HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/06/1976I • • • MINUTES OF TI-IE·-ADJOURNED MEETING OF -THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER. TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County _Commissioners of. Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:·30 A.M., Tuesday, April 6, 1976, all members present. Motion W?S made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to remove, by abatement, all assessments against ·County Ditch #21, assessed in 1976, appoint a ditch board to view the benefits of work ·done and assess accordingly. Motion was made by John Snowberg, secon·ded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to transfer $2,000 from County Revenue Fund to the Incidental Fund. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, authorizing the \\landrieBros. to convey a tract called "C", in G. L. 6 and 7, Section 20 -137 :-40, said tract being 250' on lake and to be the last metes and bounds described tract to Lie conveyed by the Wandrie.Bros. The 13oard, having previously advertised for bids for bituminous material,. proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: W. i-1. · Barber Co. , Minneapolis, Minnesota Richards Oil Company, Savage, Minnesota Murphy Oil Corp.· 5uperior, Wisconsin L. N. Sickels Co., St. Paul, Minnesota Northwestern Refining Co., St. Paul Par~., Minn. Koch Refining Co., St. Paul, Minnesota. Hydrocarbon Spec~al ties, Inc., Joplin,· _MO -s .c. .31, . 3250 .3366 . ~ 32 76 .3406 .33' M.C. .33 .3318 .3350 .. 3366 .3406 .343 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded · by George Walter and unanimously carried; the accept the bid of·w. H. Barber Co., Minneapolis, Minnesota, it being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried:, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Oqer Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, James D. Sinclair, attorney for Donald Lachowitzer, owner of record of the following described property: S½ NW¼ NW¼ and SW¼ NW¼, Sectbn 3, Township 137, Range 41 has made application for the repurchase of said property, such property having. forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes on October 8, 1975; said applicant having paid the sum of $ 309. 27, being the aggregate of all delin- quent taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Board does hereby approve said application and grants permission to repurchase to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of Apri 1, 1976. ATTEST: Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail. County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, James D. Sinclair, attorney for Donald Lachowitzer, owner of record of the following described property: SE¼ NE¼ and Lot 1, Section 4, Township 137, Range 41 has made application .for the repurchase of said property, such property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 8th of October, 1975, and having paid the sum of $948~ 36 being tife aggregate of all delinquent taxes and assessments, with penalties, costs and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Board does. hereby approve said application and grants permission to repurchase to be in the best public: interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th· day of April, l976. ATTEST: - ~· · Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg-and unanimously car.ried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction ·of taxable valuation were approved: L. F-. Davis Michael Mavis Elma Barrett Harrison Melby Ernest Glenn Nellie Simmer, et al Donald Luhnin.g Darwin Friedrich · Wayne Augustus Robert W. Gannon ·Milton Seifert Joseph_Koukol Lyman Lee Gaylord Gw1hus Grover Rohloff Harold Roers Robert Hellerstedt Mark 1\1. Rud Domenick Januszewski Sam Sandberg Eleanor Chambers Dean Haarstick- James S. · Eriksson George R. Bonewell Everts Township Friber~ Township Otto Township Everts Township. Scambler Township Amor Township Otter Tail Township Aurdal Township Rush Lake Township T~rdenskjold Township Pe lie.an Township Elizabeth Township Compton Township City of Fergus Falls Rush Lake Township City of Urbank City of Perham Dane Prairie Township Perham Township Maine Township City of Vergas City of Vergas Friberg Township City of Pelican Rapids U. S. Dept. of Interior Tumuli. Township Craig Halverson . City of Fergus Falls Gary Schroeder. Fergus Falls Township Otter Tail Power Co. City of Fergus Falls Medallion Kitchens City of Fergus Fall; Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification (1975) Homestead classification Homestead classification ·· Homestead classification Homestead class1.fication Homestead classification. Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification Homestead classification. Homestead classification Homestead classification Portion of property sold to · · highway, not removed Lot overvalued Wrong classification Omitted property Reclassification at 20% Disability classification Wild-life area, tax exempt Should be non-homestead Double assessment Purchased by city, tax. exempt Overvalued Upon.motion made by · John Snowberg . seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the fol----------------- lowirg resoluti6n was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County.Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WI-IE.REAS, this Board on. August 26, 1975 accepted the proposal of Ai1derson Bros. Construction, Fergus Falls, ~tfonesota, for the installation of·three court house entrance doors at a total cost of $3,82().00, and. WHERE.AS the above doors have been installed to the satisfaction of the County B.oard at a . total cost of $3,820.00, NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby resolved, the County Auditor is authorized to issue a warrant in the.amount of $1,120.00 to Anderson Bros.· Construction, Fergus Falls, Minnesota as final payment. Dated at Fergus Fall;, Minnesota this ~day of April, 1976. ATTEST~ Clerk Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried,-the follo1Hng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter .Tail · County Minnesota, that WHEREAS-the City of Fergus Falls has changed the precinct lines anci ward lines for election purposes in the City of Fergus Falls, and' WHEREAS the Third Commissioner District and the Fifth Commissioner -. District are involved in the City of Fergus Falls, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Board .does hereby determine the Third Commissioner District and the Fifth Commissioner District lines be changed -to conform to the existing ward lines within the City of Fergus Falls, with, ·the :Third Commissi_oner District encompassing Ward I and the Fifth -Commissioner :Dis- trict comprising Wards II, III and IV. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1976-. ATTEST: Clerk T Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the ·following resolution was ad,opted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The sum of $6,500 be appropriated out of the County Revenue Fundfor the East Otter Tail County Fair Association, for the construction of a Fish & Game building. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1976 . cf;.firinan Clerk Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the follm<Jing resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the B.oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tai 1 County Minnesota, that The sum of $9,000 be appropriated out.of the County Revenue Fund, to each of the two fair associations in Otter Tail County for the year 1976, to be paid as soon as money is available. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 6th day of April, 1976. ATTEST: Clerk The Board, having previously advertised for bids for county-wide roadside mowing, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Arnold Bennett Phillip McGra.nd Gunvald Olson & Clifton Birch Carl Wallevand & Selmer Hanson Carl lVallevand & Selmer Hanson Arthur Thompson & Orris Albertson. Earl Amsbaugh Archie Wahlin Orlin Johnson & Merle Dittberner 'Arthur Thompson & Orris Albertson Larry Bjerketvedt Orlin Johnson & Herbert Langren Area A $72.98 79.00 Area. F $67.95 79 .00 Area B Area G $64.75 Area C $60 ·. 50 Area I-I $80.35 Area D $61.95 Area ]; $79.50 Area E $61. 00 72. 75 Area j $59.30 After consideration, motion was made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and ·unanim_ously carried, -to acce1-it the bid of Arnold Bennett, in .. the amount of $7.i.98 for Area A; Gunvald Olson in the amount of $60 .50 for ARea C; Carl Wallevand & Selmer Hanson in the amount qf $61 .95 for Area D; Carl Wallevand and Selmer Hanson in the amount of $61.00 for Area E; Earl Amsbough iri the amount . . of $67.95 for Area F; Orlin Johris~n & MerleDittberner in the amount.of $64.75 for Area G; Arthur Thompson & Or~is Albertson in th_e amount of $80.35 for ARea H; and Larry Bjerketvedt in the amount of $79.50 for Area I; and Orlin Johnson & Herbert Langren in the amount of $59.30 for Area J; each being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and · unanimously carried, the Coun:y Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received· unti I IO: 30 A .M., Tuesday, May· 11, 1976 for bituminous seal coat,· under C.P. 76:SS. RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN INVESTIGATION BY A JOINT SENATE-HOUSE COMMITTEE ON THE CONSTITUTIONALITY OF THE TRANSFER OF AUTHORITY OF ELECTED OFFICIALS AND BODIES OF COUNTY GOVERNMENT TO APPOINTED . AGENTS, AGENCIES AND BODIES OF REGIONAL GOVERJ\fMENT Upon mot~on made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter·and unanimously carried,.the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the Minnesota Legislature has divided the State of Minne- sota into multi-county planning districts on which appointed. regional couns.els and their agents have assumed authority previously and properly reserved to elected municipal and county officials and have made efforts to asswne c.ontrol and regula- tion over land, business, development utilities, production, services, property and_ people, which control and regulation has never been delegated to any other juris- diction or agency by the people of Otter Tail County; and WHEREAS, various comprehensive planning acts, environl!l.ental land and water management acts and funding bills introduced b:y: regional council agents before the Minnesota State Legislature in compliance with the provisions of the Intergovern- mental Cooperation· Act of 1968 (Public Lai-, 90-577 ~ 90th Congress, S · 698, October 16, 1968), certain provisions of which are deemed unconstitutional by many units of local government and their citizens, will establish an operating regional government in the State of Minnesota and Scott County; and WHEREAS, regional government in the State of Hirinesota and its res- pective regional councils,· correspond in function and regulation with the concept of the division of the United States into ten Standard Federal Regions ordered by the President in his '1Statement by the President on the Restructuring of Government Ser- vice Systems" dated March 27, 1969; and by virtue of Executive Order No. 11647 on 11Federal Regional Councils", dated February 12, 1972; and . WHEREAS, the res,ulting ;federal !e.gion_.sub-state regional .governance system which consolidated· the State· of Minnes·ota and sevem. other states into a Standard Federal Regn~ is in violation of paragraph 1, section 4, Article IV of the United States Constitution; and WHEREAS, it is the declared objective of such regional governance to seize the power and authority which properly belongs to county governments and even of the sovereign State of Minnesota, and to bypass these traditional and constitutional governmental bodies and usurp the rights ancl freedoms of individual citizens guaranteed.by the Constitution of the State of Minnesota and the Constitu-· tiori of 'the United States of America. _NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners in and for the County of Otter Tail, Minnesota, that: 1 .. Such state_ statutes governing comprehensive planning acts, environmental· land and water management acts as \vell as legislative funding bills and executive orders introduced by agents 0£ regional bodies, be repealed. - 2. There be created, a joint committee of the Minnesota Senate and House of Representatives, to conduct an investigation into regional governance, particularly as it usurps or attempts to usurp, the power, jurisdiction and authority of local governmental bodies, and to prepare recommendations to the 1976 Legislature, for the enactment of the appropriate corrective legislation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of the Resolution be fonvarded with dispatch, to Governor Wendell R. Anderson, and to the_ President of the Associa- tion of Minnesota Counties requesting support to Otter Tail County's concerns con- veyed_herewith, by resolution or by proposed legislation . . BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of this Resolution be furnished as we'll to the members of the Otter Tail County Congressional and Legislative Dele- -gations, requesting an accounting of their stewardship relating to federal and state regional governance leg is la tiqn_~ Dated at Fergus· Falls~ Miii.riesota thi.s 6th: day of April, 1976. CR5'.1rman-· ~ ATTEST: . . · · Clerk \ Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: Office Expense Carlton Mortensen David Jennen Glenn Melby Captain Wm Martin_ Joseph Peloquin- Larry.Wahlstrom Max Kroneman Xerox Corp. The Photo Center Share Corporation Uniforms Unlimited Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Gambles Fire Safety Corp. Color Press West Central Airways . Mobile Radio Service Hintgen Karst El_ectric Mathison Hesby Agency Jim's Interstate Service North Union Texaco . Service Oil Co Perham Co-op Oils Phillips Petroleum Co Otter Tail Co-op Oil Miller's Kness Standard Kerr-McGee SHERIFF Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Dent Oil Co Gene.1 s Standard Service Holiday K & K Tire Inc. Goodyear Service Store Werner's Auto Sales Fergus Dodge Inc. Louie's Auto Clinic Charles Warnberg Sheriff Pelican Valley Health Center ; Memorial Hospital & Homes Lake Region Hospital .. Marjorie Barvels · . Mrs Carol Dowzak ' Mrs Orletta · Eisenhuth Nita Qua.al Mrs Gordon Tomhave · • Debra Emery_ . • Cass Clay Creamery · Fergus Jobbing Gibson's National Food Market · Otter Tail Grocery . Piggly Wiggly ' Red Owl Store · Mrs Gordon Tomhave . Warehouse Food Market 226.56 12.40 542.72 17.89 10.00 24.93 33.92 13.44 160.55 123.04 17.56 19.95 363.19 59.50 14.94 114.36 11.55 23.31 -111.35 5.60 25.00 198.28 50.00 35.00 187.24 ·41.37 221.94 14.42 · 68.80 7.79 49.01 24~91 31.85 91.82 10.69 226.34 . 38.06 30.30 112.85 9.20 7.50 ·68.oo 48.50 10.80 27.52 62.10 65.36 30.96 16.25 122.90 8.50 7.23 98.68 179.86 10.40 65.05 12.35 95.03 . Gust Lagerquist Wm Galena & Son Electrolux Corp Dacotah Paper Co Mantek . . Share Corp. Fergus Glass & Paint Ebersviller Impl. Co Stenerson Bros Lumber Darel Jacobson Bruce Stenstro~ MISC EXPENSES Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Poucher Printing &.Lithe Nelson Bros Prtg. Burroughs Corp. Monroe Miller Davis Simplex Time.Recorder Xerox Corp. The Parkers Prairie Indep. Donald Christensen Johnson Carpet Co Robert Oslund & Assoc. Harrison Marker & Instrument Co . Bureau of Business Practice The Pierce Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. · Battle Lake Review Pelican Rapids .Press Daily Journal George Nelson Alva Krekula .Berton Hovland Reitan Larson Co Raymond Sandberg Henry Polkinghorn Xerox Corp._ Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Miller Davis Co Midwest Printing MidWest Carbon 'The Photo Center Midwest Printing Mac Millan Ward Inc. Co Court U Of M Continuing Legal Ed. Richard Roberts Judge °DWI Clinic Fargo Charles Warnberg Sheriff Ano~a County Sheriff Glenn Whiting Rob~rt Morguson Guy Maxwell · Harold Olson Mrs Donald Mielke 82.00 292.99 79.95 308.68 . 117.36 72.00 183.60 12.78 . l:i.88 240.00. · 13.80 738.60 68.18 53.94 369.25 45.40 105.00 107.84 73.30 535.66 2,664.64 33.52 11.48 8.oo 648.13 20.01 140.50 361.36 · 96~60 72.87 398.76 120.51 179.86 .· 158.22 7,780.00. 130.13 13.16 · 240.06 23.75 20.70 365.26 95.00 31.95 · 10.98 .144.oo 40.58 50.00 15.90 25.00 4.30 5.60 22.72 3.50 25.00 25.00 10.00 Daniel Harms City of Perham Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Bob Ueberrhein Dr Michael HamDJnn PROBATION & PAROLE · Battle Lake Farmers Union Eldon's Standard Victor Lundeen & Co Malcolm Lee James Johnson Richard Berge Xerox Corp. Jim's Standard Super Pro Service Farnam Tire Center Mehdi Orandi,M.D. Marjean Hanson Warren Parker M.D Everett Hanson M.D. Subhi Sharifi M.D. Eugene Davenport John Skramstad Erwin Siems Steven Andrews RoBo Car Wash City of Perham Fergus Dodge Homer Sem Arnold Evavold Theodore Hegseth Harold Skistad Glenn Haugrud Judy Schultz Phyllis Knutson Dorothy Johnson Jan Huber Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz Mary Gutknecht Mary Westman Alice Townsend Faith Swenson Berneice Spangler Marilyn Sandstrom :Myrna Mondt Dixie Fosse LAND & RESOURCE CORONER ASSESSOR· CO AGENT WOT .SOIL & W~ NURSE 10.00 . 65.00 · 15.00 292.88 117.28 130.30 100.00 58.92 66.72 113.35 90.93 92.68 6.16 60.00 8.90 17.60 120.40 250.00 50.91 38.00 25.25 25.25 ·96.80 . 52.25 15.84 11.62 11.91 · 60.00 42.11 ·105.20 145.00 95.60 98.00 . 106.40 56.30 42.00 65.24 57.54 105.58 140.74 218.72 101.78 37.80 31.64 40.60 46.20 57.74 58.66 Naomi Ellingson Mrs Lorraine .Amundson Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs Charles Hansel Mrs CE Boe Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Jens Ree Physicians & Hospital Supply Cooper's Office Supply Dr Michael Hamann VETERANS SERVICE Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Daily Journal Midwest Carbon Nelsori Bros Prtg. .Fergus Dodge Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Printing :Alfred Borgos Mrs Arnold Stock Mrs Gerald Ziese Allan Schermerhorn CO EXT. COMM~ BUILDING FUND Fergus Glass & Paint Ruhlands Hardware ROAD & BRIDGE Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Cummins Diesel Sales Inc. Genuine Parts Co. Helle International Genuine Parts Co National Bushing & Parts The.Parts House Thalmann's Repair Ziegler Inc. · Gaylord.Matson Repair Hanson's Plbg. & Htg. Jaenisch Industries Minnesota Motor Co Mobile Radio & TV Service Olson Auto Electric Smokey' s Ma.chine Shop Torkelson Heating Champion Auto Store COE Industries Fergus Glass & Paint General Trading Hintgen Karst•·Electric Kennedy Scales Inc. Kremer ~ottle Gas Peavey Lumber Service W.W. Wallwork ' Paper _Calmenson & Co Murphy Oil Corp. Firestone Stores. · Dept. of Weights & ··Measures City of Henning Bakke & Kopp Inc. Construction Bulletin Pelican Rapids Press T 5.46 11.20 15.60 13.64 20.00 24.oo 38.48 38.82 14.50 120.00 . 56.84 11.05 31.20 23.26 16.00 20.66 7.35 23.50 4.73 6.05 16.81 ·13.91 140.31 15.03_ 4.20 10.85 20.26 95.55 2.03 296.76 72.75 4.65 651.84 40.00. 785.88 93.00 27.16 18.00 . 59.62 104.oo 24.40 21.98 95.12 . 148.70 554.85 38.90 1,476.27 32.00 11.90 267.60 4,638.05 2,006.04 . 277.96 210.00 465.36 5,660.37 137.22 34.70 Grand Forks Herald The Forum Mpls Star & Tribune Monroe International Arthur Brottland Albinson Victor Lundeen & Co Midwest Carbon Co Minnesota Blueprint The Photo Center Midwest Telephone Co Park Region Mutual Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co -NorthwesterffBell Dennis Berend George Olson Dennis Berend Lake Region Coop M-R Sign Co. D-A.Lubricant.Co Inc. Share Corporation Baas Oil Co Mobil Oil Corp~'. Ray' _s Oil Co Park Region Co-op Oil Penrose Oil Co Bud's Mobil Dent Oil Co Gene's Standard. Service . Hoot Lake 76 Miltona Creamery Assoc. ,Vergas Oil Co ·. . Aqua Marine Sports ·c ET A Charley's Sharpening Service · · Coasti;to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Consumers Co~op Oil Gambles · Hardware Hank •National.Bushing & Parts Co Nelson Equipment Pelican Hardware Swedberg's Floral & Tree Service Barrie Meissner. · 27 ~36 30.78 ·100.80 54.oo 74.oo 43.17 23.65 45.76 96.97 22.76 8.74 . 31.76 · 49057. 19.65 12.92 . 23.93 18.20 30.10 20.00 4,240.05 12,426.66 .497 .25 34.30 156.37 98.10 63~.49 316.14 125.74 . 153.33 243.59 195.45 . 110.81 279.75 · 354.32 12.50 7.50 10.99 ·138.86· 11.32 61.90 54.52 19.68 · _9.50 2.19 25.95 ·327.32 ~pon motion made by Andy Leitch, .seconded by John Snowberg and carried, the meeting was adjourned. until'. 9:30 A.M., .Wednesday, April·7, -1976. .WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to· adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of . ( . . . Otter ,Tail County Minnesota met at 9: 30 A .M., Wednesday, April 7, 1976, all members present. Because no bids were received for first choice for roadside mowing of Area B, the county auditor was authorized to re-advertise for bids;to be · received until 11:00 A.M., Tuesday, the 11th day of May, 1976, for roadside mo1ving of area B, approximately 98. 73 miles .. Motion 1vas made by Ai1dy Leitch, seconded by Sert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non-intoxi- cating malt liquor: Robert Torkelson Betty·Petkewick Pearl Morse Marlm1 D. Evenson Ralph Ash, Jr. Russell· Pederson ·Arnold R. Hemquist Gerald T. Anderson Kenneth Van Tassel Donald Van Gerpen 'Henry Scheub le Adrian Westergard Jack French Kenneth Hunter. Albert Weiler Stephen Kunz Morris Anderson Jnet Bah ling Jacob Perala Wilmar Roberts Clyde Kessner David 0. Cushman Pebble Lake Golf Clup East Silent Lake Resort Park Way Inn ~irchwood Golf Course Ash's Ail Season· Re~ort Bay View Res.art ' Bal~oral Golf Course Chalet Chanticleer Greenwood Resort Van's Grocery Wildwood Beach Resort The Last Resort Wee Villa Resort Wagon Wheel Resort Jone 's Landing Buse Township Dora Township L7af 'Jl1oui1tain Township Peli ta., Township'. .O,tter Tail Township Star Lake To1vnship Otter Tail T6wnship · Otter Tail Township Otter Tail Township Friberg Townsh1p Dora Township , Elizabeth Township Elizabeth Township Otto Township Pine Lake Township Rocky's Resort Dora Township Olson's REsort & Trailer Park Dunn Township Pine Lakes Lodge Corliss Township Leaf Lakes Ballroom Red Eye. Tavern . Clyde I s· Market Lanterns Supper Club Leaf Lake Township Butler Township Amor Township . Rush Lake.Township T Elmer E. Andresen Misquito Heights Pine Lake Township Ed Ri.chardson The Red Hut Sverdrup Township Millicent Chartraw Kingswood .Resort Star Lake Township John Ferris Limmer' s Resort Rush Lake Tmmship Thomasa IV. Volberding Hi-Way Park Store Elmo Township Motion was made by Hub, Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for permit to hold public dances: Thomas W. Volberding Jacob Perala Adrian Westergard Hi-Way Park Store Leaf Lake Ballroom The Last Resort Elmo Township Leaf Lake Township Elizabeth Township Motion was ·made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Richard Brown for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Leaf Lake Grocery in Leaf Lake Township, subject to a background check by the sheriff's department. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for on-sale liquor license: Robert R. Kinlund (also Sunday Charles E. Hunter (also Sunday Myron D. Russell Some Place Else liquor) Colonial Motel & Supper Club Liquor) Becker's Supper Club Perham Township Perham Township Buse Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license: Jerome K. Toftely Gaylerd Schallock Randal Hutmacher Melvin Kirckof Melvin McGo\van Gary E. Honer Dave Ripley (subject to bond) Stanley Kristianson (subject to bond) Jerone',s Plbg. & Heating Hutmacher Construction McGowan Plbg. & Htg. Honer Construction, Inc. Ripley Construction Stanley Kristianson Const. Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota Ottertait;.Minnesota Dent, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Mot~ori was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal system cleaners Hcense: Floyd B. Olson Glenn A. Erickson (subject to bond) Clitherall, Minnesota Erickson's Septic Pumping Service Fergus Falls, Minnesota Motion was made by George Walter, seconci:tl by Andy Leitch and unani- mously. carried, to approve the application of Ray Clark, Clark's Rubbish, Frazee, Minnesota for solid waste collection and transportation license, subject to bond. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimo.us ly carried, to approve the conveyance of a triangular parcel, adjoining plat of Wall's River Lots in Government Lot 6, Section 36 -134 -41. Mod.on was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried,· authorizing the Land Management Office permission to install a two- way radio in .their unit, subj et to approval of connection with the High1vay Department , system. Motion was made by George _Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, to transfer $7,986.86 fro~the County Building Fund to County Road & Bridge Fund for moneys expended ,by the Road & Bridge to cover \vork in con- nection with County Garages #7, 10 and 20. A petition for the annexation of Westside Associates, Inc.,to the City of Fergus Falls was read, and upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the county.auditor was authorized to file same. · Motion 1vas made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for reduction of assessed val- uation: Daniel Hanson Herbert Stromberg · ·. Herbert Stromberg . - Ward 2 Scambler Township Scambler Township 1-iouse:.moved by,.--C:~ity/of F. F. Should be assessed for 4 acres rather than 6. 17 Should be assessed for 2 acres rather than 3.95 Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS the County Board has examined into the allegatbns of the application of the Township of Amor for the conveyance of the.following described property: That part of Reserve "D" in Shirley Beach and of the NE¼ SE¼ of Section 22 -134 -40, described as follows: Beginriing at the point oi intersection of the tast line ~f the NE¼ ~E¼ of said Section 22 with the north i.ine of the public road of the plat of Shirley Beach adjacent to the northwesterly of ~eserve2; thence running in a southwesterly direction and. following:.i.the n~rth line of said road to a point due north of the northwesterly corner of Lot2 of the plat of the subdivision of Reserves 1 and 2 of Shirley Bea.ch.;.: thence running due north 190 feet; thence running in a northeasterly direction 190 feet distance and parallel to the northerly line of said road to a point 190 feet due north· of the point of beginning; thence south 190 feet to the point of beginningF, except highways and except the westerly 84 feet thereof. NOW, THEREFORE;;, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the Board of County · Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that it hereby approves said application and recommends that the same be granted. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 7th day of April, 1976. ATTEST: ~~ Clerk I A petition of less than the requf red 50% of property owners along . Pickeral Lake praying for the establishment·of a Pickeral Lake Sanitary Sewer Dis- trict was read b~fore -the County Board, and upon motion niade by Bert Hovlan'd, . seconded by George Walter and unanimously carrfed, the County Auditor was authorized to.file said petition .. Upon motfon made by., John :Sno,vberg·,. second~d by _George Walter and . unanimously carried, the County Auditor was instructed to send a letter of intent to the -Minnesota Department of He.alt~-. UPon motion made. by Andy Leitch; seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the Cow1ty Auditor W9-S authorized to publ:ish notice of intent· to redistrict county,. said hearing to be held at" 10:00 A.M., Saturday, May 1, 1976, iri the Commissioners Room of the Otter Tail County Court House. Motion: was made by George lfal ter, .· seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to hold a special meeting at 9:30 A.M., Saturday, May 1, 1976. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously c·arried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P..M;, Tuesday, April 20, 1976.' &n·· dirairman ~~ Clerk