HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/08/1978• I _,,,,, . MlNUl'ES OP 11fE ADJOURNED MEETING OP THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County-Co11DDissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A.M. , Tuesday, August 8, 1978, all members present. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to appoint Peter Irvine to serve on the Board ~f Adjustme~t on / ' • . ! the meeting of August 23rd, to replace Tom Donoho who is the attomey for the appel- lant at the August 23rd hearing. .. -Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve an application of Anthony T. Hofmann, for reduction of assessed vaiuaUon on his property in Otto Township assessed for too. many.til~able-acres. ... .. . )',<\· \, Upon motion··made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and 'f unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise a public ' hearing to be held Friday, September.1st, 1978, at 2:00 P.M~; to determine ·the proposed use of Reve11ue Sharing (unds 'to be rec~iv~d under Entitlement Period 10. '11le Bard, having previously. aclcvertised for bids to be received for S.A.P. S6-681-01 (C.P. 78:81), proceede~ to ·open bids which were found to be as follows: Evavold-Vikesland Construction,,' Per~s Faps, • Minnesota ~. Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Palls, ~innesota '\ ' Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minnesota \ Al Minnerath, Inc. g Martin Fruth, lnc.,.coid Spring, Minn. Alley Construction Co., -Inc.-. 'Alexandri11., :M:iJu)e,sota $78,837.57 89,660.35 . 95,071.70 :· 96; 780.50 . _113 ,455 .04 After cons.ideration, .mqtion was made ~Y Andy Leitch, seconded by ·John Snowberg and ca,rried, to· accept -the:,btd·qf ~vavold-Vikesland Construction, , , I _1, • • 1. _ Fergus Falls, Minn~sota in·the.amo\Jl'lt of $78,~37.57; "it being the lowest bid. ' ,, , I ·-,'' I • There were no bids received for C.f. 78:51 so the County Engineer was authorized to request quotations for said construction. \ \ I I ' i Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on May 10, 1977 the bid for grading and aggregate sur- facing lD'lder S.A.P. 56-627-04, C.P. 77:27, ,was awarded to Donald Conroy Con- struction Company, Dumont, Minnesota for the amount of $300,923. 72~ and WHEREAS, the above contract has now been completed ··to -the satis- faction of the ColD'lty Board in the amolfut of $318,-642.03, and overr'4i of $17,718.31 due mainly to the need for additional common excavation and aggre- gate surfacing, with liq~dated damages -deducted in the amo1mt of $9,600.00, and Auditor NOW, TiiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Co1mty/is hereby,authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amotmt of $70,442.-87 payable to Donald Conroy Construction Company, Dumont, ·.Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of August, 1978. ~ . -. . . . "· Chairman ATl'EST: ~ $t)J ·~~-eglerk ·. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, in accordance with a procedural agreement between the Minn,sota Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, . ' ',. dated May 23, 1962, certification by the County Board of Conunissioners for acqui- sition of lands by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and WHEREAS representatives of the U. s. Fishand Wildlife Service have met with the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1D1ty, on August 8, 1978-and informed the Commissioners that a waterfowl easement had been secured from James W. Rorvig on the EJ:iNEJ&NWl--a, ~1-and S~ of Section 32 ·-135 -44, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the ColDlty Board has con- sidered the above request for acquisition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for waterfowl easement and does hereby grant its approval. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 8th day of August, 1978. ATTEST: cW~ ,V Az ~Ayw iierk Upon motion made by John ,Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, approval was given for the payment of-$5.890.83 to Minnesota Motor Company Fergus Falls, Minnesota for a 1978 Chevrolet Impala Sedan approved for purchase on July 10, 1978. UPon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and . carried, approval and payment authorize~ for the purchase of an additional tract of land comprising 5.77 acres of land in the amount of $4,000 near the new highway garage building in Aurdal Township. Motion was made by HubNordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve an application of Laurence J. and Craig L. Anderson for license to sell intoxicating liquor, and Sunday license,· at The Bronco Club, located in Girard Town- ship. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and t.mani- mously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Ronald D. Schetnan David C. Thomas George & Margaret Frankberg Clitherall Comer Pelican Beach R !sort The Stone Hearth Nidaros Township Dunn Township Hobart Township-, Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve a transfer of property on Long Lake, Elizabeth Township, involving Lots 8, 9 and 10 of MOrrill's Add'n. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following bills were.allowed: Office Expense Glen Melby - Carlton E Mortensen Charles Hay Clarence Frank Larry Kantrud Scoot We::l..lnitz _Ropert-I{r:i,ght Ervin Hagep. Max .Kro:rieman R.E.Kausler Mrs Gary .Anderson Xerox-Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Miller Daris SHERIFF Empire Business Machines ·· Cooper I s Office SUpply . City of Fargo Second Chance Body ~OI? Inc.· "Mobile Radio Service Wolter Electronic Co J & J ConvQrs_i•on _ Co . · Kustom Signa~s Inc. Auto Glass Installers Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Auto S:tJ.pply Fergus Dodge Inc. Riverside Repair Shop Warner's Auto Sales Goodyear Service Store Bob Moore Ford Inc. Bauck Chevrolet Co Perham Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Jim's Service Pelican Uni,on.76 Melch~r Oil Key's Oil Co Jirn1 s·st~dard Gene •·s -Standard Frontier Texa:co Farmers Union Oil Brai).don Farmers Union B_attle Lake Dick's Standard Big Chief Texaco B & L Interstate Ashby Equity West Side Service Serviee Oil Co RoBo Service Phillips Petroleum Co Phillips 66 Service 184.oo· 14.63 130.23· 204.oo · 816.00 21.21 81.60 979.20 14.oo 43.20 11.71 30.00 221.28 252.43 41.50 28.11 2.50 101..00 70.00_ 32.00 -419.00, 158.55 274.oo 270.35 50.00 126.16 ·13~63 226.97 14.56 192.18 90.26 -:_. 2.00 28:43 549.54 340.78 41.00 42.01 14_~24 12.67 - 10.86 23,. 78 7.50 10.25 17.55 '38.38· 12.10 15.80 30.79 11.31 257.40 1,173.60 8.09 15.00 ... Dr H~W, Britt. Parkers Prairie Dist. Hospital ·New Y0rk Mills Hospital. Memeorial Hospital & Homes Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group City Pharmacy · Andrew & Meister Drug Mrs Gordon Tomb.ave Donna Polensk.y Bev Hendrickson Orletta E~senhuth Marjorie .. Barvels . National Food Piggly Wiggly Warehouse Food.Market Ernies Food Market Fergus Jobt,ing Continental Big Red Metz Baking Cass Clay Creamery Mrs·Gordon Tomhave CO COURT Xerox-,_Corp. . The·Photo Center Victor Ltp1deen & Co Cooper's Office Supply MidWest Carbon Empire Bus. Machines Nelson Bros Prtg •. Midwest Printing Miller Davis Pouqher Printing· & Li tho Sec. Service· Clark~,Boardman Co. LTD Becker.rec Sheriff Rock Co. Sheriff Bill Dowd Sheriff Joseph Cade Michael Kirk Els.ie M Smith Russell Jacobson Jody Swanson City of Perham Malcolm Lee James Johnson Richard Mac Gregor Larry Krohn Xerox Corp. LAND & RESOURCE 26.00 10.00 40.00 21.00 87.50 39.80 39.05 5.58 200.75 10.95 187.98· 166.08 9.13 280.58 117.15 281.11 193.61 54.40 264.50 160.18° .203.85 23.40 237.93 61.96 41.85 18.25 117.57 25_.40 35.50 21.50 122.60 81.95 57.00 10.50 3.00 6.00 8.oo 15.00 30.00 18.40 22.00 24.40 65.00 8.23 97.80 88.05 64.35 73.98 Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co J.C. Penny Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Auto Safety Service Pelican Union 76 Roger Bentson Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Co-op Oil Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros Victor Lundeen & Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Eugene Davenport Region 7 MAAO Sherra.n Haus Harris Iverson Otter Tail Co-op Oil Becker Co VETERANS SERVICE ASSESSOR Clooper's Office Supply Inc. Poucher Printing & Lithe IBM Corp The Photo Center Mehdi Oran.di M.D. Marjea.n Hanson Mehdi Oran.di M.D. K.A. Muckala ~.D. The Photo Center Karen Peterson Karen Beyer Otter Tail Co HR.A Jared Smalley Paul Russell Knutson Floyd Hoff Peter Hoff Janice Pala.n IBM Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing Computer Concepts Burroughs Corp. Midwest Carbons CORONER HRA DATA PROCESSING 12.00 93.85 27.10 11.50 20.00 54.39 74.16 66.10 31.75 30.00 126.50 10.15 10.18 97.51 70.00 34.50 21.00 120.23 2.70 39.12 8.44 71.50 484.37 300.00 76.35 108.50 37.25 2.27 829.99 24.90 697.66 23.50 10.00 22.00 20.50 29.50 62.99 1.75 28.50 1,259.32 492.40 190.29 I Otter Tail Co-op City of Perham Battle Lake Landf'ill Ricky Nelson Coast to Coast Gust Lagerquist & Son Hintgen :Ki:\Est Electric Molleru.d Electric Knutson Htg. & Air Cond. Bakers Service Johnson Controls CO AGENT PHELPS MILL MISC EXPENSES Midwest Industrial Lighting Northwestern Supply Dacotah Paper Co Electoleux Corp. Otte_;r.Tail Cp-op Oil Avant Painting- Millers Bait Swedberg Florali Jeff Jens on · Cooper•~ Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Empll!e Business Machines Nelson Bros . · · Miller Davis · Midwest Carbons Burroughs Corp. Walters. Booth Natonal Pen Corp. The Photo Center Pitney Bowes Minnesota State Treas. Hesby Barker Perham Enterpirse Bulletin Daily Journal Cornell Severson Post# 17 Myrtle Logas David Olson Gordon Bjoralt Richard Fortmann · Sidney Nelson Dunk.era Marine Carr's Inc. Bellet's Welding Otter Tail Co-op Oil Becklund Rian Oil Pelican Union 76 Warner's Auto Sales BOAT & WATER SAFETY 60.17· 100.00 17.00 397.38 86.92 92.00 61.68 98.70 54.6~ 21.00 _313.97 i69.60 90.00 254.99 44.80 30.07 131.00 6.00 503.50 130.60 101.90 97.58 10.80 97.00 35.47 78.06 50.40 8.79 244.76 7.98 93.00 7,608.65 35.00 · 136.50 . 944.60 50.00 56.00 · 32.50 193.27. 63.00 238.86 106.40 71.15 12.00 176.79 2.00 31.18 40.00 . ; RO.AD ·&:· BRIDGE ··Bauck~:Chevrolet Co Ebersvi1ler Implement Co E €aye Machine Co Fergus Auto Supply General Trading Genuine Parts Co Gerry's Parts Supply Genuine Parts Co Johnson Auto Service Lawson Products Super GMC Truck Sales Westgo TrucK Equipment Ziegler Inq. Carlson car·care & Welding Helle International Inc. Interstate Inc. Minnesota Motor Co Olson Auto Electric Riverside Repairs Thalmann's Repair Wadena Implement Welding & Blacksmithing Coast to Coast Battle ba.kk.e · Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Coast to Coast Perham Dent Equity Mill H & L 0K Hardware Hanson's Hardware Hoyt Hardware M-R ~ign Co .. _ Pelican Hardware Hank · Sigelman Steel'& Salvage Stenerson_Bros Lumber Farnam Tire Center Firestone Stores Elk River Concrete Products Northern C~lverts Op~rations· Mark Sand·& Gravel Soby C-onstruction. Vergas Co-op Mill & Elevator Anderson Bros Construction Battle Lake San. Landf'ill NE Ottertail Landf'ill Commissioner of Transportatio~ ·'-'State OFMinn. Daily Journal .. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Carbons '! • Minnesota Blueprint· Nelson Bros Prtg. The Photo Cent~r-• Midwest TelephQ~e Co ~, Northwestern· ·Bell· Telephone Cc;> Park Region Mutual Telephone ca. Pelican Telephmne Co Dennis B~rend Dennis Berend Koch Ref:iilmitig .. _, .... ':.. 50.68 ·11.75 75.70 112.36 633.25 27.36 36.21 16.95 4.91 48.56 14.l~ 40.·05 386.07 6.oo 72.04 _94. 79 185.60. 29.31 · 146.28· 172.45· · 65.oi 148. 75- ·70.62 37.95 17.95 13.98 13.78 121.82 - 28.85 36.68_ 13.37 43.85. 18.14 114.66 209.18 1,971.20 7,329.24 527.00 4,697.12. 29.80- 105.00 6.oo 5.00· 237 .28" 8.oo 42 .• 29 · 135_.66. 57.51- 4~9.19 · 53.50 47 .08 ;, 8.12-·. 136.45 · 47. 73 .. 13. 76 - 37.04 34.81 4,814.94 M~R Sign"Co Inc. Russell E _&. Esther Shel Vernon & Velda Buchhmlz Norman Peterson · Friberg Township George Whitlock Melvin•Hartham Harold Montgomery Duane & Diane Ternus Harley & Elna 'l'umberg K!l".llleth & Dorothy Welter eity of New-York Mills ~erald L .Anderson.& Blanche Simpson Eva H Jones Et al ·Rdward & Lorraine Chap Mary Koste . ' . Dale & Patricia Jokela Phillip & Mildred Perala Irwin & Lemp E · Strehl·ow Ronald &"Patrieia Finberg, Ronald & Patricia Finberg James & Jean Fellerer Robert Thompson Signe Toikk.inen Evelyn Anderson . James J & Mary P~ters Toiv.o E'Perna · Wallace & Jean Wallgren Mayme Moilanen .A:rvo ;KY-ton.en Esther Anttila Jack & Grace·Christia.nson Marvin & Selma Holm Clifford Gilbertson· Everett & Janet Gilbertson Evangelical Lutheran Church D-A Lubricant Co Danielson Oil Co. Roy Fossen· Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Otter Tail co~op Oil Ray's Oil Go Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Bluffton Oil Co Bud's Mobil Consumers Go-op Oil Denny's North Star Dent Oil Co Duane's Mobil Park Region Co-op Pelican Union 76 Vergas Oil Co Bretz Hardware Carr Enterprises CETA Charley's Sharpening Service Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Crane Johnson Lumber Co 10,705.00 1·,182. 70 801.00 430~85 4.QO 200100 56.50 524.72 40.00 77.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 ,5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 _ 5.00 65·.oo 1,210.95 1,104.75 1,389.16 976.05 · 251.35. 262.74_ 137. 70'_ 221.50,. 200.20 240.99: 235.57_ 171.45 158.48-- 276.99 365.24 243.89 305.73 585.83 289.96 439.75. 11.72 19.30 13.50 2.57 15.29 Ferg1,1.s Falls True Value F9lsom Drugs H &·L Ok Harctware H'Way Park Store Kimber Awning Larry's Service A.R. Meier Otter '.;Cail c.o"-rop Oils Park Region·co-op Perh-fun·,-co-op Oi:l Sport sport Swan Drug Van's G:r;-ocery· Gerald Stine Gerald Stine .... ,._ .- • ..• :·. 6.99 -79 27.01 34.70 214.13 13.60 12-.25 17.46 13.98 . 5.22 41.05 L8o · 1.65 358.65 107.25 There:bei_n1 no further business, the Chairman acljoumed the meeting atil ._9:30 A.M., Wednesday, August 9th, 19·11. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail Comity met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, AugUst 9, 1978, all members present. Motion was::made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of "Aurdal River View" to be located in Secion . 7 -133 -42. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve a preliminary plat of "Eastwood Shores", located in Section 13 -132 -40. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve an application of Milton Paulson for special use permit to build a road to serve "Eastwood Shores" in section 13 -132 -40. Motion was made by.Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of "Sybil Heights", to be located in Section 6 -136 -40. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and miani- mously carried, to approve a~ application of Glenn M. Anderson for special use pemit to construct a road to serve "Sybil Heights" in Section 6, Edna and excavate a hill and fill a ravine, approved subject to conditional requirements. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried to approve a preliminary plat of "1st Add'n to Ethel Beach", to be located in Section 4 -133 -39. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following applications for special use pemit wer, approved: Henry·Baumgartner Maine Township . Operate small commercial ic~ maker (subject to conditional requirements) David M. Benson Scambler Township Excavate ·and fill (subject to conditional requirements) Gery Knuttilla, Dave Dertinger Edna Township Landscape lots and Kenn Day (subject to conditional requirements . ,, ". l , ~ .' Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license: Marvin W. Johnson Jerry Stewart .Marv's Plbg. & Htg. Galchutt, North Dakota Stewarts Backhoe Service Moorhead, Minnesota I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS Minn. Stat. 389.011, subd. 2. states the county board may, by resolution, declare the office of county surveyor terminated, and WHEREAS the Board of County Comissioners of Otter Tail County is of the opinion the position of County Surveyor is no longer necessary, NOW, mEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the position of County Surveyor of Otter:f.llil County,. be and is hereby terminated.· Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of August, 1978. ' Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and manimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: m_NNESOTA DEr·AA~NT. QF .. TR,ANSl>ORTATION. fEDERA,_L A..I.D fUNDI:NG -fO~ NO• 11 BE IT R,ES:OLVED that the· Commissi.oner of· Transportation· be· and he hereby i_s authori.zed and i;eque~ted· to take. ~uch. steps. and perform s.uch. acts· on behalf of -th.e Cqunty-o:I;-Otte-,;• Tai.1 as .ll!!:IY-b.e. nece.$a~i;y-_ to have the· cqnstructicm and improvement of. th_e· ro·ad$: hei;:e.:j:na:l;i:er-deacril>ed_. properly-approved· by the· Federal Highway-Admip.;i.s.tratQr · as federal..-.A,i_d assi~ted· pi'oje.cts_· eli_gi_ble .for the· expendi,-. ture o:( fede.ral ;f;unds. th.ei;e.Qn, and el:i:gible. ;Cgr. present constructi_on and the letting of contracts· th.e.i:e.;f;(n:-'._. ·· Replacement of· th_e· followi:ng existipg deficient bridges; Br, No •. : 4387 Br• No• . L0900 B1;. No. 5580 Br. No. L0921: BI;,.No~ 1478 Br. No. 1476 Br, NQ, L0874- B1:. No, L0884 Qn· Cgun.ty· State· A,i_d Highway No,· 3? over· Otter Tail R,i.ver·, .on·county· State·Aid Highway No,·13~· over Toad River~ .on·count:y State Aid Highway No,·14~ oveI; Otter Tail R_iyeI;~ . cm· County· s·ta te · A,id Highw~y-No. · 7 S, over Leaf ~i ver. on Gorma.n Township Rpad No. 291, ove-r Otte:r Tail R.i.ver·. gn.GQt:man TQwnship ·Road No,. 269? over Otter Tail Ri.ver~ ·_ on Hobart Township Road No,. 308, over Otter Tai_l Ri.ver·, on.Maine Township R,qad No•. 676? over·west Lost Lake. A,dopted this ··9th..· day of· August;, 1978. · Chairman, .Otter·. Tai_l County Roard of· Commi.ssi.oneJ;'s · Attest;. r:4k11ittf:i~F; .. (SEAL) Upon motim made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS 1 Otter· Tai_l County~ to cqmply wi.th. the· State of :Mi_nne.-. sc;,ta Act:i,gn· J:>lan, di_d h.old a publ;i_c mee.t:i_ng_ on· August 9 1 1978~ to _ consi_dei;-addi_tigns er( deJ;i..ci.ent b\f;"f:_dges tQ. the lgng ~ange. bt;';tdge and highway cons.tructt.on. plan, whi.:.ch. waa pre:vi.ously· appi;-qyed c;m Febt;uary 6, 197~~ and --· · · · WHER.EAS ~ the· a,dopt:;i_on · Qf a J::evi.sed future b;i;-:idge and ~i_ghway constructiqn plan~ i.n accordance w;i.th· th.e :M;i,nnesota A,cti.Qn · J?lan, is required. NOW· THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED, that th.e· "Otter Tai.1 County 1978-Annually· Revis.eel Bridge and H;i_ghway· Conatr;ucti_on · J;>·lan, dated Febi:::uary 6,, 19781\ as prepa1ced· by th.e CQunty· High~ay· Engineer·, is h.ereby· rev:t.s.ed by-the· add:;i_ti.ons q;f;. the.· def:;i_c;leni: bi;;i_dges· dated August· 9, 1978? and i_s th_e· :l;utui;-e. 1978 lq_ng range Br:i,dge a_nd•H;i,gh .... way Construction· Plan fq:r: ·Otter;. Tai_l CQunty·. Adopted· this ·~th~·~ day· o;f; August;. 1978 ~ Bo.aj;-d qf 'Ggmm;i.ss;i_c;,rie:r:s Attes.t:; · ··~•Z~A~~J (SEAL) V .-., I I Motion was made by Andy Leitch. seconded by John Snowberg and carried. to grant a gambling permit to VFW Post 874 in Sverdrup Township. according to state regulations. at a fee of $25.00 annually. There being no further business. the Chairman adjoumed the meeting until 1:00 P.M •• Tuesday. August 22nd. 1978. Chairman ATfEST: c4/2,Q)~~~ · lerk