HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/09/1978MINtrrES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF TIIE . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of_County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 A.M., Thursday, November 9th, 1978, all members present. The highway department union negotiator, together with represen- tatives of the union met with the Board relative to the 1979 union agreement. No action taken. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following applications ·were approved for homestead classific·ation and/or reduction of assessed valuation: Gary and Benda Davis City of Fergus Falls Andrew Van Dorpe Robert & Sandra Plauck E.C. & Catherine Shimeta Nidaros Township Fergus Falls City Llda Township Parkers Prairie City Amor Township Not on homestead Should be tax exempt Mobile home licensed Homestead classification Homestead classification Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve a change order on the construction of the highway department building, at a total increase of $2,443.00. There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting tmtil 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, November 15th, 1978. ATTEST: ~ al J'. l$,,4r~11rk MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAI°L COUNTY MlNNESOTA ~' Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, November 15th, 1978, all members present. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to appoint Vernon Johanson to the Otter Tail County Extension Committee to complete the wiexpired term of Alfred Borgos. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried! authorizing the Cowity Auditor to advertise for bids to be received until 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, December 12, 1978, for two care to be used by the Sheriff's Department. Motion was ma~e.by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and >' r \018 carried, to grant special aid to Oak Valley Township in the amount of $SOO.o~D1J ., · .. '. '' ' <r.Af~{~ liG .. ;" · ..... ). --- Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, Hub Nordgren voting "no", to establish snowplowing rates for the 1978-19 season as follows: $27.00 per hour for snowplowing township roads or city streets 29.00 per hour for snowplowing private driveways, with a minimum charge of one-half hour, billing to governmental sub-unit. 23.00 per hour for dragging township roads or city streets 25.00 per hour for dragging private driveways with a minimum charge of one-half hour and billing to governmental sub-unit. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve 'an application of Harold (Stub) Digre for special use permit to develop a commercial establishment consisting of general store, deli, cafe, laundry, saloon, arcade and four other·shops for lease, said establishment to be located near Otter Tail Lake in Otter Tail Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch,,seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve an application by Roger Johnson, KTHI-TV for special use permit to build. a 220' micro-wave relay tow~r and 8 1 x 12' building, in the SE¼ NW¼ of 21-131-41. Motion was made·by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Kenneth Rostad for special use permit to construct roadway to serve proposed subdivision to be located on West Lost Lake in Maine Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an application of Bruce L. Carlson for special use permit to fill low area on K & B Beach, Little Pine Lake, Corliss Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve an application of C. Leroy Larson, B & R Enterprises, Inc., for special use permit to construct road for proposed subdivision on~ East Spirit Lake in Dora Township. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and. carried, the following bills were allowed: \ Carlton E Mortenson Gary Waskosky Dr H.W. Britt Manley Erickson, Sheriff Larry Keinhuizen, Sheriff Max Kroneman Charles Hay Clarence Frank Robert Wright Perham Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil Service Oil Co Holiday South Mill Standard Gene's Standard Farmers Union Oil Co Continental Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Pelican Union 76 Ashby Equity Assoc B & L Interstate Skelly Carr's Enterprises Inc. Bauek Chevrolet Co, Fergus Dodge Inc. Goodyear Service Store Thal.man's Repair Riverside Repair George McCollough Minnesota Motor Co Xerox Corp. SHERIFF Law Enf'orcement Resource Center Western CJl.emical Co Daleo Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Empire Business Machines Fergus Glass & Paint Otter Tail Glass The Photo Center Nelson Bros Printing Warren,Gorham & Lamont Inc. Double A ~astern Shop .Ambassador Resort Motor Hotel Fergus Plumbing & Heating Hintgen Karst Electric Mollerud Electric Inc. Mobile Radio Service City of Fergus Falls Highway Dept Lake Region Hospital Gibson' Pharmacy Fergus Falls Vets Clinic Memorial Hospital & Homes Bev Hendrickson Orletta Eisenhuth Mrs Gordon Tomhave 6c>.71 16.61 20.00 8.00 ;o4.oo 28.80 40.80 285.60 441.15 1,024.81 399.84 456.07 670.93 14.77 23.51 44.07 :10.84 17.54 7.36 12.50 12.28 9.05 81.98 735.92 266.07 35.00 1,193.96 21.00 100.92 236.96 19.25 281.00 38.90 11.60 50.80 45.00 14.80 15.60 190.75 71.00 56.00 4o.oo 48.20 253.96 109.85 20.70 15.4o 388.13 38.29 35.00 6.99 30.00 14.oo 246.37 178~85 235.42 Cass Clay Creamery Bob's Supermarket Woolworth's Warehouse Food Market Big Red Continental Don's 10 to 10 Mrs Gordon Tomhave Scott's Red Owl Piggly Wiggly National Food Storeā€¢ Metz Bald ng Co Serviice Food Store Mrs Gordon Tomhave Gust Lagerquist & Son Wm Galena & Son S.S. Electric Johnson Control Western Chemical Crow Chemical Madison Bionics ElectrolUB Otter Tail Co-op ' Oil Jeff if'enson Xerox Corp. MISC EXPENSE Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Empire Business Machines Nelson Bros Prtg Victor Lundeen &"Co Pitney Bowes_ R.L. Polit Monroe White Drug Lampert Building Center Dept of Social Service.-· Daily Journal Parkers Prairie Indep Perham Enterprise Bulletin Parta Printers Inc. Pelican Rapids Press Henning Advocate Charles D Center Post 3289 Cora Nelson Delores Bak.er Gordon Bjoralt Fergus Falls Monument Co DATA PROCESSING Burroughs Corp. Designs 3ilstems Computer Concepts Fargo Forum Mpls Star & 'l'rlilbmne 251.26 283.04 9.35 410.40 507.70 74.63 20.80 16.36 34.07 40.87 198.60 146.lq 284.88. 15.00 328.80 124.50 12.70 89.83 233.32 46.86 109.26 16.50 25.00 38.55 382.99 733.51;· , '.: ,,,''",_. ,: 281.87 77.46 365.50 7.00 78.00 14.oo 30.00 88.21. 15.76 280.00 1,153.54 39.08 39.60 39.60 27.60 50.60 50.00 7.50 24.28 48.30 351.52 469.60 513.50 1,634.98 12.50 46.17 3 I CO COURT Xerox Corp Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Nelson Bros Printing Empire Business Machines The Photo Center Oswald Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis MacMillan Ostwald Inc. Douglas Co Sheriff Merna Uttermark DWI Clinic Fergus Palls DWI Clinic Moorhead City of Perham LAND & RESOURCE Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co · Lampert Building Center International Conf. of Bldg Officals Richard Fihn James Johnson Pelican Union 76 So. Mill Standard Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch otter Tail Co-op Oil Fergus Dodge Inc. Daily Journal VETS SERVICE Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. BOARD 0PADJUSTMENT June Ryan Calvin Johanson 'l'homas Donaho Daily Journal CO PLANNING COMM. June Ryan Battle Lake Review Daily Journal Joseph Cade Kristie Truax Barb Habennan Williams & Nitz Victor Lundeen & Co Xerox Corp. COUNTY ATTOBNEY Potter Ketcham & Assoc. Miller Davis . c·o Enstad Ms.ml Marilyn Kopperud 270.00 274.90 16.00 10.00 65.34 118.35 450.15 7.82 186.30 4.50 23.20 375.00 25.00 65.00 10.00 11.75 5.00 31.90 163.05 16o.65 40.56 60.96 64.62 31.14 36.74 29.20 14.28 481.50 659.92 4o.oo 20.00 20.00 5.84 126.05 9.92 8.76 113.96 10.58 20.00 1,911.43 21.90 447.72 50.00 13.64 30.00 65.05 I Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Marjean Hanson Subhi Shari:f:fi Charles Lewis M.D. Benjamin Delgado M.D. Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Oran.di Medical P.A. The Photo Center St Mary's Hospital Karen Beyer Karen Peterson Phyllis Dwlker Jared Smalley Floyd Ho:f:f Russell Knutson Janice Palan CORONER HRA PHELPS MILL Somers Carpet Coast to Caast Battle Lake Melcher Oil Co Battle Lake Sanitary Landfill ELECTION· Nelson Bros Printing, Miller Davis Co City o:f Perham Otter Tail Co-op Oil CO AGENT ASSESSOR John Skramstad Erwin Siems Eugene Davenport Angeline Glawe Worners Auto Sales Otter Tail Co-op Oil BOAT & WATER SAFETY Consumers Co-op Oil The Boat House Otter Tail Co-op Oil Fergus Auto Supply Inc. Fiskum Auto farts ROAD & BRIDGE Garwood Twin Cities Truck Equip. General Trading Co Genuine Parts Co Gerald Evenson Inc. Genuine Parts Hayden Murphy Equip. Co Helle International Hendrickx Implement Lawson Products Inc. Little Falls Machine Minnesota Motor Co National Bushing & Parts 300.00 77.76 100.75 42.24 40.00 387.80 180.00 17.75 126.65 137.25 1,831.25 700.00 24.25 13.00 20.50 24.25 803.00 104.76 190.70 6.oo 3,275.00 2,277.85 100.00 57.06 12.45 19.94 149.80 13.50 12.56 107.95 8.93 183.25 36.40 226.45 8.26 197.01 264.70 79.60 21.52 35.08 817.83 1,595.72 4.oo 37.78 213.00 16.49 164.06 Perham Parm Supply Russ Johnson Co The George T Ryan Co Schmitz Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Uselman's Inc. Ziegler Inc. Auto Sa:fety Service Baker's Service Bennett Samuelson Carlson Car Care & Welding Coast to Caast Pelican Rapids Denzel Welding & Heating Gene's Standard Service Little Pine Machine Shop Loon Lake Welding Mobile Radio Service Olson Auto Electric Service Perham Radiator Repair Prairie Implement Inc. Mrs Robert Ralfson Torkelson Heating & Air Cond. Witte Auto Radiator Co Bretz Hardware Carol & Gene's OK Hardware Fergus Falls True Value Fergus SUrplus Lumber Franklin Fence H & LOK Hardware M-R Sign Co Martinson Market Peavey Company The Photo Center Setterholm's Hardware Stenerson Bros Lumber Co Wadena Hide & Fur Co Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Alexandria Concrete Co Elk River Concrete Products Mark Sand & Gravel Co c.M. Moen N.E. Otter Tail Landf'ill Assn Polman Transfer City of Henning Commissioner of Transportation Twin City Testing Hesby Barker Agency Bluffton Hardware Vernon Gorentz Robert Roehl Stan Mcrill Inc. Allen Roggenkamp Daily Joumal Fergus Falls Midweek_ Minnesota Safety Council Dept. of Social Service Minnesota Blueprint Rogers Co S & S Decorating Victor Lundeen & Co EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Park Region Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co Dennis Berend .. --. ., .. 32.45 414.13 12.31 22.85 62.24 106.52 530.97 409.19 14.oo 5.00 4.50 68.04 14.oo 92.25 35.04 45.65 102.00 -129.90 47.00 36.77 75.00 107.65 128.00 25.75 63.51 4.97 153.08 142.50 31.78 6,535.16 12.38 38.23 12.50 21.68. 58.80 13.80 51.59 878.52 2,050.92 68.oo 132.70 5.50 14.oo 142.00 877.43 97.50 215.47 487.34 110.00 35.00 7,020.75 80.00 18.85 21.20 50.00 70.00 59.24 134.06 199.69 32.82 79.30 12.15 135.54 51.36 12.26 69.4o Kirk SJoliec -·--Kock Refining Northern Culverts Operations John C & Clarice Danielson Alma Kastet Vernon & Dorothy Knutson Gilbert & Leva Western Mrs Floyd Carlson et al Wayne Dalluge ~Dorthy Hickey D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Co-op Services Inc. Roy Fossen Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Melcher Oil Co Penrose Oil Co : . Battle Lake Fanners Union Andy's 66 Service Andy's 66 S~rvice Bud's Mobil , _ Consumers Co-op Oil · Curt's Repair Consumers Co-op Oil Farmers Co-op Assoc. , Jim's Service Ken Knudson Chev. Mayo's Standard Service North Union Champlin Nundahl Oil Co Otter Tail Co-op Oil Ray's Oil Service Oil Vergas Oil Co Mid America CETA Charley's Sharpening Service Coast to Coast Store Gambles H & LOK Hardware H"Way Park Store Ken Knudson Chev. Kimber Awning A.R. Meier Welding Serv. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Park Region Co-op Perham Co-op Oil Swanson Equipment Duane A BJerketvedt 18.00 6,914.}L 10,140.81 32.00 40.00 104.oo 68.oo 1,555.54 32.00 26.00 1,342.85 477.01 20.42 229.67 317.95 23.95 261.76 1,094.37 801.26 456.16 400.92 201.27 249.00 286.53 201.29 240.63 266.69 236.13 165.65 497.87 363.71 33.00 516.79 28.89 7.50 3.44 2.29 2.63 27.70 2.80 179.45 i94.72 40.58 3.30 19.47 32.83 325.35 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the meeting was adjourned wttil 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 21, 1978. ATTEST: cf.I,_,:,., i& l~.v-rt'auefi lerk