------ F ERG US M;OTORS JNCe 5 1U.55 FERGUS TIRE CENTER 35'h00 -----------c--1 RS r-N A-T-1-0 NAL --~AN K-·-o O .-on------------ F I SCHER, JIM 25•00 G E N E I S S T kN O'A ~ 0 S E R V I C E 2 0 • 7 q ---------➔-'CL-OBE---GA-lET-T-E--f'-.d NT-ING· 25• 6 8 ---------- GRIEP, TIM 19~•9lt GRIMSTAD, JERRY 19q.oo -----------u-A-J-M E Rt--P O-Sl-#--11.rn· -o O ■ 0 0 HANDEGAARD, :STEVE 61J.59 HANSON, MARJEAN 128.91 ---------HAROf-E-1-5---R-E-S-l-A·U RANT 29• 1-2 ---------- HAU SSK E, GEORGE 85e81 HENDRICKSON, BEVERL'f 9.00 -----------HE-NNI-NG--~A-tW-ot-.A·-TE 90eLJq ----------- HO LI DAY 750e't5 HOUG HAM MER POST 5ud 1 Q0.00 -----------I--B--M-C-O'H ---37 • 8 0 ------------ 1 BM CORP•Of;;ATION 790.56 IN0IANHE"AO .SPE(;JALT'f 39e71 ------------jA c-OBSO-N,~tc·Y· s---~--------------7-,-.-q s----------- J f N SEN, VALL'Y 10e00 JO H N I S A ;u 10 RE N OVA T ING 7 0 • 0 0 ---------K---MART 15e9Lt----------- KE Y1S OIL CO 16e32 Kl RK, Ml CHA EL 8e55 --------v·R·O NE MAN'N-,--ttA X -? 7 •·2 +------------- KR ONEM AN:M, 5YL V lA 60e 00 LACHOWITZER, FRANK 300e10 ---------LA GfROU I S-T-AND----SON-Sr·G UST -1--2-7 e 18 LA KE REG ION HOSPITAL 36.90 LAKELAND HENT AL HEALTH 6 OOeOO -----1-A t1 PE RL--BU·I:t IH-NG--eE-NT ER· 29---97----------- LU NDE EN COMPANY, VlCTOR 1,398e99 MA ODEN R ESOiH 127e't6 ---------MA-SON--·PuB-C·O-5e00 ---------- MA YO' S STANO/I.RD SERVICE 33e08 MCBEE 333e00 ------M Ft_ 13Y, --·G 1U: N 188 • 7 s----------- H EH l ND EX 20e76 METZ BAK.ii'!G COMPANY 192elt1 -ME-YE·R 1 -S ·-SE-RVJCE-STATION ------------73e00 ------ Ml DWEST PklNTJ;,iG 973e00- HILLER DAVIS 589e69 --------·-MI ltE R I s---BA IT --.-9 0 HI NN. ST ATE TPl:AS. 7 au.oo MINNESOTJ.. MOlCR COMPAN'f 51.36 ---------------- ·. , . ,-,·· .. _, ... DESCRIP TiON VENOCP SERVICF REPORT 0 T TE R TA IL COUNT Y VENDOR NAME AMOUNT ---------------- Ml NNESOT A PLAN;\lING ASSOC• 20.0 0 M N • CO • R f CO R O I:. HS A ~ 0 C • 4 0 • 0 0 ------------MOTOROL-A--,-·-INC•-· ------------------·-529e30 ------------····-·----···--- . N • 0 • T • R •: ru GOUT ~ 32 1 0 o. 0 0 NAT ION AL FOODS 36e32 --·NE tSON-s·R<:TtffRS-PRI·NT I NG ------------3 4 7.50----------- NORTH CENTRAL INSTRUMENTS 218e96 NO R TH UN IO N CH A MP L l N 1 6 8 • 2 5 -----·-OF-F-1 CE--A·DH··-&·-/1:U TO M·A TIO N -·-2 7 e O O------· ------ 01< HARO\l'.ARE 23e32 Ol SON ST:I TZEL POST If. 219 1 OO. 00 ----OR AN O-I-·M-ca·O• ,--MEHDI 6·1-0 • 0 o---------- OR A~OI M f:OICAL. LAB 1, 8 75a 00 OS io/ALO P UBe CO. 8•32 ----------OT-TER-T-A-I-L-·CO-c-OP-0-ILS---------1,-054,79---------- 0T TER TA:IL CO• HWY DEPTe 209e65 OTTER TA:IL CO. SHERIFF DFPT 106e86 ----------• T-l-ER-T-A'-lt.~oEP-T-.--OF-PU-B .~-ttE-A-1::-T ...-H------1-a .-o o---------'-- 0 T TER TA IL GLASS COMPANY 72,64 OTTER TA:IL POWER COMPANY 75e00 ----------PA-RK-REG+0·N-£O-0P-8 IL --C·-0--2• 1 0--------- P ARK ER S PRAIRIE INDEPENDFNT 74e10 PARTA PRINTING 73e60 ----------A-tJ RUS-,-\'-}·C··K·l--a-a.J 1----------- PE LI CAN RAPIDS PRESS 102,82 PE RH AM C 0-0 P O 1 L CO• 8 Lh 2 5 ----------Y-E·RHAM-&N--lE:HPR-lS-E-BULLE-T-J-N---1--00• 2 0--------- PE RHAM PRI.NTING 6,20 PERHAM, CITY .OF 504e58 ---------PH O·l O-CE0tH-E-R-,--HiE-1-48 ,·1··7---------- P I ERCE COMPANY, THE 1e90 PITNEY BOlrES 104,25 -----------t-'·O·u C HER--'-P-fH N l l-iiG---&--l:H-H O 6 ·21e LI 5---------- PR OF ES SI ONAL PHARMACY 23e10 RASMUSSON SCH£D0\ISK1 100e00 -------R··I N GD AH t-A-rtB:U·l-A-l,tC E--sER VI ·Cf 7 2e·O o---------- R OB O CAR ~ASH 370e61 ROBO CAR liASH 69a57 ------RO B 0---C AR ·-WASH-· . 4' 3• 6-0------------ R OCH EST£ R Ml.OLANO 106,74 ROSE, KEN 17e82 -----------QU-O D,-K-E-N-Y·O N 2·3e·6-3-· ------~- RU O O, TOM 336e90 RY AN, JU NF 99e50 ----------SC-Ht11-T-T-,-S-A-NftflA 1·0• 00 SCHWARTZ, ROBE.qr 122e13 SC OGG I N S , J OH N & A S SO C 4 , 1 16 • 0 5 -----------SE-RV I C-E--O-J-t-·&-·-T-IR l -9 3.-0 4-------- S ET HR E, JOHN 27e80 SHARIFI MeO., SUBHI 220e00 ------------ P DESCRIP T lON VENDOR SEf.:'/ICE REPORT OTTER TA IL COUNTY VFNUOR NAME AMOUNT ----------------------·-----------------------------··-------------------------·-------------- SK ~AMS TE n, HELEN 28e58 SOUTH Ml LL STAtllUAPO 217 ■15 ----------STARK·--C<;>·~HERIFF·--------------------------9.50------------ S T I: M A N D E M DR U G 3a 9 7 ST INAR-STURDEVAl'H-STOLZ 10ue00 --sT-Rl NG ER· ,-r HOM A--S 1.12. 7 3---------- SU PER ONE 298e96 SWE.NSON, HAROLD Fe POST l'i12 100e00 -----------W-ENSON,-REU-8-bN 68e40---------- TE AM ELE:CTRONlCS 150e00 THOMPSON OIL COe 31e19 --------------H~R E·E·--M --o--v-z-21-2-7 3-q.-q 5---------"--- T O M HA V E, MR S • G OR DON 3e 5 0 ... VERGAS FR/lZEE POST# 7702 100a00 V-E-·:R N-C-H·A-PE S-T--0-l I.: 3-1~.-9 8--------- \I AHLSTROM, NANCY 59e99 VE IK, GILMORE POST # 525 2 1 OOeOO ----------w-E-t:-0 I NG -sltPPL-I-E-s-··A·N D 7.-0-0--------- WE ST CENTRAL ED CO-OP 119e61.1 WE ST PUB LISHINl:i COe 38e50 -\I E -S-T-S-1-D E--5 ERV-1--{ff -----1--8 9 • 8 9 WILKIN CO COURT 5e00 WILKIN CO SHERIFF 11e00 -----------v-1-N-T E-R ,----s-co n • 23--------- w o o D • s r. v. 23.tt5 XEROX CO.RPORATION 1,310a57 ----------~v-OuNGS M A-,.--l:A-tHM 8 3. 9 6 -------''-----,--- 21 ESE, MRS ■ GERALD 39e38 A &8 AUTOMOTIVE CENTER -----------AN-OE RS ON -,·--FHC+I-A-RO--- BA TTL E LAKE. FARMERS UNION OIL 38,81.19.37 ** 2 12. 8 8 2 3 5• 0 o------- 261.fe39 BAUCKS HAROilARE & SUPPLY -------------M E-C K--LU ND ---~-I-A N---0 I L--CO 53. 61 ----------~21.1.-o-o-------- SERENO, flf:NNIS· □• BIG/.. AUTO PA~TS ----B 1-RKHOL-Z~-NOR-lH SIDE---SEL-F-SERV-I CE--- 80 B MOORE FORD INC. BO B I S ST A ND AR n fiU L K S E R V I CE 5a.tt o 21.11.56 -3-1-1.--78 2,396.69 3 9 6. 0 0 Buo•s··MOBIL CARK ENTERPRISES, lNC. -----------24 s. 9 6 --------- 1,1a6.75 CO-OP SERVICES lNCe 1,021.fe69 -------------CO AST--T-0 COAS·T-·STORE---------------------59. 31 CO NST RU CT lON B.ULLET IN CURT•S REPAIR DArT-oN ·F•1 fH_·-o--u>ARTMENT -------- DF N NY IS NORTH SfAR DITCH w-1 TCH OF 11N INCe ---------------------- 510.10 3 22. 5 8 -1-s-0.00---- 31.16.95 q1. 17 ---. ------- DESCRIP llON VENDOR SERVICE t<EPORT OT Tf:R TA IL COUNTY VENUOR N Al'1E AMOUNT EAST O.T • H.LEf'HONE CO• 102•61 EGGE CONSTIW:ClION 1,219.00 ---------------------EV A VOL O--VI K ESL A-NO CONST · -----·-.------------·--------9 5 2a O O ---------------- EV E:NS ON INC., Ge N• 1h38 FA Rl1ERS CO-Of' ASSOC IAT 10 N 782•8'1 F A-1rnAM-• s·-t;ENU·J NE-·PART s·--1 !\JC.---------------68. q7-- F F RGU S FALLS TRUE VALUE l-lf'IWE• 11Je09 FERGUS INTEt<NATJONAL INC. 1LIOe6LI ·-----FE RGUS----P LU Mk IN 6-&--HE:A T-IN G---------------------16• 0 0 F E R GU S T , I RE C f: tH E P 1 3 5, 9 2 FI REST ONE ,STORE 11,ll6 F-I-S KU M--A,U-T O --P-AiHS------------'---q 7 • 6 5 - G E NU I N E _ P A;R l S C O • 31 • 5 1 GERRY'S PARTS SERVICE 110,39 ---------H A--NS ON--P-L-UMB--1--N-{;--&-Hl::A-l-l Ni-.----------0 3e 5 0 ------------ HA Y OE N -M UR: PH Y E UU I P • C O • 3 2 6 • 2 5 HO HM A N LE L f: PHO 1,i E C O • 15 • 8 7 -----------N+ER S-T-A+E-I NL'--• .J ,-9-2-------~~-- JOHNSON BLARING COMPANY 99e99 KI MaER A 'JNING INC, 5e00 • ---------K-l--RC-HOF-F:--P-E-RK-I__..,S--0 I-1.:-€-0-, --3 21 ■ 0 0---------- L LOYD IS EXCAVATING & CONCRETE 132e00 LUNDEEN COMPANY, VICTOR 54e30 ------------~R--S·J-G N-CO-MP-A-N-'t . -9-7-.-21----------- M AD l SON, JAME~ 25,08 MARK SANO lS. 'Gr1AVEL COe 6,1qO.LIO ---------f'l·A-RL--1-N-1-S:-SM-Al:-L--EN-G-l-NE-R-E PAIR --21-ile 00------------ M A TH I S ON ' S 6 1 6, 0 0 MAYO'S STANDARD SERVICE 155,'45 ________ ___...,FYE R-1-S---SE-RVi C-E-S-l-Al-1-0 N -3-5 8 • 5 5.----------- M I DWEST •PFHNTI ~G 25,00 Ml OwEST TELEPHONE COMPANY 17e56 ---------M-l--K-E-'-S---GAS-&·--0-H: 3-69,2-7- MI LLER &: HOLMFS INC, 870•16 MINNESOTA BLUE·PRINT 133,98 ---------I-N NE-SO T-A--M OTO-R-C-OM PlrN Y 5 h 9 q---------- MU RPHY OIL CORPORATION 64,590,07 NATIONAL SUSHI '>IG & PARTS CO, 611e69 --------------NORGR-EN--·-\IREC K.J-+JG-1--25• 0 0------- NO R TH UN ION CHAMPLIN 1,0 3ll,20 NORTH UNION TOWING 59e00 -----------NORTH WEs~T-E RN--fr-EtL---fEL-.---c O • -a9. 9-5----------- N ORTH \IE STE RN SHEtT & IRON WORKS 3,65q,52 OLSON AlJTO ELECIRIC 55e33 ----------01--T E-R--l A+L--C0-:OP--0-I l-3 7, 0 8 -------------- 0 TT ER TA IL AGGREGATE q,521e00 OXFORD Cf-JEMIC.&L~ INCe 3rl5,00 ----------PA-Ml-OA---S-TOR-7e96---- PA RK REG ION MUlUAL fELEPHONE CO q5,37 PFAVEY 8UJ-LOING SUPPLIES 22e38 ------------------- VENOOP SE~VICE ~EPORT 0 T T E R T A I L C O UN T 'f ---·----------- JP D E S CR I P T 10 N Vf NOOR NAME AMOUNT ·-------------------- PF LI CAN HARO\JARE COe 1•97 PE LI CA N RA P IO S PRE S S 1 0 • 0 0 ·--,pf N ROS E·--O·J L----CON PA-NY---------------LJ 8 6e 9 0 -------------------- PE RH A M F 'A ii M SU PPL Y 16 • 3 6 PERHAM READY MIX & AGGREGATE 6"8•90 ---------------------------s---&-c--co;M PUTER-•-s1:-Rv IC E---·tN"C. ---------a 5 7 • 0 0 - SERVICE OIL&, TIRE. 250e5LJ S I GEL M AN '!, STE EL & SAL 'I A GE C O • 2 Oe 5 0 ------ST-AOUM--P-1:U-MfH-NG---------159el 0 ---------~---- ST RAND A CE HARUWAPE 51e01 STURDEVANTS AUTO PARTS 143e31 ---------...:, U PE R--GN C--•T-flU CK --SA t-ES --~--------20.-7 5 THALMANN 1 S REPAIR tf2e88 TUCKER co., INC. 1,LJ10.oo ---------V-E-RGAS--F-'0-PO---EOU-IPHENT----CO--.-1-96e55 VERGAS HARO'lll'AF<E HANK 50e92 VERGAS o:IL COMPANY 272e92 ----------~v-A-oE-N A-·A ·s-P l-t~f\tT-co·MPAN·Y----------2,9""5-S.-o-{l----------- \/ ELDIN G S.UPPLIES ANO 126e70 \IE STGO TRUCK EOUI PMENT 2''9 65 -----------z-I-E-GLER--:-l-NC··• 6-0• 2 o-----------------,-- 106,527e 92 ** K N I G HT C 10 NS T RU CT I ON 1, 8 9 0 • 0 0 HOLLERUD .ELE::CTRJC 102e6tf ------------+f--T-T--ER--·l-A-l·L--E-O-.--H\l-'f---OE P·-T•----,----------90• 0 O---------- W AN EK PLUMBING & liEATING 1Ll2e00 2,22".6" *If MEN T Bl RKHOLZ: NOIHHSIDE SELF-~FRV ICE 27e'48 ------------CA R-R ··-E-N-T-ER PRIS ES,--1 NC.------ OE NNY IS "NORTH STAR ----33.66 -----·-·------ 22.so .PH OTO CENTER,-THE --------VERGAs--0·1 t-coM-PAN·Y------------- \IE LUI NG SUPPL l E ~ A Nu 85e50 6 h·B 1---------- 18"·00 VFSTSIOE SEl-<VICE 41a76 ---------------Lf 56e--11--• *-------- 148,058.6q *** w·ith no further bu~iness. at 4:25 p.m., the Chairman adjourned the ---------------- meeting until 9~30 a.m., Fniday, June 24, 1983. Chafrman ATTEST: