HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 01/04/1977/ MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING° OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA .\. '.· . . , ...... ,_. \•• Pµrsuant to .;Statute,-the, B0~rd c,f County Commissioriei:s of 0tter ·, I, ', ' ' "J ' Tail County Minnesota. met at 9:30 A.M.,_ Tuesday, January 4, 197-7_. :.Ptesentc-were Sydney·;-(;. Nelson, Berton Hovland, Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren and John Snowberg who were sworn in by Henry Polkinghorn, Judge of County Court.· The meeting was called•to order by County Auditor Ken.Hanson who declared the first order of business to .be the selection of Chairman and Vice- Chairman for the ensuing year. Upon ·mot1on made b·y John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, Andy Leitch abst_aining, Andy' Leitch was elected Chairman for 1977. Motion was made by John Snowberg, second_ed by Sydney Nelson and carried, Bert Hovland abstaining,_ to elect Bert Hovland Vice-Chairman for 1977. Upon motion made by' Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the bond for County:Court Judge, Henry ·Polkin'ghorn, was approved. Motion was made by· Hub Nordgren, -.seconded by .. Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to accept the annual· report,s of the East and West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspectors and the Chairman. of the Board was instructed to sign same. Motion was made by ·Hub. Nordgren,' secorj.ded by_ Sydney Nelson and -~ l ' . . \. ~. ' . -i. ~ ' ,~ unanimously carried, to have,the,East, gq:er Tail township annual'weed meeting one d'ay, January 12th, at Pa~kers ·Prairie ,nd one day, January 14th, at Perham. ,: Motion w_as made :by Bert Hovland, seconded by, John Snowberg and unanimously ·carried, to have the-West Otter Taii'.·1:~wnship annual weed meeting one. day, January 31st, at:the Court House···in Fergus'Fa.11~:.and.one day, February 2nd, at Pelican Rapids. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren , seconded by ------------- John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution --------------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The followil)g:,;: dates be designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the year 1977: February 7th and 8th March 8th and 9th April 5th and 6th May 10th and 11th June 7th and 8th July 11th and 12th August 9th and 10th September 6th and 7th October 11th and 12th November 8th and 9th December 6th and 7th Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. ATTEST:~ ._.~ J Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland , seconded by --------------- ' John Snowberg and carried, the following are the dates to be --------------- designated as the dates on which the County Board will meet during the year 1977 for welfare purposes, with the afternoon of the second day being reserved for regular county business: January 7th and 24th February 4th and 22nd March 4th and 22nd April 1st and 19th May 6th and 44th June 3rd and 21st July 7th and 19th Augus_t 5th and 23rd September 2nd and 20th October 7th and 18th November 4th and 22nd December 2nd_ and 20th r: Upon motion made by , seconded by -------------------Sydney Nelson John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following ------------------ resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The Chairman of the Board be and is hereby authorized to select two members of the Board, together with himself, as members of various boards, -to have charge of the Court House, Court House Annex, Jail and grounds for the year 1977; purchase all furniture and supplies, except books, blanks and stationery, needed for the Court-Hous.e and Jail during the year 1977 and provide for such repairs as may become an immediate necessity; County Board of Bealth for the year 1977. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. Cha~ ATTEST: Clerk The Chairman made the following appointees: Committee in Charge of Court House, Court House Annex, ·Jail and Grounds: John Snowberg and Bert Hovland Committee in charge of furnishings, supplies, etc.: Hub Nordgren and Sid Nelson County Board of Health: Dr. Mathison John Snowberg and Sid Nels.on Upon motion made by John Snowberg , seconded by --------------- ____ s~y_d_n_e_y_N_e_l_s_o_n _______ and unanimously carried, the following resolu- tion was adopted: RESOLVED by the Bcatrd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The following Commissioners be and hereby are appointed to serve on the following County Extension Committees: West Otter Tail County Extension Committee Andy Leitch --------------- East Otter Tail County Extension Committee Hub Nordgren --------------- Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. Chairman ATTEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland . , seconded by ---------------- John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution -------------- was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that THE Sum of ten cents (10¢) be paid out of the Revenue Fund of the County for every pocket-gopher and woo~·chuck killed in said county during the year 1977 in cases where the townships in which pocket-gophers and wood chucks are so killed shall provide for the payment of ~n additional bounty of ten cents (10¢) for each pocket-gopher and wood chuck so ·killed. RESOLVED FURTHER that payment of such bounty shall be made by the County Auditor upon certifi~ates executed by the Chairman of the Town Board of said townships setting forth that the pocket-gophers or wood chucks were duly presented to the Chairman of such Board and that the township:has issued and de- livered to each claimant a town order for twenty cents (20¢) for each pocket- gopher or wood chuck so killed. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minn~sota this 4th day of January, 1977. Charb!-, ~ ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion m.ade by John Snowberg , seconded by -----------"------- Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following resolution --------------- was adpted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota. that UNDER the provisions of Section 739 General Statutes of 1932, the sum of $250.00 to be and the same hereby is appropriated out of the Revenue Fund of the County to the Red River Valley Development Association, said amount so appropriated to be used in payment of premiums to exhibitors for the year 1977. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January. 1977. ATTEST: Clerk I Upon motion made by , seconded by ----,------------· Sydney Nelson Bert Hovland --------------and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: TI-IAT the sum of not less than $ 350. 00 be and the same ------- hereby is appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund of said County for Otter Tail County exhibits at the Minnesota State Fair for 1977, and the County Auditor and Chairman of the Board are directed to issue a warrant for said amount in favor of Clarence Mielke. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. ATTEST:~~ Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland ----------------, seconded by ___ J_o_h_n_S_n_o_w_b_e_r~g~-----and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, THAT there be and hereby is transferred from the Revenue Fund of the County to the Incidental Fund, the sum of$ 750.00 for postage ------ for the use of the offices entitle1 ~heret6: Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. ATTEST: Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren , seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, it is provided in Minn. Statute 282.05 for the apportion- ment of the proceeds from the sale of tax-forfeited lands; WHEREAS, the County Auditor shall apportion the tax sale proceeds to the taxing districts pursuant to Minn. Stat. 282.08; WHEREAS, Minn. Stat. 282.08(4)(b) provides that the County Board may set aside 20% of the proceeds remaining after the value of public improvements, special assessments and bond issues levied on the property have been paid, for acquisition and maintenance of county parks and recreational areas; WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has parks and --recreational areas which would benefit by such an apportionment; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor retain 20% of the proceeds from the sale of tax forfeited land for acquisition and maintenance of parks and recreational areas from the proceeds available after making the neces- sary statutory disbursement, said proceeds to be·disbursed according to law. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977 .. Chai~tuzd- ATTEST: Clerk.· Upon motion made by • John Snowberg , seconded ----------------- by __ H_u_b_N_o_r_d.g~r~e_n _____ .;._.and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: . ~. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commiss:ioners of Otter Tail . County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board on the 11th of August, 1976, accepted the bid of Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $5,475.15 for delivery of a 1977 Dodge Royal Monaco, for use by the Sheriff's Department, and WHEREAS the above automobile has now been delivered to the satis- faction of the County Board, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $5,475.15 payable to Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. ATTEST: I Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, second.ed by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION . BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY, MINNESOTA WHEREAS, changing road conditions created by temperature changes, rain, snow, traffic, etc., can result in the deteriora- tion and serious damage to roads and highways in Otter Tail County unless: we_ight. restrictions are imposed upon the vehicles permitted to operate thereon. NOW, THEREFORE,, irn IT RESOLVED, that 'no person shall operate any vehicie or combination oC'vehicl¢supon any restricted county road or highway in the County of Otter Tail and State of Minnesota, generally described· as follows: Otter Tail County State Aid Highways and Otter Tail· County Roads, · where the gross weight on any single axle, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1945, Sec. 169.87, Subdivision 1, exceeds five tons (10,000 pounds) and the County Highway Engineer of said County is hereby directed and authorized to determine the need and to erect and main- tain appropriate signs plainly indicating the prohibitions and restric- tions at each end of that portion of any highway affected thereby, and these restrictions shall be effective and this prohibition effective upon the erection and maintenance of the appropriate signs. Adopted-this 4th day of January, 1977. ~~ Chairma · Attest,: County Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY-COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL' COUNTY, MINNESOTA BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Highway Engineer be author-:- ized to issue payrolls for the purpose of salary payments to all maintenance employees, engineering employees, ·construction employ- ees, and for the rental of trucks and other.equipment necessary for the maintenance .-of County State Aid Highways not to exceed $640,'000 and County Roads not to exceed $175,000 for the year 1977. Adopted this 4th day of January, 1977. Attest: Auditor (SEAL)· I Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on February 10, 1976, the Board accepted the bid of M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $2p,510,26, for signs and posts and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total,cost of $28,583~00, an increase of $5,072.74 due to 1700 signs ordered as a supplement to this contract, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $28,583.00 payable to M-R Sign Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in full payment of these signs. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of January, 1977. ATTEST: Clerk Motion was made by John Snowberg·, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, that Otter Tail County choose not to participate in the proposed Public Defender Program. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to approve permits for six county road crossings of the Square Butte Electric Cooperative, and the County Engineer was authorized to sign said per- mi ts. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the County Extension Committee's selection of Denzil Cooper as East Otter Tail County Extension Director. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, January S, 1977. Cha~~ ATTEST: Clerk -WEDNESDAY's SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M._, Wednesday, January 5th, 1977, all members present. Motion was made by ~ohrt Snowberg, second.ed by -Sydney Nelson and carried, Hub Nordgren voting 11no 11 , to approve a cost increase of $200.00 less than the amount of $1,054.00 per truck, because of federal regulations concerning brake systems on two new trucks purchased ·from Helle,· Inc., Fergus Falls, bids accepted June 27, 1976. A representative of the Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company appeared before the Board and presented a proposal for accident insurance. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to receive the proposal for consideration. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to table the plat of "Wall Lake Development No. 2", located in Aurdal Township, until such a time a road is built to specifications. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license were approved: Sherrill Jacobson Russell A. Myrbo Russell A. Myrbo Jacobson Excavating Myrbo Enterprises Myrbo Enterprises Underwood, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal installers licedse were approved: Albert Bretz Clarence Toftely Russell A. Myrbo Sherrill Jacobson Bretz Hardware Toftely Plbg. & Heating Myrbo Enterprises Jacobson Excavating Perham, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Battle Lake, Minnesota Underwood, Minnesota Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to table the· request of Pelican Rapids for continuation of their existing land fill, said request dated June 10, 1976. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Sydney Nelson and carried, to have the M.P.C.A. review of environmental assessment portion of the Otter Tail Lake Facilities Plan referred to the Otter Tail Lake property owners, with the understanding that Otter Tail County will in no way be involved finan- cially with the preparation of a faci Uties plan. Motion was made by JOhn Snowberg, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to suspend the salary portion of the Personnel Policy for all county employees not represented by a certified collective bargaining representa- tive, until such time that the County is relieved of the state imposed levy limita- tion; and that the 1977 salaries be increased by 6% of the sum total 1976 base salaries, with a $25.34 per month cost of living increase to each employee with the remainder of the sum total 6% increase to be applied on a percentage basis to the individual's 1976 base·salary.'., Salaries of new employees plus reclassification of 1. ' present employees shall be cleared'through the wage boar9-in writing. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following bills were allowed: Office expense Carlton E Mortenson Glen Melby Charles McDonough Max Kronemann Larry Wahlstrom Bill Vinzant, Sheriff Don Omodt, Sheriff Kenneth Gothman Manley Erickson, Sheriff Perham Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil Phillips Petroleum ~oBo Car Wash Thomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Dick's Standard Service Consumers Co-op Oil Clark Oil & Refining Mobile Radio Service Minnesota Motor Co Goodyear Service Fergus Dodge Inc. Werner's Auto Sales Olson Auto Electric Bayer's Body Shop Bauck Chevrolet Co General Trading Uniforms Unlimited The Identi Kit Co Gambles Christenson Refrigeration Xerox Corp. Sargent Sowell ~nc. Empire Business Machines The Photo Center Cooper's Office SUpplies Nelson Bros Printing Inc. Memorial Hospital & Homes Lake Region Hospital Community Hospital Fergus Falls Vets Clinic Marjorie Barvels Orletta Eisenhuth Nita Quaal Mrs Gordon Tomhave Warehouse Food Mark It Cass Clay Creamery Ernies Food Metz Baking National Food Store Mrs Gordon Tomhave 95.14 127.00 32.00 41.80 26.88 33.92 . 894.oo 14.oo 9.40 8.oo 516.68 305.79 30.78 396.52 914.39 106.28 20.30 110.39 102.32 484.75 2.84 339.00 118.28 14.66 31.50 75.00 21.75 26.88 38.15 180.00 7.47 34.51 290.10 52.50 12.00 782.90 64.80 16.50 21.00 17.50 40.00 23.00 5.16 27 .52 37.84 34.40 73.79 57-74 35.58 87.29 200.78 20.35 CO COURT Xerox Corp. 255.00 Cooper's Office Supply 2.75 Secretarial Service 25.75 Oswald Publishing Co 37.66 The Photo Center 9.00 Empire Business Machines 5.40 . Miller Davis 11.76 Otter .:Tail Co Court 15.62 City of Perham 65.00 Hennepin Co Sheriff 2.40 Reuben Bjorklund 16.50 Carole Charest 14.80 DWI Clinic Wadena 125.00 DWI Clinic Moorhead 200.00 DWI Clinic Wahpeton 50.00 CORONER Mehdi Orandi M.D. 300.00 Marjean Hanson 76.30 Autopsy Fees 540.00 Coroner Fees 126.25 The Photo Center 11.38 Lake Region Hospital 34.oo VETS SERVICE Roger Bengtson 47.52 Rudolph Auch 22.84 RoBo Car Wash 305.30 Otter Tail Co-op 75.31 Henning Advocate 6.oo LAND & RESOURCE James Johnson 70.56 West Side Service 29.45 Vergas Oil Co 7.37 Dicks Standard 8.17 Minnesota Motor 32.32 Goodyear Service 32.00 PROBATION & PAROLE Michael Vosburgh 153.57 Spencer Lundquist 157.38 Charles Copenhaver 99.36 Otter Tail Co-op 60.88 Farmers Union Oil 69.95 HOUSING.& REDEVELOPING Karen Peterson 66.oo Jared Smalley 14.25 Gibson's Discount 4.54 3 EOT SOIL & WATER Donald Kenyon Tribuine Printing City of Perham Otter Tail Co-op Oil CO AGENT ASSESSOR Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John .Skramstad Gust Lagerquist & sons Western Chemical Co - Northwestern Supply Co Dacotah Paper Co Crow Chemical Cp Otter Tail Co-op Mollerud Electric Xerox Corp. Burroughs Corp. The Pierce Co MISC EXPENSES Fergus Glass & Paint Revenue Sharing Adv. Service Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Printing & Litho NelsonBros Printing Empire Business Machines Poucher Printing & Litho Monroe Miller Davis Co . Pitney Bowes Multigraphics Division Bureau of Business Practice Roto Rule The Photo Center Minn. Assn of Twp. Officers Minnesota Co. Recorders Assoc. Mathison Hesby Agency The Daily Journal The Forum Coast to Coast Battle Lake George Nelson Dave Harles Tree Service Anderson Bros. Clay County Alva Krekula John Snowberg George Walter Randy Nelson Henry Bjorgo 28.40 46.50 60.00 43.66 229.16 141.47 207.59 85.00 366.75 47.25 447.14 107.66 16.78 63.85 520.62 180.32 49.90 21.75 65.00 139.30 22.37 315.00 50.00 189.17 48.oo 695.61 6.79 643.00 42.23 61.27 3.18 12.00 150.00 368.42 141.82 25.20 6.69 9.70 315.00 45.74 190.00 142.03 101.40 416.00 30.00 425.78 I NURSING SERVICE Judy Schultz Phyllis Knutson Gloria Opatz Lorna McCabe Connie Erlandson Mary Gutknecht Dorothy Johnson Mary Westman Lorraine Amundson Myrna Mondt Verona Nelson Truax Grocery Dilly's Food Market Warehouse Food Mark It Service Food Market Palubicki Red Owl Delkerts Jack & Jill Walt Boes Food Market Deans Grocery Ernies Food Association ~sterling Films Midland Hospital Supply Perham Hospital Folsom Drug White Drug Nancy Staheli Jan Stenger Service Food Mrs C.E. Boe Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Jens Ree James J Talley Arnold Ellingson Elizabeth Hoff BOAT & WATER SAFETY Bruce Eckley RoBo Car Wash · Thomas Fire Equipment Thomas Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Fergus Plumbing & Heating BUILDING ROAD & BRIDGE George T Ryan Speedometer Service & Inst·';Co Ziegler Inc. Coast.to Coast Henning Central Lumber Co Coast to Coast Pel. Rapids Lampert Building Center M-R Sign Co Russ Johnson Sales A.R. Meier Welding 93.80 235.33 153.44 170.80 53.34 115.50 72.38 133.56 22.40 41.16 12.60 18.73 8.54 43.92 153.56. 63.85 12.60 83.11 6~.79 114.57 9.85 88.02 90.00 9.96 173.12 4o.46 12.00 41.53 20.00 31.20 48.oo 38.48 49.68 20.00 20.00 22.40 9.49 5.00 107.01 7.71 3,394.66. 25.92 38.35 205.44 83.10 3.90 5.03 25.00 925.00 498.77 36.32 Mobile Radio & TV Service Olson Auto Electric Paper Calmenson & Co Goodyear Service Duininck Bros & Gilchrist Henry Bleichner City of Henning Burroughs Corp. Monroe Division Albinson Victor Lundeen & Co Minnesota Blueprint The Pierce·Co Northwestern Bell 'E.ephone Northwestern Bell Telephone Wadena Dennis Berend Clarence Kratzke Dennis Berend Otter Tail Power Co D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Nundahl Oil Co Blu:t'fton Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Dave's Standard Service Farmers Union Oil Miltona Creamery Assn Aqua Marine Sports Dick's Standard Service Gambles Johnson Repairs Ruhland's Hardware Barrie Meissner CE TA 126.45 33.55 905.50 217.24 204.48 6.oo 120.00 302.22 37.00 110.85 164.75 246.89 16.60 28.57 25.45 44.oo 13.44 33.90 8,103.80 239.80 151.02 707.21 155.32 7.14 131.76 169.39 34.80 12.19 8.74 · s. 75 8.90 220.78 Upon motion made by Sydney Nelson, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Monday, January 24, 1977. ATTEST:~ Clerk