HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 07/11/1977MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to Statute, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ' ' Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Monday, July 11, 1977, all members present. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by·sydn~y Nelson and unanimously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Valentine J. Bosch Minneha Resort Girard Township Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to appoint Rollie Winterfeldt to the Board of Directors of.Min-Oak. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, JOhn Snowberg, Andy Leitch and Sydney Nelson voting "yes", Bert Hovland and Hub Nordgren voting "no", to rescind all future county engineering aid to the sanitary land fill asspciations in the county. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland aJ1d unani- mously carried, the bond for Sylvia G. Bergerud, County Auditor, in the amount of $70,000 was approved. Representatives from the Progress Telephone Company and the North- western Bell Telephone Company appeared before the Board, each presenting a proposal \ for changes in the internal teleph,_one system within the court house. No action was taken. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign an agreement with the Minnesota De- . partment of Corrections in connection with the county operated group home for girls. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to accept the following report of taxes levied for county purposes for the current year, amounts collected to date and balances W1collected, etc.: -TO THE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY - Pursuant to law, I present below, a statement showing the amount of taxes levi@d<l for County purposes for the current year, the amounts collected and apportioned to date, and the balances uncollected, together with the actual cash balances remaining to the credit of each County Fund at the close of business on the 30th day of June, 1977. Funds Collllty Revenue Fund County Buildings County Road & Bridge County Welfare County Library TOTALS Amount Levi~dd for Current·Year ,$?15,826.63· 114,936.53 967,605.21 1,054,475.84 44,103~55 $2,896,947.76 Amount Collected Balances Uncollected and A:e:eortioned·. or UnaE;eortioned $11,470.37 $704,356.26 1,840.42 113,096.11 15,493.49 952,111.72 16,884.46 1,037,591.38 · · 706_. 21 43,397.34 $46,394.95 $2,850,552.81 Balances remaining to the credit of each Fund are as follows: Collllty Revenue Fund Collllty Buildings County Welfare County Road & Bridge County Library Debit $273,002.85 Credit $148,055.94 161,858.40 658,369,40 706.21 The following is a statement of the accounts remaining· uppaid on the contracts already entered into by the Board: Contracts -Road & Bridge Equipment -Road & Bridge Buildings Contract Amount $145,078.84 · Amount · Paid $144,478~84 Balance Due $2,197,275.01 $ 600.00 Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The Board does hereby support the Otter Tail Cowity Housing Authority's application for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Home Improve- ment Grant Program. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of July, 1977. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously t•carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: Gerald Swartz Jaines Henry Anton Weis Myron J. Brown Harold Pikal James S. Kurtz Donald Bares L. J. Delaney Wallace No,:by Henning Township Too many acres assessed as tillable Dunn Township . Buildings removed in 1975, vacant land Perham City House gutted by fire in 1975 ~cambler Township Mobile home valued too high Everts Township Hunting point overvalued Girard Township Cottage overvalued 1 Everts Township. Valuations based on incorrect measurements Perham City Street occupies part of lot Sverdrup Assessed for too much lak.eshore Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to approve the f.fei)Zgiveness of penalty and interest on a 1971 delinquent tax for Glen Whiting in the City of Vining, fforgiveness due to an error in certification by the County Auditor's office, in the transfer of a deed in 1972. There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, July 12, 1977. -TUESDAY'S SESSIO~ - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commiss:blers of Otter Tail County Minnesota ,met at 9: 30 A.M~-, Tuesday, July 12th, all members ' ' ,present. Undersheriff Glen Melby appeared before the Board and presented the county sheriffis annual report for the year 1976. Upon motio~ made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously approved the following applications for permit to allow consumption and d_isplay of intoxicating· liquor were approvedf· Thomas Volberding Richard L. Brandt Hi-Way Park Store Smuggler's Cove Elmo Township Pine Lake Township Dr. Jeff Christianson, Program Director of the Valley Lake Treat- ment Center, appeared b~fore the_ board and discussed their 1ten county treatment program. Motion was made. by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren' and unani- mously carried, to remodel a portio~ of the county recorder's office to house the Burroughs Computer. A ~otion was introduced by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland to give engineering. aid to the sanitary landfills in the county. Voting-no -John Snowberg, Sydney Nelson and Andy Leitch. Motion failed. Motion was made by_John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to appoint Dr.-Dorette Larson to the Board of Mental Health. As requested by the County Board, the County Attorney presented an ordinance relating to prohibition of alcoholic beverages at< Phelps Mill Park, and upon motion made by Bert Hoyland, s·econded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to adve~tise the notice of intention to enact an ordinance at 10:00 A.M., Wednesday, August 10th, in the Commissioners Room. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Cowity Commissioners of Otter Tail Cowity Minnesota, that The Joint Powers Agreement for Data Processing as presented to this Board be and is hereby approved and the Chairman of the Board and the Cowity Auditor are hereby granted the authority to sign said agreement on the part of the Cowity of Otter Tail, at such time as agreement from the necessary number of counties is obtained. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of July, 1977. ATTEST: ~• ~ 4J d) (-yM4<,JU.+J //' Clerk Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously. carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the County Board has authority pursuant to MINN. STAT. § 373.26 to regulate the use of county-owned parking facilities, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED: 1. The county~owned parking lot at -the corner of Mill Street and Junius in the·City of Fergus Falls, be restricted to county employees only, from the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, and 2. Any person violating the parking regulation be subject to a $2.00 fine for·the first two offenses, a third offense requires the vehicle illegally parked shall be towed away at the owners expense. 3. That this resolution shall be enforced by the ·otter Tail County Sheriff's Office. 4.. That .this resolution relating to the regulation of parking shall become effective 20 days after its publication in the official minutes of the board in the legal newspaper of the county. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of July, 1977. Ch ATTEST: . ~/)&~ ~Clerk . Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John_·Sriowberg and· \Dlanimously carried, the following resolution-was adopted: · RESOLVED by the Board of Co\Dlty Commis.sioners of Otter Tail CoWlty Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Co\Dlty Board has authority pursuant to MINN. STAT. § 373.26 to regulate·the use.of county~owned parking facilities, . NOW, THEREFORE, · BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED': . , 1. The east row of parki~g spaces on the east lot adjacent to . the courthouse proper and the entire west parking lot adjacent to the courthouse proper, except for reserved spaces,· .be limited· to one hour parkirig. 2 ~ · Any person violating the parking regulation be sub_ject to a $2.00 fine for the fiz:st two offense~, a third offens_e requires the ·vehicle· . ; ,~;j, . i ll_egally parked·. shall be tow.ed away at the owner's .expense. Co\Dlty Sheriff's Officei l·'. ll . •: ··,. '_; 4. That this· ·resoltit'ion re.lati.11g to the regulation of parking . ,, ... :: ,,. ·, . . . ' .·." shall become effective 20 days after its publfcation iri the official minutes of the board in the legal newspaper of the county. Dated at °Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of July, .1977. ~Clerk Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to grant-permission to the Tonseth Lutheran Church to use for parking purposes that portion of existing county highway right of way located SO feet, or more, from the center of existing County State Aid Highway No. 3 in Sections 4 and 5,. Tl34M, R42W, and lying adjacent to existing church property, with the understan- ding that if and when this highway is reconstructed,.the right of way will be utilized to acconnnodate the changes with no damage expense to the County. Motion was mad~ by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to approve the 40% aid to Effington Township for blacktopping-a portion of township road. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to grant sp~cial_ ai_d to Homestead Township in the -,amount of $350.00 for major drainage structure. JUI.. 20 \Sg6260 Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, authorizing the Count~ Engin~er to_-advertise for bids to be received • f · .. until 10:00 A.M., Tuesday, August 9, 1977 for approximately 140 miles of highway striping, under C.P. 77:H.S. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, Sydney Nelson voting ''no", authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 1:00 P.M.,Tu~sday, August 23, 1977, for two 1978 tandem trucks. Motion·was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County Engineer to advertise for bids to be received until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 23, 1977, for two 1978 model compact pickups. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, authorizing the County Engineer to obtain proposals for business. band I I radios for use by the highway department in their vehicles. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: r' RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOtA Wh~reas, the Board of County Commis~ioners on April 10, 1973 agreed by resolution to pay township aid according to the amounts levied by the townships, ·and which amounts are as· follows: From 4.00 mills and up, but less than 6.00 mills From 6.00 mills and up, but less than 8.00 mills From 8.00 mills and up $1.00. 00 $200.00 $300.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amounts to be paid to the respective townships according to their road and bridge levies for 1977 shall-be as follows: Townships Total M i.l ls Levied Amount Aastad 7 .. 83 200 .. 00 Y· Amor 8 .. 00 300:,00 Aurdal 8.J3 300.,00 Bl owe rs. 8 .. 00 300 .. 00 Bluffton 3.,20 None Buse 3.32 None Butler 8.,00 300 .. 00 Candor 8 .. 33 300 .,00 Carlisle· 1 .,07 None Clitherall 9.,44 300 .. 00 Compton 6.63 200.00 Corliss 7.88 200.00 Dane Prai.rie . 1 . 10 None Dead Lake 8.00· 300.00 Deer Creek 5.63 100.00 Dora 6.90 200.00 Dunn · 10. 00 300. 00 . Eagle Lake 7. 11 200.00 · Eastern -10. 00 300.00 Edna 7 .. 81 -200.00 Effington 6.00 200.00 Townships Total Mi 11 s Levied ·Amount El i zabeth 6.77 200.00 Elmo 8.00 300.00 Erhards Grove 6.00 200.00 Everts 5.50 100.00 Fergus Fa 11 s 2. 11 None Folden 12 .22 300.00 Friberg 6.00 200.00 Girard 8.00 300.00 Gorman 9.00 300·. 00 Henning 8.00 300.00 Hobart ·2.05 None Homestead 8.00 300.00 Inman. 8.00 300.00 Leaf Lake 8.oo· 300.00 Leaf Mountain 7.05. 200.00 Lida 8.00 300.00 Maine 8.00 300.·00 Maplewood 7. 17 200.00 Newton 8.33 300.00 Nidaros 15.57 300.00 Norwegian Grove : 8. 00 300.00 Oak Valley 8.00 300.00 Orwell 6. 10 200;00 Oscar 4.03 100.00 Otter Tail 8.00 300.00 Otto 8.00 300.00 Paddock ·9. 00 300.00 Parkers Prairie 8.33 300.00 Peli can 11 . 76 300.00 Perham 8.00 300.00 Pine Lake 8.00 300.00 Rush· Lake. 8.00 300.00 Saint Olaf 6.37 200.00 \ "' ,., Townships Total Mi 11 s .Levied Amount Scambler -9.08 300.00 Star Lake 8.00 300 . .oo- Sverdrup 8,33 300.00 Tordenskjold' 7. 14 200.00 Trondhjem 8.00 300.00 Tumuli 4.25 100 .. 00 Western Woodside 8.45 . 300.00 $14,200.00 . Adopted this 12th day of July, 1977, a i man · Attes.t: I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers license were approved: Vernon Wifall Gordon Sterling Lloyd Peasley Wifall's Backhoe Sterling Excavating Lloyd & Vern Excavating Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota . Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following application was approved for sewage dispos~l system cleaners license: Douglas C. Haugen Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the application of Larry E. Brasel of Brasel's Hauling, Perham, Minnesota for solid waste collection and transportation license. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Chester Bredeson Junior Hagemeister Dick Stock Roland Okerstrom Gary Neu Jerry Randall Edward W. Lange Elizabeth Township. Otto Township Ott~r Tail.Township Dane Prairie Township Dora Township Dane Prairie.T~wnship Everts Township Construct approx. 1500 feet of road Would like 3.2 off sale beer license Fill low area behind ice ridge Retail & wholesale bait sales Fil 1 low area . Fill lot For a five unit camp·grolllld with possibility of extension to ten Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to deny the application of Alan Johnson for special use permit to rebuild 190' of road in Section 9 of Dane Prairie Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Oakland Beach, 1st Add'n, lo.ca,ted on Llttle Pine Lake, Section 1 -136 -39, subject to legal opinion. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Oak Ridge, located in Section 12 -134 -36, subject to legal opinion. · Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Ed's Clear Lake Beach, located in Section 23 -131 -44. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve t~e plat 9f Haven's View, located in Government Lot S, Section 22 -137 -40 Motion was made by Bert Hoyland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve an Auditor's Subdivision Plat, to be located on Lake Lida in Sections 10 and 15 of Lida Township. Motion ·wa~::.made by Bert Hovland·;· seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to approve a metes and bounds transfer of land located on Prairie Lake between lots of record and the river, in Pelican Township. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, granting permission to Donald D. Busker to transfer a portion of land, retaining a tract containing 40,000 square feet with less than 150' of lake shore, located in Government Lots 9 & 10, Section 4 -136 -41. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unani- mously carried, to grant permission to Edgar T •. Rowland to transfer land retaining a 143' x 70' parcel containing a guest house and mobile home, located on Lot 2, 2nd Add'n to Outlet Beach, Lida Township. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the preliminary plat,of Basswood-Lida, 1st Add'n, located in Section 32 -136 -42, was approved. mously carried, Upon motion made by Bert Hovland·,-seconded by _Hub Nordgren and unani- pre 1 iminaxy the/plat of 1st Add'n to Scenic River View Acres, located in Section 29 -134 -42, was approved. Motion was made by Andy Leitch·, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve the split of Lots B & Don the survey plat of LittlePleasan1i Lake,-by Gurtis Thorstenson·, with any additionaLsplits• to be ~ccording to the Subdivision -· .Controls Ordinance, located in Section 5 -133 -41. I Motion was made by Bert Hovland, se.conded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to accept the proposal of Cooper's Office Supply, !Ne.~ Fergus Falls for the purchase of one Jay 561 elecironic cash register at a cost of $1,180.00, with trade, for use in the motor vehicle office. Motion was made by·Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to discontinue furnishing information to car dealers on new vehicle registrations. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Office.Expense Glen·Melt>;v Robert Wright James Bergerwi Jack Achter Richard 'l'ainke Joseph Peloquin Max Kroneman Dr Earl Larry Kantrud Lee Beckman Bernie Obowa Gord.on Johnson David Smith Thomas Oil Co Service Oil Co Service Oil Co Rothsay I-94 Phillips Petroleum Co Perham Co-op 811 Otteman Standard Otter Tail Co-op Oil North Union Texaco SHERIFF Mills Service Center Miller's Pebble Lake Road ·Melcher Oil Co Interstate Skelly Holiday Farmers Co-op Oil Parmers Union Oil Gcne•s Standard. Goodyear Service Duane•a Mobil Dent Oil Co Consumers Co-op Clark Oil & Refining Becklund·Rian Oil & Marine Big Chief Texaco Ashby Equity Ass •n Worner•s Auto Sales Minneaota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Bob Moore Ford El.lenson•s Body Shop Mobile Radio Service ·Gon•ral Trading Co . National Bushing & Parts Gneuine Parts Olson Auto Electric West Central Airways Inc. Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. overhead DoCi>r Co Champion Auto Stores Xerox Corp. Poucher Printing & Litho 490.00 79.99 :1,18.05 646.00- 272.00· 2.76 5.35 3.86 53.76 15.00 ll.<>7 16.72 17.28 11.07 27.00 974.53 65.17 473.61 8.23 21.18 480.93 86.01 309.23 20.00 12.41 10.36 12.64 12.65 393.01 9.07 47.75 15.41 · 515.()7 11.92 30.06 117.56 75.68 10.00 25.91 73.99 75.32 · 699.50 481.41 172.93 85.00 108.95 24.96 10.80 37.91 11.50 18.So a.so 13.50 3.o8 172.85 165.65 . The Photo Center Victor Lundeen & Co Empire Business Machines Cooper's Office S\lpply Mason Publishing Co · Mantek The Identi Kit Co Uniforms Unlimited Mollerud Electric Minnesota Reformatory Industries State of Minnesota COWlty Highway Dept. Battle Lake Review White Drug Gibson's Pharmacy Andrews & Meister Commmity Hospital Nita Qua.al Geraldine Tomhave Otter Tail Grocery Co Fergus Jobbing Inc. Piggly Wiggley Red Owl Service Food Market Warehouse Food Market Metz Baking Co Mrs Gordon 'l'omhave CO COURT Henry Polk1ngb.orn Elliott Boe Bruce Reuther Judge Mercer County Hennipin Co Douglas County· City-of Perham BJorklund's 'f.V. Miller Davis Co Oswald Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co Xerox Corp. . Cooper's Office supplies The Photo Center Midwest Printing Nelson Bros Poucher Printing & Li.tho LAND & BESOURCE Xerox Corp. Vietor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Of'fioo Supply Minnesota Blueprint Art• s Machinet Shop Mobile Badio Sel"Viee Fergus Dodge Ina. 388.34 158.48 101.20 152.00 20.00. 145.10 45.00 6.oo 17.00 16:,.50 70.00 22.17 57.:,0 20.05 2.98 18.45 20.00 17.20 15.48 :,82.98 · 3:,.00 :,7.06 · 11.21 26:,.96 214.42 115.41 22.4o 132.98 .414.74 7.80 5.00 5.00 8.oo 65.00 9.50 52.97 7.74 599.75 255.00 102.80 31.00 21.00 1,006.00 128.87 65.00 25.60 15.5e 446.42 190.00 55.00 15.65 I West Side Sel"Vice Miller's South Mill St.andard Consumers Oil James Johnson . Richard Mac Gregor PROBA'l'ION cl: -PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Charles Copenhaver Marilyn Witt Cooper's Ottice Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Midland. Co-op Farmers Union Oil Meyer's Service Perham Co-op Oil Clay County VETERANS SERVICE Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Helson Bros Printing Vietor Lundeen & Co Cooper's G>f'tiee Supply Otter Tail Co-op Mehcli Oranti M.D. MarJean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M.D. John Foderick M.D. Jay Kevern M.D. Subhi Sharifi M.D. Harold Karvonen CORONER Prank Cardini Funeral Home Karen Peterson Karen Peterson Warren Abbott Rllssell Knutson Kenneth Maki Jared Smalley Vietor IAmdean & Co Co. Recorders Of'tiee Eugene·Davenport ~n Siems John;-; Skramstad Angeline Glawe BRA ASSESSOR 22.78- 25.25 126.19 9.69 96.04 158.76 32.95· 6.24 100.77 45.70 26.23 64.10 176.93 44.05 92.96 18.45 14o.oo 86.44 100.89 68.oo 87.65 44.oo 16.61 :,oo.oo 78.07 260.50 40.56 4o.oo 120.75 85.00 6o.oo 850.00 101.19 190.05 10.50 12.00 14.25 3.50 44.95 I it City of Perham .Fergus Dodge Steve Handegaard Otter Tail Co-op Ruhl.ands Hardware CO AGENT PHELPS MILL Central LUllber Co E'bersviller Imp. Co Sanitary Landfill Assoc. BJorgo Aireal Spraying Coast to Coast Battle. Lake Battle Lake Blacksmithing Brian Meder Art Walvatne Junlian Tollerude EO'l' SOIL & WATER William Stone Donald KeD7on Jeff Tikkanen Duane Donely . WOT SOIL & WATER Thedore Hegseth Harold Skistad PLANNING COMM. Norman FJestad . J\Ule Ryan Gordon BJoralt Alva Krekula Pelican Rapids Press New York Mills Herald Battle Lake Review WEED & SEED BECORA.TING GRAVES .American LegionPost # 508 VFW Post# 4020 Burelback Post# 61 Baimeral Poet$ 148 Buseth 'l'uson Post# 18 Edward Carlson Post# 283 Paul Putnam Post# 289 MISC EXPENSE Gust Lagerquist Knutson Beating & Air Cond. National Chemeearch Madison Bionics 60.00 14.20 14.20 24~86 23.89 46.38 53.04 5.50 18.00 126.93 35.00 277.75 10.00 200.00 40.oo 6o.oo 163.36 72.80 197.54 99.94 21.45 39.6o 20.40 50.00 50.00 so.oo 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 209.90 54.35 · 194.93 101.42 l / C,' Mathison Hesby ,48enc~ Midwest Industrial. Lighting Electrolux Corp. Stenerson Bros Andy's 66 Service Otter Tail Co-op Oil David Jenson Bruce Stenstrom Xerox Corp. Burroughs Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co The Pierce Co Cooper's Office SUpply Poucher Printing & Lithe Miller Davis Mid West Carbon Pronto Land Measures Gambles M;yrtle Logas National Pen Corp. IBM Corp. Bureau of Business Practice Wm Galena & Son C.R. Larson Co C.R. Larson Co Mathison Hesby Agency Daily Journal Perham Enterprise Bulletin The Independent · Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Elenor Hanson M;yrtle Logas Marion Anderson Judy Schultz Lorna McCabe Marion Kershner Phyllis Knutson Gloria Opatz Mary Gutknecht Connie Erlandson Dorothy Johnson Mary Westman Lorraine .Amundson Carol Hodnestield Phyllis Menze Verona Nelson James Talley Mes Harlan Knutson Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Margory Anderson Jens Ree Mrs c.E. Boe Vieki Roberts ··Victor Lundeen & Co _ 'c1Nelson Bros Prtg. NURSE . l 245 0_0 212:03 54.10 29.34 8.50 13.08 107.50 485.50 550.99 2,623.00 459.78 122.15 85.28 393.73 976.56 70.31 13.35 71.45 20.00 48.11 54.50 10.64 26.55 987.04 3,865.70 41.00 881.02 46.50 33.00 37.50 33.00 62.72 146.30 300.00 194.:,6 147.25 22.01 228.76 64.26 143.54 142.So 58.52 238.56 22.40 81.20 169.96 67.48 22.04 15.68 24.oo 11.26 19.24 10.00 20.36 192.10 111.00 ... I Gibson's Briggs Forms & Supplies ICEA Physicians¢ Hospital Comnmni-t;y Hospital Andrew:& Meister Perham Hospital Service Food J & 1, Drug Perham Phallmaey City Cafe & Bakery Bergene Plower Center Service Food Undlrrwood Mini Service Quernemoen Dairy Truax Grocer;y Walt Boe Market · Goodmans SUper Market Larey-a SUper Market 'l'rumml}fttg Madsens Ernies Food Archies Super.Value Maine Store Service Pood Perham Paulbicki Red Owl Red Owl Wadean Dilly's Pood Marke» Larry's Super Market Decherts Jaek & Jill Warehouse Food Wm Galena & Son Mollerud Electric County Highway Dep~. BUILDING F'tJND BOAT & WA'l'ER SAFm1Y Carr Enterprises Inc. Denzel's Welding.& Btg Dunkers Marines Froelich Marine Kimber Awning National Bushing & Parts North Union Texaco Northwest Divers Supply Otter Tail Co-op Oil Otterman's Standard ROAD & BRIDGE Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Fergus Auto Supply Inc~ Fleet Supply & Machine Frontier Inc. Gambles Henning Genuine Parts Co Gerry-a Parts Su.pply Genral Trading Hagen's Inc. Hanson's Hardware llayd8ll1 s Murphy Equip. Kelle=-Int&rfiat1oillil. Inc. 10.27 2.57 7.6o 107.20 :,6.oo 29.95 184.90 8.10 157.85 1.75 11.70 15.60 1,015.59 4.54 53.10 16.46 115.32 7.05 57.66 26.18 104.38 686.82 90.34 16.73 502.4o 259.4o 6.79 3.54 28.47 76.96 326.86 390.89 176.94 12.57 86.95 24.00 98.00 8.36.52 8.50 3.72 19.00 200.00 45.51 9.05 . 58.83 17.10 55.57 67.15 2.50 43.83 8.80 802.24 12.6o 93.47 711.61 a~a,5~ ! I Helle International Johnson's Auto Service Minnesota Motor Co Ruhland• s Hardware Stan MoJ! Ford Sturdevant's SUper GMC Truek Sales Uselman's Inc. Vergas Ford Equipment Westgo Truck Equipment Ziegler Inc. Fergus Dodge Hanson's Plumbing & Htg. Floyd Harthun Mobile Radio Service Prairie Inpl, Inc. Mrs Robert Rolfson Stadum Plumbing Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Dent SU.pply Coast to Coast Pel. Rapids Genuine Parts Lawson Products M-R-Sign. Co Occidental Chemical Co Pelican Hardware Sigelman Hide & Fir Stenerson Lwnber Welding_·Suppliea & Fire, Equip-. Elk River Concrete s~ Morill Inc. -Goodyear Service Franklin:· Pence Co .Alley Construction Co C.R-. Larson City ot Benning Battle Lake Review Construction Bulletin Dialy Journal •• City of Fergus Falls MoGewan Clearing'=-'-& Sodding Fergus Palls Rental Center State of Minn. Comm. ot Transportation 'l'win City Freight Erickson Engineering Battle Lake San. Landfill Henry Bleichner N.E. Otter Tail Landfill ilbinson ildy Graphic Supply Minnesota Blueprint The Pierce Co Victor Lundeen & Co Dennie D. Berend EOT Telepllone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Mutual H.w. Bell Tlephone Co Dean's Excavating & Gravel Dean's Excavating &Gravel Dean's Exeavating & Gravel 242.54 _ 63.98 63.46 226.81 21.IJo .Bo 32.10 85.79 189.36 93.18 ,:a7.88 199.32 61.34 8.oo 61.75 18.15 65.00 10.00 90.15 31.41 16.66 3.71 187.24 3,159.36 2,640.30 25.61 68.10 12.60 49.75 666.11 1.48.32 289.19 1,584.05 1,800.00 2,822.05 567.'"7.J 56.23 104.73 26.80 841.88 3,521.92 15.00 4.00 152.93 13.00 5,127.52 31.00 20.00 10.00 79.89 10.00 309.76 1.66 19.12 25.30 66.20 17.30 37.55 48.98 3,855.60 5,605.20 2,673.00 Pelican Telphone Co N. W. ·Bell Tlephone Co Murphy Oil Corp Bluffton Oil Co Meye;i-•s Service Inc. Motz Union Oil Frazer Oil Co Service l>il Co Andys 66 Service Andys 66 Service Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil .Andys 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Bud's Mobil Christensen's North Statr Consumer's Co-op Assn Curt's Repair Farmers Co-op Assn Gene's Standard Service Bi-Way Auto & Impl •. Co Jim's Service Miller's Mills Service Center North Union Champlin Nundahl Oil Co Otter Tail Co-op Oil Park Region Co-op 011 Penrose Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Ray''s Oil Co 'fhomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Viking Resort Anderson Grocery Aqua Marine Sports Big Woods Yamaha Buds Mobil Coast to Coast Perham(; Co-op Services Inc. Corner Store Dick's Standard Service· Hagen's Inc. Kimber Awning Inc. CE TA' Meyer's Service Inc. Mortenson Small Engine Repair Perham Co-op Oil Setterholm's.Hardaare Stenerson Bros Lumber Swanson Equipment Thomas Oil Co Whitman's Small Engine Repair Barrie Meissner 9.79 73.75 10,786.10 4:,8.oo 279.19 705.26 65.73 493.01 358.71 206.6o 99.62 696.54 254.93 145.32 117.20 464.55 200 37 .. _..,, .. -,. . -~ ~ ... 632.4o 248.77 8.20 27~-55· 44.62 204.96 148.:,8 176.53 596.99 216.01 176.33 266.00 265.91 2,193.74 532.64 13.03_ 9.99 4.55 48.90 23.56 21.90 2.79 3.25 21.75 1.55 33.49 2.60. 18.34 6.55 5.95 5.94 55.25 12.15: 22.00 308.42 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and . unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, July 19, 1977. Chai