HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/24/1976. \ MiNUTES OF. THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County .Commission.ers of Otter Tail Courity Minnesota met at 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, February. 24, 1976, Andy Leitch, George ,\falter and Hub1 Nordgren being present. I Upon motion made by, Andy Leitch,· :seconded by George Walter and ! unanimously carried, the County Auclitor was authorized to advertise 'for bids to be.received until 11:00 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, April 6th, 1976 for County Road-· side Mowing. Motion was made by .Andy Leitch; seconded by George Walter and unanim.ously carried, to approve the conveyance of a . 95 acre parcel. to increase . an existing parcel in se·ction 28 -133 -43. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, t.o approve the $1,000 bond for Cheryl Hegerle, deputy clerk of county court . T Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the construction of Bridge No. 56519 on County State Aid Highway No. l, over the Dead River, is planned to replace the existing deficient bridge located at this location, and WHEREAS, Otter Tail County has determined a need for walkways on both sides of this bridge to minimize confllcts of local fisher- men, bicyclists and pedestrians with highway vehicle traffic, ~nd WHEREAS, guardrail at the bridge ends would pr,esent a barrier to walkway users, and WHEREAS, the bridge is located in an existing 30 MPH speed zone, and WHEREAS, it is concluded that guardrail at this location would most likely increase the possibility of an accident, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that guardrail not be installed on the above mentioned bridge. Adopted this 24th day of F~br~~ry, 1976. County Auditor (SEAL) ha i rman, Board of Commissioners Upon motion made by George llfal ter, seconded by Andy Leitch and• unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the Otter Tail County Board of Commissioners deems that it is in the best interest of Otter Tail C6unty to .accept those segments of t.H. N6. 10, cut off by the new construction of T;H. No. 10, beginnin~ 3.8 miles Southeast of Perham, Minnesota to the junction of T.H. No. 106, about 2.5 ·miles Southeast of New York Mills, Minnesota. NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that those segments which are eligible. for State Aid Des.ignati6n, and described as follows: Parcel No. 6. Beginning at Station 757+62.8, Old T.H. 10,.which point is 213.4 'feet southeasterly ot' the centerline of new LH. 10 eastbound lane St~tlon 1520+71.87; thence in a southeasterly direction along the centerlirie of Old T.H. 10 to the West Corporate Limits of New·York Mills Station 798+00; thence contlnuing through New York Mills along Front Street to the East Corporate Limits of New York Mills Station 857+76.0; thence continui~g southeaste~ly to Station .877+77.l and there terminating; which point is 412.l feet southwesterly of Station 1659+00 centei-1 ine of westbound lane new T.H. 10. Lerigth 2.30 miles. Parcel No. 7, A new connection to C.S.A.H. No. 76· easterly. from the North one-quarter corner of Section 22,. Township 135N, Range/37W,>be-. ginning at a point which is approximately 205.0 feet northe~sterly of Station :1733+50 centerline of westbound lane new t.H .. 10; th~nce north- easterly ~85.0 feet to intersect the centerline of C.S.A;H. No •. 76, and '.~·. there terminating. Lerigth 0.10 mile, be retained by Otter Tail County as additions to the County State Aid Highway System, with all the needs pursuant to these addi.tions. BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that those segments which are not eligible for State Aid Designation, and described as follows: Parcel No. 1. Beginning at Station 496+80, Old T.H. 10, which point is the northeasterly right of way line of new T.H. 10 and which point.is approximately 120.0 f~et West of a point on the East line of Section 32, Township 136 N, Range 38W, whic~ ls 190.0 feet South·~f the north- east corner of sald Section 32; thenc~.along·the centerli~e of Old T.H. 10 in a northeasterly direction in Sections 32.,.33-28 to Stat,ion (Old T.H. 10) 544+16.52 = Connecting Road ·11B11 Station .1297+18.97; thence cont)nuing northeasterly parillel to and 133.0 feet noitherly of the cen~er]i~e of the westbbund lane on.new T.H. 10 to a point which is • ·50.8 f~et westerly of the centerl.ine of C.S.A.H. No. 53;.and said point being 689.o''feet South and ·50;8 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said Section. 33, and there terminating.· Lerigth l .·10 miles. Parcel No: 2. A portion of o].d.C.S.A;H,· No. 53 beginning at a point on the east line of Section 33, Township 136N, Range 38W, 1,130.0 feet South of the Northeast corner of said Section 33; thence South 278,0 feet, and there terminating: Lerigth 0;05 mile. Parcel No. 3. Beginning at a polrit ~hich is 1;758.0 feet South and 50.0 feet westerly of the Northwest corner Section 34, Township ]36N, Range. 38WJ which'p6i~t is the center! ine of Old T;H. lOi thence in a southeasterly direction along the centerl.ine of Old T.H. 10 and parallel with the right of way of the Burlington Northern Raih,1ay in said Section 34, approximately J,490.0 feet; thence in a northerly direction along . a new connection which ·terminates 150.0 feet southerly of Station 1J57+00 center of the eastbound lane of new T.H. 10. Lerigth o~Bo mile. Parcel No; 4. A Frontage Road located along the northerly.side of the main line of Old T.H. 10 between Station 775+00 and Station '795+00. Length 0.40 mile .. This Frontage Road terminates approximately 315.0 feet northwesterly of the West Corporate Limits of New York Mills,· revert to the local unit of government havin~ jurisdiction, either th~ Township and/or the City BE IT ALSO RESOLVED~ th~t the segment which is not.eligible for State Aid Designation, and described as follows: Parcel No; 5. Beginning on the centerline of Old T.H. jo, Statiori 870+17.7 l ,241.7 feet so~theasterlY of the East C9rporate Limits of New York Mills; thence southeasterly along the centerline of Old T.H. 10 approximately 1,445.0 feet to the right of way of the eastbound lane of new T.H; 10, and there terminati~g. Lerigth 0.30 mile; be retained by Otter Tail County as an addition to the County Highway Sy~tem. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that on all turnback segments,. in lieu of con- struction with funds from the 11Turnback Account11 , the State of Minnesota will, at the State's expense, place a heavy seal on the center 28.0 feet of the roadway and full width through New York Mills. Also, fill any major depressions and holes with biiuminous ~ix prior to seal coat operations and stripe the road- way before the Turnback is accomplished. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this f·~th day of· February,· 1976. Attest: County Auditor (SEAL) Ch 1rman, Otter Tail Cou Board of Commissioners T Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, secondt::d by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Minnesota State Law has .. ··placed.an annual 6 percent increase 1 imitation on the amount. of tax •revenue that can be raised in Otter Tail County, and WHEREAS, the inflationary rate.has far exceeded th1s amount in recent years, and WHEREAS, Townships are not required to operate under this restriction. · NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Ott~r Tail ·county will discontinue the policy of providing routine snowplowing and road dragging· maintenance for various Townships. · BL IT FURTHER RESOLVED,. that a 11 Townships now using this Otter Tail County service f6r road mainten~nce shall mak~ other ~rrangements to have this work.performed as soon as possible. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that when Otter Ta)l County:does determine that others can provide this road ~ainten~nce service for a Township, the County ·will stop performing.this service for that Township. BL IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that -surplus County snowplowing and road dragging equi~ment will·be.offered for sale first to interested Otter Tail County ~ub-i.Jnits of government, ~s the surplus equipment becomes available. Adopted th'is 24th day of February, 1976. Attest: ~ ' .' . . . -~- ~- County Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commi.ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that Roland F. Winterfeldt serve as an appointee for the Sub Area and of the Minn-Oak Health PlanRing Board. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 24th day of February; Chai'rman ATTEST: ~erk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Monday, March 8, 1976. ATTEST~ Clerk