HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/09/1979MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, October 9, 1979, all members present. Representatives of the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Ass'n apl?eared before the Board with requests for the year 1980. No action taken. Representatives from the City of Dalton appeared before the Board with a request for a special use permit to construct a tile line for the purpose of draining effluent into Pomme de Terre River. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and c_~rri~d-, witn __ J~hn Snowb~rg and Sydney Nelson voting "no", to grant an emergency special use permit to the City of Dalton to construct· a tile line to dispose of-efflue.p.t into -Pomme dE! Terre,, subject to a working relation with the M.P.C.A. The motion was amended by Andy Leitch, seconded by . . Hub Nordgren, to includ~ "subject to pe:I'mission of land-owners·." The motion carried, as amended, with John· Snowbe:rg and Sydney Ne.;t.son voti_ng "no". A petition praying for the rebuildi_ng of County Road #Bl running North and South to join with the newly built #Bl running Ea$t and West was presented to the County Board. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the petition was accepted and the County Auditor was authorized to file same. Upon motion made by Hub Nor_dgren, seconded. by Andy Leitch and carried, the County E_ngineer was authorized to advertise for bids. to be received until 9:30 a.m., Tuesday, November 6, -1979, for bri_dge replacements in Deer Creek and Blowers Townships. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept a warranty deed from Duane and Jo Ann Obe for property in the City of Vining and authorize payment in the amount of $2,250.00. i \ -- 1 -_ I ·, ' ' 1 I Upon motion made by Ber.t Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS in accordance with.a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acqui- sition oflands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS, representatives of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service met withthe Board of Commissioners on October 9th, 1979 and informed.said Commis- sioners that a waterfowl easement-had been secured from .Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Knut- ~ ., son on the SE¼SW¼ lying west of rr r/w, SW¾· SE¼ lying west of rr r/w, E½SE¼, NW'¼SE¼ except 10,000 sq. ft. all in Section :31-135-44; Mr. and Mrs. Ordean B. Haarstad on the W!iSW¼SW¾ and the N 4.0 acres of S½SW¾S~ of Section 17 and S½N~-E¼, Section 29, all in 134-:-44; and Arvin E. Kort, et al, on the SE¼SW¾, ex~. pt. NW of road, "Sec.27 and E½NW¾, N½NE¼SW¾_of Section 34 all in 134 -43, NOW, THEREFORE,_BE IT RESOLVED the County Board does hereby grant approval to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for easement acquisition on the aforementioned parcels. Dated at Fe!gus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: .. . ~ Jz~VTril Upon motion made by.Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowbe!g and carried, the following resolution·was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail. County Minnesota, that_ WHEREAS, application.has been made by.the City of Erhard, Minnesota for funds for the purc::hai,;e an_d de;7elqpment. 9f a park to be located along H_ighway #59 to provide picni'c facii.ities, b·a1i diamond and playground, thro:ugh the Wes Min RC&D Prqj e<;:t · Committee in th~ amount c,f, $90,000.00, and .i WHEREAS such project would enhance the recreational facilities in the County of Otter Tail, _. . NOW, THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED, ·the Board of County Commis- sioners does hereby approve said application by the City of Erhard, ·and does hereby support said project. Dated at Fe_rgus Falls, Minnesota this .9th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: Upon motion ,made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the followi_ng rates were established for · snowplowing· and dra_gging for the 1979-1980 season: $ 30. 00 per hour for snowpl_owing township roads or city streets $32.00 per hour for snowplowi?g private driveways with a minimum charge of one-half hour and billing to the governmental sub-unit $26.00 per hour for dragg~ng township roads or city streets $28.00 per hour for dragging private driveway·s with a minimum ·charge of one-half hour and billi_ng to the governmental sub-unit Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the' County Engineer was authorized to secure quotations on storm sewer construction in Henni_ng. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, secondeq by·John Snowberg and carried, to deny approval of an application by Ole Lather for a special use per- mit to develop 800 feet of shoreline on St. Lawrence Beach, Rush Lake by filling ·in the back 50 feet of lot and 66 feet of roadway. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the plat of Flatin's Park West, located in Section 5-135-42, subject to road approval •. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the plat of First Add'n to Ethel Beach, located.in Section 4-133-39. i . Motion was .. ma,~e_. by ~er:t-_ Hoylanq, _s_econded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the :"plat o.f :oi~mon·d C:ent~r -Btisiness Park, located inSection 32 -133 -43. l: : .. Motion was ma;~e 'by,Sydn~y Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and· carried, to approve the application of LeRoy E. Feldt for sewage disposal instal- lers license for Feldt Plumbing & Heating, F~azee, Minnesota .. a Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the followi_ng applications for special use permit were approved: Ralph & Melvina Trieglaff Ralph Trieglaff Donald N. Schroeder LeRoy Peterson Chester Leitch Rush Lake Township· Construct road to serve proposed plat (Subject to conditional requirements) Rush Lake !ownship Fill low area .. '_ · (Subject to conditional -'· •·· •• • 11 • •• ~ : require~ents·) Star Lake Township Cut knolls & fill low area~ ' · · ., · ·· . ··: (.Subject to conditional Sverdrup. Township .. ··._) Sverdrup_Township . . requirements) Tile out four potholes Moye diri, remove tree stumps alo_ng lakeshore Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to grant a special use permit to Aurdal Township to rebuild and re- align township road. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by A~dy Leitch and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Nebraska Beach, 1st Add'n, located in Section 10 -137 -40, approved for two back lots. Motion was made by .Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nor_dgren and carried, to approve a transfer by Sanf,ord Peterson, in Section 15 of Pelican Township, of two metes and bounds descriptions of no less than 150' on the lake. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by I-iubNor_dgren and carried, to approve the budget as presented,' for the year 1980, except for personal services which are not to exceed 8% over 1979,· to be distributed at the discretion of each department head. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and carried, to allocate $500,000 of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to the Road & Bridge Fund budget, with the balance of $194,815.00 to the County Revenue budget, for-capital expenditures. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by·Andy Leitch and carried, to recommend denial of an application for· funds thro_ugh the Regional Development Commission for Family Planning Special Project, already covered in other county departments. ,. ,;, ' .. I ·Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren_ . ' and carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Corrunissiorrers of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized and directed. for -and on behalf of the County of OtterTail to execute and enter into a · contract with the Commissioner of Transportation for the removal of snow from particular portions of all of the roads, h_ighways or ·runways under . ' the jurisdiction of the County of Otter Tail, all on the terms and condi- tions contained and set forth in "State of Minnesota, Department of Trans·- portation, Di vision of Field Operations, _Snow Removal Agreement", a copy of _which said form was before the Board, assuming on behalf of the County all of the contractual obi_igations therein .contained. BE IT FURTHER RESVOL~D, that Dennis Berend, the County Engineer of said Otter Tail County, be and he hereby is authorized to re- ·_ quest and order from time to time men and equipment for the removal of snow in accordance with and·~~de~ the,t~rms -9i -~~id contract. Dated at Fergus·. Falls, :Minnesota this 9th, day of October, 1979. ... ' , . ,. . ·. .. -. -~. . ; . -.-. :.-. -.. \ ATTEST: (. • J Upon motion tcie by Hub Nord~en·, ·~econded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolutions.,wer.e. adopted: ,. ·-·· ' . RESOLVED by the Board of C6unty Commissioners of Otter Tail ·.' County Minnesota that WHEREAS on May 22, 1979, the bid for mowing Area I was awarded to Carl Wallevand & Selmer Halvorson, Vini_ng, MN for a total amount of$7,147.57, and WHEREAS the above contract has no~ been completed to the satis- faction of the Board at a cost of $7,147.57, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in .the amount of $714.76 payable · to Carl Wallevand & Selmer Halvorson, Vini_ng, MN as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: Clerk RESOLVED by the Board .of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that' WHEREAS, on May 22, 1979, the County Board accepted the bid of Mrs. Birdie Whipps and Jeff Whipps, Route #1, Dalton, MN in the amount of $7,351.25 for mowing Area H, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at total cost of $6,662.75, a decrease of_ $688.50 due to a deduction of 9.8 miles shoulder cut and 9.79 miles ditch mowi?g on CSAH #25 and CSAH #33 pecause of construction work being . ) ., done, ,· r NOW,. THEREFORE, BE-IT_. RESOLVE_D ~ --'!=he County. J\uditor is hereby . ·1 . authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount. of $666.28 to Mrs. Birdie Whipps and Jeff Whipps, Dalton, MN.as final payment for this work. Dated at Fe_rgus F_alls, Minnesota this 9th. day of October, 1979. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Bert Hov.land, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED By the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board accepted the bid of Watts Electric on October 12, 1977 for the electrical construction on the county h_ighway building 'in the amount of $22,980.00 ·all;c;I. WHEREAS the above contr~ct has now been completed to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $29,413.00, an-increase of $6,433. 00 due to cha_nge orders, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is hereby authorized. and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $500.00 to Watts Electric, Lo_ng Prairie, MN in final payment thereof. ,· Dated at Fergus Falls~ ,Minnes¢ta :this 9th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: _Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowbe~g and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The sum of $71,245.00 be set· apart from the General Revenue Fund and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Institute of ~griculture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county exten- sion work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County for the year-b_eginni_ng January 1, 1980, in accordance with Chapter 202, Laws 1953 and acts supplementary hereto. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of October, 1979. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and. carried, the following re_solution was a~opted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Provision is made in the Minnesota Statutes 197i, Sec.- tion 18.231, Subdivision 1, the Board of County Commissioners when requested by the commissioner of .agriculture; shall appoint a c·ounty agricultural inspector, who shall meet qualiftcations prescribed by -~he commissioner of _agriculture, • whose duties shall be to see.· that °:i:he pro~i'sions of ·.all +awa and r.egulations deali.ng with weed control and seed in~pection are carried out; to participate in insect and plant disease, pesticide, feed and fertilizer pr_ograms, and WHEREAS the Commissioner of Agriculture has requested, on September 14, 1979 such appointment by the County Board of Otter Tail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that Gordon Bjoralt, whose address is Rothsay, Minnesota and whose telephone number is 218 867 2450, is hereby appointed from January 1, 1980 to December 31, 1980, at a salary of $473.20 monthly~ plus longevity. BE IT FURTHER UNDERSTOOD that Gordon Bjoralt may attendthe Annual County Agricultural Inspectors' Short Course and other district conferences held duri.ng the year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, tha~ a copy of this REsolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture, 90 West Plato Blvd., St. Paul, Minnesota. Adopted at Fe!gus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: ~ Li~-£ .. • 1 . • Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and Hub Nordgren voting "no" carried,/the 'following ·resolut~on was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS pursuant to Minn. Stat. 400.05 the County Board, on the 21st day of August, 1979, established a solid waste man_agement area in the northeast portion of Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS authority is thereb~ given to the County Board to levy a tax on all properties in said management area for tl').e operation thereof, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the following levies shall be imposed upon the taxpayers of Otter Tail County:located within the boundaries of the North East Otter Tail County Solid Waste Man_agement Area as established on August 21, 1979: Blowers Township Bluffton Township Butler Township Candor Township Corliss Township Dead Lake Township Dora Township Edna Township Gorman Township Hobart Township Homestead Township Newton Township Otto Township Paddock Township Perham Township Pine Lake Township Rush Lake Township . Star Lake Township Bluffton City Dent City New York Mills City Perham City Ve~gas City Adopted at Fergus Falls, ATTEST: Qf,L~ AO JJ ~,J}Clerk $800.00 1,034.00 746.00 538.00 804.00 632.00 740.00 938.00 856.00 944.00 700.00 -l,'382·.00 ; , ,·:734 .oo 624.00 1;008.00 5'88.00 9'66.00. 668 .oo· . ~ 390. 00 312.00 3,164.00. ', 8,116.00 · i · · · 562-~00 .. $27,246.00 this 9th day of October, 1979; Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the application of Reinhold Koehn for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor at the ~arf in. ~verts Towpship. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the applicaticm '.of R~inhold Koehn' for>~ permit to allow con- . ~ -1" •· .✓ sumption and display of intoxicating liquor at the Wharf There being no further.business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 10, 1979. ,- WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 a.m., Wednesday, October 10th, 1979, all members present. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by H~ No~dgren and carried, to give approval to the "Memorandum of Understanding" between the Association of Minnesota Counties and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and advise the Land Exchange Board of this approval. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to place the name of-A. Hub,ert Nordgren in.~nomination for the Citizens' • .. . : • ~ • ,I Advisory Committee on Solid W~st'e M~n~g~'m~~t. · ·.· Motion was made by. __ John $nowbe_rg; ~econdec;i_~-by Sydney Nelson and .. :· \ . carried, authorizi?g the County Auditor to advertise for bids to be received ~ •. until 10: 00 a.m. ·, Tuesday, November 6, ,1979 for one 1980 po_lice model four door . sedan, for use of the Sheriff'is Department. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve an application of Ted Carr for reduction of assessed valua- tion on certain properties in the City of Battle· Lake. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve partial payment of $16,164.71 to Douglas. County which represents OtterTail County's portion of the Douglas -Otter Tail Surfacing Project, under M.P. 78:64 (CSAH #64). Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by. Andy Leitch and carried, to appoint George Walter, Roland Saulk and Giles Harlowe .as viewers for County Ditch #12. Upon motion made by John Snowbe!g, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the followi?g resolution was ~dopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail .County Minnesota, that. Otter Tail County act as sponsori.ng unit of government and grantee for the project titled "Jail Treatment Co-ordinator~'. to be conducted by the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department during the period from January 1, 1980 thro_ugh December 31, 1980, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, Sydney Nelson, Chairman of the Board of Commissioners, is hereby authorized to apply to the Crime Control Planning· Board for funding of the project and execute such agreements as are-necessary to implement the project on behalf of Otter.Tail County. Dated at Fe!gus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by theBoard of County Commissionersof Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Otter Tail County act as, sponsor.ing unti of· government and grantee for the project titled CRANS(Co~peratives. Regionally Affiliated Narcotic Squad) to be conducted by the Bureau of Criminal Appr~hension Area Office during the period from _January 1, .1980 through December 31, 1980. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Sydney Nelson, Chairman of the County Board, is hereby authorized to apply to the Crime Control Planning Board for funding of the project and execute suchagreements as are necessary to imple- ment the project on behalf of Otter Tail County. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1979. ATTEST: Upon motion made by John· ~nowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that There be levied against the property along Otter Tail County Ditch #25 for the tax year 1980, the amount of $3,258.00, assessed against each property in the proportionate share of the original cost of said ditch. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1979. Upon motion made, by Bert Hovland, sec::mded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following bills were allowed: Office expense Michael Carr, Sheriff Terry Shannon, Sheriff Charles Sherbrooke Al Frank James Brandborg Max Kromeman Gerald Grimstad Service Oil Co South Mill Standard Virgil's Skelly Westside Services Otter Tail Co-op Oil Park Region Co-op Pelican Union 76 Perham Co-op Oil Hillcrest Phillips 66 M & J Mobil, Holiday Robo Car Wash Gene's Standard Conoco :in.. Consumers Co-op Oil Farmers Union Oil Dent Oil Co Denny's North Star Clark Oil & Refining SHERIFF', Birkholz Northaide Self Service Big Chief Standard Bengtson Oil Co Fergus Tire Service Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc Carr Enterprises Big A Auto Parts Bauck Chev. Co National Bushing & Parts Ebersviller Impl. Co Mobile Radio Service Welding Supplies & Equip. Uniforms Unlimited Ringdahl & Co Minnesota Reformatory The Photo Center Kustoms Signals Inc. Fergus Rental Center Al's Shoe Box City of Fergus Falls Xerox Corp Protect Aire R.C. Printing Co Nelson Bros Printing Victor Lundeen & Co Johnson Furniture International Business Machines Hanson Hardwar~ H & LOK Hardware General Trading Co Gambles Empire Business Machines 341.00 10.00 190.00 3.16 184.62 24.oo 61.44 95.00 870.33 10.00 74.oo 90.31 · 731.88 51.44 15.30 286.89 11.86 . 96.93 1,328.94 859.56 101.74 51.58 142.79 7.68 18.98 24.64 13.25 73.36 149.93 13.94 830.77 86.20 1,265.19 97.49 3.90 67.74 25.44 96.89 469.00 16.00 10.20 635.00 60.00 229.18 67.77 3.00 35.00 69.30 250.98 76.65 165.00 69.00 549.20 23.70 17.82 1.50 4.36 28.80 3.50 24.oo Dacotah Paper Co Donovon's Biltmore Motor Hotel Memorial Hospital&: Homes Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falle Vets Clinic Fergus Falls Medical Group White Drug Co City Pharmacy Yvonne S Hanley Luella Schlueter Susan Nelson · .Dorothy Kausler Mrs Gordon Tomhave• Bev Hendrickson Orletta Eisenhuth Cass Clay Creamery Continental Big Red Don's Jack & Jill Fergus Jobbing Inc. Fergus Locker Metz Baking Co National Food Service Food Market Super One . Warehouse Food Mark It Hintgen Karst Electric Debra Emery Mrs Gordon Tomhave CO COURT Xerox Corp Cooper's Office Supply IDc. Oswald Publishing Co Poucher Printing&: Lithe Midwest Printing Nelson Bros Printing Victor Lundeen & Co Bob Fritz Electronics The Photo Center City of Perham Michael Kirk Roger Oldenkamp Don Omodt, Sheriff Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co IBM Corp Midwest Bus Products Nelson Bros Printing Oswald Publishi:ng:~co Matthew Benda~&: Co Williams & Nitz CO ATTORNEY National District Attorney's Assn 188.85 117 .48'· 57.70 14.oo 51.09 73.85 126.80 33.18 177.66 46.oo 10.27 30.32 93.28 91.88 42.89 58.4o 332.63 413.86 205.08 40.70 288.So 139.63 549.62 34.06 205.91 408.82 49.49 24.85 14.70 303.55 531.90 81.99 45.04 117.00 656.00 263.27 . 8.36 30.32 65.00 123.80 118.00 7.60 170.00 445.45 533.50 23.75 13.14 13.55 306.00 1.75 125.00 ASSESSOR Eu.gene Davenport Otter Tail Co-op Oil Boeckh Co I.B.M. Corp : Empire Business Machi.Bes Minn. Assoc of Assessing Officers The Photo Center ~ 'White Drug VETS·SERVICE Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Connie Hovland Jan Baumgartner Cooper's Office SU.pply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Otter Tail Co-op Oil Fergus Dodge_ LAND & RESOURCE. James Johnson Larry Krohn William Kalar Peg Blahosky Minn. Assoc of Civil Defense Dir Otter Tail Co-op Oil Pelican Union 76 Victor Lundeen & Co GrGraphics CO PLANNING Reba Lee David Trites· Battle Lake Review Wadena--Pioneer Journal Perham.Enterprise Bulletin Parta Printing Daily Jouraal. Mehdi Grandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Maurice Beers M.D SU.bhi Sharifi M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. O.P. Gosien M.D. Diosdado Tatl~hghari M.D Romula Orque M.D. Benjamin Delgado M.D CORONER HRA Karen Peterson Phyllis Dunker Floyd Hoff Russell Knutson Janice Palan 83.52 125.16 88.oo 10.20 274.oo 135.00 79.85 187.66 56.24 58.18 45.51 75.71 129.00 56.40 83.00 54.oo 15.95 n5.65 61.12 208.64 18.56 10.00 76.41 77.61 421.56 · 178.92 155-92 163.75 41.44 i7.01 42.44 .10:·20 53.32 300~00 . 76.80 4o.oo 4o.25 417.25 40.00 40.00 80.00 80.00 2,022.91 630.00 23.84 32.20 34.40 '·I .: WOT SOIL & WATER Arnold Evavold 207.00 Homer Sem 113.94 Glenn Haugrud 199.21 Norman Fjestad 168.81 Harold Skistad 107.10 EOT SOIL & WATER Rodney Flatau 23.04 Jeff Tikkanen 43.99 Donald Kenyon . 29.50 Marlin Senske 92.11 Sam. Plains Project 1,200.00 EQT EXTENSION Perham Co-op Oil 66.79 Auto Glass Installers 50.00 WOT EXTENSION Kenneth Rose 10.02 Steve Handegaard 22.70 Otter Tail Co-op Oil 116.56 Fergus Tire Center 157.35 Minnesota Motor Co 24.15 City of Perham 100.00 CO EXTENSION COMM. Vernon Johanson 24.oo Max Kroneman 20.00 Allan Schermerhorn 33.44 Willis Roehl 22.08 PHELPS MILL Ebersviller Implement Co 2,678.00 Coast to Coast Battle Lake 64.04 Melcher Oil Co 537-53 Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil 5.18 National Busing & Parts 29.92 Battle Lake Sanitary Landfill 25.50 Ebersviller Impl. Co 46.50 Mike Nelson 168.93 L.R. Jenson 164.12 Gordon Hanson 64.oo Julian Tollerude 20.00 DATk PROCESSING Burroughs Corp 476,28 ,J'f' Computer Concepts 3,322.59 Office Electronics Inc 4oo. 78.:>, Laura Youngsma 19.20 VOTER REGISI'RATION Miller Davis 210.50 Poucher ~rinting & Litho 517.15 Nelson Broe Printing 155.00 Empire Business Machines 36.00 DISTRICT COURT Elks Lodge Myron Russell Dennis Harworth Lana Wade Ronald Lillestol Robert Benjamin Leonard Roberts BOARD OF ADJ Thomas Donoho Battle Lake Review MISC EXPENSES Gust Lagerquist & Son Mollerud Electric Knutson Htg & Air Cond. William Galena & Son Team Laboratory Chemical Corp Electrolux Corp Otter Tail Glass Crow Chemical & Equip Datco Specialty Lighting 21st Century Enterprises Uni Lite Inc. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Swedberg Floral Reline Davis Nash Perrine Jeff Jensen Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co · Poucher Printing, & Litho Coopers Office Supply Inc. I Pitney Bowes · IBM Corp· Nelson Bros Prtg Hesby Barker Agency 1 State of Minnesota Robert Oslund & Assoc Minn •. · Counties Research Foundation Bureau of Business Practice Fair Hills Resort Holiday Inn Daily Journal Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate_ Parta Printing Parkers Prairie Independent Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Chapin Pub. Co Daily Journal National Assoc of Counties Gordon Bjoralt R Kristian Svingen Helen Skramsted Cora Nelson George Nelson ~ylvia Bergerud Peggy N~sh 34.22 10.00 10.00 106.16 42.96 31.60 47.00 20.00 4.76 100.00 127.98 42.50 1,136.67 59.13 15.50 8.50 266.41 164.61 99.18 134.78 36.71 544.oo 49.95 46.oo 36.00 580.66 1,974.20 178.62 79.29' 93.84 78~00 810.00 363.00 274.02 7,244.02 170.50 45.00 28.44 31.20 95.32 1,073.61 · 39.00. 25.00 599.00 32.50 44.20 36.00 29.67 15.38 578.00 102.24 12.00 48.oo 24.20 31.56 24.32 4.45 BOAT &: WATER SAFETY · Bay View Shores Resort Birkholz Northside Self Service . Carr Enterprises Inc. -Denzel' s Welding &: Heating . Gerald Evenson Inc. Larry Kantrud Kimber Awning Co Lund American Inc. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Inc. Perham Co-op Oil Robo Car Wash Simison Marine Inc. Town&: County Interiors BUILDING CO DITCH# 37 Starbuck Cement Products Battle Lake Review CO DITCH# 3 Grant Co Hearld ROAD&: BRIDGE Barco Bearing Co Bearing & Drives of North Dakota Big A Auto Parts Fiskum Auto Parts Co General Trading Fiskum Auto Parts Co Genuine Parts Co Gerry's Parts Supply Genuine Parts Co , Hanson Wheel Horse Helle International Inc. Little Falls Machine National Bushing & Parts Riverside Repair Shop Russ Johnson Co Skip's Genuine Parts Uselman's Inc. Vaughn Chevrolet Co Westgo Truck Equip. Ziegler Inc. Alexandria Diesel Service Farnam Tire Center Fergus Dodge Inc. Hage~•s Inc. Inter~tate Detroit Diesel Allison Inc Johnson Welding Service K & K Tire Inc. Mobile Radio Service Olson Auto Electric-~ervice Anderson Grocery Battle Lake Fanners Union Oil Battle Lake Hardware Ben Franklin_. · Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning 151.59 31.'80 118.11 12.00 48.75 29.69 21.25 176.35 190.67 22.78 47.18 43.75 410.00 617.50 9.00 9.51 38.53 684.90 15.04 18.29 447.72 15.18 29.35 35.03 14.89 22.95 418.89 73.23 475.12 17.38 214.57 61.77 38.61 18.9T 68.09 1,429.29 568.85 7.50 301.16 1.50 332.43 63.50 53.00 15.00 98.58 28.57 15.42 148.58 4.16 107.38 65.95 Cran-. Johnson Lumber Co Fargo Foundry Steel & Mfg Fergus Falls Tru Value Hardware H &.L. OK Hardware Hanebuth Hardware Hank Hanson' s Hardware Hank Hanson's Plumbing &.Heating Lake Region Rehab. Industries M-R Sign Co Inc. Mills Farmers Elevator North Star Plumbing & Heating Pelican Paint & Glass Sigelman Steel & Salvage Stenerson Bros Lumber -. Swanson's Surplus Team Laboratory Chemical Welding Supplies & Fire Equip Paper Calmeneon & Co Goodyear Service Store Mark Sand & Gravel City of Henning City of Fergus Falls Otter Tail Co Sheriff·•~ · Office Barry's Excavating Mark Sand & Gravel Construction Bulletin Daily Journal Albinson 3M Business Products The Photo Center Poucher printing & Litho Victor Lundeen & Co . EOT TeleP.hone Co Hohman Telephone Co Midwest.Telephone Co Northwestem'i3ell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend Goodwin & Othelia Erlandson Dale Fronning Julia Hoff S. John Kyro Stanley L. & Marie Malikowski L.N. Sickels Co Inc. D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Bob's Standard Bulk Service Fraki Oil Co ·Penrc,,se Oil Co Goldammer Oil Co Melcher Oil Co Park Region Co-op. Andy's 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Bud's Mobil Consumers Co-op Oil Co-op Services Inc. Curt's Repair Dent Oil Co 3.45 3,027.00 18.37 37.19 24.46 52.57 169.33 150.00 82.65 142.70 47.39 2.05 62,57 5,195.31 26.93 105.00 82.80 9,103.19 94,87 l,536.4o 555.75 841.88 1,955.20 333.00 4,66q.62 122.98 21.95 65.66 69.48 108.19 20.35 250.57 163.64 32.81 25.86 131.52 92.29 35,90 38.00 377.50 20.00 90.16 100.00 20.00 17,321.93 430.10 298.83 323.95 40.45 451.36 1,529.28 163.57 1,188.45 959.01 462.31 302.56 456.27 212.26 463.76 Dick's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Assn Jim's-Service Jim's Standard Mayo's Standard Service 'North Union Champlin Otter Tail Co-op Oil Vergas Oil Co Ray's Oil Co CETA Carr Enterprises, Hanson's Hardware Hank Kimber Awning Vergas Oil Co Duane Bjerketvedt 121.12 633.56 208.39 546.06 212.09 1,492.21 91.78 502.29 46o.78 8.46 11.45 10.40 19.15 160.48 There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 1:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 23, 1979. L ATTEST: c;/4,~-6-;"') & By.etz?R!cte ,/) Clerk