HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 09/09/1975MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD. OF COUNTY ·COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjourrim~nt,. the Board of Cowtty Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota m~t at 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, Sept~~ber 9th, 1975, all members present. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to pay Henry Bjorgo the sum of $2,500 to remove his shop building from county property and off Co~_ty Road #45 iri Friberg Township, the county to remove the old floor. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-; ' . mously carried, to accept the petition for repair of the County Ditch, #12, in Erhards Grove, Lida, Maplewood and Pelican Townships,·and proceed with the necessary repairs. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Janet A. Bohling for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Pine Lake Lodge. in Corliss Township. Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, the County Audi tor was authod zed to advertise for bids to be received -' until 11:00 A.M., October 7, 1975 for 100 tons of calcium chloride in 80 lb. bags, carload lots delivered F.O.B. Fergus Falls or UnderwoOd. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by ·sert Hovland and carried, to do the necessary work at Rhelps Mill to complete the parking lot, park road and road west of bridge. Motjpn was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and carried, to return the depleted gravel pit in Section 19 of Aurdal Township back to the ori- ginal ,owner, conveyance by quit claim.deed •. Pursuant to notice, a hearing was held relative to off-system bridge replacement, and upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub No~?gren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: OTTER TAIL COUNTY RESOLUTION OFF-SYSTEM BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROGRAM WHEREAS, the federal government, through the State of Minnesota, has made funds available to the Counties under the Off-System Roads Program, and WHEREAS , the Off-System Funds will be used for bridge replace- ment in Minnesota, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Highway Department has compiled a list of Township and County bridges which need replacement in Otter Tail County. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That Otter Tail County shall participate in the Bridge .Replacement Program, utilizing Off-System Funds according to the procedures established by the Minnesota High- way Department. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that on Township bridges, the County and Township will share on a 50-50 basis all project costs not paid under the Off-System Program. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all bridge replacements shall come from a list of deficient bridges, as tabulated by the Minnesota Highway Department, and project priority shall be determined by the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County shall be the contracting agency for work done under the Off-System Bridge Replacement Program, and Township concurrence shall be obtained if a project directly involves Township work. Adopted September 9, 1975. Attest: County ;Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by Geo:uge Walter, seconded by John Snowberg and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: R E S O L U T I O N WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail has obtained the Commissioner's approval of the plans for the following County State-Aid Highway Project: C.S.A.H. No. 8. Located· · between N. Co:tpo:tate Limits of Perham· and 2 ~ 9 ML NE. Consisting of Grading & Bituminous Surfacing, and WHEREAS, said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project by providing local funds to supplement the available funds in the Regular Account of its County State-Aid Highway funds, and WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced by the County is desired in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subdivisions 5 & 7. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Highways be, and is.hereby; requested to approve this basis for financing said construction project, and to authorize repayments from the subsequent accruals to the Regular Account of the County State-Aid Highway fund for said County, within the limitations provided by law and at the times and in the amounts as herein indicated: On or after February ·1, 197 6 -· $250 2000 ~ 00 from 1976 Allotment. Adopted September 9, 1975. Attest: County Auditor (SEAL) Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the county engineer was authorized ·to a.dverti.se a hearing on the functional system of highways ( Federal Aid Secondary System), and the hearing was set for 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, October 7th, 1975. Upon motion made by George Walter, sec'onded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, · September 10th, 1975 •· I -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, September 10, 1975, all members present. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and W1animously carried, the following applications for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor were approved: Jim Bistrum Roger L. Sydow Sandy Point Resort (subject to proper signature) Rush Lake Township Leaf Lake Township Upon motion made by George Walter, secondd by Bert Hovland and W1ani- mously carried, the plat of ''Mabuhay" in G.L. 4, Section 16 -136 -41, was approved. Upon motion made by Ge~rge Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, the plat of "Priebs Park" in Sections 1 & 2 of Dora Township was approved. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the plat of Oksness Add'n, Section 7 -134 -.39. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to table approval of the plat of ''Pelican Heights Add'n" until surveyor Robert Oslund supplies an explanation for changes made between the preliminary plat and the final plat, Andy Leitch voting "no". Motion was.made by Bert Hovl~d,. seconded by Andy. Leitch and. Wlani- mously carried, to approve Permit Application #73-4141, Big Cormorant Lake, Becker CoW1ty, before the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources relating to Cor1J1orant ·:Lake ·chain, and authorizing the Chairman of the Board to execute same. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and Wlani- mously carried, to grant permission to Peter Van Santen to convey an additional par- cel, 100' x 200', in rear of lake lot as an addition to existing lot. Motion.was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and tmani- mously carried, to deny the application of John Bedwell for special use permit to enlarge present facilities on Swan Lake in Dane. Prairie Township, because applicant failed to present required drawings. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and . tmanimous ly carried, the following applications for special use permit were approved: Laverne Mo~nkedick Bob Lucking . Gaylord Orbin G. o. Brandvig Blase Bienik Donald Lewis Edna Township· Pine Lake Township Eagle Lake Township Dunn Township Tordenskjold Township Dunn Township Fill low area, upgrade & improve road (subject to conditional requirements) Landscape area, construct road (subject to conditional requirements) ,. L~dscape & put in walk-out basement (subject to conditional requirements) Cut hill and slope (subject to conditional requirements) Fill area Fill area and build road Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the conveyance of a metes and bounds description by Frieda Zitzow in Section 18 -136 -40. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and una,ni- mous ly carried, to approve a division of land to make two lots· out of three, for Rodney Alan Lindblad in Section 2 -137 -42. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to aporove the preliminary plat of "1st Add'n to Ed's Sunrise Beach", located in Section 32 -131 -42. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to reject the preliminary plat of Blain Heights located in Section 29 -134 -39, until a better preliminary plat is presented and also deny the· appli- cation for special ·_use permit. Upon motion made by Hub-Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and tmani- mously carried, the County Audi;or was authorized to advertise for bids to be re- ceived tmtil 11:00 A,M., Wednesday, October 8, 1975, for two automobiles for use by the probation and parole officers. The list of m1collected personal property truces was presented. to the Board and after discussion and upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and carried, the following report was issued, to-wit: REPORT OF THE COUNTY BOARD OF THE COUNTY OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY, STATE OF MINNESOTA OF UNCOLLECTED PERSONAL PROPERTY.TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1975 . ' . . . Fergus Falii, Minnesota September _10, 1975 BE IT KNOWN, That _the County Board of Otter Tail County, Minnesota, did meet in sessiori on the 10th day of September, 1975, the same being the date re- quired by M.S. :277.05; that at said session the County Treasurer of said county de- livered to said Board the list of uncollected personal property taxes for the year 1975:, together with his certificate thereon as required by. law; and that at said ·session the said Board did duly consider said list of uncollected taxes, anddid ,_,. cancel such taxes as they are satisfied cannot be collected. That the following is a correct list of said uncollected personal property taxes in said County for said year of 1974, as so revised by said Board, and that the Clerk of District Court is ordered to issue citations thereon, to-wit: Name George.Booth Lloyd Haatayea -Daniel Hanson Mobile ·OH ·Corp. Chas. Schach'Schneider James Aanrud · Robe.rt Anderson John Ash Dr. Gerald Buchanan tucille Buchanan Bob Budack David L. Bugbee Steve Chapman Christopherson & Moen · Gai 1 Clinkenbeard Florence Davidson Leland Eckdahl Dennis Ertsgaard City of Town Tax Lida Twp. $57. 26 Paddo~k Twp. -4. 96 Fergus Falls City 66.12 Fergus Falls City 133.26 Clitherall Twp. 7.40 Scambler Twp. 63.10 Perham Twp. 65.68 Star Lake Twp.· 78.02 Folden Twp. 57.60 Deer Creek Twp. 41.26 Folden Twp. 26.94 Maine Twp. 81 .64 Dane Prairie Twp. 38.34 Dane Prairie Twp. 95.36 Clitherall Twp. 18.30 Dead Lake Twp. -25. 32· Parkers Prairie 23.52 Scambler Twp. 20.34 Costs & Penalty Total Remarks ' $ 8.27 ·· $65.53 Collect .81 5,77 Collect 9.51 75.63 Collect 18~91 152.17 Cancelled 1.28 8.68 Collect 9. 09 72 .19 Collect 9.44 J5.12 Collect 11.17 89.19 Collect 8.32 65.92 Collect 6.03 47.29 ·collect 4.03 30.97 Collect 11.68 93.32 Collect 5.62 43.96 Collect 13.60 108.96 Collect. 2.81 21.11 Collect 3.80 29.12 Collect 3.54 27.06 Collect 3.10 23~44 Collect M. G. Evenson Scambler Twp. $76.32 $10.94 $87.26 Collect· F.P.A. or Turko Pine Lake Twp. 39 .96 5. 85 45.81 Collect Glen Feda Parkers Prairie 76.24 10.92 87 .16 Collect David Fiedler Corliss Twp. 44.96 6.55 51.51 Collect Obert Fish Dunn Twp. 47.70 6.93 54.63 Collect Curtis Forsland Aurdal Twp. 30.18 4.47 34.65 Collect Kent G. Freeman Rush Lake Twp. 21.28 3.23 24.51 Collect John Gauster Star Lake Twp. 25.26 3.79 29.05 Collect Kenneth Hadley Eastern Twp. 83.00 11.87 94.87 Cola:ect Mrs. Wm. Herman Dora Twp. 9.22 1.54 10. 76 Collect Torn Howe Everts Twp. 47.88 6.95 54.83 Collect David Hudson Lida Twp. 16.92 2.62 19.54 Collect Duane Jansen Dunn· Twp. 21.44 3.26 .24. 70 Collect Alton Johnson Amor Twp. 43.64 6 .36· 50.00 Collect Dennis Johnson Tumuli Twp • 18.18 2. 79· 20.97 Collect Ted Johnson Dunn Twp.·. 41.08 6.00 47.08 Collect Jerry Jorud Henning Twp. 80.64 ll.54 92.18 Collect Pete Karnphake Parkers Prairie 14. 70 2.31 17.01 Collect Duane Kuehl Dunn Twp. 44.66 6.50 51;16 ·Collect Kevin Kugler Friberg Twp. 16.08 2.50 18.58 Collect Rodney. Kugler Maplewood Twp. 59. 70 8.61 68.31 Collect Judith Laney Inman Twp.· 11.80 1.90 13.70 Collect Gaylord Larson Elmo Twp. 206.32 29 .14 235.46 · Collect Marilyn Leek Pelican Rapids 16.46 2.56 19.02 Collect Ronald Lehn Erhards Grove 39.48 5.78 45.26' Collect Luther LeVesseur Dead Lake Twp. 33.76 33.76 Collect Gordon Milbrandt Otter Tail Twp. 26.04 3.89 29 .93 Collect Richard Miller . Everts 62.26 8.97 71.23 Bal. 46.23 Michael Mitchell Dead Lake Twp. 70.26 10.09 80.35 Collect Glen Moen Dane Prairie Twp. 95.36 13.60 108.96 Collect Timothy Mounds Saint Olaf Twp. 91.56 13.07 104 .63 Collect Donald Nelson . Clitherall Twp. 35_.74 5.25 40.99 Collect North Central Camp •.:i' Cherit:h Candor Twp. 10.90 1.77 12 .67 Collect Vincent Nelson Edna Twp. 59. 76 8.62 68.38 Collect Chuck Nyler Perham Twp. $43.90 $ 6.39 $50.29 ·Collect Wiliiam Olson Dora Twp. 28.32' 4.22 32.54 Collect · Arnold Prieve Perham Twp. 41.10 6.01 47.11 Collect · Jerry Ran de 11 Amor Twp. 37,76 5.54 43.30 Collect Lee Rollas Buse Twp. 132 .46 18.~0 151.26 Collect . Harlan Royace Hobart Twp. 19,80 3.02, 22.82 Co'llect Thomas Schlueter Compton Twp. 15 .16 2,37 17.53 · CoUect . ' Earl Simdom Dwm Twp; 17. 16' 2.65 19 .81 Collect Kenneth Starnus Maine Twp. . 44 .26 6 .45; 50.71 Collect Leroy Swedberg Dane Prairie Twp. 53.58 · 7.75 6_1, 33 Collect Hank Troje Dead Lake Twp. 94.92 13.54 108.46 Collect Turco, Inc. Perham Twp. 182.42 25. 79 208.21 ·collect Gerald Wiese Buse Twp. 20.88 3.17 . 24.05 Collect· John Westman Dora.Twp. 17,62 2 .72 20. 34· Collect Jim White Perham Twp. 75.04 10. 75 85.79 Collect I Donna M. Witte Maine Twp. 7.82 1.35 9. -17 Collect Francis Ziegler Sverdrup Twp. 48.98 7 .11 56,09 Collect THE COUNTY BOARD OF OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA: ·ATTEST: ~· .. . .. . ~~·-·· · County Auditor Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, Andy Lei tcl). and Hub Nordgren voting 11no", the following resolution was .. adopted: · RESOLVED by the Board of County Cominissioners of Otter Tail County Minn~sota, that WHEREAS The City of Fergus Falls and the County of Otter Tail entered into an agreement for the construction and establishment of a joint law enforcement center on premises owned by the County of Otter Tail, and · WHEREAS the establishment of such Law Enforcement Center has created a need for additional off .street parking, and ,J' .- WHEREAS the City of Fergus Falls· acquired a tract of land for parking lot purposes, known as the "Junius Avenue Par_king Lot", and WHEREAS the City of Fergus Falls has offered to sell to the County of Otter Tail said parking lot for a sum of $42,500.00 for off street parking for the Joint Law Enforcement ·Center, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, that the County of Otter Tail purchase said parking lot for the sum of $42,500.00 and the County Auditor is hereby authorized and di,rected to issue a warrant in the amount of $42,500.00 payable to the City of Fergus Falls in full payment of said property upon .receipt of deed and abstract .for same. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of September, 1975. C Clerk Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland _and carried, Andy Leitch abstaining and Hub Nordgren voting "no", to advertise for sale the two county owned houses on Court Street South in the City of Fergus Falls. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded_by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to appoint Cyri1 Grefsrud as a member of the Buffalo River Watershed District. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren, to deny the request of Min-Dak for funds for fiscal year 1975. Motion failed, with George Walter and John Snowberg voting "no", and Bert Hovland abstaining. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried~ Andy Leitch and Hub Nordgren voting "no", to table the request of Min-Dak for funds for fiscal year 1975 until the budget meeting. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign letterreq~esting modi- fication of roadside erosion and sediment control, deleting some areas designated. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Steve Zimmerman for cancelation of an assessment against a mobile home sold prior to assessment date of January 2, 1974. Motion was made by· George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to authorize the payment .of $468.00 to Buetow and Associates, Inc., Saint Paul, Minnesota for preliminary plans drawn for proposed county building in Perham, Minnesota. Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by. Bert Hovland and 1.Dlanimously carried, the following bills· were approved: Andy Leitch A •. Hubert Nordgren · Berton Hovland CO~SSIONER · COUNTY COURT · Elliot Boe DWI Clinic Fergus Falls DWI Clinic Wahpeton DWI Clinic Mpls. DWI Clinic Crookston DWI Clinic St Cloud DWI Clinic Moorhead Marcia Barnes Du.ane-•Frost Mrs Robert Churchill Danny Harms Edith Perina Richard Kester Richard Hanson Anoka Co Sheriff Xerox Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Empire Business Machines Midwest Printing The Photo Center Nelson Bros Prtg. Poucher Printing & Litho Miller Davis Co Victor Lundeen & Co Secretarial Service County Court City of Perham PROBATION & PAROLE Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson Dr Michael Hamann Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Sears Roebuck & Co {Tames Johnson Richard Berge Richard Mac Gregor Victor Lundeen & Co Cooper's Office Supply Inc. The Photo •Center· Xerox Corp. Stenerson Bros Lumber West Cemtral Airways Millers LAND & RESOURCE 20.32 64.oo 41.04 249.28 575.00 40.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 50.00 2.64' 24.4o 10.00 14.32 15.28 15.28 16.00 8.50 172.50 78.57 190.00 . 15.00 38.00 35.25 15.93 37.90 317.61 48.50 . 1.05 65.00 88.55 150.76 110.46 230.33 100.00 18.05 129.84 123.48 17.36 32.90 234.74 9.50 27.49 63.00 7.92 44.oo 65.38 R9ger Bengtson Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Co-op Oil Go.odyear Service Fergus Dodge Inc. Nelson Bros Prtg. Midwest Printing· VETERANS SERVICE· Cooper' s Office 'SUpply Inc. · Eugene Davenport Erwin Siems John Skramstad Steven Anderson Marvin Anderson Mehdi Orandi Expense Marjean Hanson E.E. Bigler -K.A. Muck.ala Mehdi Orandi ASSESSOR CORONER Parkers Prairie. Med~i\Clinic Schoeneberger Funeral·Home Norman Nelson Daniel Barry · Kimber Awning Co PHELPS MILL Coast to Coast Battle Lake · Lampy Ready Mix Fergus Plbg. & Htg William Stone -EQT Soil & Water June Ryan Charles Beck Wilfred Estes Lynn Ihrke Otter Tail.Co-op Fergus Dodge Inc. - Ci~y of ·Perham Gust Lagerquist & Sohs Fleet Farm · q.s. Products- Garratt Callahan Co Lystad's Inc. Wm Galena & Son Knutson Htg & Air Cond. Clarence Anderson Geprge·Nelson EQT SOIL & WATER CO PLANNING CO AGENT ·MISC EXPENSES 168.19 152~49 32~32 10.00 13.05 15.25- 18.25 .410.70 _ 189.11 70.84° -123.01 3.50 .300.00 250.00 . 51.90 50.50 35.00 426.25 25.00 25.00 285.00. 12.00 ~.15. 70 . 96.50 246.63 111.10 75.24 7.68 85.68 59.94 84.80 12.50 33.98 13.10 60.00. 381.93 11.60 121.03 98.80 146.72 14.90 8L21 26.00 "58~20 3 I I' Xerox Corp. Victor Lundeen & Co Poucher Printing & Lithe Co IBM Corp. Empire Business Machines Cooper•·s Office Supply Inc. Miller Davis Nelson Bros Prtg. Burroughs Corp.· Multigraphics Div. Pitney Bowes Gaffaney•s· Burroughs Corp Arthur Brottlund Oscar Mfg •. Co . State of Minn. Robert Oslund M-R Sign Co Robert Oslund Clay County American Legion Post# 489 Daily Journal The Forum Battle Lake Review Pelican Rapi_ds Press Perham·Enterprise Bulletin Northwestern Pub~ Co· Mpls Star & Tribune?, K.W. Hansori Kenneth Clambey Judy Schultz Phyllis Knutson Mary Guthneckt Dorothy Johnson Cheri Schultz Lorna McCabe Gloria Opatz .Mary Westman Mrs Bernice Spangler Myrna Mondt Bernice Pederson Mrs Donald Martinson Dixie Fosse Noami' Ellingson ·Lorraine .Amudson Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros Prtg. NURSE Physicians & Hospital Supply Nat'l Dairy Council Workshop Comm. City of Perham · 612.15 484.'02 27.68 54.50 4.50 · 91.30 58.02 6o.o4 · 42.85 802.00 122.18, 57.00 3,301.40 76.oo 68.37 10.00 10.00 14.5)1 · 1.064.oo 285.00 50.00 1,036.03 5.72 21.00 20.00 20.00 19.00 19.58 41.85 · 257. 75 103.80 _83.16 163.03. 124 •. 39 26.32 64.40 290.35 58.80 · 5.18 11.34 7.42 22.40 110.88 26.11 45.78 36.89 129.4o . ·19.85 18.00 . 20.00 35.00 Office Expense · Max Kroneman David Jenn.en Wayne Hay Frank Dowzak Luella'Schlueter Big Chief Texaco Holiday Gene's Standard Service Kness Standard Marts 116611 North· Union Texaco Otter Tail Co-op Oils Park Region Co-op Pelican Union 76 Perham Co-op Oil Phillips Petroleum Service Oil Co Thomas Oil Co Van's Muffler Shop Goodyear Service Suhr Ford Sales Fergus Dodge Inc. Bob Moore Ford Riverside Repair West Central Airways Xerox Corp F.Morton Pitt Co The Photo Center Miller Davis Midwest Printing Co Mason Publishing Co Victor Lundeen & Co. Cooper's Office Supply Inc. IBM Corp Gambles Western Chemical Co Wadena County General Trading Jaeniscq Industries Young's Jobbing House Kustoms Signals University of Minn. Stenerson Bros Lumber River Inn Hotel Pelican Valley Health Center Memorial Hospital & Homes Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Mediaal Group White Drug Andrew & Meister Drug City Pharmacy Clay County OTC Sheriff's Posse Gregory Eastwood David Jennen Les Pierce Melvin Bjone Doug Dietman Rory DeMesy Dean Danielson Bernie Obowa SHERIFF 304.50 40.32 866.58 4.84 30.00 15.00 -- 54.30 421.11 18.06 77.57 19.52 178.14 335.10 18.18 25.26 394.77 16.61 76.37 493.91 6.73 163.05 35.14 309.63 198.21 304.99 68.58 346.69 40.80 152.90 6.66 35.00 30.00 4o2.57 209.30 163.49 21.84 25.30 27.00 100.84 225.00 12.00 97.61 105.00 13.20 7.00 22.50 5.00 32.50 46.oo 5.25 24.65 -52.25 14.oo 150.00 25.00 32.32 15.00 25.00 21.00 165.00 36.oo 60.00 - Mark Skugrud . Cer•s Cafe & Valley Ho Room B & L Cafe Walt.Boe's Food Market Swan Drug Mrs Gordon Tomhave Cass Clay Creamery Park Region Bakery Warehouse Food Mark it Service Food Market Piggly Wiggly Store Red Owl Otter Tail Grocery National Tea Store Fergus Jobbing Ernies Food Market Mrs Gordon Tomhave Nita Quaal ·-Muriel Gunvafson Carol Dowzak. Marjorie Barvels Ethel Barker Carlton Mortensen BOAT & WATER.SAFETY Office Expense Holiday Bengtson Oil Co Park Region Co-op Otter Tail Co-op Oils Perham Co-op Oils Pelican Union 76 Kimber Awning Co Froelich Marine Farnham Tire Center Coast to Coast Riverside Repair Swanson's Surplus Store Battle Lake Review Bauck Chevrolet Co Inc. Bearing Supply.Co Cununins Diesel Sales Inc. Ebersviller·Impl. Co General Trading Co Genuine Parts Co Hagen's Inc. Helle International Inc. MacQuElens Equip. Co Bob Moore Inc. National Bushing & Parts -. . . ~ The·Parts House · Smokeys MachinenShop Sturdevants Auto Parts Super GMC Truck Sales Uselman's Inc. Vergas Ford Equip. Co Ziegler Inc. Anderson Grocery ROAD & BRIDGE 45.00 66.61 50.88 7.91 18.78 29.25 112.76 70.11 36.72 290.20 28.93 125.88 647.18 116.71 17.00 66.23 473.04 ·494.10 25.92 40.50 12.50 153.90 226.55 3.57 19,50 30.24 7-97 182.00 67.77 49.08 5.00 23.03 30.66 23.50 105.34 53.85 34.20 6.07 92.94 2.88 41.29 272.80 31.82 3.00 148.15 284.90 9.90 348.83 10.08 98.60 18.72 104.86 19~89 38.33 702.98 10.83 ,i'1" ":\·;~-- Bauck Paint &'Supply Coast to Coast Battle Lake Coast to Coast Henning Coast to Coast· Pel. Rapids Crane Johnson Lumber.Co Edgetown Lumber Co Everts Lumber Co_ City of Fergus Falls H & LOK Hardware M-R Sign Co Inc. . Northern Co-op Services Nundahl Oil Co Occidental Chemical Co Olson Equipment Co Pelican Hardware J.C. Penny·Co Perco Farm Supply Ruf'fridge Johnson Equipment Co Sigelman Steel & Salvage Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Don' s Electric · Gerald Evenson Fergus Dodge Inc. Glover's Custom Mache Shop Hill's Radiator Shop Mobile Radio & TV Service Modern Htg. & Appl. Inc. Olson Auto Elec.tric Goodyear Service Store Farnam Tire Center Firestone Store N.W. Sheet & Iron Works · Murphy Oil Corp. Farmers Co-op Elevator Co City of New York Mills D.H. Blattner & Sons Inc. Hendrickx Impl. Korby Contracting Co Melvin McGowan Sherbrooke Sodding Co Toltz King Duvall Anderson & Assoc •. Mark Sand & Gravel Transport Clearings Daily Journal Victor Lundeen & po Minnesota Blueprint Nelson Bros. Prtg. The Pierce Co • Poucher Prtg. & Lithe Co. st. Regis Paper Co Dennis Berend Roy J. Bruhn, EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co P~k Region Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co N.W. Bell Telephone ElRoy Hanson Leslie Beldo 17.08 8.59 · 77.49 9.74 6.oo 3.73 36.27 30.00 4.38 2,059.66 11.03 4.50 288.00 528.20· 21.29 80~10 23.46. 732.88 72.00 54.25 325.00 3.40 360.40 18.00 15.00 123.50 78.50 19.45 53.55 · 490.57 . 614.94 2,527.05 4,517.06 471.00. · 125.00 3,547.00 36.00 1,147.50 1,396.6o 163.40 4,939.58 420.00 10.05 69.83 147.80 125.28 25(j 80° 31.06 . 11.93 224.oo 44.50 36.96 126.31 8.12 66.09 30.88 22.49 18.87 4o.82 73.50 583.25 1 D-A Lubricant Inc. Arrow Petroluem Bluffton Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn. Soliah & Braatz Oil Co Standard Oil Co Battle Lake,. Standard Oil Co Henning .Standard Oil Co Pel Rapids Consumers Co-op Oil Co-op Services Inc. Dent Oil Co ·.Duane's Mobil .. Eldon's Standard Sevv. · Highway Service .. Hoot Lake 76 Kness Standard Mayo's Standard ·Miller's · Otter Tail Co-op Dils Pelican Union 76 Ray's Oil Co · Service Oil Co Theodorson's Mobil Service Vergas Oil Co · Farmers Elevator Co Lake Region Rehab. Ind. Maynard Torgerson Duane's Mobil Service Hoot Lake 76 Mills Service Center 498.45. 349.00 887.73 326.56 73.00 59.37 . · 187 .50 " 174.37 308.25 1,006~44 . · 182.17 110.92 435.54 138.19 229.88 146.38 366.40 171.6o 357.14 260.16 88.41 203.82 ·. 249.71 571.29 42.00 202.50 187.00 159.61 ·199.57 197.48 Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by. Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until 1:00 P.M., Tuesday, September 23, 1975·. ATTEST: · Clerk