HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 08/06/1975WEDNESDAY'S SESSION Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday,· August 6th, 1975, all members present. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve proposals from the following ban~s for deposit of county funds for the coming two years, together with assignment of: securities for said banks: First State Bank of Dalton Farmers State Bank Erhard State Bank First National Bank Northwestern Bank Security State Bank Western Minnesota Savings & Loan Ass'n. First National Bank Farmers & Merchants State Bank Pelican Valley State Bank Perham State Bank Vergas State Bank State Bank of Wendell Dalton, M~nnesota Dent, Minnesota I Erhard, M1nnesota I Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Henning, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Perham, Minnesota Vergas, Minnesota Wendell, Minnesota Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, the resignation of Jared Smalley from the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission was approved. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Richard_Ke$ter for license to sell intoxicating liquor at the Otter Tail House, Everts Township,subject to special use permit approved by Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission. Upon motion made by George Wal te.r, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the plat of Boyer Park Manor in Dora Township was approved. \ \ --=-7 I ' \ I I I / Upon motion made by Andy Leitch,-seconded by Bert Hovland and . unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: .. RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS, Northwestern Bell Telphone Company in December 1974 had a rate increase approved by the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Service; and WHEREAS, The Superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Appre- hension pursuant· to his statutory authority has fixed the monthly operational charge to be paid by. each individual agency or political subdivision_, lllOW~ 1HEREFORE, IT IS. HEREBY, RESOLVED~ .the _County of Otter Tail agrees to. pay to Northwestern Bell Telephone Company.the montµly,poperational charg~ of $271.15 from July 1:, 1975 ·through June· 30, 1977-and the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to execute Supplement #2 to co·ntract M-6693 on behalf of Otter Tail County.· Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this '6th day of August, 1975. · Clerk Upon motfuon made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the plat of Pearson's Fernwood Add'n, Dead Lake Township, was approved. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for sewage disposal installers license: Bill Walker Ronald Hendrickson Ervin Cichy Robert Rybak Bill Walker Excavating Hendrickson Excavating Co. Otter Construction ·Wahpeton, North Dakota Lake Park, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Richville, Minnesota Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- . mo~ly carried, to instruct the County Nursing Service be placed under the County's Personnel Policy, effective immediately. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the transfer of an additional tract by metes and bounds description to be conveyed from Kirckof£ to Roger Sydow in Goveritmen.t Lot S, Section 15 -134 -38. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to participate SO% in the .replacement cost of two (2) major drainage structures along east line of Sections 16 & 21, Compton Township. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, Malcolm Lee of the Shoreland Management Office was instructed to contact the Department of Natural Resources requesting they inspect the dams on Pelican Lake at outlet of Fish Lake and Hosterman Dam on the Pelican River. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following bills were allowed: Carlton E Mortensen Office expense Max Kroneman Susan Van Santen Darwin-Stigen · Clem _Hendrickson Bruce ·Eckley SHERIFF Poucher Printing & Litho . IBM Corp. ·Kustoms Signals Hintgen Karst Electric. Color. Press Young's JobbingHouse Northwest Divers Supply Thomas Fire Equipment · Solinger' s Resort Welding Supplies &'Fire Equip. Stenerson Lumber Co Sherwin Williams Co Gibson Products Co Swanson's Surplus Mobile Radio & TV_ Service . Fergus Falls Vets Clinic ·City of Fergus Falls Mobile Radio & TV Service Wadena County Lake Region Hospital Fergus Falls Medical Group Jim's Interstate Standard RoBo Car Wash ' Phillips Petroleum Co _Perham Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil Stan.Moe Ford Minnesota Motor Co Lollies Auto Clinic Worner's Auto Sales Goodyear Service Store Mrs Gordon Tomhave Muriel Gunvaldson Nita Quaal Carol Dowzak Warehouse Mark It Piggly W:iggly Fergus Jobbing Ernies Food Market ·Park Region Bakery.,. Cass Clay . Creamery · · Mrs Gordon Tomhave Hillcrest Safety Eq~ipme~t . Henry Polkinghorn H~ey ·01son · · · Warren Kruger John·'Duit COUNTY COURT Mrs Robert Churchill 65 .93 122.75 40.32 · 20.30 15.00 15.00 55.00 4.35 27.00 108.97 203.19 16.25 . 38.97 12.50 60~00 · 130.30 13.00 .3.78 11.41 14.64 .2.67 297.50 17.25 23.25 244.90 9.00 90.50 28.50 462.70 631.35 47.19 293.08 4o6.77 8.oo 43.20 26~35 12.00· 124.94 147~42 25.11 162.00 ;;:25.92 519.19 25.84 29. 75 · 26.32 88 .30 ,_: 127 _-44" 9.75 1,008.00 39.48 20.80. 20.80 32.00 10.00 .Mike Mindermann Tim Lein . DWI Clinic Wadena DWI Clinic Fergus Falls Xerox Corp Poucher Prtg. & Litho West Publishing Co Cooper's Office SUpply Inc. Bjorklund Radio & TV City of Perham LAND & RESOURCE Malcolm Lee James· Johnson Richard Mac Gregor Linda Bergerud Xerox Corp State of Minn. Doc. Sec Ramsey Co. Sheriff Minn. Planning Assoc. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson SUbhi Sharifi M.D. Mehdi Orandi M.D. Earl Bigler M.D. W. C. Ketterling CORONER PROBATION & PAROLE_ _Arthur Boehne Spencer Lundquist Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson· The Cor::::ner Drug . Store -City of Perham Don Budke Norman Nelson Standard Oil Co Small Engines Unlimited Ebersviller Imp. Co Mrs Arnold Stock Mrs Gerald Zeise Alfred Borgos Willis Roehl Allan Schermerhorn -Qt_ter Tail Co-op Oil City of-Perham Erwin Siems John Skramstad Eugene Davenport PHELP.S MILL CO EXTENSION CO AGENT -ASSESSOR MISC. ~SE~ Gust Lagerquist & Sons ·Dacotah Paper Co Daycoa · 65.20 44.oo 200~00 250.00 287.18 19.67 28.50 _ 150.95 34.20 65.00 109.36 174.80 35.00 5.60 63.00 6.oo 2.30 10.00 ,250.po 51~60 251.00 . 251-.;oo - 25.25 -25.25 112.47 165.79° 98.86 81.87 295.00 75.00 10.00 342.50 , 159.51 93.40 -32.58 - 4.20 1.28 2.80 1.82 12.04 38.60 60.00 71.27 86.13 10_0.50 82.00 111.50 :1,;05.84 I . 3 Victor Lundeen & Co Wm Galena &·son Electolllll Corp. Maintenance Eng. LTD Fergus Plbg. & Htg. Swedberg Flqral · Xerox Corp. · · . · , · . Poucijer Printing & Litho Nelson Bros · Miller Davis Co Oswald Pub. Co Nasco Empire Bus. Machines The Pierce · Co ,· Pitney Bowes · Mathison Hesby Agency. Knutson Htg. & Air Cond Robert Oslund & Assoc. .Bruce s~atrom Battle Lake Review Hannins.Advooate · · Rogel' Bengtllon Rudolph Auch Otter Tail Co-op Judy Schultz Cheri Schultz Gloria Opatz Lorna McCabe ·Mary Gutknecht Phyllis Knutson Dorothy Johnson Beverly Schmidt · Mary Westman Lorraine Amundson Noami Ellingson Dixie Fosse My~ Mondt. Marilyn Martinson Bernice Pederson Berneice.Spangler Mrs Charles Perkins Jens R Ree Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs C.E. Boe Mrs Charles Hansel Veecy Ryder Victor Lundeen & Co Nelson Bros. Prtg. v.m'S. SERVICE Minn. League for Nursing Gibson's · BOAT & WATER SAFETY Perham Co-op Oil Otter Tail Co-op Oil Jim's Interstate Standard Consum_ers,-Co-op Oil -Becltl\lllcJ. Rian Battle Lake Review 'OTC Highway DE!pt< Unifonns Unlimited 100.69 544.59 lij~!~g 38.75 11.48 132.25 248.18 157.90 11.72 26.00 763.15 25.00 90.85 60.00 155.69 ioo.25 12.00 64.oo 52.50 :,38.63 · .50.62 37.26 18.88 79.08 11.06 16.40 113.58 154.14 29.12 116.69 112.18 87 .36 43.40 7.35 .62.44 34.02 44.80 8.96 23.24 45.20 38.48 15.60 10.00 17.28 8.65 20.73 23.00 23.56 7 .23 41.87 -178.17 . 14.23 . 110.91 1~4.81 56.95 14.37 123.80 ROAD & BRIOOE Borchert Ingersoll Inc. Raymond Cichy · Ebersviller Implement Co Genuine Parts Co Stan Moe Ford Sales Super GMC Truck Sales Ziegler Inc. Fergus Dodge Inc. Matz & Greiff Minnesota Motor Co Olson Auto-Electric Violet L~ Rolfson Coast Coast Store Battle Lake Coast to Coast Parkers Prairie Crane Johnson Lumber Co Edgetown Lumber Co Erickson Helleckson Vye Co Farwell Ozmun Kirk Co Fergus Glass & Paint Minn. Mining & M:f'g. Occidental Chemical Co Stenerson Lumber Co Elk River Concrete Pr'o~ucts Co Northwestern Sheet & Iron Murphy Oil Corp. · Mark Sand & Gravel EvavQld. Vikesland. Constr~ ' Cormnissioner.of Highways -Construction Bulletin°; Raymond Moj;or Trans/ ·: - Evavold Vikeslarid Const. Monroe Andrew & Meister Drug · Victor Lundeen & Co The Pierce Co Poucher Printing & Litho Midwest Telephone Co Northwestern Bell Telephone Co Pelican Telephone Co · N.W. Bell 'li.ephone N.W. Bell Telephone Co Dennis Berend G.D. Harlow City of Perham Georgian Bachmann· Don C Olson Eleanor Arvig _John Ogroske Edwin Lenius Perham :-Potato Farm Joseph Neudeck Alf'·M Jorgenson · John P. Millen Harry Hofland Dominick & Florence Januszewski Ambrose J. Parchem Wade Smith Jacob Kiefer Eli H. Asmun I 4.11 ,96.83 l00.6o 359.26 299.02 28.12 1,423.23 45.51 8.75 25.32 8.53 15.00 18.68 20.20 9.95. 41.00 10.25 . 215~25 · 7.70 487.65·. . 288.00 13.41 434.52 2,328.12 6,831.94 2,011.70 228.00 154.30: . 48.28 9.43 2,124.00 73.00 2.98 ·55.49 40.35 ~-23 10.55 34.80 12.66 22.73 24~32 46.oo 35~95 966.00 6oo.oo 700.00 350.00 175.00 275.00 1,381.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 1,900.00 1,500.00 18,000.00 700.00 75.00 3,750.00 175.00 5 Carlton & Luceille Moen Gust, E J a:.aska Willard :Oinan' , · Harry Hohya ~A ~bricant Co Inc. Penrose Oil.Co Soliah'& Braatz Co ~dy's 66 Service Dent Oil Co Meyer's Service S;tation _Thomas Oil Co Henning Vergas Oil Thoma~ Oil Co Vining 875.00 1,076.-55. 15.75 3i.25 205.70 162.4o 36.50 214.41 236.65. .523.21 161.01 220.49 1,661~ 74 · Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and . unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned until !l!:00 P.,M. Wednesday, August 20th, 1975 • . ATTEST:~ Clerk