HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/24/1983MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA i The Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners met, pursuant to adjourn- ment, Tuesday afternoon, May 24, 1983, with all members present. Chairman Hovland called the meeting to order at 12:47 p.m .. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to advertise for bids to be received ~ntil 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 9, 1983, for road construction under S.P. 56-619~04. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an agreement with Otter Tail Power Company for the relocation of highline easement, at a cost of $5,401.00, in connection with S.P. 56-601-12, and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following payments for right-of~way, under S.P. 56-608-08, were approved: Leo & Pamela Hoffman and Arnold W. & M. Jean Rosen Ted Kunza Erhardt & Janet Rosen $2,175.12 1 ,373 .45 1 , 996. 30 Motion 1t1as made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve a proposal presented by the County Engineer in cooperation with the Soil and Hater Conservation District for planting of field windbreaks to replace snow fences that need to be put up and taken down each year. A cost share would be pro- vided to the landowners by the District through the state cost share program. The County would provide the remainder of the cost share of the trees and planting, at a total cost to the county for the first year of approximately $5,000.00. A maintenance agreement for the Interstate 94 crossing in Otter Tail County was discussed, and the County Attorney was instructed to examine said agree- ments on behalf of the county. Road ditch problems and restrictions were discussed, with the County Attorney being instructed to check on same. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Elltg and carrted? the following resqlutton was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS', the County of Otte.r Tail ha.s applied to the_ Connnissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund for the reconstruction of Bridge No. 95169 over the Lea)'. River, and; WHE~EAS, the application for the grant has been reviewed by the proper Agenci~s, and; WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $7,643.00 by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cqunty of Otter Tail c;lqes hereby affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess bf the grant w:il,l be appropriated :l;rom funds available to the County of Otter Tail, a,nd that_ any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but not required, based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota, State Tran~pqrtation Fund. ATTE~T: Adopt;ed 24th qay of May , 1983. ~--------~ ----- Chairman, Otter Tail Cq4nty Board of Commissioner~ ~A~ai1~r & ,,, r J. • • 0 (SEAL) County Board May 24, 1983 John Schmidt from the West Otter Tai·l Soil & Water Conservatton Dtstrict appeared before the Board along with other representatives of the East and West Otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation Dts_trict relative to tne proposed Otter Tan County Soil Survey. A di"scusston on tne soil surve_y was held wi_tli v~rtous tndtvtduals speaking in favor, including Wm._ Stone and Donald Kenyon of tne East Otter Tatl Sotl & Water Conservation District, Cliff Keller? West Otter Tail Sotl & W~ter Conservatton District, and Ken Rose, West Otter Tatl County Extenston Dtrectort After considerable. discussion, mot ton was made by Van El 1 ig to proceed with the Otter Ta i'l County Soil Survey. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland and the followtng vote recorded: Vot i rig uyes,"? Va_n Ell tg and Bert Hovland~ vot;:ng "no", Hub Nordgren, Andy Lettch and Sydney Nelson. The mottqn f~tled 1 Upon moUon made by Sydney-Nelson, seconded by Andy Lettch and carried, the followtng applications fqr ~ewage dtspos~l installers ltcense were approved: Ma_rv i'n Johns:on George Happe 1 Kent Meader Marv~s Plumbing & Htg. Galchutt, North Dakota Frazee, MN Dent, MN Sijm Lykken, Project Dtrector of the Rail Action Corporation, appeared before the Board to solicit funds for the purpose of oppostion to the abandonment of the ranway-line from Saint Cloud:through Fergus Falls. The County P.ttorne,y was tnstructed to check tne legality of contributing funds for such an endeavor. David Barton, from tne Vtktng Regtonal Library, appe~red before the Boa.rd requesti"ng addi.'tional funds to compensate for unpafd State aids and unpaid delinq_uent taxes_. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried~ to approve a transfer of $7,126.82 to cover the deficit requirements, from tlie County Revenue Fund to the Vtk.i:ng L ibnary Fund,, to be repaid from del i:nquent tax payments . The firm of Ulteig Engineers, Fargo, ND and Rollie Mann, Executive Secretary of the Otter Tail Lake Area Sewer Dtstri:ct, appeared before the Board and i'nformed sai_d Board that Springsted, Inc,, bad been selected as a recommendation for appointment as bond consultant in the sale nf Bonds for the sewer distri:ct con~ struction project, at a fee of $9,000.00. After discussion, with Van Ellig speaking in opposition of said appointment, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, with Va!h Ellig voting "no", to appoint Springsted, Inc., as bond consultant for said project. County Board Ma.y 24, l 9.83 The' representative of Ultei g Engineers, detailed the engi'neers report of the various sewerage systems to be installed in the Otter Tai.•l Lake Sewer Di•strict. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carded, to approve the work study agreement between Otter.Tail County and the Fergus Falls Community College, and the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County, Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $775,00, to Brenna Sport Shopp Pelican Rapids, MN, for a boat motor to be used by the Land& Resource Development Office. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Elli'g and carried, the following applications for beer license were approved: Richard E. Hockersmith Bruno M. Burak Timothy N. Sucher Lee Beckman Robert Rife Margaret Frankberg Silent Railbow Resort Burak '·s Hook, Line, and Sucher•s Oak,park Resort Dunn •·s Lodge The Stone Hearth Dora Townshtp Pi'ne Lake Townshi~ Rush Lake Township Ni'daros Townsnip Dunn Townshtp Hobart Township Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy-Leitch and carri'ed, to approve the following applications for ~~rmit to allow consumption and dtsplay-of intoxicating liquor: Ray A. Chase Ethel Beach Resort Girard Township Michael Sundblad Last Resort Eltza5etn Township Carroll M. Anderson Fergus Fa 11 s Elks Lodge Dane Praide Township James Boedigheimer Blue Horizon Ballroom Rush Lake Township Bruno Burak Burak I s Pine Lake Township Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve tne application of Michael Sundblad, for permit to h~ld dances at The Last Resort in Elizabeth Township. John Scoggins,.together with members of the Steering Committee, appeared before the Board, relative to the data processing progress to date. Mr. Scoggins announced that on a secret ballot vote, the two top bids accepted for con- sideration were presented by Fulcrum Division of Adage, Inc., Raleigh, N.C. and Anacomp, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana, with contracts to be written and a selection made by the 21st of June, 1983. Also speaking were representatives of the Burroughs Corporation. County Bocvid May Z4, 1'9_83 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car~ ried, the following applications:for'ho~e~tead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Ronald C. Roloff Leo & Emma Kugler ~ehheth Jacobson Harold & Donna Wolfe Ralph & Marion Hoadley Ardella Brandt Shirley Brakke James & Mabel McMullen Peter Leaders George & Ann Henry & Jeanette Ladwig Enstad-Larson~Mann Larry Ott Otter Tail Power Co. Parkers Prairie Township Homestead classification Friberg Township Land value overas~es~ed Hobart Township New construction put on in error Maine Township Mobile home overassessed Scambler Towns~ip Should have wetlands credtt Lida Township Wrong building dimensions Lida Township Wrong valuation Lida Township Wrong dimensions on house Leaf Lake Township Buildings overvalued Dead Lake Township Sewer and bath assessed incorrectly Aurdal Township Lot overvalued Maine Township Homestead classification Nidaros Township Omitted property Leonard & Jeanett Hardekopf,1',·Rarkers Pra i.ri e City Mi d.,.year homestead cl ass ifica tion Clara M. Baumbach Dent City Marvin & Hildegaard Veden Compton Township Harry M. & Richard Overby Scambler Township Anthony & Gloria Eberhardt Maine Township Loren & Unda Bailey Aurdal Townshfp Laverne Moenedick Edna Township Cyril 1 V. Stadsvold, et al Everts Township Lowell & M. L. Wasmuth Elizabeth Township Eugene Hanson & Duane & Gerhard Hanson, Jr, Star Lake Township Mid-year homestead classificati~n Error in number of acres assessed Homestead clas~iffcation Mid~year homestead classffication House over.,.valued Wrong classification Building overvalued Property overvalued Land graded improperly Byron & Mary L. Hellerman Parkers/Prairie Township Wrong measurements used on bun dings Michael & Karen Scheidecker Buse Townshfp Benjamin & Bernice Joos Star Lak~ Township Homestead classtffcation One-half disability homestead County Board May 24, 1983 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following bills were allowed: ----------·-----------~--~---------------- VENOOR SE.PV ICE Rf PO~ T OT~ER TAIL COUNTY VENDOR NAt'IE AMO U ~lT ADAMS, GARY 1Je00 AMOCO 01 L co. 1a.oo ____________ __.,.A......,N....,_QERS.O_tL_LA_...,M...,Q,.___$L..>U,....B>--'YLIE_Y.__ _________ --1..Z ..... ,_,.,8_6...U._Q _______ _ ANDERSON, CRAIG ij5a20 ANOREVS.1 STEVEN 1671'!9 ARNESON I AR5nN MILTON sq,oo ASSOCIATION OF MlNNa COUNTIES 2t0e00 AU CH.1 RU DOLPH 53e53 ------------=U.JLSAFETY SERVICE 2Q6•~Z~5.._ ______ _ BATTLE LAKE FARMfRS UNION OIL 92eij7 BATTLE LAKE LANO FILL 3a00 ____________ BATTLE LAKE REVIEW 19,~_5. ______ _ BECKER, KEN 71■93 BECKLUND-RIAN OIL CO .212a30 BE ER S 11 • D 111 M ORB J S 9 O • IJ •-81: LT RAM I co. SHERIFF 10.5q BENDER, MATTHEW q7,so ____________ ..,._fJl.G LJ __ u,rn EI A 9 1, Z BERGER, DORIE 10e00 BERGSTROM, LANA 12e00 ------------~G G.E-R.L-C..lJLOY 1 5 7. Q 0 BILL'S LOCK & KEY 'f6e00 8J0i1ALT, G-OROON 5Lfe56 ____________ ..,.___L.c..K£.N.SJ:.AEJ= , ,IE FF ::IEY 6 il• O........_Q ______ _ 008 MOORE FORD INC• -166e62 9 R I GI TT E • S INC -5 s. 31 _____________ C...HO.LZ...--5.tt.ARON · 1 !l • 0 0 BU0 1 S MOBIL 32e77 BUOi<E, DONALD 2s. no ____________ ......,._H.R1HLG HS co PP CU AT ION 7 ,18 • 2 'I CA R R E N T f QPR I S E S, I ~C • 2 6 1. 6 9 CARR, MICHAEL 250e00 ---------~--C,.AS5-CLA-1._C.H£.At1 E HY q O t J.5. ______ _ CHANOLEQ PU9LISHING CO 98e0J CI T Y PH A Q H ~ CY 6 8 • 6 5 ------------¥-4..EAR.w AJ_E..11-....c__o__._JBEA.S. a.._ • .LLo..._,) ______ _ COAST TO COAST STORE 3lle9q CONTINENTAL NOHTH DAKOTA INC 1,02Je83 ____________ ..,.11...0.Rf...R~-S-OE E I CE S..UUU I "C• 6e5-2-_____ _ COOPER, DE~HIL 30.15 CORPORATE RISK MANAGER$ 1,135e00 ___________ ___,...____t:LS _ _R_f S. lAlLJ<A NT 6 1.__z._..___ ______ _ OACOTAH Pt.PEP COMPANY tJ76e99 OALCO ' 192eLf3 ___________ ____., U_f Nf_QJUJ__j)_E.._NE IJ O 5 a 1J) ______ _ DJ'S CAR CARE CE~TER 1s.ra OON 1 S JACK ANG JILL 256123 --------------~N_H_Ul..fu.__QRI C:TJA 26s.sa_ ______ _ ELECTROLUX ~O~P 1~~•ij0 EMPIRE ausJNESS MACHINES 33q.no --VfNOOR Stql/ ICE .:iEP ORT -0 T TEP. l A IL COUNT Y VE: NOOR NAME AMOUNT EVERTS, J(H-!N 3th 36 FERGU$ FALLS OAILY JOURNAi. _______________ a.G.lL.5.__E_A L I S M FlllCAL£R.O_U~P--------~- ~67.58 31.111.~ F FR GUS FALLS ~OLICE DEPT• FF.RGUS F!,LLS TRUE VALUE 1-Z[)IJEe 13 1. 15 1,38 ______________ ......... Cillil.L~I I S VET ..E!!.LltA RY Cl I_t,LLC...__ ______ ___, 1 5■ 11.iL FERGUS JOBBING INCe 27• n 0 FERGUS LOCKf.:R & MfAT SUPPLY 3 q a. 30 LQ5..8Lll ______________ ........ ~R..GlLS. MO Io J:H~ INC... ___________ ._. FE R GUS T I RE CF. N fE P. FIRESTONE STORE 5 12. 0 4 1J7e86 _______________ F_I~H~S-T~N~A~l.lJULA,.,_,L_S"'"A'-'--N .......... K ____________ ........ _"'"' :rn,oo FLATH, t'AULINE 1Je00 .-· -GENE'S STANDARD SERVICE 20."3 --------------~---l ... L ... ,._--~t1R-.S • MAR l CN 26.RO G O V ER N ME N T TR A I N I NG S E R V I CE 1 02.00 GR GRAPHICS INCe --------------~G~R~4~N~J..._C-0-e__.S~H~..B.1~E~F--------------...... - 7 3. 13 s. no GR iEP, TIM ' G R I t1 S T A O , · J ER RY, . ··HAIVERSON, JOHN. HALVORSO~, THOMAS HANDEGAARO, STEVE HANSON, HARJEAN HAUSER,. OAVtD HE rrnR I CK SON, &EVEHLV 77,33 66• 00 s.so 1 a. oo 38.62 127.3q 3!:h60 382e50 ~.'12 --------------~EH.ti.Il:I_.G_.l\Il.Y..O_c.!.I~------------....... H I rH Gt N -K A i< S T EL E C T Rt C C O MP A N 't 36'h"6 HOFF, FLOYU 29.56 251.DO ______________ ...._QEE,__u~r~f~R.__ _______________ -J,~ HOL10AY lNi\l 9:J.98 HOLIDAY INN 6 2 6e 'I 9 ---------------'"'~...Ll.Q~ __________________ .....,,. ..9_1_. _3 IBM CORPORArION INOIANHEAD SPECIALTY ______________ J~~·A 115.E.ri, RR IC ,:.} K W A 0 .KALAR, ll ILLI.&M 1,750,06 16.3.08 21..!lO 128• 70 58,71 --------------~K"""'l~RK_, t1 IC H~ ...... l~----------------c...<.. 59,52 I< 1 iii ,\NI S CL Uf.! KNUTSON, NUSf'[LL 12 Je Oil 33• 30 ______________ K.R_O..HE11.AN_.N,_JU_~---------------~--5..1-6 _ K R ONEM ANN, SYLVI.& LACliO\IITZfR, FRANK 20.0 0 137,90 _____________ _.,_GERO lJ-1..s.I___AtllL .. S.lH,t S.1-_G u,_.s~r ________ _ 1 llai LAW ENFO RCENE;H RESOURCE CEr•'1'ER 29,51) LEt, >lEBA M 221.ns ____________ ___L_Q.J:iER :1. _iU_CH.AB...._ ______________ ___._ z.1.2 LOVELACE, GEOR~E C, 13. 8 q LU ND EE,._. CO MP A !',J Y , V 1 CT O R 1,226.87 ---------------------- ,~ .. ;}}.: : \~;;~_:. .- -------------------------------~-------. --------------- VENDOR SERVICE REPORT OJ T E R T A I L C OUN T Y VENDOR NAME AMOUNT LYSff'lOS INC. 2tl1e56 MASON Pue co 77.oo -------------'1CC O.!ltt. U.."-1-t:t.l-C::¼.A EL 8, 9 METZ BAKPiG COMPANY 167e37 MIDWEST SUSINFSS PRODUCTS 7,78 _____________ ......_.,.._L£_Il_O.A\l__.._C'...__ _____________ ~_..JlSJ..a_q _______ _ Ml LLER, ARLO v 10.no MINNESOTA MOTOR COMPANY · 236122 ----'----------~M~O~E.__.,_LE~ L11-~------ t10RTON, JEFF 7eQQ MOTOROLA, INC, 2731QS _____________ ...;.M.,_,R-=--=s-"-J ...... e AK it • Q_,._ _____ _ MR• STEAK 48,63 N S JACK £TS Of PUERTO RI CO 176e93 -------------~N~A~I~JO~N AL au s HI tf_G._&__UR._1._$ co I 3 71 2-6 _____ _ NATIONAL FOOD!-: 29e'I0 NELSON 8ROTHE.OS PRINTING asu.oo -------------N£.LSO..M-E...ll II r PME NT Y 6 ... 3 .... -a _____ _ NUNOAHL OIL COMPA.NY 4'9110 OK HARDWARE 31-86 _____________ _,O..._.l.__S->IOfu_H_A Rt E Y 1 Bcl.._ _____ _ ORANOI M,O., t'IEHOI 875,00 OR ANO I MEO! CAL LAB 750,0iJ 0$WAl O PUB, Co, .D~------ 0 T T ER T A I L CO -0 P O I LS 1, 1 3 6, 0 7 'OTfER TAIL CO. HWY DEPT, 5'-4.82 · ·oTTER TAIL co. RHERlEF OFf:I 8451D0 0 T T ER T A I L Of P T O F SO C • 5 fR V • 1 5 • 0 0 0 T T E R T A I L OE PT • 0 F P U a • HE A L T H 3 6 • 0 ::l I ER TA I I eowe ~ COMP A NY 75,._[..,_)'.._0 _____ _ PAAVOLA.t t1l-:LVIN qq.19 PALAN, JANICE IJ2e1.0 _____________ ...._.P A.R.1CJ:~..£G ... l..C..~_c...n...=.o..e-'l..IL_.-C_Q _ _._ ._9_w__ _____ _ PA R K R .E G I ON MU TU AL TEL E P ~ 0~ E CO 1, 3 2 21 0 8 PA~KERS PP• HOSP• DISfe 20.0J _____________ _,:;P...s,A,_,2,.__r...,r.~~e.,,.R ..... J_....N LUU~ 2.. 7~0..._ _____ _ PAURUS, VICKI 129.qq PEBBLE LAKE AltTO PEPAIR P!C, 10Bs35 _____________ _,_E..o t.P. c; 0 N • -11.AP..1...E.J:ilC _ ll"'"'t)...__ ____ _ Pi:LICAN RAPIDS PRES:; 12•16 PELICAN VALLEY 11EALTH C£"lTER 3q.~,0 -------------~----O_C UL'L,_J_Q__s_f P !i 3 4.._3.._~------ P ER HA l't CO-OP OIL COe 186,5il4 PERHAM £MJE~PRISE BULLET J!' l~e28 _____________ ...:...P--.Jili.All.t_C_LT__t_OF "--19,2_~------ PE TERSO~, ROY 99-3e"J0 PE T TE R SO ~l", V I C T O R , JR 2 a 1 • irn --------------'-'-'---LL LP. s_ .. P_LJ_..___c_QM.~l'L ._ 5. L------ P HOT O CENT!:~, THE Lf21e19 PIEHCE COMPA•H, THE 21'.1e25 ------------------------------==~~~-==--==--~-~~.i::::::::::r-...::::::x::,,--=:,-~~--===,c::ir=:::,.r::=:=-~1&:. ; ... ---------~~-------.--------------------------=----~=- ------···-•-· ------ VFNOOP SERVICF REPORT OTTER TAIL COUNTY -----------------------VfNUOR NAME Al'10 U :iT PO RTMANN, ~JCHA?.O 165. 7 7 113.00 'POUCHER PRINTING & LITHO ------------~O E.E.S.5.1..0...N.A.L . ....E.H..A.R.t:1.AC~-----------1..tl~ R l NGO AHL .AJldULANCE SERVICF-82e0i) ROSE, KEM ~ 9. 25 ____________ ...,-__ I.J.il(.l1-.. ....K.E..N..'t...O.~----------------.. l:1L3. RYCKMAN, JOhN 1•h80 SCHi·llTT, TIM, MeOe 6 7• q 0 ------------~C,~O-G_G_I~~J~S~,~J-UH N 0i ASS-~---------3.aaaz. S El oE L, PATSY 8 3e 2 LI SERVICE O(L ~ TIRE -------------S~H~A~R4l.~E-1~M~aD...u.._.S_WiH~I-------------- 4 9 8• '11 1 3 3,1.Jl SHEKHAN COUNTY SHE~IFF SI EMS, E.RislN _____________ S_,K_FA MS IE O, HE I EN STOP NGO STO-"E STRINGER, THO.MAS 11. 40 16.'-114 6:1• on '191'e06 4 ,. 10 s 2-no SI tW I HER 5 11 • O., -L8L.l $,..__ ___________ ......, SU PER ONE. SW tNSON, REUBEN IAMKE ■ QtCHAPQ THOMPSON O ll CO• THREE M UY Z 21 ?7 TOMHAVE, M~S• GORGON ·'TRITES, DAVE. .. ON lFORMs: UNL lttl TEn ______________ ··-=u_,_,N'-'l~V.ffil I TY OF MINN• VA UGHt..l t S VOGEL, RUBY WALSOORF, GLAOYS \IANEK PLUl181NG & HEATING 'JEST PUBLISHING co. 2 33. 7 O 60• so 23iOO 69. 17 lf 21. 08 6 27 • 7 5 145e 10 'lOeOO 50i 08 34.85 4 96• 70 9e40 119• 0 0 101.i;o _____________ V.£.~JERN CHEMl...C.AL_C.011.P_ANLLL.Y ________ _ 2 8-fu.2. WE ST SI OE SE RV 1 Ci WILSON SUPPLY COe ____________ __.__.._,L'l..LE.....Ju. ~ co TJ 'WORNER AUTO XEROX CORPO~•TION 139. 13 111.,,n 23,75 1'16,80 t,323.36 6.,_'!_65 I 9 6 _______________ a.J..U.LC.tl.0..U.'lE.....c.£.NI..E. ~----------.,_ 5 1 2. A-1 LOCK ~ KEY Ae Ne le PRODUCTS INC ____________ __.....,.__IJ.L LL. AKE EAR ME RS.,_U.N. 1.0__hl_O.LL----- 8 AU CK S H AJHH/ A ,;e & SUPPLY BE iH:NO, DEt•JNI:· O, s. 0 0 11. 92 -9...2.Z •. 5.!l 33.69 33. q 0 2 J..4.L5.9 ____________ _...,_~l.G..__A_AU..L~_f_A_.R~I-S.___ _________ ,_ __ __ BILL'S LOCK a KEY 2 J. 80 808 1 S STANOARO BULK SER-I lfE 31'5e00 -~ !Ht ----------------------·--------. ----------------- ---------·------------------------------------- VE N O O R SE RV I CE riE P O R T OTTEA TAIL COUNTY VENDOR NAME AMOUNT squNSON IN.STHUHENT COe 55e28 8U0 1 S MOBIL 3iJ8e85 __________ __.,.A.l'lE_aE_LL_{UL__C..QtlE.A..tH._ _____________ 2.9_.._-'------------- C A ,rn ENT F. RP R [SE'.';, I NC• 2 8 2• 5 0 CHAHLEY 1 S 5HAKPENING SERVICE 6e00 ----------~O_:'.'_Q.P_S.f_R_\lLC£ S I tJ C !Uia..5.,.___ ________ _ COMMISSIONER OF TRANSPOi-HATION 8•71 CONSTRUCTION aULLETIN saa.oo ----------.....u..:~UB..R I C A "'i I CO • 2 -SO • 1 5 0 A KOT A A E ii O l EC H • I NC • 6 2 • q 5 0 A N NE HY, RALPH J • <S KA ~ E N E • 7 0 3 • 2 5 ----------~D~E"-'-'-N~i-Cl..L..c~MPA~Y 2B3a,__.._.,,__ _______ _ 0 I CK I S PA fH S !:iU PPL Y' 3 3. 7 8 DOOR SYSTEMS 22e35 EAST o.r. IEt~P~ONE CO. 94e69 E G GE C O N ST RU C T I ON 6 7 • 5 IJ FARMERS CO-OP ASSOCIATION sa.q1 F A R r:I E PS II fJ I ON G ) A l N JE.R.t1....a.....AS S • N 1 9 • 0 O F/4 RHERS UN.ION OIL COe 53e21 FARNAM 1 S GENUINE PARTS INCe ., 1,113i72 -· -----------'--'.._8.G.U5 E Al I~-QAII Y J0JJ1H,t U 221.qt.1 FERGUS FALLS TRUE,,...:VAlUE 1-!0ilE .. • 15,58 FE R GUS I NT E RN AT I o•N AL I NC • . 2 8 0 • 'I 7 __________ __,:l_S_Ct:f..EJL__JJl.filL.J __ ,_LltA DY A ~•N k • 11 3 9 2150 Fl$KUM AUTO PARTS ~ 121e17 FREDERICK, t~ A• 127a76 __________ _,~ ..... , F___...N .... E a.AL T PAO P46 C f)r1f!A_N Y 21 5, 8 9 GENUINE Pi6RTS CO• 38e2lJ GF.RRY 1 S PARTS SERVICE 52e88 __________ --. . .ll.H.£.N-1.Z.J V f RN ON 1 !1 81.Jl.ll ________ _ HANSON PLUMBING & HEATING 36ila31 HENNING ".OVOCATE 12•60 __________ __._,.f.11.•U N G--1...L P 1 G AJ,_C..O.• 2 2 91 6...,.0 ________ _ Hl-'J,A.Y AUTO e lMPLtME~T co. q.1rn HOHMAN TELEPHONE COe 15e78 __________ _,_H.ul.._JMLIJojBe:.C..KJ__ll .. ~--------------~~_:i__--------- l N iJEPE ~O £NT, THE 6e67 ITASCA EOUF'MOH CO 57e62 __________ _..J~J~M~•._s.___s_E._.R__C.£. _______________ 2~1.L.z_._.~a __________ _ KlRCHOFF-PE~KliS OIL COe 306.CO KOEP•S MOBIL 612,28 __________ ...__LJ SQ.N._.£.JlOll.U C .. LS. .. -LNC , _____________ ...._...., a....u,i. ________ _ LE W JS, GR f, NT :!. IR F. NE 8 3 3. !'} 0 LITTLE FALLS ~ACHINE INC• q7.77 _________ ___,,L_,!_O.,_}'__Q_~ _S_f_Jl.C.AV BT _r N_G_&.__c_a.N.S._',£..._,.T_i='. _______ 6 5.,_o __ o, ________ _ LUNOEEr4 COMP/l'H, VICTOR 58a35 11-R SIGN COMP~NY 926,20 ----------11..A....D-l.S.O..N...__J.A..l'lE t::: lt.3e .. 3 2... ________ _ MAP STORE, THE 11.na HARK SANO & G:,AVEL COe 782•00 OUNT -VENDOR SERVICE HEPO~T OTTER TAIL COUNTY VE NOOR N A.t1 E MAY0 1 S STA•-IDARO SERVICE 169.!J7 '1fYER 1 S SFRVICE STATION 21s.a2 ---------------~.a ~ T TE I t:.eJ:illN E C Qt"..f.J\Ii.J _________ _._.. ......... n ..... a.___ ___ _ MI LLEli' ~ HOLMES INC, 23da115 t1 t N::., F SO T A 8 l Lt f P :H NT 7 Lt~• 5 7 ______________ _,__~~LN.NEWU......_s_I.ft_I_E_O.£ ______________ ...._._......._ ___ _ MURPHY OIL CORPORATION 50J17ij,86 N • E • 0 l T E R TA J L L AN J F= l l L AS ~ 0 C 21 0 0 ______________ ___,N~A"-'--"'TI_O__NAl 13U:;,H(NG & PARTS co, _______ 6-6._Z.. .... QC-"7 ____ _ NE L ~O N , fl \i A Y N E & SU SA N 1, 6 3 1, 5 0 NORTH UN 10:-4 CHA!'IPLIN 63'h8£t NOIHHWESTERN BELL {EL, C(', 17£!,58 OTTER TAIL CO-OP OILS 582,?.6 PARK REG ION CO-OP OIL CO• 1, 097,3q --------------~f_.A~li~K_.8.E..G..IJlN MUTUA..L.IELEP HONE CO S.!t,_O_o~---- PE RHAl'f CO-OP OIL CO, 15,qq PERHAM FARM SUPPLY 16,07 ________________ p.._f....,R'""'"H UL.8.E.A..O.Y MI X B AG.t;_fU: G i'T E 3 9 :1. 9 0 PHOTO·CENTER, THE 2!>3198 'POUCHER PRINTING & LJTHO 17.65 -------------'---'-----L;R~A~Y.&...;...•s~·-0-J~J_,C.&.u.OtiU._NY 92~~6.....,_5_· ___ _ REYNOLDS, JOHN ii• 699100 RON'S & DON'S F.LECTHIC 11.1150 ROSCO 11ANUFACTUi-flNG COe 1qJ,68 . S & C COMPUTfR SERViCE l""ICe 951e19 · <SERVICE OIL & TIRE 2~9,55. -------------------""'H~!BF. CO RP, 5 7• 0 0 S J G EL MA N • S ST ,=-E L & Sil. L VA C F C O • 1 9 7 • 2 8 SKiPS GENUINE PARTS 2!JSe28 ----------------=S"-'--'-M _0 KEY I S MA CH J N F ~HOP 1 8 7 • 5 2 STRANO ACE HJ\QOWAPE 3iJ•75 STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPLY INC, 19,76 ------------------'~ _UROilA_~JU T O P ARLS 1 31. 2 ..... 6'------- SU P 1: R GMC T F~UCK SALES 57.84 T R A '• S P O <t T ,C LE AR IN GS 1 9 'I • 5 J --------------~Y~A~N~• 5_11.ll.J=..f L EB Sti.Q e_Q_..,__ ___ _ VERGAS HARDWARE HANK 22,96 VE~GAS OIL COMPANY '153.58 -----------------"'-"'--f--L~DL.I~N---'G...___SQ.e...e..L. IE S ANO 7 9~ ~''-"' ;),___ ___ _ WEST o.r. SOIL ii WAfER CONSER, 7iJ,0·J WESTGO T~UCK £0UIPMf::NT 63,05 ______________ __.__._,E.Ji.LE i:L--1.N.C.. J.!17e...1_a ____ _ 7 7 , 6 ~ ij, 7 9 • w A & C ELECf~IC COMPANY ~s.oo AL'S r~EFRIGE~,HION 32.J,fHJ ---------------LLB-lLlLD ULG_..CO.R.f_._ ______ ___.1 ..... 2~9•25 ____ _ ANOE:RSON 9qOT!-iERS CONSTRUCT I ON 1'57,514 HONl:YWELL 189,1\J --------------------·---------------------------------- -----·----------------------------.. -. --·-------------------:--- =c VENDOR SF.HVlCE REPORT 0 f TE~ TA. I L CO UN. T Y VENDOR NAME KNlGHT_CO.NSTRUCT[DN t1ELHY, G-:lfN-· AMOUNT 1,292.75 q9,75 5 69• 6Li o I I tR T A IL co -.HV Y Of P_f_.. _________ ....,_..,_, OTT~R TAIL GLASS COMPANY 2 q. 00 3, 0 9 6• 0 3 ROLYAN MFG CO ____________ ___..S'""'C"""'UiJ.A SCH o O Ls l:H • 1, 2 2 s. no Z Z,95 1, 3 !l 2, 95 ~ -2----------------------------------- RE VcNUE SHAHING AOV, SERVICE 66, 00 66, 0 0 138,575.73 With no further business, a~ 3:45 p.m., the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, June 7, 1983. Cna, rman ATTEST: .dyL ; ,,J B,,, if}" J) Clerk •• •• •• ti • •