HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/05/1977MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED. MEETING ·oF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA I Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A.M., Tuesday, Apri 1 5th, 1977, all members present. The Board,-having previously advertised, conducted a sale, by oral bidding, for various used surplus road maintenance equipment. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the highest bid in the amount of $4,000 was accepted from Dane Prairie Township for Unit #23, Ford Truck, GV\ll 25,500, including one way plow, wing and sander. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Tordenskjold Township for Unit-#52, Dodge Truck, GVW 25,500, in the amount of $2,800, plus $500.00 for wing. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to accept the bid of Girard Township for Unit #71, a Cat Motor Grader,· including 11V11 plow and wing, in the amount of $3,250.00. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to raise the fee to $1,500.00 for owner participation on new cattle passes, payment to be received upon completion of construction. The Board, having previously advertised for the sale of highway turn- back property located in the City of Perham, proceeded'to open bids which were found to be as follows: L. J. Delaney, Perham, Minnesota George ,·C. \I/alter, Perham, Minnesota Robert Elsholtz, White Bear Lake, Minn. Parcel 1 $-200.00 lQ0.00 Parcel 2 $200.00 $1,000.00 Both Parcels $400.00 $1,000.00 1,100.00 After opening of sealed bids, oral bids were accepted, and upon mo- tion made by Sydney Nelson, second~d-by BerfH?vland and carried, the bid of Robert Elsholtz, White Bear Lake, Minn.,'in the amount of $5,050.00 for both parcel; was accepted. \ -I ij 123 L__ I Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, authorizing the Board Chairman and County Auditor to sign a quit claim deed for a parcel of 2.1 acres erroneously deeded to the county, being a part of G.L. 6, Section 10 -136 -42. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for sale, bids to be accepted May 10th at 10:30 A.M., a 1951 Motor Grader, ~Jith 'f\/" plow and wing, as is. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, sec9nded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to pay the Pelican Rapids Fire Department $50.00 for a fire call on a grass fire on county road right-of-way. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxi- cating malt liquor and/or hold public dances: Beer licenses: Ardelle D. Hoye Robert S. Cowie William Parks Stephen G. Kunz Donald A. Bistodeau Thomas R. Collins James M. Sutherland George Nagel Kenneth McNabb Aaron A. Johnsoirn Russell Pederson Kenneth Hunter Robert Notz Marilyn L. Firnhaber Thomas Volberding LaVey Thalmann, Mgr. Dance Licenses: Marilyn L. Firnhaber Thomas IV. Volberding Holiday Haven Resort Dunvilla Dining Room Triangle Dance Club Rocky's Resort Woodland Park Resort Collins Landing Ottertail Beach Resort Red Bar-N Crystal-Lida Store Sunset Beach Bay View Wagon Wheel Resort Birch Shores REsort Perry's Country Inn Hi-Way Park Store & Ballroom Chalet Chanticleer Perry--'s Country Inn Hi-Way Park Store & Ballroom Girard Township Dunn Township Rush Lake Township'·: Dora Township Girard Township Star Lake Township Otter Tail Township Rush Lake Township Lida Township Girard Township Star Lake Township Otto Township Candor Township Dora Township Elmo Township Otter Tail Township Dora Township Elmo Township The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for bituminous surfacing work, under tied projects: S.A.P. 56-606-07, 56-630-04, 56-654-04, 56-657-04, 56-667-ll/C.P. 77:120B: !'46B, 148B, 21-28M, Twp-Bl, Twp-B2, MM-1, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Duininck Bros. & Gilchrist, Prinsburg, Minnesota Tri-City Paving, Little Falls, M~nnesota $929,224.55 980,762.20 1,080,425.30 The.Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for roadside mowing, proceeded to q>en bids which were found to be as fol lows: Area ARea Area Area Area A B C D E Arnold Bennett $74.94 Archie Wahlin $82.00 Orlin Johnson $63.00 Wallevand & Halvorson $66.95 $66.00 Thompson & Lein 66.82 Area Area Area Area Area F G H I J Clyde Ellingson $65.00 Earl Amsbough 80.73 Dittberner,: & 1·Jolinson $63.50 Albertson & Knapp $84.55 Kenneth Anderson 79.79 $75.00 Ellsworth Whipps 69.75 Wallevand & Halvorson $58.00 Orlin Johnson 58.90 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the accept the bid of Arnold Bennett, in the amount of $74.94 for Area A; A"rchie Wahlin in the amount of $82.00 for Area B; Orlin Johnson in the amount of $63. 00 for Area C; Wallevand & Halverson in the amount of $66.00 for Area E; Clyde Ellingson in the amount of $65.00 for Area F; Di-ttbeme:t.,& Johnsonin the amount of· $63.50 for Are_a ~; Kenneth Anderson in the amount of $75.00 for Area I and Wallevand & Halverson in the amount of $58.00 for Area J; each being the lowest bid., Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously ,,carried, to approve the application of David 0. Cushman, for license to sell intoxicating liquor at The Lanterns, Rush Lake Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to pay the sheriff's expenses to the National Sheriff's Convention to be held in San Diego, California, June 19th to the 22nd. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously c,carried, to approve the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation: Peter Minten Thomas Heggland Earl Hoefs Lenora E. Ellwanger Albert Werner Thomas Schwientek Wilfred Hanebuth Jack Neigel Earl Harris Jerry E. Selvaag Eddie Ojala E.0.T. Telephone Co. Bethlehem Luth. Church Ned. W. Lather Jerry Knutson L. J. Delaney Perham City F.F. Ward 1 Parkers Prairie City St. Olaf Township Pine Lake Township Perham City Deer Creek City Fergus Falls Township Maine Township Folden Township Otto Township New York Mills F. F. Ward II Ruth Lake Township, F~rgus Falls Township Perham City Mid-year homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Mid-year homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Wrong classification Mid-year homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Should be tax exempt Should be tax exempt ,Mid~year homestead classification A'ssessed for property doesn't own Homestead Classification Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- . mously carried, to transfer from CoW1ty Revenue to :The County Attorney's Contingent I Fund, the amount of $3,000 for the year 1976 and $3,000 for the year 1977. Motion was made by John Snmvberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, transfer $4,000 into the Sheriff's Contingent Fund for i976-1977, from County Revenue. Motion was ma<le by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to transfer $4,000 from County Revenue into the Incidental Fund. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WI-IEREAS on September 7, 1976 the County Board accepted the bid of Anderson Chemical Company in the amount of $132.98 per ton for 40 ton of calcium chloride, and WHEREAS the above calcium chloride has now been delivered to the satisfaction of the County Board at a total cost of $4,080;00, with freight charges being paid dirrectly to Burlington Northern, Inc., in the amount of $1,304.10, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $4,080.00 to Anderson Chemical Company, Litchfield, Minnesota in.full p·ayment of the calcium chloride and $1,304.10 to Burlington Northern, Inc., Saint Paul, Minnesota for freight charges. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 5th day of April, 1977. ATTES~ Clerk The Chairman declared the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, April 6, 1977. '" I -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of ~Qunty Commissioners of Otter Tail County .Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M .. , Wednesday, April 6th, 1977, all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, Hub Nordgren and Andy Leitch voting "no", to award the roadside mowing contract for Area H to Ellsworth Whipps, in the amount of $69.75 and for AReaD to Thompson and Lein in·, the amount of $66. 82. Motion was made by John' Snowberg, 'seco~ded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to rescind the motion of April 5th relative to readvertising for sale the 1951 motor grader and ~ccept;the bid of ·$3,000 from John W. Swenson, Fergus Falls, Minnesota for said unit. Motion was· made by John Sn01-.rberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and car- ried, authorizing the Board Chairman to sign a letter of compliance to the City of Fergus Falls relative to a grant application for the City's proposed Burnap Park. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to sell a tax forfeited parcel, the W½ of Lot 2, Block 1, Baker's Add'n to the City of Deer Creek, to the City of Deer Creek for $50.00. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to furnish used 5½' concrete pipe, located in Dalton, to be used in Section 1 of Nidaros Township. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for the sale of the County Garage property in the City of Fergus Falls located in Fir and Friberg, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Carlton Knutson, Fergus Falls, Minnesota $51,000.00 After consideration, motion was made by Johri Snowberg, senonded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to reject the one bid received. Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, John Snowberg abstaining, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS a bill (H.F. 968) has been introduced in the legislature to expand the authority of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and WHEREAS confusion, duplication and questionable authority currently exist in the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and. WHEREAS there are areas-within the_ Minnesota Pollution Control Agency jurisdiction that may function better and be better administered if they were assigned to other state agencies, and' - WHEREAS "public relations" is an unknown term to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT·HEREBY RESOLVED that the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners is violently opposed to H.F. 968. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1977. Clerk •-----c•-•• Upon 111otion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS legislation has been introduced under S.F. No .. 642 to establish the county assessor system under State Civil Service, and WHEREAS it is the opinion of this County Board that the present county assessor system has in recent years brought about equalization in assess- ment methods through cooperation with the Department of Revenue and more uniform assessment methods have been accomplished, and WHEREAS since assessment practices are for real property, the only significant source of revenue for the county, it seems inconsistant that this source of revenue should be controlled by state personnel, and WHEREAS various areas of the state have unique needs, each county board is best able to address the unique opportunities.and authority cannot be separated from responsibility, and WHEREAS S.F. No. 642 will lose the input from County Boards, NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners of Otter Tail County . does hereby go on record in opposition to S.F. No. 642. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April,1977. Cha~ . ATTEST: ~~ Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS fvll-IFA 65 eligibility requirements include gross assets of the applicant, exluding the property to be improved with the proceeds of the grant, may not exceed $25,000, and WHEREAS as how written, limits farm families from participating in the housing rehabilitation program because it does not take much of a farm to reach the limit of $25,000, NOW THEREFORE, BE )T HEREBY RESOLVED, that this act be amended to read, "may not exceed $25,000 (add) In the case oi a farmstead, the value of the farm land wilI -not be' considered_ as• part of the· gross assets." Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1977 . .. Chairma ATTEST: Clerk I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, '.seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the West Central Regional Development Commission en- couraged the reactivation of the Otter Tail County Housing & Redevelopment Au- thority for the expressed purpose of administering the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency HOUSING REHABILITATION PROGRAM for all five commissioner districts of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County HRA has hired full-time staff, and successfully administered the state Housing Rehabilitation Program in Otter Tail County during 1976-1977; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners that they are opposed to any decision by the West Central Regional Development Commission staff or the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency that would divide the administration of the Housing Rehabilitation Program be- tween the Otter Tail County HRA and the City of Fergus Falls during 1977-1978 and 1978-1979 program years, as division along said lines would be a detriment to the present County HRA organization structure. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1977. ATTEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by John SJ!owberg -------------, seconded by Sy~~y Nelson and unanimously carried, the following resolu--------='---''------------ tion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Co~nty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS there has been introduced· to the legislature, under H.F. No. 32:ll-and its companion S.F. No. 395, legislation relative to fees charged and collected by the sheriff, and . WHEREAS amendments to said 1-1.F. 324 and S.F. 395 have been intro- duced by Senator Wayne Olhoft changing the original form, and WHEREAS the County Sheriff and the Minnesota County Sheriffs' Association are supporting the bills as originally introduced, NOW, THEREFORE, said Board of County Commissmers of Otter Tail County wishes to go on record favoring H.F. No. 324 and its companion S.F. No. 395, in its original form, and does hereby urge its passage. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1977. Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following resolution was ·adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS legislation has been introduced under S.F. No. 677 which would delete publication of salaries of county employees in the annual financial statement, and \vl-lEREAS said salaries are paid from funds raised through taxes paid by the public, and W-rlEREAS it is the feeling of this Board that the public has a right to know the amount of compensation of public employees·, and WHEREAS S.F. 677 would seem to be inconsistent with the open meeting law at a time when openess in government is being sought, the bill would negate this effort, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED the Board of County Commi- ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota wishes to go on record in opposition . of S. F. No. 6 77. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1977. ATTEST: Clerk µpon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the City of _Perham has requested that· County State. Aid Highway No. 51 be· reloca_ted in and adjacent to the City of Perham to accommodate business expansion within the City, and WHEREAS, the County has also made this request to the State of.Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the expansion is anticipated before reconstruction of CSAH #51 can be completed, ·and WHEREAS, the City has also requested an interim rerouting of CSAH #51 over City Streets so business construction c~n begin this construction season. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that CSAH #51 be temporarily rerouted through the northerly side of Perham over Fourth Street Northwest to the junction of County.State Aid Highway No. 8. BE .IT ALSO RESOLVED, that this rerouting shall be put into effect by the County upon the receipt of a writteM request from ihe ·City, and shall remain in effect until rescinded by the County upon the written request of the Ci,ty. Adopted this Attest: ~ County Auditor (SEAL) 6th day of Apri 1, 1977. -c:::::::=' --~-- Ch&batter Tai 1 County Board of Commissioners Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to grant special aid to Nidaros Township in the amount of $500.00, to be used on a-township road in. se·ction L Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to grant ~pecial aid to Gira;rd Township in the amount of $500.00 to be used on a joint township road project in Section 1 of Nidaros Township. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, Gilbert Garga was granted a one year rene\val of a permission to operate a paint shop located in Section 5 of Everts Township. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to contribute $850.00 to the H.R.A. for a difference in salary not being funded because of an overall cut in funding. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of "Moen's 2nd Add'n" located in Section 4 of Clitherall Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve "Auditor's Plat of Woodland Heights", located in Section 26 -133 -43, in compliance with ~,1.S. 272.19. Motion was made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license, subject to bond: Jerome Toftely Todd Schroeder John Harrison Joe Jarsak Richard E. Hanson Randal Hutmacher H. Dean Jorgenson Dean Kragerud Jerome's Plbg. & Htg. Schroeder Backhoe Service Menahga Plbg. & Htg. Hutmacher Construction Dean's Excavating Hawley_ 1:renching Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Dalton, Minnesota Menahga, Minnesota Vining, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Hawley, Minnesota Upon motion niade b.y H_ub Noi'\dgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following applications were approved for initial irriga- tion permits: Earl H. Boyum Andrew Lindquist John Moenkedick Balmoral Golf Course, Inc. David H. Kaldahl Robert D. Mitchall Gerald L. Swartz James E. Ahlfs Lambert Schilling Ervin J. Klemek Roy L. Drouillard John Moenkedick Richard A. Johnson Jim Grotheer Ralph G . Jahnke Momar, Inc. Herbert Woods Marvin Heisler Arthur Shutt, Jr. Raymond Ziegler Lloyd Penrose Gail Klein Clarence Venzke John W. Loomer Theodore Bertram Louis A. Sazama Gerald V. Sweet Gerald Ziese John Jackson Gary Bothum Marvin G. Braaten • Clitherall:, Township Dane Prairie Township Edna Township Otter Tail Township Hobart. Township Otto Township Henning Township Otter Tail Township Hobart Township Inman Township Everts Township Edna Township Parkers Prairie Township Deer Creek Township Parkers Prairie Township Edna Township Dora Township Rush Lake _Township Paddock Township Gorman Township Parkers Prairie Township Parkers Prairie Township Elmo Township Buse Township Woodside Township ',c I Edna Township, Girard Township Deer Creek Township Saint Olaf Township Woodsid~ J6~nship Pursuant to call, a hearing was held on the proposed human services plan. After listening to the various interested parties and upon recommendation of minor changes in the proposed plan, the following resolution 1rns introduced by John Snowberg, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried: RESOLyED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County -. Minnesota desiring to form a Human Service Board-and·Agency, and WHEREAS, the Board requested special 'legislation in the 1976 session of the Minnesota Legislature, and WHEREAS, Chapter 3'40, Minnesota Laws of 1976 was passed aHowing the Board to form such Human Services Board, and WHEREAS, a resolution adopted by the Board on November 9, 1976 sig- nified the Board's intent to form such Human Services Board, and WHEREAS a public hearing on the proposed plan for Htunan Services was duly held this 6th day of April, 1977, and WHEREAS, after reviewing the plan, and hearing testimony, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County, Minnesota does hereby adopt said plan. FURTHER, that said plan be transmitted to each of the Commissioners of the Minnesota Departments, namely -the Department of Corrections, the Depart- ment of Health and the Department of Public Welfare, FURTHER, that on July 1, 1977 the Human Service Board of Otter Tail County will begin operation under the plan as· adopted, Adopted this 6th day of April, 1977, at Fe.rgus Falls, Minnesota. ---- ATTEST: . Clerk Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, to appoint Hub Nordgren and Bert Hovland to serve as Otter Tail County's representatives on the annexation proceedings for the City of Perham, Docket No. A-3082, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 414.01, Subdivision 2. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: '· 0&.1. H,on B He1 ;,eneeft Office Expense Glen Melby Max Kroneman Raymond Polensky Larry Wahlstrom Brian Nelson Dr Lewis Struthers Perham.Co-op Oil Pelican Union 76 Park Region Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil North Union Texaco Danielson's I-94 Clark Oil Holiday Bengston Oil Co Big Chief Texaco Ashby Equity Ass'n Phillips Petroleum Co Louies Auto Clinic Goodyear Service ~tore Mobile Radio Service Carr Enterprises City of Fargo City of Fergus Falls Clay County SHERIFF Alcohol Countermeasure Systems Comm. of Transportation Hintgen Karst Electic Olson Auto Electric · Uniforms Unlimited Enstad Larson Mann Custom Auto·· Upholstery Xerox Corporation Poucher Printing&:.Litho International Business Machines Rigndahl Ambulances Memorial Hospital&: Homes Lake Region Hospital Orletta Eisenhuth Nita Quaal Mrs Gordon Tornhave Metz Baking Co National Food Ottertail Grocery Piggly Wiggly Red Owl Store Service Food Market Warehouse Food Market Cass Clay Creamery Fergus Jobbing . Ernies Food Mrs Gordon Tornhave 97.46 15.05 26.88 3.0_7 748.oo 408.00 100.00 445.96 36.33 11.80 263.60 , 30.00 7.14 115.40 258.38 8.38 21.35 21.74 66.92 19.95 24;55 606.91 9.46 80.00 17.62 14.oo 51.14 291.20 18.96 22.50 86.28 20.00 30.00 196.41 . 5.84 17.82 280.00 7.00 52.50 53.32 94.60 65.36 39.62 171.42 235.30 38.50 88.32 108.81 414.86 130·. 78 36.50 28.37 15.40 CORONER Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Maurice Beers M.D. Subhi Sharifi M.D. H.A. Novak M.D. LAND & RESOURCE Xerox Corp. Cooper's Office SU.pply Victor Lundeen & Co Battle Lake Review ' Henning Advocate Pelican Union · Parkers. Prairie Indep. · . Malcolm Lee James Johnson Linda Bergerud VEI'S SERVICE Rudolph Auch Roger Bengtson Cooper's Office SU.pply Perham Enterprise Bulletin Daily Journal So Mill Standard Otter Tail Co-op.Oil Xerox Corp. Johnson Lock & Key Poucher Printing CO COURT County Judges Assoc. Donald Omodt, Sheriff Cooper's Office SU.pply Inc. City of Perham Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Charles C()penhaver Marilyn Witt Perham Co-op Oil Clay County PROBATION & PAROLE HOUSING AUTHORITY Karen Peterson Kenneth Naki Jared Smalley Russell Knutson Co. Recorders Office· Victor Lundeen & Co Gibson's Discount Ceriter 300.00 75.00 30~00 270.25 30.00 65.00 94.47 47.85 4.74_ 5.50 36.19 4.56 '147.56 72.10 . 7.00 31.63 · 90.30 196.00 12.00 31.20 5.00 33.83 255.00 50.00 22,00 45.00 1.20 14.40 · 65.00 . 18.05 224.95 181.31 186.85 . 82.01 17.92 . 1,920.00 288~98· 12.00 28.60 11.25 37.81 2.00 1.06 3 Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate.. . Parkers Prair~e Indep. Pelican Rapids Press Eugen Davenport John Skramstad Steven Andrews Erwin Siems Angeline Glawe ASSESSOR VOTER REGISTRATION Miller Davis Cooper's Office Supply Inc. The Parkers Prairie Indep. Viola Runningen Betty Rovang Jeff Tikkanen William Stone Don Kenyon Marlin Senske Rodney Flatau EOT SOIL & WATER Nat'l Assoc. of Cons Dist. Cooper's Office Supply Inc. The Pierce Co Wm E Lee Agency MISC EXPENSES Gust Lagerquist & Sons Honeywell Mollerud Electric Fires Safety Corp Crow Chemical & Equip. Northwestern Supply Western Chemical Co Dakota Paper Clausen's Tailer Shop Ebersviller Impl Co Nash Perrine Bruce Stenstrom David Jenson Darel Jacobson . Xerox Corp. Midwest Carbon Nelson Bros Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Printing & Litho Miller Davis Co Multigraphics Div. Burroughs Corp. Potter Ketcham & Assoc. Pitney Bowes The Assoc.· of Minn. Counties Cooper's Office Supply Inc. City of Perham 35.00 31.90 30.80 29.15 126.70 74.16 10.00 78.62 87.22 2,196.79 556.15 10.60 30.00 24.oo 40.00 32.60 28.40 53.60 22.24 80.65 47.50 27.80 191.00 85.00 330.18 17.00 51.00 493.12 47.25 426.00 271.33 6.oo 44.88 31.36 10.00 7.50 60.00 544.37 129.92 174.75 38.05 3,857,67 621.49 206.52 25.20 323.75 69.00 277.20 928.00 60.00 I Mathison Hesby Agency Otter Tail Oeop Oil Bureau of Business Practice Simplex Time Recorder Mathison Hesby Agency Battle Lake Review Henning Advocate Pelican Rapids Press · Myrtle Logas K.W. Hanson Gordon Bjoralt A Hubert Nordgren Alva Kreckula NURSE Judy Schultz Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz Phyllis Knu:tson Connie Erlandson Lorna Mc Cabe · Mary Gutknecht Marion Kershner Mary Westman Faith Swenson-· Myrna Mondt Verona Nelson Carol Hodnefield Phyllis Menze Alice Townsend Lorraine Amundson Ella Veazie Bernice Spangler Mary Lou Boyer Betty Starkweather Nelson Bros Printing Lake Region.Hospital Merch Sharp & Dahme Physicians & Hospital I C E A Charles Slack Inc. Vicki Roberts Service Food Matson Grocery Truax Grocery Lee's Wee Town Larry's Super Market Ernies Food .Palubicki Red Owl Dillys Food Market Service Food Market Deans Grocery Larry' s Super Market Jens Ree Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Mrs C.E. Boe Arnold Ellingson Elizabeth Hoff James Talley BOAT&: WATER SAFETY Northwest Divers Supplies T 16,000.00 66.88 22.82 73-30 17.00 26.25 1,890.47 13.00 52.00 35.02 82.20 246.88 260.22 10.98 82.60 172.24 196.80 89.28 175.79 138.18 4.40 61.88 14.84 54.60 172.34 49.91 101.08 8.75 26.32 8.16 5.64 5.08 10.40 187.00 4.oo 56.20 25.79 17.85 10.00 20.36 209.74 7.63 34.18 2.52 61.45 300.27 105.38 11.99 154.18 4.71 52.13 19.24 24.oo 20.00 10.00 20.00 24.84 200.00 I ROAD & BRIDGE Bearing Supply Co Coast to Coast Pel. Rapids Fergus Auto Supply Inc. General Trading Co Hayden Murphy Equip. Co Helle International Inc. Homelite Interstate Russ Johnson Sales Co Su.per GMC Truck Sales Ziegler Inc. Dave's Repair Hanson's Plumbing & Htg. Mobile Radio Service Olson Auto Eelctric Pelican Union 76 Pelican Welding Shop Mrs Robert Rolfson Lewis Waskosky Welding Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Share Corp. Stenerson Lumber Co M-R Sign Co City of Henning Viking Resort Farnam Tire Center Firestone Stores Goodyear Service Store Battle Lake Review Monroe International The Pierce Co Albinson Aldy Graphic Supply Inc. The ttlap Store Mid West Business Products Minnesota Blueprint Otter Tail Power Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co Dennis Berend George Olson Douglas Weiszhaar Dennis Berend D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Arrow Petroleum Inc. Otter Tail C9-9p Oil Farmers Co-op Assn .. Kirchoff Perk.i~s Oil Co Meyerin Service Inc. Andys 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Andy's 66 Service. Consumers Co-op Oil Duane's Mobil North Union Champlin Ray's Oil Co I 4.66 27.10 55.80 422.53 241.01 268.82 7.37 1.70 286.80 452.67 191.22 81.55 430.23 85.90 55.99 24.85 5.00 32.50 10.00 32.83 42.46 43.98 95.78 34.50 2,872.98 648.86 60.00 490.91 5.25 140.94 18.01 54.oo 1,915.30 135.07 50.45 69.50 52.18 181.86 25.99 27.29 17.29 75.55 31.32 31.32 70.14 100.65 214.50 373.00 591.24 621.00 324.42 467.82 104.88 200.80 271.57 192.03 263.75 707.34 Service Oil Company Vergas Oil Co Andy's 66 Service Aqua Marine Sports Big Woods Yamaha Carr Enterprises Inc. CETA Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Co-op Services Inc. Dent SUpply , Dick's Standard Service H & LOK Hardware Hagen's Inc. Hanson' s Hardware . A.R. Meier The Parts House Perham Hardware Hank Setterholm's Hardware Stocker Hardware Swanson Equipment Swedberg Floral Vergas Oil Co Walt's Repair Whitman's Small Engine Repair Barrie Meissner R/W H Everette & Aurlette Tollefson' Harry S. Matheson Herbert & Phyllis Kugler Gordon & Ruby Hanneman Vernon & Lorraine Osmon Lloyd Cromwell Cordes & Lorraine Engel Donavan & Verna OiBriean Emil Swanke K.L. & Maxine Lebsock Earl & Bernice Davis Michael & Dorothy Ross Ernest & Marlys Sandau Paul & Lawrence Sandau Victor & Fani Rehborg William & Donna M. Tappe Luther B & Arlene T Kimball Reynold & Alvina Fick Albert Wilke, Wayne Korkowski & FHA Frank Roloff Peter & Ethel Andreen William C & Esther Jahnke Vicent & Erma Jean Wilke Esther Paulson Norman & Elaine Bergman Donald A. Potratz 366.06 560.21 11.22 43.90 22.74 239.70 11.96 18.75 13.34 83.46 21.05 25.60 12.55 49.25 25.90 5.87 6.86 7.99 21.65 48.41 13.19 11.92 22.00 314.72 835.00 93.00 198.50 3,992.10 60.00 25.00 90.00 700.00 125.00 1;411.00 803.30 50.00 429.00 3,855.20 401.21 245.70 3,636.65 274.25 2,366.00 446.oo 123.20 896.00 100.00 350.00 1,000.00 160.00 Upon motion made. by· Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 R.M., Tuesday, April 19th, 1977. Clerk