HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 02/10/1976MINlITES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to.adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:-30 A.M., Tuesday, February 10th, 1976, all members present. A public mee_ting was held relative to highway construction plans for Otter Tail County. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland·,·· seconded by George Walter, and unanimously carried, the Board adopted the future highway construction plan in accordance with the Minnesota Action Plan as presented by the Otter Tail County Highway Department. -Motim was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch to approve issuance of a· liquor license for a supper club to be located on Highway #59 riorth of Pelican Rapids to Roger .Marty on the condition the establishment be constructed within one year from -this -date an~ meet all state,. and local re-: quirements. _ Motion was made _qy ~ohn Snowberg, SE)COnded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to grant back-pay to Highway Department employee, Daniel Haaland, as determined by the Bureau of Mediation Services. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the agre_ement with. the Environmental Protecton Agency, for Treatment Works Grant #C2713f,l 01, and the County Audi tor was author- ized to sign the agreement on behalf of Otter Tail County. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to advertise a notice of public meeting to be held on a sewage facility plan on Otter Tail Lake-to be held-at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday March 10, 19_76. I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was ·adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of Comity Commi'ssioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, the CoUJ}ty Treasurer·has determined that through· new legislation,publishing the 1976 personal property tax list is. not re-. quired, and has requested the tax list not be published for the year 1976, Nt;)W, THEREFORE, the·County Board does hereby resolve the 1976 personal property tax list for Otter Tail County not be puhlished. · Adopted at Fergus Falls; Minnesota this 10th day•of·February, 1976. ATTEST: ~·· ~Clerk. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL AID SECONDARY FORM NO. l) Be it resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be, and he hereby is, authorized and requested to take such steps .and perform such acts on behalf of the Co~nty of Otter Tall as may be necessary to have the Construction and improvement of the bridge hereinafter described properly approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as an off-system Bridge Replace- ment project eligible for the expenditure of federal funds thereon and eligible for present construction and the letting of a contract therefor. · Replace the existing Bridge No. L08090 with a new bridge over the Otter Tail River located on Aurdal To~nship Road No. 1024, 0.50 mile West of the North- ~ast cornet of Section 28-Tl33N~R42W. Adopted this 10th day of February, . 1976 . . . . d,..~ 7/!u '1ti-' 'chatr-rr(an, Otter Tail C nty°'W Board of Commissioners Attest: ... ·~. County Auditor (SEAL). I Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION WHEREAS,· prior to 1973 all predetermined wage rates for High- way Construction work were set by the Department_ of Labor, Uni.ted States Governm~nt, and WHEREAS, after the implementation of the Minnesota Little· Davis-Bacon Act, said wage rates for the Highway Construction work are being set by the Commissioner of Labor and lndus_try, State of Minnesota, and WHEREAS, a large share of our Cpunty funds are used each year for highway construction, and WHEREAS, the wage rates as presently set by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry are higher, in large areas of the Statei than the ~age rate actually prevailing for such work, and. WHEREAS, the application of the wage rate as presently set by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry is resulting in and-will in the future result in greatly increased costs for :highway construc- tion, .and WHEREAS, the Department of Labor of the United States Goverriment continues to make wage rate determinations and said•agency has the staff to make said determinations, and .WHEREAS; under the Federal law there is an appeal procedure for any aggrieved party but under the Mfnnesota law theie is no app~al procedure prbvided, and WHEREAS, the repeal of the Minnesota Little Davis-Bacon· Act would again put Minnesota under the jurisdiction of the United States Davis-Bacon Act and would re-establish the appeals procedure as pro:- vided. in the original ·united States Davis-Bacon Act and would eliminate duplicate costs and effort in determ,ining wage rates for Highway Con- struction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Legislature of the State of Minnesota be and herewith is requested to repeal the s_o called Little Davis-Bacon Act.forthwith. Dated at· Fergus Falls, -MinnesCJta this• 10th ·day of· February, 1976. Attest: County Auditor (SEAL). Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hov,land and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, Otter Tail County does have two Ba.se and Bituminous Surfacing projects programed and eligible for construction with Federal Aid Secondar.y (FAS) Funds in 1976, and· .WHEREAS, Otter·Tail County will·have a•shortage in their FAS balance needed to fund and complete·· these project_s 'in 1976, and WHEREAS, Otter T~il C~unty can borrow up to .$224~950.00 from another County provided the FAS 'balance of. that County is not used· in 1976, and WHEREAS, all borrowed FAS ~oney will be paid back from future FAS allotments, and WHER~AS~ Ramsey County do~s ha~e·an unused balance of $309,282.00,in their FAS account, ~nd WHEREAS,· Ramsey County has indicated a willingness to assist Otter Tail County; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tai.I County does request financial assistance from Ramsey County, to allow Otter Tail County to· 'borrow up to $224.,950 .·00 from the Federa 1 · Aid Secondary (FAS) accbunt of Ramse~ Co~nty~ · ' BE IT .FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tall County sha 11 repay Ramsey County all borrowed FAS.money, as soon as possible, by · deductions in future FAS allotments. Adopted· at. Fergus Falls, .Minnesota this 10th day of February, 1976. Attest: . . . ' . . -~•·· K. W. Hanson · · County Audi tor ( SEAL) . ~ ... . ~~ .... A:hairma n, .· Ot te7i'aGc:un ty · Board of Commissioners Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FEDERAL A ID SECONDARY FORM NO .. 11 Be it· resolved that the Commissioner of Highways be •. and he hereby is; authorized and requested to·take such steps· and perform. such acts on ·beha 1 f of the. Co'unty. of Otter Tai 1 ~s may be nec~ss~ry.to have th~ cbnstructlon;and imprb~em~rit of the bridge hereinafter described properly approved by the Federal Highway Administrator as a.Federal-Aid secondary pro":. ject eligible for the expenditure of federal funds. thereon and eligible for present cbnstruction.and the letting -0f a contract therefor. · Replace existing Bridge No;· L0856 with a new bridge over' the. Dead River 1 ocated. on CSAH No. 1, ·. 0 .:45 ·mi 1 e West and 0:10 mile North of the Southeast corner of Section 12~T134N~R40W. · Adopted this. 10th day of February, .. 1976 . . Attest: ···~··.~·. County Auditor . {SEAL) . ···~-····./a·····~ .... · .. ····• . '.. . . . . . . . . ' .. ' ... ' ' '. C~ .tter· ail Co .tY . Board,of Commissioners· Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to cancel outstanding checks issued from the year 1959 through 1969 and transfer funds as follows: $753,05 outstanding Road & Bridge checks to Road & Bridge Account ./ $380.40 outstanding Game & Fish Fund, Poor Fund & Revenue Fund to Revenue Fund h): $189,56 outstanding taxes & penal ties excess checks to be transferred to Revenue Fund. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to approve the conveyance, by metes and bounds description, of one parcel of l½ acre by Vernon Bengtsen, in Government Lot 4, Section 34 - 133 -39, grantor to provide the county with a survey of said area. The Board, having previously advertised for the year's supply of road signs. sign faces and posts. proceeded to open ·bids which were found to be as follows: Newman Signs, Jamestown, North Dakota Sidal Aluminum Corp .• Springfield, Massachusetts Lyle Signs, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota M-R Sign Co., Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Gopher Stamp & Die Company, Saint Paul, Minnesota $14,029.88 (Partial) 15,594.80 (Partial) 26,599.00 (Partial) 27,249.76 27,865.90 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to award the signs and posts bid to M-~ Sign Co., Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota, excluding scotch lite sign faces, for a total contract price of $23,510.26, this being the lowest bid. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, March 23rd, for aggregate base,_ plant mixed bituminous surface and aggregate shoulders on C.S.A.H. #65 and #58. • Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nord~ren and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertis.e for _bids to be received_untiLll:00 A.M., Monday, March 8th, 1976, for the following: PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACE Tied Projects: . . . ... _S.A.P. 56-629-0.4, C.P. 76:29B, Length 3.279 Miles, located from Jct. CSAH ~82, C. P. 76: 1138 C.P. 76:129B C. P. 76: 132B C.P. 76:0lM 3-.5 miles NW of Dalton to 3.2fmiles'N.W.• Length 3,081 miles, located from Jct_. T.H. '#_108, 1.5 miles West of Pelican Rapids, to Jct. CSAH _#23 Length -1.691 miles, located from Jct. T.H. #235, 3.8 mil~s west of Parkers Prairie to Jct. CSAH #6. Length 2.006 Miles, located.from Jct. CSAH #61 to Jct. T.H. #108, 415 miles NW of Henning Bituminous Mixture.Production, 5,000 Tons Upon motion made by Andy. Leitch, seconded by George Walter _and . carried, the meetingwas adjourned unt_il9:30 A;M., Wednesday, February 11th, 1976. I WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of . . Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesclay;_February. Uth, 1976, all members present .. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert.Hovland and unanimously carried, to approve the following applications for homestead classi- fication and/or reduction in assessed valuation: Willi.rd & Lillian Anderson Richard Anderson Larry Shrupp Forest L. Thibideau Darrell Stevens Otter Tail, Power Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Industrial Park Dev. George M. Bauck Henry Newgard Perham Memorial Hosp. Otter Tail Power Co. Otter Tail Power Co. Roland Larson Earl Tysver Melvin Helmrichs . Laverne Olson Harry Huls New YOrk Mil ls City of Fergus Falls Vergas Corliss Township Candor Township City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Cit'y of Perham. Candor Township City of Perham City of Fergus Falls City of Fergus Falls Deer Creek Twp. Folden Township Deer· Creek Twp. Eastern Township Deer Creek Township I . Special homestead classification for legally blind Homestead classification Mid-year homestead classification Homestead classification Building put cm in error Omitted property Property overvalued -Property overvalued · Portion given to U.S.A. should be. tax exempt Homestead classification Building removed Clinic area omitted property Double assessment Omitted property (personal property) Should not have homestead Building overvalued Tax credit on wrong description Does not qualify for homestead Does not qualify for homes·tead Upon motion made by John Snowberg, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the application of Ray G. Anderson for homestead classif:il:a.tion in Underwood was rejected. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and · .unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail : Collllty' Minnesota, that WHEREAS a-West Central Regional Library System is. being proposed to .include the counties of Travers~·, Stevens, Poi>e, "Grant,. Douglas and Otter Tail, anci WHEREAS· the County :Bdard :of Otter. Tail. Coun:tY,~ 1agrees with the co.ncept being presented, and WHEREAS should regional parti~ipation become a reality; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Board does agree to participate in the West Cen.tral :Regional Library Plan, effective January .1, 1977, providing levying. for ·s~id system can be done outside of the 6% levy limitation, and providing State funding for the proposed system is available. Adopted at Fergus Falls·, Minnesota this 11th, day of February, 1976. Ch airman . _ . i/ Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to transfer the sum, of $974.44 from County Building Fund to the Road & Bridge Fund for expenses incurred on the courthouse parking_lots. Motion 111as made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovi and a'l.d unani- mously carried, to. approve the county 1975 financial_statement as presented by the county auditor. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, John Snowberg and George \falter voting' "no"~. to approve the application of Charles W. Kochmann, for a boat and marine accessoi.ies and .outdoor recreational . ' equipment retail store, plus boat launching facilities to be located in G. L. 8 & g· of Section 5, Everts Township, subje'ct to the following conditional requirements: l. Transit boat launching or mooring shall not be allowed and at least three signs shall be erected along Highway 72 and immediately adjacent to boat launch area to indicate same. 2. Permit is issued as per proposed use of land as indicated in application. 3. Fuel storage facilities shall be at least 50 feet from highway 72 right- of-way line and shall be underground. 4. A copy of this approved special use permit shall be attached and made a . part of deed .to property and shall be recorded with the register of deeds, Otter Tail County, prior to. effective date of permit Motion was made by George !Val ter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Schepper's Add'n, located in Section 22 - 136 -39. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani-. mously carried, to approve the plat of Larsen's Minasha-Da Subdivision located in ' Section 34 of Dead Lake Township .. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg and unani- mously carried, to rescind the motion of November 25, 1975 approving the preliminary plat of Dahl-Jones Subdivision located in Section 5 -137 -42. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to reject the application for approval of the preliminary plat of D_ahl-Jones Subdivision, located in G .L. 7, Secfion 5 -137 -42. Upon motion made by Bert ·Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the following applications for ·sewage di~po'sa:l system cleaners ' . license were approved: Gregory Barry Barry &Rostad 'Pumping Service, Russell A. Myrbo . Myrbo Enterprises • Marvin Pederson Underwood, Minnesota .Battle Lake, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota . Upon motion made by Andy· Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland· and· unanimously carried, the following application_s for sewage disposal installers license were approved: Russell -A. Myrbo Earl J. Nelson Jerry Pederson Gregory Barry Myrbo Enterprises B~rry Excavating Battle Lake, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota·· Erhard, Minnesota Undel'\'(ood, Minnesota Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by John Snowberg · and· unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Office expense Max Kroneman. Glen Melby David Jennen R. EKausler Raymond Polensky Otter Tail Co-op Perham Co-op Oil Union 76 North Union Texaco Vergas Oil Co· Miller's Kness Standard Jim's Interstate Miller's Pro Becklund Rian Oil Dent Oil Co Dick's Standard Service . I:foli_day Ashby_Equity Ass'n. Goodyear Service Sorem Auto Parts Bob Moore Inc. Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Werner's Auto Sales Stan's Garage . Swanson' s Surplus Genuine Parts Co Becker Co Aux. Police Veterinary Diagnostic Lab Minn. Refo~tory_Industries General Trading The Identi Kit Co IBM Corp. Empire Business Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co The Photo Center J.C.·Penny's Miller Davis Co Midwest·Printing Gibson's · Dictaphone Corp. · . , Mobile Radio & TV Service· Vere's Wanek-Locksmith Tom Tolman, Sheriff -· Manley Erickson, Sheriff Johnson Larson Funeral Home Memorial Hospital & Homes .. Lake Region.Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group White Drug Andrew & Meister Drug City Pharmacy SHERIFF 235.82 183.60 13.44 ·. 8.82 305.28 _19.16 119.11 922.63 -461.82 33.64 20.48 20.13 96.31 116.63 313.06 281.62 4.oo 9.33 . 23.55 242~01 13.40 415.11 50.00 168.15 i83.50 143.32 14.39 29.63 85.80 2.73 66.oo 10.00 275.10 38.40 180.00 59.49 2.50' 54o.55 212.16 467.86 · 68.04 .· 54.60 40.00 29.28 127.05 51.00 6.27 . 5.25 20.00 10.00 82.50 j4.oo. 6o.oo 15.00 4.35 16.05 6.84 Ethel Barker Mrs Gordon Tomhave Nita Qua.al Orletta Eisenhuth · Carol Dowzak Mrs Gordon Tohlhave · Warehouse Food Market Service Food Market Red OWl Store Piggly Wiggly Store Otter Tail Grocery Natio~al Food Store Metz B~ing Co Fergus Jobbing Cass Clay·. Creamery ·J COUNTY COURT. Henry Polkinghorn Elliot Boe Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Miller Davis Co Oswald Publishing Co Poucher Printing & Lithe Universal Ans. Service Finn's Cameras The Photo Center • DWI Clinic Rural Crime & Justice Instituite Battle Lake Review City of Perham Jack Dailey Sheriff Richard S Roberts Marcella Stone Joel Ecker Becky Pederson Richard-Haarstad Mrs Richard Haarstad Carroll Henning Theodore Tollerson Gleason Diser Paul Brink • · Spencer Lundquist · Michael Vosburgh Arthur Boehne Terry Jacobson Wayne Sandberg Dr Michael Hamann PROBATION & PAROLE . Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Battle Lake Farm~rs Union Otter Ta.il Co op Oils . Eldon's Standard Roger Bengtson Rudolph Auch VETS SERVICE Coopers Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co The Lynn Card Co Perham Enterprise Bulletin Otter Tail Co op Oil ·Fergus Dodge Inc. 98~56 217.36 184.56 129.45 . · 51.60 16.90 171.16 · 208.91 98.31 67.03 645.80 65.34 100.21 8·.50 123.16 241.33 165.36 240.00 41.88° 59.00 · 318.90 36.09 28.05 80.00 183.60 .5.58 25.00 65.00 14.08 65.00 6.80 37.80 18.64. 10.00· . 10.00 10~00 10.00 , 22.48 10.48 48.40 · 112.00 . 136,36 119.59 .2L15 54.55 88.70 ·100.00 93.41 51.42 22.23 157.98 291.47 24.04 223.57 21.55 50.00 . 10.00 30.27 9.55 3 LAND & RESOURCE Malcolm.Lee Richard Berge James Johnson Xerox Corp Victor Lundeen & Co Daily Journal Miller Pro Millers Pebble Lake Rd CO PLANNING LeRoy Edlund Norman Fjestad ASSESSOR Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems . John Skramstad City o:f Perham Fergus Dodge Otter Tail Co-op CO AGENT WEED & SEED INSP. Alva Krekula Raymond Sandberg Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Subhi Sharifi M.D. Earl B:i.gler M.D. .Homer Carlson M.D. Henry Korda M.D. Everett·· Hanson M.D. -Mehdi Orandi M.D. CORONER :MISC EXPENSE Gust Lagerquist & Sons Maintenance.Eng. LTD Madison Bionics Crow Chemical & Equip. Co Ebersviller Imp. Co Fergus Gales & lea.int Gambles Electrolux Corp. Helle International Fleet Farm Clarence Anderson Bruce Stenstrom Darel Jacobson Western Chemical Co Xerox Corp.· . Pitney Bowes Empire Business Machines Cooper's 0:f:fic.e. Supply Miller Davis Co Security Blank Book & Prtg. Poucher ·Printing & Li tho 7.42 7.42 85.26 44.oo 149.65 31.20 122.98 8.53 42.10 35.40 29.40 40.16 96.16 6o.oo 9.55 24.46 . 128.64 91.70 ?50.00 52.34 50.50 25.25 26.25 25.35 50.50 375.75 154.80 . 420.24 84.41 121.40 29.4o 3.44 11.82 54.93 23.00 42.48 30.00 11.25 460.00 109.95 600.57 67.50 32.65 140.91 2,591.28 461.53 906.70 Victor-Lundeen & Co .Midwest Printing 'co Nelson Bros Prtg. The Photo Center Monroe Division Arthur Brottlund Wanek Locksmith Mathison Hesby Agency· . Clay County -- ·Lake Region Cc::>-op Hardware Hank USDA Agr. Stab. & Cons. Service State of Minnesota Brodway Cafe Robert Oslund & Assoc. Minn. Assoc. Court _Adm. Avant Painting & Decorating ~jorgo Repair Shop Daily Journal .Pelican Rapids Press Mildred Bruvald James Ellering, Sheriff George Nelson David Anderson Mike Martin -Lloyd Swan Gary Kosin Eunice Johnson Orrin Wegner Jr James Erickson Luther Moen_ William Wegner Judy Schultz Gloria Opatz Cheri Schultz · Lorna McCabe Phpllis Knutson Dorothy Johnson Janet Huber - Mary Gutknecht Marilyn Sandstrom Myrna Mondt_ Dixie Fosse, · r 11 •• · -Naomi Ellingson Mrs Lorraine.Amwidson Mary Westman _ Alice Townsend' Bernice Spang],er •, Veery Ryder· · · · Nelson Bros Prt. NURSE Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Lake Region Hospi t_al · Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs Charles Perkins Mrs Wm Hemmelgarn Jens R Bee · Mrs c.E. Boe Mrs Charles Hansel 1,599.94 32.00· 253.75 159.95 64.oo· 137.00. .39~00 -164~87 . 594.oo 5.00 8~33. 54~00 612.00 42.00 278.00 150.00 • -17f;3.75 258,60 671.08. 63.00 2.00· 7.6o 31.00 59.00 . 15.52 15~52 · ·10.00 10.00 · 42.80 122.13 30.00 42.80 •, 1$3.07 159.04 9.52 132.92 28.28 86.10 · 57 .54 · 177~45 32.76 32.76 59.64, 5.88 · 22.40 90.16 26.46 22.96 24.06 184.50 24~74 293.00 ·9.60 15.60 --22.60 48.oo 38.48 10.00 13.64 Union 76 Vergas Oil Co BOAT & WATER SAFETY BUILDING FUND Gust Lagerquist & Sons Glenn Cording Wolter Electronic Co Mollerud Electric ROAD & BRIDGE Bearing Supply Co Borchert Ingersoll Inc. E.Caye Machine Co Fergus Dodge Inc. General Trading Co Genuine Parts Co George T Ryan Co Hagen's Inc. Helle International Inc. Homelite Little Falls Machine Inc •. National Bushing & Parts Co Ruhland's Hardware Sturdevant•s Auto Parts Super GMC Truck Sales Ugstad Plumbing & Heating Uselman's Inc. Vergas Ford Equip. Westgo Truck Equip. Co Ziegler Inc. Electric Motor Service Gerald Evenson Inc. Hill's Radiator Shop Jerry's Electric Repair Lucking Electric Olson Auto Electric Service Mobile Radio & TV Service Mollerud Electric Inc. j'. -~b• s Hardware Bretz Hardware . Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Coast to Coast Pel. Rapids Coast to Coast Wadena Erickson Hellekson Vye Co Everts Lumber Co Fergus Glass & Paint H & LOK Hardware Hoyt Hardware Lampert Building Center M-R Sign Co Peavey Lumber Service Henning Peavey Lumber Service Vergas Pelican Hardware Sigelman Steel & Salvage Smith's Farm Supply Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Firestone Store Goodyear Service Store Daily Journal Wadena Pioneer Journal Commissioner of Highways State of.Minn. F.D. Turnacliff Minnesota Good Roads -Polnia:n 'fx·a r Is for 7.06 8.34 1,114.15 25.29 64.20 62.00 13.37 18.00 68.80 544.56 961.05 144.44 · 3.70 14.98 178.06 ·: 14.25 30.50 228.73 102.30 24.27 170.02 5.41 114.83 334.01 133.30 .. 1,159.64 20.00 67.12 15.00 11.00 81.51 57.12 46.50 95.99 12.20_ 70.37 33.61 19.81 . 20.48 80.56 16.39 4.61 18.70 274.50 20.39 6.89 36.50. 1,152.00' 77.04 3.50 8.34 258.65 22.52 180.25 1,220.30 47.51 24.32 16.61 784.31 4.oo_ 332.00 260.00 · ~ h I ..... -Pelman Transfer University of Minnesota International Business Machines Albinson · Victor Lundeen & Co Minnesota Blueprint The Pierce Co. Rogers Co Stenerson Bros Lumber Co EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co , Park Region.Mutual Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.w. Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend Dennis Berend Van Waters & Rogers Centurian Builders Supply Co D-A Lubricant Co Amoco Oil Co Bengtson Oil Co DicR's Standard Service Kirchoff Perkins Miltona Creamery Assn Mobil Oil Corp. Roy Fossen Oil Co Standard Oil Co Park Region Co-op ,. Bluffton Oil Co Bud's Mobil Consumers Co-op Oil Henning Dent_Oil Co Farmers Co,;..op Assn Farmers Union Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Highway Co Service Hoot Lake 76 Mel I s Service · Meyer's Service Inc. Miller's Mischke Oil Motz Union Oil Nundahl Oil Co Otter Tail Co-op Oil Penrose Oil Co Ray's Oil Co Service Oil Co Vergas Oil Co Service Oil Co West Side Service Aqua Marine Sports Charley's Sharpening Service Coast to Coast Pel. Rapids Duane's Mobil Grenier's Hardware Hank Hamm's Inc. Meier Welling Motz Union Oil National Bushing & Parts. . _,-, 10.05 2.45 49.50 35.24 348.22 243.67 33.05 24.76 36.01 120.51 18.58 32.53 $2.20 23.71 14.72 _ 23.85 50.73 192.23 4,591.50 1,488.00 799.80 270.13 434.52 216.82 1,080.00 164.37 93.10 440.45 251. 74. 89.57 142.62 -316.38 364.90 302.45 698.97 273.17 507.43 131.44 134.99 176.96 360.92 33.oi 533.06 670.93 339.32 231.59 485.48 594.18 457.61 344.47 343.79 320.59 52.50 28.00 19-.04 66.64 82.92 54.14 20.40 24.20 33.47 1 Nelson Equipment Service Oil·Co :-' ·:. Sigelman Steel & Salvage Swanson Equipment·Co So. M:i,11 Standard . Swedberg' s Floral Barrie Meissner· ·. Dell Roberts 207.41 21.97 12.15· 254.85 1.18 2.55 322.84 44.24 _UPon motion ·made by John Snowberg, seconded by Andy" Leitch and .unanimously carried, _the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, February 24th~ 1976. Ch-airman ATTEST: . . . / · Clerk