HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/10/1976MINUTES OF TIIE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A.M., Tuesday, August 10th, all members present. Pastor Otto Dale, member of the Mental Health Board, appeared be- fore the Board stating his intentions to move from the community but offered to remain on the Mental Health Board until January 1, 1977. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to accept the proposal of Anderson Bros. C_onstruction Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $1,825.00 for various patchwork and re- pair of cement work and installation of hand rails at the court house location. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to re~appoint Jared Smalley as a representative on the Otter Tail County Housing Authority, to fulfil the term he was originally appointed for prior to his resign~ti_on from said committee. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously ~arried, to appoint the Board Chairman, County Auditor and Undersheriff Glen Melby as a committee to designate and plan parking in the three county parking lots. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to reject the application of Arnold Hoseth for sewage system instal- lers license. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to authorize a variance to Lyle Anderson and allow a 25' set back on Lot 1, Highway Terrace, from County Road #1 to corner of building, said variance ~ould not affect driveway. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, author-izing: the Board Chairman and County Auditor to sign the deed for / ' . // ·-" Lots 1 through 6, Block ·2, Frazee's 3rd Add'n to the City of Pelican Rapids, sold \ \ \ June 22, 1976 to Kenneth R. and Wallace G. Hohman and the County Audi tor was authorized to deliver deed and abstract to purchasers. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 11:00 A.M.,Tuesday, September 7th, for approximately 40 tons of calcium chloride and approximately 200 tons of rock salt. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be-received for a usedtruckmounted,·pickup type, street sweeper, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Heyden-Murphy Equip., Mpls, Minn. MacQueen Equip. Co., St. Paul, Minn. MacQueen Equip. Co., St. Paul, Minn. Road Mach. & Supply, New Brighton, Minn. $4,500 8,000 12,250 8,500 · 1965 model -1968 model 1971 model 1969 model After reviewing the bids, it was agreed that the Highway Engineer together with Commissioners Leitch and Walter go to the Twin Cities on Wednesday, August 18th, to view the equipment, determination to be made at 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, August 24th. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the meeting was a!ij.ourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, August 11th, 1976. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to·adjoumment, the Board of !county Commissioners of I Otter Tail County Minnesqtamet at 9:30 A.M., Wednes.day, :August 11th, 1976. I Upon motion made by George Walter, se~onded,by AndyLeitch and unanimously carried, the application of Ernest Glenn. for .the removal of a double assessment of a mobile home, assessed both as personal an;d real, for the year 1975, was approved. The Board, having previously advertise,d for bids to be received for one 1977 standard 4 dr. sedan and two' 1977 police patrol car~'; proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Fergus Dodge, Fergus Falls, Minnesota Minnesota·Motor Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota . One St'andard '4 dr ' i $4',632 .07 + $30 4 dr. 4,763.54 Two Police Patrol· $10,950.30 After consideration, moton was made by: John Snowberg; seconded by I Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, .to.accep t the bid.of Fe~gµs Dodge, Fergus Falls, ' Minnesota, .in the amount of $4,632.07, for the two door Cprnet, it being the lowest. bid. Motion was .made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously car- ' . ried, to accept the bid ot Fergus Dodge, Inc.,· Fettus Fal'.ls, Minnesota, . in the amount of $10,950.30 for two police patrol cars, it being the only bid. I • Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, secorded by George Walter·and unani- mously carried, the fee for a wine license,,for restaurant'. proprietors w:as set at $150.00 per year. Upon motiori made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the application of Ronald w~ Kapusansky ·for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor at Wild Venture Resort located ir Leaf Lakes Township, was. '1 -. ' . approved. I 'I I I Motion was made by. Bert Hovland, seconded by Geo_rge Walter and wianimously carried, to approve the plat of Forest Htlls Subdivision, located in Section 15 of Lida Township, subject to signature of the attorney. Motion was ma.de by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of Carr's Stipdivision, located in Section 12, Amor Township. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and wianimously carried, to approve the plat of Bredemeyer Addition, located in Section 17, Leaf Lake Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and. ' wianimously carried, to deny the plat of Glen's Pleasant View, located in Section 19, Aurdal Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the application of H. E. Morken, on Lake Llda, for special use permit, to include provisions 2 and 3, but denying provision No.1 1 which requested to fill a low area on Lot 7. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani.:., mously carried, to table action on an application for; special use::,·permit witil cer- tain letters are received voicing no objection to the1 ; .special use permit, for Ray I Chase in Dead Lake Township. I Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg_and wiani- mously carried, to approve the application.of Robert Johnson to terrace a 25' area I on Lot S, Anderson Beach, Otter TailLake. Motion was made by George Walter, seco~ded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of The Clean Lakes & Rivers, INc., Det,:oit Lakes, Minnesota for sewage disposal instaliers license. i ' Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded 'by George Walter and wiani-. muusly carried, to approve the plat of 2nd Add'n to Oak Hill Subdivision located in Section 26, Pelican Township, contingent upon upgrading the road. ! Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, secqnded by John Snowberg and carried, Andy Leitch voting "no."; the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED.by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHE~AS:~ by the Laws of 1975, Chapter 204, Sections 51 and 95, and by the Laws of 1976, Chapter 319, Section 1, there was appropriated to the Commissioner of Natural Resources, as a grants-in-aid to local units of govern- ment, funds for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and maintaining public snowmobile trail systems, and WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County has reviewed the concept of a snowmobile trail program in the County of Otter :-Tail, and WHEREAS approval has been given' by the County Attorney of Otter Tail County as to liability and financial obligation, NOW, THEREFORE, THE Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authoriied and directed to sign the necessary applications and agree- ments to implement the Snowmobile Trail Assistance Program Grants-in Aid. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of August, 1976. Ci?a1rman . Clerk Upon motion made by · George Walter • , seconded by John Snowberg · and ·unanimously carried, the following reso------------------ lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the City of Perham, hereinafter called the Municipality, owns and controls an airport; and WHEREAS, portions of the airport hazard area to such airport are located outside the territorial limits of said Municipality but within the terri.- torial limits of this County; and WHEREAS, the above Municipality has requested in writing that we join with them in the creation of a Joint Airport Zoning Board; and WHEREAS, this County deems it necessary and expedient to create a Joint Airport Zoning Board in cooperation with the above Municipality pursuant to M1nn. Stat. 360.063, Subd. 3, and other applicable laws for the purpose of estab- lishing, administering and enforcing zoning laws for the areas surrounding the airport and for the _protection of the airport and the public; and WHEREAS, the above statute provides that this County has the right to appoint two persons, to·said Board (said persons need not be members of this Board); and WHEREAS, Subd. 8 of Section 32 of the Appropriations Bill passed by the Minnesota Legislature effective July 1, 1973, provides that no moneys shall be expended by the Commissioner of Aeronautics of the State of Minnesota to, improve and maintain an airport unless the governmental unit owning the airport has or is establishing a zone authority for the airport~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Undersigned County as follows: 1. That there is hereby created in cooperation with the above Municipality a Joint Airport Zoning Board to be composed of representatives of the undersigned County and representatives of the above Municipality pursuant to Minn. Stat·. 360.063, Subd. 3. 2. That the undersigned County hereby appoints· -------- Robert·Perry· and :. · · · Russell Westover to be· .. ., .. their represent_atives on said Board, said persons to serve for an indefinite term until they resign or are replaced by the undersigned County~ . . Dated at Fergus .Falls this 11th day of· August, 1976. Chairmpdd~ Clerk I '. Upon motion made by John Snowberg· , seconded ---------------- by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following reso-----------="----------- lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board, on June 22nd,. accepted the pr91>osai of Knutson Heating and Air Conditioning, Irie., Fergus Fa°Ils, Minnesota, fo:r air- condi tioriing the NE corner of the top floor of the court house for the sum ._ .. of $2,765.00, auid WHEREAS the above job has now been completm to the satisfaction of.the county board, at. a total cost of .$2,765.00, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amowit of $2,765.00, payable to Knutson Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc.,.Fergus.Falls, in full payment. Dated at· Fe_rgus Falls~ Minnesota this l_lth day of August, 1976 • .. Clerk \ Of'f'i,e Expense GlenMelby- uirry Wahlstrom ,Max Kroneman , . ;:A'.uto Saf'ety:-Service · · . · Bob Moore-Pord .Art Christianson Fol"d. Farmers Vnion,011 ·_Gene• s Standard Service : Genuine .Parts Co Goodyear Serrtee ~tores · Holiday-Erickson . . Minnesota Motor Co National Bushing & Parts Phillips Petroleum Co· North Union Texaco Pelican Union 76 Riverside Repair Shop Serrtee 011 Co Van's Muf'f'ler Shop West Side Serrtce Worner's Auto Sales Gerald Kavanaugh · Xerox Corp. B:i.ntgf9n Karst Electric · Color Press Empire Business Machines State ot Min:nesota- Uni:forms Unlimited Woods 'f.,V;.· Victor.Lundeen & Co Miller :Davis Co · General 'l'rading Co General Communications SBEBIFF I - Lake Region Hospital Memorial Bospi tal & Homes. · li'ergus Palls Medical Group Pelican Valley-Health Cente~ Fergus Palls Vet Clinic Parkers Prairie Comrmmity Hospital Mrs Gord.on 'fomhave Robert Moll Gordon Johnson Dan Olson V.F.W. Wadena Twin's Super Market West Central Airways Orletta Eisenhuth Nita Quaal Mrs Gordon Tomhave Debra &Dery Fergus Jobbing Metz Bak1 ng Co· National Food Otter Tail Groeeey Piggly Wiggly 56.93 13.94 254.40 · 40.32_ . 29.95·. 156.,42' 12.:,0 7.59 47.37 7.28 86.18 116.09 5.29 47.28- 20.96 · 14.28 71.58 22.30 .. 107.28. 6.oo 5.83 53.14' 13.83 · 131.34 ·76~35 22.10. sr.00- 15.00 2~74· 7~11 186.00 311.44 50.64 218~20 105.00 15.00 53.40 7.50 42.50 29.80 29.25 15.00 92.25 73.80, 50.00 13.16 27.00 51.6o 130.72 87.72 22.50 8.50 . 47.32 206.24 450.04 115.26. · CO COURT Henry PoJk1ngborn _Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Miller Davis Co Nelson Bros Prtg. West Pu.b. Co Leslie Miller, Sheriff ·D.W.-I. Clinic . "Robert Jobes City of Perham LAND.& RESOURCE James Johnson' Richard MacGregor Xerox Corp.· West Side Service Mil~er•s Victor Lundeen & Co Mimlesota Blueprint Lyle Signs Arthur Boehne · Spencer Lund.quiet Michael Vosburgh _ Farmers Union Oil : Otter Tail Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co . . . Dr Michael Hamman Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch ~s Christensen Victor Lundeen & Go Cooper's Office SU.pply Otter 'fail Co-op Eugene_Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad Steven Andrews- . Mehdi Orandi M.D. MarJean Hanson John Foderick M.D. . Mehdi . Orandi M.D. The Photo Center PROBA'l'ION & PAROLE VETERANS -SERVICE . ASSESSOR CORONER Messer Johnson Memorial·H(i)Dle PHELPS ~ ·Brian Med.er . -Undel"WOod Bowling ".inc.· CO AGENT Fergus.Dodge_Ine. City of Perham I 26.32 240.00 ·. 37 .3(). 119.4:, 360.25. 16.00 7.,50 550.00. 26.08. 65.00 153.44. 87 .64 93.93 173.03 24.74. 26.35 . 283.57 7,.50 66.43 178.09 81.38 158.62 94.89 28.60 100.00. . So.97. ·122.84 17.64 4.41 17.50 13.43 55.30 81.71 52.75 39~20 250.00 51.43 25.25 126.25 .17.07 95.00 310.00 350.00 13.30 · 60.00. 3 Gust Lagerquist & Sons Honeywell MISC. EXPENSES Western Chemical Maintenance'Eng• LTD Da-Lar Lighting Products Daeotah Paper Co Handicapped Associate Fergus Plumbing & Heating · Ebersviller Imp. Co Otter Tail Co-op · Helle International Knutson Heating & Air Cond'. Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing & Litho Nelson Bros Prtg. Cooper's (l)f'fice Supply .I.B.M •. Corp. Monroe Pitney Bowes Somers Carpet So. & West St Paul Transit Robert Oslund & Assoc. . Helen Skramsted J,trrtle Logas James Johnson George Nelson Battle Lake Review Daily Journal Paul Putman Post# 289 Y WilP'.red Estes ' Gordon Bjoralt Judy ·sehul tz. Connie Erlandson Phyllis Knutson Lo.rna ~cCabe ' ' ·,Mary Gutknecht porothy Johnson Marion Kershner Lorraine Amwidson .Mary.Lou Boyer ·Mary Daniels Dixie Posse Phyllis Menze. ' Myrna Mondt Verona Nelson . Berniece Spangle~. Pai th Swensoi;i . Mary Westman Mrs C.E. Bae Mrs Charles Hansel Jens Ree mJRSE Mrs William Hemmelgarn Mrs'Barlan Knutson , Vie~F Lundeen & Co University·or Minn. Lake Region Hospital. 82.00 129.22 31.55 229.13 230.45 · 147.65 33.00 18.00. 27.44 16.98: 21.48 .·. 122.75. 890.44 266.12 225.76 14.50 -31~00 54.50 7.00. 93.00 134.88 70.00 2.00 64.76 39.00 58.50 31.17 1'5.00 . 319.62 50.00 108.72 204.70 98.26 179.76 13.58 175.70 172 •. 92" 101.43 21.42 11.20 6.72 31.50 51.24 46.20 16.80 16.80 8.96. 13.79 15.4o 10.00 .·29.6o 17.00 10~00 18.4o 24.89 17.02 4.10 I Veeey Ryder. Dr Michael Hamann BUILDING Fergus Concrete Products Lund American Inc. Proelich Marine Serv±ce Oil·Co BOAT & WATER SAF'ffl Peliean-Union 76 Northwest Divers Supply Minnesota Motor·Co Carlson Oil Co Goodyear Service Stores RO.AD & BRIOOE 'Bearing · Supply Co. General Trading Co. Genuine Parts Co. George T. Ry.an Co. Hall Equipment,·Ino. "'1nnesota Motor Co. National Bushing & Parts Co. The Parts House, Inc.· Ru:tferidge-Johnson Equipment Co. Super· GMC Truck Sales, Inc·. Vergas Ford Equipment Co. Zi~gler, Inc. Parm Center Welding ·Floyd Duenow, Inc. Mike-'·s· .. Ma~hine Shop Mollerud El.ectrie, Ine. Olson Auto El.ectric Service, Inc. Coast to Coast -Battle Lake Gambles -Henning Grenier's Hardware .Hanlt H & L O'K Hardware Lake:,.Begion Rehab. Industries, Ine. M-R Sign Company Oce:i:dent,.l Chemical Go •. Peavey Lumber Service Stenerson Lumber Co. Welding Supplies & Pi.re Equip. Inc. Willi Humbeok Elk River Cone. Products Co. Good Year Service :store Pargo Poundry Steel & Mfg.,-(fo~,. Leo Winkels Construction Bulletin Commissioner of Highways American Red Cross Albinson Dabms Photo Print Co. Victor Lundeen & Co. Minmesota Blueprint Monroe Division Nelson Bros. Printing Co. .Dennis D. Berend Vernon Mostue Douglas Weiszhaar 5.50 120.00 46.47 1,075.00 13.86 22.21 17.00 246.32 28.70 26.38 20.78 790.99 84.72 77.21 292.85 14.40 20.63 136.24 45.45 52.43 139.51 17.47 8.oo 489.28 82.68 207.54 52.82 20.75 42.38 15.40 41~34 96.00 71.54 936.00 23.89 32.63 530.65 50.86 1,527.56 548.22 3,496.00 5.00 66.96 26.63 86.45 83.28 5.76 177.23 24.58 18.00 327.00 48.04 6.16 101.78 T ROAD & BRIDGE CeNT. Dennis D. Berend East Otter·'l'ail Telephone eo. Midwest 'felephone Co. Park Region Mutual Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell TelephG>ne Co. -·Fergus Falls Northwestern Bell Telephone Co.-Wad.ena - Pelican Telephone Co. Northwestern Bell 'fele. C0. -Fergus Falls ·W. H. Barber Co. D-A Lubricant Co., Inc. Motz Union Oil Co. PeDl'Ose Oil Co. Roy Fossen Oil Co. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co. Bud I s Mobil · Co-op. Services, Ina. Farmers Co-op. Ass•n. Farmers Union Oil Co .• Grant's Service Jim's Service Mayo's Standard Service Miller's North Union Champlin Nundahl Oil Co. Otter Tail Co-op. 011., Inc. Ray's Oil Company- Vergas Oil Co., Inc.· West Side.Service Carr's Tree Service Coast to Coast Store Consumers Co-op. Oil Assn. City of Elizabeth Fergus Palls Fire Dept. Gambles Gamble's Grenier's Hardware Hank B & L 0 1K Hardware Bagen•s•Inc. Meier• s Weld,;:ng The Parts House Riverside·Union 76 Ruh.land's Hardware Stenerson Bros •. Lumber Co. Walt t 8 Repair '·Shop Barrie Meissner 32.00 61.04 8~12 29.76 35.06 32.6o 13.80 23.07 5,693.16 428.45 235.32 312.23 214.50 78.00 309.64 326.26 439 .• 65 198.29 168.95 164.67 182.56. 22.59 293.52· 552.14 7c,Q 67,; ,;, ,--I _,. ,·---; -; ~-,_,' ,_, ;.-..... 349.03 792.56 10.94 12.35 · 42.85 · 7.75 75.00 100.00 _5.99 16.86 3.89 3.70 ' 81.45 :,6.oo _ 52.06 3.55 1.6o 2.99 - 11.30 211.68 Motion was made by Bert Hovland~ seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to reappoint Paul Russell Knutson, Pelican Rapids, to a five year term on the Otter Ta1l County Housing Authority. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- ,,, mously carried, to reappoint Ken Maki, Deer Creek, to a five year term on the Otter Tail County Housing Authority. Upon reconunendations of the parking committee and after consulting with Chief Harmarthur.Hull, Motion was made by Hub. Nordgren, seconde4 by John Snow- berg and unanimously carried, to reserve three positions along the southwest side of the east parking lot and one pos~tion against the east wall of the law enforce- ment center for city police; four one-hour parking spots between the sidewalk and the city police reserved spots in the east lot; two spots in th_e ~est lot· for · loading and four additional.one hour parking spots in the southwest comer of the west lot. Motion _was made by Bert Hovland,-seconded by George Walter and . unanimously carried, to deny the application of ,Sharold G_. Reynolds, Fergus Falls, Minneosta or sewage disposal system cleaners license because the ordinance requires a 500 gallon minimum capacity tank and _Reynolds tank has a ~apacity of 300 gallons. Upon motion made by Bert. Jlovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the following bills were allowed: I At 2 :30 P .M. Commissioners Hovland and Leitch 1«:e?(Lexc'lilse(\::tihattend (( a joint Otter Tail-Wilkin County meeting on Joint County Ditch #2. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and carried, authorizing the County Auditor to advertise for bids to be received until 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, September 21st, 1976, for fuel oil needs fo~ the Court House and Nursing Home. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, to approve the payment of $4,000 to William H. & Bethel E. Jaeger, for right-of-way in connection with C.S.A.H. #41. There being no further business, .the· Chai,:-man declared the meeting adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, August 24th, 1976. ···Ad~ Chairman --- ATTEST:~ Clerk