HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/04/1983' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ~EETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, January 4, 1983, with Sydney Nelson, Berton Hovland, Andy Leitch, A. Hubert Nordgren and Van R. Ellig present. The oath of office was administered by Judge Harlan Nelson. The meeting was called to order by County Auditor Sylvia Bergerud who stated the first order of business was the election of Chairman and Vice Chair- man. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, Bert Hovland was selected as Chairman. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, Sydney Nelson was selected as Vice Chairman . • JAN Upon motion made by Van Elli g , seconded --------~---~----- by __ ._H_u_b_No_r_d~g~r_e_n _____ and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County_ Commissioners .of Otter Tail Co~nty Mi.nnesota, that The following dates be designated as the dates on which the County Board shall meet during the year 1983: February 3rd and 4th March 8th and 9th April 6th and 7th u 10th and 11th r:ay June 7th and 8th July 6th and 7th and 19th (half day, 9:30 a.m.) August 9th and l 0th September 7th and 8th October 5th and 6th November 8th and 9th December 7th and 8th Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Cnairman • ATTEST: · ,d,).u~ 1l /3,1f,,1JJ . 0 Clerk Upon moti~n made by H~b Nordgren , seconded ----------------- by Andy Leitch and carried, the following are the dates to be --------------- designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the year 1983 as a Human Servttes Board, wtth the afternoon of the second date being reserved for regular county business: January 7th and 18th February 4th ~nd 22nd March 4th and 22nd April 8th and 19th May 6th and 24th June 3rd and 21st July 8th August 5th and 23rd September 2nd and 20th October 7th and 18th November 4th and 22nd December 2nd and 20th Upon niot ion made by __ V_a_n_E_l_l_i_g ________ , seconded by Sydney Nelson and carrted, the following resolution was adopted: ---'------"---------- RESOLVED bytheBoard of County Commtssioners of Otter Tail County_ Minnesota, that The Chatrman of the Board be a~d ts hereby authorized to select two members of the Board, together with himself, to have charge of the courthouse, courthouse annex, government servtces building, jail and grounds for the year 1983, purchase all furniture and supplies, except books, blanks and stantionery needed for the courthouse and jail during the year 1983, and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman Clerk The Chairman made the following appointees: Committee in charge of courthouse, courthouse annex, gbvernment services building, jail and grounds: Van Ellig and Hub Nordgren Committee in charge of furnishes, supplies, etc.: Sydney Nelson and Andy Leitch ----------------------------- Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren • seconded by ----..,....,.....,.----C.-------~ ___ Sy_d_n_e_y_N_e_l~so_n ________ and carried, the following resolut;-on was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commission_ers of Otter Tail County Minnesota, tnat WHEREAS, it is: p·rovided in Mi_nn. Statutes 282.05 fortne apportionment of the proceeds from the sale of tax~forfeited lands; WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing districts pursuant to Min~. Stat. 282~08; and . WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282.08(.4)Cb) provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of the proceeds remainfng after the value of public improvements, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for ac- quisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has parks and recreational areas which would benefit by such an apportionment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retain 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited lands for acquisition and maintenance of parks and recreati'onal areas from tne proceeds available after ma.king the necessary statutory disbursements, said proceeds to be disbursed according to law. Dated at Fergus Palls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: Upon mot i o n m c1 de by .,.._,,....,,_,_A_h_d_y_L e~,,.,...· t_c,_h~-,-------,-~-.,....,._·~ seconded by ---~Va_n~E_l_l_i~g--,-,-__ ~_ and c·arri~d, the following resoluti'on was adopted; RESOLVED by the Board of County Commiss·toners· of Otter Tail County Mi.nnesota. that The sum of twenty cents (20¢) be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket gopher kil 1 ed in said county during the year 1983 in cases where the townships fn which pocket gophers were so killed shall provi:de for the payment of an additional bounty of twenty cents (20¢) each pocket gopher so killed. RESOLVED further that said payment of such bounty shall be made for by the. County Auditor upon certificates 11 executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of sai•d townships setting forth that the pocket gophe~s were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the townships had issued and delivered to each claimant a town order for __ f_o_r_t_y~c_e_n_t~s_(_4_0_¢_} ____ ~ for each pocket gopher so killed. Adopted at Fergus Palls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. i · . Cl.erk Upon motion made by ___ S..,,,_y_d_n-,-'ey._·_N __ e_,l_s_o_n _______ , seqrnded by --~V_a_n~El_l_i_g~-------and carrfed, the following resolutton was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissfoners of Otter Tail County Mi_nnesota, that UNDER the provisions· of Section 739, General Statutes of 1932, the sum of $-500.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red Rtver Valley Development Association, said amount so approprtated fo be used in payment of premiums to exhibttors for the year 1983. ATTEST: ,{j~,(J½'. ; .4l) ? tJ Dated at Fergus Fa 11 s·, ·Mi_nnesota thfs 4th day of January, 1983. er Clerk . ( Upon motion made by · Hub Nordgren' , seconded by --------------- Sydney Nelson --------------and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that THE sum of not less than $ 350.00 be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail CouQty's exhibtt at the Minnesota State Fair for 1983, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board.are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Cal Mielke Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: O Cl erk Upon motion made by Van Elli g 1 seconded by --......,.......---;,--------- __ H_u_b_No_r_d-g_r_e_n ______ and carried. the following iesolution was adopted: RESOLVED by theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tai.l County Minnesota, that The following Commissioners be and hereby are appointedJto serve on the following County Extension Committees: W~st Ott~r T~fl County Extension Committee -------------Bert Hovland East Otter Tail County Ex tens ion Commi'ttee Sydney Nelson ---------------- Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: ,L0Lw,,-1 5(/e-"--'JJ Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNT'( CQMMI,S~IONER.$ Q'r'l'ER, '.I;AJL COl)N'rY~ :MI·N~ESOTA WHEREA.S, changing road condition$ created by tempera,tu];'e changes., ra:L.n, $nqw, t:i;a:f;f;ic~ etc,? ca,n res.ult in the c;letep;i:qra,.. ti.on a.nd s,e:dqus da,rqa,ge tQ pqa,<;l,$ a,ncl, hi_ghwa,ys, i.n. Ottel," Tail Cqunty unl,es,s weight restrictiQrn'? a,re ;i;T11pQs.e.d. upo.n the vehicles perm:L.tted tq qpel,"a,te there9n~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE T;T ·RESOLVED, that no f>ers9n s,ha,11 operate any vehicle Qr combina,t:L,qn of vehicles, L1pon any restri,cted county t;'qad qr highway ±.n the Cqunty o:f; Qtt:ex Tail an<), Sta,te Qi; Minne$ota, &en_e.i;-aJly des.cr:~.bed. a,s. :f;Qll,Q"7$; Otter Tail County State. Aid Highw;:\y-s and Otter Ta,il Cqunty R,oa,ds, · where the gross we:L,ght qn, a,ny single axle, a,s qefined in. Minnes,ota Sta,tutes 1945r Sec. 169,87, ~Llbdiyisi,qn 1, exceec;ls five tons (10,000 pollnds) and, the Cqunty Hi_ghway Enginee1; qf $a,i4 Cqllnty is hereby di-r;-ected a,n,d a,LLthQ~izeq tQ de.t:eJ;Il\i_ne the. ne.e.<;1 f!,nq tQ et;'e.ct qncl, main- ta,i,n a_ppt;'QPJ;"ia,te s:i;gns, pla,i_nly i_nqic3:t;Lng the. prqhibi.t:L.,qns, a,nq re.- stri.ctiqns at ea.ch end. Q~ tha,t: port:i,qn · c;,f; i3PY h:i;,ghway a_f.f;ected thereby, a_nd the$e ;i;,es,t;:r;-;i.ctton!'l s,h_aJl be. e,t:f;ec;t±ve a,nd th:L.s. pi;,qh:i;ti.it;i,Qn ef;fect:i,ve upon the e~ectiqn of the, @pprqppia,te stgn$~ t:A; . Acl,opt:eq th.i.s -<l . d,a,y of J•a,nua,i;-y, 1983 ~ Cha,ir11Jan Attest; nq, A_uditcg Upon motion made by.Bert.Hovland, s,econded by Van Ellig and carried, ~ the following resolution was adopted; Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no": RESOLVED by the Boa rd of County Commis's i oners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with-~ Procedural Agreement between the Min- nesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, · J dated May 23, 1962, certificaUon by the County Board of Commissioners for acqui- sition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on January 4, 1983 and informed said Board that a water- fowl easement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Carroll on the SE¼SW¼ of Section 24-134-44, Now·, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve the above request for waterfowl easement acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chai_rman ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, w.i.th Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "·no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tatl County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agrement between the Minne- sota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Servtce, dated May 23, 1962, certi_f;:catfon by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services is requested, and WHEREAS representatives of the U.S. Fish a_nd Wildlife Servi:ce met with the County Board on January 4, 1983 and tnform.ed said Board that a waterfowl eas·ement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. l>I. Duane Rose, et al, on the south 20 acres of Lot 2~ the south 20 acres of Lot 5, SE¼NW¼, NE¼SW¼, N½NW¼SE¼ of Section 18-133-41, Now·, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the, County Board does· hereby grant appro_va 1 to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service for the aforementioned waterfowl easement acquisition. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman· ATTEST: ,lu/,u __ t__ t1J )~~~A _4-(,Ju_,£'.£) ~r (/ -Clerk Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the special open season'for the taking of geese in the goose refuge in the Fergus Falls area -.:oTeated innumerable problems due to hunting i'n the road right-of-ways, and WHEREAS, the County Board has been requested by various interested citizens to establish a policy prohibiting-hunting in the county road right-of-way, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby re- quest the Commissioner of the Department of Natural Resources to prohibit hunting of waterfowl on county road right-of-way during special hunting seasons, such as the special goose hunting season recently held in the Otter Tail County Goose Refuge. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1983. Chairman• · ATTEST: ,<2~-rl_,_;_ e0 2 .. t· County, Board January 4, 1983 Motion was made by Bert Hovland to re-appoint Willis Roehl to the Otter Tail County Extension Committee for a three yeir term expiring December 31, 1985. The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch and carded. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the County Auditdr to advertise for printing and publishing for the year 1983, bids to be received until 2_:60 p.m.--, Tuesday, ,January 18, 1983. Dennis Berend~ County Engineer, appeared before the Board and pre- sented the proposed highway construction pl an .for· the year, 1983, with the hearing on said plan to be set for the February 3rd meeting of the County Board. Motion was made by And_y Leitch, secon.ded by Hub Nordgren and· carried, to approve the applications of James H. & Beverly J. Ellis for li~ense to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor and permit to allow consumption and ~isplay of intoxicating liquor at Graystone Lodge in Everts Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to re-appoint Jourdan Sullivan to a three year term on the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission. The motion was· seconded By Sydney Nelson but failed with Hub Nordgren abstaining and Van Ellig and Bert Hovland voting "no". Dave Hauser, Employee Committee, appeared before the Board rel ati.ve to s,uggestions and questions submitted to t.he Employee Committee. No action taken. 'Motton was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van El 1 ig a.nd carried, to approve an application for forgiveness of penalty on a vacant building in the City of Parkers Prairiei repossessed by Lloyd Penrose under foreclosure proceedings, with 1982 taxes being unpaid. Wtth no further business, at 1:50 the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 5th. I -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, January 5, 1983, with all members present. Steve Andrews, County Treasurer, appeared before the Bo~fd relative to investment procedures and various office functions he desires to implement, including assistance from the State of Minnesota Auditor's Office for implementing the modified accrual system of accounting known as CbFARS already implemented in the County Auditor's office, the Highway Department and the Department of Human Servi~es. Mr. Andrews was instructed to get whatever assistance from the State Auditor's office he felt necessary. Upon recommendation of the County Extension Committee, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to assist oy the amount of $150.00 in the cost of delegation representation by John Sethre who·has been appointed as an Extension Lay Leader and as such has been extended an invitation to the Minnesota DeEgation Extension Lay Leader Seminar to be held in Washington D.C. Upon motion made.by ;Van)lllg, seconded ·by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: . - RESOLVED by the Board o'{ County Commissioners· of Otter Tail County· • Minnesota, that $teve. Andlrews, ,otter Tail County Treasurer 1 be and is hereby gii1ven autHority to. invest county funds as ·funds may be on hand to invest, Ad~pted·.at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 5th day of January, 1983. ATTEST: L ~l~L,0 !3t.ft Cu>~ Li Q G 0 Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney, Nels:on, seconded by Van El Hg and carried, the followi'ng resolution was adopted; RESOLVED 15y the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that All financfal fnstftutfons fn Otter Tail County, including but not .limited to state and federal banks and savings & loan associ•atton·s, be ahd are hereby designated as depos i'tories of county funds. /l.dopted at Fergus Fa-lls, Minnesota this_ 5th day of January, 1983. ' l Cha 1 rman · ATTEST: .4;JL,, ,,J J3ur;;Pu-u0 Clerk Upon motion made by Andy L_eitch.: seco,nded by Van Ellig and carried, the following resolution was adopted: I,· RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that A machine facsimile signature plate for use in the check writing machine containing the facgi~ile signatures of the County Auditor, the County Treasurer and the Chairman of the Board be honored by the banks of Otter Tail County as autho~tzed signatures on warrant/checks i~sued by Otter Tail County. Adopted at Fergus Fa 11 s, Minnesota this 5th day of January, 1983. Chairman ATTEST: (/ Clerk '.,.1 Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to place all delinquent 1982 personal property and mobile home taxes into judgment, and the following report of the County Board of the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1982 is presented: Fergus Falls, MN January 5, 1983 BE IT KNOWN, that the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in session on the 5th day of January, 1983, that at said session the County Treasurer of said County delivered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes forthe year 1982, together with his certification thereon as required by law; and that at said s·ession the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, and did cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said un- collected personal property taxes in said County for said y~ar of 1982, as so revised by said Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: Name Dennis Fraki Leonard Roberts Wi 11 is Ryan WeldirgSupplies & Equipment Ed Albertson Allan Anderson LeWayne Arntson Randy Benke Lorraine Benson Donald Blackledge Dave Bode Nate Bradford Bi.l 1 Caputa Steve Coll ins Jim Erickson Richard Fouquette Ti.m Frater Ron Friese Glen Fuller City or Twp. Henning City New York Mills City Dalton City Fergus Fa 11.s City Lida Township Lida Township Dunn Township Dora Township Fergus Falls City Dead Lake Township Dunn Township Ric hv i 11 e City Dead Lake Township Star Lake Township Fergus Falls City Fergus Falls City Dora Township Dora Township Fergus Falls Township Tax $ 70,78 130.90 1,586.72 46.96 10. 90 . 10. 90 38;04 26.56 '27 .58 16.48 13 .46 1.48 23.22 44.04 509.00 203.74 11 .. 28 Penalty Fees & Costs Total Remarks $ 10.16 $ 80.94 Collect 18. 57 222.38 6.82 ,, . 77 1. 77 5 ;57 3.96 4 .11 2.56 2. 14 .46 3.50 6.41 71 . 51 7.25 28. 77 1.83 2.70 149.47 Collect 1 ,809. 10 Co 11 ect 53. 78 Collect 12.67 Collect 12.67 Collect 43.61 Collect 30.52 Collect 31 .69 Collect 19.04 Collect . 1 5. 60 Co 11 ect 1.94 Collect 26.72 Collect 50.45 Collect 580,51 Collect 7 .25 Collect 232.51 13. 11 Co 11 ect Collect 2.70 Collect Personal Property delinquencies · Januciry 5 ~ 1983 Future Homes New York Mills City $ 230.84 $ 32.57 $ 263.41 Collect Future Homes New York Mills City 95.88 13. 67 109.55 Collect Future Homes-New York Mills City 60.38 8. 70 69.08 Co 11 ect David Greathouse Elizabeth Townshfp 6.48 1.16 7.64 Collect Donovan Grewe Cl ithera 11 Township 6.30 1. 13 7.43 Co 11 ect Edwin R. Hedlarld Lida Township 9.54 1.58 11.12 Collect Alger R. Holmes. Dunn Township 16.82 2. 61 19 .43 Collect Brenda Hopkins Pelican Rapids City 32.64 4.82 37 .46 Co 11 ect Dennis Johnson Tumuli' Township 21 :i6 3.23 24.49 Co 11 ect Harlan Johnson Pi:ne Lake Township 29 .10 4.33. 33.43 Co 11 ect Raymon Johnson Fergus Falls Townshi'p 36.42 5'.35 41. 77 Collect Kei.th Jones Eli2abeth Township ·; 12. 98 2.07 15. 05 Collect James Kamp ha k.e Parkers Pra iri'e Twp. 31. 54 4.69 36.23 Collect Jerry Koep Effington Township 49.56 7 .18 56.74 Collect Loren Korvel a Newton Township 62 .16 8.95 71.11 Collect Steve Krueger Underwood 1 01 . 46 14.46 115. 92 Collect Rodney Kugler Maplewood Township 26.76 4.00 30.76 Co 11 ect Thomas Lavelle Pergus Falls 30.08 4 .46 34.54 Collect Lewi.s w. Lefrancois Tordenskjold Twp. 29.04 4.31 33.35 Collect Lewis w. Lefrancois Tordenskjold Twp. 9.48 1.58 11 . 06 Co 11 ect Donald Muckey Maplewood Townshi'p 27 .10 4.05 31 .15 Collect Peggy C. Ni,chols Underwood 8.52 1 .44 9.96 Collect Gust Olson Erhards· Grove Twp. 21 . 12 3. 21 24.33 Collect Larr,y Olson Fergus Falls City 75 .20 . 10. 78 85. 98 Collect Gordon Pacrow Tordensk£jold Twp. 33 .10 4.89 37.99 Collect Douglas Payne Parkers Prairie Twp. 20.76 3 .16 23.92 Collect Gregary Payne Parkers Prairie Twp. 31. 18 4 ,61 35. 79 Collect Gary Peterson Dunn Township 13.46 2 .14 15.60 Co 11 ect Kenneth Puttonen New York Mil 1 s City 54.48 7.88 62.36 Collect Patricia R.ach Deer Creek City 26.74 3.99 30.73 Collect Wa_rren R. Reasland Parkers Prairie Twp. 37.60 5.52 43.12 Collect Kenneth. Rostad, Jr. Underwood City 90,54 12. 92 103.46 Co 11 ect John Schlecter Perham Township 59.72 8. 61 68.33 Collect Fred Schultz Elizabeth Township 35.06 5 .15 40. 21 Co 11 ect Richard SieraRowski Dalton City 12. 20 1. 96 14 .16 Co 11 ect Personal property d~linquencies January 5, 1983 Terrance Smith Deer Creek Township $ 32.08 $ 4.74 $ 36.82 Co 11 ect Merl y n Stu v l a n d . Star Lake Township 172. 52 24.40 196. 92 Collect Arve Tappe Oak Valley Township 146. l 0 20. 71 l 66. 81 Collect Joll Teberg Erhards Grove Twp. 41 .36 6.04 47.40 Co 11 ect Curtiss Thompson Ehiabeth Township 12. 98 2.07 15. 05 Co 11 ect Hank Troje Dead Lake Township 89.20 12. 74 l Ol. 94 Co 11 ect Larry Urvand Amor Township 35,30 5 .19 40.49 Collect Kim Wa 11 er Star Lake Townshi'p 24.54 3.68 28.22 Co 11 ect Curtis Walz Perham Township 42.66 6.22 48.88 Co 11 ect George Wickman Pine Lake Township 227. 96 32. 17 260. 13 Co 11 ect The County Board of Otter Tail County Minnesota ATTEST: a County Boa rd January 5, 1983 With no further business, at l :25 p.m., the Chairman adjourned the meettng until the afternoon of January 18th, 1983. Chairman · ATTEST: d Clerk