HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/06/1978MINUTES OF fflE ADJOURNED MEETING OF 1llE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O'ITER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to·adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., June 6, 1978, Bert Hovland.absent. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve payment of engineer's fees and attorney's fees for Otter Tail Cotmty•s share on joint Otter Tail County-Wilkin Ditch. 12, to Houston Engineering in the amount of $14,886.12 and Thomas c. Athens·, Att'y, in the &mOIDlt of $1,989.43." Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson~ seconded· by Andy Leitch· and unanimously carri.ed, the following applications· were approved for license to · sell non-intoxicating malt liquor: Adrian Westergard Jon A. Anderson ·Last Resort Jon's Hamburger Hollow Elizabeth Township Pine Lake Township Motion was· made byHub 0 Nordgren~ seconded.by Andy Lei.tch and unani'l" mously carried, to approve the application of!Adrian Westergard forperinit•to·hold dances at the Last Resort in Elizabeth Township. Motion was made by Sydner Nelson, seconded· by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried~ to approve the followi:ng•.•applicatlons for permit to allow:consumption ' . . and display of intoxicating liquor: .Thomas F. Collins Ed Richardson Collins Landing The Red Hirt Stephen ltmz & Michael Scouton Rocky's Resort . '"Bruno M. Burak Grandview-Heights· George Reimer Star LakeResort John Soby Pebble ·Lake.Gol'f Club, Inc. Star Lake Township Sverdrup Township Dora Township Pine Lake Township Dora Township .. " Buse Township LaVey·Thalmann Chalet Chanticleer Restaurant Otter·Tail Township > 1'.· Upon motion ~de by Hub ·Nordgren,.· $"conded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following_resolutio~ was adopted: ·RESOLVED by the -~•rd of· County Commissioners of Otter Tail ColDlty Minnesota, that WHEREAS the resignation of Harlan L. Nelson, Cotmty At~omey, has created a vacancy in the position of Otter Tail ColDlty Attomey, NOW, 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Michael Kirk be and is hereby appointed Otter Tail Co1mty_Attomey to fill _the tmexpired term ending December 31, 1978, and BE IT PURTHER RESOLVED compensation shall be set at. $31,600.00 annually, effective July 1~ 1978. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this. 6th. day of JIDle•, 1978. ATTEST: ~>tJ d?'Q?R~~Etrk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County· Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS in accordance with a Procedural Agreement between the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the U. s. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice, dated May 23-, 1962, certification by the County Board of Commissioners for acquisition of lands by the U.S .Fish and Wildlife Service is requested, and ltHEREAS representatives of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service inet with the Board of Comissioners of Otter Tail Co1Dlty Minnesota on J\Dle 6, 1978 and informed the Co•issioners that a waterfowl easement had been secured from Lester and Luverne ·Teberg on theW½SYAr and~ of Section 21 -132 -43, ex- cluding 1. 04 acres for State Aid Road 11, and WHEREAS the County Board considered the above request for acqui- sition by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, NOW, 111EREFORE, BE tT RESOLVED the Otter Tail Co1Dlty Board of Co•is$ioners does hereby approve the· aforementioned waterfowl easement acquisi- tion by the U.S. Fi$h and Wildlife Service. Dated at Fergus Palls. Minnesota this 6th day of June, 1978. ATTEST: 9f/vL··.,;J s& ~,erk I Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of ColDlty Commissioners of Otter Tail Co1Dltf Minnesota that WHEREAS the· County-· Board on the 22nd day of May, 1978, accepted . ~ . . I. the proposal of W-omer • s Au:to" Sales, Fergus .Palls·, Minnesota in the amount of $5,687.00 for the· purchase of. one 1978' Matador,: 4•dr. , fer use by :the sheriff• s department, and _;. WHEREAS the above automobile has now been delivered to -the satis- faction of the County Board, NOtf, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the County Audi~c,r is· hereby ·. · . authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,687 .. ob/payable , . to Womer•s Auto Sales, Fergus-Falls, r.finnesota in full payment thereof·. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of J1D1e, 1978. ATrEST: q,./J, al,~ ~f?W-1(_ -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjoumment, the Board of ColD\ty Commissioners of Otter Tail Cotmty Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 7th, 1978, all members present. ' The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for grading, ~µfacing, curb &gutter and storm sewerwtder projects S.A.P. 56-667-12 and S.A.P. 56-650-04, proceeded to open bids which were folD\d to be as follows: S.A.P. 56-667-12 Mark Sand ft Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lakes Paving, Inc., Detroit Lakes, Minnesota S .A. P •. 56.;._650.:.04 Mark Sand ft Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Lakes ·Paving, Inc., Detre>it Lakes, Minnesota 298,244.25 $157,570.58 173,142.85 After consideration, motion was made by Sydney Nelsnn, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to award t~e contracts to Mark Sand 6 Gravel Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the ilmolD\t of $287,744.40 for S.A.P. 56•667•12 and $157,570.58 for S.A.P. 56-650-04, being .the lowest bids, subject to approval by the city in which th~;"p~ject is located~ Mot'ion was made by Andy Leitch,. seconded by John Snowberg and lD\ani- mously carried, to approve a transfer of land from Otter Tail Cotm.ty to Buse Town- ship in Section 25 -132. -43: for township p~rposes·, and the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor·were authorized to sign a quit claim deed on behalf of Otter Tail County. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded~ John Snowberg and carried, authorizing payment out of the Road &,Bridge FlD\d in the amount of $2,019.60 to the sheriff's budget to cover salary for hours spent in weighing trucks on county roads, Sydney Nel$on andHub Nordgren·voting "no". Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve payment in the .amount of,$500.00 to Effington Township for special aid. JI.\N .... ~' \q78 9'.2948, Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Comissioners of Otter Tail Co1mty Minnesota, that WHEREAS said County Board on the 9th.day of May, 1978 accepted a proposal of Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc,, Perham, Minnesota for one 1978 Chevro- let I:mpala, 4 dr sedan for use by the sheriff's department, and WHEREAS said automobi.le has now been delivered to the satis- faction of the-Co1mty Board, NOW, 1llERE.FORE, BE I.T RESQLVED, the··~ounty Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amo1mt of $5,626-.80 to Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc., Perham, .Minnesota in full payment thereof. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of June, 1978. ATTEST:. ~;; ~ Jz &~lerlr. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail · County. Minnesota, that WHEREAS Art Espeland, representative of the estate of Inga Johnson, 01111er of record of Lots 15 and 16, Block 2, Paulson & Milne's Add 'n to the City of Henning, has. made application to repurchase the above described property~ said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for noii.-payment of the 1971 tax and subsequent years, and WHEREAS the total taxes, penalties and interest inthe amolDlt of $544.97 are to be paid by the representative of the estate, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED the Board of ColDlty Commissioners of Otter Tail Comity does hereby approve the· aforementioned application, to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Palls, Minnesota this 7th day of J1D1e, 1978. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the plat of ''Wall Lake Development Number Two", located in Section 34 -133 -42. carried, to approve the plat of "1st Adcl'n to Stony Brook Manor", located in Section 26 -133 --43. Upon mot.ion made by Hub Nordgren~ seconded by Jolµi~Snowlierg',and carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved; subject.to:posting of bond: Robert J. Schafer ~e~is Delzer Delzer Construction Ottertail, Minnesota Dalton, Minnesota Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren·, seconded by ·Andy Leitch and carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license were,.approved, subject to; posting of :bond:"~'' Juel Stadum - Clifford H. Olson Gerald E. Swift Robert Sherbrooke Cliff's Enterprise · G.E. Swift & Sons Erhard, Minnesota· Henning, Minnesota . Fergus · Falls·, · Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Motion was made":'-':byi·Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to grant permission to Joe Sedivy for an approach onto Countr Road 132 in Maine Town- ship/ After-consideration of proposals s~mitted to the County Engineer for an automobile to be used by the highway department, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to purchase a 1978 Chevrolet Impala froa Minnesota Motor· Company, in the amount of $5,603.92. :Jr 9 3-p-< ~ Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the fo_Jloring bills were allowed: r.•· ( \. I Office expense Glen Melby Joseph Peloquin Richard Kausler Larry Kantrud John B Halvorson Robert Wright Scott Wellnitz · Clarence Frank Max Kroneman Jerod Townsend, Sheriff Holiday Otter Tail Co-op Oil Perham Co-op Oil Pelican Union 76 Phillips Petroleum Farmers Union 0il Co Clark Oil & Refining Corp. Ashby Equity Ass'n Worners .Auto Sales Riverside Repair SHERIFF Olson Auto Electric Service Carr's Inc. Auto Safety Service Cass Clay Creamery Don's 10 to 10 Ernies Food National SU.per Market Piggly Wiggly Warehouse Food Market Metz Baking Fergus Jobbing Mrs Gordon Tomhave Xerox Corp. Fire Safety a Communications kustom Signals Ine. Empire Business Machines Perham Enterprise Bulletin Poucher Printing> a: Li tho. · Holiday Inn of Anoka City of·Fergus Falls .Memoriia.l Hospital & Homes _Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical G~oup -City Pharmacy Lakeland Mental Health Center Orletta Eisenhuth Beverly Hendrickson Mrs Gordon Tom.have Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Nelson Bros Printing CO COURT 311.80 - 7.21 66.50 18.04 19.40 4.09 1,224.00 . 938.4o 1,06o.80 28.80 147.00 465.06 395.78 ·449.87 43.06 36.33 6o.68. 32.98 16.·oo 66.11 345.43 . . 24.10 8.44 336.03 215.20 22.11 193.02 168.31 38.15 544.74 90.81 76.20 22.40 250.19 85.90 .232.95 37.00 30.00 293.60 283.68 277~76 -7.00 52.50 14.oo 20.32 55.00 29.20 21.90 31.03 I Linda Miller Dave Delmonico Cooper's Office Supply Inc. F.mpire Business Machines The Photo Center Northwestern National Bank Secretarial Service Earl Dosch, Sheriff DWI Clinic Fergus Falls DWI Clinic St Cloud City of Perham LAND & RESOURCE Malcolm Lee James Johnson Richard Fibn Larry Krohn Pelican Union 76 So Mill Standard Xerox Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeem & Co Minn. Planning Assoc. International Cont. of Building Officals Lake Park Journal Roger Bengtson Rudolph Aueh Otter Tail Co-op Oil RoBo Car Wash Karen Peterson Karen Beyer•·_ Gibson's The Radio Shack Cooper's Office Supply County Recorders Paul R Knutson Janice Palan Floyd Hoff Peter Hoff' Eugene Davenport Otter Tail Co-op Oil Rockford Map Publishers Worner Auto Sales Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjoan Hanson Maurice Beers M.D. Benjamin Delgado M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Orandi Medical P.A. Glende Johnson Nelson vms SERVICE HRA ASSESSOR CORONER 18.40 10.00 259.72 10.00 14.74 26.37 69.00 1.00 925.00 25.00 65.00 1.00 120.6o 228.:,0 103.95 38.14 50.87 66.12 147.:,0 318.72 10.00 9.00 11.86 829.99 9.00 2.41 6.95 17.96 79.06 23.00 26.00 15.50 10.00 219.37 89.21 201.82 18.72 :,oo.oo 76.:,0 4o.oo i.oo 1 :6d 2 .oo J June Ry'an Charles Beek Reba Lee. Richard Portmann Melcher Oil Co CO PLANNING PHELPS MILL Battle Lake Sanitary-Landfill Coast to Coast Battle Lake Paul Putman Post# 289 · .City of Perham Otter Tail Co-op Oil CO AGENT DECORATING GRAVES Olson Stitzel Post# 219 Gilmore Weik Post 5252 · -Busetb. Tusow Post # 18 Adamson Norman Post# 30 Harold T Swenson Post 612 World War l Barracks# 922 .D.A.V. Chapter# 25 Natioal Order of Trench Rots · Edward Carlson Post# 283 DATA PltOCESSING Computer Concepts Burroughs-corp. I . MISC EXPENSES Gust Lagerquist & Sons Wm Galena & Son ·Johnson Repair Otter Tail Co-op Oil Gambles Western Chemical · Datco Daleo Jeff Jenson Xerox Corp. Miller Davis Co .Nelson Bros Printing Poucher Printing & Litho Vietor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Hesby Bark.er Parkers Prairie Independent · _Perham Enterprise Blil.liten Battle Lake Review Pelican Rapids Press ·· Earta,· Printing 90.00 70.00 131.20 62.30 198.03 9.00 56.04 13.95 222.75 100~00 33.48 50~00. 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 1,539.27 6o3.4o 249.00 135.80 26.45 17.40 15.67 31.34 350.72 148.65 50.25 507.86 . 70.95 17Loo 29.57 266.96 22.23 27,448.17 53.47 26.02 544.75 53.47 16.50 Nelson Bros WOT Soil & Water Holiday Inn Hesby Barker Ameriean Legion Flag Service · George Nelson · Ronald Stabnow Evelyn Wagner Gordon BJoralt Duane Donley BOAT & WilER SAFETY Fergus Glass & Paint National Bushing & Parts RO.AD & BRIDGE Fergus Plumbing & Heating Floyd Duenow Inc. Garwood Twin Cities:.: Genuine Parts Co Helle International Inc. Miimes<i>ta Motor Co · National Bushing & Parts · Little Pine Machine Shop Olson Auto Electric Serv • . overhead Door Co Riverside Repair Shop Coast to Coast :Battle'Lake Coas~ to Coast Parkers Prairie·· Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Everts Lumber Co · . . ' Farwell Ozmun &.· Kirk, ·co Franklin Fence Co Hintgen Karst Elee~ric - Lampert Building Center M-R Sign Co Inc. . Otter Tail Co-op Oil Pelican Hardware Hank Premi_er Autoware Co Rulilands Barclware· Sigelman Steel & Salvage stenerson Bros Lumber Co Lampy· Ready Mix Co Paper Calmenson & Co Marvin Wahl Transport Clearings.: N.E. Ottertail Landfill Assn. . '!'he Independent Comn. of Transportation State of Minn. Construction Bulletin Perham Enterprise Bulletin Albinson Control Equipnent Co Victor Lundeen & Co 53.00 188.00 4l.6o 15.00 100.00 140.00 50.00 10.50· 34.80 2O.6o 41.38 5.88 ~l.0O 28.20 120.46· 108.28. 139.97 14.oo 134.88· 97'-75 53.90 37.98 102.08 · 16.06 29.77 287·.()4 339.45 . 4.25 42.07 372.38 239.25 13.01 132.44 137.04 28.50 25.21 . 160.44 1,098.77 472.50 17 .35 · 3.00 32.81 180.13 · 4.oo 21.20 26. 71 · 12~.46 3t5:~ General Trading _ Park Region_Mutual Telephone Co .. The Map Store Minnesota Blueprint '!'he Photo Center Poucher Printing & Litho Rogers Company Dennis Berend EO'l' Soil & Water Midwest Telephone Co NW Bell 'Jil.ephone Co Pelican 'Jil.ephone Co Kock Refining Co M-R Sign Co Lyle D & Norina Thom Robert & Vivian Kugler Leo & Emma Kugler Allen A & Darlene Nikkari Floyd & Id.a Harper Raymond·& Iris·Eriekson John Bak.er Raymond & Marjorie Erickson Russell & Lois Olson Edward Haman. Peter T Margaret Van Erp Raymond Buettner Donald L,Loren & Pearl Gunn Hubert J & Lidwina Buettner Allan & Jeanne Roggenkamp Arthur & Vivian Bondzin · Evelyn Ohm Richard & Cleone Riemer Kessell & Barbara Stave D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Bluffton Oil Co Co-op Services Ine. Penrose Oil Co Goldammer Oil Co Melcher Oil Co. Andys 66 Service Bud's Mobil Parmers Co-op Assn Deer Creek Fraki Oil· Co Melcher Oil Co Miltona Creamery Assoc. North Union Champlin Otter Tail Co-op Oils Vergas Oil Co CETA Carr Enterprises Inc. Christenson's North Star Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids 'i81. 41 -67.21 3.00 262.20 114.30 36.09 124.95 42.85 69.47 8.75 112.72 11.08 2,240.94 24,542.00 238.00 682.85 3,537.20 2,707.30 933.00 1,419.75 82.50 751.15 1,398.14 1,448.70 1,101.50 989.15 2,484.23 622.95 112.50 739-. 63 185.85 37.50 37.50 244.20 224.50 438.oo 205.17 22.03 95.80 1,186.59 859.74 219.28 219.97 126.10 17.12 159.52 339.62 84.77 290.67 58.85 11.50 4.oo Grina Our Own Hardware H & L OK Hardware . , .. B'Way Park2-Store , .. Kimber Awning i... · Otter Tail CO-op Oil Park.Region co,.;,op Perham Co-op Oil Swanson Equipment Thomas Oil Co Walt's Repair Shop Gerald Stine · 8.99 . 9.02 9.90 119.74 5.80 6.4o 4.67 34.55 27.30 30.69 284.10 There being no furtherbusiness, the Chairman adjoumedthe meeting mtil 1:0.0. R.M., Tuesday-~ Jme 20th, 1978.