HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/17/1981r MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 12:30 p.m., Tuesday, February 17, 1981, all members present. Pursuant to the Board of Adjustment Ordinance as established by the County Board on January 20, 1981, Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following were appointed to the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment for a period of one year: Craig Anderson, Ottertail, Minnesota George Walter, Perham, Minnesota John Everts, Battle Lake, Minnesota Tom Stringer, Fergus Falls, Minnesota David Trites, Parkers Prairie, Minnesota (Chairman of Planning Commission) Representatives of the West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation District appeared before the Board relative to programs of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the Soil Conservation Service, etc .. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carriecl, to appropriate the sum of $17,500.00 each to the East and West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation Districts. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, to approve the plat of Mielke Beach, located on Boedigheimer Lake, in Sections 15 and 16 -135 -39. In response to a request from the State of Minnesota Municipal Board relative to the proposal for annexation of certain lands to the City of Fergus Falls, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to appoint Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren as Otter Tail County's repm,entatives on the hearing proceedings, Hub Nordgren voting "no." Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the application of Ray A. Chase for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at 'Ethel Beach Resort in Girard Township. Upon motion made by Van Ellig, seconded by Bert Hovland and v carried with Andy Leitch and Hub Nordgren voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has authority for the proper management of·solid waste and, WHEREAS; disposal of solid waste by landfill represents an unde- sirable loss of-material, energy, land, and other nautral resources, and WHER~AS, the City of Fergus Falls has proposed to participate in the development of a ·solid waste incinerator designed to recover energy from refuse for useful purposes, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners supports the proposed energy recovery incinerator project in order to save energy and conserve natural resources of Otter Tail County. This resolution of policy makes no commitment of financial re- sources at this time. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 17th day of February, 1981. Chairman 7 ATTEST: Clerk The following resolution was introduced by Van Ellig who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 105 provides a procedure for the inven- tory of public waters and wetlands in the State of Minnesota under the 1979 Public Waters Act; and WHEREAS, the appropriate hearings conducted by the Department of Natural Resources have been held in Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, said hearings went very smoothly with very little landowner criticism; and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County is made up of much agricultural land and wetlands; and WHEREAS, it has been Otter Tail County's experience that the Public Waters Act of 1979 has not created any significant problems, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, supports the actions of the Department of Natural Resources and the provisions of the 1979 Public Waters Bill as they relate to the inventory of public waters/wetlands in this state. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County sub- mit a resolution in support of the public waters/wetlands inventory procedure created in the 1979 Public Waters Bill to the following state legislators: State Representative Cal Ludeman 332 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 State Representative Adolph Kvam 369 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 State Representative Ray Welker 394 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 State Representative Paul Aasness 398 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 State Representative Eldon Redalen 359 State Office Building $ St. Paul, MN 55155 The motion was seconded by Bert Hovland but did not carry with Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson voting "no". Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the County Sheriff to obtain quotations for the purchase of two-1980 model automobiles for paper service. Gloria Jonas, Executive Assistant of the Fergus Falls Chamber of Commerce appeared before the Board relative to Vikingland-USA. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, Gloria Jonas was appointed as Director at Large to Vikingland-USA. The matter of the Long Range Construction Plan for Roads and Bridges was brought up for final action. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the Long Range Construction Plan as presented by the County Engineer at the hearing on February 4th was approved. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the County E_ngineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, May 12, 1981 for the replacement of "The Dewey Bridge". Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 1:00 p.m., Tuesday,, March 24th, 1981, for 250,000 gallons of bituminous materials, seasonal supply of rock salt, seasonal culvert supplies and highway striping. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nofdgren and car- ried with Sydney Nelson and Van Ellig voting "no", the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, March 24th, for roadside mowing of treentire road right-of-way. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Andy Leitch and Bert Hovland voting "no", the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 7th, 1981 for a chip spreader. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, April 7th, 1981 for three 1980 or 1981 model pickups for use by the County Highway Department. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Otter Tail County, to comply with the State of Minnesota Action Plan, did hold a public meettng on February 4, 1981, to consider a long range bridge and highway construction plan, and WHEREAS, the adoption of ,;1. future bridge and highway construction pla,n in accordance with the Minnesota Action Plan is required, NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that the "1981 Otter Tail County Bridge and Highway Construction Plan", da.ted February 17, 1981, as prepared by the County Highway Engineer? is the 1981 long range Bridge and Highway Construction Plan for Otter Tail County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proposed construction da,.te iOTI "i:lTIY project can be changed to accommodate the available funding and construction requirements, Ad~pted this 17th day of Febru~ty Attest, (SEA,L) CERTIFICATION ----. ~ tha.t the above is a Resolution duly passed, a~~~ and approved County on February 17 , ~8-l (SEAL) , 1981. Chairman, Otter Tail aunty Board of Commissioners --------·-·· ---------· true gn~L-e-orrec t copy of a :li'e""-County Board of said -~ County Auditor County of Otter Ta:i:l0 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Frank Hammer, personal representative of the estate of Ollie Kahler, has made application to repurchase the following described property: Soutp 33' of SE¼NE¾ west of Hwy #78 and S 33 of E 144.81 of G.L. 3 & 4, south of line beginning 91.97' westerly from SE corner G.L. 3, NWly 1179.44' westerly 435.58' northerly 341.28' westerly 776.30' of Section 22-135-39, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 23rd of January, 1980 for the non-payment of the 1975 tax, and WHEREAS the aggregate of all delinquent taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs and interest in the amount of $1,622.07 has been paid for said repurchase, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Board does hereby approve said application and grants the repurchase, to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 17th day of February,·1981. C ATTEST: Clerk Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve an application for the reduction of valuation on property owned by Vera M. McAlpin in Dead Lake Township where 6.5' on lakewas assessed as 61' on lake. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, with Sydney Nelson voting "no", to act as co-applicant on the application to the Pollution Control Agency on the Crystal-Lida Sewer District. Motion was made by Van Ellig, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", to approve the contract with the County Highway Department Maintenance Union, granting an increase of 60¢ per hour for the year 1981 and 62¢ per hour for the year 1982. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, auth- orizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 9:45 a.m., Tuesday, April 7th, 1981 for three single axle dump trucks. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 9:45 a.m., Tuesday, April 7, 1981 for bituminous surfacing under the following projects: C.P. 81:114 - C.P. 81:130 e.P. 81:140 - four miles l. 7 miles four miles Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 12, 1981 for county-wide bituminous surfacing and overlayment. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and carried, autho- rizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, May 12th, 1981, for three snow plows and three wings. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Van Ellig and car- ried, the following bills wereallowed: Bengtson, Roger Bjoralt, Gordon Bjorgo Repair Shop Cass Clay Creamery City of Perham REVENUE DEPl' Coast to Coast Store Computer Concepts Continental Big Red Cooper's Office Supply Corporate Risk Managers Dacotah Paper Co Darby Travel Agency Darel Jacobson Const. Eckley, Bruce Electrolux Corp. Erickson Pet. Corp Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls DWI Clinic Fergus Falls Medical Group Fergus Tire Center Goerger Elect. LTD Griep, Tom Hendrickson, Beverly Hesby Barker Agency Hintgen Karst Electric Honeywell IBM Corp. Indianhead Specialty Jennen, David Krekula Alva Lagerquist, Gust & Sons Lundeen, Victor & Co Mantek McBee Midwest Business Products Midwest Printing Miller Davis Minn. Assoc. of Soil & Water Minnesota Motor Co Mobile Radio & TV Montgomery Ward N.C.R. Nat'l Assoc of Con. Dist. National Foods Nelson Bros Printing North Union.Towing Office Electronics Inc. Orandi, Nehdi M.D. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co Sheriff's Dept Perham Co-op Oil Peterson, Karen Photo Center Poucher Printing & Litho Ringdahl Ambulance Service Schmitz, Arllis Secretarial Service Service Oil Co I 261.50 258.21 510.85 253.26 498.18 154.14 1,986.13 515.95 147.47 195.00 382.98 330.00 427.50 116.64 122.85 913.11 667.86 600.00 121.50 484.92 235.90 1,041.00 123.12 309.07 334.30 197.93 259.40 163.78 116.64 255.30 112.56 1,279.6o 285.23 237.46 321.04 145.00 661.52 550.00 119.88 689.42 140.26 3,982.6o 550.00 495.26 936.50 231.10 460.13 340.25 266.20 263.25 185.99 2,681.46 107.40 911.99 102.00 1,073.78 266.95 642.19 Shannon, Terry Sirchie Finger Print Lab. $top & Go Store Super One Varda Vern Charest Oil Vernon Studio Wanek Plumbing & Heating Welding Supplies & Fire Equip Wes Min RC & D Office West Publishing Co Western Chemical Westside Service Woods T.V. Worner's Auto Xerox Corp Misc. Venders Revenue (84) Anderson Chemical Andy's 66 Service RO.AD & BRIDGE Battle Lake Farmers Union ,Dennis Berend Bud's Mobil Burlington Northern Consumers Co-op Oil Cununins Diesel Sales Curt's Repair- Everts Lumber Co Farmers Co-op Assoc. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Tire Center Gappa O~l Co General Trading Genuine Parts Co Genuine Parts Co Gerry's Parts Service .Hanson Hardware Hayden Murphy Equip Ce Hi-Way Auto Impl. International Bus. Machines Itasca Equip. Co Jim Hatch Sales Jim's Service Lundeen Co, Victor M-R Sign Co Meyer's Service Station Minnesota Mining & Mfg Mischke Oil Mobile Radio Service _National Bushing & Parts Nelson Bros Prtg North Union Champlin ~orthside Htg & Air Cond. Northwestern Bell Telephone Nundahl. Oil _Co 166.30 162.60 929.67 230.57 131.41 191.35 147.10 319.41 137.50 4oo.oo 438.00 251.00 411.14 772.00 277.21 1,138.19 2,94o.72 6,120.00 377.28 1,592.60 241.14 216.76 1,774.97 534.33 251.55 325.82 137.85 7,133.61 108.02 234.6o 433.50 1,420.76 133.02 255.77 137.88 112.25 4,155.01 564.63 188.00 1,725.41 ,237.69 137.20 137.00 1,842.96 1,021.25 224.20 187.81 288.85 510.62 ·. 437.00 · , i 2,36.45 --,: . 169.16 . . 113.63 486.54 Otter Tail Co-op Oils Peavey Building Supplies Photo Center, The Randy's Plumbing & Htg Service Oil Co Sigelman's Steel & Salvage Super GMC Truck Sales Thomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Weiszhaar, Douglas Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Ziegler Inc. Misc Venders ( 48) COUNTY BUILDING Knutson Electric Mollerud Electric Otter Tail Co ~·Dept COUNTY DITCH Willmar Drain Tile 1,097.11 368.51 264.67 163.36 301.20 663.57 481.83 1,480.89 1,049.06 265.50 171.52 377.68 1,749.77 196.58 262.54 45.67 96.00 With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, March 3, 1981. cWcilrman 7 ATTEST: c-f,..~-t< e,) /3.g_,,).c'Je&&<-< /J Clerk