HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/09/1978I MINlITES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, May 9, 1978, all members present. Motion was made by Andy. Lei.tch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, Sydney Nelson voting "no", to have the lay members of the human services board be placed on the advisory cornmittE;t\ and the human services board shall be the five members of the county board, together with the two lay members in an advisory capacity. The Board, having previously advertised for bids for S.A.P. 56- 599-05, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Const. Co., Frazee, Minnesota Gladen Const. Co., Laporte, Minnesota Radneicki & Jensen Const. , Oklee, Minnesota $56,314.00 66,339.00 79,840.00 The County engineer was presented the bids for checking, awarding of bids to be made Wednesday, May 10th. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for S.A.P. 56-610-05, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Const., Frazee, Minnesota Gladen Const., Laporte, Minnesota:- Kapperman Const. Co., Luverne, Minnesota Radniecki & Jensen Const. Co., Oklee, Minnesota $107;.785.0,0 142,715.00 144,913.00 157,229.00 The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for S.A.P. 56-656-08, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Ackling Const. Co., Frazee, Minnesota Gladen Const., Inc., taporte, Minnesota Kapperman Const. Co., Luverne, Minnesota Radniecki & Jensen Const. Co., Oklee, Minnesota $26,244.00 36,220.00 39,595.00 47,260.00 The bids were turned over to the County Engineer for checking, awarding of contracts to be made Wednesday, May 10th .. ~ / Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub NOrdgren and unani- mously carried, ·granting::perrnis~ion to Otto Ewert to transfer a back lot on River View Beach on Otter Tail River, Rush Lake Township, by metes and bounds description. A resolution passed by the Town Board of Dunn Township was presented of roads to the County Board calling for approval/by townships before plats are approved. Upon motion made by Bert· Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to file same .. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to. approve bonds, each in the amount of $1,000, for Steven Andrews, Judi Knick and Joyce Hanson, clerks in the Treasurer's office. Motion was made by JOhn Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, Andy Leitch voting "no", to· enter into agreement with Minnesota Counties· Research Foundation for professional consulting services to develop cost allocation plans and the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized to execute the agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried; the following applications for permit to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Lyle Rosenow Lee Beckman Timothy J. Donley Kenneth Van Tassel Ralph E. Granlund Millicent Y. Chartraw E.G. Anderson H. W. Schatschneider Melvin Juntunen Lila M. Keskinen Floyd F. Felton Connie F. Branhagen Brurio M. Burak Sandy Point Resort Oakpart Resort Tim's Tackle Shop Greenwood REsort -Pleasure Park B.esort.• Kingswood Resort. )_ : Mosquito HeightsREsort Bonanza Beach , Elm Haven Resort Oak Point REsort Spruce Lodge Resort Klein's Happy Hollow Grand View Heights Leaf Lake Township Nidaros Township Amor Township Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Star Lake Township Pine Lake Township Corliss Township Rush Lake Township Otto Township Star Lake Township· Rush Lake Township Pine Lake Township Mdtion was made by Sydney Ne lso_n, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the application of Bruno M. Burak for permit-to hold dances .at Grandview·Heights, Pine Lake.Township Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following applications for homestead classification were approved: Iwert Gustavson Alan Zeigler John H. Burton City of Perham City of Perham City of Rothsay Homestead Mid-year homestead ~id-year homestead Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney _Nelson and carried, the county audit~r was instructed to advertise for: applications to be · re__scindfcl /VJ,,;'! /0-1~ received for t~e position of county attorney. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to acknowle!,lge_ receipt of a letter from Van Ellig relative to County .._ C ~ -, • ,-.3 • 1 ·: -, · ;· • ~ ·:, ._ll ,' _.·. ' ~ J , Ditch #37 a_nd its effect'on thE/'Jens:SivEirtsonproperty, and requesting.the County Engineer's report ·to be,ifiled.;by May 23rd.'·:, Motion:wasmade by Bert Hovland,. seconded by John Snowberg and :, ,_ . . . , . carried, to assist·Friberg Township on a major drainage structure,·by SO% of the total cost, .Friberg Township paying the remaining 50%. A hearing was held relative to the Portage Lake Water Surface Use Ordinance. After listening to the various interested parties, ·motion was mage by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to exclude pontoon ' , . •. . . . watercraft from t_he motor classification; thereupon, mo1ion · was made _by Hub Nord"'. gren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously -carried, and the following ordinance was approved, to.:.wit: _.__.;. --··· -ORDINANCE - , The County Board of Otter Tail County Ordains:· 1. General Provisions · A. Title. This Ordinance from the date of its passage shall be entitled: THE PORTAGE LAKE WATER SURFACE USE ORDINANCE B. Purpose. The purpose of .this ordinance shall be to enhance the public health, safety and general welfare by regulating and limiting all boats operated, placed or maintained i~ or upon Portage Lake. C. Legal Authority; This ordinance is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statutes§ 378.32 entitled Water Surface Use Regulation. II. Definitions. The fol lowing t10rds and phrases when used in this ordinance have the meanings as set out herein. A. "Boat" is any watercraft as defined in Minnesota Statutes§ 361.02. B. "Horsepower" means the power rating established for a motor by the manufacturer thereof, or, if no rating is so established, then the rating established by the commissioner of natural resources. C. 1'Motorboat" means any watercraft prop~lled in any respect by machinery, including watercraft temporarily equip'ped with detachable motors, excepting herefrom pontoon watercraft.· D. nportage Lake" (56-140) is that body of water which bears that name and is located in Section 13 of Otter Tail Township and Section 18 of Leaf Lake Township, wholly within the boundaries of Otter Tail County, Minne- sota. E. "Person'1 includes an individual, partnership, corporation or any body of persons, whether incorporated or formed into an association or not. III~ Limitation on Boats and Boating. A. No person shall operate, place or maintain any motorboat in or upon Portage Lake equipped with any motor in excess of twenty (20) horsepower, except pontoons. B. No person shall pull any person or be pulled behind any motorboat upon Portage Lake on skis, surfboard or in any other fashion. C. Any conduct in violation of the above provisions shall hereby be declared to be a nuisance. IV. Enforcement. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, officers of the Otter Tail County Sheriff's Department shall be authorized and entitled to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. f BOOK//;t PAGE 1?? I ........ ' --.. BOOK ll:J-PAGE 1crr V. Penalties. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days, or both. VI. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective upon its passage and publication. Berton Hovland, Chairman BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and . unanimously , carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota: Pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282. it is hereby resolved that tracts of land may be sold under the following conditions: Each and every tract sold for $500. 00 or less shall be paid in full at time of sale. All tracts sold for more than $500.00 may be paid for on installment plan at rate or at least 25 per cent of purchase price, but in all cases the down payment.must be at least $500.00; provided that in all cases where the appraisal by this Board shows the value of wood on said tract, the full amount of the appraisal value of said wood, together with 25 per .cent of the balance of the purchase p~ice must ,~e paid at the· time of sale. The balance of the purchase price may·be paid in ten annual _installments with 4 per cent interest per annum on the unpaid balance. In addition to the purchase price of the land, the County Auditor shall charge and collect, in full, an .amount equal to three per cent of the total sale price of the land; amount so collected by the Auditor to be deposited in the State Treasury and credited to the Tax Forfeited Land Assurance Account, 1969 Minn. Stat. 284.28, Subdiv. 6. Title to the land to be offered for sale is not guaranteed, either by Otter Tail County or the State of Minnesota. When payment of the purchase price has been made, the purchaser will receive from the State of ,Minnesota a quit claim deed to the property for which the Auditor is required by law to collect and remit to the State a fee of $3.00. All mineral rights are reserved by the State of Minnesota, and sale is subject to existing easements. The County Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and withdraw any parcel listed before or during the sale. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minneso1a this 9th day of May, 1978. ATTEST: ~ a) Jz qiv,_(P'.,~ c( · . . · Clerk Up om.motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County . Minnesota, that .WHEREAS, ·it is the policy of this locality to eliminate substandard and other· inadequate housing, to preven.t the spread of slums and blight~ and to realize as soon as feasible the goal of a decent home in a. suitable living environ- ment for all of-its citizens; and WHEREAS-, und.er the provisions· of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, th.e UnHed S:tates of America, actin•g through the· Sec!etary of· Housing and Urban Deveopment (herein called the "Government")·• is authorized to provide financial assistance to local public housing agencies for undertaking and. · carrying out preliminary planning of low-rent housing projects that will assist in meeting this goal; and WHEREAS, the Act provides that there shall be local determination of need for low-rent housing to .meet needs not being adequately met by private enter- prise and that the Government shal,1 not make any contract with a public housing agency for preliminary loans for surveys and planning in respect to any low-rent housing projects unless the governing body of the locality involved has by resolu- tion approved the _application of the publ_ic housing agency for such preliminary loan; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail· County Housing-& Redevelopment Authority . (H·.R.A.) herein called the "Local At1thority") is a public _housing agen~y and is· applying to the Government for aprelimina~ loan to cover the costs of surveys and . . ' . . planning in connectib~ with the :a.evelop~erit of to.w:.:rent housing; • ," l..'t, '... • • I NOW, THEREFORE, _be it .resolved by the Board of Cotirity Commissioners ' J -: -... t-~ _,, \. of ·the County of Otter Ta.if ~i(follows: · .• , •· ,\\ 1. That there exists in the Cou,nty of Otter Tail ·:a need for ~uch I. low-rent housing which is not being met by private enterprise;. 2. That the application of the Local Authority to the Government for a preliminary loan in an amount not-to exceed $3,200 for. surveys and planning in connection with low-rent housing projects of not ·to exceed approximately sixteen (16) dwelling units is hereby approved. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of May, 1978. Chairman v ATIEST: Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and c·arried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Connnissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota that WHEREAS, the_county w'ishes to assist low-moderate income families ·to help them bet.ter their living and working conditions, and WHEREAS, the city and county have deterinined that it is desire- able and in the interest of its citizens that the city and the county apply · for large family public housing_to benefit the same, NOW, THEREFORE, .BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, that the Otter Tail County Board of _Commissioners supports the participation in the large family public housing application. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 9th day of May, 19.78. ATTEST: Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Engineer was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 9:30 A;M., June 7th, 1978, for the following: GRADING, BlTUMINOUS SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER & STORM SEWER S.A.P. 56-650-04 Length ,307 mile, CSAH #50 from T.H. #106 to Jct. T.H. #29 in Deer Creek S.A.P. 56-667-12 Length .651 mile, CSAH #67 from CSAH #84 in New York Mills to .651 mile south. Upon motion made by John Snowbe_rg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following bills were approved: Ashby Equity ,;ss' n Bob Moore Ford, Inc. Carr 1 s Inc. Consun~ers Oil Continental Oil Company Clark Oil & Refining Corp. Erickson -Holiday Fergus Auto Supply Fergus Dodge, Inc. -· Farmers Union Oil Co. Frontier Texaco General· Trading to. Goodyear Service Store Melcher's Oil Minnesota Motor Company Carlton E. Mortensen. Otter Tail Co-op Oil, Inc. Perham Co~op Oil Co. · Phillips Petroleum Co. Robo Car Wash Service Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Warner's Auto Sal~s Van's Muffler Shop O~erhead Door Co. Mrs. Gary W. Anderson Andrews & Meister Drug Be 11 & Howe 11 Sheriff Manley G. Erickson Curtis Felt SUERIFF Fergus Falls Medical Group Fergus Falls Veterinary Clinic Clarence Frank lleFtl'lepiFt 6e1:1l'lt;c ~iF1aFte@ QivicieR Holiday Inn of Anoka Max Kronemann Lake Region Hospital Victor Lundeen & Co. Memorial Hospital & Homes Pelican Valley Health Center Mark Morris Carlton E. Mortensen Minnesota Depart~ent of Personnel Mobile Radio Service 01 son I s Gun Shop Photo Center Inc. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Luella Schlueter Southbrook Veterinary Hospital Transport Clearings Uniform Unlimited, Inc. Scott ~~ellnitz Robert Wright Xerox Corporation Marjorie Barvels Orletta Eisenhuth Bev Hendrickson Mrs. Gordon Tomhave Mrs. Walter Windels Alice Beske Cass Clay Creamery, Inc. Don 1s 10 to 10 · Ernie 1s Food Market Fergus Jobbing, Inc. I $ 45. 44 17. 16 13.30 · 58.63 22.54 9. 81 505. 13 6.92 ·/ ~r ~. 347.I60·-:· 55.63 43.70 2.45 -, 567.08 15.84 41.02 21.05 298.36 470.50 47.80 907.47 153.87 185.85 19.72 110 .98 13.50 60.00 -3.44 86.52 16.00 530.40 154. 20· 42.50 -1 ,060. 80 l6.6Q 282.88 28.80 106.50 337.24 21.00 7.50 24.55 27.51 109.00 132.43 54.00 66.59 77 .41 41.57 HL.OO -37.78 9.30 408.00 775. 20 226.76 18.25 239.07 200.34 257.32 6.00 12.60 239. 16 47.77 228.55 43.30 Metz Baking Co. National Food Store Piggly Wiggly Red Owl Store Mrs. Gordan Tomhave Warehouse Food Mark~It Otter ..Tail Dept. of Roads Henning.Advocate Parta Printing Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Photo Center Inc. Robert Freitag City of Perham Carole Charest Gary Anderson Bruce Peterson Carol Swenson Secretarial Services Virginia Rustad Xerox Corp. Oswald Pub. Co. V. Lundeen & Co. Cooper's Office Supply COMMISSIONERS COUNTY COURT Poucher Printing & Lithographing Co. Pitney Bowes Viking Cafe Victor Lundeen & Co. Mason Pub. Co. Xerox Corp. TREASURER DISTRI1CT ·C.OURT MOTOR VEHICLE CLERK OF COURT Comptroller-Treasurer, City of Minneapolii Oswald Pub. Co. $ 144. 25 271.04 113.09 43.10 11 . 20 334,01 . 42.JJ.1 16. 10 9.90 23.10 36. 16 123.30 25.00 65.00 14.80 :JO.OD rn.oo 10.00 173.60 128.81 255.00 22.97 46.98 113. 34 348.22 14.67 23. 14 · 25.55 49.00 166.09 .50 41.50 Miller Davis Co. Miller Davis Co. Xerox Corp Sexton Data Products Burroughs Corp Computer Concepts Arlyss Jacobson Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi Subhi Sharifi Mehdi Orandi Jim's Standard Hagen's Inc. V. Lundeen & Co. J. C. Penney Co. Fergus Dodge COUNTY RECORDER DATA PROCESSING PLANNING COMMISSION CORONER LAND & RESOURCE American Society of Mechanical Engineers Mobile Radio Service South Mill Standard Larry Krohn Linda Bergerud Xerox Corp. James Johnson Ebersviller Imp. Gambles Galena & Son South Mill Standard Bruce Stenstrom Jeff Jensen Lystad's Inc. Datco Gust Lagerquist & Sons JANITORIAL $ 372.88 532.00 469.53 31.36 485.03 1 ,364 .. 83 41.76 75.93 300.00 40.25 44.45 15: 59 11.57 107.55 45.00 442 .. 92 22.50 15.00 48.48 90.83 30.64 65.00 ·: 102.05 451.07 130.85 250.20 6.20 34.50 58.50 176.38 290.40 92.00 ·MISCELLA~EOUS -Otter Tail Co'ops Inc. Daily Journal · Poucher Printing & Lithe. V. Lundeen & Co. HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Victor Lundeen & Co. The Henning Advocate Janice Palan Paul Russell Knutson Jared M. Smalley Janice Palan County Recorders Office _ _ Otter Tail County HRA (Secretary salary) Karen A. Peterson (mileage,fringe,salary) Battle Lake Review Parta Printers, Inc. Peter Hoff Jared Sma 11 ey Floyd Hoff Paul Russell Knutson Otter Tail Co-op Oils Nelson Bros. Printing Rudi Auch Rudi Auch Roger Bengston VETERANS SERVICE COUNTY EXTENSION OFFICE Fergus Dodge Otter Tail Co-op -Oils City of Perham Allan Schumacher Mrs. Gen.ld Ziese Alfred Blorgos Wi 11 is Koehl Gordon Bjoralt Alva Krekula WEED CONTROL $ 98.82 72.25 72.14 47.97 4.95 11.50 13.50 :4o. ~o 14.25 13. 'so 29.91 l ,395 .'.32 829.99 12.60 8.po 10.00 26 . .75 l ?.00 20.~0 35.39 · 47. 50 · 6 .50 24.14 6.57 16.21 24.69 100.00 25. 19 19.20 14.50 15.38 45.20, 41.60 ROAD & BRIDGE Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc. Ebersviller Implement Co. Fergus Auto Supply Fergus Dodge, Inc. General Trading Genuine Parts Co. Gerry's Parts Supply Goodyear Service Helle International Itasca Equipment Co. Lawson Products, Inc. Little Falls Machine, Inc. National Bushing & Parts Perham Farm Supply Ziegler, Inc. Alexandria Diesel Service Al's Heating Lake Wood Products Mobile Radio Service Perham Radiator Repair Riverside Repair Shop Super GMC Truck Sales, Inc. Coast to Coast Stores Dave Siems Decorating Dent Supply Hanson's Hardware, Inc. H & L Ok Hardware M-R Sign Company, Inc. Stenerson Bros. Lumber Co. Thoroughbred Chemi~al Corp. Welding Supplies & Fire Equip Serv. Wm. Galena & Son Paper, Calmenson & Co. Auto Safety Service Firestone Stores Mark Sand & Gravel Co. L.N. Sickels Co., Inc. Franklin Fence Co. City of Fergus Falls Sherbrooke Sodding Co. Michael Michlovic Commissioner of Transportation Dept. of Weights, & Measures Construction Bulletin The Fergus Falls Daily Journal Henning Advocate Parta Printers, Inc. Pelican Rapids Press Midwest Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell Telephone Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Pelican Telephone Co. Dennis D. Berend Hesby-Barker Agency Dennis D. Berend Aldy Graphic Supply, Inc. Empire Business Machines The Map Store Mid West Carbon Co. Minnesota Blueprint The Photo Center Inc. Poucher Printing & Lithographing Victor Lundeen & Co. Koch Refining Co. Lake Region Co-op Electrical Ass 1 n $ 5.45 8.75 38.78 22,28 99.80 32.90 12.92 71. 18 96.57 15.93 79.18 -~{! .. <,i'80. 91 16ZL02 3.57 8.23 464.62 20.00 10.50 19.20 28.50 62.13 696. 13 29.26 31.79 35. 14 112.15 345.67 338.01 136. 15 109.07 29.34 '_;5.28 1,084.63 150 .00 307.62 512.80 4,535.15 578.85 841. 88 1,250.00 180.00 184.48 210.00 :i24.80 77.52 32. 14 27.08 30.60 7.94 121 . 08 48.03 13.05 69.55 600.00 72.06 27.00 625.50 27.50 88.17 578.00 19.50 21. 15 569.35 2,196.87 4,568.30 Orlyn & Marcia Pederson Maurice L. & Thelma. Kenyon Mervin L. Budke John & Evelyn Stensrude · Bruce C. & Donald G. Shol Walter F. & Verona Nelson S. John Kyra . . Edwin L. & Helen S. Frith Carl F, & Phyllis L. Dykhoff Carl Jr. & Malee Dykhoff Ravert Vanden Berghe George J. DeBruyn Louis J. Norleen H. Schik John & Judy Nelson Evelyn & Wm. Warner Jr. Edward J. & Edgar J. Hendrickx Myrtle Jenkins Danielson Oil Co. Meyer's Service Station Park Region Co-op Pen rose Qi 1 Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Bud's Mobil Consumers Co-op Oil Assn Curt's Repair Gene's Standard Service Hi-Way Auto Implement Co. Jim's Standard Mi 1 tona Crear.1ery Assoc. Otter Tail co~op Oils Ray I s Oil Co. Service Oil Co. Bretz Hardware C.E.T.A. Carr Enterprises, Inc. Charley's Sharpening Service Christenson's North Star Coast to Coast Stores Coast to Coast Stores Gambles H & LOK Hardware Kimber Awning Co. Otter Tail Co-op Oils Park Region Co-op Perham Co-op Oil Swanson's Surplus Store Gerald D. Stine I $3,644.87. 1,146.50 577.00 247.85 730.05 1,859.65 1,224.80 26.80 · 728. 90 369.60 738.14 582.50 771.27 911.26 883. 14 254.76 401.10 225.00 669.38 . 332.61 51. 31 266.20 441.65 477.74 196.34 166.49 183. 18 155.95 397.99 859.21 434.27 1,336.48 33.18 42.80 33.00 33.87 18.88 45.32 5.78 24.37 77.44 13.25 5.00 32 .02· 29. 95. 336.90 There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 9: 30 A. M., Wednesday, May 10, 1978. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournrp.ent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, May 10th, 1978, all mem- bers present. At the instructions of the County Board, the Undersheriff received proposals from various automobile firms for the purchase of two automobiles·to be used by the Sheriff's Department. After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to purchase a four door Matador (360) from Worner's Auto Sales, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $5,687.00; and motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to purchase a Chevrolet Impalla (305) from Bauck Chevrolet Co., Inc., Perham, Minnesota in the amotmt .of $5,626.80. The matter of bid acceptance on culvert projects was brought up for final action. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, toa,ard the bid on S.A.P. 56-656-08, to Ackling Construction Company, Frazee, Minnesota in the amount of $26,244.00, it being the lowest bid. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried to accept the bid of AcklirgConstruction, Frazee, Minnesata in the amount of $56,314.00, it being the lowest bid, on project S.A.P. 56-599-05. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to allow withdrawal of Ackling Construction Co., Frazee, Minnesota from S.A.P. 56-610-05 because of an erroneous bid and contract was awarded to Gladen Construction, Inc., Laporte, Minnesota in the amount of $142,715.00, it being the lowest responsible bid. I Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded hy Sydney Nelson and carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Willis Bohlken John F. Orcutt Dan Streifel Dorothy Bylander Leon D. Richter Kermit Norgren V. Arlene Lundell & Janice P. Timm VilRoy Meyers Everts Township Fill low area Maplewood Township Construct road for single family dwelling Scambler Township Place year around mobile home, cut and fill (approval inclu<les Jerry Streifel on adjacent lot) Dora Township Landscape land for proposed development Hobart Township Fill low spot Dane Prairie Township Construct boat launch on lakeshore (for lifetime use of Mr. Norgren) Dead Lake Township Construct duplex Hobart Township Landscape lot Upnn motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following applications for sewage .disposal installers license were approved, subject to posting of bond: Rodney D. Hanson Lloyd Peasley Charles Bellmore Arnold R. Hoseth Vernon Wif all Dean Kragerud Donald Wiek Steve Jorgenson James Golombiecki Mark Hawes Alfred Marsh Melvin Kirckof£ George Happel David Ripley Walter Berend & Clinton Fletcher Jerome Toftely Robert J. Esser Hanson's Plbg & Htg. Lloyd's Excavating Charles Bellmore & Sons Lakes Plumbing & Heating Wi fall 's Backhoe Hawley Trenching Wiek Plbg. P.J. Excavating & Concrete Ripley Construction Sherman Tank Co. Jerome's Plbg. & Htg. Esser Plbg. & Htg. Vergas, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Wahpeton, North Dakota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Ottertail, Minnesota Breckenridge, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Frazee, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota I Upon motion made_ by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license were approved, subject to bond: Arnold Hoseth Lakes Plumbing & Heating. D.etroit Lakes, Minnesota Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, . -(· to approve transfer by V,,ernon Bergsten to Roy B. Anderson of a parcel of one acre in Section 34 of Girard 'Toi•mship by metes and bounds description. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, ;to approve the plat of ''Parkside View of Pickeral Lakei• located in Section 12 -134 -41. A petition calling for speed restrictions on C.$.A:.H. #31 in the Crystal, Franklin and Rush Lake area was presented to the Board. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was instructed to file same and the County Engineer was instructed to request the Minnesota Department of Transporation make a study and give recommendations. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve an application of Charles Scherz for license to sell malt liquor non-intoxicating/at Lakeview Acres Resort in Perham Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Ray Pfeifle, for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor at Loghaven Resort in Lida Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to approve the application of Lowell G. Houts for license to sell noH-intoxicating at Birch Shores Resort in Candor Township. Motion was made bf John Snowberg, seconded by.Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to rescind the motion of May 9th calling for advertising for the position of county attorney. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by.Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, that WHEREAS, representatives of several local units of government of rural Northern Minnesota rare come together to discuss, review and otherwise confer on the matter of solid waste management and disposal, and WHEREAS, a STATEMENT has been prepared addressing the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 116 along with various operating concerns relating to solid waste disposal, and WHEREAS, the County Board of Otter Tail County is concerned about solid waste matters and believes that the reasonable application and enforcement of laws, regulations and standards for the prevention, abatement and control of pollution is important. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Board of Otter Tail County hereby concurs with, and wholeheartedly supports the STATEMENT concerning solid waste management and.disposal, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be provided for attachment to the STATEMENT along with other local units of government for submission to the Governor of the State of Minnesota, the Director of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and appropriate area legislators. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of May, 1978. Chairman ATTEST: ~~ cu J? ~r/z-Lf.fierk There being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, May 23, 1978. Chainnan ' ATIEST: Clerk