HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/20/1976MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 1: 00 P .M., Tuesday, April 20, 1976, all members
· Motion was made by George Walter·, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, to authorize John Snowberg and K. W. Hanson to attend the
Association of Minnesota Counties meeting at St. Cloud, April 21st.
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the county sheriff was authorized to attend the Safety
Council awards and presentation.meeting.
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and
unanimously carried, the following,. applications for license to sell non-intoxi-
cating malt liquor were approved:
Duane Donley
Clarence Koehler
George H. Hagen
Fred L. Evan
Aaron A. Johnson
Owen L. Stowman
August Heinrich
Edgar Splittstoesser
Esther 0. Lee
Sunrise Resort
Koehler's Resort
Red Lantern Resort
Pleasure Park Resort
Babe's Resort
Sunset Beach
Shady Grove Resort
Cozy Cove Resort
South Turtle Lake Resort
Lee's Wee Town Store
Dead Lake Township
Pine Lake Township
Amor Township
Otter Tail Township
Perham Township
Girard Township
Rush Lake Township
Dead Leke Township
Sverd!UP Township
Friberg Township
The Board, having previously advertised for bids for grading and
aggregate surfa~ing, under project SAP 56-637-01, CP 76:37, proceeded to open bids
which were fourid to· be as foHows:
Ackling Construction Co., Frazee, Minnesota
Evavold-Vikesland Construction, Fergus Falls; Minnesota
Clifford Strom, Brandon, Minnesota
· Bain Bros. Const. ·Clarissa, Min_nesota
Stan ·Morri 11, Inc. , Fergus Falls~ 1':1inneso:ta
Donald Conroy.Construction Co., Oumont, Minnesota
Minnerath Const .. , In~., Col_d Spring, Minnesota
Strom Construction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota
Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota
Al Minnerath, Inc., & Martin Fruth, Inc., St. Cloud, Minnesota
_Gladen Construction, Inc., Laporte, Minnesota
$" 75,793.45.
. 80,850.90
·. 81,078.43
. 82,134.30
I . •
After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by
. George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Acklirg Construction
Co., Frazee, Minnesota in the amount of $75,793.45, it _being the lowest bid.
The Board, having previously advertised for bids for grading and
aggregate surfacing, under projec,t C.H. 76:116, proceeded to open bids which were
found to be as fol lows:
Ackl~ng Construction Co., Frazee, Minnesota
Bain Bros. Const., Clarissa, Minnesota
Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Minnerath Const., Inc., Cold Spring,' Minnesota
Donald Conroy Const. Co., Dumont, Minnesota
_Evavold-Vikes land. Const. , Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Martin Fruth, !Ne., & Al Minnerath, Inc., :Cold Spring, Minnesota
Clifford Strom, Brandon,· Minnesota
'Gladen Construction, )nc., Laporte, Minnesota
Strom Construction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota
, Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota
Sellin Bros;, Inc.-, !-fawley, Minnesota
$ 53,095.64
:64,046. 05
AFter consideration, motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by
George Walter and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Ackling Const., Fraze_e,~
Minnesota, in the amoui:it of $53,095 .. 64, it being the lowest bid.
Upon.motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and
carried; the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt
liquor were approved, subject to record check, town board signature; etc.,
Robert D. Johnson
David L. Gillaspey
Randy Hutmacher
Riverside Resort
South Lida Resort
Klein's REsort
Everts Township
Maplewood Township
Rush Lake Township
The Board, having previously advertised for the sale of the t1.,ro
county-owned houses on South Court in the City of Fergus Falls, proceeded to
open bids which were found to be as follows:
Vernon L. Jensen, Fergus Falls, Minnesota $8,000.00
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, the bid was rejected.
The Board, having previously advertised for the sale of the
coW1ty garage in the City of Pelican Rapids, proceeded ·to •c:>p_E:lTl bids which were
foW1d to be as follows:
City of Pelican Rapids $3,000 cash, plus other ·considerations
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, · seconded by. George Walter and
unanimously carried, the bid was rejected.
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of Bennett Berg for special use
permit to expand existing resort in G.L. 1, Section 15,.Pine Lake Township,sub-
ject to the following requirements: 1) . Soil Conservation Service be used and
go by their recommendation for stabilization 2) Trees should be moved back in
3) Site #5 eliminated.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani-
mously carried, to approve the application of Gilbert Garza for special use· permit
to operate paintihgrshop on Lots 9, 10, 15 and 16, Bonita Beach, Everts Township,
subject to review by CoW1ty Board after one year.
Upon motion made _by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, the application of Lynn J. Rhodes for special use permit to
change the use of existing resort from 3.2 beer to on-sale liquor license was
denied because of inadequate parking facilities.·
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and
· unanimously carried, to approve the special use permit for James Ahlfs in G. L. 4
of Section 24, Otter Tail Township, to build gravel washing plant and ready-mix
plant, subject ·to conditional requirements.
Motion was made by 'George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and
'· unanimoµsly carried, to approve the application of Albert. F. Cousins for special
use permit for the construction of a road in G.L. 2 & 3, Section·7 -136 -38,
subject to.conditional requirements.
· Motioh:;was made by George Wal_tei, seconded by Bert Hovland and
carried, Andy Leitch voting "no", to approve the appli.cati_on of Cozell (Q. and
Blanche E. Heath for special use permit to construct;a 24 unit cluster develop-
ment in G.L. 4 & 5 of Sectiori 34 and-G.L. 10, Section· 33 ··-' 135 -41 ·
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously. carried, to deny the application of Kermit Schmidt for specitl use
permit to operate general repair garage in G.L. 2, Section 9 -135 --41.
Motion was made by Hub .Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, to approve the conveyance, by metes and bounds description,
of a small parcel of land in Government Lot 5~ Section 21 -134 -38, from Melvin
Nyhus to Richard Braun.
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, the following preliminary plats were approved:_
Oak Acres Section 11, Clitherall Township-
Stony Brook Man9r Section 26, Fergus Falls, Townshir
Kongsberg Cemetery, 1st Addn' Section 24, Fergus Falls Township
Prairie View Section 1, Compton Township
Hein's Development Section 1, Amor Township
· Stony Bar Estates Section 32, Lida Township
' '.
: ;
Upon motion made by George Walter -----..ac------------seconded
by. ·-~A"""n=d ___ y_·-L~e-i~t~c~h~--------and carried, the following resolution was
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
Employees of Otter Tail County for purposes of. MINN. STATS .
. Chap. 176, amendments and supplements thereto, as it relates to Workmen's
i ·. Compensation, include el(tted and appointed officers inc hiding officers appointed
and elected to complete the unexpired portion of any regular term.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 20th day of April, 197.6.
· Clerk
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and
unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal
installers license:
Wilbur Torgrimson
Robert J. Schafer
Harry C. Hoffman
Frank R. Steuart
Richard E. Hanson
(subject to bond)
Hoffman's Backhoe Service
Steuart Plumbing & Heating
Ashby, Mi!1nesota
Ottertail, Minnesota
Vergas, Minnesota
Henning, Minnesota
Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert. Hovland and unani-
mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal system
cleaners license:
Glenn W. Miller
Clifford H. Olson Cliff's Enterprise
Pelican Rapids, Minnesota
Henning, Minnesota
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by AndyLei tch and unani-
mously carried, the sheriff's department was authorized to purchase riot guns and
bullet-proof vests as needed.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter. and unani-
mously carried, to authorize the county commissioners to attend the Minnesota
County Veterans Service Officers meeting to be held in Moorhead, Monday, April 26th.
UPon motion made by HubNordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-
mously carried, the county auditoTwas authorized to· a:d,yerti~e for bids to be re-
ceived until 10 :00 A.M.; Tuesday, June 8, 1976 for three patrol cars.:,.to be used by
the sheriff's department.
Upon m?tion made by ·Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried,
the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:30 A.M.
Tuesday, June 8, 1976, for a triangular tract of, land owned by Otter Tail
County located in Fergus Falls Township across from the site of the new highway
department building.
I •
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George \\Tal ter: a?d
unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Saturday, May 1,