HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/22/1980MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY .COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissionersof Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 22, 1980, all mem- · bers present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded_ by Andy Leitch and ·carried, to approve payment in the amount of $44;10 to Eddie Velo for 8" drain -' . ' dJ:' ~.5.2 ~ 0 tile inserted in· County Ditch #5f/ in T;dndhj~m Township:· 1-:?i- Motion was· maqe -by _Sydney Neh;on ,'·:; 9econ_~el"bY, Bert Hovland and carried, authorizing the County·,:>,uditor to t:ransfer·$3,ooo 'froin the County Revenue Fund, into the Sheriff Is Drug & Liquor Con,t±hgency Fund. Motion was made by Be~_t :Hovland, ,~econaed by Hub Nordgren and --r4, ~:--• -carried, to re-appoint Willis Roehl to the Ott~r. Tail County Extension Committee for a period of three years ending December 31, 1982. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, second~d by John Snowberg and carried, to approve payment.in the amount· of $1,723.32 to Glenn W. Cording Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota for professional :services in cOnnection with the new government services building. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Lei_tch and carried, . to approve change order #_E-3 ·on the electrical contract with Mo~rhead Electric on the government services building, to provide two additional circuit breakers in panel 12 inthe amount of $103. 00; and change order #G'-4 on ithe ·General· Construction ! . . ~ . contract of the government services building_ for additional: misc·ellaneous work in. the amount of $1,106.7?. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, ·seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, · with Hub Nordgren voting "no", to approve a contract. for the operation of_ the N.E. Otter Tail Sanitary Landfill and the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to execute: said contract on behalf of ·the County. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, application for cancellation of certificate of for- feiture concerning the N½NE¾, ex. 7.90 ac., Section 13 -131 -38, in the name of Wm. J. A. Moll, had been presented to the Board, and WHEREAS said Board has examined into the allegations of said application, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED this board hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of January, 1980. C ATTEST: • I 0 Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by.Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: · RESOLVED by the Board of County Com~issioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on May 8, 1979 the Board -accepted the bid for grading and aggregate surfacing· on CSAH #25, under S.A;P. 56-625-08, in the amount of $188,116.35, and -WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to.the satis- faction-of the County Board at a total cost of $191,419.30, an increase of $3,302.95 due to additional excavation and culverts, NOW,. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue a warrant inthe-amount ·of $24,554.4_8 payable to Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota as final payment .for this-work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of January, 1980. ' ' ·~ .. ~. ''-: .,;, " ·ATTEST:. Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the fcbllowing resolution was, I adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on May 9, 1978 accepted the bid of Gladen Construction Company, Laporte, Minnesota in the amount of $142,715.00 for a C.S. Str. Pl. P-A Culvert, Bridge No. 91731, under S.A.P. 56-610-05, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed tothe satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $147,166.00, an increase of $4,451.00 due to additional common borrow and equipment hours, with liquidated damages in the amount of $14,000.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,740.40 payable to Gladen Construction Company, Laporte, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of January, 1980. ATTEST: Clerk i I I I, L, Upon motion made by Andy Leitch; seconded by John Snowberg and carried,.the following resolution was adoptep: RESOLVED bythe B?ard: o'f, C 1 ounty· Co~issioners of Otter rrail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board on th~ ~6t~ day of November, 1979 accepted the bid of Fergus Dodge, Fe!".gus Falls~ Minnesota in the amount of , , $7,071.15 for a 1980 Dodge St .. ~egis, ·4-dr. sed9n for use by the Sheriff's Department, and I WHEREAS the above automobile has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the· County Board; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,:the County Auditor is hereby · authorized and. directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $7,071.15 payable I . i to Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergµs Falls, Minnesota~ in full·payment thereof. I Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of January, 1980. ATTEST: Clerk I ·1 i · Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, I authorizing the Veterans Service officer to pur¢hase a xerox copy machine for use in the veterans service office. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with John Snowberg voting "no", to grant a 47 working day leave of absenc·e to Pam Nelson of County Court. Motion was mad,e by Sydney Nelson~ ·seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", to purchase a 1979 Jeep Wagone~r and authorize payment I of same in the amountof $9,325 to Worner Auto Sales, Fergus Falls, for use by the I Sheriff's Department. ' Motion was made by Bert Hovland,jseconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", to purcha_se a 1979 Ford Granada, 2 dr., and authorize payment ofsame in the amount of $5,375.00 from Art Christianson Ford., Pelican Rapids,· Minnesota, for use by the Sheriff's Department._ Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", to purch~se a 1980 Ford Fairmont, 4 dr.., . I -and authorize .payment of same in the amount of $5,458.00 from John Oman Ford, New York Mills, Minnesota, for use by the Sheriff's Department. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren to deny approval of the application of Pine to Prairie Produce Cooperative for grant funds. The motion died for lack of a second. t ,,. '" Motion was made by Andy Leitch, sei:!onded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to appoint Arnold Evavold as a regular member· and Bert Hovland as alternate member i, • ' ·I of the West Otter Tail County Soil and Water Corse•;vation District for the calendar year 1980, on the WesMin Resource Conservation and DEvelopment Project Committee. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland:, seconded by Andy Leitch· and carried, the following bills wer eallowed: Fergus Falls Daily Journal Sydney Nelson Gloria Corell Lisa Linder Linda Snook Theresa Tuf'fs- Terry 'fuff_s Herbert Becker. -Larry Birch Elliott Boe Cooper's Office Supply Douglas Hempel Houg Business Service Kraemer; Roy Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Miller Davis Perham City R.L. Polk Company _ Security State Bank Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Printing R.L. Polk & Co _ Poucher Printing,& Litho Kenyon-Rudd Xerox Corp COMMISSIONERS DISTRICT COURT COUNTY COURT CLERK OF COURT PUBLIC DEFENDER Kristian Svingen Bureau of Busines_s Practic Cooper's Office Supply Miller Davis Minn.Co Auditor's Assoc National Cash Register Nelson Bros Printing R.L IPolk &.co i Sta-te of Minnesota I i I I I Burroughs Corp Empi!re Business Machines I H &·LOK Hardware Victor Lundeen & Co Mid~est Printing Miller Davis Mind. Assoc Co Treas I ,~·.L•[ Polk & Co -.... T r . . - ' AUDITOR INTERNAL AUDIT TREASURER 350.34 392.08 .. 10.00 16.24 13.50 30.00 "39.6o 19.36 36.92 45.00 102.00 14;40 61.75 46.52 137.58 12.00 368."80 65.00 41.00 3.50 20.46' . 21.50 339.00 41.00 - 48.'81 67.56 328.80 · 84.77 28.44 38.18 1,628.00 150.00 407.90 63.00 41.00 692.40 50.50 11.75 26.53 100.50 4.89 150.00 . 41.00 . I Poucher Printing &'Litho . I Angeline Anderson Victor Lundeen &'Co Nelson Bros Printing Duane Nodsle Otter Tail Co-op Oil Poucher Printing & Lithe White Drug Worner Auto ASSESSOR . MOTOR VEHICLE Fergus Falls Daily Journal R.L. Polit & Co Victor Lundeen & C.o COUNTY ATTORNEY American Bar Assoc. Fergus Falls Daily Journal IBM Corp Michael Kirk Miller Davis Minn. State· Bar Assoc Minn. Co Attorney's Assn Xerox Corp CO PLANNING Charles Beck Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate· . Arlys Jacobson Frank Lachowitzer Reeba Lee Otter Tµl Co Hwy Dept Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bullet:i-n ·· June Ryan · David Trites CO :RECORDER - Miller Davis Xerox Corp Rudolph Auch Roger Bengston Victor Lundeen & Co .Nelson Bros Printing Otter Tail Co-op O_il Burroughs Corp Computer Concepts Designs Systems Scott $tore. _Battle Lakke Review Bob Fritz Electronics ·,. VETS SERVICE . DATA~ PROCESSING LAND &'RESOURCE I. 205.26 9.:15 8.03 145.:00 5.00 155.'89 230.66 13.17 18.00 26.28 41.00 3.95 40.00 29.37 266.75 28.80 15.07 79.00 150.00· 368.69 160.00 21.50 30.63 119.20 176.00 121.98 32.00 6.82 . ,28~20 100.00 107.36 595.00 442.15 4.78 265.03 19.28 33.00 60.11 -51:2,oa 1~174.44 97.43 2.47 33.60 4.oo Fergus-Dodge Inc Gr-Graphics Jim's Standard Service 'James Johnson Larry Krohn Victor Lundeen & Co Marriott Inn 0:tter Tail Co ·Hwy pt:1pt -. Park Region Co-op Oil Pelican Union 76-' · · South Mill.Standard ' t , r CO HOUSING ATTORITY Warren Abbott Floyd Hoff Peter Hoff Russell Knutson Jani"ce Palan Karen Peterson Jared Smalley MISC Bills Lock & Key Corporate Risk Managers Crow Chemical Dacotah Paper Co Darel Jacobson Construction Dave Siems Decorating Electrolux Corp Fergus Falls Daily Journal Fergus Falls _Tru Value · Wm Galena & Son· H & LOK Hardware Hintgen·Karst Electric Hunt Ins. Agency . Jeff Jenson Johnson Controls Gust Lagerquist & Sons ,Mantek . Mollerud Electric Progressive Lighting Products The Rosentreter Shop .Somers Carpet Townsend Record Shop Western Chemical -, . . '.' ; ,.J, : I, EXPENSES I I. PHELPS MILL Coast to Coast Kimber Awning Maine Repair Vern Charsest Oil Battle Lake Farmers Union· Bauck Chev Bell & Howell Big "A" Auto Parts Big Chief Standard Birkholz Northside Service Bob Fritz Electronic;_s , SHERIFF ;-. ,. I 155.04 309.38 167.46 64.32. 73.04 12.21 27.35 ·73.90 ·57 .31 79.18 32.76 2,230.00 23.20 20.oov 31.20. , 34.40 4,159.21 . 35.20 12.50 520.00'· 485.03 60.82 420.00 3.98 67.10 '13.14. 198_.-98 1,284."05 .85 . 16.40 25~00 70.88, 538.07 509.12 86.76 117.24 142.75 354.96 387.17 33.90 211.41 "· 4.28 9.50 34.75 301.51 59.89 11.24 81.83 37.48 37-37 51.24 18.00 Carr Enyerprises Champion Auto Co.,;.op Services Conoco . Consumers Co-op Oil Empire Business Machines Erickson Pet.· Cbrp ·. Fergus. Falls Daily 'Journal . Fergus Falls Eye Clinic Fergus Tire Center Fergus Dodge Inc. Fergus Falls Medical I Fergus Dodge In~. · Frontier Standard John Halvorson i . Beverly Hendricison Dorothy Kausler Lake Region Vet Certte~ ~ Lake Region Hospital Law Enforcement ;9~nter Victor Lundeen & Co .. ( · ·. M & JI 94 . 1;__, __ 1 ... ' Glen Melby Minnesota Motor Co Mobile Radio,, ·Service MPH Industries Otter Tail Co-op Oil " Otter Tail Co Sheriff , Ottertail Oil Co Park Region Oil Co Peerless Handcuff Co Perham Co-op Oil Phillips Pet. Co Th"! Photo Center R.-'L. Polk & Co . ' j Poucher Printing & Lithe Service Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Westside Service. Xerox Corp American Chemical Clay.Co Treas Hintgen Karst Electric Terry Shannon Denjamin Del:gado M. D. Marjean ~son Mehdi Orandi M. D. The.Photo Center Otter Tail Co-op Oil City of Perham Perham Co-op Oil JAIL CORONER. WOT EXTENSION EOT EXTENSION I 16.76 70.13 14.18 86.52 86.04 90.00 583.58 36.)0 30.00 110.22 ·284.52 •456.50 17.20 .179.48 40.20 20.08 .144.84 28.00 706.87 25.50· 68.28 232.70 64.02 226.06 91.75 769.50 779.39 132.00 13.94 29.08 ·4.75 257.09 105.79 82.77 41.00 91.82 980.91 230.03 165.18 489.94 .132.99 12.00 24.75 1,084.00 80.00 76.20 300.00 19.48 100.00 89.00 EOT SOIL & WATER Donald Kenyon WEED CONTROL Gordon Bjoralt ROAD & BRIOOE Dennis Berend Burroughs Corp Victor-Lundeen & Co Minnesota State Reei8ter Mobile Radio Service_ NW Bell Telephone Co The Photo Center Albinson· Battle Lake. Hahiware Battle Lake Area Fire Assoc Conun •. of' Transportation Domiar. Industries Fergus Falls Rental Service General Trading Lampert Building Victor Ludeen & Co M-R Sign Co Mark Sand & Gravel Minnesota Blueprint Perham Ready Mix & Aggregate Sigelman's Steel & Salvage Wilk.in Co Hwy Dept A-1 Rubbish Ace Hardware Andy's 66 Service Battle Lake Hardware Beyer's Body Shop Big A Auto Parts Birkholz Northside Self' Service Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Carr Enterprises Champion Auto , Charley's Sharpening Se;rvice Co-op Services Coast to Coast Coast to Coast Consumers Co-op Oil. Crarie Johnson Lumber Curt's R~pair D-A Lubricant Co · Delzer Construction .Dick's Standard Duane's Mobil EOT Telephone Co Fanners Co-op Assoc Fergus Falls Tru Value Fergus Tire Fiskum Auto Parts Fiskum Auto Parts Fossen Oil Co General Trading Genuine Parts Grina H~ware Hanson's·Hardware Helle International 45.20 92.16 329.55 383.64 24.34 10.00 238.75 13.30 39.39 79.57 33.33 200.00 167.53 5,789.77 74.50 24.20 16.54 I 63. 71 4',185.15 1,448.55 61.03 _614._90 135.00 165.75 14.50 120.38 563.03 6:34 61.75 101.21 386.12 6o9.96 3.75 68-. 76 2.50 731.93 57.65 1.48 1,049.42 4,200.25 237.52 480.15 72.00 103.50 -478, 71 74.61 290.54 19.25 219.02 72.46 12.50 460.13 214.22 17.26 9.54 TL.36 175.64 City of Henning Hohman Telephone Co Itasca Equipment Co Johnson Auto Service Ken Knudson Chev. Keppers & Kern Little Falls Machine Meiers Welding Service . Mel's Service . ,:- Mid America P~wer Drives Midwest Telephon~ Co Miltona Creamery . • I ~ Minnesota Motor Co .· ·. Moe's Garage .National Bushing & Part_s North Union Champlin NW Bell Telephone Co Nundahl Oil Co· Otter Tail Co-op.Oils· Paper Calmenson & Co Park Region Mutual Teleph ne Pelican Hardware Ray's Oil Co Ron's & Don's Electric ·Russ Johnson Co Sigelman Steel &Salvage Super GMC Truck Sales Thaj.man's Repair Thomas Oil Co Torkelson Heating & Air Cond Uselman's Inc. Vergas Oil Co Welding Supplies & Fire Equip Archie Whiting · Ziegler Inc. A & C Electric Bloomington Sign-Co Lampert Building COUNTY BUILDING Otter Tail Co Hwy Dept COUNTY DITCH State of Minnesota 682.39 16.36 1,178.08 10.12 185.21 5.00 77.36 75.15 71-3. 70 66.45 8.95- 338.45 26.69 13.60 217.60 454.42 105.98 335.89 872.17 1,916.91 43.49 6.99 943.07 142.65 10.25 186.72 161.36 20.6o 609.95 18.75 3.85 1,288.68 312.72 4o.oo 106.78 114.49 33.00 20.46 32.53 160.56 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 a.m., Monday, February 4, 1980. C ATTEST: Clerk