HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 06/10/1975MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OTTER TAIL COUNTY MINNESOTA Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9: .30 A .M., Tuesday, June JOth, 1975, all mem- bers present. Upon motion made by. Hub Nordgren, seconded by,Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following applications for homestead classification and/or reduction of assessed valuation were approved: . LeRoy Boedigheimer Lloyd Beaulieu Frank D. Stone Oscar Hagel George & Violet Menz Kenneth Seaburg Albert T>Andersori John Dettbarn, Estate George H. Wicks Clifford Hauk.OS Eddie Dallman Eugene Lykken Emil A. Sanda Randal Mann Dennis Porter Robert C. Nelson AUen .. Jacob Mrs. Evelyn Nord Colleen Blommel Robert Tradewe 11 . Perham City Homestead cia~sification Rush Lake Township Homestead classification Nidaros TownshtPi' Homestead classification New York Mills Homestead classification Perham City _Homestead classifi'c::ation Dunn Township:} Homestead classification Pelican Rapids Homestead classification Dora .Townshipp Homestead classification Perham Township Homestead classification Elizabeth Townshipp Homestead classification Dunn Township Building incomplete Dunn Township Wrong classification Henning City. Sold to City before ~ssessment date City of Fergus Falls Property overyalued ' Dunn Township Double assessment Girard Township Mobile home assessed both as personal property and real estate Dora Townshipp Mobile home totalled out by ins. co. Lida Township Remove portable screened porch from assessment Deer Creek City Mobile home moved before assessment Sverdrup Township Mobile home moved before assessment T Charles M. Loken Donald Lind R. •L. Worden Henry Ebbeson Logan Erling Winston Star Lake Township Nidaros Township Dead Lake Township Lida Township Tumuli township Bui~ding moved ~efore assessment date Mid-year homestead classification Should have tax credit Homestead classification Omitted.property The Board, having previously advertised for:._bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfacing·; under S.A.P. 56..'.606-06, C.P. 75:06, proceeded to open bids which were found to be.as follows:· Clifford Strom, Brandon~ Minnesota Stan Morri 11, Inc. , Fergus Falls, Minnrsota . Minnerath Const. Inc., Cold Spring, Minnesota Donald Conroy Const. Co., Dumont, Minnesota Bain Bros., ·Clarissa, Minnesota Den Mar Const., Frazee, Minnesota Glen Feda, Iftc., Carlos, Minnesota I Ackling Const. Co., Frazee, Minnesota M & M Const. Co., Nashu,~. Minnesota Strom Const. Co., Moorhead, Minnesota Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota Evavold-Vikesland Const., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minnesota Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota $84,524.88 87,779.49 89,155.50 90,693.70 92,776.48 93,428.40 93,735.64 94,999.96 96,792.18 98,550.72 98,938.92 99,879.02 103,308.80 103,787.64 After consideration, motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried,to accept the bid of Clifford Strom, Brandon, Minnesota, in the amount of $84,524.88, it being the lowest bid. The Board, having previously·advertised for bids to be received for · Grading and Plant Mix Bituminous Surface, under S.A,P. 56-642-07, C.P. 75:42U, and S.A.P. 56-646-01, C.P. 75:46U, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Mark Sand & Gravel Co., Fergus Falls; Minnesota $73,052.85 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to accept the bid of Mark Sand & Gravel, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of $73,052.85, it being.the only bid. The Board, having previously advertised for bids to be rece.ived for grading and :aggregate surfacing under S.A.P_. 56-630-03, C.P. 75:30, proceeded)to open bids which were found to be as follows: Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minneso~a Donald Conroy Const., Inc., Dumont, Minnesota Ackling Const. Co., Frazee, Minnesota M & 'M Const. Co., Nashua, Minnesota · Evavold-Vikesland Const., Fergus Falls, Minnesota · Bain Bros. , Clarissa, Minnesota Strom Const. Co., Moorhead, Minnesota . Minnerath Const., Inc., Cold Spring, Minnesota Ed Zimmerman, Barrett, Minnesota Den Mar Construction, Frazee, Minnesota Glen Feda, Irie., Carlos, Minnesota Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minnesota Leonard Hillstrom, Vergas, Minnesota '$71,187.30 . 71,944.20 73,771.93 75,082.15. 78~484.83 79,347.56 79,453.15 80~166.0~ 80,918.30 82,343.70 87,007.45 89,905. 83· 89,942.76 107,907;.20 After consideration, motion was made by Bett Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, to accept the bid of Stan Morrill, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota in the amount of. $71,187.30,. it being the lowest bid. The Board, having pre'\80usly advertised for bids to be received for grading and aggregate surfadng under S.A.P. 56-657-03, C.P. 75:57, proceeded to· open bids which were found to be as follows: Clifford Strom, Brandon, Minnesota Donald Conroy Const. Co., Dumont, Minnesota Bain Bros., Clarissa, Minnesota Minnerath Const. Inc., Cold Spring, Minnesota Stan MOrri 11, Inc. , Fergus Falls, Minnesota Den Mar Coristructiori, Frazee, Minnesota Glen Feda, Inc., ,Carlos, Minnesota Strom Construction Co., Moorhead, Minnesota Sellin Bros., Inc., Hawley, Minnesota Harvey W. Nelson, Inc., Lake Park, Minnesota $127,772.62 128,094_.10 128,780.92 129,497.40 130,609.80 131,806.80 }42.,030. 70. 153,804.52 ,· 155,613.00 161,735.10 After consideration, motion was made by Andy ·Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and carried, to accept the. bid of Clifford Strom, Brandon, Min~esota, in the amount of $127, 772 162, it being the lowest bid •. ,. Uponc;inotion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and . unanimously carri~d, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on May 20, 1975, William L. Hatch; Jr., Guardian of .othilda M. Hatch, owner of.record of the following described property: Lots 4, 5 and E½ of 6, Block 8, Finkle & White's Add'n to the City of Fergus Falls has made application to repurchase; said property having forfeited to the State ' of Minnesota on the 15th day of October, 1974, for the delinquent tax of 1968 arid subsequent years, and has paid $317.64 as a one-tenth_dowri payment of the aggregate swn of $3,176.41, which represents delinquent taxe.s,:penalties, costs and interest, the balan.ce to be. paid in. ten e·qual annual inst:ailments, with · interest at four percent per annum on the balance remaining unpaid.each year. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of County Conunissioners of Otter Tail County hereby approves said application and grants the repurchase to be in the best public interest and-relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of June, 1975. Clerk Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on May 20, 1975, William L. Hatch, Jr.,Guardian of Othilda M. Hatch, owner of record ofcthe following described property: West 1/2 of Lot 5 and all Lot 6, Block 7, North Division, City of Fergus Falls has made application to repurchase; said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 15th day of October, 1974, for the delinquent tax of 1968 aid subsequent years, and has paid $131.37 as a one-tenth down payment of the aggregate sum of $1,313.72, which represents delinquent taxes, penalties, costs and interest, the balance to be paid in ten equal annual installments, with interest at four percent per annum on the balance remaining unpaid each year. NOW, 11-IEREFORE, the Board of Cowity Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby approves said application and grants the repurchase to be in the best public interest and relieve widue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of June, 1975. Chai Clerk Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the BOlrd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS on June 4, 1975, Alvin & Henry Aarness, mortgagees of the following described property: N½ SW¼ of Section 29 -Township 136 -Range 44 made application to repurchase, said property having forfeited to the State of Minnesota on the 15th day of October, 1974, for the delinquent tax of 1968 and subsequent years and have paid $200.58 as a one-tenth down payment of the aggre- gate sum of $2,005.73, which represents delinquent taxes, penalties, costs and interest, the balance to be paid in ten equal annual installments, with interest at four percent per annum on the balance remaining unpaid each year, NOW THEREFORE, the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County hereby approves the foregoing application, and grants the repurchase to be in the best public interest and relieve undue hardship. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 10th day of June, 1975. ATTEST: Clerk '. ' I ' Upon motion made ,by:· Andy· Leitch -----'---------------- seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the ------,-,-----,------ following resolution was adopte~: RESOLVEDby the Board of County Commissioners of .Otter Tail . County Minnesota~ that The County Board does hereby authorize an appropriation in the amount of $12,000.00 to the W.est Otter Tail County-Fair Association for the construction of a fish and wildlife· conservation building at th~ West .. Otter Tail County :Fair Grounds and the County Auditor is hereby authorized· and.directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $6,000 payable in ·1975 and $6,000 payable in 1976. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this ·10th day of June, 1975. Chainn ATTEST:· Clerk Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the followi_ng resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that WHEREAS a separate mill rate has been levied for funds to be used by the Lake Region Rehab Industries, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota and WHEREAS a recommendation by the State Public Examiners s_ug- gests miscellaneous funds be incorporated into the County Revenue Fund, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, the County Board of Otter Tail County Mi~nesota approi>riates the sum of $13,829.10' (30"¢ per · capita) to the Lake Region Rehab In~ustries, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota for the year 1976, to be paid out.of the County Revenue Fund. Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota .this lOthday,of.June, 1975. Clerk Upon motion made·by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, the Chairman of the Board and the County Auditor were authorized to sign a joint agreement with the County Board of.Becker County.with Mark Sand & Gravel for the construction of CSAH #10, located b~-tween the. north line of Otter Tail County and T_.H. 10. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by An_dyLeitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for permit to allow consump-. . . tion and display of intoxicating liquor: George Reimer Gerald T. Anderson Gerald Schultz Lynn J • Rhodes Stephen G. Kunz Michae 1 · Clayton Star Lake Resort Chalet Chanticleer Ten Mile Lake Resort Graystone Lodge Rocky's REsort Pebble Lake Golf Club, Inc. Dora Township Otter Tail Township Tumuli Township Everts Township Dora Township Buse Township Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sell non- intoxicating malt liquor: LeRoy Atkinson Joe R Neudeck John E. French Robert E • Rife Fort Thunder Neudecks Resort Wee Villa Resort Dunn's Lodge Perham Township Perham Township Elizabeth Township Dunn Township Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by' George Walter and unani- mously carried, to accept, with regret,. the resignation of Charles Malmstrom from · the Otter Tail County Planning Advisory Commission, effective July 1, 1975, and. the County Auditor was authorized to send aletter of appreciation of services rendered while on the Commission. Motion was made by George._ Walter, seconded· by Bert Hovland and carried, to appropriate the sum of $1,500.00 to the Community Action Council, Inc., for rent of quarters, Andy Leitch voting "no". T Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLUTION OTTER TAIL COUNTY POLICY ON RESORT SIGNS ON LOCAL ROADS AMENDMENT NO. 1 Provision 13. BE IT RESOLVED, To facilitate the implementation of the Resort Signing Program~ the County may receive and accept or.reject applications for resort signs directly from the various resort operators, and the County may receive and accept or reject payment for. such signs directly from the various resort operators. 1. Requests for resort signs can be made to the Otter Tail County Auditor. 2. An application form will be furnished to the resort operator to furnish the necessary information. 3. · P .eyment for the requested signs shall accompany the completed .application. 4.. Checks for the payment of resort signs shall be made out to. the Otter Tail County Treasurer. 5. Signs will be made and installed after payment has been cleared by the County Treasurer. Adopted this 10th day of June, 1975. Attest: . . . . . . .... County Auditor I Upon motion made by George Walter~ seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted: RESOLVED by the Bo~fd of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota, that The sum of $51,092 be set apart from the General Revenue Fund and appropriated subject to the order of the Dean of the Institute of Agriculture of_ the University of Minnesota for the support of county extension work in agriculture and home economics in Otter Tail Co\lllty . for the year beginning July 1., 1975, in accordance with Chapter 202., · taws · 1953 and acts supplementary thereto. Dated at Fergus Falls., Minnesota this 10th day of June, 1975. Clerk Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded ·by George Walter and unanimously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 2:00 P.M., Monday, July 14th, 1975 for the following jointly owned property (Girard Township 3/4 ownership, Otter Tail County 1/4 ownership) NW¼ SW¼, ex. HiWay Easement, Section 2 -Township 133 -Range 39 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to publish the Planned Use Report of General Revenue Sharing Funds, 6th Entitlement Period, in the following amounts: Category Public Safety Public Transportation Multipurpose & General Government TOTAL ·capital $12,000.00 llS,000.00 14,866.00 $141,866.00 Operating/Maintenance $480,000.00 $480,000.00 Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unanimously carried, to aid Compton Township.in the amount of 50% of the cost of two multi-plate culverts in Sections is, 16, 27 and 28. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously 'carried, the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids for the following;;bid to be received until 11:00 A.M., July 15, 1975: GRADING & AGGREGATE SURFACING S.A.P. 56-667-10, C.P. 75:67, Length,2.548 miles, located from junction CSAH #50, 4.0 miles west of Deer Creek to CSAH #52 Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried~ the county auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be re~ ceived until 11:00.A.M., .July 15, 1975.for:i,the following: PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS OVERLAY Tied Projects (1) C.P. 75:02 BM Length 4.385 miles located from the junction of CSAH #1, 4.5 miles south of Fergus. Falls,. to junction of CSAH #15, (2) C. P. 75: 15 BM Length 1. 50 miles, located :from· junction of CSAH #1, 1. 0 mile west of Fergus Falls.to Otter tail ~iver . l . . TOWNSHIP ALANT MIXED BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3) Proj. 75:01 River Oaks LengtlL 1..32 miles located ii:t Section 6, Buse Township and Section 32, Fergus Falls Township Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and · carr:iei, the meeting was adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 11th, 1975. 1 -WEDNESDAY'S SESSION - Pursuant to adjournment, the ~oard of County Commissioners of Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 11th, 1975, all members present. Motion was made. b.Y Hub Nordgren, .seconded by Andy Leitch and unanimously carried, to approve the application of Ralph Ash for license to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at Heye's Resort, Otter Tail Township, subject to approval by the County Sheriff. The B.oard, having previously advertised for bids to be received for one pickup truck for use by the sheriff's department, proceeded to open bids which were found to be as follows: Art Christianson Ford, Inc., Pelican Rapids, Minnesota Minnesota Motor Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota Fergus Dodge, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota Helle International, Inc., Fergus Falls, Minnesota 4,084.98 (immediate del.) 4 ;256-. 52 .. (_imme,diate del.) 4,395.00 (immediate del.) Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and carried, to accept the bid of Minnesota Motor Company, Fergus Falls, Minnesota, in the amount of$4,084.98, immediate delivery, it.being.the lowest bid for immediate delivery. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the !l9~5-76.budget of the West Otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation District in the amowtt of $14,000 and the East Otter Tail County Soil & Water Conservation District in the amowtt Jf $10,500, a reduction of 20% from the requested amount. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to discontinue the services of Jensen Realty as consultants to the Otter Tail County Housing Authority. Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to allow a building permit on a sub-standard lot purchased in June of 1971, recorded in 1973, located in Government Lot 1, Section 6 -133 -40, re- ferred to as Plate #34D, Everts Township tax book. Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland.and unani- mously carried, the following applications for sewage disposal -installers license were approved: John D. Leick \'/alter Windels · Charles Thrane Grant M. Ohm David Wagner Al Dahl Juel Stadum Eltger Nurmi -Gene J. Anderson Co-op Services, Inc. Ohm Excavating Al Dahl Construction Nurmi Plumbing & Heating Vergas, Minnesota New York.Mills, 'Minnesota Fergus Falls, Minnesota Audubon, Minnesota Brandon, Minnesota Detroit Lakes, Minnesota Erhard, Minnesota New YOrk Mills, Minnesota New York Mills, Minnesota Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, the application of Joe Jarsak, Vining, Minnesota for sewage disposal system cleaners license was approved. Moton was made by George Walter, seconded by Bert Hovland and unani- mously carried, to approve the following applications for special use permit: Edward L. Colman Norman Kuhn · Paul Krueger Norman Bradow Giles Korf Richard Lakin Ronald Rolfes Kent Meader Pearl Peters.on James L. Boyer· Eugene Fitzgerald Elizabeth Townshipri Elizabeth Township Corliss. Township Elizabeth Township Pelican Township Gira.rd Township Friberg Township _ Dora Townshipii Candor Township ,,' . Dora Township Dunn Township;/ Fill lots and landscape Build access road ·and fill area Fi 11 area for parking Cut ice ridge Level, cut and fill . Movebuilding & landscape Cut ridge dong lakeshore Fill low area Build up shoreHne Cut hill and build rQad Fill lot Motion.was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of Ray Clark, Clark's Rubbish Service, Frazee, Minnesota for solid waste collection and transportation license. Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat'of "Aksnes Add'n." in G.L. 5, Section 7 -134 -39, with Tio change in existing road. Motion was made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carriec\, to approve the preliminary plat of "Pelican Heights Sub-Division".· ' in G.L. 2, 3, ~ and 5 in Section 2 -137 -42, with requirements of planning com- mission to be considered. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani- mously carried, to. appr.ove the preliminary plat of "Sterling He1ghts" located .in NE¼ NE¼ of Section 6 -136 -39, as per requirements of planning_ commission. Motion was made by Bert.Hovland, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the preliminary plat of ''Fitzgerald .Add 'n.11 located in G.L. 1, Section 10 -137 -42,.,as per requirements _of planning commission. Motion was made by Geo~ge Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unarii- :.• mously carried, to approve the p~eliminary plat of "B~yer Parkii located in .G.L. 10, Section 4 -136 -41, as per requirements of planning commission. Motion was made by Hub _Nordgren, seconded by George Walter and unani- mously carried, to approve the application of, Jacob G. Perala for permit to allow· consumption and display of intoxicating liquor at Leaf Lakes Ballroom in Leaf Lakes Township. Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani- mously carried, to p~rticipate 40% with Newton Township in bla~ktopping 1.4 mile· between Sections 8 & 9 and an area in the southwest part of Section 17 called New- tonville. Upo~ motion made by G~orge Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani.:. mously carried, the County Auditor was authorized to advertise for bids to be received until 10:30 , Tuesday, July 15th, 1975, 'for two tandem trucks, with :trade!-,de-::H, for use by the Highway Department. Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-. mously carried, the following bills were allowed: Office expense Carlton E Mortensen B~ce. Eckley _Raymond Polensky Charles Sherbrooke Holiday ·. Perham Co-op Oil Phillips Petroleum Co RoBo Car Wash · Service.-Oil Co Battle Lake Service Oil Co Underwood Otter Tail Co-op Oils Otter Tail Oil Co North.Union Texaco Miller's Pro Highway Company SHERIFF Battle Lake Farmers Union Oil• Gene's Standard Service Farmers Union Oil SUhr Ford Inc. Minnesota Motor Co Fergus Dodge Inc. Les Tire Service Goodyear.Service Genuine Parts Company General Trading Co Viking Camper Supply Inc. Orlyn Pederson Co Olson Furniture Co Stenerson Bros Lumber Fergus Surplus Lumber Gibson's Badger Uniforms The Photo Center Miller Davis Co Midwest Printing Co Xerox Corp. ·Lystad's Inc. ;Fergus Jobbing Co Universal. Ans •. Service Poucher Printing & Litho Yictor·Lundeen & Co Empire Business Machines Cooper's Office Supply IBM Corp~ Otter Tail Co Hwy Dept. Lt. Don·Tousignant Manley Erickson, Sheriff Wadena County_ Andrew & Meister .City Pharmacy White Drug Max Kroneman Mrs Gary_Anderson •· Twins Motor Inn State of :tlli.ime.so.ta -Skyline Motel Holiday Inn . Fergus Falls Medical Group Lake Region Hospital Parkers Prairie District Hospital ·st Mhy;! if:Hospi-tal 155.70 70.41 114.96 ~.04 18.63 , 234.15 326.50 78.49 530.85 ·. 79. 78 53.33 , 522. 74 11.14 58.00 . 140. 77 11.30 4.40 10.72 29.80 - 37.4o . : . 231.96 ·. 1,931.96 . 21.00 _! • 418.75 i • 11.52 i. 432.69 88.19 : i. ; '118. 50 35.00 77.32 16.30 14.64 133.00 281.80 . 116.32 117.50 446~45 87.50 9.00 39.00 6.10 843.46 12.00 126.52 295.uo 13.94 210.00 4.00 18.00 3.95 35.60 9.50 26.88 50'~~ 135.01 150.80 27.04 129.72 28.00 39.70 10.00 5.00 Gambles 25.05 Park Region Bakery 58.65 Cox's Bakery 4.32 Warehouse Food Market 189.75 Service Food Market 131.28 Red Owl 10.50 National· Food-Store· 116.52 Ernies Food Market 52.15 Cass Clay Creamery Inc. 108.88 Hardware Hank 15.22 Mrs Gordon Tomhave 26.·oo Esther Mobtensen 3.24 Muriel Gunvaldson .35.64 Carol Dowzak. 48.75 Marjorie Barvels 12.50 Ethel Barker 32.4o Mrs Gordon Tomhave 166.25 Nita Quaal 240.57 COMMISSIONER Andy Leitch 28.24 A Hubert Nordgren 21.60 Berton Hovland 15.76 COUNTY COURT Xerox Corp. 279.36 Victor Lundeen & Co , .18.09 Nelson Bros Prtg. 139.40 Miller Davis Co 6.66 Finn's.Cameras 177.36 West Publishing Co 15.00 City of Perham 65.00 · Secretarial Service 347.15 Larry Marquard 12.16 Robert Blackwelder 16.00 Jerry Czechotzki 16.00 Daniel Schauff 12.16 Mrs Larry Marquard 12.16 Ray Krog 12.16 Karen Biksen 11.92 Debbie Flewell 15.42 Shelley Janecky 25.60 Myrtle Johnson 16.00 Harold Matthiae 22.00 Lucille Zent· 13.75 Sharon Benson 10.00 Richard Mac Gregor 15.40 David Janecky 44.6o Mrs Marcella McAloney .16.00 DWI Clinic 15.00 DWI Clinic 50.00 DWI Clinic 20.00 DWI Clinic 35.00 DWI Clinic · 350.00 DISTRICT COURI' Jo.Ann Mailer 116.00 Duane . Mailer 116.00 Terrance Mailer 116.00 Ellsworth Whipps 12.4o 3; Mrs Birdie Whipps ·. Eunice · Engebretson Marion Anderson Richard Anderson Evan Dalluge Robert Ekman Malcolm Lee James Johnson Xerox Corp. Cooper's Office Supply Fossen Oil Co RoBo Car Wash Miller Pro. Pelican Hardware Victor Lundeen & Co Spencer Lundquist Arthur Boehne Michael Vosburgh Terry Jacobson Cooper's Office Supply City of Perham Eugene Davenport John Skramstad Erwin Siems Steven Andrews . Otto Rei tan Clifford Nelson Mehdi Orandi M.D. Marjean Hanson Subhi Sharifi M.D. Jay Kevern M.D. Lewis Struthers M.D. Ralph Estrem M.D. Subhi Sharifi M.D. Maurice Beers M.D. Lake Region Hospital LAND & RESOURCE PROBATION & PAROLE ASSESSOR CORONER Fergus Falls Radiology Group LaMere Funeral Home · Kvnneth Rose Fergus Dodge Inc. . Otter Tail Co op Oil RoBo Car Wash City of Perham Alva Krekula Kenneth Clambey s.J. Eifert Charles Davis CO AGENT WEED & SEED CO PLANNING 21.76 61.12 ·61.12 61.12 15.28° 15.28 37.10 180.97 113.49 108.08 6.61 8.oo 6o.4o 15~69 15.76 147.38 260~26 110.18 ·346.64 181.40 75.00 · 247.32 231.33 124.79 4.34 145.00 25.00 250.00 51.10 450.00 26.98 25.25 25.25 75.75 25.25 -12.60 5.60 50.00 6.oo 32.10 44.03 10.75 60.00 1 I Roger Bengtson Rudolph-Auch -Memindex · Cooper's Office SUpply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Otter Tail Co-op RoBo Car Wash Fergus Dodge Inc. VETS SERVICE DECORATING GRAVES Olson Stitzel Post# 219 Adamson Norman Post# 30 Rasmusson Schedowsk.i Post# 4o2 Stinar Sturdevant Stoltz_ Post# 116 Haimerl Post# 148 Charles D Center Post# 328 Corneli · Syverson Post # 17" · Houg Hammer Post# 508 Burelbach Post# 61 Buseth Tusow Post# 18 Edward Carlson Post# 283 Coast to Coast-Battle Lake Norman C Nelson PHELPS MILL HOUSING.AUTHORITY Lee Jensen Gust Lagerquist & Sons H & LOK Hardware Western Chemical Co DaLar Lighting Products Crow Chemical & Equip. Lystad's Inc. Madison Bionics G.s. Products Inc. Gambles Genuine Parts Co Fergus Glass & Paint Co Ebersviller Imp. Co Mollerud Electric OTC Highway Dept.- Mitchell Davi_s Xerox Corp. ..c:· Addressograph :r-tu.i t. Div~.(· . Cooper• s Office' Supply -- Nelson Bros Empire Business Machines 'Miller Davis·Co -MISC EXPENSES Poucher Printing & Li.tho Co Victor Lund~en & Co Burroughs Corp American Business SUpply The Pierce Co _ Revenue Sharing Adv. Service Robert Oslund & Assoc. Otter Tail Glass Co. Mathison Hesby Agency Ear· Telephone Co ' George Nelson K. w. Hanson 39.39 18.24 9.65 23.4o 9.67 22.93 53.61 38.36 50.00 - 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 19.66 307.50 1,135.00 241.05 33.80 65.76 201.96 105.76 59.22 84.24 255.98 20.75· 11.00 175.50 27.75 479.;1;5 154.46 48.37 363.78 15.00 622.93 . 85.00 10.80 584.74 715.79 717.65 32.70 41.54 22.14 35.00 22.00 9.41 116.68 2.00 58.07 14.oo Pauline Glorvigen Myrtle Logas Clarence.Anderson Bobby Robbins Johan Matson The Progress Register·•··· Pelican Rapids Press · The Henning Advocate Perham Enterprise Bulletin .Daily Journal · Clay County Viking Cafe Empire Business Machines Cooper's Office Supply Inc. New York Mills Herald Swedberg Floral Judy Schultz Gloria Opatz Mary Guthnecht · Lorna McCabe Dorothy Johnson Phyllis Knutson Cheri Schultz Edna Moser Lorraine Amundson Noami Ellingson Dixie Fosse Marilyn Martinson Myrna ~ndt Bernice Pederson Berniece Spangler Mary Westman Maternity Center Assoc. Robert Hiller Treas. Physicians & Hospital National Dairy Council Cooper's Office Supply Inc. Victor Lundeen & Co Mrs Charles Hansel Mrs Charles Perkins Jens R Ree Mrs Wm. Hemmelgarn Mrs Harlan Knutson Mrs C.E. Boe City of.Perham NURSE BOAT & WATER SAFETY General Trading Co Frolich Marine Jaenisch Industries Delzer Excavating Co William Galena & Son COUNTY DITCH CO BUILDING·FUND 28.80 50.00 16.00 31.08. 19.55 15.00 40.00 7.20 30.00 428.27 640.00 64.43 27.50 . 124.49 28.50 340.00 213.63 232.05 138.46 202.58 125.20 46.34 66.74 l!5.50 26.04 8.93 ·10.56 40.32 49.84 . 8.40 20.72 67.20 15.75 25.00 17.27 9.55 57.50 . 31.95 · .· 13.64 22.60 19.24 24.oo 14.90 . 10.00 35.00 5.83 32.50 8.oo 142.00 2,291.97 Cwmnins Diesel Sales Inc. Fergus Dodge Inc. Genuine -Parts 09 .• International Harvester Co Little Falls Machine Inc. . National Bushing & Parts Co The Parts Hous_e Truck Equipment Inc. Ziegler·' Inc. Gerald·Evenson·Inc. Goodyear Service Store HiWay--··Garage Erhard Knutson Htg & .Air Cond. Michaelson Refrigeration Mills Service Center Minnesota Motor·Co · Mobile Radio & TV Service 'i 015.on Auto Electric Mrs Robert-Rolfson Speedometer Service & Inst. &:iper GMC .Truck Sales Torkelson Htg & .Air Cond. Coast to Coast Battle Lake Dick's P & H ROAD & BRIDGE Coast to Coast Pelican Rapids Conun. of Highways Ebersviller Impl. Co Edgetown Lumber Co Fergus Glass & Paint General Trading Co Hanson Hardware Hanson Plumbing & Htg. Willi Hum.beck Johnson Furniture 3M Company M-R Sign Co National Chemsearch Corp. Occidental Chemical C:o Pelican Hardware · Red River Tool & Supply Sigelman Steel & Salvage. · F.R. Steuart Co Welding Supplies & Fire Equip. Paper Calmenson & Co Elk River Cone. _Products Les' Tire Service Firestone Stores Transport Clearings George Happel ~son Hesby Agency . Construction Bulletin Daily Journal Carr's Tree Service Robert Stenstrom Thomas Weiss Davenport's Stationery Victor Lundeen & Co , ,•,' Mathison•s Midwest Prin:t,ing Co Minnesota Blueprint Nelson Broe Prtg. The Photo Center · Dennie Berend 32.41 · 203.23 68~39 60.48 139.70 212.05 25.46 , 76.53 357.56 50.57 7.50 10.00 · 232.30 ·106.65 5.6o 690.99 43.40 93.46 50.00 31.60 513.94 11.50 39.69 4.50 29.82 108.14 1.14 139.67 40.41 373.60 56.50 10.90 36.80 51.20 1,080.68 567.69 105.57 88.08 4.50 57.71 44.oo 37.80 73.27 3,430.77 1,22i.12 218-.00 107.31 9.43 60.00 80.75 89.22 · 48.20 45.00 141.68 45.08 2.20 36.07 10.50 50.00 180.30 258.80. 10.98 34.50 1 . G. D Harlow · G.A. Frederick Roy J Bruhn .EOT Telephone Co Midwest Telephone Co N.w. Bell Telephone Co . N.W. Bell Telephone Co Park 'Region Mutual Telephone Co N.W. Bell T~lephone Co Pelican Telephone Co Murphy Oil Corp. Leonard & Eleanor Luther E.C. He:nnann Esther Quam · Ralph Walkup . , Evert Frobrom D-A Lubricant eo Inc. · Farmers Co-op Assn Standard Oil Co Penrose Oil Co Standard Oil.Co Pel. Rapids Andy's 66 Service Bluffton Oil·Co Farmers Union Oil Battle Lake Consumers Co-op Oil Dent 66 · Dent Oil Co Farmers Co-op Assn. Fossen Oil Co Fraki Oil Co Highway-Service Co Henning Ji-Way Auto & Impl. Co Hoot Lake 76 Kraemer Oil Co Marv's 66 Mayo's Standard Service Motz Union-Oil Co Perham Co-op Oil Co . Otter Tail Co-op Oils Ray's Oil Co Service. Oil Co Battle Lake Vera's Service S~tion Service Oil Co Underwood . . . Vergas Oil Co, _· 16.15 56.66 105~98 .6o.87 20.34 22.67 25~71 ·66.39 35.47 13.46 4,348.16 500.00 16o.oo 375.·oo 88.oo 12.50 "469.70 444.58 158.6o 130.76 296.36 251.24 150.49 350.89 102.74 92.84 47.21 158.97 . 30. 74 173.96 149.54 397.39 212.20 174.17 _353.23 33.85 · 489.07 142.96 980~95 593.4o 415.70 104.oo 222. 76 . 348.85 Upon moti~n ~~de· by,_ Bert H_oviand, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unanimous iy . carried,: .. the. _meeting wa~ adj ~uI'I}ed u:ntil · 1: 00 P .M •• Tuesday. June . 24, 1975. Clerk