HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 05/11/1976MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment,·the Board of_Courity Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, May 11th, 1976, John Snowberg absent until noon, attending a meeting at the State Hospital. A representative of the Snowmobile Trail Assistance Program appeared before the Board. Action was delayed pending reviewal of the agree- ment by the County Attorney. Everett Rollie·of the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control appeare_d before the Board and presented the 1976 Criminal Justice Plan for Region "C", and answered various questions. The Iloard, having previously advertised for bids for county sand- seal, proceeded to· open bids which were found to be as follows: Hi-Way Surfacing Allied Blackt'op Company McLaughlin & Schulz, Inc. Batzer Construction Co. Bituminous Const. Co., Inc. Marshall, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota Marshall, Minnesota Royalton, Minnesota Minneapolis, Minnesota $105,952.00" 113,686.70 122,565.40 127,656.00 149,707.60 After consideration; motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the low bid of Hi-Way Surfacing, Marshall, MinI}esota, in the amount of $105,952.00. · Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve major drainage structure in Eastern Township, the county to participate 50% on costs. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by_ Ge·orge lfal ter and · unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the bridge on County State Aid Highway N6 .. 1/ which crosses the Dead River,·has been designated a d~ficient bridge, and WHEREAS, the location and.desfgn:has been··studied and re~iewed by the County, and the best overall alternative was chosen.and developed, and WHEREAS-, the Courity dideng·age the.services)of a.Registered Professional Engineer to design the ·replacement structure, and WHEREAS, the ~reposed proje~t does comply with State.and Federal design standards, ~nd WHEREAS, the.completed plan has been approved by.the Minnesota· Highway Dep~rtment;,and • WHEREAS, any change in the location and/or deiign of this project would add substantially to the cost and would also cause a substanti~J .delay.in coristruction. . . NOW, .tHEREFOR~, BE IT RESOLVED, that this bridge replacement project be advanced as soon as possible as it has be.en located and designed. Adopted . this 11th day of May, · 1976. · . Attest: County Audi tor · (SEAL) . ··.·~.~~ .C~Otter Tail-.C~ Board.of Commissioners Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously ocarried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that -WHEREAS a request w~s made by the County Coroner for the updating and· ·remodiing of the morgue at Lake Region Hospital, including the installation of a refri.geration unit, and WHEREAS the County Board, on August.20, 1975, agreed to par- . ticipate up to a sum of $7,500.00 -for the ins-tallation of said ·equipment, and WHEREAS completion has been made at a total'cost of $8,970.85, NOW, THEREFORE, the_ County Audi tor is hereby authori z ed and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $7,500.00 to the Lake Region Hospital, Fergus Falls, Minnesota as their contribution of the total cost. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day. of May, 1976. ATTEST: I Upon mo"t:ion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board' of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that · WHEREAS, in compliance with Minnesota Statute 163 .16; final action was taken by the Cc;mnty Board in• the repair and constr~ctiori· of an impass?-ble road located between Sections 1 and·12 of Trondhjem Township,· arid .WHEREAS said repair and construction has now b~en completed by Stan Morrill Construction·, Inc.~ Fergus Falls, Minnesota at a .tota:i cost .of $3,000.00, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is her~by authorized and . directed to issue a warrant in the· amount of $3,000 to Stan Morrill Construction;' Inc.'· Fergus Falls in payment thereo·f, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the County Audi tor is .directed to re- quest payment by the Township of-Trondhjem'for said work; either by direct payment or by levying upon the t~xpayers ,. of Tr;ondhj em Township. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of May, 1976. Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland· , seconded ----------------- by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following reso----------------- lution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the week of May 9th. through May 15th, 1976 has been set aside for the purpose of giving Law Enforcement Officials the opportunity to make the citizens of their community aware of the services they are doing day in and day out, and WHEREAS good public relations are of vital importance to their position as law enforcement officials, and WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County would like to go on record as being proud of their l~w enforcement officials, · NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the week of May 9th through May 15th be~:set aside and designated as Law Enforcement Week for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota. Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th day of May, 1976. ATTEST: ~-. ~~- Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter seconded by and unanimously carried, the fo~lowing resolu--------~---------Andy·Leitch_ tiori was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, pursuant to the Erime Control:Act of ·1973, the State of Minnesota acting .by and through the Governor' ·commission on Crime Prevention and Control has been allocated funds by the United States Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance Administration for use in. the State of Minnesota for· the purposes set forth in the Act; and WHEREAS, Otter. Tail County has made application to the Gra:ntor for aportion of such allocation for the purpose of conducting the project en-· titled, Otter Tail County Group Home for Girls, NOW THEREFORE, the_ County Board does hereby. approve the grant agreement as prepared by the Governor's Commission on Crime Prevention and Control and does:,: hereby authorize the Board Chairman to execute said agree- ment on behalf of Otter Tail County! Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 11th.day of May, 197.6. Miairman ATTEST: Clerk I Upon motion made ~Y Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The County Board hereby accepts the grant offer from the State of Minnesota in the amount of $6,750.00 for the preparation of: A facilities plan for a wastewater treatment plant for the Otter Tail Lake area and authorizes the County Auditor to sign all documents necessary to the acceptance of such gr:ant offer. Adopted this 11th day of May, 1976 at Fergus Falls, Minnesota Chairman ATTEST~~ Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg· and unanimously carried, the follm~ing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter ·Tail County Minnesota, that The.County Board requests', the amount of $20,250 representing the Federal portion of a grant offer for the preparation of: A faci li_ties. plan for a wastewater treatment plant for the Otter .Tai 1 Lake area NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Auditoris hereby-authorized to execute the outlay report and·request for reimbursement for construction programs on behalf of Otter Tail County. -Dated at Fergus Falls,_Minnesota this 11th day of May, 1976: ChiHrma.n ATTEST: · . Clerk The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be received · for mowing Area "8", proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Victor Saurer~ Clitherall, Minnesota Archie \Vahlin, Clitherall, Minnesota $78.50 per mile· 82.00 per mile _After consideration, motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and una,11im6usly carried, to award the roadside mowing contract for• . Area B, to Victor Saurer, Clitherall, Minnesota, at $78.50 per mile, it being the lowest.bid. Motion was made by George Walter, ·seconded by Andy Le.itch ·and unani'- mously carried,· to a,liow payroll d-eductions for two cancer ins_urance plans and approved by.the Personnel Committee, insurance solicitation to be restricted to after court house hours. Upon the recommendation of Nursing Service Supervisor, Judy Schultz, motion was made by George .Walter; ·seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, · to change _the nursing rates to $5.00 per hour for home health aide visit and· $17.00 · per hour for rtursing service visit. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leftch and :unani- . mously carried, permissio~ was granted to Alfred & Stella Lehman for the transfer · of a s_mal 1 parcel of land located in G. L. · 3-, Section 12 · -134 -40. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and · unanimously carried, t_o authoriz.e the County Engineer to offer the positiori-.of Assistant County Highway Engineer-Construction at a monthly salary of $1,300.00 and Assistant County Highway Engineer""Mainten;ince, at·a monthly salary of $1,200.00. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by ,John Snowberg and -· unanim·ous ly carried, the County Audi tor was authorized to advertise pub lie hearings in connection with the Otter Tail Lake Area facilities plan for a- Nastewater treatment plant, to be held at the Amor Church, Amor Township, Otter Tail County, o:n June 26, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., hearing on the Sewerage Facility Plan and 9: 00 P .M., hearing to revie\•J the Environmental Assessment prepared in conjunction with thE:l Otter Tail Facilities Plan. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland·, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the meeting was adjourned w1til 9: 30 A .M., Wednesday, May· 12th, . 1976. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of. Otter Tai 1 County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A .M., Wednesday, May 12th, 1976, all members present. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following applications for beer license, set-up license and dance license were approved: Beer: Glen E. Griffin Veleta A. Sutherland Jon A. Anderson Mark M. Gontarek Barbara I-iammond Ralph Richter· Jack L. Thompson Lila M. Keskinen E. D. Savoie Thomas Byars S. R. DeJong Blaine L. Brincefield Cross Point Resort .Maplewood Township Otter Tail Beach Resort Otter Tail Township Jon's Hamburger Hollow Pine Lake .Township Gontarek's Resort & Store Dunn Township El's Resort Scambler Township The Lost Valley Resort Store Candor Township Heavenly Days Resort Leaf Lake Township Oak Point Resort Otto Township Bonanza Beach Corliss Township Tom's Tackle Shop Amor Township DeJong Resort Perham Township Jungle Shores Resort Perham Tpwnship Reuben Finkelson Clear Lake Resort Tumuli Township (subject to special use permit) Robin Severson & Richard Brandt Grand View Heights Robin D. Johnson Johnson's Store (subject to record check) Dance: Robin Severson: & Richard Brandt Grand View ·Heights Set-up: Raymond H. Swann Galaxy Resort ,l .. Pine Lake Township Dunn Townsh1p Pine Lake Township Star Lake Township Richard L. Brandt Grand View Heights Pine Lake Township · (subject to proper signature iri presence of Notary Public) Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday) June 22nd, 1976, for the county garage located ih the City of Pelican Rapids. Motiiion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Sheriff's Department to purchase a new car for use by the Sheriff's Department, requesting proposals from all bidders in the past two bid lettings and accept the low bid. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- ·mously carried, to approve the application for special use permit by Norman L. Anderson to build a road to serve the proposed subdivision "Highdale", subject to approval by County Engineer. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg ~d unani- mously carried, to deny the application of JOhn Bedwell for special use for adding seventy recreation units to existing resort, because there is lack of shoreline for proposed number of units requested and does not meet minimum requirements of Shoreland Management, resort located in G.L. 4, Section 30 -132 -42. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following applications for spec:ia use permit were approved: Arthur Christianson Vernon A. Haarstick Edward L. Colman Geo. M. Revering Richard J. Swanson Reuben Finkelson Lida Township Build road to serve proposed sub- division Dora Township Bui'ld road to serve proposed sub di vision Otter Tail Towriship Fill area Parkers Prairie Twp. Construction of building for use in telephone switch board repair I service Dead Lake Township Change road to provide new access to lake lots Tumuli Township Add 3.2 beer license to resort operation Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to deriy approval of the preliminary plat of 2nd Add'n to LaCotte Du Worth, in G.L. 3, Section 28 -133 -40, until the township approves the road. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, s econde_d by George Walter· and carried, to approve the preliminary plat of the 2nd Add'n to Okeson Beach, located in G.L. 2, Section 11 -131 -40, providing the final plat of back lots be sold to lake lot owners. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of "Silent Haven", located in Section 32 -136 -41. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, .to approve the plat of "Stony Bar Estates" located in Lida Township. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously· carried, to approve the final plat of Henry's Hill, 2nd Add'n, located in Section 27 -137 -42. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of "Lake View Beach, 2nd Add'n", subject to attorney's opinion as to title and owner's signature as to existing mortgage . . Motion was made by Andy Leitch~ seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the demolition land fill for the City of Dalton. Motion was made by George Walter to appropriate $2,000 to the Shoreland Management office for the purpose of initiating and managing :the county's solid waste plan. The motion w_as seconded byOJohn Snowperg. Upon vote, JOhn Snowberg and George Walter voting "yes", Hub Nordgren, Bert Hovland and Andy Leitch voting "no". Motion failed. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded ~Y George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept.a petition presented by persons assessed on County Ditch #12, praying their signatures be removed from the origina~ petition requesting repair o_f Ditch #i2; on. the grounds they had no benefit from the repair work done on said ditch; and the county Auditor was authorized to file said petition. Upon motio~ made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal system ·cleanersc; license were approved: Bob Bergh Robert Sherbrooke Robert Palubicki Otter Tail Sewer & Water Service BJB Excavating Fergus Falls Pelican Rapids · Dent Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers li.cense: Robert Rybak GordoriEkre Francis Wagner Bob Bergh Sh~rrillJacobson Marvin W. Johnson, Duane Moench Rodney D. Hanson H. Dean Jorgenson Ted Delzer Ed.Graham Al Dahl Allen D. Hanson Robert Palubicki · Harold V. Engeb·retson Kenneth Schepper Mark Hawes Joe Jarsak Elmo Holm Otter.Construction Ekre Trenching & Ditching Wagner Sodding & Trenching. .. . Otter Tail Sewer & Water Service Jacobson Excavating Marv's Plumbing ,&. ffeating Moench 'Plb'g. & Htg. Hanson's Plbg. & Htg. Dean's Excavating Delzer Excavating Graham Construction Al Dahl Construction BJB Excavating Engebretson Plbg. & Htg. Schepper Extavating Elmo Holm Trenching Service Richvil_le Hawley Cli thei"all Fergus Falls Underwood, Galchutt, North Dakota Wadena Vergas Fergus Falls Dalton Frazee Detroit Lakes Ottertail ·Dent Pelican Rapids Vergas Ottertail Vining Hawley Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and carried, Andy Leitch and George Walter voting "no", the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, by Laws of 1975, Chapter 204, · Sections 51 and 95, there was appropriated to the Commissioner of Natural Resources, as a grants-in-aid to local units of government, funds for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and maintaining public snowmobile trail systems, and WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County has reviewed the concept of a snowmobile trail program in the County of Otter Tail, and WHEREAS approval has been·given by the County Attorney of Otter Tail County as to liability and financial obligation, NOW, THEREFORE, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor are hereby authorized and directed to sign the necessary applications and agree- ments to implement the Snowmobile Trail Assistance Program Grants-in-Aid. Adopted at Fer&us Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1976 Ai.A:~ . Chal'.rman ~ ATTEST: · Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, the following resolution _was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, WHEREAS the City of Pelican Rapids, in an attempt to comply with Minnesota Pollution Control Agency's requirements for their solid waste program, has prepared a Solid Waste Stipulation Agreement, and WHEREAS the City of Pelican Rapids has requested cooperation on the part of,Otter Tail County towards accomplishment of the mutual.goal of es- ta6lishing a feasible and practicable solid waste facility to serve the Ctty, .and surrounding townships, NOW THEREFORE, the County Board does hereby authorize and direct the Board Chairman and the County Auditor to properly execute the Solid Waste Stipulation Agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County: · .Adopted at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 12th day of May, 1976. AT.TEST: ~ Clerk Upon motion made bymBert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried,· the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: City of Fergus Falls Fergus Falls City-owned, tax exempt Marvin & JoAnn Bellmore Folden Township Taxes run on estimated market value instead of limited Alfred Honrud Trondhjem Township. Portion sold to church, tax exempt Dennis Jorud Clitherall Township Homestead classification Arthur & Lorraine Chapman Battle Lake Homestead classification Bernard Deichert Dunn Township Assessed for building -planned, not yet built Jack & Betty Peterson Ottertail City Purchased by c aunty, tax exempt Michael Wi ttenmeyer Dunn Township No buildings on property Chester C. Johnson Amor Township Homestead classification Fred & Helen Schorr Parkers Prairie City Homestead classification Howard L. Purtle Tordenskjold Twp. Mid-year homestead classification Herbert & Emma Smith Clitherall Township Homestead classification Laura Johnson A Earl & LaVell Dahl Conrad J. Mack Mary Blatti Jack Christenson Meri di th & Nellie Herman Richard Watkins Elmer & Joyce Wegscheid Amor Township Scambler Township Otto Township Amor Township Nidaros Township Vining Elizabeth Township Compton Township Lawrence & Lou Jean Schroeder Elizabeth Twp. George R. & Leava Benewell Pelican Rapids Philip M. Thompson Joan Estes Arthur Espeland Oswald B. Allenson · James & Jeanne Hovland David Retzlaff James A. Lee United Sportsman Club I \ Henning City Henning City Henning City Henning City Pelican Rapids Elizabeth Township Dora Township Dead Lake Township Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Building incomplete Wrong measurements on building Homestead classification Wrong classification Homestead classification Disability classification Wrong square footage figure used Homestead classification Not limited for 1975 assessment Building assessed double Basement unfinished No building on this lot SRR property assessed as VL SRR farm assessed as SRC Farm Otto· Krop .. City of Fergus Falls Property overvalued Harold Koski Newton Township Homestead cfassification Jack & Marilyn Thompson. New York Mills Homestead classification John H. & Anna Hardie Girard Township Homestead· classification Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and .. unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed:, \ Office Expense _Glen Melby Larry Wahlstrom Richard Kausler Roger Anderson • Gary Waskosky Muriel Gunvaldson Mrs Gary Anderson Max Kroneman Otter.Tail Co-op _Oils North Uniori Texaco Kness Standard Milier's Gene's Standard Service Oil Co Farmers Union Oil Dave's Standard SHERIFF Consumer's Co-op Oil Henning Consumer's Co-op Oil Battle Lake Big Chief Texaco. Bengtson Oil Co Phillips Petroleum Perham-Co-op Oil Otterman Standard West Side Service Thomas Oil Co Holiday Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Stan's Garage Worners Auto Sales K & K Tires Inc. Goodyear Service Xerox Corp. Empire Business Machines Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher ·Printing & Li tho· · Miller Davis Co Mantek ... Kustoms Signals Inc. H & LOK Hardware General Trading Co Double A Western Shop Daleo Western Chemical Co Vore's The Photo Center Mobile. Radio Service General Communications Inc. Ringdahl Ambulance Bell County Sheriff's Office Becker Co Sheriff · Wadena Co Sheriff Fergus Falls Vets. Clinic Fergus Falls Medical Group Pelican Valley Health Center Community Hospital . Memorial Hospital & Hornes Lake Region Hospital 163.70 12.69 33.92 9.40 13.77 6.62 45.86 · 30.00 26.88 665.62 _15.00. 100.31 50.16 24~99 168.22 18.20 24.06 147.37 49.99 39.09 19.35 9.97 228.79 64.oo 8.70 613.78 113.50 31.28 53.93 150.50 8.19 25.65 177.00 174.22 36.00 318.99 3.56 29.20 125.40 118.73 9.9:, 37.44 6.14 35.10 51.40 24.67 102.13 39.90 38.:'oo 45.00 8.oo 7.30 5.00 7.50 81.00 . 10.00 140.00 34.oo 107.80 Ethel Barker Marjorie Barvels Carol Dowzak Orletta Eisenhuth Mrs Gordon Tomhave Debra Emery Cass Clay Creamery Fergus Jobbing Ernies Food Gibson's Service Food Red Owl Piggly Wiggly Otter Tail Grocery Metz Baking Co Mrs Gordon Tomhave DWI Clinic Fergus Falls DWI Clinic Wadena DWI Clinic Wahpeton DWI Clinic Mpls DWI Clini Moorhead DWI Clinic Milwaukee DWI Clinic Benson Xerox Corp. Clark Boardman Co Universal Ans. Service Cooper's Office Supply Inv Nelson BrQS Prtg. Mid West Carbon Oswald Publishing Co Poucher Prtg. & Lithe Co Victor Lundeen & Co City of Perham Douglas Co. Sheriff Clay County Sheriff Virginia Rustad Roger Anderson David Olson CO COURT PROBATION & PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson Dr Michael Hamann Farmers Union Oil Eldon's Standard Otter Tail Co-op Cooper's Office Supply Inc. LAND & RESOURCE James Johnson Richard Berge Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Xeroc Corp. Daves Standard Jim's Standard Miller's Pro 86.oo 16.20 132.60 183.18 129.00 22.50 121.44 12.75 22.17 12.59 260.77 32.75 27.19 22.14 75.84 18.20 975.00 300.00 50.00 100.00 175.00 25.00 15.00 240.00 9.13 82.00 32.60 325.50 23.40 76.83 183.70 1,255.40 60.00 4.90 9.50 36.89 237.00 20.00 12.06 236.86 25.52 7.04 100.00 50.99 83.42 65.62 48.oo 120.82 18.20 25.50 55.73 75.76 80.39 7.35 38.20 VETS SERVICE Roger Bengtson _Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Co-op Fergus Dodge Inc. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Mehdi Orandi M.D, L.G. Reichelt M.D. E.E. Bigler M.D. Homer Carlson M.D Mathison Hesby Agency The Photo Center Eugene Davenport_ Erwin Siems John Skramstad Steven Andrews Brian:Meder Ebersviller Imp. Co CORONER ASSESSOR PHELPS MILL Coast to Coast Battle.Lake Ruhland.' s Hardware Raymond Sandberg Alva.Krekula Otter Tail Co-op City of Perham Gust Lagerquist & Sons Helle International . Ebersviller Imp. Co Johnson Repair Wm ·Galena & Son Dacotah Paper Co Crow Chemical & Equip. Da:bco Specialty Daleo DaLar Lighting Products Western Chemical Wanek Locksmith Otter Tail Co-op David Davis _Xerox Corp. Burroughs Corp Empire Business Machines Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Prtg. Multigraphics Div • . IBM Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Enstad Larson Mann O.T. Co Nwrsing Home WEED &.SEED INSP. CO AGENT MISC EXPENSES 52.10 27.45 22.57 3.80 250.00 51.30 551.00 35.00 25.25 25.35 24.oo 10.98 148.20 71.14 57.96 13.7~ 52.50 30.75 5.49 5.12 115. 49 72.88 53.91 60.00 82.00 26,42 7.51 10.00 131.76" 249.50 61.04 239.52 -155.36 . -230.18 109.32 · 26.50 93-39 43.50 710.46 7.85 260.40 282.61 149.00 44.72 10.75 511.87 731.00 66.68 Poucher Printing & Litho Miller Davis Pitney Bowes Fargo Rubber Stamp Works Robert Osland & Assoc. State of Minn. Mathison Hesby Agency Ugstad Plbg. & Htg Otter Tail Glass Daily Journal Clay County Myrtle Logas K.W •. Hanson George Nelson Ronald Stabnow Clarence Anderson David Anderson Robert Moe Gail Green Richard Howe Viking Cafe Evelyn Wagner WITNESS FEES Waldo Hagenson George Haworth Audrey Nelson Wilma Ojala David Olson Tom Hunt William Ingebrigtsen Curt Felt Douglas Muchow Norman Salte Marl-< McCabe Roger Hanson . Michelle Cowan Phyllis Knutson Lorna McCabe Jan Huber Gloria Opatz Connie Erlandson Mary Gutknecht . Dorothy Johnson Mary Westman Faith Swenson Berniece Spangler Marilyn Sandstrom Marilyn Martinson Dixie Fosse Lorraine Amundson Mrs C.E. Boe Victor Lundeen & Co White Drug Minn. Le.ague for Nursing Dr Michael Hamann · NURSE 94.53 1,116.71 69.00 5.85 5,142.75 1,665.10 389.60 37.55 12.80 374.01 1,032.00 166.9-8 19.15 · 75.22 50.00 ·40.00 112.50 2,538.85 64.oo 48.73 31.77 7.00 108.40 108.40 10.00 20.60 10.00 71.54 107.65 35.00 , 105.00 ~i 10. 00 34.oo 42.44 77.44 20~30 153.58 119.37 251.60 36.40 214.48 101.64 121.38 109.34 29.26 42.00 38.08 93.03 22.40 15.60 225.16 25.37 10.72 120.00. BUILDING FUND Fergus Glass & Paint . Greniers Hardware Hank Stenerson Bros BOAT & WATER SAli"ETY Dave's Standard Genuine Parts Co · . Hayden Murphy Equip.". Co Helle International Inc. Hintgen K,arst Electric· The Parts House · ROAD & BRIDGE Ruffridge Johnson·Equip. Co Ugstad Plumbing & Htg. Uselman's Inc. Ziegler Inc. Auto Safety . Se.rvice . Gerald Evenson Inc. · Milce ' s Machine Shop Stan's Garage Super· GMC Truck Sales Torkelson Htg. Coast to Coast Battle Lake. Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Coast .. to Coast Pelican Rapids Crane Johnson Lumber Co · General Electric .O-eneral Trading H & LOK Hardware Hanson's Hardware Hardware Hank Willi Humbeck J.C. Penny Co Lake Region Rehab,Industries Peavey Company Pelican Hardware · · Pelican Paint & Glass Russ Johnson Sales Co Sigelman Steel & Satvage Swanson's Surplus Store Welding Supply &·Fire Equip. Farnam Tire Center Firestone ·Store·.· Paper .Calmenson & co· Elk River Concrete Products .. St Regis Paper Co Corrnnissioner of Highways Wilkin Co Highway Dept Carr's Tree Service Clarks Rubbish Service· N.F. Field · Abstract Co W.H. Barber Co MR Sign Co Construction Bulletin Daily Journal Henning Advocate , International Press,~Assoc. Minority Press Assoc. Northwestern Pub. · Co Pelican Rapids Press. Perham Enterprise Bulletin 103.76 13.89 22.09 7.01 49.45 . 79.47 173.53 4.25 36.48 27.38 ·10.00 76.53 741.46 4.oo 21.91 36.00 1i4.96 24.82 10.45 · 104.82 49.17 ·28.54 · 10.40 358.00 471.17 20.75 . 79. 77 11.43 :,b.14 88.20 7 .So. 36.10 17.26 . 16.99 57u.49 05.95 29.90 82.31 02.51 462.66 590.22. 1,392.26 2,353.76 254.24. 1,624.59 269.25 7 .• oo 39.00 3,831.3o'. 11,555.50 33.84 200.66 43.00 195.02 71.64 .· 35.99 7.35 36.38 Arthur Brottlund International Business Machines Monroe Albinson Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Prtg. PouchEt' Prtg. Li tho Rogers Co EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone _Co Pelican .Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend Ralph Corey Dennis Berend D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Co-op Servic~s Inc. Roy Fossen Oil Co Standard Oil Co Kirchoff Perkins Park Region Co-op Oil Bengtson Oil Co · Bluffton Oil Co Bud's Mobil _Consumer's Co-op Oil Battle Lake Consumers Co-op Oil Henning Dave's Standard Dent Oil Co Eldon's Standard Farmers Co-op Ass'n Fraki Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn Gene's Standard Service Hi-Way Auto Impl. Co Highway Service Hoot Lake 7b- Kness Standard Meyer's Service _.Station Miller's Motz Union Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil Perham Co-op Oil Ray's Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Vera's Service Station Thomas Oil Co. Vergas Oil Co West Side Service North Union Champlin David Petersen Helmer Anderson Donald Ohe Estate Emma Siems I,,' · ·,,/ Vicent & Sandra Kilde Gerald Greenwood Leland & Phyllis Anderson Arnold & Marlys Schmidt Charles & Barbara Wick Leonard Erlandson Gladys Bilden 72.00 42.11 73.00 58.41 77..29 323.50 35.21 169.93 61.98 7-93 35.54 45.23 24.93 11.87 23.21 44.97 31.78 33.00 612.05 307.60 341~96 189.00 538.50 7.60 490.92 301.20 127.26 184.26 174.45 470.13 87.58 184.16 477.71 468.47 298.80 207.59 174.21 188.07 55.75 230.64 . 391.70 11.12 407.92 1,146.45 10.20 341.56 280.86 263.64 1,530.20 554.49 21.25 232~24 598.90 646."oo 661.74 472.50 75.00 49~50 133.00 2,509.00 266.55 391.50 298.50 1 · DuWayne & Delores Friedrich Robert & Sandra Klovstad Edward Bilden . Arthur :3chulz CE TA · Charley I s Sharpening Service . Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Consumers c'o~op OidHenning Carr's Tree Service Duane's Mobil Gambles Fergus Falls Gambles Henning Hagen's Inc Hardware Hank Motz Union Oil Co · National Bushing & Parts Otter Tail Co-op Oils The Parts House Ruhlaild's Hardware Service Oil Co Stenerson·Lumber co· Swanson·Equipment'Co Thomas Oil Co , Barrie Meissner 888.oo 225.00 208.50 486.oo 13.00 136.14 . 18.43 17.04 40.37 141.80 20·.54 126.06 35.46 16.59· 9.51 19.45 92.25 50.09 198.82 62.51 304.77 44.05 . 4.40 287.84 .There being no further business, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned until 1:00 P~M., Tuesday,),May 25, 1976, ATTEST:~~ Clerk