HomeMy WebLinkAboutBoard of Commissioners - Minutes - 04/22/1975MINlffES OF THE ADJOURNED MEETING
Pursuant to adjournment, the Board of County Commissioners of
Otter Tail County Minnesota met at 1:30 P.M., Tuesday, April 22, 1975, all members
Upon motion made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Bert Hovland and
unanimously carried, the Board Chairman and Clerk were authorized to execute
application to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for a County Abandoned
Motor Vehicle Program Implementation Grant, project period from June 30, 1975
to June 30, 1976.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of Eddie Richardson for license
to sell non-intoxicating malt liquor at the Red Hut, subject to approval by the
Town Board and County Sheriff.
Motion was made by Andy Leitch, s·econded by Hub Nordgren and unani-
mously carried, to approve the application of Paul Spillman of Woodland Beach
Resort for the sale of non-intoxicating malt liquor license, subject to approval
by the Town Board.
Motion was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgren and unani-
mously carried, to approve the following applications for license to sep non-intoxi-
cating malt liquor:
Adrian Westergaard
Edgar Splittstoesser
John Ferris
Frieda Strehlow
Roy E. Is land
Clarence Koehler
Jacob Perala
Frank L. Johnson
August Heinrich
Last Resort Elizabeth Township
South Turtle Lake Resort Sverdrup Township
Limmers Resort Rush Lake Township
Spruce Lodge Star Lake Township
Pebble Lake Golf Club Buse Township
Resort Pine Lake Township
Leaf Lakes Ballroom Leaf Lake Township
Oakwood Golf Course Henning Township
Cozy Cove Resort Dead Lake Township
Esther Lee
Thomas J. Mullen
Grace· Kirckof
'Wee Town Tavern
Maple Beach Resort
Sandy Point REsort
Friberg Township
Lida Township
Leaf Lake Township
Motbn was made by George Walter, seconded by Hub Nordgreri and
unanimously carried, to approve the application of Adrian Westergaard for license
to hold public-dances at the Last Resort in Elizabeth Township.
Motion was made by Hub Nordgren, seconded by Andy Leitch and unani-
mously carried, to approve the application of Jacob G. Peral a for license to hold
public dances at the Leaf Lake Pavillion, Leaf Lake Township, subject-to town
board approval and proper signatures ..
Motion was ma.de by George Walter,· seconded by Bert Hovland and
unanimously carried, to approve ~he fol.lowing ,applications for permit to al low
consumption and display of intoxicating liquor:
Jerry" Bornemeier
Dean D. Greenwaldt
Galaxy Resort
Triangle Dance Club
Star Lake Tmmship
Rush Lake Township
Upon motion made by George Walter, seconded by Andy Leitch and
unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
Wh~reas, the Board of County Commissioners. on April 10, 1973 agreed
by resolution to pay townshtp atd acc6rding to the amounts levt~d by the
town sh i.ps, and w,hi.ch amounts are as
from 3-.33 mtl ls and up, but
From 5.00 mills and ·up, but
6,67 mills and up
fol lows:
l es.s. thari
less. than
m tl ls.
mi.,l ls
NOW, THEREFORE; BE LT RESOLVED, that the amounts. to be pa id to the
respective towns.hips acc6rdtng to their road arid bddge levi.es for 1975
shall be as follo0s:·
Towns.hi.es Total . Mu ls. Levied· Amount
Aas.tad 6.40 .200.00
Amor 5.56 200 ._00
Aurdal 8.33 300.00
Blowers 5 .. 00 200.,00
Bluffton l .. 05 None
Buse 3 .. 64 l 00 .. 00
Butler 7 ._82 300.00
Candor 7 ,.54 300.00
Carl isle 2 .. 24 None
Cl i:thera 11 8 .. 94 300.00
Compton 5.87 200 .. 00
·corli:ss 6._84 300.:00
Dane· Prairie 2.95 None
Dead· Lake' 6. 14 200.00
Deer· Creek 6 .. 76 300.,00
Dora 8._ 12 300.00
Dunn 7-97 300 .. 00
Eagle Lake 7,66 300 .. 00
Eastern 10.00 300.00
· Edna 7.63 300._00
Effi.ngton· 7 •. 41 300 ._00
• I
c-,,-, ... -~
·rowrishi.es ·rotal Mtl ls :Levied · · Amount
EHzabeth 7.60 300.00
Elmo 6.51 200.00
Erhards. Grove . 6.86 300.00
Fergus Falls 2 .. 85 None
Fol d·en 10:00 300.00.
Friberg 7 •. 15 300 .. 00
Girard . 6 .. 45 200.,00
Gorman 9 .. 44 300.:00
Henn i.ng . 6 .. 41 200.00
Hobart 5. 14. 200.,00
Homestead . 6._82 300:00
l.nman 10,00 300 .. 00
Leaf. Lake 6.41 200._00
Leaf Mount9 in . 8.,60 300.:00
Uda 4 .. 51 l 00 .. 00
Maine . 8 .. 64 300.00
Ma(>lewood 7. 73 . 300.00
Newton · · 8 .. 33 300.:00
Nidaros. 8. 11 300.:00
Norweg tan Grove 7. l 0 300.00 . '
Oak._Valley 5 .. 32 200 .. 00
0 rw.e 11 . 6.,79 300;.oo
Oscar 4.97 100.00.
Otter Tail 3. l 0 None
Otto· 7 ~.63 300.,00
Paddock. 6.74 300.0Q
Parkers. Pra trie . 8.33 300.00
Peli.can 9 .. 05 30'0 ._00
Perham 6 .. 07· 200 .. 00
P i.ne · Lake 7 .. 87 300 .. 00
Rus.h Lake 5.24 200.,00
Sa i'nt Olaf 7.44 300.00
Scambler 7.88 300 .. 00
Star Lake
Woods i.de
<.Total . Mu l S. Ley ted
·. 6.36
7 .. 81
. 8.:15
,5 • .55
10.. 00 ·
· Adopted thi_s. · 22nd
Aud ttor
· · Amount
300 .. ,00
300 .,00
. 300;'.00
$14 ;4oo •. oo
Commissioner. Andy Leitch introduced the
'following resolution· and moved for its adopti_on:
RESOLVED by the Boctrd of County Comrid.ssioners of Otter Tail
· Cormty Minneso~a, that
WHEREAS the Board of Cormty Commissioners. of Otter Tail Cormty
Minnesota has been presented \vi th a petition from the riparian owners or· 'riparian users
ori. Lake S~well, Otter Tail County requesting the prohibition of water skiing on
Lake Sewell, Saint Olaf Township, Otter Tail County, and
WHEREAS Minnesota Statutes 361. 26 provides that the Commissioner of
Natural Resou:r;ces may, if he determines it to be.in the public interest, establish·
regulations relating to water skiiing on the waters of this. state,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Boa:rd of County Commissioners
in and for the County of Otter Tail, State of Minnesota, that the Commissioner of ·
.Natural Resources be and he hereby is respectfully requested to take such steps
as are required by statute to establish regulations relating to the prohibitilon
of water skiing.on Lake Sewell, Saint·Olaf Township, County of Otte·r Tail.
Motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded
by Commissioner George Walter and upon a vote being taken thereon, ---------------
the following voted in favor thereof:
George Walter, Bert Hovland, Andy Leitch, Hub Nordgren_and .John Snowberg
and the follow1ng voted against the same:
·Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted
this 22nd. day of · Apri 1 , 1975. -----
Upon motion made by · ____ G_e_o_r_..g._e_W--'-a_l--'t_e_r'-------' seconded
by Bert Hovland -arid unanimously carried, the fol1011ing ------------------
resolution;was adopted:·
RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners· of Otter Tail
County Minnesota, that
WHEREAS The Board on the 9th day of April accepted the bid of
one· Burroughs Corporation _used accounting computer in the amount of $9,571.22,
WHEREAS same has been delivered to the .satisfaction of the
County Boat.9,
NOW THEREFORE, the County Auditor is·hereby authorized and
directed to issue a warrant in the amount of $9, 57L 22 to the Burroughs
Corporation, Minneapo~is, Minnesota in full payment.
Dated at Fergus Falls, Minnesota this 22nd day of April, 1975.
. '
·. · · Clerk
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by ,Tohn Snowherg
and unanimously carried, the following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the County of Otter Tail .and the City of Fergus Falls have
previously agreed to enter into an agreement involving a joint construction
project to reconstruct a portion of County State Aid Highway No. I, from
the Burlington-Northern Railroad tn Fergus Falls to 1.8 miles East~ and
WHEREAS, the pre! imtnary studies have been accomplished and proposed
cost sharing figures have been reviewed by both parties.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Otter Tail County and .the/City
of Fergus Falls shall pay the actual cos.t of the work items listed• i(i.the
Proposed Cost Sharing Tabulat i:on · dated February 26, 1975 (a. copy attached),
but the County share shal 1 not exceed 70% of the total project cos.t,1 and
the City share shall not be less. than 30% of the total project cost~
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City. of Fergus Fa! ls shal I prepare
the project plans. and contract documents excepting the bridge work ,which
shall be done by the County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Otter Tai 1 County shal I have the oppor-
tunity to review the project plans and all changes recommended by the County
shall be incorporated into the project design, before final plan approval
will be given by the County.
Adopted this· '-2.~ day of .. ~d , 1975.
Upon motion made by Bert Hovland, seconded by George Walter and
unanimously carried, the following resolution was ad_op:ted:
• RESOLVED by the Board ·of County_ Commissioners ,of Otter Tail·
. County Minnesota, that
· WHEREAS on the 12th day o_f° November, 1974 the County. Board
established a policy on resort signs on local roads setting forth the
County's agreement to pay all mounting costs, and 25% of the average unit
price· per slat, and
WHEREAS the majority of the resort owners agree by written
re~ueit, to the project,
NOW,· UIEREFORE the County Engineer is hereby authorized and
directed to purchase materials for: the erection of said signs. ·
Ad0pted at Fergus Falls this 22nd day of April, 1975.
-· Clerk
Upon motion made by Andy Leitch, seconded -by George Walter and
carried, the following applications for homestead classificadon and/or corre_ction
or reduction of assessed valuation were approv~d:
Peter Radajewski Perham City
Chester C. Johnson Amor Township
Amaco Oil Co. Oscar Township
Donald & Arlene Person . Torde:riskj old Township ,
Phyllis Hanson · Tordenskjold Township
Gordon M. Hauger Ward 3, Fergus Falls
H; M. Mcllwain · Amor Township
Minnie M. Stephenson . Pelican Rapids
Nellie Quamme Lida Township
Homestead classification
Homestead classification
Correction of assessment
Omitted property
No building on lot
5% disability rate
Assessed over 5% limitation
No. streets
Trailer house moved before
assessment date
There being no further.business, the Chairman declared the
meeting adjourned until 9:30 A.M., Tuesday, May 6, 1975.