HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/22/1979MINtrrES OF nlE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 1:00 P.M .. Tuesday, May 22, 1979, all members
The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received
for a 50' x 100' tract in Section 2 of Dtmn Township, proceeded to open bids which
were found to be as follows;
Hohman Telephone Company, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota $100.00
After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland to accept the
bid of Hohman Telephone Company, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota in the amount of $100.00
with the stipulation that Ed Zaranka, owner of the adjoining property, be assured
access to the comtr road. The motion was seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried.
The Board, previously having advertised for bids for roadside mowing,
proceeded to open bids whi_ch w"re found to be as follows:
Thomas Benson, Henning, Minnesota . ;· .
Leonard Erlandson, Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Merlin Thollll'son, Underwood, Minnesota ,
Orris A. Albertson & Leonard Lein,
Underwood, Minnesota
95.00 ·
After consideration, motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by
Bert Hovland and carried, to award the roadside mowing bids to Thomas· Benson,
Henni.ng, Minne~ota for areas B & C in the amount of $92. 00, each, and to Leonard
Erlandson, Fergus Palls, Minnesota in the amotmt of $81.13, being the lowest bids.
-.. . Upon DJOtic,n made by.Hub Nordgren, seconded.by Bert Hovland and
carried, with. Andy Leitch and John Snowberg voting "no'', the East Otter Tail
County Extension Servi1:e office wa; authorized to obtain quotati'.ons· for the purchase
0£ a mid-size station wagon. for consideration by the Board at 10: 30· A.M., Wed:..
nesday·, .June 6th.·
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has submitted to the Commissioner
of Transportat_ion the p],ans. and specif::i.cat~_c,ms for the improvement
of County Sta.te Aid Higfo~ay Nq • 8r f]'.'.om the Jct·: T .H. 78 6 miles
south of Battle Lake to 1. 7.99 m:i.ies E·ast. '
WHEREAS, state-aid funds will: be expended on the improvement of
said highway and
WHEREAS, the approved state.,.:'..afd staii.dards·, for reasons of traffic
safety and economy, limit and restrict a portion of the parking to
that which is parallel to the highway.
NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED That said County of Otter Tail shall require
that the parking of all vehicles between Station 58+00 and Station
60+o0 on said County State-A·" .Highway No. 81 be parallel to the
highway in accordance with ' · S 'te-:-Aid: OJn.da d~
Dated May 22, 1979 ~
State of Minnesota
County of Otter Tail
) ) ss.
I do hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true
and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the
County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota at a duly authorized
meeting thereof held on the 22nd_ day of May, 1979, as shown by the
minutes of said meeting in my possession.
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agrement between the
Minnesota Departtme~tof Natural Resources and ~he·u. s. Fish an~ Wildlife Ser-
vice, da1111 May 23, 1962, certification by the·county Board of~Commissioners for •·
acquisition of lands by the U.S. Fish.and Wildlife Service is requested, and
; I -~:
,. ., • s•,• ·,., ,',-.I
WHEJtEAS representatives -of the•u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service
have met with the Board of Commissioners, on May 22, 1979 and infomed the
CODllllissioners that a purchase agreement.had been secured from Mr. and Mrs. . .
Randolph Anderson on that part of Sublot -B.·of Lakeside Add'n to the City . ' . . .
.... ' • ' w, f-'~?'_'1_ 'I
of Erhard described as follows·:
t I
Beginning at the· NW· corner of Sublot B, which is also the NW: comer of
the~~ of.Section 28-135-.43; thence easterly along the north line of
S.L~ B approx~ 867.7' to the stake; thence southerly approx. 230.0' to a
· stake; thence easterly approx 190.0' to a. stake, which is also located
on the east line of S.L. B; thence southerly along the east line'approx~
70.0' to the SE corner of S.L.B; thence westerly along the south line
approx. 1057.7' to the SW comer of S.L.B; ·thence northerly approx.
300.0' to the pabt of beginning.
NOW, 'nlEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED; the above request after con~ . . . .,
sideration, be and is he~by app~1ved~ subjec~; to·· approval by the City of
,. i
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of May, 1979.
. ~-«) &cjet<f i,,icD_~l~~k
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded-by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the following resolution was ~dopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of Co\Dlty Commissioners of Otter Tail
Co\Dlty Minnesota-that
WHEREAS, in accordance with -a Procedural AGne.ment between the
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. s. Fish and Wildlife Ser-
vice, dated May 23, 1962, certification by the Co\Dlty Board of Connnissioners for
acquisition of lands by theU. S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and
WHEREAS, representatives of the U. s. Fish and Wildlife Service ·
met with the Board of Commissioners of OtterTaila County Minnesota on May 22,
1979 and informed the Commissioners that a waterfowl easement had been secured
from each of the following landowners:
L"'-rence R. Beckman, SE¼NI:¼, NEJaSE¼ Section 34 -135..: 43
Clarence G. S\Dldblad, NW¼ SW¼ ofS~ction 26 and N½SE¼, SW¼ SE¼ of Section
-27, all in 135 -43
Mrs. Clara Rorvig, SE¼ NW¼ of Section 32 -135 -·44
Richard M. Watkins, S½SE¼ of Section 34.;-135 -43 and
Lot 4, Section 2 and that part of the SW¼ NE¼ desc. as
follows: P.O.B. on the' E l~ne of~¼ lying 16 rds N
of the SE cor of said SWJ.cNE¼, thence NW to the NW cor.
of said SW¼ NE¼, thence east along N line of SW¼ NE¼
to the NW cor.-of.SW¼ NE¼; thence S along east line of
SW¼ NE¼ to·P.O.B., Section3.:
_All in t.,Township}_; 134 ~ Range ':43
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, appnval is hereby given for
acquisition by the U. S •. Fi.sh and Wildlife:;Serv.ice for the above mentioned wat~rt
fowl easement properties-.
Dated· at Fergus Falls_, 22nd day of May, 1979.
' . ~ . . ' . . .
c:?'f jl,i~ ,i) ,& lfk-Fi ~lerf.
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and
carried, the following resolution was adopted:
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail . -
CotDlty Minnesota, that
WHEREAS application·has\beenmade by theCOtDlty Auditor of
Otter Tail Co1Dlty for· the cancellati.on of a certificate of forfeiture for
' . ' property in the name of Anthony & Nora Reineke, being Pt. G.L. 3, Beg. 271'
E of NW' cor., S 23l', E 220:r·, N 231', W 220', in Section· 6 -132 -37,•
That the inclusion of:the aforementioned property was erroneous
in that a confession of judgment was filed prior to the certificate of for-
feiture and said land should not have been included therein,
NOW, lllEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,the auditor's certificate of
forfeiture for said lands described herein, be approved and recommends the s~ .
be granted, for cancellation.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Min~esota this 22nd day of May, 1979.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and
carried, to approve the plat of 2nd Add'n to River.Oaks, to be located in Section
6 -132 -40.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch,_ seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, to approve the applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license,
subject to posting of bond, as follows:
Norman Luk.ken g Berton Olson
Julian Tollerude
Lg O Enterprises Battle Lake, Minnesota
Underwood, Minnesota
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and . _,., .
carried, the following applications for sew_age disposal insllllers license were
approved, subject to posting ··of qond:
Gaylord Schallock
Harold Engebretson
Ted Delzer
Todd Schroeder
Allen D, ~oggenk~
Alfred· Marsh.
D~lzer Con$truction
Ashby f)lmnbing
Roggenkamp Excavating. ·
, Waln Excavating
Henning, Minnesota
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Dalton, Minnesota
Ashby, Minnesota
Wadena, Minnesota
Breckenridge, Minnesota
Wadena, Minnesota Sam Waln, Jr. · :,_.
Wilbur Torgrimson Torgy's', Trenching & Const.· Ashby, Minnesota . ;•
Marvin J. 1.f:egscheid Bluffton Hardware
Norman.Luk.ken· & Berton Ohon L. & O Enterprises
Rodney Hanson Hanson •s Plbg. & Htg.
Bluffton~ Minnesota
Battle Lake, Minnesota
Vergas, Minnesota
Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson~ seconded.by· John Snowberg and
carried, a prelimin,-ry plat of Oakland Ridge to be .located· in Section S .., 137 -39
was approved.
Mott.on was made by Andy Leitch,. seconded hr' Hub Ncn:dgre,i and carried·,
to uphold the decision· of the Otter Tai.1 County Planning Advisory Commission an4
. .
deny th.e application of Prank Greve for special use permit to cut bank on Lots 1 g 2,
Thalman '-s Hill top View Addition to the City of Ottertail.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Be~ Hovland and
carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail C0tmty Planning Advisory Com-
mision and deny the applicati.on of Robert F. Lucking~ for special use permit
on Parcel "A" and "B" in G.L. 4, Section 6, Pine Lake Township. b'ecause ~f lack
of information.
Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by AndyLeitch and
carried, to approve an application of John D. Flannagan, for special use permit
to have a 3.2 beer license on G.L. 6, Section 9 of Dead Lake Township.
Bob Bergh, Fergus Falls, appeared· in connection with a hearing
to consider renewal of an installer's license for the Otter Tail Sewer and
Water. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to deny said application for installers
license until a non-compliance situation involving a sewer i11st~llatinn is
corrected. The motion was seconded by John Snowberg 8l\d earrie~ unanimously.
Attorney Charles Krekelberg appeared before the Board on behalf
of Milton Seifert of Pelican Rapids requesting approv,1 of IJldustrial Revenue
Bonds for a development in Dunn Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland to
approve said Industrial Revenue Bonds, seconded by Sydney Nelson, but failed
with Hub Nordgren, Andy Leitch and John Snowberg voting ''no".
Upon moti.on made by Andy Lei tcli, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the following applications for Hc~nse to sell non-i11t~xicating malt
liquor were approved:
Clifford M. Moen
Milton Baglien
John Flanagan
Charles P. Scherz_
Helen Eldevick
River-N-Woods Campgrounds
American Legion Post
Whitehaven R~sbrt
Bayview Shores Resort
Fergus Falls Township
Buse Township
Dead Lake Township
Perham Township
Scambler Township
Upon motion made. by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and
carried, the following applications for permit to allow consmnption and display of
intoxicating liquor were approved:
Charles Battit
Kenneth E, Bickel
Bonita M. Houts
Pine Lakes Lodge
Birch Shore.Resort
Dane Prairie Township
Corliss Township
Candor Township
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, the application of Cathy Meader for license to sell intoxicating liquor
at Dunvilla in Dunn Township, was approved.
Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and -
carried, to approve an application of Donald Fimhaber for license to sell wine
at Ford's Country Inn in Candor Township.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried, to authorize the County Auditor to advertise for bids to be received
until 10:00 A.M., Monday, July 9, 1979, for a parcel of land containing 1.89
acres, located in the S½ of Section 36 ·-132 --42.
Motion was made by Andy Leite~,_ seconded by Hub Nordgren and
carried:, to approve an auditor's subdivisiOJ?, plat, to be known as Auditor's
Subdivision Plat #110, located in Section 4 of Nidaros Township~
There being no further.business, the Chairman adjourned the
meeting until 1:00. P.M.,•Tuesday, June 19, 1979.
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