HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/21/1982MINUTES OF THE ADOOURNBD MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTv-·coMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met Tuesday, September 21, 1982, with Chairman Andy Leitch calling _ the meeting to order at 12:32 p.m., all members present. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, authorizing the Board Chairman and the County Audftbr to execute a corrective deed on theMHes Rose property, tn Section 12 of Fergus Falls Township. A grievance matter on severance pay for accumulated sick leave was brought to the attention of the Board. After discussion, mot,on was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to amend the personnel policy and delete Article X Section L relative to severence pay for unused sick leave, Jn.:.:·- corporating the motion of August 12, 1981 into the personnel policy. The County Attorney was authorfzed legal clerk hire for approxfmately eight hours per week. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, ~e~onded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the plat of Nelsons Estates located fn Section 6-132-39. In response to a request by the County Board, Ken Rostad and Jourdan Sullivan appeared before the Board -relatfve to tfle tabled application for Special Use Permtt to remove knolls on Lots ll and 12 on Rostad Development in Maine Town- ship. AFter discussion, motion was 'Jl!ade by Bert Hovland to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Plannfng Advisory Commission and deny approval. The mo- tion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, any legal proceeding to be pursued _by the County Attorney. At the request of the jail corrections committee, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to serve on said commfttee. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the application of Mary Baumgarten for on~sale and Sunday Liquor license for the Cactus Garden Saloon in Perham Township. County Board September 21 , 1982 David Hauser, representing the employee's committee, appeared before the Board and presented petitions from county employees and ~lso neighbors for the purpose of placing steps at the east end of the parking lot adjacent to the government services building. After discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to request quotations for said steps, to meet all applicable city codes, etc .. The problem involving deterioration of the dam at Phelps Mill was brought before the Boa rd. rn attendance were Dennis Berend, Terry Lejcher, Lyle Anderson and Darrel iua.ke. After discussion of potential funding sources and course of action to correct deficiencies, motion was made by Van El lig to apply for DNR permits, make temporary repairs and advertise for bids for consultant, as an emergency does now exist. The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland and carried with Sydney Nelson voting "no". Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carrie•d with Sydney Nels.on voting "no", to hire Anderson Bros. Construction to make the necessary temporary emergency repairsto the dam, not to exceed $5,000, upon approval by the Department of Natural Resources~ Authorization was given to Law Library for storage room in the Govern- ment Services Building. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to authorize the Executive Secretary t6 fespond to a l~tter from the Departm~nt of Natural Resources regarding public accesses on Pelican and Frankli~ Lakes, for possible maintenance and enlargement. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried w.ith Andy Leitch voting "no", to request the County Engineer investigate what used state highway truck~ might be available in the area and authorize purchase. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub_Nordgren and carried, to assist Butter. Township·:on11a·. 50% of cost basis for the replacement of a maj_or drainage structure. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the following bills were allowed: Alexander & Alexander Auto Safety Service Bender, Matthew Bigger, Cindy CO REVENUE Birkholz Northside Self Service Bjoralt, Gordon Burroughs Corp. Carr Enterprises Cass. Clay Creamery Computer Concepts & Services Continental Big Red Cooper's Office Supply Cooper, Denzil Cragun's Davenport, .Gene Don's Jack & Jill Doom, Phyllis Eisenhuth, Orletta Enstad Mann Baatz Inc Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Locker & Meat Supply Fergus Motors Inc .. Fergus Tire Center First National Bank Garza.' s Body & Paint General Electric Griep, Tim Hanson, Marjean Holiday International Business Machines Kirk, Michael Lachowitzer, Frank Lagerquist & Sons Lake Region Hospital Lamere Funeral Home Lundeen, Victor & Co McBee Metz Baking Co Midwest Business ~roducts Minnesota Motor Co Mobile Radio Service Mr Steak Nat'l Assn of Counties National Bushing & Parts National Foods Nelson Bros Printing North Central Imstruments Orandi, M.D. Mehdi Otter Tail Co-op Oils Otter Tail Co Hwy Dept Paurus, Vicki Pebble Lake Auto Repair Perham Co-op Oil Perham, City of Petterson, Victor Pitney Bowes Rudd, Tomm 2,750.00 558.82 214.50 286.99 289.13 108.81 682.32 320.99 247.24 956.12 651.25 133.33 187.38 174.63 205.72 346.31 102.30 115.01 34,303.00 777.02 267.95 946.26 125.22 230.53 283,38 2,277.oe 316.73 126.80 634.65 205.40 169.80 202.10 127.18 207.48 110.00 1,109.68 450.77 109.87 128.56 , 101.11 682,75 122.51 578.00 489.43 734.36 232.00 417.10 2,016.00 622.05 170.00 294.25 279.83 324.93 462.71 199.97 207.00 302.50 Schwartz, Robert South Mill Standard Sullivan, Jourdan Thal.man's Repair Thomas Oil Co Tomhave, Gordon Trites, David Western Chemical Co Westside Service Worner Auto Xerox Corp. 88 Misc. Vendors Anderson Construction Anderson, John Jack ROAD & BRJJ)GE Battle Lake, 'City of Bensch, Lester & Bette Bob's Standard Bulk Service Bowman, Clifford Bowman, Vernon Buchholz, Everett Bratvold, Mark Bud's Mobil Carlson, Ronald & Karen Carpenter, Ethel R Carr Enterprises Inc Co-op Services Inc Commissioner of Transportation D-A Lubricant Co Danielson, Vernon & Iona Dick's Standard Service Duenow, _Wayne & Diane Ebersviller Implement Co Eckhart, Arthur & Margaret Egge Construction Erickson, Bernie Farmers Co-op Assoc, Farnam1sGenuine Parts Fergus Internatipnal Fergus Motors Inc. Firestone Stores General Trading Gorentz, Vernon Hegstad Oil Co Jensen, Harold & MaBethh Johnson, Kathleen Etal · Kirchoff Perkins Oil Korf, Delmar & Shirley Langseth, Orris & Cleo Lott, Everett & Ester Lundeen, Victor Co 127.07 208.21 149.98 433.40 1,314.00 172.90 204.55 398.79 237.68 210.29 1,255.10 3,512.28 235.20 412.80 3,949.92 715.00 327.00 971.00 1,965.75 9,349.70 125.00 353.34 2,136.50 2,387.70 140.00 176.96 192.24 1,205.4~. -- 937 .90 750.74 300.00 509.08 1,701.65 863.70 168.00 282~27 821.50 263.24 311.69 148.09 234.60 144.oo 109.45 209.40 5,016.70 394.oo/ 654.oo 7,073.95 5,469.55 381.49 M-R Sign Co Mark Sand & Gravel Martin, Verle & Rose Lee Mayo's Standard Service Mayer's Service Station Miller & Holmes Inc Minnesota Blueprint Minnesota Minning & Mfg• Mobile Radio.·service Moe, Ronald & Barbara Monson, Manville & Dorothy Murphy Oil Corp National Bushing & Parts Neuleib Landscaping·. North Union Champlin North'Wl:!stern Bell Tel. Co Nundahl Oil Co Nycklemoe David & Cora Sue Ott Estate Lawrence Otter Tail Aggregate Park Region Co-op Oil Patco Company The Penrose Oil Co Perham Ready Mix Rafferty, Brian & Janet Ray's Oil Co Robison, Verna Roy I s Standard Service Ruffridge Johnson Equip. Co S & C Computer Service Salvevold, Melvin & Harriet Service Oil Co Speedometer Service & Instr. Co Super GMC Truck Sales Swanson Equip. Co Thomas Oil co· Thomas Oil Co Torgrimson~ Hazel Torgusson, Vernon & Tgeone Tysdal, Carlton & Gail Vergas Oil Co Wadena Asphalt Co Weggeland, Telford Woldahl, Erwin & Adeline Ziegler Inc 51 Misc Vendors. COUNTY BUII.DING Mollerud·Electric Sherwin Williams Co Wanek Plumbing & Heating 1,873.13 2,145.36 1,976.00 249.59 394.31 1,389.42 560.01 174.76 161.40 6,043.15 1,699.65 142,822.42 570.19 2,250.00 698.14 181.92 290.83 451.10 693.00 3,721.70 · 188.30 7,263.75 504.oo 421.50 6,873.05 539.98 605.70 327.34 265.35 1,012.00 605.70 337.09 144.08 1,086.04 221.43 1,944.15 665.78 500.00 1,357.90 3,907.80 517.09 11,572.00 8,943.70 1,331.00 146.78 2,082.89 173.94 3.23 52i5/il5 AB W Inc Carr Enterprises General Electric Otter Tail Co-op Oil Thomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co 10 Misc Vendors BOAT & WATER SAFETY 573.52 377.76 2,981.00 220.75 221.94 379.72 293.84 With no further business, at 3:45 p.m., Chairman Lietch declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 a.m., W~dnesday, October 6, 1982. ATTEST: ¥~&;_~ . Cl erk