HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/08/1976MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTE~ TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to.adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of . Otter Tail County ~nn~~~ta met at 9.:30 A.M., Tuesday~ June 8th, 1976, all _members being present. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for homestead classi- fication and/or reduction of assessed valuation: Walter E. Hawkinson Clayton H. Jenson David Fithen Gary Riedman Alma Walton Larry Soule LaRay ~Wigdahl Warren C. Peterson Art R. Abraham LeRoy Weg~cheid Pearl Boyle Carold Hilgren C. A. Berglund Clarence Schulz. · Mary Ann Stafford .Roland Daniels Everts Township Elizabeth City .Richville City City of Fergus Falls Otto Township Edna Township Friberg Township Nidaros Township Dora 'town.ship. Otto Township. New_ton Township Parkers Prairie City Amor Township Buse Township Corliss Township Dunn Township Robert L. Andersqn Perham Township Richard J. M1lbeck, Jr. Maplewood Township Nelson Lake Edward Thomas William C. Nelson Edwin H. Wefel Tordenskjold Township Dalton City New York Mills Lida Township- Homestead classification Homestead classifica~iori. Homestead classification Not limited Homestead classification Mid-year homestead classification Homestead classification Wrong ·classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Mid-year homestead classification Overvalued Unfinished cabin overvalued Homestead classification Homestead classification. Homestead classification ·Homestead classificati~n ·Homestead classification Pasture assessed-as tillable acres Mid-year homestead classification Mid-yearhomestead classification . No bath. in this cottage The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received for a triangular tract of land located in the SW¼ NW¼ of Section 25-133-43, pro- ceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Trinity and Faith Lutheran Church, Fergus Falls, Minnesota $750.00 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the bid of Trinity & Faith Lut~eran Church, Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of $750.00 was accepted, it being the only bid. Because of a meeting of the Association of Minnesota Counties scheduled in Fergus.Falls on July 13th, motion was made by George Walter, second!d by Bert Hovland and carried, to c_hange the meeting dates in July from July 12th and 13th, to July 12th and 15th. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to accept the petition for annexation of 20 acres of land in Perham Township adjoining the city limits, to the City of Perham, and the County Auditor was directed to file same. Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to sign the planning grant application of Community Health Services Act and the West Central Regional Development Commission was authorized to proceed with planning and application for $15,000 grant funds. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Otter Tail County Housing Authority to apply for grant funding from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, the resignation of Ray Sandberg as West Otter Tail County Agricul- tural Inspector was accepted, with regret, and the County Auditor was directed to advertise the position. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland. ·seconded by John Snowberg and . I . unanimously carried, the County Auditor was-authorized to advertise for bids to be r~ceived. until·. 11:00 A.M. ,· Monday_. July 12, 1~76 for the construction of 1.9 miles · _of C,S.A~H. No, 1, N_.E. · of the City of Fergus: Falis and 3.6 miles of township road bituminous surfacing-in the County of Otter· Tail,· Upon motion made,·duly seconded and carried. the meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 9th, 1976. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjourn~ent, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 9th, all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to grant tentative approval to Gary Spies and Geo. Zender for one year for an on-sale liquor license for a restaurant to be erected in Section 32 of Fergus Falls Township, west of 194 and south of Highway #210 .•. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following applications were approved for permit to allow consuption and display of intoxicating liquor: David A. Trana Gerald T. Anderson Lynn J • Rhodes Jerry Schultz Arnold R. Hemquist Dave & Louise's REsort Chalet Chanticleer Graystone Lodge Ten Mile Lake Resort Balmoral Golf Course, Inc. Leaf Lake Township Otter Tail Township Everts Township Tumuli Township Otter Tail Township Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following applications were approved for sale of non- intoxicating malt liquor: Charles Thrane Collene Barnick Herb Christenson, Sr. River N Woods Pocahontas Beach Resort 131 Club Fergus Falls Township Dead Lake Township Otter Tail Township Motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to apply for reimbursement of fWlds from Minnesota Peace Officers Training Board and the Chairman of the Board and County Auditor were authorized to sign said applications on behalf of the Board. J.. . •• Upon motion made by John Snowberg , seconded ---------------· by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following reso- lution was adppted: RESOLVED by the Board of co·unty Commissioners of .Otter Tail · County Minnesota, that There be appropriated out of the County Revenue Fund the sum of $13,829.10 (30¢ per capita) for the Lake. Region Rehab.Industries, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, for the year 1977. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this· 9th~day of June, 1976. ATTEST~.• Clerk i I I I I '• Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Lei t_ch and \Dlani- mously carried, to grant permission to REv. Bwikowski, to convey a portion of his lakeshore lot, providing it contains 40,000 square feet and is the full width of his lot, said parcel being located on the. east line of Government Lot 9, Section 7 -137 -40. . . . Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani~ mously carried, the plat of "Blain Heights" located in· Government Lot 4, Section 29 - 134 -39, was approved. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, the Chairman of the Board was authorized to sign the plat of "1st Add'n to River N Woods Estates" located in Section 9 -133 -43 after said plat returns ·.from the printer, providing the plat is in accordance with co\Dlty require- ments and is approved by Land & Resource Management. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and .\Dlani- mous ly carried, to approve the preliminary plat of "Heidi Sandy Beach" loc ated_ in Section 32 -137 -38, and also the special use permit, contingent upon special conditions. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mou5.ly carried, to approve the preli~i~~l'Y,. p~~t of Jacobson's· Pelican View, located in Section 9 -137 -42. ., ,_, Motion was made by Bert Hovl~d, seconded-by George Walter and unani- ~<>~ty carr.ied, to approye the speci~li:.1::1~~, p~:rmit for construction of a road in Sections 10 & 15 -136 -42, in connection with a proposed plat of "Forest Hills". Motion ·was made by Bert Hoviana, seconded by Andy Leitchand_\Dlani- niously carried to table approval of iCpreliminary plat called "Forest l;lills'' in Sections 10 & 15 of Lida Township, contingent.upon re-atj'angment of l~ts to·comply. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded .,by. John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to deny the applic.ation,,of, Gerald Wiese for special use permit in Section 36 -134 -41 Motion was made by Bert Hovland, .seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal in- stallers license: Ellis Engebretson Alfred Marsh Henry Lemont Dougias M. Hess (pending bond) Kerry J. Carpenter (pending bond) James Golumbiecki George Happel LeRoy Feldt Charles Egge Engebretson Construction Hess Plumbing Carpenter Excavation Feldt Plumbing & Heating Egge Construction Pelican Rapids Breckenridge Pelican Rapids Dumont Hunter, North Dakota Fergus Falls Frazee Frazee Pelican Rapids Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners license: John O. Lake (pending bond) LeRoy Feldt (pending bond) Lake Construction & Retailing Feldt Plumbing & Heating Sebeka Frazee Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani~ mously carried, to deny the application of Verland Strander for a special use permit in G~L. 2, Section 27 -136 -42. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to deny the application of Eugene L. Pier for special use permit in Section 12 -134 -40. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to grant .permission ,to;:Theo,~:·; F. Kessel for the conveyance of a small parcel, by ~etes .and bounds description, proper.ty-located in Section 11 -136 -42, rith the provision he.purchases-all the remaining property between his eas~~rly lot line and Lot 1, Block 3, Crystal Hills • • ', <,. .I,. ~ •• 1,; ";. •'1 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and \Dlanimously carried, the application of Edwin Lange was approved for special use permit for a boat rental in Section 28 -133 -40, providing it is in operation within one year. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to remove the special assessments against the property owners along Cowity Ditch #12 for the year 1976 and set up a three man viewing board to determine the benefits assessed against said ditch. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, authorizing the county auditor to get quotations on the cost of air- conditioning the northeast corner of the top floor of the court house. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch. and unani- mously carried, to grant permission to Henry Vinz for the conveyance of three par- cels, by metes and bounds description, behind "Beauty Shore Summer Resort" to owners of lake lots, with the understanding the deeds will stipulate said parcels are not for building purposes. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and wiani- mously carried, to appoint a three man ditch viewing board, consisting of the Assistant Engineer, Rolly Lake and Erwin Siems, to view Cowity Ditch #37 and Pleasant Lake Ditch, No. 21. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, George Walter abstaining, authorizing Couunissioner Walter to attend the National Association of County Officials' conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, registration fees to be paid by the co\Dlty, Mr. Walter to pay his own transportation expenses. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the conveyance, by Jean Hoff, of a metes and bounds par- cel in G.L. 1, Section 26 -132 -41, said tract to be 160' on lake by 250' in depth. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the followijlg.; bills were allowed:, with recommendation o_f County Attorney: SHERIFF Carlton E.Mortensen (Office expense) ·Glen Melby Joseph Peloquin · Larry Wahlstrom · · Dan Olson Max.Kroneman Dale Akerman Gwen Anderson Luella Schlueter Service Oil Co Ashby Equity Ass'n Consumer's Co-op Oil Farmers Union Oil' Gene's Standard RoBo Car Wash Phillips Petroleum Co Perham Co-op Oil, · _Pelican Union 76 JiIJl'S Standard Holiday Fergus Dodge Inc. Minnesota Motors Werner's Auto Sales Goodyear Service Stores Matz & Greiff G¢'nera.DTra.ding West Central.Airways Shady Grov~ Resort Fergus Falls Gun Club Cy's Men's Wear Wilkin County . Mobile Radio & TV Xerox Corporation . : _ ' ' ~ ·. . Vore-' s, . Stenerson Lumber Uniforms Unlimited Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & C6 Poucher,Printing & Lithe . The Photo; Center . . Dictaphone National Chemsearc~ Fire Safety Corp. · Ebeling Cafe Pelican Valley Health Center Memorial Hospital & Homes Lake Region Hospital , Fergus Falls Medical Group Fergus Falls Vets Clinic Johnson Larson Funeral Home Sgt Gene Corbett Marjorie Barvels Cynthia Cloutier Orletta Eisenhuth Carol Dowzak Nita Quaal Mrs E.M. Tabbut Mrs Gordon Tomhave Cass Clay Creamery Otter Tail Grocery National Food 401.08 42~34 121.43 .80.-56 33.92 26.88 9.67 45.00 3~50 67-~06 9.78 49.78 5.71 21.08 805.20 47.73 312.33 37.43 193.51 350. 77, · ·57.30 27.28 13.57 289.23 97.76 5.52 46.50 71.71 44.75 60.00 36.00 93.05. 168.89 356.50 17."12 4.oo 34.50 443.73 133.88 147 .63. ~41,0 .. :-0:~ 101.00 108.20 lb.56 15.00 5.00 30.00 400.00 · 21.00 55.00 50.00 12.04 10.00 65.36 13.76 92.02 10.00 21.50· 121.49 173.37. 288. 41 i ! l Ernies Food Market Fergus·Jobbing Gibson's Metz Baking Mrs Gordon Tomhave A Hubert Nordgren Berton Hovland Andy Leitch Elliott Boe Becker Co Sheriff DWI Clinic Mpls DWI Clinic St Cloud DWI Clinic Wadena DWI Clinic Moorhead. DWI Clinic Fergus Falls Xerox Corp Oswald Publishing Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Miller Davis Co Cooper's Office Supply Alvin Marsh Audrey Nelson. Wilma Ojala · Oswald Pub. Co City .of Perham · Roger. Bentson " Rudolph Auch Cooper's Office Supply Victor Lundeen & Co Otter Tail Co-op COMMISSIONERS CO COURT. VEJ;'S SERVICE . PROBATION & PAROLE. Michael Vosburgh Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Terry Jacobson Dr Michael Jda.maiui:c,., Cooper's Office Supply Otter Tail Co-op Oil Farmers Union Oil Eldon's Standard James Johnson Victor Lundeen & Co West Side Service Dave's Standard Mayo's Standard The Photo Center LAND & RESOURCE Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Xerox Corp. 74.07 8.50 12.59 112.'21 14.95 180.48 109~58 85.72 140.36 4.30 75.00 25.00 175.00 · 75.00 25.00 347.90 1.10 643.50 24.86 14.40 25.00. 10.00 46.91' 7.76 10.00. 100.07 11.34 · 224_.oo 3.39 . 38.04 127.26. 53.69 . 193.89· 69~09 100.00 226.54 40.73 41.24 57-93 155.54 55.17 24.61 111.86 38.01 32.94 3.00 67.10 3 Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M.D. E.E. Bigler M.D. City of Perham Ken Rose Otter Tail Co-op Harold Skistad Glenn Haugrud Theodore Hegseth Arnold Evavold Homer Sem · Jeff Tikkanen William Stone Rodney Flatau Marlin Senske· Donald Kenyon IBM Corp. Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad Steven Andrews Miil!dred Helmrichs . CORONER CO AGENT WOT SOIL & WATER EOT SOIL & WATER · ASSESSOR DECORATING GRAVES Harold T Swenson Post 612 D.A.V. Chapter# 25 Haimerl Post# 148 Adamson Norman Post# 30 Houg Hammer Post# 508 American Legion Post# 489 Cornell Syverson Post# 17 June Ryan Edwin Lenius Standard Oil Co Alfred Bjorgo Brian Meder· Gust Lagerquist Mollerud Electric Wm Galena & Son Honeywell Kimber Awning Gambles Electrolux·corp. Dacotah Paper Co Chemsearch Daleo G.<1.rratt Callahan Co Liistrar, CO PLANNING PHELPS MILL MISC EXPENSE 250.00 51.04 50.50 25.25 60.00 · 8.00 33.36 98.00 200.00 71.70 156.00 145.20 265.96 174.oo 216.64 130.80 212.00 44.50 126.40 129. 22 . 157,06 31:',36 220.48 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00. 50.00 66.80 81.24 .. 197 .o4 6.oo . 140.00 . · 94.25 226.88 119.38 . 55. 50 1.00 2.44 31.90 140.10 55.48 19.75 98.80 104.83 T Western Chemical -Crow Chemical & Equip. c~z Chemical Inc. Lystad's Inc. Otter Tail Co-op Oil Xerox Corp Burroughs Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Cooper's Office Supply Multigraphics Miller Davis Poucher Printing.& Litho Burroughs Corp Minn. Assoc. of Twp. Officers Clay County Allison & Co Rev. Sharing Adv. Service Daily Journal Henning Advocate The Parkers Prairie Ind. Pelican Rapids Press Perham Enterprise Bulletin Viking Cafe - Emil Schlecht Wayne Hagen David Olson Shirley Davis Betty Cichy Rayrnoni Sandberg NURSE Dorothy Johnson Gloria Opatz Mary _Gutknecht Jan Huber Judy Sch1,1ltz Lorna McCabe Connie Erlandson Phyllis Knutson Lorraine Amundson Mary Lou Boyer Dixie Fosse Marilyn Sanstrom Faith Swenson Mary Westman Jens R Ree Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs Wm Hermnelgarn Dr Michael Hamann Omni Education Are_a Education Agency 6 Warren's TV Wbite Drug American Journal of Nursing Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Nelson Bros Prtg. Veery Ryder .. :;rJ"',:,_,. 27.15 151.85 94.50 -164.84 · 26.45 495.54 -, __ "52.30 ··_767. 73 254.25 95.01 36.40 881.71 221.72 43.20 -15.00 398.00 110.00 35.00 475.22 10.00 10.00 21.00 46.50 30.06 - 48.20 48.20 10.00 24.40 24.40 74.62 61.46 124.50 174.16 7.56 50.40 167.64 65.94 30.65 13.44 26.32 25.20 56.00 10.29 61.60 19.24 _ 15.60 67.00 120.00 30.00 _ 22.50 15.00 6.44 20.00 21.34 2.95 177.75 13.35 BOAT & WATER SAFETY Dunker Marine Goodyear .Service Store Minnesota Motor Co West Central Campers Inc. •Lund American Inc. Jaenisch Industries H & LOK Hardware Pelic'an Union 76 OT Co. Highway Dept OT Co Highway Dept Bearing Supply Co ·Fergus Dodge Inc. Genuine Parts Co BUILDING FUND ROAD & BRIDGE Helle International Inc. National Bushing & Parts The Parts House Ziegler Inc. Auto Safety Service Ebersviller Impl. Co Eide Wallace Roofing Electric Supply Farm Center Welding Jerry's Electric Olson Auto Electric Michaelson Refrigeration Super GMC Truck Sales Central Lumber co~. Edgetown Lumber Co Franklin Fence Co General Trading Co Genuine Parts Co Willi Humbeck Lake Region Rehab. Industries Lampert Bldg. Center Lawson Products Inc. Les' Tire Service Minnesota Mini:n:g & MFG Occidental Chemical Co Stenerson Lumber Co Teledyne Post Texaco Inc. Goodyear Service Store Elk River Concrete Products City of Fergus Falls Schepper's Sanitary Land Fill WOT Soil & Water _Corrnnission of Highways City of Fergus Falls The Independent Victor Lundeen & Co Minnesota Blueprint National Assoc. of Co Engineers Pierce Co. EOT Telephone Co Perham Enterprise Bulletin Midwest Teiephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co NW Bell Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co_ Pelican Telepone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co ·- :-.:·~.::.: ~' ,..;_1_ 176.97 17.00 9.08 163.95 142.50 12.00 9.16 13.64 28.76 174.87 18.98 144.51 15.06 20.74 158.79 128.30 3.40 41.00 3.00 1,400.00 21.37 12.00 20.90 109.46 226.50 70.52 6.85 19.08 1,366.20 186. 45 - 22.00 186.15 46.80 8.82 77.90 3.00 419.47 116.90 26.99 157.44 9.98 119.87 723.22 29.05 27.00 345.00 277.96 841.88 34.30 352.51 806.43 40.00 . 57 .88 114.34 26.14 10.85 44.77 55.28 29.21 12.57 22.49 b Dennis Berend G.A. Frederick Otter Tail Power Co Lee R & Denece Jensen Lucille Soby Arthur & Darlene Johnson Mary Godel Mrs John Brush Northland Dev. Co Dr Mehdi Orandi Robert Beltrand G.W. & M. F. Ebersviller John Stroschein Stanley Stock S. Del Roy Ronning Donald & Elizabeth Husfeldt Lonny Thimjan Robert & Joan Welle Eddie Gerhardson Esther Berg Calvary Free Church Arby & Bernice Grossman Mrs Morris Bolstad Ruth Hansel Gdn v.c. & Olive Demmer Hulda Hansel et al Orion P. Dahlager David & Susan Smith Charles Hansel Williams Pipe Line Co Bluffton Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Assn Dick's Standard Park Region Co-op Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Andy's 66 Service Bengtson Oil Co Consumers Co-op Oil Assn Dent Oil Co Eldons Standard Service . Farmers Union Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Hi-Way Auto Impl. Co Highway Service Co . Marv's 66 Mayo's Standard Service Otter Tail Co-op ,Oil Service.Oil Co Vera's Service Station Vergas Oil Co West Side Service. Aqua Marine Sports Carr's Tress Service Duane's Mobil Gambles Henning Hagen's Inc. CETA A.R Meier Welding Service 23.85 26.37 15.00 250.00 5.00 5,000.00 350.00 100.00 1,000.00 5.00 30.00 100.00 1,500.00 150.00 1,350.00 1,100.00 5.00 5.00 200.00 5.00 5.00 778.50 887.00 1,124.00 502.00 875.12 801.25 250.00 536.24 . 42.00 460.95 28~65 20.00 7.,60 75.00 742.94 121.12 178.22 175.15 191.58 108.40 55.97· 318.23 198.70 251.88 122.9~ 721.13 168.53 92.46 191.42 10.73 21.50 12.57 55.78 16.46 21.85 153.00 1 Motz Union Oil Co The Parts House So. Mill Standard Swedberg Floral Walt's Repair Shop Barrie Meissner 6.55 106.50 2.95 5.00 19.00 261.10 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, June 22, 1976. Chlirman ATTEST: