HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/10/1983: ' I I i I MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING , OF THE ~OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 10TTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to :adjournment, the Otter Tai'l County Board of Commissioners I met Tuesday, May 10, 1983 Jtth all members present. Chatrm~n Hovland called the I meeting to order at 9:30 a.:m,. Howard Koepp:en, Custodtan, appeared before the Board relative to I ' additional help duri'ng toe :Summer months for window washing, vacati'on times, etc., and was authortzed to hire ,what additi•onal help was necessary. Mr. Koeppen als·o presented quotat tons for ca'rpet for the entry ways in the courthouse, as fo 11 ows: I I 16 oz, 18 ·oz. Heavy Kordel Furniture, Fergus Fa;ll s, MN $1 ,200 $1,269.80 Dahlstrom Carpet~ Fergus Fap ls , MN $1 ,44(), 00 ! Motton was· made by Sydney Nelso_n, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carded, to accept the quotation for the 18 oz. carpet tn the amount of $1,269.80 from Kordel Furniture, Fergus Falls, MN, At the request of the Human Services Board, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded oy Van Ellig and carried, to authorize the County Auditor to make a temporary transfer of $400,000 from the County Revenue Fund to the Human Services Fund. The Board, having previously advertised through the State of Minnesota Department of Trans~ortation for bids to be received for S.P. No. 56-601-12, proceeded to open bi.ds whi_ch were foun·d to Be as follows: Mark S~nd & ~ravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN Starry Const. Co., Inc,, Long Prairie, MN Challenge Const., Inc., Brainerd, MN Kern & Tabery, Inc., Wadena, MN Strom Const. Co., Moorhead, MN Lakes Pavtng Co., Moorhead, MN F~M As~~alt, Inc., Moorhead, MN Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist, Prinzburg, MN $873,702.41 899,651.25 977 ,047 .44 980,584.12 998,268.24 1,036,700.39 1,091,164.46 1,120,316.43 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand& Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN, ----~ - in the amount of $873.702.41, being the lowest bid. ' ' I \: ____ __,,\ / MAY County Board May 10, l_ 983 The Board, havtng previously advertised for Bids to be recetved f9r bridg~ replacement under project no. S,A.P. 56~599-28, proceeded to open Bi~s which were found to Be as follow~: Riley Bros, Cons.L. Inc .• Morris. MN Mi_dwest Contracting. Inc .• ·Marshall, MN Landwehr Heavy MOvfng, Inc., Saint Cloud, MN Centra~ Specialttes? Inc., Cold Sprtng, MN Kern & Ta bery, lnc. , Wadena, MN Moench Plbg. & Construction, W~dena, MN $ 78,995.00 81,585.00 83,104.50 84,355.60 98,616.46 116,654.50 After constderatton, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Elli'g and carried, to accept the bid of Riley Bros, Const., Inc., Morris, MN, in the amount of $78.995.00, being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for Btds to be received for grading and ~ggregate surfacing under Project No, S.A.P. 56-608-08, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows; Albin Stromseth Const., W~tertown, SD Riley Bros. Const., Inc., ~orris, MN Kern & Tafiery, Inc., Wa_dena, MN Dennis Drewes, Inc,, Fra_zee, MN Donald Conroy Const. Co.~ Wheaton, MN Menge Construction Co,, Braceville, MN Stan Morrill~ Inc., Fergus Falls:? )•'!N $ 98,204.66 114,470.25 121,968.89 124,435.20 125,870.62 140,967.15 154,859.24 After consideration. motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ell i_g and carried. to accept the btd of Al bin Stromseth Const,, Watertown. SD, ln the amount of $98.204.66, being the lowest bid. A violatton regarding a county ditch where dirt and rocks had been dumped into the county ditc~ in the NE¼SW¼ of Section 18, Effington Township, was discussed. Motion was m~de.by Hub Nordgren. seconded by Van Ellig and carried, authorizing the County Engineer to contact Bernell Otto and request said ditch be restored. County Board Ma_y 10, 1983 The County Board, havfng prevfously advertised for btds. t9 be received for grading, aggregate base and bituminous surfacing, under S.A.P. 56~601-17, pro~ ceeded to open bi_ds whi.ch were found to be as fo 11 ows: Riley Bros. Constructi'on, Inc~; Morr.is, -~~N Kerri & Tabery-,. Ind., Wadena, MN Central Specialties, Inc., Cold Spring, MN Menge Construction Co,, Graceville, MN Donald Conroy Construction Co,, Wheaton, MN Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN $160~814,9.5 · ,!• 168,489.24 179,269,05 183,045.20 199,265.50 205,663.90 After constderation, motton was made by Hub Nordgren~ seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the bid of Riley Bros. Construction, Inc., Morris, MN in the amount of $160~814.95, being the lowest btd, The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous surfactng under S,A.P. 56~608~09, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as followsi Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN F~M Aspbijlt? Inc., Moorhead, ~N Challenge Const., Inc., Bratnerd, MN $1,300,126.84 1,472,596.50 1,537,691.62 After considerati'on, moti'on was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Elltg and carried? to accept the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN tn tne amount of $1,300,126.84, bei.ng the lowes·t bid. Members of the Dane Prairie Town Boand appeared before the County Bqard and presented a peti'tion requesti'ng tne County Board take. over a portion of a Dane Prairie Township road, for the purpose of rebui'lding and maintenance, to aTievtate ha_zardous drivi'ng condi•ti'ons, etc.. The Town Board proposed an exchange of roa_ds with the County o6tai'ni'ng approximately 1/2 mile more road than the town- shtp i_'n said exchange. For thfs additional 1/2 mile, the township offered to com- pens.ate wi:th snowplowtng and maintenance on the county road between CSAH #33 and #35. After discusston, motion was made b.y Va.n Ellfg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the petiti.on and autnori_zed the County Auditor to file same. Motion was made by Andy Leitch; seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried with Sydney Nelson voting "no'\ to authori'ze th.e County Engineer to proceed with surveying said roads for the proposed ch~nge. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the fo 11 owtng reso 1 ut ion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commis-sioners-of Otter Tail County Mtnnesotij, that WHEREAS, on Aprfl 19, 1983, the County Board accepted the bid of Borchert~frigerfoll, Inc., P.O. Box 43037, Saint Paul, MN, for one articulated four wheel drive front end loader at a cost of $55,265.00, and WHER.E/-\S, sai:d unH has. now been de.l i'vered to the sat i's faction of the. County· Board at a total cost of $55,265.00, NQW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Audttor is hereoy authortzed and di:rected to ts?ue a warrant i'n the amount of $55,265,00 payaole to Borchert..,.Ingersol l, Inc., in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Fall~, MN thi's 10th day of May, 1983. ma irman County Board May l O, 1983 Larry Krohn. Executive Secretary, discussed with the Board various items of interest, iJe., hazardous waste site for City of Fergus Falls, recyclying center with processing sftes run oy private contractors, Krohn 1 s serving on the Waste Management Committee. Al so di'scussed was the possibility of requiring a physical examinati'on for all new employees prior to hiring, various proolems at Phelps Mill including painting of the rtiHl:, flag pole repair and vandalism. Joe Pillatzki, Lida Township, appeared before the Board relative to trespassing by neighbors on this property and what action can be taken to halt said trespassing. The Jail Study Committee, Mike Kirk Chairman, appeared before the Board and presented their findings and recommendations. After discussion, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the report as presented and extend thanks to the committee members for their diligent efforts, requesting the committee stay intact and possibly expanded until the jail problems are resolved. Members of the Otter Tail County H.R.A. Board with Pete Hoff as spokes- man, appeared before the Board relative to the operation of the county H.R.A. in con- junction with the City of Fergus Falls H.R.A., stating the county H.R.A. was in need of an additional subsidy of $7,466.50. After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a transfer of $7,466.50 from the County Revenue Fund to the Otter Tail County H.R.A .. Because of additional work and responsibilities and time expended for said responsibilities, motion was made by Van Ellig to change the Executive Secretary's position from part-time to a full time position, for a period of one year, at an annual salary of $24,000. If service is no longer needed at the end of the year, would be absorbed in some other position of county employment. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland, but failed with Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson voting 11 no.11 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to contact the State of Minnesota Department of Health for consideration of a variance for Joe Pillatzki, Lida Township, for a variance of 3 1 , a separation of 47 1 from his pumping station to his 150 1 well, vari a nee request because of the fact it is a pumping station and not a holding tank. I County Board May l O, 1983 Motton was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carrfed, to approve the plat of Swan View Estat~s\~located in Section 29-132-42. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the plat of Ridgewood Estates, located in Section 32-133-42. Moti'on was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the plat of Valhalla Estates, to be located in Section 35-133-39 and Section 3-132-39. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the following appHcations for sewage disposal installers li'cense, subject to post i_ng of bond: George Hammond A 11 en Stadum Larry H. Van Wate1111!illiHen Robert Rokes Gary E, Honer Stadum Plumbing BobLs Septic Tank Service Honer Construction Pe 1 ican Rapids, MN Erhard, MN Perham, MN Henni'ng, MN Dent, MN Mot ton was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van El 1 ig and carried, to approve the following appli-catfons for sewage disposal system cleaners license, subject to posttng of bond: Leona rd Kraus:e All en Stadum Kenneth L. Moss Mark Stenger Glenn A. Erickson ~obert Rakes Sverre O. Rostad Don Chrtsti'anson .J & L Plumbtng Stadum Plumbing Fergus Falls, MN Erhard, MN Underwood, MN Vergas, MN Erickson''S Septic Pumping Serv. Fergus Falls, MN Bob•s Septic Tank Service Henning, MN Sverrels Septtc Tank Pumping Underwood, MN DonLs Sewer Service Dent, MN Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the following applications for special use permit, subject to conditional requirements: Nestor Vorderbruggen Everts Township Cut and fill Harold Digre Everts Township Cut and fi 11 Roger Peterson Sverdrup Township Fi 11 lbw area; operate part-time welding and machine business Wayne D. Johnson Otter Tail Township Fill low area and construct driveway Donald Rudnick Dunn Township Re-open former resort Walter Seifert Dunn Township Fi 11 low area I County Boa rd May l O, 1983 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the following applications for permit to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Ardelle D. Hoye Janet Quast William A. King Lynda & Thomas Nelson Ralph Granlund Roger Hegle Donald A. Bistodeau Robert M. Bazemore David 0. Cushman Paul Rund Peggy El dev i ck Wayne Klein Roy Drouillard Thomas J. Saloka Michael J. Wardlow Stephen G. Kunz Eugene Bernard Herbert 0, Meter Carol Halseth Jon A, Anderson James · P. Ditz i:g Holiday Haven Resort Steve's Anchor Inn Loon Echo Resort T & L's Lil ' Store Pleasure Park Wildwood Beach Store Woodland Park Resort Whispering Pines Resort The Lanterns West Central Speedway Bayview Shores Resort Sleepy Holly Resort Vacationland Resort Otter Takl Lake Campgrounds Linden Park Resort Rocky's Resort Woodland Beach REsort Perham Oasis Deer Lake Resort Jon's Hamburger Hollow Riverside Cabins Resort Girard Township Rush Lake Township Hobart Township Friberg Township Otter Tail Township Dora Township Girard Township Corliss Township Rush Lake Township Aurdal Township Scambler Township Tordenskjold Township Everts Township Everts Township Girard Township Dora Township Everts Township Perham Township Everts Township Pine Lake Township Friberg Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the fol lowing applications for wine license: Erwi'n H. Post Parkway Inn Leaf Mountain Township David 0. Cushman The Lanterns Rush Lake Township George Frankberg District #166 Dora Township Michael Gunderson Perry's Dora Township Margaret Frankberg The Stone Hearth Hobart Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the application of Marie Baum~artner for license to sell intoxicating liquor at Cactus Garden Saloon, Perham Township. County Board May l O. 1983 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications for homestead classi'fication and/or reducti_on of assessed valuation were approved: Harry M. Overby Cody & Jody Fisher Rte ha rd Er i_ ck son Ethel_yn Pederson Robert Bazemore Roger & Alen Van Tassel Dr. M. O. Sletten Lynn & Linda Strubbe Budd i.:e C. Kramer K~nton & Fern Ltden Robert Oslund Blase & Marte Bieniek Dayle & Meryl Johnson Mark & Joel Bratvold Charles & [renda Lee Vi.king L i.5.rar.y Systems Ha.rqld M~ Larsen Dori:s P. 'Miner Bradley & Carol Sunde Twtn Oaks Development Ronald J. Wegscfietd James & Ardell Karvonen Lloyd & Eloise Penrose Darrell & Doris Miller Ma~rtce & Donna Bobst Lydia Scl:\i:erman Scam5ler Township Homestead classificatton Tumult Township Homestead classification Rush Lake Township Homestead classifi'cation Aurdal Township Homestead classification cohiss Township Lots .overvalued I I Ev~rts Township Homestead classification I Ev~rts Township Homestead classification Li~a Township Mobile home double assessed I I Sc~mbler Township Wrong classification I Sverdrup Township Wrong classification • I I I Sverdrup Township Wrong classification Tordenskjold Township Wrong classification & midyear homestead Battle Lake City Homestead classification Dalton City Half hofuestead classification Deer Creek City City of Fergus Fa.11 s City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Fa 11 s Cit_y-of Fergus Pa 11 s Ci:ty _ of Fergus Fa 11 s New Y'ork •Mi 11 s City New York Mi•ll s Ci'ty Pa.rkers Prai'rfe Ctty Pel fcan Rapids City Blowers Townstii'p Carl i's.le Townshi'p Mid~year homestead classtfi~ation Wrong classtficati-0n Wrong classification Midpyear homestead classificati~n Mid-y~ar homestead classification Homestead classtficatton Mid-year homestead cl ass i fi cat i"on Mid-year homestead classification Garage not operable Half homestead classificati'on Ag. land overvalued Theodore & Eleanor Soli~n Dunn Township. Barry & Lynnette Johnson Dunntownship Partial hom~stead classification Mid-year homestead classifi'cation Homestead classification Myrna Nelson Eli•zabeth Township Delores f. Anderson Eli~abeth Township Dale Scorni•dt Everts Township G._D. & Ella Harlow Everts Township Mid-year homestead classifi'cation Land overvalued Mobile home overvalued Property overvalued County Board Abatements (cont'd) George & Hi•lma Olson Delphine Spranger Dale & Lavella Berger Larry H. & Karen Kantrud Everts Township Fergus Falls Townshfp Girard Township Girard Township Land overvalued Land overvalued May l O, 1983 Unfinfshed cabin overvalued House overvalued Mari~n Hanson Henning Townshfp Buildings overvalued Kenneth & Joyce H~rbranson Hen~ing Township Wrong classification Duane & Debra Otto Leaf Mountain Township House overvalued Violet Moen Joseph & Karen Byer Chester & Esther Leitch Kala Rae Johnson Melissa D. Johnson Christi Johnson Peterson Kathleen J. Leitcij Daniel B. Leitch Kelly C. Johnson Si.dney Skrove Vern M. Anderson Doris Dilly Bernad fne Lu i"c k Lawrence Veitenheimer Nidaros Township Perham Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Towns~ip Tumuli Township Battle Lake Ctty Henning Township Tumuli Township Tumuli Township Donald Da.ntelson Lida Township Irene M. Rudolph Everts Township Kenneth & Patsy· Rasmussen Clitherall Township Elbert & Norma Rubi'nk Cli'therall Township Dolores Byldenvand Clifford & Evelyn Moen White Pine Apartments Norman Otterki'l l Rush Lake Township Aurdal Townshi.p New York Mills Cfty New York Mills City Homestead classification Mid~year farm homestead classification Valued incorr~ctly Valued incorrectly Valued incorrectly Valued incorrectly Valued incorrectly Valued incorrectly Valued incorrectly Valued i•ncorrectly Wrong classification Abandoned railway line overvalued Wrong classification Wrong classification Agricultural homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Lot overvalued R6use overvalued Lot over .. valued Omitted property Portion of property sold, should be split Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and ca rri.ed, to den_y tlie applicatton of Olaf Storaaslt, Amor Township, for reducti"on of assessed valuation, upon recommendation of the County Assessor. County Board May l O, 1983 Motton was made by Hub Nordgren, second~d by Andy Lettch and carried, to p~b1i~:notice of a hearing to be held at J0:00 a.m., o'clock, Tuesday, June 7th, for the purpose of amending the Otter Tatl County Subdivision Controls relating to exceptions to the surveyors drawing requirements. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $7,842.00 to Anderson Land Surveying, Inc., Fergus.Falls, MN, for 39 half section~·maps. Members of the Otter Tatl Lake Area Sewer Dtstrtct appeared before the Board and dfscussed the necessity of short term bonding until federal and state grant funds are received. No action taken. Upon motion made by Sydney N~lSb~, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following payments were approved for right-of-way: Paul & Doris Kunza 56-608-08 $3,002.40 Monte W. & Nola Kjos. 56~608~08 Casper J. & Anna Walvatne 56-601~17 Herbert A. Putnam 56-601-17 100.00 2,591.00 2,689.00 With no further business, at 3:30 p.m., the Chairman adjourned the meeting unti.l 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 11, 1983. -HEDNESDAY"S SESSI'ON .,, Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tatl County met Wednesday, May 11, 1983, at 9: 30 a .m., wi'th a 11 members present. Upon motion made By Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van El 1 i•g and car- ri.ed, the followi:ng applications for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxkating li·quor were approved: Michael J. Hemquist James & Beverly Ell i's Balmoral Golf Course, Inc. Graystone Lodge Otter Tatl Township Everts Township Moti:on was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, tQ apprqve the appltcatton of Robert B. Marx for license to sell tnt6xicattng liquor at tlie. Boardwalk at Balmoral, Otter Tail Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to authortze the Land& Resource Management office, to grant variances from the subdtviston controls ordtnance as it pertatns to surveyors drawing requirements as per the following guideltnes set forth by the Otter Tatl County Board of Adjust- ment: 1. At least one stde of the tract would be a line established by a non- meandered original government survey line. 2. ~11 other sides of the tract would be either parallel or perpendicular to thi government survey line. 3. All distances on every side of the parcel would have to be described in either feet or rods. Bob Murphy, representattve of Lagerquist, Inc., appeared before the Board and presented a proposal for maintenance of the two elevators in the courthouse. No action taken. Rollie Winterfeldt, Director of Human Services, appeared before the Board relati.ve to the "Workfare"program, as it relates to C.E.P.(Concentrated Employ- ment Program!. No action taken. Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by HuB Nordgren and carri.ed, the followt~g resolutton was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comniissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, legislatton has Been tntroduced under Senate File #720 and House File #546, relattng to rettrement; permitting the purchase of certain prior servtce credtt for perfqd of acttve military servtce, and WHEREAS, consideration has been given to said legislation by the Board of County Commfssfoners of Otter Tatl County, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Otter Tail County Board does hereby endorse sai_d legislation and urges· all Otter Tail County representatives to vote in favor thereof; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, copies of this resolution be forwarded to all the area legislators, service organizations, Association of Minnesota Counties for support, Adopted at Fergus Falls, Mtnnesota this 11th day of May, 1983. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Mtnnes.ota ., that WHEREAS, The Otter Tatl County Board established a Jail Study Commtttee for the purpose of assessing the extsting jatl faciltty, county jail needs and alternatives to properly meet those needs in line with contemporary jatl standards, and WHEREAS, such findings and recommendations have been submitted to the County Board for thetr constderation, Now·, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby accept recommend at ions as follows: l. The County Board recognizes that the county jail as is cannot meet the present and future needs of the county and proceed with swift and wel 1- ~l anned actton to address the county's jatl needs. 2. That archttects be interviewed and an architect wtth significant experience i_n address i'ng correctional needs be retained by the county so that a 11 reaHsttc alternatives to .the jail's problems can be properly explored. 3. That the County Board asks the Jat1 Study Commtttee to continue the jatl planning process, expanding said committee to tnclude representati'on from each of the five county commisstoner dtstri'cts, witli additional particf..,. pation of citi'zens and thos·e directly involved with the criminal justice system; that steps be taken to inform and educate the citizens of this county about the purpose of the actions being taken by the county. 4. That the County Board authorizes the use of a county employee to assist the board or committee in obtaining the information necessary for proper decision-making. 5. That those involved in the process avoid taking positions on the jail problem until all alternatives ha~e been fully addressed. 6. That the Committee reconvene and formulate a process for the hiring of a suitable architect and proper procedure to follow. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of May, 1983. cftairman ATTEST: 41, '=' -,,., ~ r!w-D 7 Q Clerk County Boa rd May 11 , 1983 i Bill Anderso~, Douglas Area:Trails Association, appeare~ before the i ' Board requesting permission !from Otter Tail County to run approximately eight or nine mil es of the Douglas Co[unty Snowmobile trails through Otter Tail County, for the purpose of connecting tJe Douglas County trails with the City of Uibank and the Inspiration Peak area. !After discussion, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and [carried, to grant approval. to the Douglas Area Trails Association for operating and maintaining an approximate eight mile trail through Otter Tail County, provided all liability is assumed by the Douglas Area Trails, and subject to approval by the Otter Tail County Attorney. John Scoggins, Data Processing Consultant, together with Laura Youngsma, Data Processing Director, appeared before the Board and presented a resume of the bids received on April 19th and submitted to the steering committee for opening. Following is a resume as presented tothe County Board: IBM-System 38 IBM-System 34: I"BM-WP U nivac.,..S/80 l .5 MB memory, 634.5 MB disk, 1600 bpi tape, 650 1pm printer, 18 CRTs 5 draft printers, 3 letter printers $230,592.80 purchase -hardware l ,841 .06 mo. mtce. hardware 29,600.00 system software 96 KB memory, 63.9 MB dtsk and 256KB memory_, 257._4 MB dfsR, 650 1pm printer, 18 CRTs, 5 draft prtnters, 3 letter pri•nters · · $174!87b,80 purchase -'hardware 256KB memory, l CRT, l diskette, 3 l ,560.06 mo. mtc. -hardware 7,400.00 system software letter printersrc::· ~-':·:.-·,._;;·,·, $ 32.,340.00 purchase -hardware 3,600.00 software 2-91 . 00 mo. mtce. l .5 MB memory, 354.6 MB disk, 1600 bpi tape, 640 1pm printer, 5 draft printers, 3 letter printers, 18 CRTs $240,464.00 purchase.,.. hardware 2,048.00 mo. mtc. -hardware 898.00 mo. systems software Bustness-,-TRS80 27 terminals and printers on systems located in each department Computer $245,609.00 purchase -hardware Systems 600;00 system software Burroughs-B1955 l MB memory, 467.2 MB disk,. 600 1pm printer, 18 CRTs, 5 draft printers l letter printer, 2 IBM.,..compattble micros, 1600 bpi tape $191,748.00 purchase.,.. hardware l ,826.00 mo. mtce . .,.. hardware 10,890.00 system software WP 64 KB memory, l CRT, l 280 KB disk, l letter printer for each unit (amounts are for 2·units) $16,240.00 purchase -hardware l ,600.00 software 240.00 mo. maintenance Application software, integrated finandal, fhed assets, vel'licle rnatntenance, warehouse management, voter registratfon, social services, public l'lealth, property records, tax collection, appr~fs~l, stattstfcs and forecasting, personal property, buil dfng permi'ls, mortgage tape exchange · · · $266,000,00 County Board May 11 , l 983 D.P. btds (cont•d) Gemunis /.\pplication software .,. budgeting and finance, payroll, personnel, fixed assets · $ 26,000.00 PMSC Appltcation software, integrated financial, fixed assets, payroll. personnel $ 65,500.00 Aries Application software.,. payroll, personnel, budgeting and accounting, property acocunttng, voter·registration (20% discount if all systems purchased) $179,430.00 Fulcrum-Prime 1450.,..II 2 MB memory, 300 MB disk, 800/1600 bpi tape, 600 1pm printer, 3 letter printers, 5 draft printers, 18 CRTs, 5 POS terminals $199,035.00 purchase.,. hardware l ,266.00 monthly maintenance 13,500.00 system software Appli'cation software .,. Financial, fixed asets, payroll, personnel, voter registratton, vehicle matntenance, inventory, WP, tax appraisal billtng and collections, food stamps, social services central file, . $ 97,670.00 Hewlett.,.Packard 3000/40 l MP memory, 404 MB dts., 1600 bpi tape, 600 1pm printer, 18 CRTs, 5 draft printers, 3 letter printers, 2 bar code readers $208,484,00 purchase -hardware 2,095.00 mo, maintenance 5,000.00 systems software Anacomp-Pri"me 1450..-II 2 MB rre·mory, 300 MB disk, 800/1600 bpi tape, 600 1pm printer, 5 POS terminatls, 2 bar code readers, 18 CRTs, 5 draft prtnters, 3 letter printers $216,850.00 purchase -hardware l ,873.00 mo. maintenance 13,500.00 system software Application software.,. financial, payroll, personnel, property record~. m~nagement, automated appraisal and equ~ltzation, child support and collection, all other sbcial services, court services, public health, WP, voter regtstrijtton, court system, sheriff, highway · . $308,500.00 Cole Layer Trumble {_runs on avariety of hardware) Application software -tax assess- ment -market, C/I and income valuation modules $ 62,500.00 CCSI (IBM S/34) Application software.,. Integrated financial, fixed assets, real estate taxes, sales rati_o·:, tax tncrement, highway cos·ting, government financi'al, payroil, voter registration, jury selection, master name index, law enforcement administarti'on and cos·t control, WP $ 46,145.00 Bernell Otto, Effington Township, appeared before the Board relative to the Co~nty Ditch problem in Section 18, with no further action taken. With no further business, at 2;25 the Chairman adjourned the meeting until Tuesday afternoon, May 24, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: £L,L, ~ /~,~ Clerk I