HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 03/09/1982MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County met at 9:30 a.m., Tuesda1/, March 9, 1982, all members present.
Dave Hauser of the Employees Committee appeared before lthe ffoard
I I with a request for consideration of a walking pass-through in the fence behind
I the new Government Services Building for easy access to Mill Street. 1Mr. Hauser I
was instructed to consult with the neighbors in the area for input.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and ear-
I ried, to grant a merit pay of $100.00 per month, retroactive to Janua~y 1, 1982,
to Gene Davenport,· County Assessor, ,for additional. after hours duties 1involved in
purchasing right-of-way for county roads.
Motion was made by Andy -Leitch, seconded by Bert
i Hovland and carried,
with Van Ellig voting "no" to accept the redetermination of benefits for County
Ditch #21, recently submitted by the viewers.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
with Van ·:Ellig voting "no", to accept the redetermination of benefits for County
Ditch #12, recently submitted by the viewers.
Representatives of the Vergas Investment Corporation appeared befor
the Board requesting the release of highway easement consisting of 2 plus acres,
located in the intersection of County State Aid Roads #4 and #31 in Section 9, Dunn
Township. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded
by Andy Leitch and carried, to table until the engineer has the opportunity to run
lines for proposed highway reconstruction.
The use of a storage lot north of the county garage located in Dalton
was discussed. The County Attorney was authorized to order an abstract on said
Howie Koeppen, Custodian, appeared before the Board relative to prob-
lems encountered in the roof and dome on the courthouse. Mr. Koeppen was authorized
to proceed with necessary repairs.
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, the Northeast Otter Tail County Sanitary Landfull Assoc-
iation has made application for conveyance of certain tax forfeited land described
as follows:
E½SE¼, ex. RR., Section 34--Township 136 -Range 38
W½SW¼, ex. RR., ·section 35 -Township 136 -Range 38
said property-lying adjacent to present sanitary landfill,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby
approve said application and recommends the same be granted.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of March, 1982.
. Clerk
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and unanimously
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Coumissioners of Otter Tail County,
Minnesota, tba t
WHERAS, the Department of Agricultural Engineering at the University of
Minnesota has made significant contributions to Minnesota agriculture since it was
established as a unit in 1909; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Agricultural Engineering has made significantt
contributions to the agriculture of OTTER TAIL County through teaching, research and
extension activities in (sprinkler irrigation, crop drying and storage, stray voltage
effects on dairy animals, onsite sewage treatment systems, soil and water conservation
practices, drainage, application of agricultural machinery, farm structures for liveā¢
stock and poultry, energy conservation, home water supply systems and water qua:t'ity,
o~si.te sewage treatment systems for resorts and small communities, etc.); and
WHEREAs, the proposal of University of Minnesota Administration would
effectively eliminate the discipline of Agricultural Engineering at the University of
Minnesota by relocation of portions of the Agricultural Engineering program and
reassignment of staff members; theret:ore .. -:!-t',; __
BE IT RESOLVED, that we recommend that the Administration of the University
of Minnesota with due process according to accepted procedures evaluate the contributions ·-:~;,:,-:·-:__ .
of the discipline of Agricultural Engineering to Minnesota agriculture; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we anticipate the··continued necessity of inputs
from the discipline of Agricultural Engineering to meet future needs in the further
devel9pment of agriculture in our area; and
BE IF FINALLY RESOLVED, that we recommend that the Department of Agricultural
Engineering be maintained as an integrated unit of teaching, research and extension at
the University of Minnesota together with adequate staff and funding to effectively
carry out its mission for Minnesota agriculture.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of March, 1982.
~Ld'@) ~/U/2LU~ .rr Cerk
The matter of budget for the East and West Otter Tail County Extension
Service came before the Board. After considerable discussion, motion was made by
Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the county's share
as indicated in Option #3, with a protest of the State increase. Andy Leitch voting
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to request the County Extension Committee research and make recommendations on the
feasibility of cutting the extension service staff for the county to four positions.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
to request the staff of the County Extension Service record all requests for service
by the staff on agricul:tural: questions. _:
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried,
to approve a preliminary plat of Sunrise. Cove, 1st Add'n, located in Section 23 -
132 -40.
to approve
subject to
Bob Bergh
Motion was made·by Van.Ellig~ seconded by Bert-Hovland and carried,
the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license,
posting of bond:
Otter Tail Sewer & Water Fergus Falls, MN
Gregory Barry Barry & Rostad-Pumping Service Underwood, MN
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject
to posting of bond:
David Ripley
Gregory Barry
Bob Bergh
Gustav Weber
Ripley's, Inc.
Barry Excavating
Otter Tail Sewer & Water
Gus's Plumbing
Erhard, MN
Underwood, MN
Fergus Falls, MN
Detroit Lakes, MN
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert .Hovland and carried,
to approve the application of David M. Meyer, dba Meyer Garbage Service, Perham, MN,
for solide waste collection and transportation license.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried,
to enter into agreement with the Association of Minnesota Counties Research Foundation,
for the cost allocation plan.-for the year 1982 and the-Board Chairman was authorized
to execute said agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County.
Gene Davenport, County Assessor, appeared before the Board requesting
purchase .. of slides of aerial photos of the sections in Otter Tail County, cost of
$1.00 per slide. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car-
ried, the county assessor was authorized to purchase said slides together with a
Roger Bengtson, Veterans Service Officer, appeared before the Board
stating the State, because of its financial p~oblems, _will not be providing the star
markers for graves of veterans. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nord-
gren and carried, authorizing the veterans affairs officer to purchase said markers
at $4.90 per marker, as needed.
With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting
until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 10, 1982.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter
Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 10, 1982, all members
Glen Melby, County Sheriff, appeared before the Board requesting·
the construction of a storage facility for housing equipment used by the sheriff's
department, said building to be constructed on the highway garage property in
Aurdal Township. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Sydney Nelson,
seconded by Van'Ellig and carried, to call for bids to be received until 10:00
a.m., Thursday, April 8th, 1982, for the construction of one industrial type steel,
pole building, 40 1 x 66' x 11'.
The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for
various seasonal supplies, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as fol-
Bituminous Materials:
Koch, St. Paul, MN
Murphy, Superior, WI
Ashland, St. Paul Park, MN
M.C ..
. 9460
. 8960 .
CRS #H#2
CSS#l Additive
.7750 .0400
After consideration, motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney
Nelson and carried, to accept .the bids of Murphy, Super~or, WI for M.C., R.C. and
S.C., at .9460, .8960 and .8960 respectively, and Koch Asphalt Company, Saint Paul,
MN, for CRS-1, CRS-2 or AE 90-150 Emulsions at .7550 and CSS-1 or CSS-lh emulsions
at .7750 and anti-strip additive at .04 per gallon, being the lowest bids.
Road Salt Bid:
Valley Grain Co., Browns Valley, MN
Morton Salt, Chicago, IL
Cutler-Magner Company, Duluth, MN
After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by
Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the bid of Valley Grain Co., Browns Valley, MN,
being the lowest bid.
Hot Mix Bituminous:
#1 #2 . , #3 ,, #4 .. #5 #6, #7 #8 :#9 #10
.. I_. ~ ·,' ,1_ l
Wadena Asphalt, Wadena 9.50 200.00 15¢ 5.00 7.00 2.35 20¢
Mark Sand f, Gravel, F .F. 8.00 210.00 2.25 1. 71
Jim Alfs Const., Ottertail 1.96 20¢
Lakes Paving, Det .. Lakes: 12.00 200.00 22¢ 4.50 6.50 2.50 1. 95 20¢
Egge Const., Pel. Rapd. 1. 93 19¢ 2.25
After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by
Van Ellig and carried, to accept all bids as received.
Fuel Oil:
#1 Diesel #2 Diesel #2 Heating
,1. , I. i
Hegstad Oil, Fergus Falls, MN 1.0034 .9334 .9334
After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by
Bert Hovland and carried, to reject the fuel' oil bid received·.
Diamond Vogel Paints, OrangeCity, IA
Columbia Paint Co., Helena, MT
After consideration; motion was made· by Bert Hovland, seconded by
Sydney Nelson and carried, to accept the bid of Diamond Vogel Paints of Orange
City, Ibwa, being the lowest bid.
Seasonal Culvert Supply:
Elk River Concrete Products, Mpls., MN
Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works, Wahpeton, ND
Viking Steel Products, Inc., Shakopee, MN
H. V. Johnston Culvert, Circle Pines, MN
St. Regis Culvert Operations, Shakopee, MN
All Steel Products, Inc., Chaska, MN
Armco, Inc., Minneapolis, MN
Hancock Concrete Products Co., Inc. Hancock, MN
Metal Concrete
After consideration; motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by
Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Hancock Concrete Products Co., Hancock,
MN in the amount of $17,551.10, for concrete culverts; and.motion was made by Bert
Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to accept the bid of Armco, Inc., Mpls.,
MN in the amount of §36,072.77, each being the lowest bid.
Road Signs & Posts:
M-R Sign Co:, Fergus Falls, MN $28,148.60-
After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by
' '
Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the bid of M-R Signs, Fergus Falls, MN being
the only bid.
Roadside Mowing:
Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN
Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN
Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, MN
John Dittberner, Park. Pr., MN
Kenneth M. Anderson, Henning, MN
Leonard Erlandson
Alvin Uhlig, Erhard
Carl Wallevand & Selmer
Halvorson, Vining, MN
Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, MN
Alvin Uhlig, Erhard, MN
Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, MN
Carl Wallevand, Vining, MN
Carl Wallevand & Selmer Halvor-
son, Vining, MN
Dennis Johnson, Henning, MN
Merle Dittberner, Park. Pr., MN
Orlin Johnson, Henning, MN
Area A
Area F
Area B Area C Area:1.D Area E
Area G Area H Area I Area J
Motion was made by Andy Leitch to reject all bids and readvertise for
mowing the entire right-of-way. The motion failed for want of a second.
After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by
Van Ellig and carried, to award roadside mowiri.g.·,bids as follows,: Andy Leitch voting "no":
Area A
Area B
Area C
Area D
Area E
Area F
Jf;~1 G
Area H
Area I
Area J
Arnold Bennett, Frazee, MN
Kenneth Anderson, Henning, MN
Archie Wahlin, Clit erall,
Ca.ri Wo.l\Q:..vCnd il"lll'll) :Al"c°Rie---Waft-1---ifl,-G-·
Wallevan.d=&0 Hal vors<'>ni~--vining,;. MN , .
Archie Wahlin, Clitli~:iiall-: MN
Archie Wahlin, Clitherall,_MN
CarliWallevancf, Vining, MN
Wallevand & Halvorson, Vining, MN
Johnson & Dittberner, Park, :_Pr. , MN
Motion was made by Andy .. L~itch,. seconded by Hub' Nordgren and car-
ried, to participate in the improvement of the county line between Otter Tail and
Grant Counties when Grant County initiates '·sa'id improvement.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconaed by Van Ellig and carried,
authorizing the County Treasurer to renew the $10,000 certificate of deposit with
the Security State Bank, Fergus Falls, and the $11,000 certificate of deposit with
the First National Bank, Fergus Falls, County Building Fund.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and car-
ried, to approve payment of $16,254.56 out of the County Building Fund for various
items expended by the Highway Department as follows:
County Garage #1, Fergus Falls Driveway $2,803.13
County Garage #1, Fergus Falls bituminous surfacing 10,263.76
County Garage #1, Fergus Falls, Fence 1,197.67
County Garage #16, Dalton, Furnace 1,990.00
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received
until 10:30 a.m., Thursday, April 8, 1982 for all standing timber on the Otter
Tail County gravel pit located in Section 10 of Dead Lake Township.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and
carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-1ntoxicating
malt liquor:
Reuben Finkelson
Pebble Lake Golf Club
George Frankberg
Michael Gunderson
Erwin H. Post
Robert C. Garberg
Richard T. Bucholz
Michael Weinhandl
James Boedigheimer
Ed Richardson
Clyde H. Kessner
Jerry Schultz
Clear Lake Resort
Pebble Lake Golf Club
District #166
Parkw9-y Inn
Bob's Bait
Zorbas II -Babe's Resort
Mike's Standard & Junction
Blue Horizon Ballroom
The Red Hut
Clyde's Market
Ten Mile Lake Resort
Tumuli Township
Buse Township
Dora Township
Dora Township
Leaf Mountain Township
Friberg Township
_Perham Township
Inman Township
Rush Lake Township
Sverdrup Township
Amor Township
Tumuli Township
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch,-seconded by Bert Hovland and
carried with Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson vo_ting "no", the following resolution
was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board -of County.Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, in accordance with' a Procedural Agreement between the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for
acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and
WHEREAS, representatives of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service
met with the County Board on March 10, 1982 and informed said Board that a
waterfowl easement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Willard C. Nelson on the
south 14.2 acres of Lot 3, Section and Lots l & 2, and SW¾NE¾, Section 10, all
in Township 131 -42,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RSOLVED, the County Board does hereby
approve the above waterfowl easement acquisition by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of March, 1982.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried
with Hub Nordgrenand Sydney Nelson voting "no", the following resolution was
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acqui-
sition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and
WHEREAS, representatives of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service met
with the County Board on March 10, 1982, and informed said Board that a waterfowl
easement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. David H. Meyer on the NW¾SE¾, W½NDr;SE¾,
N½SW¾SE¾, NW¾SE¾SfJr;, of Section 8, and the NE¾SE¾, E½NW¾SE¾, NW¾NE¾ ofi Section 17,
all in Township 132 -42,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE ·1T RESOLVED, _the.County Board does hereby approve
the above waterfowl easement, acquisition by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Dated·at Fergus Falls, Minnesota thii 10th day of March, 1982.
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the application of James G. Boedigheimer was approved for permit to hold
dances at the Blue Horizonr-Ballroom in Rush Lake Township.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
to approve the following applications for ow.sale intoxicating liquor license:
Myron D. Russell
· Gary Spies
Donald H. Johnson
Betty A. Brunsvold
Mabel Murphy's
Pelican Supper Club
Dunvilla in the Country
Buse Township
Fergus Falls Township
Pelican Township
Dunn Township
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried,
to approve the following applications for on sale wine license:
Erwin H. Post Parkway Inn Leaf Mountain Township
Richard T. Bucholz Zorbas II Perham, Township
Margaret Frankberg The Stone Hearth Hobart Township
Michael Gunderson Perry's, Inc~ Dora Township
George Frankberg District #166, Inc. Dora Township
Upon motion made by Bert Hovla_nd ~-seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00
a.m., Wednesday, April 7, 1982 for maintenance of the telephone equipment in the
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and car-
ried, the County Auditor was authorized to publish notice of a hearing on the
viewer's report showing amounts of benefits or damages to all property affected
by County Ditches #12 and #21 for 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 20, 1982.
With no further business, the Chafrman adjourned the meeting until
the afternoon of:°March 23, 1982.
~4] '¥cQ Clerk