HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/08/1979MINUTES OF 1HE ADJOURNED MEETING OP THE BOARD OF COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS OTl'ER TAIL. ~UNTY' MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment,· the Board of County·Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota· met at 9:30 A.M., ·Tuesday, May 8, 1979, all members pres.ent. Representatives·ot the.West Otter Tail County Pair Association appeared before the Board requesting an appropriation· for the year 1979·. Motion was made by John· Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to grant $10,000 each to· the East Otter Tail County Fair Association and the West Otter Tail County Fair Association~ The Board, having previously advertised· for bids to be· received for grading and aggregate surfaci_ng, under S.A.P. 56-625-:os, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ed Zimmerinan, Barrett,· Minnesota $188,116.35 Evavolc:l~Vi:kesland Construction, Fergus Falls·, Minnesota . 190,835.50 Minnerath Const. Inc., Cold Spring, Minnesota 210,421.02 :,.-Menge;:1f;onst~!=tton•:·Co-,~.;, Graceville, Minnesota 212,036.26 Martin Fruth, Inc., Al Minnerath, INc., Cold Spring, Minn. 221,262.12 Donald Conroy Construction Co., Dumont, Minnesota · 232,246.00 ~ ' . . Ackling Construction Co.~ Perham, Minnesota 235,533.06 Strom Constructi.on · Co. , Moorhead, Minnesota .. , 245,715.00 • Dwire, Inc., Marshall, Minnesota 251,856.50 Alley Construction. Co., Inc., Alexandria, Minnesota 264,867.65 After consideration, motion was made b.y Andy Leitch, seconded by John SnQW.berg and carried, to award said construction contract to Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota in the amount of $188,116. 3S, it being the low.est bid. Moti.on was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the preliminary. design of the.bridge at Phelps Mill. \ Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION Whereas, local residents have petitioned for a speed zone on County State Aid Highway No. 3 in the vicinity of Schmidt's Bridge over the Otter Tail River, and Whereas, Otter Tail County has determined that a speed zone would provide a measure of increased safety at this location Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that Otter Tail County does hereby request the Minnesota Commissioner of Transportation to establish a 30 mi.le pe.r hour•speed zone at Schmidt's Bridge. Adopted this 8th day of May , 1979. Attest; ( ·; ... (SEAL) Upon moiton made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:30 A.M., June 5, 1979 forthe following tied projects: S.A.P. S.A.P. S.A.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C.P. C .• P. 56-611-08 56-652-04 56-681-02 79:1168 79~ 1368 79:4M 79:lOM 79:Twp-8 79:MM-l 1.0 miles O.l miles 1.8 rililes· 4.4 niiles 8.0 miles 0.6 miles 0.6 miles 6.0 miles Materials furnished at source Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:45 A.M., June 5, 1979 for the following: Bituminous Seal Coat, C.P. 79:SS Approximately 80.12 miles of County State Aid Highways, County Highways, Township Roads & City Streets Highway Striping, C.P. 79~H.S. Approximately 185.0 miles of County State Aid Highways Upon motion made hr Bert Hovland, seconded by· Hub Nordgren and carried, the ColDlty· Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids· tobe received until 10:00 A.M., June S, 1979 for t~e following: s·.A. P. 56-633-04 Length 4 .• o miles, . from CSAH #3S to 4 miles north"est. Motion was, made by Bert .. Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the transfer of 0-.14 acres of iand in Govemment Lot 4, Section 3S-134-41 in Phelps Mill ColDlty Park to the County Highway Department. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to hire Sterling Excavating Co., to construct a retaining wall on CSAH #81 in Eagle Lake Township in the amount of $2,850.00. . . The Board, having previously advertising for bids· to be received for a car for the use of.the East Otter Tail County Extension·service, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows} Hi-.Way• Auto & Implement Co.,~ New York Mills·, Minnesota $6,695.00 Because only one bid was received and confusion relating the bidding, motion was· made hr Sydner Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to table action on the bids. Upon·motton·made by Bert Hovland, seconded by JohnSnow;l>erg and carried, the.following·resolution·was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of· County Commissioners of Otter Tail County·Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the ' '.. ' ·... -. . f,tinnesotaDepartment of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser- ., vice,· dated May, 23·., 1962, 1certificati.on · by th~ C!)uilty Board of Commissioners ' J ~ for acquisiti0.n of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested~ and WHEREAS· representatives· ·of ·the· U. · S. · Pish. and Wildlife. Service met. w.ith the. Board of Comilis~ioners o~ Otter: f.ail <;;ounty on. May 8, 1979 and iniormed said Commissioners that a waterfowl easement had been secured from Les lie D _ Satter, et al, on the· ~ of Section· 34· ;.., 136 .: 42, · and WHEREAS said Board considered said easement, · NQW,.THEMPORJ:., BE.IT RESOLVED, the.Otter·Ta!l,Coµnty Board does· hereby approve the aforementioned easement. · Dated· at Fergus Falls, Minnesota· this 8th: day of May, 1979. ATrEST~. ~·· Jz~~e;.,_ Upon moti.on made by Bert Hovland, seconded· by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter· Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on January 3, 1979, the County Board accepted the bid of Egge Cons•truction, Pelican Rapids, Minnesota in the amount of $8,500.00 for the demolition and removal of the county owned· houses· on South Court in the City of Fe.rgus Falls , and WHEREAS· the above contract hai now .. been completed to the sati.s- faction of the County Board at a total cost of·$s,soo.oo, NOW, 'llfEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the· amount of .$8,500.00 to Egge Cons.tructic;m, Pelican R,apids·, Minnesota in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of May, 1979. ATTEST; ~e)· ·dr<:JA-dj~·; Clerk. '· Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, se~ded by Hub Nordgren and ,· ' camed, approval was given to the Sacred· Heart ChUTCh of Dent., for a one-day beer license for use at a church festival in Edna Township on July 1, 1979. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and • f carried, to approve the contract with Glenn Cording g Associates of Minneapolis for architect serri..ces · on the new government services building to be constructed in the City of Fergus Falls, at a fee of 7¼%. Moti.on was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to· approve official cowty directional signs, prior to tum, if in accordance with. the law. Motion was made by· Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an abatement calling for the foregiveness of the 1973tax on the W 132' of N 198.4' of s·.L. s g 6 of G.L. 3 g 4 in Section 23 -135 -39, where certification.had been made by the auditor's office ona deed transfer in 1977 -whereby all deliquent taxes· were certified as having been paid. Motion·was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren.and carri.ed, to grant permission to Irving Sem to transfer a parcel of 2.1 acres by metes and bomds description, in G.L. 1, Section 9 of Sverdrup Township. Motion was· made by-Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve· the purchase· of plat cabinets· and vinyl envelopes:1by the ComtyRecorder at a cost of $1,968 for·the·cabinets and $2;144.00 for the en:... velopes. Motion was.made by aohn S~o~berg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve a change order calling,,for the ~eduction of $287 .11 on the contract amomt of $21,500.00 with Anderson Bros. Construction Company, Fergus Falls; Minnesota for the remodeling of the County Attomey's office. '\ Mott.on was made by Andyaeitch•, seconded by Bert Hovland and ,, carried, to approve payment of $11.50:.'to"the.-Maricop~ County Sheriff•s Office, Arizona, for service of summons. • I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch;\seconded by John Snowberg and carried·, the· following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by· the Board of Cotmty Comissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that · WHEREAS, pursuant to'M.S. 4.075' the.State Depa~ent of PubliC? Safety has. been des_ignated as the appropriate ~g~cy to receive, allocate •d disburse Federal moneys provided tmder the National High.way Safety Act of 1966, and WHEaEAS Otter.Tail Comty is authorized to administer local high- way safety programs which have been approved by the govemor as part of the State Highwar Safety, ~rogram and to receive such fmtds as may be available for such purposes, and WHEREAS a progi'am to·purch.ase·moving radar has.been· approved· as part of .the State Highway-Safety· Program and funds are available for the use·· of.the State and the County, NOW,. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: the· County of Otter Tai.l' does. hereby desire to enter· into· _agreement with the State· Of Minnesota for· appro- priation· and. authorl.zes:' the Chairman of the Board and the· County-· Auditor to execute said agreement on behalf·of Otter ·Tail County. . Dated at Fergus· Falls, Minnesota this 8th· day ·of· May, 1979. ATl'EST: . . o/1" a) .Jet?;rip 0,_,_J; . ,. h.. ) Clerk Upon moti,on made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following abatements were approved: · E. W. Raddahl Henry Bros. Dev. Co. FlDldal, Inc. Doyd A. Fi.sher City-· of ·aattle Lake . Dmm Township Everts Township City·· of Fergus Falls Raymond . & Betty,· ~ephens: · Girard Township Henry g Violet Wahl' Peter J., Pabian Blow.ers Township · Oscar Township Virgil g Virginia Watson Sverdrup Township . ' Double Assessment .. Double assessment Double assessment Building over~valued . ' Tornado damage to cabin prior· to assessment Land overvalued Assessed for too many tillable acres Property overvalued Motion was made by Bert.Hovland; seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to reject bids for the autom~bile for the East Otter Tail County Extension Service. Upon moti.on · made by Bert Hovland, seconded by· John Snowbe.rg and carried, the· following bills w.ere allow.ed: Glen Melby Clarence Frank Rodney Jensen Charles Hay Richard Kausler Richard Tamke Lavern Simdorn Dale Akerman Max Kroneman Er'ickson Holiday Big Chief Texaco Fanners Union Oil Continental Oil Co Consumers Oil Co Gene's Standard Frontier Standard Park Region Co-op Otter Tail Co-op Perham Co-op Thomas Oil Co . Service Oil Co Rothsay I 94 Phillips Petroleum Fergus Dodge Bauck Chevrolet Bob Moore Ford Fergus Tire Center Varda Fergus Plumbing Denzel Welding & Htg Beyer!s Body Shop National Bushing & Parts General Trading Riverside Repair Mobile Radio Service Kustom Signals Inc. Hesby Barker Stenerson Bros Lumber Pelican Glass & Paint City of.Fargo Xerox Corp Uniforms Unlimited Poucher printing & Litho The Photo Center Empire Business Machines Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Nelson Bros Printing The Pierce Motel Co Highway Dept St Mary's Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group Fergus Falls Vets Clinic Orandi Medical SHERIFF 74.76 950.40 993.60 388.80 55.55 8.92 44.14 18.25 112.24 711.81 1.80 77.18 -45.71 72.34 8.61 70.50 14.86 530.00 365.79 1,157.16 396.79 19.32 55.30 230.64 13.95 69.98 85.05 19.39 26.85 3.00 720.84 3.11 15.22 29.71 288.85 291.14 49.25 19.56 20.07 40.00 199.83 9.30 419.53 268.22 35.00 99.13 13. 72 68.oo 165.00 68.48 582.10 16.50 63.00 10.50 / •of-andi Medical Bev Hendrickson Mrs Gordon Tomhave Cass Clay Creamery Continental Big Red Red Owl Store Piggly Wiggly National Food Store Metz Baking Fergus Jobbing Don's Jack & Jill Service Food Market Warehouse Food Market - Xerox Corp Poucher Printing & Litho Miller Davis Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Victor Lundeen & Co Empire Business Mach,.nes Secretarial Service Lampert Construction DWI Clinic City of Perham Virginia Rustad - CO COURT . · CO ATl'ORNEY Xerox Corp Williams & Nitz Miller Davis Nelson Bros Printing Oswald Publishing Co.· Victor Lundeen & Co IBM Corp Roger Oldenkamp Karen Peterson Phyllis Dunker Russell:0:K:nutsori~:·_." Floyd Hoff Janice Palan Jared Smalley Victor Lundeen & Co Mpls HRA Minn. NAHRO Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Co-op Fergus Dodge Inc. HRA VETS SERVICE 10.50 29.20 20.07 248.70 647.50 46.04 234.42 200.11 112.31 35.95 6o.49 111.97 170.16 270.00 104.45 59.16 221.00 53.98 36.00 122.00 348.37 550.00 65.00 151.59 171.38 25.00 74.61 31.00 13.43 38.54 266.75 86.oo 1,9#6.10: 840.00 21.90 13.40 25.30 28.65 33.15 5.88 6.oo 32.64 37.77 32.54 63.35 Victor Lundeen & Co 84.33 MidWest Carbon 13.20 National Pen Corp. 40.77 CO PLANNING Wilfred Estes 115.40 Perham Enterprise Bulletin 10.40 Daily Journal 24.28 LAND & RESOURCE James Johnson 75.00 William Kalar 61.65 Larry Krohn 54.15 GR Graphics 193.92 J.C. Penny Co 9.77 Victor Lundeen & Co 347.05 Arneson Larson Milton 50.00 Fergus Dodge 7.50 So Mill Standard 23.71 EOT Telephone Co 41.76 Linda Bergerud 62.71 BOARD OF ADJ Richard Portman 20.00 Thomas Donoho 20.00 Craig Anderson 32.00 Calvin Johanson 44.80 Daily Journal 16.27 Perham, Enterprise 5.70 Henning Advocate 13.13 CO PLANNING Richard Portman 80.00 Andy Lindquist 143.4o Reba Lee 149.30 Frank Lachwi.tzer 158.00 Malcolm Lee 3.64 CORONER· Mehdi Orandi M.D 300.00 Marjean Hanson 76.01 ·Mehdi Orandi M.D. . 220.25 Jerry Hendel M.D. 30.00 CO AGENT City of Perham 100.00 Otter Tail Co-op 29.31 .. CO EXT COMM. Mrs Arnold Stock 28.10 Willis Roehl 25.25 Max Kroneman 22.50 Mrs Gerald Zeise 39-92 Allan Schermerhorn 35.95 ASSESSOR Eugene Davenport 36.17 Otter Tail Co-op Oil 49.01 Midwest Printing 428.00 Farrar 40.02 Computer Concepts Burroughs Corp Designs System DATA PROCESSING MISC. EXPENSE Gust Lagerquist & Son Dacotah Paper Datco Specialty Tu:ffy Lighting SUpply Co Johnson Controls Western Chemical General Trading Mollerud Electric Ebersviller Impl. Co Otter Tail Co-op Oil Otter Risers Kiwanis Rosentreter's Shop Jeff Jenson Bruce Stenstrom David Davis · Somers Carpet Xerox.Corp Miller.Davis Co Empire Business Machines Coopers Office SUpply Inc Pitney Bowes ·. · Register ~rror: . Nelson Bros Yictor Lundeen & Co Monroe .. Poucher Printing & Litho Miller Davis Secretarial Service Dakota Safe Coast to Coast Battle Lake Hesby Barker Agency, Perham State Agency Eµts Lodge The Independent Pelican Press Daily Journal Parta Printing The Forum George Nelson . Kenyon Rudd Delores Baker R Kristian Svingen Ronald Stabnow Gordon Bjoralt Overhead Door Co CO BUILDING. 2,301.15 476.28 576.21 246.oo 335.49 311.52 147.11 82.00 26.77 3.42 50.79 39.25 31.01 136.00 24.04 30.50 17.50 45.55 · 766.20 611.30 920.42 81.00 29.99 78.00 35.00 357.00 116.30 38.85 112.46 102.03 398.50 120.00 5.69 32,056.09 256.00 14.82 12.50 17.00 406.18 17.00 44.64 30.00· 10077 13.80 4.79 50.00 26.94 29.00 '-,."' f ;ROAD & BRIDGE Barco Bearing Co Big A Auto Parts Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Ebersviller Impl Co Fergus Tfre Center Fiskum Auto Parts Garwood Twin Cities General Trading Genuine Parts Hagen's Inc. Helle International Inc. National Bushing & Parts Norseman Motors Inc. Russ Johnson Skip's Genuine Parts Stan Moe Ford Sales Sturdevant's Inc. Uselman' s Inc Vergas Ford Eqip. Ziegler Inc. Electric Auto SU.pply Jack's Radiator Service Johnson Welding Service Little Pine Machine Shop Loon Lake Welding Mobile RAdio Service Monroe Olson Auto Electric The Pierce Co S.S. Eleetric Super GMC Truck Sales T J's Welding & Machine Shop Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Dent SU.pply Farwe11·ozmun & Kirk Co Fergus Falls Tru Value Fergus Jobbing Inc. Franklin Fence Hanson's Hardware M-R Sign Co Peavey Bldg Supplies Pelican Paint & Glass Ruhland's Hardware Share Corp Paper Calmenson & Co. City of Fergus Falls·· Larry Gripentrog Conunissioner of Transpoztation Strgar Roscoe Inc-. Battle Lake Review The Daily Journal Henning Advocate The Midweek Pelican Rapids Press Albinson Aldy Graphic SU.pply Inc. 67.80 39.00 451.75 5.10 75.00 10.97 131.74 183.97 52.68 34.18 171.48 751.53 89.84 703.49 40.29 166.86 14.78 156.59 218.81 1,139.54 7.50 43.00 140. 50· 19.00 205.80 47.20 21.00 124.44 5.00 112.54 303.20. 45.00 20.35 27.21 21.96 48.18 377.96 9.52 23.95 19.50 100.09 452.40 18.85 5.76 37.06 128.01 . ,9,30l •. 94 841.88 80.00 219.21 2~320.45 32.89 37.1q 56.25 59.80 31.00 12.77 20.00 Minnesota Blueprint Monroe The Photo Center Poucher Printing & Litho Rogers Co Texas Instruments Ex. Center Victor Lundeen & Co EOT Telephone Co Ho~ Tlephone Co Midwest Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend Lake Region Co-op Electric Arlan & Marlys Erlands_on _ Russell,Carol, Arlan & ~lysE:rlandson Russell & Carol Erlandson · Palmer & Mabel Fronning Clifford & Eleanor Hoff , Kermit:. & ·Myrtle Rund Thor H & Inez Thorson D-A. Lubri-crant Co Inc. Bluffton Oil Co Co-op Services Inc. Park Region Co-op Electric Penrose Oil Co ' Fanners Co-op Assn Roy Fossen Oil Co Goldanuner Oil Co Melcher Oil Co Miltona Creamery Assoc. Andy's 66 Service Bud's Mobil Curt's Repair Dent Oil Co Highway Auto Impl. Co Jim's Service North Union Champlin Otter Tail Co-op Oil Thomas Oil Co Thomas Oil Co H & LOK Hardware Hanson's Hardware Kimber_Awning Otter Tail Co-op Oil Swanson Equipment Thomas Oil Co Duane Bjerketvedt r. 157.04 505.43 29.30 139.34 216.52 33.80 109.73 83.87 16.93 14.14 130.06 53.57 44.05 11.00 13,361.86 2,460.00 1,763.50 1,215.00 385.00 1,561.00 >1,795.00 735.00 1,067.85 559.00 745.53 916.52 229.31 3,376.6o 445.05 255.60 967.99 229.61 194.01 . 7.68 176.01 342.39 224.83 177.47 1,194.07 1,121.68 240.68 2,232.64 7.65 17.88 88.90 13.95 19.51 1.20 293.25 Upon· motion made by Andr Leitch~· seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the meeting w:as adjoumeduntil 9;3o· A.M., Wednesday, May 9, 1979 ~ WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjoumment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County-Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M.; Wednesday, May 9, 1979, all members present_. Representatives·from the West Central Regional Development Commission ap1_>eared before the Board and_di.scussedthe major·components of the regional fiscal year 1980 wqr~ program. No acti.on _taken • ..i <· Various proposals from local automobile dealers as· received by- the County Sheriff were·presented to the Board. After consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland,, seconded by Hub Nordgren: and carrted, with Andy Leit~·voting "no", to purchase a 1979 Chevrolet Nova, 2 door, from Minnesota Motor Company, i:ergus Palls, Minnesota at a cost of $5,581.00. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland iand carried·, tQ aPJ?rove the application of David o. Cushman of· The Lanterns, Rush · Lake Township, for on· sale intoxicating liquor· license.· Moti:on was made by-Sydney Nels.on, seconded by· Andy Leitch. and carried, to approve the a:pJ>lication·ofGeorge Reimer for permit to allow con- sumption and displayof·tntoxicating liquor at Star Lake Resort in Dora Town- ship. Motton· w:as made by-Bert Hovland, seconded· by-Hub Nordgren· and carried, to approve the appltcation·ofDon Fimhaber forpermi:t to hold public dances at Ford's Country· Inn in Dora Township. Upon moti.on made by Hub Nordgren~ seconded by Andy· Leitch and carried, the followi.ilg apJ>licatinns for license to sell non~j;ntoxicating malt liquor were approved: Wayne Klein Roy c. Peterson Stephen G. Kunz Mervin Beckman Jon A. Anderson Ralph Richter Henry Scheuble Floyd Felton Ronald Schetnan Carol Ann.Donley Lyle Rosenow Kenneth Wegner Sleepy Hollow Resort· Peterson's Jewett Lake Resort Rockt~• s Resort Oak Park Resort Jon's Hamburger Hollow Lost·ValleyResort Wildwood Beach Resort Spruce Lodge Clitherall Comer Tim's Tackle Shop Sandy Point REsort Ken's Resort & Campground Tordenskjold Township Elizabeth Township Dora Township Nidaros Township Pine Lake Township Candor Township Dora Township Star Lake Township Nidaros Township Amor Township · Leaf Lake Township Rush Lake Township Motion was made by Sydney-Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch· and carried, .to construct a walk~way· on one side :of the bridge on County Road '#51 near Babe's REsort in Gorman Township Motion·was, made byHtib Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland·and carried, to construct a walkway on one side of the bridge on County Road #1 near Pleasure P.ark in Otter·Tail Township. Representatives from the0:.Maine; Town Board appeared befo~ ~he Board-relative to the culverts·prop6sed for the Waterstreet Bridge. No action ! takBn. Milt Seifert, together:,\\'ithJ)is attorner, Charles KreckeJberg,. of Pelican Rapids appeared before the~Board requesting the Board consider Indus- trial Revenue Bonds for his proposed development in Dunn Township. No action taken. Upon· motion· made by Beit· Hoi-tmto seconded by John Snowberg . . , and carried·, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the.Board of County·Conanissioners of Otter.Tail Co\Dlty Minnesota·, that WHEREAS, pursuant to M.s.· 4.075'-the State Department of Public Safety has been designated as the appropriate· _agency to receive, allocate and -di~burse federal monies \Dlder the National Highway Safety-Act of 1966,· as amended, and WHEREAS,· the Co\Dlty of Otter Tail is authorized· to administer· local hi_ghway safety· programs which have been· approved by the governor as-part of the State Highway Safety Program and to receive such funds· as· may· be avai.1- able for such.purposes, NOtf, ntERE.FORE. BE IT RESOLVED, that the· County of· Otter Tail enter into· an agreement with· th.e State· of· Minnesota. Department of Publi.c Safety for the· following .purposes; to.wit:·.: : To reimburse the county for monies spent, for approved activities in coMection wi.th· Project 55 ~ for addi.tional traffi.c law enforcement on co\Dlty state· aid highways within 'said county to increase compliance· with the 55 mile per hour speed: limit. · BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Chaiman of .the County Board,1and County Auditor be and they hereby are authorized to execute such _agreement. Dated at 9th day of May, 1979. ATTEST: ~'.er) &ey&f✓fu~leri·. ' Upon· motion· made by Andy Leitch, . seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following resolution· was adopted·: RESOLVED by the Board of· County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that To.the.full.extent perinittedby Minnesota.Statutes in existence now, or as amended from. time to time hereafter·, or by other provisions of law, '."_'' .. ' that each person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to (: any· threatened, pending or completed· action~ suit or· proceedin,, wherever brought and whether civil, acbninlstrative-or investigative, by reaon of the fact that such person· is or ns· an elected official, officer, member· of· any board of commission, employee· or staff person, or legal counsel· of the :at,ter:::TailiJ::.County Board of Com- missioners, shall be indemnified by the County of Otter Tail against any expenses, including attorneys fees, judgments, amounts paid in settlement,· and other·expenses, ' ' actually and reasonably incurred by such person in connection with such action, suit or proceedi.ng nolt' or· hereafter· incurred·; BE. IT FUR'J'HER RESOLVED by the· Board of CountyComissioners that the indemnification provided by this resolution shall continue as to such persons and· sh~ll inure to the benefit of the heirs, executors and admini~trators of such pert-- son and shall aeply whether or not the· claim against such. person arises out of mattei:-s occurring before the adoptm of this · resolution; . . . · BE IT PURmER RESOLVED that this· indenmification shall in no way affect the responsibility of such persons for the consequences of any criminal activity· commi.tted by such persons or for any violation· of any election laws or any conflict of interest,·statutes·or laws.· Adopted this 9th·day of May, 1979:, at Fergus· Falls, Minnesota. Upon motion· made by Bert Hovland, seconded· by Hub Nordgren· and carried, the following resolution·· was adopted: RESOLVED by the· Board of County Commissioners of .Otter· Tail County Minnesota, that ·.' The· County of Otter :Tai.1; ·acting. in its official capacity·, . •_ . ' ' • . , , ., ~ I ,. I ' , • ._ j , hereby authorized.the· application for a State Land Use Planning Grant from the Minnesota State· Planni_ng Agency to· be tised for lakeshore planning in the rapidly developing -lake areas o~ th~· Cotmty-. \ -: ; Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of May, 1979. Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carri.ed unanimously, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County· Commissioners of Otter Tail County·Mtnnesota, that WHEREAS; 1. A Notice of Hearing on Petition for Sanitary Sewer System, Engineer's Re- port, Viewers' · Report,· and Es.timated Damages was served in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 116A calling for a hearing on February 27, · 1979: at 1 ~00 o'clock p.m.; and 2. At the time and place specified.in the Notice,·the·Board considered the Petition for the· se•er system~ t_ogether· with all ·matters pertaining to the· Engineer's and View-ers' · Reports· and consi.dered all oral and written· testimony presented by intere$ted·parties;·and 3. That the Board deci.ded to table the matter· and did not take action at said meeting on February· 27,'. 1979; and . 4.-A Noti_ce ·of·Hearing on Petition· for Sanitary Sewer system, Engineer's Re-· Viewe~s• Report· · ·· · port,/~d Estimated-Damages "as serv~d in accordance nth the provisions of Minne- sota Stat0ites Chapter 116A calli~g for a hearing on April 10, 1979 at 2 :80 p .m. ; and S. At the· time and place specified.in the Notice, the Board again considered the Petition for the sewer system,. tog~ther· with ·al,l matters pertaining to the En-.. ' gineer's and Viewers.' Reports and considered· all orai and written testimony pre- sented· bf interested· parties~ :and . ~ • 11, • 6. That the Board decided.to adjourn the·meeting and-delay it's decision until . . . . suc:h time as the validity and sufficiency_ of a Petition to dismis.s the· proceedings under Minnesota Statutes: 116A.OS, could,be determined; and 7. The· Boar~ has been· advised by the·countyAuditor·and Assistant County ,: ·.·' . ·-' . . . Attomey ,th~t the req'id.nnnents of Minne_sota Statutes· 116A.·os have not been met, : ~ . ' ,:.: . . . . . and. ~~~efore th.e Board has the option of either dismissing the proceedings, or es- ta~Jishiilg the i~rovement ir. accordance· iri th Minnesota· Stat•s· Chapter 116A; NOW, 'fflEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AND ORDERED by the County Board of the ColDlty of Otter Tail, Minnesota as follows: · A. The Board hereby finds-: · 1. That the Bngineer 's and Viewers • · Reports· have been made and all other proceedings in_this matter·had in accordance with law. •. ;1. 2. That the estimated benefits are greater than the.total estimated cost, including damages~ , . .· . . \ . 3. That the benefits and damages ~ave been duly dete:rmined. 1L 4. That the· proposed· sewer system1 will be of public utility and benefit,· and will·_pi'o~~e-the· public health · .. s. That the proposed system is practicable. B. Said Crystal Lida Sewer System and sewer improvement be hereby established, and that the· Viewers• · Report is hereby adopted· and confirmed, ._ and the· Engineer's Report is herebt received. Adop~~d-at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day· of May, 1979. . .(f clerk Upon moti.on made by Sydney Ne hon•, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the plat of Paul Lake Preserve to be located in Section 15 -136 -40, was approved. Motion· was made by Bert Hovi and, seconded by Andy Leitch ·ana carried, to appoint Curt Sproul 1, Fergus , Fal 1 s, to tlie Otter· Tai 1 County Planning Adyisory Commission. A preliminary plat .~f Cony Island Acres, 2nd Addtn, to be located in Section 33 of Girard Township was presented to the Boa!td for consideration. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the plat was denied because there was no provision for a road or a culdesac. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posting of bond: Kenneth Schepper Gene Volkmann Larry H. Val_'l Watermulen James Golombeicki George D. Lage Gordon C. Ekre Roger Lonnstrom Schepper·Excavating Wiek Plbg. Golombiecki's Excavating Ekre Trenching & Ditching Lonnestrom Excavating f" Dent, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Fergus Frills, Minnesota Pe'lican Rapids, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesta Henning, Minnesota Motion·was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and ,. . carried, to approve the following applications for· sewage disposal system cleaners license, subject -to posting. of bond: '"'" Bob Bergh Gene Volkmann OtterTait,sewer g Water Wiek. Plbg ~-.· · Fergus Palls, Minnesota Henningj Minnesota Motion·was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve an applicat~onof Ri.ta·Mo~z, frustee of the Harvey Gereau Trust Fund, for special use permit to grade and fill on Lot 8, Block 1, 5th Add'n to Engstrom Beach_'f Edna TOW$hip. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Brad Walvatne for special use.perinit to expand retail gTeenhouseoperation on Casper·walvatne farm in G.L. 3 of Section 32, Amor Township. . .· Motion was made by Bert·Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren 'and carried, to·uphold the decision of the Otter Tail Planning Advisory Commission and deny an application of Robert Ringstad for special use permit to excavate · and pull back bank on Lot· 13 and½ of··14 of Crystal Hills First Add'n in Lida Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail Planning Advisory Commission and deny an application of Donal~ W. Wenino, agent for Fred C~ Flatau, to build road to serve a proposed plat and deny the proposed plat of Third Add'n to Plain- view Sandy Beach, to be located in Secttons 3~ 4, 9 and 10 of ,Edna Township, on Krebs Lake.· A preliminary plat of OakllUld Ridge to be located in Goman Town- ship was pres.ented to the Board ·for cons-ideration ~ Motion was. made by Sydney Neison, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to table action ·oJ said preliminary plat. There being no further business, the Chairman adjoumed the meeting until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 22nd, 1979. A1TEST: #,:a) J,~JJ flerl<