HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/24/1979MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED.MEETING OP mE BOARD OR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTI'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA f>ursuant to adjournbtent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter. Tail County Minnesota met at 'HOO P.M., Tuesday, April 24, 1979, all members present. Representatives of the West Otter Tail Soil g Water Conservation District appeared before the Board requesting an additional appropriation. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to grant an additional $3,000 to the West Otter Tail Soil & Water Conservation Distri.ct. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing th.e county auditor to advertise for bids to be received until 1 :00 .t.M., Tuesday, May 22nd for the ~ale of a parcel of land 50' x 100•· located in Section 2 of Dunn Township, abutting County Road #31. •. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren,· seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to grant a burning permit to the City of Erhard. Motion was made by Bert Hovland,·seconded·by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve an application of Kenneth Stenger, Route 11, Vergas-,· Minnesota for·sewage di.sposal. system cleaners license. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the folloW.ing applications for sewage disposal instal,lers license were approved; subject.to posting of bond: Jerry Simonson Wilbur Wegseheid Fran Wagner Jerry Simonson Backhoe & Insulati_ng Parkers PRairie Wilbur Wegscheid Plbg. & Htg. Wadena Wagner Trenching Clitherall Motion was:made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to instruct the County Sheriff's Department to enforce the regulations· on.the comity parking lots. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried_. the following resolution was adopted: I RESOLUTION Be it resolved that all Phelps Mill County Park land located East of the dam and South of the North line of the road and highway right of way line and containing approximately 0.14 acres, be deeded to the County Highway Department for maintenance and future adminis- tration. Be it further resolved that 'the necessary documents be prepared and finalized as soon as possible to have this accomplished. Attest: (SEAL) ( Adopted this 24th ,da~ of April; ·1979~ ail County Com,niissioners The following resolution was introduced by Bert Hovland who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Otter.Tail County Board of-Commissioners is ob-. -ligated to approve all County sponsored transportation projects, and ' • ~ • ' J' WHEREAS, the County Board would also approve special use permits for these same projects und~J;' ;the. Shordand ~an_agement Ordinance,· and WHEREAS· thi_is· dupli.cation has been determined to be time con- suming and often not necessary, NOW, 1HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED.that Otter.Tail County-may be excluded· from obtaining special use permits when· it is so determined by· the County·Board to be in the best interest of the County and provided the proposed project involves the construction, reconstruction·or maintenance of an existing public transportation facility. The motion was seconded by Andy Leitch but failed, with John Sn°"berg, Hub Nordgren and Sydney Nelson voting "no". Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren· and carried. the fol lowing applications for homestead classifi.cation · and/or reduction· of assessed valuation were approved: Danna Loken Evelyn Weickert Eddi Richardson John Wenner Daniel Pilaski Robb Miller Steve Ouren· Harold Collins Donald Siems Deland Porath Stanford Malcom . John Klinkhammer Randy, Mohs Mrs. Cliff Helsene Cyril Schrieber Hazel E. Nelson Roger Hildebrand Roger Tingelstad Clarence Mielke Wilfred Grover ' Donald D. McGray • -' I Esthe-,r · Glass; A.lfred Meyer ijomer Odland Norma Henderson Eraine M. Patrias George Nagel ,, Carl Zick Lawrence Eisinger Delmer Woelber Nine g Leslie Fish City of Perham Dimension correction Perham Township As·sess.ed for too many-acres Sverdrup Township Wrong classification Perham Township Cabin burned City of Battle Lake Homestead Pelican Rapids Homestead Erhard City Mid-year homestead Friberg Township Mid-year homestead E~er.is Tow~u~hip · Homestead Edna Township Homestead Dead L~e .. Township Homestead Aurdal Township Mid-year homestead Compton Township Mid-year homestead Amor To~ship · . ~ Homestead Everts Township Hous.e overvalued Pelican Rapids Homestead Pelican Rapids Homestead Pelican Rapids Homestead Rich.ville Homestead Richville Mobile home, wrong age fergus Falls City Homestead Fergus Falls City· Homestead City of Fergus Falls Disability classification Fergus Falls City Homestead Underwood City Mid-year homestead Nidaros HOmestead Rush Lake Buildings removed 6efore assessment date Lida Homestead Fergus Falls City Mid-year homestead Aastad Mid-year homestead Dunn Township Homestead Abatements (cont'd): Lyle g Dora Christenson Ralph Syverson <;:l~rence Koski Jorolf T. Ronnevik Robert Coleman Daniel Cypher Mary H. ICoste Richard Hochstein J¢ffrey ICU.mp Richard Mueller Greg lCalvik James Stans Chester Bredeson William llrigge Perham Homestead ParkeTs Prairie City Error in square footage of building Henning City Error in building value Oscar Homestead Oak. Valley Wrong classification, also mid-year homestead Nidaros Homestead Newton Mid-year homestead Everts Mid-year homestead Girard Homestead Hobart Homestead Maine Wrong front footage Everts· Homestead Elizabeth Township Homestead Henning City House overvalued Motton was made by John Snowberg, ~econded by Bert Hovland and carried, to re-imburse County·Road g Bridge for moneys: expended·brthem for· . : County lut'ldi:ng expenses~ . , ...... Fencing in basements· on county lots·,· South. Court,· Pergus· Falls Sign for·county.attomey $56.06 1L28 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded· by-Hub Nordgren· and carried, to authorize the County Sheriff to obtain quotations from automobile dealers for the purchase.,of a smaller vehicle for paper s.erving. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Sttowberg and carried, to approve payment of $28:, 130".33 to Glenn W. Cording Associates, tnc., > Minneapolis, Minnesota for architects fees to date on government services building in the City of -p ergus Falls • Motion was made· by· Berl: Hovland,-·seconded· by John Snowberg and carried, to approve payment of $1,687.42 to Glenn W. Cording Associates~ Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota for architects fees for remodeling of the County Attorney's office in the courthouse. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications-were approved· for license to sell non-intoxi- cating malt liquor: Charles L. Barker Paul E. Cline August Heinrich · Sadie Biltz Daniel H. Gumphrey· Carter Wing Bonita Marie Houts Walter G. Schmidt Steve H~l111es Donald Bistodeau Arnold Bentzin Blaine L. Brincefield Joseph Latuauer Fred L. Evans Clarence Koehler Bnmo Burak Raymond Pfeifle Howard Manteuffel· Michael A. Keating Harvey Blanshan Carole Halseth Barker's R.Esort -Perham Township Minneha Resort Girard Township Cozy· Cove Resort Dead Lake Township SmisetBeach Pine Lake Township Gmphrey's Kingswood Resort Star Lake-Township Woodland Beach Resort Everts-Township Birch Shore Resort Candor Township Shady Bay Resort Sverdrup Township Steve's Anchor Inn Rush Lake Township Woodland Park Resort Girard Township Red Lantern Resort Amor Township Jtmgle Shores Resort Corliss Township · Riverside Cabins Friberg Township Babe's Resort Perham Township Koehler's Resort Pine Lake Township Grandview Heights Resort Pine Lake Township Loghaven Resort Lida Township Limner's Resort Rush. Lake Township Bonanza Beach Resort Corli.ss Township · Ri-verside Resort Everts Township Deer Lake Resort Everts Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg•and carried, to ~pprove the application of:Bruno Burak for permit to hold public dances at Grandview Heights REsort in Pine Lake Township. Mo ti.on was made_ by John Snowberg, -seconded· by· Andy Leitch · and carried., to approve an application of Daniel -Gumphrey for on sale wi.ne license for Gumphrey' s Galaxy Resort in S~ar , Lake Township·. -' . There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned. the~ · meeting tmtil 9:30 A.M • ., Tuesday, May 8:,.:-1979-.