HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/20/1978MINtrrES OF nlE ADJOURNED MEETING OF nlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTl'ER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commisioners of Otter Tail Co~ty Minnesota met at 1:00 P.M._, Tuesday, June 20th, 1978, all mem~ers present. The letter of resignation of County Attomey Harlan L. Nelson was read and upon_motion made by-Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney·Nelson and unanimously carried, was accepted. Motion was made by John Snoitberg, stteonded by Sydney Nelson and carried, Hub Nordgren and Andy Leitch voting ''no"~ authorizing the county agricul- tural i.nspectors to have booths as both county. fairs .and pay the necessary expenses. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to accept the engineer's report on County ·oitch 131·. · Motion was made by Andy Leitch,· seconded by John. Snowberg and carried, to reimburse the viewers on County Ditch ,37 at a rate of $40.00 per day and lSf per mile. Motton·was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, :.> to approve bonds for Sherrie Miller and Linda A. Toelle, Deputy Clerks of County Court, each in the amODnt of $3,000.00. Moti~n was made by Hub Nordgren~ seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, with Andy Leitch . abl'taining and Sydney Neisen voting ''no", to approve two splits by George Leitch in Section 29 of Amor Township, on the condition no more splits are allowed. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign a correctional deed of conveyance in connection with right-of-way on a county road in Section 10 - 136 -42. Upon moti.~ ~e by H~b Nordgren; seCOJ'.lded by Sydney·Nelson and aaniaously. carrie~.-, the following resolution·was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The County of Otter Tail has applied to the.Commis- sioner of Transportation for a grant from the _Minnesota State Trans- portation Fund for the-reconstruction·of Brf:dge No. ·91750 qn County State Aid Highway 1156. over Blue Creek~ and; WHEREAS, The application for the grant has been reviewed by the West Central Regional Development Connnission, and; WHEREAS, The amount of the· grant has been determined to be $24,519.00 by reason of the· lo~est·responsible bid. NOW,"-THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: that the County of Otter Tail does hereby affirm that any cost·of'the bridge in excess of the grant will be appropriated. from funds available to the County of Otter Tail, and that any grant monies appropriat~d for the bridge but not required~ based on-the final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota State Transportation Fund. Attest: (SEAL) Adopted this ·· 20th · day of· June,· 1978-. Chairman, Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners Up.on·motton ■ade by Sydney·Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried·, the ,followi_ng res.oluti~ was adopted·: · .. : RESOLUTION . , WHEREAs,·The· County qf Otter Tail has applied to the Commis- sioner of Transportation for·.a grant from the M:j.nnesota State Trans- portation Fund for the reconstruction of-Township Bridge No. 91751 over.the Toad River, and; · · _WHEREAS; The application for.the grant has been reviewed by. the West Central Regional Development Commission~ and;_ . WHEREAS, ';l'he amou:i:tt·of the grant has been.·deterinined· to be $24,119.50 by reason of-the· low-est responsible bid. NOW,·THEREFORE," BEIT RESpLVED: that the· County·of Otter Tail does hereby affirm that any. cost of the bridge in.excess of the grant will be appropriated from funds available to the· County of Otter Tail, and that any grant monies appropriated for the'briQge but not: required, based ·oJ?.· th.e. final estimate, shall be returned to the Minnesota. S.tate Transportation· Fund. Adopted this 20th. ·day of.June, 1978~ Attest:· (SEAL) Chairman, ·otter Tail Cqunty Board of Commissioners ... ,. Upon aott:on •de by Bert Hovland~ seconded by John· Snowbe_rg and carried, the following resolution _was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The County of Otter Tail has applied to the Commis-· siorier of Transportation for a grant from the Minnesota State Trans- pc;,rtation Fund for the reconstruction of Bridge ·No .. 91731. on· County State Aid Highway .fllo over the· Qtt~r, .Tail River~ ~nd; ' , .·• ,• . . WHEREAS, .The appiicant. for tlie· g·rant has been revi~ed by the West· Centr~ Regional Develqpment Commission, and; . . . . WHEREAS, The· amount of' the grant has_ been determined to be· $137,180,. by r~ason · of the·· lowest· responsible bid. ·', . . ~: , NOW, THEREFORE, BE'IT RESOLVED: that the County· of Otter Tail does hereby. affirm that any cost of the bridge in excess of the grant will be appropriated from funds available to the County of Otter Tail, and that any grant monies appropriated for the bridge but not required~ based ·on ·the final es·timate, shall be r·eturried to the.Minnesota State Transportation Fund. Adopted this 20th· day of June, 1978. Attest:. ~A)J~ ~ Auditor- {SEAL) Chairman, Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners Upon aotlon ••~ by. Hub NoJ'.dgren-, . seconded by· John Snowber1 and carried; the follow.i_ng res.olution · was ~pted·: · R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the following County State-Aid Highway Projects w";i..thin municipalities of less than 5,000 populatio~: S.A.P. No. 56-650-04 C.S.A.H. No. 50 Located in the City of Deer Creek _Consisting of Grading, Surfacing, Curb & Gutter & Storm Sewer. S.A.P.-No.: 56-667-12 C.S.A.H. No. 67 Located in the City of.New York Mills Consisting of Grading, Surfacing, Curb & Gutter & Storm Sewer. And, whereas, ·said ·county is now proceeding with the construction of these·municipal projects thr0ugh the use of regular County State-Aid Highway funds to supplement the av_ailable funds in their Municipal Account, and WHEREAS', repayment of the regular County State-Aid funds so advanced to the Municipal Account is desired in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subdivision 5. · NOW, THEREFORE, BE·IT RESOLVED: That .the Commissioner of the Depart- ment of Transportation be and is h_ereby requested t~ approve this basis for financing said construction projects and to authorize. transfers from the subsequent accruals to the Municipal Account of the County State~Aid Highway fund for said County, within the limitations provided by law and at the times and in the amounts, as herein indicated: Attest: (SEAL) On or aft~r Feb. 1, 1979 -$60,000. from 1979 Allotment On or after Feb. 1, 1980 $20,000 from 1980 Allotment Adopted this 20th _ d_ay of June, 1978. ~· ~--,11 airman, Otter Tail County Board of·Commissioners .. ·, Motton was made by, Andy Leitch.,· secc,nded· by Hub Nordgren and. carried, to·approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to posti~g of bond: Dave Bugbee Donald C. Krause E. Duane Johnston Sherrill Jacobson DS:ve•s Backhoe Service Johnston Excavating Jacobson Ex~vating · Underwood, Minnesota Fergus Palls, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Underwood~ Minnesota· Motion was made by Sydney· Nelson.; secc,nded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the followi_ng applications for sewage disposal system cleaners • : i',, \1 license, subject to posting of bond: ',. Kenneth Stenger Vergas, Minnesota John Leick Jack's Pumping Service Ve_rgas, Minnesota Motion was. made by Sydney· Nelson, secc,nded· by John Snold>erg and carried, to approve the following applications for special use perinit • subject to conditional requirements: Ed Lakaduk Dmm Township Construction.driveway Orville H. Anderson Dane Prairie Township Fill lot·· Karl Pitkin Everts·Township Cut and fill David Anderson Tordenskjold Township Cut and fill Norman Long Friberg Township Cut hill & level area Fay L. Botts Dora Township Fill low:·area Motton was made by B.ert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve a split of property involving LotsS and 6 of.Block 1., Lida Shores, to equalize· the size of the lots·. Representative$· from Dane Prairie and·A.urdal Township appeared before the Board relati.ve to· a 'cartway running between· the two townships. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried:, to table action on said road m1til a determination is. made as to ownership, townships to report back to the · Com1ty Board by July Uth. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Mi.nnesota, that WHEREAS Erwin E. g Miriam M. Zaske, owner of record of Lot 7, Keplinger•s Second Addi.tion to the Village of Deer Creek, has made application to·repurchase the· aforementioned property, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of the 1971 tax, and WHEREAS said applicant has paid the aggregate of all delinquent taxes, with penalties, costs and interest in the total amount of $243.84, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Board of County Conanissioners does hereby approve the application, to be in the best public interest and relieve \Dldue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 20th day of Jl.me, 1978. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by t~e Board of Cotmty Commi~sioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Donald Vern Kleven, heir to·the estate of Carl Baglien, owner of record of Lot 7, St. Sub Lot of E½ of Section 16 -134 ~ 43, has made appli~ation·to purchase the aforementioned property, said property having for- feited to the State of Minnesota ·in 197S for non-payment of the 1969 tax, and · WHEREAS the· total aggregate amotDlt of all delinquent taxes·, penalties and interest in the amount of $113.61 has been· paid, NOW, THEREFORE,. BE lT RESOLVED, the County.Board does hereby approve said application and grants the repurchase, tobe in the best public interest and relieve tmdue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 20th day of June·,· 1978-. Cruf: rman . . ,;·' .,. A1TEST~ ~ /Zf /::'J•~~lerk . . Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS application has been made by the Township of Amor for conveyance of the S 190' of NEJ..i NEJ..! N of Highway lying N of Lot 1, Resurvey bf Res. l & 2, Shirley Beach, Section 22 -134 -40, a tax forfeited parcel, frpm the State.of Minnesota, for park and town hall purposes, and WHEREAS the·countyBoard has examined· into·the· allegations of the application of Amor Township, NOW, mEREPORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the· Board ot· County· Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1mtythat it hereby approves said application and recommends the same be granted. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 20th day of Jtme, 1978. ~z:;··_··~-' -. -. ,' ~ . : .. ·-. •. . ·, , ..... : ~'" . . . . . . . . . . . . an - A'M'EST;. c;;f,t_,;,z}J ~4erk A letter from the City of Henning requesting change from a SS mile speed zone toa 30 mile speed zone on old highway 210.by the Soo Line tracks was read. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the letter was accepted and the Comity ~gineer was instructed to take whatever action is necessary. The Board having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous seal coat proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Batzer Construction Co., Royalton, Minnesota· Hi-Way Surfacing Co., Marshall, Minnesota $207,346.00 ,, .. 208,824.00 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for highway striping, proceeded to open bids which were fowid to be as follows: Traffic Marking tnc., Buffalo, Minnesota Traffic Marking 6 Striping Co., Fargo, North Dakota $ 26,865.00 37 ,498.2s· After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by ·-Andy Leitch and carried, to award the contract for bituminous seal coat to Batzer Construction Co., Royalton, Minnesota in the amowit of $207,346.00, it being the· lowest bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to award the contract for highway stripillgr,.to Traffic Marklng Inc., Buffalo, Minnesota, in the amount of.$26,86S.OO, it being the lowes.t·bid. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to . appoint Dr. Mehdi Orandi as Cowity:.coroner' for an indefinite term, beginning January 1, 1918. : Motion was made by Andy Leitch• seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to .have the :vi~wers on. Co\Dlty Ditch 137-.,·also.:serve as viewers on County Ditch 121 to determine benefits. Motion was made by John Snowbex-g, seconded.by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the Co\Dlty Assessor to increase•i:1;he assessing fees for .various., townships and cities to $2.40for 1978 and $2.60 for 1979. Motion was made by Sydney:•.Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg.iand carried, to,grant an appropriation.to Viking l:.and"."U.:S.A. in the amount of $2,ooo: for the year 1978-1979,Andy Leitch voting "no". Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the application of George Frankberg for•wine license for The Stone Hearth, in Hobart Township. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and car,ried, the following applications for .permit to allow consumption and display of intoxicating liquor were approved: Lynn .J. Rhodes KeMeth E. Bickel Adrian Westergard Lenny's Graystone Lodge Pine Lakes Lodge The Last Resort George Prankberg The Stone Hearth (subject to payment of fee) Warren Rosenow Jerry Schultz Leaf Lakes Ballroom Ten Mile Lake REsort Everts Township Corliss Township :Elizabeth Township Hobart Townshipp Leaf Lakes Township '.fumuli Township t -Upon mottm made hr Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following applications for lic~se to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were ap- proved; aldng With: application for dance ,license: :Beer: Milton Baglien American Legion Post 130 Kenneth E. Bickel Wayne Klein Dance: Pine Lakes Lodge Sleepy Hollow Resort Warren A. Rosenow Leaf Lakes Ballroom .. .(subject to payment of fee) Buse Township Corliss Township Tordenskjold Township t,eaf Lakes Township There being no.further.business, the Ch.airman adjourned the meeting • . titairman : . . . .