HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 11/04/1975MINUTES OF nrn ADJOURNED MEETING ·oF IBE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER 'J'.AIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, November 4th, 1975, all members present. Motion.was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by.Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to accept the resignation of Kenneth Clarnbey as. West Otter Tail County Agricultural Inspector; and upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously·carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for an agricultural inspector for West Otter Tail County to replace .Ken Clarnbey. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to re-appoint Alva Krekula as County Agricultural Inspector for East Otter Tail County and authorize him to attend the annual short course meeting December 1st through the 4th. Motion_ was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to make a temporary transfer of $10,000 from the County Revenue Fund to County Ditch Fund to take care of ditch clean-outs-now in progress. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani.,. mously carried, to approve a Sunday Liquor License for the "78" Club in Girard Town- ship. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to establish a $200·.00 annual fee payable to the County, for all Sunday Liquor' Licenses with the townships to receive one annual fee to defray the costs of holding special elections on Sunday liquor. ----- Upon motion made by George Walter~ seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION WHEREAS,OtterTail County and Becker County are involved in a joint highway project on Old Trunk Highway No. 10., crossing the North Line of Otter Tail County,. South of Frazee, and WHEREAS, this pfoject,·s.A~P_. 567 610_;04,. has .now been com-- pleted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED s that Otter Tail Co~nty accep·t this project as completed~ the work. being properly done and performed.- according to said contract. Adopted. at . Fergus Falls, Minnesota this ; 4th · day of November, 1975. ATTEST: _K. · •W. · Hanson• County Auditor (SEAL) airman, ·Otter Tail Count Board of Connnissioners •· Upon motion made by Andy Leitch,' seconded by Bert Hovland and W1animously carried, the following resolutions pretaining-to coW1ty .road mowing were approved:· ··RESOLVED by the Board of CoW1ty Commissioners of Otter_ Tail CoW1ty Minnesota, that WHEREAS on March 4, 1975, the bid for mowing Area F in Otter - Tail CoWlty was awarded. to Archie Wahiin, Clitherall, Minnesota in the amoW1t . of $7,292.61, ·and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the COWlty board at ,a total cost of $7,327.80, NOW, THEREFORE, be it hereby'resolved, the County Auditor is authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amoWlt of $732.78 payable to Archie Wahlin, Clitherall, •Minnesota as final payment for thisW>rk. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of November, 1975._ ATTES~~ Clerk RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail - County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on March 4, 1975, the bid for mowing.Area I in Otter Tail County was awarded to ,Larry Bjerketvedt, Clitherall, Minnesota in the amount of $7,632.30, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- £action of the County Board at a total cost of $7,469.22, -· "NOW, THEREFORE, . The County Audi tor is hereby authorized and·. directed to issue a warrant in the. amount of $746.92 payable to Larry Bjerketvedt, Clitherall, Minnesota as fina1 payment for .this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of November, 1975. ATTEST:~~ Clerk. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on March 4, 1975 the bid for mowing Area Jin Otter Tail Cotmty was awarded to. Orlin Johnson, Henning, Minnesota in the amotmt of $4,992.36, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the sa tis f11ction of the County Board at a total . cost of $4,831.42, NOW, IBEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the Courity·Auditor is authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $483.14 payable to Orlin Johnson, Henning, Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of ~ovember, 1975. Clerk RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota. that WHEREAS on March 4. 1975 the County Board' accepted the bids for mowing Area D and Area E in Otter Tail County of Selmer Halvorson and Carl Wallevand. Route #1. Vining. Minnesota in the amount of $12 .401. 37, and WHEREAS the above contract has now been completed to the satis- faction of the County Board at a total cost of $12.055.23. a decrease of $3~6.14 due to deductions for shoulder cuts. liquidated damages and penalties,' NOW, THEREFORE, the County Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $6.259.07 payable to Selmer Halvorson and Carl Wallevand, Route #1. Vining. Minnesota as final payment for this work. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th·day of November. 1975. Cha~ Clerk · I Upon motbn made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub. Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS applic~tion has been made for the removal of the NW¼ NW¼ of Section 35 -131 -39 from certificate of tax. forfeiture dated September 7, 1955, ·that the inclusion tl}~reof in said certificate was erroneous for the reason that the delinquent taxes had been paid prior to forfeiture ·and the description was inadvertently included in the list of forfeitures, and WHEREAS the County Board has examined into the allegation of said application and has found the allegations of said application to be true, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Board hereby approves said application and recommends tnat the same be granted. DATED at Fergus Falls, Min_nesota this 4th day of November, 1975. Ch Clerk Upnn motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the:following re~olution.was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board _of Collrlty Commissioners of OtterTai 1 County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Myron Duhn, Administrator-for the Estate of Effie Maude Crosby, has made application for the repurchase of the W 7 rds of the E 11 rds of the S 15 rds of the SW¼ NW¼, ex. S 33' thereof deeded in Section-17-135-39 of the Village of Richville, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota for non-payment of taxes, and· WHEREAS ~he sum ~f $12&..58 has been paid, being the aggregate sum of delinquent taxes, penalties, costs and interest, NOW, THEREFORE, the County Board does hereby approve said application be gr~ted in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 4th day of November, 1975. Cha~ ATTEST:~ Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the meeting· was adjourned un'til 9: 30 A._M., Wednesday, November 5th, 1975. -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, November 5, 1975, all members present. . . ) . .. . Upon motion made by Andy· Leitch, sec,on~ed: by Geo~ge Walter and ' unanimously carried, the following applications for correction of assessment were approved: Glen Fed·a Parkers Prairie City LeRoy Kingston Parkers Prairie City Mobile home sold prior to assessment date Omitted property Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and · unanimously carried, _the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to ·be received until 10:30 A.M., Wednesday, December 10th, for a _car to be used by the sheriff's d·epartment. Upon motion made by ~ert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until ·2:00 P.M.,Tuesday, November 25th, for a van to be used by the probation and parole department in conjunction with the group home for girls. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded.by Hub Nordgren and carried, to change the step increases as recommended by the personnel committee. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the plat of "Sunset Beach, 3rd Add'n", located in Government Lot 5, Dunn Township. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to approve the conveyance by metes and bounds description of two tracts on Rase Lake in Government Lots 6 and 7, Section 20-137-40. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland· -------------------- · seconded by ___ G_e_o_r~g=e_·_w_a_l_t_e_r_. _________ and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED.by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The sum of $56,500 be transferred from the County ~evenue Ftmd to the Otter Tail County Nursing Home Fund, total sum of the proceeds of the sale of two parcels of ground belonging to the Nursing Home property, Parcel ·A being the amount of $4,000 and Parcel B, $52,500. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 5th day of Nove~ber, 1975 • . Clerk \. Upon moton made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the following bills were approved: Carlton E Mortensen Office Expense David Jennen Gary W Anderson Marvin Achter Max Kronernan Ervin Tenter Paul Zillgitt, Sheriff E.J. Wilson, Sheriff Donald Omodt, Sheriff. Adolph Olson, Sheriff Kermit Hedman, Sheriff Earl R Dosch, Sheriff ·charles Burns, Constable Dick's Standard Service Consumers·co-op Oil Service Oil Co. Phillips Petroleum Co Perham Co-op Oils Otter Tail Co-op Oils Miller's Pro Service Kness Standard Highway North Star Holiday· Fergus Dodge Inc. Rick's Performance Center Goodyear Service National Sheriff''s ·As·s•n Xerox Corp R.L. Polk & Co Fire Safety Corp. Poucher Prtg. & Litho Color Press J.C. Penney Gambles Gibson's Battle Lake Review State of Minnesota SHERIFF International Bus. Conglomerates.Inc. ·West Central Airways. Vere's University of Minn~ Lake Region Hospital Memorial Hospital & Homes White Drug Orletta Eisenhuth Carol Dowzak Marjorie Barvels Ethel Barker Mrs Gordon-Tomhave Ni~ Quaal Warehouse Food Mark It Piggly Wiggly Store National Tea Store Otter Tail Grocery Fergus Jobbing Co Park Region Bakery Service Food- 101.28 165.00 816.08 25.30 20.00 26.88 237.54 2.60 12.00 10.00 5.50 8.80 1.00 6.50 32.22 42.75 70.57 32.18 200.66 448.45 11.95 100.16 23.52 249.12 10.67 18.20 144.46 17.12 167.85 31.00 24.oo 141.60 12.41 122.04 7.98 14.64 73.60 15.00 140.66 497.60 342.86 10.00 23.10 20.00 39.81 91.25 25.92 6.25 132.84 259.20 . 262.44 117.29 27.65 59.93 88.43 8.50 58.94· 565.07 I Cass Clay Creamery Mrs Gordon Tomhave John Snowberg Berton Hovland A Hubert Nordgren Henry Pollinghorn DWI Clinic Mpls DWI Clinic Wahpeton DWI Clinic Fargo DWI Clinic Moorhead Xerox Corp Bjorklund Radio & TV West Publishing Co. COMMISSIONERS COUNTY COURT · Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Miller Davis Co City of Perham Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Subhi Sharifi M.D. Evertt Hanson M.D. Tim Schmitt M.D. Ward Shaver Mehdi Orandi M.D. Belmont Funeral Home La.Mere Funeral Home Roger Bengtson .Rudolph Auch Cooper's Office Supply Otter Tail Co-op Oil Fergus Dodge Inc. R.L. Polk & Co Ma.lvolm Lee James Johnson Xerox Corp. Millers Gulf John Skramstad Erwin Siems Steven Andrews Eugene Davenport Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson Dr Michael Hamann Fergus Dodge Inc. Otter Tail Co-op City of Perham Wm Lee Agency Tribuine Jt>rinting Duane Donley CORONER VETS,SERVICE LAND & RESOURCE ASSESSOR PROBATION & PAROLE CO AGENT EOT SOIL & WATER 11g.75 19,50 58.00 67.20 67.00° 150.51 50.00 25.00 25.00 75.00 240.00 15.00 15.00 337.13 295.00 83.32 65.00 250.00 51.44 126.25 25.25 36.50 23.10. 200.50 45.00 50~00 148.93 26.12 52.50 55.06 31.54 31.00 42.98 155.54 -60.00 82.93 128.26 196.76 151.08 308.92 113.22 211.48 107.33 204.51 100.00 51.46 39.19 50.00 25.00 40.00 23.40 John Snowberg Everts Lumber Co General Trading Co Edgetown Lumber Co Ebersviller Impl. Co Gust Lagerquist & Sons Electroux Corp. Share Corp. C-Z Chemical Co Inc. . Western Chemical Co . Dacotah Paper Co · Garratt Callahan Co Ebersviller Imp. Co Dick Anderson · Anderson Bros PHELPS MILL JANITOR MISC. EXPENSES Xerox Corp. _Cooper I s Office Supply Poucher Printing·& Lithe Nelson Bros Prtg. Burroughs ·corp American Data Products Miller Davis Co Pitney Bowes Mason Publ. Co R.L. Polk & Co Wm Galena & Son Bureau of Bus. Practice National Assoc. of Counties Revenue Sharing Adv. Service Kenneth Wanek Ruth Bakken Edwin Lenius Alva Krekula Clay County Judy Schultz Gloria Opatz Cheri Schultz Dorothy Johnson Phyllis Knutson Mary-Gutknecht Lorna McCabe Dixie Fosse Mrs Lorraine Amundson Noami Ellingson Myrna Mondt· Mrs Berneice Spangler Alice Townsend Mary Westman Mrs Harlan Knutson Jens R Ree Mrs Wm Hemmmlgarn NURSE 134.40 453.24 9.96 67.30 7.56 82.00 5.72 34.50 93.65 77.16 127.70 98.80 11.00 50.00 257.58 . 608.87 49.35 18.93 59.00 499.87 45.36 26.14 60.00 56.00 155.00 1,642.80 19.83 578.00 25.00 2.25 5.00 10.60· 198.78 703.50 90.76 188.58 12.88 107.97 37.66 88.06 121.38 121.10 42.56 32.62 101.64 20.72 11.34 89.60 15.60 19.24 24.oo · Mrs Charles Hansel Mrs C.E. Boe Veery_Ryder .Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros -prtg. University of Minnesota Physicians & Hospital Supply Wilkin Co. PHN Service City of Perham BOAT & WATER S.Ai'ETY Otter Tail Co-op Oils Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil Consumers Co-op Oil Carlton E Mortensen Aqua Marine Sports . Bretz Hardware C & G Store . ROAD & BRIDGE Coast to Coast Battle Lake, Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Coast to Coast Pel Rapids Consumer's Co-op Oil Duane's Mobil Gambles Dalton Gambles Henning Hardware Hank Lambert Building Center National Bushing & Parts Pelican Hardware Ruhland's Hardw.a,re Stenerson Bros Lumber Co Swanson Equipment Thomas Oil Co Wiebe's Garage ·Barrie Meissner Baas Oil Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Hayden Murphy Equipment Co Minnesota Motor Co National Bushing & Parts The Parts House Penrose Chev. Co .- George T Ryan Co Smith's Farm Supply Sturdevant•s Auto Parts Uselman's Inc. Welding & Blacksmithing Larry's Electric Gaylord Matson Repair Mikes Machine Shop Sherman Tank Co Coast to Coast Battle Lake Dalton Lumber Co Genuine Parts Co Hanson's Hardware Erickson Hellekson Vye Co Lawson Products Inc. 13.64 10.00 11.43 6.80 32.65 17.98 29.85 35.00 35.00 73.90 8.36 6.86 ·12.86 · 6.99 12.98 33.08 100.30 115.32 14.88 16.08 54.08 7.21. 188.76 30.43 8.59 54.06 3.69 328.28· 8.79 32.64 18.90 1.65· 218.68 3.15 82.70 59.71 9.79 38.46 15.60 84.22 946.55 . 7.80 16.30 34.73 144.25· 28.80 87.00 25.00 285.00 20.65 11.95 12.00 201.23 11.00 304.02 T Perham Co":"'op Oil Co Farnam Tire Center •Goodyear Service Store Little Falls Machine Inc. Elk River Concrete Products Northwestern Sheet & Iron Works Pelman Transfer City of Fergus Falls Earl J. Nelson Arthur Brottlund Commissioner of Highways Empire Business Machines H & LOK Hardware The Pierce Co Poucher Printing & Lithe Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Wadena Northwestern Bell Telephone Co F. F. Pelican Telephone Co Lake Region Co-op El. Assn Dennis Berend Murphy Oil Corp. •D-A Lubricant Co Inc. Bluffton Oil Co Meyers Service Inc. Andys 66 Service Consumer~ Co-op Oil Co Andy's 66 Service - Dick's Standard Service Farmers Co-op Assn Fraki Oil Co Highway Service Co Hoot Lake 76 Mills aervice Center Park Region Co-op Otter Tail Co-op Oils Service Oil Co Battle Lake Vergas Oil Co Dent Oil Co .Helle International Inc. Vaugh Chev. Co Auto_. Safety Service Super GMC Truck Sales General Trading Co Stenerson Bros Lumber 12.41 1,414.63 484.40 4,570.00 1,235.36. 5.32 37.53 53.69 136.00 76.00 79.97 4.50. 13.90 39.45 74.73 32.55 26.04 14.64 119. 72 '98.95 4,3,62.07 100.65 54L39 392.86 706.90 730.95 372.81 227.80 318.88 · 161.66 161.30 319.62 243.27 880.19 .· 666.26. 279.75 382.96 270.06 11.33 1.20 127.20 146.27 151.33 20.68 Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, se~onded ·by ·Andy· Leitch and · unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1: 00 P .M~ Tuesday, November 25th, 1975 •. ATTEST: · - ~· Clerk