HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/13/1981MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met
at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 13, 1981, all members present.
A letter from the Otter Tail County H ._R .A. was presented to the
Board, requesting the H.R.A. be attached· to the county is workmans compensation
insurance program, with the county assuming no portion of the cost. After dis-
cussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried,
to include the O~T ... <'Cty.H.R.A. in the county's workman's compensation program
at no additional cost to the county.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
to transfer all funds obligated to the Otter Tail County Housing and Redevelopment
Authority, with all bills paid for any bookkeeping procedures being maintained by
the H.R.A. rather than the county auditor.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded bySydney Nelson and car-
ried, to enter into agreement with the Fergus Falls Community College for the
work study program for the school year 1981-1982.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car-
ried, to approve the appointment by the County Engineer of Forrest Huse as Main-
tenance Supervisor at a starting base salary of $1,620 per month effective October
1, 1981, withan additional $80.00 per month after completing the satisfactory 6
month probationary period.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car-
ried, to transfer funds from the County Revenue Fund to Boat & Water Safey, in
the amount of $21,000, the sum appropriated for the year 1981.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and
carried, to appoint Van Ellig as the county's representative on the negotiations
board for non-essential unit of the Teamster's Union.
/ /
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and car-
ried, the following resolution was adopted; with Syd Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting
"no" :
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County
Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agreement betweenthe
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service,
dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acqui-
sition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requ~st~d, and
WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
met with the County Board on October 13, 1981 and informed said board that a
waterfowl easement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Ackerson on
the SE¼SW¼ of Section 5 and the NE¼NW¼ of Section 8, all in 134-43; and from
Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand A. Kiputh on the E½NE¾SE¾,, S½NW\SE¾ of Section 4-134-43,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby
approve the aforementioned waterfowl easements for acquisition by the U. S.
Fish and Wildlife Service.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of October, 1981.
Chairman ~
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282, it is hereby resolved the sale of
Otter Tail County tax forfeited land shall be set for 10:00 a.m., Wednesday,
November 18, 1981 in the community services room of the Government Services
Building, Fergus Falls, MN, tracts to be sold under the following conditions:
Each and every tract sold shall be on a cash basis.
In addition to the purchase price of the land, the County Auqitor
shall charge and collect in full, an amount equal to three percent (3%) of the
total sale price of the land, amount so collected by the Auditor.to be deposited
in the State Treasury and credited to the Tax Forfeited Land Account, 1969 Minn.
Stat. 284.28, Subdiv. 6.
Title to the land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, either
by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota. When payment of the purchase
price has been made, the purchas.er will receive from the State of Minnesota a
quit claim deed to the property for which the Auditor is required by law to col-
lect and remit to the State a fee of ·$3. 00 .• All mineral rfghts are reserved by
the State of Minnesota, and sale is subject to existing easements.
The County Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. and
withdraw any parcel listed before or during the sale.
Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of October, 1981.
Upon motion made by' Van Ellig, seco_nded ·by Bert Hovland and car-· .·.
ried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 645.02 and 645.021,
approval by the local unit of government is necessary for enactment of certain
legislation, and
WHEREAS, The Board of County Commissioners have requested
enactment of legislation granting Otter Taili'County the •power to grant inspection
powers_to certain sewer districts, under Minnesota Laws, 1981, Chapter 183,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby
approve, as the local unit of government, the p·assage of said bill.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 13th day of October, 1981.
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ell_ig and car-
ried, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has applied to the Commissioner
of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Transportation Fund
for the reconstruction of Bri_dge No. 95065 over the Leaf River, and;
WHEREAS, the application for the grant has been reviewed by the
West Central Regional Development Commission, and;
WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be
$215,572.00 by reason of the lowest responsible bid.·
NOW;THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail does
hereby affirm that any cos~ of the bri_dge in excess of the grant will be
appropriated from funds available to the County of Otter Tail, and that any
grant monies appropriated for the. bri_dge but not required, based on the
final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation
Adopted 13th day of October , 1981. ----------------
. 4/J~~ -Ch~irman,· OttffTaileounty
Board of Commissioners
~ ,iJ 13, 7J'fld.u/J Co y Auditor
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and
carried, to appropriate-$4,800 out of the County Revenue Fund for the Humane
Society for the year 1982.
The County Board, having previously advertised for bidsto be
received for bridge replacement over the Leaf River, under S.A.P. 56-675-17,
proceeded to open bids which. were as follows:
Dieseth Specialty Company, Fergus· Falls, MN
Kern f, Tabery, Inc., Wadena, MN
Duluth.-Superior Erection, Inc., Duluth, MN
After cons·ideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson~ seconded
by Andy Le.itch and carried, to accept the bid of Dieseth Speciality Company,
Fergus Falls; MN in the amount of $268,630.00, being the lowest bid.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and car-
ried, to approve the application of Ken Moss, Route #2, ·underwood, MN for sewage
disposal system cleaners license, subject ·to posting of bond.
Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
to approve the application of Stanley Kristiansen, Fergus Falls, MN, for sewage
disposal installers license, subject °to posting of bond;.
Motion was· made by Be.rt Hovland, second_ed by Van Ellig and carried,
. to approve the application of Robert Devine" &' Edwin E. · Kalk, Lake Region Disposal,
Fergus Falls, MN, for solid waste collection and transportation license, subject
to posti_ng of bond.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried,
authorizing the Land f, Resource Management office to issue a counter permit to the
Underwood Coop Creamery, Underwood, MN, to move dirt on property in Sverdrup Township.
The Court Order reversi_ng a decision by the Otter Tail County Planning·
Advisory Commission, the Otter Tail County Board and the Otter Tail County Board of
Adjustment on the matter of a cluster development plat on Long Lake by Bob Fritz
was discussed. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland,to
approve :'the special' use· perm~t but send· the ·preliminary. 1.j:)lat of ·Whispering Springs
Addition backto the Planning Advisory Commission. The motion was seconded by Van
Ellig-but failed with Andy Leitch, Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no".
After more discuss-ion, motion was made. by Andy Leitch to comply with the court
order as stated, granting the special use permit and allowing the preliminary
plat of Whispering Springs-Addition, to be located in Section 12-134-43. The
motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried with Van·Ellig and Bert Hovland
voting "no".
An application by La Verne E. Luick for expansion of present. facility
at the Chalet-Chanticleer Restaurant fo · Otter· Tail Townsryip, to include a larger
dining area and on-sale liquor ~as presented to the board. After listening to
the various. interested. parties, ·motiot1 was made· by _Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney
Nelson and carried, to approve said request as presented.
Upon motion mad_e by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and
carried, the following applications· fo'r -S~e"b.ial use permit were approved, subject
to conditional requirements:
Dennis Suchy
Celia Lars.on
James Helsene
Richard T. S{nger
Kenneth C, Vornh.olt
Wayne E. Thompson
Merle L. Lange
Nidaros Township
Clitherall Township
Amor Township
Candor Township
Scambler Township
Elizabeth Township
Otter Tail Township
Construct road to serve proposed
Construct road to serve proposed
Approve retirement home for four
elderly persons in addition
to immediate family
Add one mobile home site to
existing resort
Retail outlet of nursery ·stock
Cut and slope
Use sand takeri from Otter Tail
canal cleaning as fii1
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission and
deny the request of William Prieb for special use permit to fill low area on Paul
Lake, Section 15 of Edna Township for the follQwing reasons: l) No new facts
changing prior applications, 2) Lots have building ·sites, 3) Filtering basin for
Paul Lake and 4) Dinini'sh capacity of a possible flood plain:
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried,
to approve the preliminary plat of MinnL Acres, to be located on Clitherall Lake
in Section 24-132-40.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by.Bert Hovland and carried,
to approve the preliminary plat of Suchy Shore, to be located in Section 31-132-39.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and car-
ried, to approve the preliminary plat of Bradmeyer, Third Add'n, to be located in
Section 17~134-38.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by· Van Ellig and carried,
to approve the preliminary plat of Overlook Manor, to be located in Section 5-135-39.
A letter from Carl J. Newquist, attorney representing Vivian Ratliff,
was. read, calling ~or reclassification of Hancock Lake in E:a.gle Lake Township from
a natural ·environment lake to a recreational development status. The County Auditor
was instructed to r·espond to said attorney with the information the request will be
referred to the Otter Tail· County Planning Advisory Commission for consideration.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren-~ seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
· to appropriate out of the County Revenue Fund the sum of $'2 ,100 .for Otter Tail
Country Tourism and $400.00 for Viking-Land-USA for the-year i982.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car-
ried, to increase the rates for·boarding of prisoners, schedule to be set as fol-
$24.00 per day for out of county committing jurisdictions
$12.00 per day for in county committing jurisdictions
Huber Law (Work Release Prisoners)
In county. . . . .$7.00 per day to inmate
$5.00 per day to committing jurisdictions
Out of county. . .·$7. 00 per _day cost .to inmate
12.00 per day· ·cos1= to <?_Otnmitt i~g jurisdiction
. With no further business, the Chairman-adjourned the meeting
until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 14th, 1981.
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners met.
at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 14, 1981, all members present.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and
carried, to appoint E. L. (.Ted) Dosdal to the Power Plart: Siting Advisory Com-
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and
carried, to advertise for the position of East Otter Tail County Agricultural
Inspector, applications to-be received until November.12, 1982.
The county auditor presented proposals received from various
firms for redecorating the county auditor's ··offic·e. and vault and ·the county
commissioners -room. The county auditor was instructed to accept the low bid
of Avant Painting & Decorating of B~tt'.1e'Lake,:·MN :i:n the amount of $1,522.00.,
. ' -~ ·-' .~
upon motion made by· Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried.
Upon motion made by Andy Lehch.·, seconded· by Bert Hovla,nd and
carried, the followi_ng resolution was ad~pted rsydney :Nelson absent attendi_ng
a funeral):
RESOLVED by theBoard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
The following budget be approved and there be levied upon the
taxable. property of Otter Tail County, payanle during the year 1982, the fol-
lowing amounts-for the several courity funds, as follows:
Le.ss Loci;ll Government Aid
Less· Federal Revenue Sha.ring
Less ·estimated Receipts . ,
Less Federal Revenue Sharing
$2,087., 772. 00
Dated at Fergus Falls·, Minnesota this 14th day of October, 1981.
With no further ]'?u:=Hness· ,. the ~hairman adjourned the meeting
until the afternoon of October 27, 1981.
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. (} .. Clerk