HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/10/1978-MtNUTES OF mE REGULAR MEETING - of the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL. CO.ONT)' MINNESOTA Pursuant to statute, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Monday, July 10, 1978, all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, sec~ded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to cancel the temporary loan made from County Revenue toCounty Ditcll 160, as an uncollectill)le amount on an abandoned ditch. Motion was mll.de by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, Andy Leitch voting ''no", to purchase a 1978 Chevrglet Impala from Minneso~a Motor of ) Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $6,890.83 for -use by the Sheriff's Depart- ment, it being the lowest quotation received. Upon motion made by H\lh Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign an agreement wit!\:) the State of Minnesota_ on behalf of Otter Tail County for I , . . participation in the 1978 Coordinated Alcohol Speed Enforcem.e11t Project (C. A .s·. E. P.) • Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to ret~n the firm of T. G. Evensen. & ,Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota as bond consultants on Colll11ty Ditch 12 (Join~ Otter Tait~Wilkin County). Motion was made by Andy Leitch,· s~~nded·by John Snowberg and wiani- mously carried, to advertise for b.ids ·.~to b~•receiv~d until 1:00 P.M. for the sale of -. -, ' ~- bonds in the amount of $185,000.00 for-Otter Tail County's share of ~he construction and repair of Wilkin-Otter Tail County Joint Ditch 12. '· Upon motion made by Syd,ey Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and un~i- ' . ·mously carried, the Co\Dlty Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be re~ ceived until 9:30. A.M., Tuesday, August 8th, 1978, for a culvert installation on ' . ' . C.S.A.H. 1S1, 2.S miles north of ~erham over the Otter Tail River •diversion. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Coimty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS .the County Board on May 9, 1978, accepted the bid of Ackling Construction Company, Frazee, Minnesota in the amount of.$56,314.00 for an R.C. P-A Culvert, Bridge No. 91751, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction.of the County Board at a total cost of $54,197, a decrease of $2,117.00 due mainly to the need for less common borrow and less hours of dragline and dozer equipment, NOW, 'nlEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $54,197.00 toAckling Construction Company, Frazee, Minnesota in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of July, 1978. A'M'EST: Upon motion made l>y Sydney Nelson. seconded by John Snowberg and carried. the following resolution ,was adopted: :· RESOLUTION ·WHEREAS. The County of· Otter Tail and the City of Perham have applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota Outdoor Recreation Act, Chapter 421 for the develop~ ment of a bikeway (Termini sections are: Begins City of Perham Ends City.Park) and located adjacent to CSAH #51 road right-of-way, ·WHEREAS, The amount of the grant has been determined to be $20,631.94 ,by reason of the lowest responsible bid. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the County of Otter Tail dces hereby affirm that any cost of the Bikeway in excess of the grant will be the responsibility of the County of Otter Tail. and the' · City of Perham, and that any grant monies appropriated for the bikeway but not required, _based on the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota Outdoor Recreation_ Fund, Minnesota_ Department of Transportation. Adopted this 10th. day of· July, 1978. Attest: ~,J~,A~ · CuntyAuditor~ (SEAL) Chairman, Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners Upon motion· made by_ Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowbe_rg and carried., the following resolution was adopted: · · RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED, that the following described project is· hereby approved by Otter Tail County and the County · Highway Engineer shall take such action needed to have the work completed. ·. , BE ,IT: FURTHER RESOLVED,, that ~he work shall be in-· eluded in the existing County contract.for Bituminous Surfacing,,which is. deemea to·be' the most advantageous method'. to the -c~unty: :·. . ?roject,; Owner Type Location Approx .. Length Approx. Cost Otter .Tail_ County Base & Bituminous Surfacing CSAH 1127, South of CSAH /124 •. $210.7,01.50. Adopted this 10th day of July, 1978 . . . ,~·~ · _ C'airm~Otter Tail County · Board cif Commissioners ·Attest:· (SEAL) Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carri~d, the following resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. 11 BE IT RESOLVED that the Connnissioner of Transportation be and he hereby is authorized and requested to take such steps and perform such acts on behalf of the County of Otter Tail as may be necessary to have the construction and improvement of the roads hereinafter described properly approved by the Federal Highway Administrator· as a Federal-Aid secondary project eligible for the :.'- ' expenditure of federal funds thereon, and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor. Replacement of Bridge _No. L0910 on County State Aid Highway No. 52 over-Deer Creek. Adopted this 10th day of July, 1978. Attest: ~Nd~J CllntyAuditor (SEAL) Chairman, Otter Tail County Board of Connnissioners Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, August 8, 1978, for grading and .aggregate sur- facing 1.96 miles on CSAH #81 from T.H. 178 to l.96miles east, S.A.P. 56-681 . .;.01. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, authorizing the Veterans Affairs Officer to obtain three quotations on the remodeling of the veterans affairs office, and proceed with work. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the budg~ts for the East and West Otter Tail Co1Dlty Soil & Water Conservation Districts, each in the amount of $14,560.00. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and 1Dlani- mously carried, the following applications for reduction or change of assessed valua- tion ware approved: Francil R. Lankow Bonetta Anderson Gerald Courneya Sverdrup Township Hobart Township Hobart Township Incorrect measurements on buildings Coding error, assessed on wrong name Coding error, not assessed Moti.on was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, John Snowberg and Sydney Nelson voting ''no''ru•to object to a grant application by the Otter Tail -·Wadena .. Comunity Action,.,;Couilcil, Project 1759, Community·· Services Administration, as it is a duplicaticm,•·of other· projects. Motion was made by Hub·rNordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson:•· and unani- mously' carried, to approve a budget amo1Dlttof,$19,884.00 of co1Dlty.funds for the H~· R~A~ proposed 1978-79 budget, subject·to·,review in January of 1979. . . Motion was made by Andy .. Leitch•; that because of action. taken by the . ' Fergus Falls City Council; in denying 1a,-var_iance to the County for the construction of an office building on South Court·in the"Crity of Fergus Falls, that.~lte.~ounty Attorney be instructed to take w~at~ver action is necessary to·evict the city police . ·, . ' .. . . department from the law enforcement center, to pro.vide-t~~essary space for county . ' use. The motion was seconctd by Hu6 'No~cfgren but fai-1-ed with John Snowberg, Sydney ' .. Nelson and Bert Hovland voting ''no". ' Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following bills were allowed: ASSESSOR Coopers Office Supplies._ Eugene Davenport - Warner's Auto Sales John Skramstad State Planning Agency Empire Bus. Machines Otter Tail Co-Op Oil AUDITOR · Cooper's Office Supp 1 i e's Burroughs Corp Miller -Davis Poucher Printing i:Lithographing Bureau of Bus. Practice Burroughs Corp _ Pronto Land Measure Poucher Printing · · COUNTY ATTORNEY Michael Kirk Enstad -Mann · CLERK OF COURT Myr.tle Logas Myrtle Logas Xerox Corp IBM Corp Nelson Bros Myrtle E. Logas Myrtle E. Logas City of Perham Melody Koplin Rachel Englund C. J. Heine- Haugen Is Restaurant Photo Center Inc. Cliff Bitker Hesby Barker Richland County Vicotr Lundeen Xerox Corp Xerox Corp COUNTY COURT $ 20.86 79.35 9.36 34.45 25.00 45.00 82.53 128.55 57.00 17. 17 35. 22 . 26.45 49.90 9.50 288.91 15.00 30.00 30.00 153.46 35.67 60.00 298.00 8.00 18. 50 65.00 10.00 22.00 200.00 25.20 33.49 64.90 10.00 7.00 752. 11 255.00 270.22 COUNTY RECORDER. Thomas 0. Nelson Helen Skramsted Xerox Corp· COUNTY TREASURER Cooper I s Office Supplies Henning Advocate Smith Corona Marchant Service Pitney Bowes Victor Lundeen & Co. Coopers Office Supplies Vicotr Lundeen & Co. Karen Beyer Mid West Printing Karen A. Peterson Floyd Hoff Paul Russell Knutson Janice Palan Jared Smalley Peter Hoff Craig M. Hoff HRA Leyquist Sound Idea Store County Recorders Office LAND & RESOURCE Xerox Corp Building Code Division Malcolm Lee James Johnson Richard MacGregor Larry Krohn , Richard Fihn Jims Standard ' · South Mill Standard Arneson-Larson-Milton Pelican Union 76 Coopers Office Supplies Victor Lundeen & Co~ MOTOR VEHICLE Victor Lundeen & Co. Coopers Office Supplies $ 55.00 132.25 1,074.22 50.00 34.50 111.00 78.00 3.00 57.93 16.01 135.00 14.25 829.99 13.00 20.50 ~.50 24.25 10.00 50.00 45.00 49.98 111.43 115. 00 129.08 105.15 203.55 102;90 175.50 28. 61, 18. 22 27.00 90.49 12 .. 00 79.98 3.55 275.50 I J VETERANS SERVICE Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Coop Oils Auto Safety Service Fergus Dodge Nelson Bros Printing V. Lundeen & Co. Eergw5 Qecl§e City of Perham COUNTY AGENT· Steve Handegaard Otter Tail Co~op Oils Pelican Rapids Press Gordon Bjoralt Alva Krekula WEED CONTROL · Otter Tail Coop Oils Perham Enterprise 8 SOIL & WATER ~st Otter Tail Soil & Water West Otter Tail Soil & Water Theo. Hegseth Harold Skistad Arnold Evavald Glen Haugrud , Home Sem Jeff Tikkanen Rodney Flatau Wi 11 i am Stone Marlin Senske Don Kenyon Ebersviller Imp. PHELPS MILL Battle Lake San. Landfill Coast to Coast $ 88.27 66.50 63.82 18.00 3.80 159.00 ,8.69 ~ 100.00 10.00 36.01 3.00 137.05 228.90 59.00 62.70 188.00 188.00 177. 30 132.50 213.40 146.00 137. 45 69.90 67.20 30.80 30.80 21.80 21.60 9.00 13. 27 1 , DECORATING GRAVES World War B~rracks-#·~1~7 Burelbach· Post# 61 Haimert Post# 148 Stinar-Sturdevant Stoltz Posi f 116 Paul Putnam Post# 289 Orandi Medical Orandi Medical Mehdi Orandi Photo Center, Inc. Orandi Medical Miller Davis Co. Mehdi Orandi Marjean Hanson L~ke Region Hospital Mehdi Orandi CORONRR DATA PROCESSING Burroughs Corp Cora Nelson Kim Carrison Minn. Counties Research Computer Concepts V. Lundeen & Co. ·Viking Land U.S.A; 1.:6\'el'lne P:1, 1 e Parta Printing Daily Journal MISCELLANEOUS Mrs. Arlys Jacobson Edwin Lenius St. Paul Fire and Marine Hesby Barker Hesby Barker Hesby Barker Sylvia Bergerud. ' $ 50.00 50~00 50.00 50.00 50.00 · 47. 75 180.00 40.25 14.74 40.25 24.97 300.00 76.20 39.40 30.25 zxkxx;xxx 465.40 41.45 4.93 67.70 1,177.09 ·541.08 2,304.85 11.30 ibfxx;.in -87. 45·: - 314.09 45.40 70.50 88.00 463.50 4,362.68 20.00 34.20 Gust Lagerquist Verd-A-Ray Bonywell G~ena c1: Son Mollerud Electric · Johnson Control · Er'!ker•s Service Rollene Davi~ Gambles . B c1: L OK Bard.ware .. otter Tail Glass Otter Tail Co-op Jon Erickson Jeff Jenson Ashby Equity Bauck Chevrolet Co. Bentson Oil Big Chief Texaco Bob Moore Ford, Inc. Car.r's Christenson North Star Conoco Continental Oil Consumers Coop Oi 1 . Farmers Union Oil Co. Fergus Dodge, Inc. Firestone JANITOR SHERIFF Gene's Standard Service Goodyear Service Store Ervin Hagen Holiday Jims Service Otter Tail Coop Oil Perham Cooperative Oil Phillips Petroleum Co. Riverside Repair Shop Service Oil Co. South Mill Standard · Thalman Repair Warner's Auto Sales Ethel Barker Marjorie Barve1s Orletta Eisenhuth Beverly Hendrickson Reba Lee Wilma Ojala Donna Polensky Mrs. Gordon Tomhave Mrs. Gary Anderson Andrews & Meister South Badger Uniforms 92.00 . 158.05 148.92 -... 941.ll 20.77 168.29 142.60 45.55 2.16 2.15 8.50 17.45 85.00 :,64.4o 26.25 24.25 9.30 15.45 28.00 13.25 12.83 146.80 125.23 57.66 710. 34 40.04 68.95 557.:92 9.45 487.24 21.00 369 .14 420.89 85.96 l , 158. 67 333.06 34.50 25.95 49 .31 38.33 18.25 264.63 226.30 9.75 18.00 11.38 282.88 15.00 76.60 175.09 p City Pharmacy Dacotah Paper Co. Bruce Eckley SHERIFF F.F. Medical Group Empire Business Machines Sheriff Manley Erickson Fergus Falls Gun Club Fire Safety & Communications Clarence Frank Frontier Texaco Gambles Charles Hay J & J Conversion Co. Max Kronemann Lake Region Hospital Keith Li 11 is Victor Lundeen Mantek Memorial Hospital & Homes Mobile Radio Service Carlton E. Mortensen Nelson Bros. Printing Northland Photo Supply Parkers Prairie District Hospital Pelican Valley Health Center Perham Enterprise- . The Photo Center Poucher Printing & Lithographing Second Chance Body. Armor, In~. Charles Sherbrooke Stenerson Bros Sheriff Jerad L. Townsend Vore 1 s Scott Wellnit~ •. : West Central Airways Walter Windels Robert Wright Xerox Corp Cass Clay Creamery Continental Big Rea. Ernies Food Fergus Jobbing National Food Store Metz Baking Co. Bi.ggly Wiggly Red Owl Store Mrs. Gordon Tomhave Warehouse Food -Waf'Ael" Cal:>le BOAT & WATER SAFETY Carr 1 s Inc. Denzel 1 s Welding Fergas Glass & Paint Kimber Awning George Mccollough Otter Tail Coop Oil Battle Lake Review 31.20 168.75 70.00 78.70 43.40 24.00 153.60 6.58 1,020.00 70.50 7.88 326.40 136.84 28.80 17.50 24.00 149.02 99.84 14.00 134.25 153.01 43.50 268.00 . 40.00 30.00 6.00 347.40 22.03 204.00 4.68 7.96 217.00 275.40 . 81 . 60 280.80 48.00 1,264.80 241.10 234.90 669 ._66 135. 45 19.00 266.56 91.41 106.46 14. 29 20.80 176.83 28.00 75.74 14.00 6.57 5.00 21.00 179.48 83.05 I 1 ROAD a: BRIOOE Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Ebersviller Inpl. Co Gerald Evenson Fergus Auto Supply Fergus Plumbing & Heating General Trading Co Gerry's Parts SUpply Bagen• s Inc. Helle International International Harvester Johnson Au.to Service Mike• s Machine Shop National Bushing & Parts Co Uselinan•s Inc. Vergas Ford F.quip. Co Westgo 'l'ruck Equip. The ·zeoo eo. Bob's Machine & Mfg. Co Arthur Brottlund Fergus Dodge Inc. Little Pine Maohine Shop Mobile Radio Service Olson Auto Electric Riverside Repair Stan Moe Ford Sales super GMC Truck Sales Inc. Coast to (',0ast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Dent Equity Mill Inc. Coast to Coast Perham Coast to Coast Hemaing Conml.ssioner of Transportation Fergus Tru Value Hardware Fergus Well Co H & L OK Hardware Lampert Bldg. Center Otter Tail Co-op Oil Co Pelican Hardware Banlt Phil Olson Ruhl.and• s Hardware Russ Johnson Co Sigelman Steel & Salvage Stenerson Bros Lumber Wadena Hide & Fur Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Mimi. Motor Co Elk River Concrete Products Fergus Culvert Sales Northern Culvert Operations Mark Sand & Gravel Co M-R Sign Co Inc. City of Pergus Falls WOT Soil & Water Cons Dist 39.84 :,114.0l 8.86 164.59 260.71 757.:,8 230.11 2.12 148.50 530.02 7.94 2.00 215.17 50.55 194.92 54.19 584.75 77.30 15.00 21.08 44.25 815.65 12.00 106.42 185.90 1,7::,8.83 55.44 5.12 12.98 19.95 85.13 811.88 8.63 20.~ 11.57 2.25 3,750.00 19.97 10.00 81.77 193.70 269.59 90.90 4.60 45.73 5,603.92 256.92 285.45 8,873.39 338.30 732,70 841.88 480.oo A-1 Refrigeration & Appliance Geoffrey Rund Stan Mor.ill Inc •. BE Otter Tail Sanitary La:ildtill A-1 Rubbish City of Benn1ng Charles Fitzai.Jlm!.ons Robert Watkins · l)a.1ly Journal Construction Bulletia Victor Lundeen &. Co , •. The Map Store· Minnesota Blueprint . The Photo Centel". 'l'he Pierce Co_ . . Poucher Printing & Lit.ho 3M Business Products Sales Inc. l>emlis Berend. ' · Dem:ds Berend EOT 'felephoJie,,,co ltl.dwest Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co ltoch Refining James E Phillips O.L. Urvig Patricia Mae Shol . Gary & Irene Friendshuh Otter Tail Power Co Dale & Mary Jo Kugler· Mark & LaVomie Kenhon Ben Goeson Monte E Goeson Earl Boyum Kenneth & Shannon Van Santen Arnold & Grace Norberg Penrose 011 Co Andy's 66 Service Battle Lake Farmers Union 011 Bengston Ml Co Co-op Services Inc. Consumers Co-op Oil Curt's Repair Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn · BiWay Auto & Impl •. Co Jim's Service Meyer's Service Milt's Union 76 North Union Champlin Otter 'fail Co-op 011 North Union Champlin otterman•s Standard Ray's 011 Co Vergas 011 Co 125.73 190.00 1,660.00 78.50 ·20.00 571.89 60.00 60.oo 139.86 llKi.80 82.19 3.00 1,118.16 ·81.82 1:'6.00 168.28. 62.65 59.41 48.50 140.12 11.18 121.14 51.57 12.02·~ 2,394.99 125.00 127.60 26.68 410.30 36.00 456.90 608.70 1,709.10 558.:,6 160.75 510.30 1,665.09 204.14 352.81 195.44 90.31 725.15 267.20 267.44 105.12. :,62.26 97.83 188.69 318.10 371.35 247.51 4<>4.67 220.3:, 39.01 48:,.42 291.8:, B & D Standard. · · Bretz Hardware Carr Enterprises". _ CETA Charley's Sharpening Service Danielson,s I 94 B & L 0K Hardware B"Way Park Store Killiber Awning Larry's Service A.R. Meier Welding Service otter Tail Co-op Oil Park Region Co-op Swanson Equipment Van's Grocery . Walt's Repair Shop Gerald Stine 3.35 5.75 6.25 9.00 9.40 56.17 23.20 187.55 7.40 lo.So 5.90 3.20 30.97 1.25 15.49 284.10 The Chahman adjoumedthe meeting until 9:3o· A.M., Tuesday, July 11, 1978. -TUESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, Juir 11th, 197,., all members present. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren,: seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to appropriate the sum of $21,412.00 for the Otter Tail Counth Historical Society budget for the year .1979 •. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Minnesota Motor <;:ompany for reduction of assessed valuation in the City of Fergus Falls. Motion was made by Bert Hovland~ seconded by ~ub Nor.dgren and carried, . . recommending an offer to Ra.lph M. lv~rs. for, a .red:uction of assessed· valuation on his . . . . . ) , . \ ' ~ ~ . ,. . ·, . ' . property in Dunn T~shi.p due to an .error··1n· assessment, offer to be made on condi- . ' tion Mr. Ivers withdraw .his petition" to ~.istri.ct court. Motion:was made.:by.John Snowberg; seconded by Andy Leitch and lUlani-r. . t-• . mously carried, to·approve the ~allowing bonds: Harlan L. Nelson, County Court Judge'· Michael Kirk, County Attorney ·u,000.00 1,000.00 Motion was made by Hub .Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg-and unani- mously carried, to approve the budget for the.three departments of the Otter Tail County Human Services .as follows: · Social Services. ·,'''. •·. Publi¢·.Health ·services, ·Court Services $1,095-,900.00 · 73,687.00 126,313.00 Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to assess against the pro~erty owners on Cotmty Ditches #25. and 142 the following amounts for the year 1979:. Cotmty Ditch 125 Cotmty Ditch. 142 $3,302.30 '300.00 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy ·Leitch and carried. to approve the application of Warren A. Rosenow for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Deer ~e Lodge in Everts Township. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson., seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications were approved for permit to allow consmnption and display of intoxicating liquor: Thomas If. Volberding Donna Nagel Hi-Way Park Ballroom Red-Bar N Elmo Township Rush Lake Township Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried., to approve the application of Don Firnhaber of Co1mtry Inn., Dora Township for a wine license. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, s~conded by Hub Nordgren and carried,. to appoint Frank Lachowitzer of Perham to the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commissiop to fill the unexpired term of Ed Lenius, who. has resigned. Motion was made by :John-Sncwberg to uphold the decision.of the Otter Tail Com1ty.Planning Advisory Commission and deny the application of Kurt Krueger for a special use permit·to operate a commercial airplane ride concession on West Loon Lake. The motion was seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, with Andy Leitch and Hub Nordgren. voting ''no". Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried., Hub Nordgren voting ''no", to deny approval of an application for special use permit by James S. Moline to construct approximate 3,200 feet of road to , __ serve dwelling an~1Juture subdivision, located in Section 32 of Aurdal Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve an application by Bernell Bakke to construct a tile line )"-' to drain a slough in Sections 14 and 23 of Saint Olaf Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to uphold the decision of the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission and deny the app~ication of Edward J. Walsh for fill_ on tract in ~ar of Lots 23· & -24, Okeson Beach, Eagle Lake Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy ~j.tch and unani- lDOU$ly carried, to approve the plat of Holiday Beach, lst.Add'n, loc~ied in Sectbn . ' ' 3S -1'33 -39, subject to vacation of road. as requested by the lot owners and the township board. with access to lots being a private road, subject to town board appro- val. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson. seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve an application by the Otter Tail County Highway Department for special use permit to construct a bituminous surfaced boat ramp·in accordance with Department of Natural Resources Permit No. 77-1793 on East Silent Lake in Dora. Township. Upon motion made byMdy·Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Mrs • Mervin McQuil lan Eagle Lake Township Peggy Cherry Everts Township (subject to conditional requirements) llot Swenson Nidaros Township Arlington Johnson . ·Dane Prairie Township (subject to conditional requirements) Operate an off-sale-beet, establish-. · · •-·· · ment' · Cut g Fill Fill low are & construct 3S0 1 road Pill low area Upon·motion made by Hub No".Clgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, an application of Bemard M. Bongard was approved for a special use permit to operate a small engine repair service in Section 26 of Girard Township. subject to: the provision the business-continue in its present· size· !)f operation. Motion was made by Sydney ,Nelson •. seconded by Hub Nordgren and 1.mani- mously carried, to approve the applicationst;of,,: A. P. Borge for a special<iiilse permit · to.,.,cut and fill on·Lot 8,:•S:i.lent Haven,:Development-in Dora Towl)ship_~ . • J • :' . ,, : Motion was made by Be'rt-:•Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- .. :.: ~--! . mously carried, to approv~ ~-applicat.ion,~of,,\;: Robert Westfall, Loweli,Wasnmth' affll, l \, • !-_ James ;Erickson to pull.·bank down an<f, :lev~lti<;e ridge on Lot 8 of Forest Lodge, Eli-· ' • : . ·. ·1 • zabeth Township,. subject to condition_al ":fequ~rements. Motion ~as-made by Sydney, ,Ne~sop, seconded by Hub Nordgren~0.and- unanimously carried, to.approve an application of.Ervin Cichy for.special use·permit to operate a well drilling business i,n,S~ction 23, R~sh · Laluf Township • I ' I I Motion was made by J~ Snowberg, ~econded by Sydn~y Nelson and unanimously c~iecl, to approve-. .~lication of Charles Peach for special use ;,,, T • • ' • • • ' : • l'f' periait to ~t and fill lots on Chuck's.North Shore View, 2nd Add'n, Dora Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of ''Deer Valley", located in Section' 2~ -133 - Motion was made by Bert·Hovland, seconded by JohnSnowberg and unani- mously can-ied, to approve the plat of "Langren's Add'n", located· in Section 20 ·- 133 ~ 42. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- moU:Sly carried, to approve t~e plat of Bayport Beach, located in Section 4.: 136 -41. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Stich g Wagner, located in Section 19 -131 -39. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the plat of Welter's Wilderness, located in Section 27 -137 -41, subject to road approval. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- raously carried, to approve a preliminary plat of Winger's Hilltop Development, to be located in Section 34 -133 -42. Moti~ w:as made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve a preliminary plat of· Hill g V&;J.e Development, to be lo- cated in Section 27 -131 -42. Motion was· made by·SydneyNelson, seconded_by Hub Nordgren and carried, . . . ~ ,, . ; . to approve a transfer by metes and bounds description on a parcel by Sherman Mandt, located on West McDonald Lake. Motion was made by Hub.Nordgren, secondedby-.JohnSnowberg and carried, ~;,; . ~ . . . to approve an application of Allen Roggenkamp, of Allen o. Roggenkainp Excavating of . . ' . Wadena, Minnesota for sewage disposal installers license,·.subject to posting-of bond. I Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the County Attorney was authorized to take.whatever action is necessary to vacate a dedicated alley near the Otter Tail County Nursi_ng Home on Otter Tail Lake. ·. Motion was made by Hub_;:Nordgreni seconded by Sydney Nelson ~d unanimously carried, to accept the following ColDlty Auditor's report of taxes levied for county purposes for the current year, amounts collected to date and balances·1mcollected, etc:: -TO mE COUNTY BOARD OF O'M'ER TAIL COUNTY Pursuant to law, I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levied for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balances remaining to the credit of each County Fund at -the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1977. Funds County Revenue Fund Department of Human Services County Road & Bridge County Buildings Regional Library TOTALS Amount Levied for · current Year $ 954,389.37 1,117,960.00 1,000,000.00 220,000.00 · 46,654.49 $3,339,003.88 Amount Collected and.Apt>ortioned Balances Uncollected or UnapPortioned $ 954,389.37 1,117,960.00 1,000,000.00 220,000.00 · · ·46~654.Sl $3,339,003.88 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: County Revenue Fund Department of Human Services County Road & Bridge Fund County Buildings Regional Library $ ·oebit Credit $145,881.77 248,372.01 1, 042·, 399. 29 194,079.92 195.88 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining· unpaid on the con- tracts already entered into by the Board: Contracts -Road & Bridge Equipment -Road & Bridge Buildings Contract Amount $346,106.00 Amount-Paid Balance Due $3,932,257.78 $102,92~.62 $ 243,177.38 There being no further business, the Chairman of.the Board adjourned the meeting.until 1:00 PJM.,,Tuesday, July 25th~ 1978. erk·