HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/12/1981MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA I Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 12, 1981, all members. present. - The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the purchase of snowplowing equipment, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, MN $22,665.00 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, MN in the amount of $22,665.00 it being the only bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous surfacing under projects #S .A .P. 56-615-10, 56-62.5-09, 56-633-05, 56-666-02, C.P. 81:09B, C.P. 81:l44B, and 81:Twp. B-1, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist, Prinsburg, MN Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, MN F-M Asphalt, Inc., Moorhead, MN $1,263,992.85 1,289,736.80 1,445,599.80 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to award said contract to Duininck Bros, & Gilchrist, Prinsburg, MN, in the amount of $1,263.992.85, being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bridge replacement under S.P. No. 56-615-09, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Duluth-Superior Erection, Inc. Dieseth Specialty Co. Kern & Tabery, Inc. Drewes Construction Company Midwest Contracting Inc. S.W.M., Inc. $263,084:50 279,241.00 290,701._25 328,146.20 . . 389,223.00 JOO ,SJ85. 00 ~-,," After consideration, motion was made by Antly Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Duluth-Superior Erection, Inc. in the amount of $263,084.50, being the lowest bid. 0 RESOLUTION VACATING ROAD RIGHT OF WAY Upon motion made by , seconded by Sydney Nelson --------------Andy Leitch , and carried, the following resolution was adopted: ----------- WHEREAS, the relocation of County State Aid Highway #4 has taken place and the relocated highway is open for travel, and WHEREAS, the County has no need for the portion of the old county road described as that part' of Government Lot 4, Section 11, Township 136 North, Range 42 West, lying southeasterly of the right-of-way of the relocated County State Aid Highway #4, and WHEREAS, Homan Telephone Company intends to use that property for a telephone substation and needs this vacation to clear title on the said described property, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the old right-of-way described as that part of Government Lot 4, Section 11, Township 136 North, Range 42 West lying southeasterly of the right-of-way of the relocated County State Aid Highway #4 be and the same hereby is vacated. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota, this 12th day of May , 1981. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgrenand carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April 7, 1981, the County Board accepted the bid of Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $7,272.00 for one 1/2 Ton Pickup Truck, and WHEREAS, the aboveunit has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $7,272.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $7,272.00 payable to Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1981. Chairman ATTEST: I \ Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on February 3, 1981, the County Board accepted the bid of M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $21,779.20 'for Road Signs and Posts, and WHEREAS, said road signs and posts have now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $21,779.20, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $9,929.20 payable to M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, MN as final payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1981. Chlirman ATTEST: Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, with Andy Leitch and Van Ellig voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, on April_21, 1981, the County Board accepted the bid of Borchert-Ingersoll, Inc., Saint Paul, MN, for one used self-propelled chip spreader in the amount of $17,700.00, and WHEREAS, the above unit has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board at a cost of $17,700.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $17]700.00 to Borchert- Ingersoll, Inc., Saint Paul, MN in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1981. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and car- ried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordancewi.th a procedural agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service met with the County Board on May 12, 1981 and informed said Board that a water- fowl easement had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ouren on the E½SE¾NW¾, SW\NE¾, SE\SW¾ and Lot 4, Section 30-135 43, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve acquisition by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service on the aforementioned waterfowl easement. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1981. Chfuman ATTEST: ~ ,Ll al &r ,J Clerk Motion was made by Andy Leitch to allow setting a food stand at Phelps Mill for the Boy Scout Canoe Derby, provided all proceeds go to the Boy ·scouts. The motion was seconded by Van Ellig and carried. Arnie Hemquist, Chairman of the Otter Tail Town Board, appeared before the Board relative to certain tax:lorfeited properties in Otter Tail Town- ship, and also signs on the corner of County Highways #72 and #1. After con- siderable discussion, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to inventory all signs at the junction of Highways #72 and #1, those on highway right-of-way and out of highway right-of-way. Representatives of the West Central Regional Development Commission appeared before the Board and discussed the economic development plan and budget for the year 1982. No action taken. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Vincent & Bernadette Guck Pine Lake Township Reinhart Sonnenberg Dora Township Rodney Thalman Henning Township Gregory L. Iverson Parkers Prairie Twp. Paul & Marie Allen Everts Township Wesley & Jane Miller Dane Prairie Township Charles Silbernagel Dead Lake Township Dennis & Arlene Greenwaldt Leaf Lake Township Donald Arnholdt Lida Township Beatrice Lofgren Star Lake Township Wm. A. & Marcia Rose Underwood Richard Haggstrom Maine Township Scott Lehner Fergus Falls City Unimproved lot overvalued Cancel, double assessment Homestead classification Mid-year Homestead Mid-year homestead Wrong classification Incorrect depreciation percentage Homestead classification Remove homestead classification Homestead classification Mid-year homestead Wrong classification Mid-year Homestead Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment of $3,520.23 to the Association of Minnesota Counties for prepara- tion and representation of Peter D. Bergstrom, Att'y on Sheriff's Department's union negotiations. I Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license were approved; subject to posting of bond: Glenn A. Erickson Gene Volkmann Erickson's Septic Pumping Service Volkmann Plbg. Fergus Falls, MN Henning, MN Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car- ried, the fol:k:wing applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved, subject to posting of bond: Kenneth Schepper Gene Volkmann Allen Stadum Mark Hawes Melvin Kirckof Ellis Engebretson Albert Bretz Marvin J. Wegscheid Dennis Delzer Grant Ohm Oh Harold Engebretson Rodney Hanson James Golombiecki Gordon C. Ekre Ed Jutz Larry H. Vanwatermulen Todd Schroeder Wilbur Wegscheid Charles Egge Michael Hallstrom Schepper Excavating Volkmann Pluml?ing Stadum Plumbing Hawes Plumbing & Heating Engebretson Construction Bretz Hardware Bluffton Hardware Delzer Construction, Inc. OHM Excavating Engebretson Plbg. & Htg. Hanson's Plbg. & Htg. Golombiecki's Excavating Ekre Trenching & Ditching Jutz Excavating Service Ashby Plbg. & Htg. Wegscheid Plumbing & Htg. Egge Construction Hewitt Hardware Dent, MN Henning, MN Erhard, MN Ottertail, MN Vining, MN Pelican Rapids, MN Perham, MN Bluffton, MN Dalton, MN Audubon, MN Pelican Rapids, MN Vergas, MN Fergus Falls, MN Hawley, MN Frazee, MN Perham, MN Ashby, MN Wadena, MN Pelican Rapids, MN Hewitt, MN Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission on the denial of the application of Warren Diederich for special use permit to fill&Jampy area on low area beh.:irrl lots 20 and 21, Pelican Point, Dunn Township, was upheld. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following applications for spa:ial use permit were approved: Bert Overland, Jr. David Sholy Elmer A. Holman Irving Sem Leroy Peterson Derald J. Cordes Otter Tail Township Dunn Township Nidaros Township Sverdrup Township Sverdrup Township Leaf Lake Township Widen existing gully (subject to conditional requirements) Fill low area (subject to conditional requirements) Construct driveway .Fill two low areas Construct road to serve proposed subdivision Construct road to serve proposed subdivision Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the preliminary plat of Cordes Beach, to be located in Section 21, Leaf Lake Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Pleasant Places, to be located in Section 7, Sverdrup Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an assistance amendment in connection with Otter Tail County's Treatment Works Grant, Step 1, C271361 01, and the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign said amendment on behalf of Otter Tail County. Progress on the negotiations with the Sheriff's department union were presented to the County Board. After discussion, motion wasmade by Van Ellig, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to table action until the meeting of the 26th of May. Roger Nelson, owner of property adjacent to Phelps Mill appeared be- fore the Board. After considerable discussion, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried with Sydney Nelson and Van Ellig voting "no", authorizing the Chairman of the Board to sign a statement of just compensation and written offer to purchase, for the possible purchase of the Nelson property to in- crease the size of Phelps Mill Park. The Chairman appointed Andy Leitch and Richard Berge of the West Central Regional Development Commission to negotiate with Mr. Nelson for the purchase. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and car- ried, the following resolution was ador:>ted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS application for repurchase by Joan Francis Torgerson, owner of record of the following described property: A tract in SL 8 of Sub Div. of G.L. 1, 2, 3, 4, 200.53 1 x 116 1 on lake, Section 14-132-40, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 14th day of October, 1980 for taxes for the year 1974 and subsequent years, and WHEREAS, payment has been made of the aggregate of all delinquent taxes, assessments, penalties, costs and interest inthe amount of $782.67, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve said application and grants repurchase for the following reason: Be to the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1981. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by ,Van Ellig and carried, the following payments were approved for right-of-way purchase under Project #81:15: Alfred A. & Hurley F. Dewey Charles N. & Margo Nepper Aaron & Ann Schwarzwalter $1,500.00 787.03 130.00 With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, May 13, 1981. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9: 30 a. m., Wednesday-, May 13, 1981, all members present. Dickson Hartsock, West Fargo, ND, appeared before the Board re- questing permission to study the courthouse telephone system for the purpose of preparing a proposal for a service contract for the system. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation: Harold s. f, Margot Jelleberg Dead Lake Township Correction of assessment Robert P. f, Marilyce Anderson Hobart Township Homestead classification Robert f, Alberta Grieger Newton Township Homestead classification Robert f, Alberta Grieger New York Mills City Homestead classification Darwin f, Jean Roberts New York Mills City Clerical Error Michael Parta New York Mills City Clerical Error Pionerr Memorial Home Fergus Falls City Tax exempt Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, to approve the following applications for permit to hold public dances: Delbert DeRoad Don Firnhaber Grandview Heights Resort Ford's Country Inn Pine Lake Township Dora Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the following applications for permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor: George Reimer Delbert DeRoad James Boedigheimer Michael J. Hemquist Star Lake Resort Grandview Heights Ballroom Blue Hori.zon Ballroom Balmoral Golf Course Dora Township Pine Lake Township Rush Lake Township Otter Tail Township Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Rowan McAllister Howard Peterson Aaran W. Bentzin Don Eggen August Heinrich Henry Scheuble Roy L. Drouillard Carole Halseth Joseph Lathauer James Zweerink John R. Magnuson Daniel J. Overgaard Margaret Frankberg Lela Beckman Sadie Biltz Bennett C. Berg Delbert DeRoad Helen Eldevick Wayne Klein Don Firnhaber The Boardwalk Prairie Moon (off sale) Otter Tail Township Amor Township Red Lantern Resort (off sale) Amor Township West Central Speedways Cozy Cove Resort Wildwood Beach Resort Vacationland Resort Deer Lake Resort Riverside Cabins Sunset Beach Resort Linden Park Resort Battleview Resort The Stone Hearth Oak Park Resort Sunset Beach Big Pine Resort Grandview Heights Resort Bayview Shores Resort Sleepy Hollow Resort Ford's Country Inn Aurdal Township Dead Lake Township Dora Township Everts Township Everts Township Friberg Township Girard Township Girard Township Girard Township Hobart Township Nidaros Township Pine Lake Township Pine Lake Township Pine Lake Township Scambler Township Tordenskjold Township Dora Township Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, the following applications for on sale intoxicating liquor license were approved: Rowan C. McAllister The Boardwalk (inc. Sunday) Otter Tail T9wnship David 0. Cushman The Lanterns (inc. Sunday) Rush Lake Township Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the following applications for on sale wine license: Erwin H. Post Don Firnhaber Parkway Inn Ford's Country Inn Leaf Mountain Township Dora Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Ray Pfeifle for off-sale license to sell non-intoxi- cating malt liquor at Loghaven Resort in Lida Township~ subject to approval by the County Sheriff. Don Roberts, Chairman of the Maine Town Board, appeared before the Board relative to the bridge at Phelps Mill. After considerable discussion, motion was rmde by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to proceed with the replacement of the Phelps Mill Bridge as indicated by the Town Board, without the cover. Dennis Berend, County Engineer, presented the Board with a proposal for computer service for the Highway' Department through the S & C Computer Service, Inc., Fergus Falls, MN. After discussion, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to sign a lease agreement with the S & C Computer Service, for a period of one year. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to allow Larry Krohn, newly appointed Executive Secretary, to attend workshops per- tinent to said job. Scott Dirks, attorney for the Crystal Lida Sewer Commission, Charles Krekkelberg, attorney representing the q:position to the sewer district and various other interested persons appeared before the Board relative to the proposed Crystal Lida Sewer district. After listening to the various interested parties, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to request a resolution of solution to the problems be drafted compatable to both factions, for consideration by the County Board at a future meeting. With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until the afternoon of May 26, 1981. ATTEST: Clerk