HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/23/1980MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, September 23, 1980, with Bert Hovland absent. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor to sign a work-study agreement between the Fergus Falls Community College and Otter Tail County for students participating in said project. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and car- ried, authorizing the Board Chairman to execute a contract on behalf of Otter Tail County with Arliss G. Schmitz, Independent Contractor, for preparation and execution of an enforcement training plan, as set forth on the Region IV Law Enforcement Training Coordinator grant,. An application for special use permit for landscaping by E. Paul Smart on Crystal Lake was presented to the Board. After discussion, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to refer said applicationrad<to the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Richard J. Wilhelm Otter Tail Twp. Fill low areas (subject to conditional requirements) Wendell Vreeman Pine Lake Twp. Cut and fill (subject to conditional requirements) Jack Barger Girard Twp. Fill low area (subject to conditional requirements) Louis A. Sieling Edna Twp. Cut and fill (subject to conditional requirements) Leif Thrane Lida Twp. Fill low area (subject to conditional requirements) Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Gladden Fields, to be located in Section 19 of Aurdal Township. I Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the City of Dent, Minnesota, has submitted an appli- cation for funds to the MinnesotaState Planning Agency for LAWCON funds for the construction and devebpment of a community park, and WHEREAS approval by the Otter Tail County Board is required for concurrance with county plans, fulfilling the needs and goals of the county and has county support, WHEREAS, the County Board at their meeting on September 23, 1980 considered the request of the City of Dent, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County does hereby approve the application of the City of Dent for LAWCON funds for the following reasons: 1. Concurs with County plans 2. Fulfills needs and goals of the County 3. Has the support of the County Board. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of September, 1980. ATTEST: ~L & ·' c0 &j&AM dJ Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS,on May 6, 1980, the bid for bridge replacement, concrete pipe arch culverts on Butler Township Road #148 at Red Eye River, and Butler Township Road #79 at Red Eye River was awarded to Riley Bros. Construction, Inc., Morris, Minnesota in the amount of $114.040.00, and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been completed tothe satis- faction of the County Board at a total. cost of $113,879.00, a decrease of $161.00 due to underruns on contract equipment rental items, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESCIYED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of$14,154.50 payable to Riley Bros. Construction Inc., Morris, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 23rd day of September, 1980. ATTEST: qf ~-',N /3e NJR &,a'2 Clerk The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading and bituminous surfacing under Project No. S.P. 56-608-07 (CSAH 8), proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN Lakes Paving, Inc., Detroit Lakes, MN F-M Asphalt, Inc., Moorhead, MN $318,723.46 337,421.96 345,609.85 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to award the contract to Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, MN in the amount of $318,723.46, being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and car- ried, to approve special aid in the amount of $500.00 to Candor Township for emergency aid for building three-quarters of a mile of road in Section 33. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, secondedby Andy Leitch and car- ried, to approve payment of $180.00 to Steven Andersen, Fergus Falls, MN for training sessions in connection with Region IV Law Enforcement Training Coordinator Grant Funds. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an application of Bernard J. Walz and Curtis D. Walz for license to sell intoxicating liquor at the.Colonial Motel & Supper Club in Perham Township. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following bills were allowed: CDMMISS101JERs; Fergus Falls Daily Journal Jeff Allgure Bryan Anderson Lynn Bergquist Bill Bertlesen Bob Fritz Electronics Cooper's Office Sµpply ·Josh Donan Fergus Falls DHI Clinic Clarion Hamari Natalie Haugrud Indianhead Specialty Mike Heehn Gordon Landeen Victor Lundeen and Co. Midwest Printing Nelson Brothers Printing OK Hardware City of Perham COUNTY COURT Poucher Printing and Litho West Publishing Co. Xerox Corporation CLERK OF COURT Cooper's Office Supply Indianhead Specialty · Lilienthal, Wm, and Sons Victor Lundeen and Company Miller Davis Poucher Printing and Litho Xerox Corporation AUDITOR Sylvia Bergerud Burroughs Corporation Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen and Co, Midwest Business Products Monroe Robert Oslund and Associates Parkers Prairie Independent Xerox Corporation TREASURER Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate Laverne Martin Miller DaYis Parkers Prairie Independent Parta Printing Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pitney Bowes Poucher Printing and Litho ASSESSOR Gene Davenport Empire Business Machines Victor Lundeen and Co. Midwest Business Products Otter Tail Co-op Oils White Drug Worner Auto Xerox Corporation 535.22 10.00 10.36 10.00 19.78 28.80 737.33 58.00 350.00 45.80 16.24 46.77 45.40 19.60 5~3-53 38.50 1,090.00 -14. 74 477.40 409.76 23.00 287.05 28.00 112.14 20.41 72.61 38.03 163.67 2'f;,8'i 78.68 96.00 49.31 34.47 27.07 435.04 30.00 323.90 40.39 18.00 42.40 27.00 164.32 678.56 27.00 55.,60 75.47 39.00 90.00 543.83 110.28 27h.oo 29.29 7.28 210.-70 24.90 168.01 93.09 MOTOR VEHICLE Victor Lundeen and Company VOTER REGISTRATION Poucher Printing and Litho Xerox Corporation ELECTIONS Fergus Falls Daily J 0urnal Nelson Brothers Printing Poucher Printing and Lithe COUNTY ATTORNEY F~rgus Falls Daily Journal David Hauser IBM Corporation Indianhead Specialty Michael Kirk Victor Lundeen and Company Minn. State Bar Association National Directory of Shorthand Secret~ries Nelson Brother Printing Xerox Corporation PLANNTIJG COMMISSION Battle Lake Review Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate Andy Lindquist Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin David Trites Craig Anderson Battle Lake Review Tom Donoho BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS Fergus Falls Daily Journal Calvin Johansen Perham Enterprise Bulletin David Trites COUNTY RECORDER Indianhead Specialty Lilienthal, Wm. and Sons Victor Lundeen and Company Xerox Corporation Rudolph Auch Roger Bengston VETERANS SERVICE OFFICER Victor Lundeen and Company I'/Jemindex Midwest Business Products Otter Tail Co-op Oi~s Xerox Corporation DATA PROCESSING Association of Minn. Counties Burroughs Corporation 47,07 119.01 77.84 343.44 1,254.00 2,151.66 12.60 20.00 266.75 112.16 422.60 45.so ·s2.50 35.00 97.47 360.00 35.~~ 74.73 11.22 234.20 37.03 26.04 174.18 34.40 15. 22~ 20.00 24.25 35.48 9.46 35.30 51.11 10.2~ 23.78 258.96 43.04 28.63 59.70 13.90 106.50 129.40 84.29 228.50 1;126 44 -,, . I. Computer Concepts and Services N.C.R. Office Electronics Inc. Texwipe Linda Bergerud Cooper's Office Supply GR Graphics Inc. Jim's Standard Service James Johnson Larry Krohn LA...l\JD AND RESOURCE Victor Lundeen and Company Richard MacGregor Nelson Brothers Printing Park Region Co~op Oil Co. South Mill Standard 1,750.52 1,102.95 297.18 10.28 14.22 723.57 223.34 60.03 254.88 151.78 231.46 111.24 90.00 25.16 91.72 COUNTY HOUSING-AUTHORI'J'Y Warren Abbott Floyd Hoff Peter Hoff Russell Knutson Janice Palen Karen Peterson COURT HOUSE Corporate Risk Managers Crow Chemical and Equipment Dacotah Paper Company Daleo Electrolux Corp. Fergus Falls True Value Hdwe Fergus Jobbing Inc. General Trading Cpmpany Jeff Jenson - Lagerquist and Sons Madison Bionics Mollerud Electric National Chemsearch Otter Tail Co-op Oils Pitney-Bowes Sound, Inc. South Mill Standard Stenerson Brothers Team Laboratory Chemical Corp. Vaughn's Wanek Plumbing and Heating Hilson Supply Co. Battle Lake Land Fill Coast to Coast Store Everts Lumber Company Kimber Awning Inc. Lampert Building Center Michael Nelson OK Hardware llhi te Drug .Amoco Oil Co. Andy's 66 Service PHELPS MILL SHERIFF Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Bauck Chevrolet and Olds. Bi~ Chief Standard Birkholz Northside Self-Service 1,115.00 . 2~;.3.~' 20.00 32.60 36.20 2,136.00 360.00 148.13 379.85 131.50 34.15 4.78 31.70 34.14 165.90 106.82 92.98 548.45 142.57 31.92 40.50 206.60 10.50 5.18 134.11 71.33 957,11 69.60 13.00 51.59 41.53 41.45 Q.s8 _ 358.05 7.85 23.76 20.36 4.85 44.08 703.90 85.17 87.33 i Bob Fritz Electronics Carr Enterprises Inc. Co-op Services, Inc. Denny's Nqrth Star Dent Oil ~ompany Eisenhuth, Orletta Elders Comm. Inc. Erickson Pet. Corp. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Dodge Inc. Fergus Tire Center Alan Frank Gene's Standard Service Beverly· .Hendrickson House of Crafts Indianhead Specialty Jennen, T-1:Irs. David Jim's Standard Service Kronemann, Max Law enforcement Center Victor Lundeen and Co. Mand J i-94 Mobil Michae 1 :~McCormick Glen Melby Minn. Motor Company Mobile Radio Service Nelson Brothers Printing Cheryl Ness N0 rth Central Instruments I'Jorth Star Service Otter Tail Co-op Oils Otter Tail Co. Sheriff's Dept. Otter Tail Co. Hwy. Dept. Parish Chemical Co. Park Region Co-op Oil Co. Pelican Towing and Repairs Pelican Valley Health Center Perham Co-op Oil Co. Photo Center Duane Poole Poucher Printing and Litho Rainbow Inn Service Oil Company Stop and Go Store Sturdevants Auto Parts Tomhave, Mrs. Gordon Vergas Oil Company I-Jestside Service Xerox Corporation Andrews and Meister Cass Clay Creamery City Pharmacy Continental Big Red Don's Jack and Jill JAIL Fergus Falls Medical Group Fergus Falls True Value Hdwe Gibson's Pharmacy Yvonne Hanley Lake Region Hospital Memorial Hospital and Homes Metz Baking Company National Foods J.c, .. Penney Company Harvey Priebnow Service Food Market Super One Mrs. Gordon Tomhave 10.95 128.37 17.62 21.22 60.00 19.90 150.00 869.81 3.48 439.25 316Ao 9.68 77.01 45.00 14.95 58.78 7.96 17.28 69.12 39.50 48.~8 73.05 4.94 223.15 202.98 s80.10 '460 .• 90 27.86 179.46 51.87 575.78 51.80 28.17 18.59 14.82 6.oo 7.50 245.42 125.87 122.28 195.65 26.00 746.10 889.76 n.oo 83.58 43.33 487.11 65,93 3.61 307.17 53.00 495.55 153.47 1+2.00 9.71 10.57 39.00 90.00 28.00 65.81 2~03.89 126.51 30.00 99.32 52.46 35.00 .-_.' r· -. Benjamin Delgado, M.D. Oscar Go-sien Marjean ttanson Mehdi Orandi, M.D. Subhi Sharifi, M.D. CORONER 40.00 40.00 76.50 340.25. 80.50 REGION DJ CO ORDINATOR Arllis G. Schmitz COl.11'JTY AGENT WEST cYr CO . Steve Handegaard Otter Tail Co-op Oils Xerox Corporation Gordon Bjoralt WEED CONTROL COUNTY BUILDING Otter Tail Glass Company 17.00 133.93 20.11 70.23 459.00 BOAT .AND WATER SAFETY ENFORCE. FUND Bay View Shores Birkholz Northside Self-Service Carr Enterprises, Inc. Otter Tail Co-op Oils Otter Tail Co. Hwy Dept. Stop N Go Store Worner Auto FORFEI'I'ED TAX FUND City of Fergus Falls ROAD AND BRIDGE FUND Dennis Berend Clemprint Inc. Genuine Parts Co. Victor Lundeen and Co. Minn. Mining and 11/f_fg. Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Poucher Printing and Litho Albinson Dennis Berend David Bjerketvedt l;Jal ter _ and Elva Brasel Bretz Hardware Blaine and Wilma Brincefield Burlington Northern Inc. Commissioner of Trans. Dakota Bank and 'rrust Co. Robert B. & Dorothy M. Davis Edwin Dittman Bernie Erickson Farmers co-op Association Fergus Falls Daily J 0 urnal Gamble's Pete Hofland Machine Co. Robert and Karen Hogetvedt Carl and Harriet Kading J 0 hn Kukowske Jr. et al Victor Lundeen and Company M-R Company Mark Sand and Gravel ~-;Raymond ·an:d·0Vera Meier George M. Iife-lby Estate ±27.63 56.09 60.96 239.10 28.16 282.90 93.90 271.00 40.85 l16.54 6.50 13.50 200.40 29.50 14.82 32.87 5.18 291+.oo 1,062.00 89.03 780.00 869.46 588.69 35.00 124.oo 302.75 940.20 17.00 101.45 4.37 20.00 200.00 620.00 600;00 50.26 182.20 7,125.06 50.00 3,956.00 Meyer's Service Station Minnesota Blueprint Morton Salt Murphy Oil Corporation N.E. Ottertail Land Fill Assoc. National Bushing and Parts Co. Northern Culvert Operatj_ons Northern States Supply Co. OK hardware Oscar and Eunice J. Olson Otter Tail Power Company Peavey Building Su~plies Beavey Building Supply Perham Ready I'-'lix and Aggre·gate City of Perham Photo Center Kurt and Dorothy A. Rapatt K8 rmit and Myrtle Rund Leonard Kand l~avis E. Saewert Marlene A. and Todd W. Schroeder Stenerson Brothers Carl E. Swenson Filbert Tellers Mart R~-and Lois F. Vogel Welding Supplies Wilkin County Hwy Dept. Ace Hardware Anderson Grocery Andy's 66 Service Barco Bearing Company Battle Lake Hardware Bengtson Oil Company Berend Dennis D. Big A Auto Parts Bluffton Oil Company Bretz Hardware Bryan Equipment Inc. Bud's Mobil Coast to Coast Store Coast to Coast Store Crane Johnson Lumber Co. Cummins Diesel Sales Inc. D-A Lubricant Co. Danielson Oil Company Dent Oil Company Dent Supply Dick's Standard Service Dick's Parts Supply East O. T. Tel. Co. _ Ebersviller Implement Company Electric Motor Service Farmers Co-op Association Farnam Tire Center Fergus Dodge Inc. Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls True Value Hdwe Fergus P1umbing and Heating Fergus Tire Center Fiskum Auto Parts General Trading Company Genuine Parts Company Genuine Parts Company Gerry's Parts Service Hanson Wbeel Horse Hanson Hardware Hanson Plumbing and Heating Hayden-Murphy Equip. Co. Helle International Inc. Hi-Way Auto & Implement Co. Hohman Telephone Co. Jim's Service Jim's Standard Service Johnson Auto Service Johnson Welding Service Ken Knudson Chevrolet Inc. 132.60 1,444.93 16,054.52 19,198.26 4.50 28.16 43l+. 72 136.13 1.49 486.50 174.60 87.78 1.50 712.50 355.00 15.60 667.00 21.75 1,533.60 1,137.25 17.40 1.50 182.80 35.00 8.65 ':599:~•00 15.37 6.25 -1, o(;io.17 15.00 4.26 366.97 31.02 191.60 1,005.00 82.41 75.08 261.35 93.10 20.01 2.72 17.66 1,631.20 480.10 377.81 41.62 353.65 163.22 73.30 156.18 23.09 348.74 73.04 273.57 29.81 5.66 3.46 2,268.07 14.38 110.09 l99.73 26.71 49.12 35.15 120.25 461.00 125.94 456.53 10.66 17.37 393.25 802.08 10.88 266.50 277.38 Kistler Construction Lampert Building Center Mark Sand-'and Gravel Co. Mayo's Standard Service Meyer's Service Station Midwest Telephone Company Minnesota Motor Company Mobile Radio Service Mollerud Electric N.E. Ottertail Land Fill Assn. National Bushing and Parts Co. North Union Champlin Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. Nundahl Oil Company Otter Tail Co-op Oils Paper Calmenson and Co. Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Peavey Building Supplies Peavey Building Supply Peavey Building Supplies Perham Co-op Oil Co. Perharri Radiator Repairr Ray's Oil Company Ruffridge-Johnson Equipment Co. Bennett Samuelson Sigelman's Steel and Salvage Co. Skips Genuine Parts '_Stan Moe Ford Sales Inc. Sturdevants Auto Parts Super'GMC Truck Sales Uselman1s Inc. Vergas Oil Company Welding Supplies Worner Auto Ziegler Inc. 36.00 9.00 86.46 333.83 649.14 10.95 666.12 562.85 1,799.80 1.00 1,213.19 668.95 201.72 297.23 1,362.08 5,004.26 42.28 14.18 14.70 4.47 15.89 33.50 397.53 45.07 29.00 47.24 125.25 72.57 6.70 1,052.54 98.90 759.85 54.55 36.14 496.98 With no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 7, 1980. ATTEST: Clerk