HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 10/10/1978MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSZ OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, October 10th, 1978, all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a transfer by metes and bounds description of two parcels in Section 22 of ~elican Township, by Phil Wicklund. Motion was made by.Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to authorize the County Auditor to send letters to each of the townships and cities in the Co\Dlty of Otter Tail relative to re-evaluating and investigating the solid waste rules of the Minnesota POilution Control Agency. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for a position schedule blanket bond for county offi~ials and employees, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Hunt Insurance Service Agency, Fergus Falls, Minnesota Hesby-Barker Agency, Fergus Falls, Minnesota $520.00 660.75 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to accept the proposal of the Hunt Insurance Agency, Fergus Falls, Minnesotan the amount of $520.00 9 it being the lowest bid. Motion· was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to pay the annual dues in the amount of $578.00 to the National Association of Counties. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment in the amount of $660.83 to Jim Newman, Alexandria, Minnesota for an analysis report on the computer operation. I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Commissoners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that ·• WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes, Section 94.481 authorized the Commis- sioner of Natural Resources to acquire wildlife lands. such as marsh or wdlands and the margins thereof including ponds, small lakes and stream bottoms; and WHEREAS, the purchase of such lands requires the approval by a majori- ty of the Board of County Commissioners in the co\Ul~y where the land to be purchased is located; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Natural Resources through his authorized ' . agents has requested the approval_ of the County B~ard for purchase of the following described land to be used for water and wildlife conservation purpose; and WHEREAS, the Board of Co\Dlty Conunissioners has had available to it the advice and co\Ulsel of the· Soil Conservation District·:. organized within the cotmty; and WHEREAS, the acquisition and preservation of water and wildlife con- servation lands is in the public interest, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the approval be given to the purchase by the Commissioner of Natural Resources of the following described lands to-wit: The W½ SW¼ of Section 4 ·~ 134 -40, Dewey Est lick, Owner That said lands are to be acquired and preserved by the State of Minnesota for water and wildlife conservation purposes. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th. day of October, 1978. Chdirman~ AITEST: ~ Jr .lcfi¥-"-" ,II Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comissmers of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes Chapter 116 establishes the Pollution Control Agency and defines its duties and operati>n, and WHEREAS Chapter 116.07 · stat"es ''The pollution control agency shall promote solid waste disposal control by encouraging the updating of collection systems, elimination of open dumps, and improvements in incinerator practices. The Agency shall also adopt standards for.the control of the collection, transportation, storage and disposal of solid waste for the prevention and abatement of water, air and land pollution, recognizing that due to variable factors, no single standard of solid waste control is applicable to all areas of the state.· In adopting standards, the pollution control agency shall.give·due recognition to the fact that elements of · control whicli may be reasonab1e·and·proper in densely populated area·of the state may be unreasonable and improper in sparsely populated or remote areas of the·state; and it shall take into consideration in this connection such factors, including others which it may deem proper, as existing physical conditions, topography, soils and geology, climate, transportation and land use. Such standards of solid waste control shall be premised on technical criteria and connnonly accepted practices." and WHEREAS, Chapter 116.07 Subdivision 5 Variances states "The pollution control agency may after public hearing grant variances from the requirements of regu- lations or standards upon such procedure and conditions as it may by regulation pre- scribe in order to avoid undue hardship and promote the effective and reasonable ap- plication and enforcement of laws, regulations, and standards for prevention, abate- ment and control of water, air, noise and land pollution •••• ", and WHEREAS there is app~ently overwhelming evidence indicating the failure of the Minnesota Pollution Control agency to recognize these provisions of the Statutes, and WHEREAS as a result of these operating difficulties serious misunder- standings, ill feelings, and other administrative misgivings have occurred causing undue hardships and personal/personnel distress. I NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is requested to give proper consideration to the above mentioned provisions of Minnesota Statutes· Chapter 116. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota·this 10th.day of October, 1978. Ch 1rman ATTEST: I I· •,·,. Upon motion made by Hub Nordg~en·, . seconded by Andy Leitch and . carrie~, ~):le following resoluti_on was adopte~: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a failure in the Oak Valley Township B-r~dge No. L0971 has.occurred, and WHEREAS, Bridge No. L09Tl-is eligible for replacement with·· Minnesota State Transportation Funds, and . . ' . : _. • i WHEREAS, Otter· Tail Cotinty:is the· official Contracting Authority for the· Township, r_egard~ng bridge replacements, - NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED", that a state. of emergency. does· exist,· as re<=:ognized i-q }11nnei;;ota Stat~tes ~TS. ~1·, ~nd the· County. shall waive the· normal centracting procedures·. i-q orae:r;-· to· expedite the· work on this project. . .· . · : . .-· · . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,:· that quotatio~~ will be obtained by the. County Highway-.E_ngineer for·· the :_replacem,~nt of. thi_s bridge. BE IT FUR'.fHER ~SC)LVE~,-that .the··ceunty. H;ighway Engineer· shall proceed with· the work and ·take such action: as -he ~etermines. to·. be in· the best interest of .the County·and Township. Adopted this 10th . day of October, 1978. d:a!fztt~ Board of-Commissioners - Attest:· ·~~~ ~itor_~ (SEAL) Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by· the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on September 6, 1977, the County Board accepted the bid of Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, Minnesota for two one way plows, two V-plows and two wings in the total amount of $16,950.00, and WH~REAS the above contract has now bee~ completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $16,950.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLYJ:D the County Auditor is authorized and directed to i.ssue a warrant in the amount of $16,950.00 payable to Little Falls Machine, Inc., Little Falls, Minnesota in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1978. Chairman ATIEST: ~J?eyp~erk Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cotmty Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that WHEREAS on Jtme 20, 1978 the County Board accepted the bid of Batzer Construction Company, Royalton, Minnesota in the amount of $207,346.00 for _Cotmty Wide Sand Seal, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been Cb,npleted to the satis- faction of the Board at a total cost of $199,119.35, an tmderrun of $8,226.65 due to overestimating the materials needed, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED the Cotmty Auditor is authorized and.directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $22,421.82 payable to Batzer Construction Company, Royalton, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1978. Chairman ATTEST: ~-A). ,Jt ~~e;k , Upon motion ma~e by \:!3ert;:Hovlanct, seconded by. John~Sno~berg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comm:i;sioners of Otter Tail Co\Dlty Minnesota, that WHEREAS on November 8, 1977, the County Board accepted the bid of Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota for concrete arch culvert, under S.A.P. 56-599-02, in the amount of $88,100.00, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $88,050.00, a decrease of $50.00 due to normal variation, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $9,165.00 payable to Sellin Bros., Inc. , Hawley, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls·, Minnesota this 10th day of October,· 1978. ATTEST: ~ ;& 1$-04R1.~k Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on April -13; 1978, the County Board accepted the bid of Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota for grading and box culverts under S.A.P. 56-608-05 & S.A.P. 56-608-06, at a total cost of.$142,623.07, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the Comity Board at a total, cost_' of $131,652.38, a decrease of $10,970.69 due to less common borrmbeing needed, less equipment time and sur- facing done by county forces, liquidated damages in the amount of $5,200.00, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Auditor is authorized to issue a warrant in the amo\Dlt of $36,871.29 payable to Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October-, 1978. Chairman ATTEST: #:a)JEjkx~·· ' Clerk Upon-motion made by John.Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following ;applications for homestead classification and/or.reduction of assessed valuation: Arthur Maleitzke Danny Kaasa Lawrence Meehl Carles Merton Mark Kenyon Scott Loerzel Chester Bredeson Erling W. Logan Michael Avelsgard Esther A. Hultquist Leonard Pederson Gorman_ !6wnship Twnuli Township Everts Township Clitherall Township Maplewood Township Pine Lake Township Elizabeth Township Twnuli Township Rush Lake Township Leaf Lake Township Dora:.Township -Mobile home sold prior to Jan. 1 Mobile home sold in 1976 Double Assessment Assessment for mobile home never owned Mobile home sold prior to assessment date Pai~ mobile home tax in other county prior to moving to Otter Tail Homestead classification Camper-bus licensed Mobile home sold prior to assessment date Homestead classification Mobile home overvalued Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve payment of $2,900 to T. G. Evensen & Associates, INc., for services rendered in connection with the issuance and sale of the Otter Tail-Wilkin County Ditch #2 Drainage Ditch Bonds. Motion·was made by John Snowberg to approve the purchase by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the Glen Moen property located east of the City of Fergus Falls in Buse Township. The motion failed for lack of a second. Motion was made by Andy Leitch to limit the budget of the Otter Tail County Extension Service to a 6% increase. Motion died for lack of a second. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resol1;1tion was adopted, call,ing for'a 6.5% in the 1979 budget for the Cotmty Extension work: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The sum of $67,755 be set apart from the General Revenue Ftmd and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Institute of Agricul- ture of the University of Minnesota for the support of county extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail County, for the year beginning January 1, 1979, in accordance with Chapter 202, Laws 1953 and acts supplementary thereto. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this lOth·day of October, 1978. ATl'EST: ~ d) -~ l;p,c'Mrk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution wa~ adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Provision is made in the Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section 18.231, Subdivision 1, the Board of County Commissioners when requested by the commissioner of agriculture, shall appoint a county agricultural inspector, who shall meet qualifications prescribed by the commissioner of agriculture, whose duties shall be to see that the provisions of all laws and regulations dealing with weed control and seed inspection are carried out; to participate in insect and pl2't disease, pesticide, feed, and fertilizer programs. WHEREAS, Bill Walker, Commissioner of Agriculture has requested, on September 26, 1978, such appointment by the County Board of Otter Tail County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ,·_:Alva01Krekalii'~ . whose address is New York--:Mill~, Minnesota and Telephone Number is 385 3004, is hereby appointed from January 1, 1979 te December 31, 1979, at a salary of $5,257.81 annually. BE IT FUR'rnER UNDERSTOOD That Alva Krekala may attend the Annual County Agricultural Inspector's Short Course and other district conferences held during the year. BE lT FURTHER RESOLVED, That ,·a copy of this REsolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Room 648, State Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1978. Ch l ATI'EST: ~~ d, :ey~~~~k Upon motion made by ,: 8-,ert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Provision is made in the Minnesota Statutes 1971, Section 18.231, Subdivision 1, the Board of.County Commissioners when requested by the commissioner of agriculture_, shall appoint a county agricultural inspector, who shall meet.qualifications prescribed by the commissioner of agriculture, whose duties shall be to see· that the provisions of all laws and regulations dealing with weed control and seed inspection are carried out; to participate in insect and plant disease,, pesticide, feed, and fertilizer programs. WHEREAS, Bill Walker, Commissioner of Agriculture has requested, on September 26, 1978, such appointment by the ColDlty Board of Otter Tail ColDlty. NOW, THEREFORE, BE_IT RESOLVED that Gordon Bjoralt, whose address is Rothsay, Minnesota and Telephone Number is 867-2450, is hereby appointed from January 1, 1979 to December. ~l, 197~, at a salary of $5,257.81 annually. BE IT FURTHER UNDERSTOOD That Gordon Bjoralt may attend the Annual ColDlty Agricultural Inspectors'Short Course and other district conferences held during the year. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution shall be forwarded to the Commissioner of Agriculture, Room 648, State Office Building, St. Paul, Minnesota 55155. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1'978. Chi'irman • ATTEST: ~.,J .d~&>cucf.rk Upon motion made by John Snowberg, secon.ded · by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on March 9th, 1972, an Otter Tail Comty Board of Adjust- ment was established pursuant to Minn. Stat. 394.27, consisting of three persons, and WHEREAS additional duties are now being placed upon the members of the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment because of State Legislation, NOW, nfEREFORE, BE I.THEREBY RESOLVED the Otter Tail County Board of Adjustment be increased to a six member board, to consist of one member from each conunissioner district and one member shall be the Chairman of the Otter Tail Comty Planning Advisory Commission. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of October, 1978. Chairman ATI'EST: . 9{,,L Ji_ ~~erk J Motion was:made by Andy Leitch, seconded by H~b Nordgren and carried, to appoint Calvin Johanson, as a member of the Otter Tail Cotmty Board of Adjustment, for a three year term. Motion was 0 made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to increase the per diem for members of the Otter Tail County Extension Committee to f20.00. The matter of the awarding of the contract on S.A.P. 56-652-02, grading, bitlDDinous surfacing and aggregate shouldering was brought up for final action. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to award said contract to Mark Sand & Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amotmt of $535,054.00, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve payment of the 1979 dues in the amount of $200.00;•to the Minnesota Deputy Registrars Association. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the application of Donna Nagel for permit to hold public d~nces. at the Red Bar-N in Rush Lake Township, subject to approval by the Cotmty Sheriff~. A resolution was presented to the-Board from the Town Board of j' . Dtmn Township requesting traffic· controf signs tobe erected and striping on the Fish Lake-Pelican take road. Mot~on was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, -to apptove said signs.' Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following bills were approved: Office Expense Max Kroneman Clarence Frank John Halvorson Richard Tamke Ervin Tenter Charles.Hay Robert Wright Mrs Gary Anderson Mark Morris Jerad Townsend, Sheriff Manley Erickson, Sheriff Erickson Holiday Perham Co-op Oil Bengtson 0il Consumers Co-op Oil Continental Oil Co Denny's North Star Farmers Union 0il Gene's Standard Jim's Eastside Standard Jim's Standard Service Key's Oil Co Service Oil Co Service Oil Co Battle Lake Phillips Petroleum Pelican Union 76 Otterman's Standard Otter Tail Co-op Oil Werner's Auto Sales Riverside Repair Minnesota MotoD Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Bob Moore Ford Goodyear Service Store Van's Muffler Shop Xerox Corp. The Photo Center Victor Lundeen & Co IBM Corporation Empire. Business Machines Cooper's Office 'Supply Miller Davis N~lson Bros Prtg Poucher Printing & Litho Vere's Gambles Fargo Resturant Supply & Equip. Mobile Radio Service Kustom Signals Inc. Radisson South Hotel Knutson Electric City,:/of Fergus Falls Lakeland Mental Health Center 71.73 28.80 122.40 15.97 19.59 158.40 122.40 . 408.00 60.00 2.00 28.·oo · 16.00 l,0+7.42 521.97 9.34 60.83 57.26 9ll.73 20.94 25.08 10.50 31.46 10.44 111.00 257.80 9.80 53.21 46.69 327.23 68.64 376.61 54.56 1,647.79 59-91 33.30 31.57 239~98 298,41 263,70 25·.'23 71.00 9.80 281.56 18.50 6.16 30.65 10.88 1,100.00 353.60 3.90 104.86 27.50 80.00 167.00 Memorial Hospital &·Homes Fergus Falls Medical Group White Drug City Pharmacy Andrew & Meister Drug Aliee Beske Ethel Barker Marge Barvels 0rletta Eisenhuth Bev Hendrickson Mrs Gordon-Tomhave Continental Big Red National Food Store Bob' s Su.per Market Don's 10 to 10 Piggly Wiggly Store Fergus Jobbing Metz Baking Warehouse Food Market Cass Clay Creamery Gibson's Mrs Gordon Tomb.ave Gust Lagerquist & Son Dacotah Paper Co Crow Chemical & Equip. Mtc. Engineering Datco .. Specialty lighting .General 'l'rading Wm Galena & Son Hintgen Karst Electric Mollerud Electric Knutson Htg & Air Cond. Gambles Lystad's Inc. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Jeff Jenson Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's 0ff'ice Supply IBM Corp , Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing Bureau of Bus Practice Pronto Land Measure Fargo Rubber Stamp Miller Davis Fountain Products Jiffy Marking Equipment Rota Rule White Drug Otte~·Tail Co-op Oil Progress Telephone Co Uni versfty Of .Mi_nnesota City of Fe~gus Falls Parta Printing MISC EXPENSES 21.00 59.00 6.76 23.10 2L76 18.25 ·9.12 27.37 511.00 521.95 562.10 784.70 287.06 213.67 72.24 13. 78 - 20.00 121.16 370.91 198.77 27.01 20.80 132.60 508.64 75.20 263.87 192.71 25.60 113.85 10.80 403.40 31.75 16.84 176.38 25.29 40.00 507.71 643.78 190.95 60.00 7.55 49.15 26.64 30.90 9.75 55.62 26.90 8o.4o 152.34 268.40 102.81 64.oo 3.66 75.00 33.00 3 Perham Enterprise Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press The Independent;; · Daily Journal Don Omodt, Sheriff Williams & Nitz Michael Kirk Joseph Cade Cora Nelson Helen Skramsted Duane Schwantz Angeline Glawe Janet Foss Chester Bergeru.d Gordon Bjoralt Malcolm Lee James Johnson Larry Krohn Xerox Corp. Fergus Dodge Inc. Mayo Standard Farnam Tire Center Pelican Union 76 Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply The Photo Center Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Connie Hovland Jane Baumgartner Otter Tail Co-op Nelson Bros Prtg. The Photo Center LAND & RESOURCE VETS SERVICE Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Gambles George Spilman Dir.actor Xerox Corp. Nelson Bros Prtg. COUNTY COURT Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Midwest Printing Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co Empire Business Machines Poucher Printing & Litho Lake Region Rehab. The Photo Center 33.00 23.00 23.00 1,188.93 6.40 5.00 136.23 90.10 34.50 48.oo 18.49° 33.55 52.00 18.00 35.84 52.35 79.20 87.15 70.00 454.80 6.50 174.56 48.56 144.30 453.00 37.68 37.46 59.62 5.00 5.00 62.18 228.00 6.09 105.75 12.00 11.34 14.oo 270.00 1,146.00 398.60 10.00 628.67 63.43 54.oo 227.40 12.00 124.90 Roy Olson Mu.sic MacMillan Ward Ostwald Inc~. Secretarial Service 1 ._ , , Haugen's Becker Co Donald Fritzell Dale Wright City of Perham . Karen Peterson Otter Tail Co HBA Jared Smalley Peter Hof'f' Floyd Hoff' Russell Knutson Janice Palan Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Subhi Sharifi M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. RomUla A.Orque_M.D. Diosdado Tatonghari M.D. Benjamin P •. Delgado M.D. Maurice Beers M.D. Orandi Medical P.A •. The Photo Center HRA CORONER CO PLANNING Frank.-:Lacbwi tzer Reba Lee Arlyss Jacobson Charles Beck Ricky Nelson Art Walvatne Julian Tollerude PHELPS MILL Coast to Coast Battle Lake Everts Lumber ·Battle.Lake Sanitary Landfill Kenneth.Rose Steve Handegaard City of' Perham Otter Tail Co-op Oil Willis Roehl· Mrs Gerald Ziese Alf'red Borgas Allan Schermerhorn Max Kroneman CO AGENT CO EXTENSION' I 89.00 151.57 · 139.6o 20.65 ,6.oo 10.96 48.44 . 65.00 1,831.25 842.43 24.25 10.00 13.60 . 20.50 23.50 300.00 76.70 120.75 . 4o.25 40.00 40.00 40.00 43.36 540.00 12.50 177.50 236.55 128.55 112.00 295.63 10.00 20.00 46.12 82.22 9.00 19.00 5.00 100.00 44.77 21.95 35.30 23.00 32.60· 20.00 EOT SOIL & WA'l'ER Jeff Tikkanen 23.36 Donald Kenyon 27.00 Rodney Flatau 22.24 Perham State Agency 50.00 WOT SOIL & WATER Theodore Hegseth 71.70 Harold Skistad 73.50 Arnold Evavold 150.00 Homer Sem 91.05 Glenn Haugrud 56.80 BOARD OF' ADJUSTMENT Peter Irvine 67.00 Thomas Donaho 20.00 VOTER REGISTRATION Nelson Bros Printing 3,188.00 Miller Davis 2,131.40 Otter Tail Power 40.00 DATA PROCESSING Computer Concepts 1,126.09 BOAT & WATER SAF'E'1'Y Carr's 47.52 Bengtson Oil 30.56 Clark Oil & Refining 10.72 Otter Tail Co-op Oil 109.13 Pelican Beach Resort 297.47 Pelican Union 76 30.01 Otterman•s Standard. 11.26 James Phillips 6.45 CO BUILDING Krause Refrigeration 1,745.4o Stenerson Bros 1,186.00 ROAD & BRIDGE Ebersviller Implement Co 13.60 Fergus Auto SUpply 113.68 Fergus Dodge 95.60 General Trading 819.57 Genuine Parts Co 208.62 The George T Ryan Co 654.85 Gerry's Parts Supply 22.52 Helle International Inc. 80.20 Ken Knudson Chevrolet Inc. 9.88 Little Palls Machine 168.00 Minnesota Motor Co 6.12 National Bushing & Parts 484.53 Pebble Lake Nursery 24.75 Perham FL'l'!Dl SUpply 16.57 Quality Auto Supply 10.60 Russ Johnson Co 269.50 Wadena Hide & Fur Co 25.00 Westgo Truck Equipment 141.69 Farnam Tire Center 22.00 I Fergus Glass & Paint Gorentz Bros Interstate Detroit Diesel Allison Inc. Mikes Machine Shop Mobile Radio Service Olson Auto Electric Service Overhead Door Co Schmitz Garage Super GMC Truck Sales Mfiliated Home Centers Anderson Grocery Bretz Hardware Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Cook's Gar~ge Everts Lumber Co Fergus Job bing Franklin Fence H & L OK Hardware ,. . Hanson Plumbing & Heating" M-R Sign Co Mac's Inc. National Chemsearch · Stenerson Bros Lumber Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Firestone Stores Gil's Repair Battle Lake Farmers Union Mills Farmers Elevator Perea Parm Service Rothsay Seed Co. Hattie Barker - Darid :curtis ·Deap.•s Excavating & Gravel Edwin Johnson Jr Errol Kugler Mark Sand & Gravel George Neuman Mrs Hazel Nord Pelican Ready Mix Perham Ready Mix Robert Robley Kermit Rund Carl E Swenson General Electric Waskosky's Inc. . Northern Culvert Operations Lampy Ready Mix City of Fergus Palls Hyman Frieghtways Inc. •Dick's Backhoe Service Evavold Vikesland Construction N.E. 0tter Tail Landfill City of Henning Construction Bulletin The Daily Journal Comm. of Transportation EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region.Mutual Teiephone Co Pelican Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co 5.50 30.00 256.67 276.00 494.oo 35.84 145.00 20.05 1,011.06 30.50 29.83 119.64 18.49 15.01 15.00 141.60 14.50 147.10 45.15 288,10 460.26 31.13 185.54 40.08 64.40 94.42 176.00 185.$9 42.25 5.55 3.00 35.00 145.20 465.92 1.50 9.90 1,736.75 24.75 52.05 20.00 361.25 70.80 68.75 33.50 1,277.25 2,411.00 1,852.58 319.6o 841.88 14.oo 125.00 3,626.56 1.00 420.00 78.40 72.63 269.36 145.40 10.43 92.80 12.b,7 131.57 1 Anderson Br~,s Construction Albinson Brunson Instrument Co Dave Siems Decorating Minnesota Blueprint NACO/ICMA Joint Data Center The Photo Center Poucher printing & Lithe S & S Decorating Victor Lundeen & Co Dennis Berend Douglas Weiszhaar Koch Refining Hans A,Rachel M & Richard Ronnevik. · Prank & Anne Pjestad Ordean & Marilyn Haarstad Clarence Lerbakken Eunice Lerbakken . Evelyn Sether Pr~ Lehn Margaret Rae & Ward Shaver Charles & Ida Aaberg Vernon & Laverne Wigdahl Orvin & Agnes Wigdahl Alf'red Honrud Richard & Janice Rudh Pritz & Blanche Anderson William Rogers D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Cooperative Services Inc. Danielson Oil Co Meyer's Service Ine. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Service Oil Co Andy's 66 Service Battle Lake Farmers Union Bud's Mobil Curt's Repair Dent Oil Co Dick's Standard Farmers Co-op Assn Praki Oil Co HiWay Auto Impl. Co Jiin' s Standard Mayo's Standard Mills Service Center North Union Champlin Ottennan Standard Pelican Union 76 \ Ray' s Oil Co . . ... , . Service Oil Co Battle Lake Union 76 Vergas Oil Co Andy's 66 Service ~o•s Standard Service North Union Champlin 175.00 73.91 69.90 ll.82 122.67 20.00 75.00 57.58 438.98 · 110~14 163.15 113.85 4,575.87 31.00 421.00 104.oo 68.oo 68.oo 416.00 408.00 324.oo 208.00 100.00 56.00 84.oo 372.00 5.00 5.00 250.25 227.19 356.13 229.00 562.06 233.45 974.37 802.4o 63.84 271.41 36.54 246.45 497.38 538.73 167.20 9.12 11.33 194.65 739.24 331.91 145.57 264.38 304.08 136.55 24.75 .752.28 739.79 361.24 277.34 CETA Charley's Sharpening Service Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Gambles H & L Ok Hardware H'Way Park Store Kimber Awning Inc. Ken Knudson Chev. Inc. Otter Tail Co-op 011, · Park Region Co-op Oil Perham Co-op Oil Swanson Equipment West Side Service Gerald Stine 1.50 8.33 2.29 15.00 13.50 392.35 3.25 35.30 6.60 3.98 21.95 11.65 278.25 The Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9: 30 A.M., Wednesday, October 11, 1978. -WEDNESPAY'S SESSION~ Pursuant to adjo~?11JDent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, October 11; 1978, all members present. A scheduled hearing was held on the proposed amendments to the 'Portage Lake Water Surface Use Ordinance. VArious individuals were heard, no action taken, to allow time to check with the Department of Natural Resources relative to the public access~ Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded Andy Leitch and carried, George Walter, Perham, was appointed as a.member'of the Board of Adjustment for a three year term. 1 Motion was· made by Andy Leitch; seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the plat of Hill & Vale ACres, located in Section 27-131-42. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, an application of C. LeRoy Larson, for special use permit to construct road.for a pll)osed subdivision plat on East Spirit Lake in Section 9, Dora, was tabled for fur- ther consideration by the planning commission. 'Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commis- \ sion and deny 1the application of Gordon Peterson for special use permit to. construct a walk-out basement on Lots 1 & 2, Oak Ridge Beach, Amor Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve an application of the Aurdal Co., for special use permit to construct a road to serve a proposed plat in Aurdal Township, subject to the cul-de-sac being moved to Lots 18 and 19. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the preliminary plats of Aurdal River View, 2nd Add'n, and Aurdal River View, 3rd Add'n, to be located in Section 6 -133 -42. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve an application of Lakeshore Properties & Co., for special use permit to construct road for a piq,osed subdivision, to be located in G.L. S, Section 4 of Girard Township, subject to moving road to a more southerly location as specified in recommendation by County Engineer. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an application of Henry Kirchenwitz for special use permit to construct roadway for proposed subdivision, and also approve a preliminary plat of Kirchenwitz Beach, to be located in G.L. 1, Section 29 -136 -40. ~ Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve an application of Henry Evarts for special use permit to construct a road to serve a preliminary plat on Marian Lake in Rush Lake Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve an application of Mrs. Wallace Lamb for a building pemit on Franklin Knoll, Dtmn Township. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: H. E. Frisby Roger Ottem Clifford s. Matson Arnold E. Kaiser Wallace Ness Ralph V. Madsen Girard Township Move road & increase to 66' width Fr1berg Township , Clearing area and personal camping (subject to conditional requirements) Dane Prairie To~ship Use shop & garage for restoration of " antiques Maine Township Construct-300' of road Scambler Township• Roll back front of lot (subject to conditional requirements) Everts Township Fill low area F.J. & Margaret Campbell Eagle Lake Township Fill low area (subject to conditional requirements) DeVaughn Anderson Lida Township Fill low area and move road (subject to conditional requirements) Russell G. Robinson Hobart Township Grade & slope area (subject to conditional requirements) Robert J. Flatin Maplewood Township Build road to serve proposed subdivision Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Flatin Park West, to be located in Section S of Maplewood Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and ~ '-. . carried, to approve a preliminary plat of John's Cove, 1st Add'n, to be located in 14 -134 -41, subject to removal of Outlot A.· Motion was made by Sydney·Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a preliminary plat, unnamed as yet, submitted by Dorothy Rylander, to be located in Section 1 -136 -41. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by JOhn Snowberg and carried, to approve a transfer by metes and bounds description of .15 acre to be added to Lot 1, Anderson's Beach, by Robert M. Lorsung, in Dane Prairie Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a transfer by metes and bounds description by Mrs. Harriet Jacobs in G.L. 7 of Section 11 -136 -43. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to grant special aid ·of $500.00 to Aurdal Township for removing silt from the river, upon orders of the D.N.R., caused by washing. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to adopt the following resolution: RESOLVED by the Board of ColD\ty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The following budget be approved and there be levied upon the taxable property of Otter Tail County, ·'payable during the year 1979, the fol-. ' ., ', ' lowing amounts for the several County Funds, as follows: General Government Less estimated fees, charges Less Local Government Aid Less Federal Revenue Sharing $2,433,472.00 640,865.00 469,074.00 419;902.00 $ 903,631.00 County Building FlD\d 250,000.00 County Road & Bridge Less Federal Revenue -Sharing Department of Social Services Regional Library TOTAL $1,100,000.00 200;000~00 900,000.00 1,295,900.00 $3,397,614.00 Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this llt~ day of October, 1978. A'ITEST: l~L; aJ ,r/sz J;f:,R¼L"-, ~drk The following resolution was introduced by Andy Leitch who moved for its adoption: RESOLVED by the Board of Collllty Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota, that Otter·Tail CoW1ty shall not adopt or enforce the State Building Code. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and upon roll call the following voted yes: Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren, Sydney Nelson and Bert Hovland. The following voted no: John Snowberg Thereupon, the resolution was declared adopted, this 11th day of October, 1978, at Fergus ·Falls, Minnesota. Chairman · · ATTEST: ~y,-~) .a ·.tJi.e711.~e1 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, with Andy Leitch voting "no", to have the ~tate building code, when and if the county complies with it, under the management of the Land & Resource Management office. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, due to shortage of funds, the County not construct a new bu1,.Idipg to house the Department of Human Services. Motion failed for lack of a second. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the meeting was adjourned tmtil 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, October 24, 1978. Chairman ATTEST: '4-12 q) J; /pMF 1.Ierk